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Uterine nuclear fractions from estrogen-treated rats contain both the estrogen receptor and a lower affinity estrogen binding site (type II site). In Scatchard plots of estrogen binding, two types of curves are seen. The hook-shaped form is composed of a linear component (the estrogen receptor) and a convex component (the type II site) while the curvilinear form is resolvable into two linear binding species (the estrogen receptor and a secondary site). To clarify the relationship between the two forms, we examined the curvilinear form from immature rats injected for 4 days with estradiol (E2) for type II site properties. Like the hook-shaped type II, this form could be detected in a nuclear exchange assay at both 37 and 4 degrees C, but at neither temperature in the presence of reducing agent. Additionally, the steroid specificity of the curvilinear form was identical to the hook-shaped form. The hook-shaped form was found in both immature and ovariectomized adult rats implanted for 6 days with an E2-releasing Silastic capsule to provide pharmacological E2 levels. When uteri from implanted animals displaying the hook-shaped form were mixed in various ratios with uteri lacking type II sites, the curvilinear form was produced. Animals given an E2 implant for 3 days, followed by a 3 day hormone-free period showed a curvilinear form. In vivo E2 dose-response experiments showed the curvilinear form at low E2 doses and the hook-shaped form at the high dose and in implanted animals. We conclude that curvilinear Scatchard plots result from the presence of authentic type II at lower concentrations than those giving rise to the hook-shaped form.  相似文献   

The mammalian tooth pulp becomes innervated by nociceptive and sympathetic axons relatively late during development, when part of the root has formed. In the adult, regenerating axons from an injured tooth nerve or sprouting axons from uninjured nerves in the vicinity rapidly reinnervate denervated tooth pulps. These observations indicate that tooth pulp tissue can use molecular factors to attract pulpal axons from local nerve trunks. The present study examines the hypothesis that these factors include nerve growth factor (NGF), brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). Explants of trigeminal ganglia from neonatal rat pups showed a distinct neurite outgrowth when co-cultured with pulpal explants collected from molar teeth of 12-day old pups, or after application of a pulpal extract. Control cultures, containing single ganglionic explants, or explants co-cultured with heat-treated pulpal tissue, exhibited a sparse neurite outgrowth. Exogenous NGF and/or GDNF, but not exogenous BDNF, stimulated neurite outgrowth from ganglionic explants. Unexpectedly, application of antibodies against NGF, BDNF and/or GDNF to co-cultures of ganglionic and pulpal explants did not inhibit neuritogenesis. Control experiments showed that IgG molecules readily penetrate the gel used for culture and that even very high concentrations of NGF and GDNF antibodies in combination failed to block neurite growth. On the basis of these data we suggest that other as yet unknown neurite-promoting factors might be present and active in TG/pulpal co-cultures.  相似文献   

Uterine innervation undergoes substantial reorganization associated with changes in reproductive status. Nerves innervating the uterus are decreased in pregnancy and puberty, and even the normal rodent estrous cycle is characterized by fluctuations in numbers of myometrial nerve fibers. During the follicular (proestrus/estrous) phase of the estrous cycle, intact nerves are rapidly depleted and then return over the next 2-3 days in the luteal (metestrus/diestrus) phase. We hypothesize that uterine nerve depletion is initiated by increased circulating estrogen in the follicular phase. However, studies have not shown whether estrogen can reduce uterine innervation and, if so, whether the time course is compatible with the rapid changes observed in the estrous cycle. These questions were addressed in the present study. Mature ovariectomized virgin rats received 17-beta-estradiol as a single injection (10 microg/kg s.c.) or chronically from timed-release pellets (0.1 microg/pellet for 3 weeks sustained release). Total (protein gene-product 9.5-immunoreactive) and sympathetic (dopamine beta-hydroxylase-immunoreactive) uterine innervation was assessed quantitatively. Both total and sympathetic innervation was abundant in uterine longitudinal smooth muscle of ovariectomized rats. However, following acute or chronic estrogen administration, total and sympathetic fiber numbers were markedly decreased. This was not due to altered uterine size, as reductions persisted after correcting for size differences. Our results indicate that sympathetic nerves are lost from uterine smooth muscle after estradiol treatment in a manner similar to that seen in the intact animal during estrus and pregnancy. This suggests that the rise in estradiol prior to estrus is sufficient to deplete uterine sympathetic innervation.  相似文献   

In a previous study, explants from the neural tube of 2-day chick embryos, containing the trigeminal motor nucleus, showed specific enhancement of neurite outgrowth in the presence of culture medium conditioned by target musculature of an age at which innervation would normally be taking place in vivo. In the present study, similar explants were grown in the presence of target-conditioned medium from midincubation (10-day) embryos and late-incubation (18-day) embryos. At both of these later developmental stages, the target muscle-conditioned medium failed to produce enhanced neurite outgrowth. Rather, fewer processes were extended from the trigeminal explants in both experimental conditions compared to control cultures. This inhibitory effect was statistically significant in some cases, and did not appear to be related to the amount of target-conditioned medium present. It is concluded that trophic influences on nerve fiber outgrowth by target tissue are stage-specific in this system, and it is speculated that inhibitory influences such as those demonstrated may interact with excitatory influences in the normal patterning of the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

A method for clamping cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in cultures of rat sympathetic neurons at or below resting levels for several days was devised to determine whether Ca2+ signals are required for neurite outgrowth from neurons that depend on Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) for their growth and survival. To control [Ca2+]i, normal Ca2+ influx was eliminated by titration of extracellular Ca2+ with EGTA and reinstated through voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels. The rate of neurite outgrowth and the number of neurites thus became dependent on the extent of depolarization by KCl, and withdrawal of KCl caused an immediate cessation of growth. Neurite outgrowth was completely blocked by the L type Ca2+ channel antagonists nifedipine, nitrendipine, D600, or diltiazem at sub- or micromolar concentrations. Measurement of [Ca2+]i in cell bodies using the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator fura-2 established that optimal growth, similar to that seen in normal medium, was obtained when [Ca2+]i was clamped at resting levels. These levels of [Ca2+]i were set by serum, which elevated [Ca2+]i by integral of 30 nM, whereas the addition of NGF had no effect on [Ca2+]i. The reduction of [Ca2+]o prevented neurite fasciculation but this had no effect on the rate of neurite elongation or on the number of extending neurites. These results show that neurite outgrowth from NGF-dependent neurons occurs over long periods in the complete absence of Ca2+ signals, suggesting that Ca2+ signals are not necessary for operating the basic machinery of neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) has been reported to be involved in the modulation of neurite outgrowth. To understand the role played by different domains, we transfected neuroblastoma cells with three constructs containing the invariant region of AChE, differing in the exon encoding the C-terminus and therefore in AChE cellular fate and localization. All isoforms increased neurite extension, suggesting the involvement of the invariant domain [A. De Jaco, G. Augusti-Tocco, S. Biagioni, Alternative AChE molecular forms exhibit similar ability to induce neurite outgrowth, J. Neurosci. Res. 70 (2002) 756-765]. The peripheral anionic site (PAS) is encoded by invariant exons and represents the domain involved in non-cholinergic functions of AChE. Masking of PAS with fasciculin results in a significant decrease of neurite outgrowth in all clones overexpressing AChE. A strong reduction was also observed when clones were cultured on fibronectin. Treatment of clones with fasciculin, therefore masking PAS, abolished the fibronectin-induced reduction. The inhibition of the catalytic site cannot revert the fibronectin effect. Finally, when clones were cultured on fibronectin in the presence of heparin, a ligand of fibronectin, the inhibitory effect was completely reversed. Our results indicate that PAS could directly or indirectly mediate AChE/fibronectin interactions.  相似文献   

Islet-neogenesis-associated protein, INGAP, is a 175-amino-acid pancreatic acinar protein that stimulates pancreatic duct cell proliferation in vitro and islet neogenesis in vivo. To date, the mitogenic activity of INGAP has been identified only in nonneural tissues. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a pentadecapeptide of INGAP (INGAP peptide), the biologically active portion of the native protein, in cultured dorsal root ganglia (DRG) explants from C57BL/6 mice. The present study provides evidence that INGAP peptide acts as a mitogen in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), and that it enhances neurite outgrowth from DRGs in vitro in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The neuritogenic action of INGAP peptide correlates with an increase in [(3)H]thymidine incorporation (P < 0.0001) and mitochondrial activity (P < 0.001). Results from these studies suggest that INGAP peptide promotes Schwann cell proliferation in the DRG which releases trophic factors that promote neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

The cell surface enzyme beta 1-4 galactosyl transferase (galtase) has been implicated in a number of cellular events involving adhesion and recognition, among them migration of neural crest and mesenchymal cells as well as initiation and elongation of neurites from PC12 cells. Results presented here demonstrate that reagents that specifically alter galtase activity modulate the rate of neurite outgrowth from chick dorsal root ganglia on substrata coated with the large extracellular matrix glycoprotein, laminin (LN), a known substrate for galtase activity. Not all neurites responded equally to reagent addition, and in every experiment a subset of neurites was ostensibly unaffected by reagent, even at the highest concentration tested. Those neurites that were affected demonstrated an ability to adapt to the continued presence of reagent and resume normal elongation. These results support the hypothesis that cell surface galtase activity plays an important role in mediating neurite elongation and suggest further that differential expression of galtase at the nerve growth cone might contribute to axonal guidance through glycoconjugate-rich environments in vivo.  相似文献   

Neurite outgrowth inhibitor‐B (Nogo‐B) is a membrane protein which is extensively expressed in multiple organs, especially in endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells of blood vessels and belongs to the reticulon protein family. Notably, its specific receptor, Nogo‐B receptor (NgBR), encoded by NUS1, has been implicated in many crucial cellular processes, such as cholesterol trafficking, lipid metabolism, dolichol synthesis, protein N‐glycosylation, vascular remodelling, angiogenesis, tumorigenesis and neurodevelopment. In recent years, accumulating studies have demonstrated the statistically significant changes of NgBR expression levels in human diseases, including Niemann‐Pick type C disease, fatty liver, congenital disorders of glycosylation, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, invasive ductal breast carcinoma, malignant melanoma, non‐small cell lung carcinoma, paediatric epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. Besides, both the in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that NgBR overexpression or knockdown contribute to the alteration of various pathophysiological processes. Thus, there is a broad development potential in therapeutic strategies by modifying the expression levels of NgBR.  相似文献   

Thy-1 is abundantly expressed in the vertebrate nervous system. Perturbation studies in vitro suggest that Thy-1 inhibits neurite outgrowth and stabilizes neuronal processes (N. K. Mahanthappa and P. H. Patterson. (1992). Thy-1 involvement in neurite outgrowth: Perturbation by antibodies, phospholipase C, and mutation. Dev. Biol. 150,47-59). We here report that Thy-1 participates in several types of homophilic interactions, each with differential sensitivity to reduction and boiling. The relative abundance of the multimeric forms of Thy-1 vary with the cell's ability to sprout neurites. Gel filtration chromatography of sympathetic neuron and PC12 cell lysates reveals that Thy-1 immunoreactivity appears in 25-, 45-, and 150-kDa forms. In neurons, Thy-1 immunoreactivity is distributed equally in all three forms, whereas in PC12 cells, the majority of Thy-1 immunoreactivity is found in the higher molecular weight forms. When PC12 cells are induced to sprout neurites with NGF, the Thy-1 size distribution becomes identical to that of neurons. The three forms of Thy-1 immunoreactivity are likely to be homomultimers of Thy-1 because immunoaffinity-purified, soluble Thy-1 also forms complexes similar in size to those found in neuronal extracts. To test whether Thy-1 multimerization may occur through interactions like those between immunoglobulin heavy and light chains, synthetic peptides corresponding to candidate sites for such associations in Thy-1 were tested for their effects on multimerization and neurite outgrowth. One peptide increases the amount of monomeric Thy-1 relative to total Thy-1, and promotes outgrowth. These results suggest that multimeric forms of Thy-1 inhibit process outgrowth and neurite sprouting by stabilizing the surface membrane and/or underlying cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Src-related nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinases in nerve growth cones (p59fyn, pp60c-src, and pp62c-yes) are potential intracellular signaling molecules for cell adhesion molecule-directed axonal growth. To determine whether src-related tyrosine kinases mediate NCAM- dependent neurite outgrowth, cultures of cerebellar and sensory neurons from fyn-, src-, and yes- minus mice were analyzed for neurite outgrowth on monolayers of NCAM140-transfected L fibroblasts. NCAM- dependent neurite outgrowth was selectively inhibited in cultures of cerebellar and dorsal root ganglion neurons from fyn-, but not src- or yes- mice. Neurite outgrowth by fyn-, src-, or yes- neurons on untransfected fibroblast monolayers was unaffected, indicating that these kinases do not contribute significantly to axon growth on at least some integrins or other adhesive substrates present on fibroblasts. This study demonstrates that p59fyn is an essential component of the NCAM signaling pathway leading to axonal growth.  相似文献   

To determine if alterations in sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity occur in rats with ventromedial hypothalamic (VMH) lesions, norepinephrine (NE) turnover rates were examined in various tissues of lesioned and control, weanling rats. VMH-lesioned rats fed a high-carbohydrate diet ad libitum for 4 weeks following surgery were not hyperphagic, but they gained 50% more body energy than control rats. VMH lesions extended the half-life of 3H-NE in interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) by 42%, in abdominal white adipose tissue (WAT) by 201%, in heart by 61% and in pancreas by 85%, and reduced total NE turnover (ng/organ/hr) in BAT (38%), WAT (57%), heart (30%) and pancreas (53%). Reduced SNS activity in BAT is consistent with the decreased energy expenditure (heat production) and increased energy efficiency observed in VMH-lesioned rats. In WAT, decreased SNS activity coupled with hyperinsulinemia would facilitate energy storage as fat by reducing lipid mobilization. In the pancreas, reduced SNS activity would contribute to hyperinsulinemia. These results support the hypothesis that VMH lesions decrease SNS activity in several organs. This change in autonomic tone is very likely a major factor in the development of obesity in VMH-lesioned animals.  相似文献   

Summary The incorporation of 14C-leucine into LTH and STH, the uptake of 14H-estradiol into the pituitary and the appearance of the LTH and LH cells were studied in male and female rats gonadectomized at the age of 30 days and chronically treated with estradiol (E).The biosynthesis of LTH in the pituitary of ovariectomized rats was decreased 15 and 60 days after the operation to the level of intact males. This decrease is followed by the reduction of the number of immunochemically stained LTH producing cells. Chronical administration of estradiol stimulated the LTH synthesis and maximal incorporation of 14C-leucine was obtained in ovariectomized rats. Maximal relative increase of labeled LTH was noticed in the pituitaries of intact male rats treated with E.STH synthesis is inhibited by treatment with E and maximal decrease was obtained in intact males.The luteinizing LH cells were still hypertrophic in the pituitaries of gonadectomized E treated rats, but the number of castration cells was reduced.On the basis of these results we can conclude that the castration of 30-day-old rats of both sexes does not alter the sex difference in the reaction of LTH and STH cells to estradiol.Supported by Serbian Academy of Sciences.We wish to thank Dr. Claud Robyn for the generous supplies of antiserum for ovine LTH and LH.  相似文献   

Neurite extension from developing and/or regenerating neurons is terminated on contact with their specific synaptic partner cells. However, a direct relationship between the effects of target cell contact on neurite outgrowth suppression and synapse formation has not yet been demonstrated. To determine whether physical/synaptic contacts affect neurite extension from cultured cells, we utilized soma-soma synapses between the identified Lymnaea neurons. A presynaptic cell (right pedal dorsal 1, RPeD1) was paired either with its postsynaptic partner cells (visceral dorsal 4, VD4, and Visceral dorsal 2, VD2) or with a non-target cell (visceral dorsal 1, VD1), and the interactions between their neurite outgrowth patterns and synapse formation were examined. Specifically, when cultured in brain conditioned medium (CM, contains growth-promoting factors), RPeD1, VD4, and VD2 exhibited robust neurite outgrowth within 12-24 h of their isolation. Synapses, similar to those seen in vivo, developed between the neurites of these cells. RPeD1 did not, however, synapse with its non-target cell VD1, despite extensive neuritic overlap between the cells. When placed in a soma-soma configuration (somata juxtaposed against each other), appropriate synapses developed between the somata of RPeD1 and VD4 (inhibitory) and between RPeD1 and VD2 (excitatory). Interestingly, pairing RPeD1 with either of its synaptic partner (VD4 or VD2) resulted in a complete suppression of neurite outgrowth from both pre- and postsynaptic neurons, even though the cells were cultured in CM. A single cell in the same dish, however, extended elaborate neurites. Similarly, a postsynaptic cell (VD4) contact suppressed the rate of neurite extension from a previously sprouted RPeD1. This suppression of the presynaptic growth cone motility was also target cell contact specific. The neurite suppression from soma-soma paired cells was transient, and neuronal sprouting began after a delay of 48-72 h. In contrast, when paired with VD1, both RPeD1 and this non-target cell exhibited robust neurite outgrowth. We demonstrate that this neurite suppression from soma-soma paired cells was target cell contact/synapse specific and Ca(2+) dependent. Specifically, soma-soma pairing in CM containing either lower external Ca(2+) concentration (50% of its control level) or Cd(2+) resulted in robust neurite outgrowth from both cells; however, the incidence of synapse formation between the paired cells was significantly reduced. Taken together, our data show that contact (physical and/or synaptic) between synaptic partners strongly influence neurite outgrowth patterns of both pre- and postsynaptic neurons in a time-dependent and cell-specific manner. Moreover, our data also suggest that neurite outgrowth and synapse formation are differentially regulated by external Ca(2+) concentration.  相似文献   

The cell adhesion molecules NCAM and L1 are considered to play key roles in neuronal development and plasticity. L1 has been shown to interact with NCAM, possibly through NCAM binding to oligomannosidic glycans present in L1. We investigated the effect of recombinant immunoglobulin (Ig) modules of NCAM involved in homophilic NCAM binding, on L1 induced neurite outgrowth from PC12-E2 cells and found a complete inhibition of L1 induced neurite outgrowth after addition of Ig-modules 1, 2 and 3 of NCAM, suggesting that the ligation state of NCAM is crucial for normal L1 signaling.  相似文献   

Estrogen modulates many features of the sympathetic nervous system, including cell numbers and ganglion synapses, and can induce uterine sympathetic nerve degeneration. However, distributions of estrogen receptors alpha and beta within sympathetic neurons have not been described, and their regulation by target tissue or estrogen levels has not been explored. We used immunofluorescence and retrograde tracing to define estrogen receptor expression in sympathetic neurons at large in pre- and paravertebral ganglia and in those projecting to the uterine horns. Estrogen receptor alpha immunoreactivity was present in 29 +/- 1%, while estrogen receptor beta was expressed by 92 +/- 1% of sympathetic neurons at large. The proportions of neurons expressing these receptors were comparable in the superior cervical and thoraco-lumbar paravertebral ganglia from T11 through L5, and in the suprarenal, celiac, and superior mesenteric prevertebral ganglia. Injections of FluoroGold into the uterine horns resulted in labeled neurons, with peak occurrences in T13, L1, and the suprarenal ganglion. Uterine-projecting neurons showed small but significantly greater incidence of estrogen receptor beta expression relative to the neuronal population at large, whereas the proportion of uterine-projecting neurons with estrogen receptor alpha-immunoreactivity was nearly threefold greater. Numbers of estrogen receptor-expressing neurons were not altered by acute estrogen administration. We conclude that the vast majority of sympathetic neurons express estrogen receptor beta immunoreactive protein, whereas a smaller, presumably overlapping subset expresses the estrogen receptor alpha. Expression of the latter apparently can be enhanced by target-mediated mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that neurite outgrowth from 6-day chick embryo dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in vitro was stimulated when nerve growth factor (NGF) and pulsed magnetic fields (PMF) are used in combination. 392 DRGs were studied in a field excited by a commercial PMF generator. We have now analyzed an additional 416 DRGs exposed to very similar PMF's produced by an arbitrary wave from generator and power amplifier. We reproduced our previous findings that combination of NGF and bursts of asymmetric, 220 μs-wide, 4.0 mT-peak pulses induced significantly (p<0.05) greater outgrowth than NGF alone, that fields without NGF do not significantly alter outgrowth, and that, unlike NGF alone, 4.0 mT fields and NGF can induce asymmetric outgrowth. The asymmetry does not seem to have a preferred orientation with respect to the induced electric field. Analysis of the data for the entire 808 DRGs confirms these findings. Importantly, we find similar results for pulse bursts repeated at 15 or 25 Hz. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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