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Activated macrophages can recognize, bind to, and lyse tumor cells in an antibody-independent manner. We have found that tumor cells pretreated with phorbol esters are markedly less susceptible to macrophage-mediated cytolysis, although the initial binding step is unaffected. Tumor cells preincubated with tumor-promoting phorbol esters (10(-8)-10(-6) M) were rendered resistant to macrophage kill whereas non-tumor-promoting derivatives were inactive in protecting tumor cells against cytolysis. Inhibition of [3H]phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate binding by other phorbol esters correlated with their potency as tumor promoters and their ability to render tumor cells resistant to macrophage killing. The role of protein kinase C as the receptor to phorbol esters was implicated by inhibition of PDBu binding by phenothiazine derivatives. This suggests a possible mechanism for the resistance of phorbol ester-treated tumor cells to macrophage-mediated cytolysis.  相似文献   

The human metastatic tumor cell line CAP-2, produces a soluble factor that induces resistance to NK lysis of K-562 susceptible leukemia cell line, and does not inhibit the cytotoxic capacity of effector cells. The use of sequential HPLC, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and reverse phase chromatography, coupled with cytotoxic assays, resulted in the isolation and separation to homogeneity of a novel protein responsible for this biologic activity. Size estimation studies based on TSK HPLC columns showed that this protein has a mass of 8 to 12 kDa. The amino acid composition analysis of the CAP-2 protein calculated from HPLC chromatograms shows that this protein contains around 108 amino acids. Subsequent gas phase sequence analysis, however, was hampered because the N terminus of this protein was blocked and therefore unsuitable for sequencing by Edman degradation. The functional studies showed that the NK lysis-resistance activity of the CAP-2 protein is mediated by interaction with and nonspecific binding to NK target cells. The lymphokine-activated killer and macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity and mitogen-induced proliferation is not affected. Unexpectedly, the CAP-2 protein appears to be mitogenic to its own cell line. Thus, the induction of NK lysis-resistance and the mitogenic activity showed by CAP-2 protein could contribute to the tumor growth and metastatic establishment.  相似文献   

Summary We had previously established a murine bone marrow-derived cell line, designated JBM1.1, which displayed properties of normal macrophages, including the ability to perform macrophage-mediated cytolysis. It was also found that these cells could be induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to produce reproducibly high levels of a cytolytic factor (CF) resembling tumor necrosis factor (TNF). This cell line was therefore selected for further studies on macrophage-mediated tumor cell lysis and CF production. Moreover, the CF production during incubation with LPS was higher in the absence of serum than in its presence, with a maximum at days 2–3 following the addition of LPS. A factor inhibitory to CF production (CIF) was detected in our laboratory in the supernatant of embryonic fibroblast cultures. We established the experimental conditions required for the optimal production and suppressive effect of CIF. High levels of CIF activity were obtained under conditions that promote fibroblast proliferation. Addition of embryonic fibroblast culture supernatant to the macrophages shortly before LPS suppressed both LPS-induced CF production and tumoricidal activity. CIF did not affect macrophage protein synthesis in the presence or absence of LPS. However, LPS-induced interleukin 1 release was partially (55%) suppressed by embryonic fibroblast culture supernatant. Our results show that CIF does not exert a general inactivating effect on the macrophages, although it may possibly affect other functions in addition to CF production and tumor cell lysis. The strong inhibition of both the latter properties further indicates that TNF-like CF is an important mediator in macrophage-mediated tumor cell lysis.  相似文献   

Several species of mycoplasmas including M. pneumoniae, the causative agent of human respiratory infection, were investigated for tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) induction. The cytotoxic activity to Meth A cells of peritoneal macrophages purified from BALB/c mice was enhanced markedly when cultured with either viable or nonviable mycoplasmas. The supernatant of macrophage culture mixed with mycoplasmas, M. pneumoniae or A. laidlawii, showed a potent cytotoxic activity to TNF-alpha-sensitive but not to TNA-alpha-insensitive L cells. Addition of anti-TNA-alpha antiserum inhibited completely the cytotoxic activity of the supernatant, indicating that the cytotoxic activity is due mostly to TNF-alpha. These results strongly suggest that mycoplasmas possess an activity to induce TNF-alpha, which enhances the cytotoxic activity of macrophages and prevent infection with mycoplasmas in vivo.  相似文献   

Macrophage-mediated cytostasis was measured in a mouse syngeneic system where EL4 thymoma cells were found to be inhibited by C57B1/6 mouse macrophages. When tumor cells were pretreated with TPA, they became resistant to macrophage-mediated stasis. Nonelutriated as well as elutriated cells enriched in G1/early S and late S were sensitive to macrophage-mediated stasis. However, when elutriated cells were treated with TPA, cells enriched in G1/early S were rendered resistant to the cytostatic activity of macrophages whereas cells enriched in late S were not. The TPA effect on tumor cell susceptibility to stasis was found to be reversible and a nontumor-promoting phorbol ester, alpha-PDD, was ineffective.  相似文献   

Experimentally, TNF-alpha can mediate the hemorrhagic necrosis of certain tumors. Furthermore, evidence indicates that natural cytotoxic (NC) activity, a cell-mediated cytolytic activity that utilizes TNF-alpha in the lysis of target cells, is involved in preventing the outgrowth of certain NC/TNF-alpha-sensitive tumor cells. These observations raise the issue of whether soluble TNF-alpha normally serves as a tumor surveillance mechanism preventing the outgrowth of some tumors. To address this issue, we have used TNF-alpha to select TNF-alpha-resistant variants from the NC/TNF-alpha-sensitive mouse fibroblast cell line 10ME. Previously, we have demonstrated that 10ME is tumorigenic in immune-deficient mice but fails to form tumors in normal mice. Moreover, selection of NC-resistant variants from 10ME selects for both TNF-alpha resistance and tumorigenicity in normal mice. As cells that have been selected for NC resistance form tumors in normal mice, whereas the NC-sensitive parental cell line does not, it seems that escape from NC activity is sufficient to significantly increase the tumorigenic potential of the cell line. We show that the selection with TNF-alpha, although associated with NC resistance, does not increase the tumorigenic potential of 10ME cells but reduces it. Thus, NC activity appears to function as a mechanism to prevent tumor formation, and escape from NC activity allows for tumor formation; TNF-alpha does not have similar activity. Moreover, this suggests that NC activity is not equivalent to soluble TNF-alpha activity, but utilizes TNF-alpha more efficiently than soluble TNF-alpha, or NC activity involves both TNF-alpha and other effector mechanisms.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma, a pleiotropic immune regulator, is implicated in both tumor immune surveillance and selection of tumor variants resistant to immune control, i.e., immunoediting. In uveal melanoma patients, elevated serum levels of IFN-gamma correlate with the spread of metastasis and represent a negative prognostic marker. Treatment with IFN-gamma boosted the MHC class I presentation machinery in uveal melanoma cells but suppressed their MHC class I-restricted CTL lysis. Tumor cells exposed to IFN-gamma efficiently activated specific CTL but were less susceptible to permeabilization by perforin and exhibited a decreased capacity to bind and incorporate granzyme B. These results define a novel mechanism of resistance to granule-mediated CTL lysis in human tumors. Furthermore, the data suggest that immunoediting is not limited to genetic or epigenetic changes resulting in stable cellular phenotypes but also involves an inducible modulation of tumor cells in response to a microenvironment associated with immune activation.  相似文献   

Unexpected cytolysis was encountered when nonactivated murine peritoneal macrophages were cultured with [3H]TdR-prelabeled syngeneic or allogeneic tumor cells at a 10:1 ratio. The level of specific cytolysis reached 70% within 48 hr of cocultivation. Similar killing was observed whether the macrophages were derived from untreated, thioglycollate-treated, or germ-free mice. Cytolytic activity was also demonstrated when bone marrow-derived or peritoneal macrophages from 9- and 5-day in vitro cultures, respectively, were employed rather than freshly harvested peritoneal macrophages. Thus, the macrophage-mediated killing was neither the result of in vivo preactivation nor a consequence of the presence of lymphocytes in the assay. Moreover, macrophages derived from different strains caused similar effects. Our study revealed that the neoplastic target cell cultures susceptible to cytolysis by nonactivated macrophages were contaminated with mycoplasma. A mycoplasma was isolated from the supernatant of a culture of the A9HT fibrosarcoma line, identified as Mycoplasma orale, and cultivated. Addition of viable mycoplasma from that isolate to mixed cultures of thioglycollate-elicited macrophages and [3H]TdR-prelabeled mycoplasma-free target cells resulted in specific cytolysis of transformed A9 cells, but not of normal mouse fibroblasts. The level of macrophage-dependent cytolysis correlated with the number of viable mycoplasma cells added and was higher than that attained by activation with LPS at optimal concentration. Similar specific cytolysis was observed with heat-killed mycoplasmas. Our results demonstrate that mycoplasmas may cause selective macrophage-mediated cytolysis of neoplastic but not of normal target cells, perhaps via activation of the macrophages. It is suggested that undetected infection of experimental systems by mycoplasmas may account for some reports on lysis of neoplastic cells by nonactivated macrophages.  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out to assess the immunostimulatory activity of a hamster IgM mAb (mAb5D3) with specificity for an 80-kDa LPS-binding protein expressed on murine macrophages and monocytes. The addition of mAb5D3 to cultures of murine bone marrow-derived macrophages activated these cells to become tumoricidal for mastocytoma cells in vitro. The activity of mAb5D3 was enhanced in the presence of IFN-gamma. Neither mAb5D3 nor LPS were able to activate macrophages from the LPS-hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ mouse, although these cells responded normally to heat-killed Listeria monocytogenes. The results of several experiments establish that the observed LPS-like activity of mAb5D3 was not due to contaminating endotoxin: 1) the activity of mAb5D3 but not LPS was heat labile at 100 degrees C; 2) the activity of LPS but not mAb5D3, was inhibited by addition of polymyxin B; and 3) quantitative estimates of endotoxin contamination by Limulus amoebocyte lysate reactivity. These experiments thus demonstrate that mAb5D3 can serve as an agonist for LPS-dependent macrophage responses and, when considered with those of our companion paper showing specificity of mAb5D3 for the 80-kDa LPS-binding protein, provide strong support for the concept that the 80-kDa LPS-binding protein previously identified serves as a functional receptor for LPS on murine macrophages.  相似文献   

Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity plays a pivotal role in antibody-based tumor therapies and is based on the recruitment of natural killer cells to antibody-bound tumor cells via binding of the Fcγ receptor III (CD16). Here we describe the generation of chimeric DNA aptamers that simultaneously bind to CD16α and c-Met, a receptor that is overexpressed in many tumors. By application of the systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) method, CD16α specific DNA aptamers were isolated that bound with high specificity and affinity (91 pm-195 nm) to their respective recombinant and cellularly expressed target proteins. Two optimized CD16α specific aptamers were coupled to each of two c-Met specific aptamers using different linkers. Bi-specific aptamers retained suitable binding properties and displayed simultaneous binding to both antigens. Moreover, they mediated cellular cytotoxicity dependent on aptamer and effector cell concentration. Displacement of a bi-specific aptamer from CD16α by competing antibody 3G8 reduced cytotoxicity and confirmed the proposed mode of action. These results represent the first gain of a tumor-effective function of two distinct oligonucleotides by linkage into a bi-specific aptamer mediating cellular cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Peroxidases are involved in a number of cytotoxic reactions. Murine thioglycollate-induced peritoneal macrophages were exposed to either lactoperoxidase or microperoxidase in vitro. At a concentration of 17.7 microM, both of these enzymes induced between 100 and 200 units of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) per 0.1 ml. Furthermore, these substances were able to stimulate macrophages to kill 3T12 target cells in a dose dependent manner at concentrations of 0.177 microM to 17.7 microM. Per cent cytotoxicity varied from 20% up to 75% at the higher concentrations. It was concluded that these enzymes can induce macrophages to secrete TNF and become activated to the cytotoxic state.  相似文献   

In previous studies we observed that resistance of murine SV40-transformed fibroblast cell lines to cytolysis by activated macrophages was frequently associated with cellular expression of the gp70 of an endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia virus (MuLV). The work described here was initiated to test directly for a causative relationship between MuLV expression and resistance to lysis by macrophages. Northern blot analysis revealed that macrophage-resistant cells contain full length retroviral RNA. A panel of mAb which distinguish among host-range classes of MuLV detected only a non-recombinant ecotropic gp70 in these cells. The ecotropic MuLV from two independently derived macrophage resistant cells were isolated by limiting dilution cloning on Mus dunii fibroblasts. These viruses were then used to infect macrophage-sensitive cell lines and the resultant MuLV-positive cells tested for sensitivity to macrophage cytolysis. The MuLV-infected lines remained highly sensitive to macrophage lysis despite their high levels of cell surface gp70 and release of infectious MuLV. Thus, although we cannot rule out the possibility that MuLV or a product thereof is necessary for development of macrophage resistance in transformed cells, expression of MuLV per se is not sufficient to create the resistant phenotype.  相似文献   

Induction of bacterial lysis by penicillin   总被引:21,自引:8,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文

The plasma membrane constitutes a barrier that maintains the essential differences between the cytosol and the extracellular environment. Plasmalemmal injury is a common event during the life of many cells that often leads to their premature, necrotic death. Blebbing – a display of plasmalemmal protrusions – is a characteristic feature of injured cells. In this study, we disclose a previously unknown role for blebbing in furnishing resistance to plasmalemmal injury. Blebs serve as precursors for injury-induced intracellular compartments that trap damaged segments of the plasma membrane. Hence, loss of cytosol and the detrimental influx of extracellular constituents are confined to blebs that are sealed off from the cell body by plugs of annexin A1 – a Ca2+- and membrane-binding protein. Our findings shed light on a fundamental process that contributes to the survival of injured cells. By targeting annexin A1/blebbing, new therapeutic approaches could be developed to avert the necrotic loss of cells in a variety of human pathologies.  相似文献   

Murine resident peritoneal macrophages (RPM) generate superoxide (O2-) in response to stimulation with PMA or zymosan. Murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) generate O2- in response to zymosan but not PMA. However, the ability to generate O2- in response to PMA could be induced in BMM by pre-exposing the cells to certain cytokines, including granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), IFN-gamma, and, to a lesser extent, IL-1 alpha. Bacterial LPS also induced the ability to respond to PMA. These same agents were also shown to prime RPM for enhanced PMA-induced respiratory burst. In contrast to GM-CSF, CSF-1 did not enhance the ability of BMM or RPM to generate O2- in response to PMA. Pretreatment with GM-CSF or TNF-alpha did not significantly affect the zymosan-induced release of O2- by BMM. These results suggest that unprimed BMM have a deficiency in the PMA-dependent signaling pathway that is corrected by exposure to selected cytokines. The results also raise the possibility that the basal ability of tissue macrophages to generate a respiratory burst in response to PMA may be a reflection of in vivo exposure to cytokines.  相似文献   

Induction of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) by Staphylococcus aureus L-form was investigated. The supernatant of a macrophage culture mixed with S. aureus L-form showed a potent cytotoxic activity to L cells. Addition of anti TNF-alpha antibody inhibited completely the cytotoxic activity of the supernatant, indicating that the activity might be due mostly to TNF-alpha. To investigate localization of TNF-alpha production, the membranes of hypotonicity treated L-form were layered on a step-gradient composed of an upper and lower layers of 35% and 50% sucrose, respectively. The membranes were banded at the interface of 35% and 50% of sucrose. The activity of TNF-alpha production of the membrane fraction was 10-times higher than that of the soluble fraction.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex viruses (HSV) remain latent in sensory and peripheral ganglia and can be reactivated to cause recurrent HSV infections. Recent evidence has suggested that stress can induce an immunosuppressive state and increase the frequency and severity of recurrent herpes infections. Because macrophages play a central role in the host defense against HSV, the effects of stress-related neuroendocrine hormones on macrophage-HSV interactions were examined. Norepinephrine and epinephrine blocked the capacity of recombinant interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) to activate murine macrophages to a cytotoxic state capable of selectively killing HSV-infected cells. In contrast, ACTH, dopamine, serotonin, and beta-endorphin had no effect. The suppression of IFN-gamma-induced, macrophage-mediated lysis of HSV-infected cells occurred concomitantly with a marked increase in macrophage intracellular cyclic AMP levels. Moreover, exogenous administration of dibutyryl cyclic AMP blocked induction of macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity, suggesting that the neurohormones were modulating macrophage function via an adrenergic receptor-mediated system. These findings demonstrate that selective stress-related neurohormones modify the cytolytic activity of macrophages against virus-infected cells and suggest a possible neuroendocrine-immunologic basis for the recurrence of HSV infection.  相似文献   

The antitumor activity of activated macrophages toward tumor cells, in vitro, appears to involve the production of toxic nitrogen intermediates. These intermediates, particularly nitric oxide, have been shown to cause the inhibition of cell division and to decrease cellular respiration by inhibiting electron transport. We studied the effects of proteolytic inhibitors on macrophage-mediated inhibition of L1210 tumor cell respiration and DNA synthesis, and found that chloromethyl ketone derivatives, which covalently modify serine proteases, can block macrophage cytotoxicity. Furthermore, these inhibitors decrease nitrite production by activated macrophages suggesting that the mechanism of action involves the inhibition of nitric oxide production.  相似文献   

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