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Photorespiration rates under air-equilibrated conditions (0.04%CO2 and 21% O2) were measured in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wild-type2137, a phosphoglycolate-phosphatase-deficient (pgp1) mutantand a suppressor double mutant (7FR2N) derived from the pgp1mutant. In both cells grown under 5% CO2 and adapted air for24 h in the suppressor double mutant, the maximal rate of photorespiration(phosphoglycolate synthesis) was only about half of that ineither the wild type or the pgp1 mutant (18-7F) cells. In theprogeny, the reduced rate of photorespiration was accompaniedby increased photosynthetic affinity for inorganic carbon andthe capacity for growth under air whether accompanied by thepgp1 background or not. Tetrad analyses suggested that thesethree characteristics all resulted from a nuclear single-genemutation at a site unlinked to the pgp1 mutation. The decreasein photorespiration was, however, not due to an increase inthe CO2/O2 relative specificity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase of 7FR2N or of any other suppressor doublemutants tested. The relationship between the decrease in therate of photorespiration and the CO2-concentrating mechanismis discussed. 3 Current address: Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences,Patamdar Shosse, 40, Baku, 370073, Azerbaijan. 4 Current address: Department of Management and InformationScience, Jobu University, 270-1, Shinmachi, Tano, Gunma, 370-1393Japan.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive (ts), high-CO2 requiring mutants of Anacystisnidulans R2 were isolated by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine(MNNG) mutagenesis and ampicillin enrichment. One of these mutantswas able to grow under ordinary air enriched with 5% CO2, butnot under ordinary air at 40?C. At 40?C, the concentration ofCO2 at which the rate of oxygen evolution reached half the maximumvelocity (apparent Km(CO2) in photosynthesis) was 1,000 timeshigher in mutant cells than in wild type cells, whereas therewas no significant difference in the maximum rate of photosynthesis. When wild type and mutant cells were incubated with 55 µmNaHC03 under illumination at 40?C, the initial rate of inorganiccarbon (IC) transport from the medium into the cells and themaximum internal IC accumulation were significantly higher inwild type cells than in mutant cells. These results indicate that the isolated high-CO2 requiringmutant lacks the ability in transporting IC into the cells at40?C. Furthermore, the finding that the mutant cells which aredefective in IC transport cannot grow under ordinary air suggeststhe importance of IC concentrating system(s) in photosynthesisof cyanobacteria. Present address: Department of Molecular Biology, The Universityof Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, U.S.A. To whom reprints should be requested. (Received April 28, 1988; Accepted September 14, 1988)  相似文献   

14CO2 assimilation was studied with diploid, tetraploid, hexaploidspecies of the genera Triticum and their wild relatives Aegilops.Attached mature leaves of 3–4 weekold plants were allowedto undergo photosynthesis under air at ambient temperature.The pattern of distribution of 14C was notably similar in Triticumand Aegilops species whatever the level of ploidy. Sucrose wasthe sink for photosynthetic carbon. 14C for sucrose synthesis was supplied either through the glycolatepathway by glycolate, the product of the photorespiration orby the Calvin cycle intermediates exported into the cytoplasm.Depending on the species, the glycolate pathway provided 40to 75%of the sucrose 14C. The higher labeling of sucrose was associated with the greaterparticipation of the glycolate pathway in the wild diploid (DD)A. squarrosa and in the cultivated hexaploid (AABBDD) T. aestivum.The results suggest that the expression of the male D genomeis dominant over the female AB genome in T. aestivum. In T. aestivum under ambient conditions lowering (low temperature)or hindering (1% O2 ) photorespiration, sucrose labeling decreased,but serine and glycine labeling was favoured. We propose thatin wheat leaves, the role of photorespiration is to drain artof the carbon exported from the chloroplast as glycolate, towardssucrose synthesis. (Received March 16, 1979; )  相似文献   

Regulation of transport of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)in response to CO2 concentration in the external medium hasbeen compared in two closely-related green algae, Chlorellaellipsoidea and Chlorella saccharophila. C. ellipsoidea, whengrown in high CO2, had reduced activities of both CO2 and transport and DIC transport activitieswere increased after the cells had acclimated to air. However,high CO2-grown C. saccharophila had a comparable level of photosyntheticaffinity for DIC to that of air-grown C. ellipsoidea and thiswas accompanied by a capacity to accumulate high internal concentrationsof DIC. The high photosynthetic affinity and the high intracellularDIC accumulation did not change in cells grown in air exceptthat the occurrence of external carbonic anhydrase (CA) in air-grownC. saccharophila stimulated the intracellular DIC accumulationin the absence of added CA. These data indicate that activeDIC transport is constitutively expressed in C. saccharophila,presumably because this alga is insensitive to the repressiveeffect of high CO2 on DIC transport. This strongly supportsthe existence of a direct sensing mechanism for external CO2in Chlorella species, but also indicates that external CA isregulated independently of DIC transport in Chlorella species. Key words: Carbonic anhydrase, Chlorella, CO2-insensitive, DIC transport, wild type  相似文献   

The effects of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2 and ozone (O3) onsoybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.] photosynthesis and photorespiration-relatedparameters were determined periodically during the growing seasonby measurements of gas exchange, photorespiratory enzyme activitiesand amino acid levels. Plants were treated in open-top fieldchambers from emergence to harvest maturity with seasonal meanconcentrations of either 364 or 726 µmol mol–1 CO2in combination with either 19 or 73 nmol mol–1 O3 (12h daily averages). On average at growth CO2 concentrations,net photosynthesis (A) increased 56% and photorespiration decreased36% in terminal mainstem leaves with CO2 enrichment. Net photosynthesisand photorespiration were suppressed 30% and 41%, respectively,by elevated O3 during late reproductive growth in the ambientCO2 treatment, but not in the elevated CO2 treatment. The ratioof photorespiration to A at growth CO2 was decreased 61% byelevated CO2 There was no statistically significant effect ofelevated O3 on the ratio of photorespiration to A. Activitiesof glycolate oxidase, hydroxypyruvate reductase and catalasewere decreased 10–25% by elevated CO2 and by 46–66%by elevated O3 at late reproductive growth. The treatments hadno significant effect on total amino acid or glycine levels,although serine concentration was lower in the elevated CO2and O3 treatments at several sampling dates. The inhibitoryeffects of elevated O3 on photorespiration-related parameterswere generally commensurate with the O3-induced decline in A.The results suggest that elevated CO2 could promote productivityboth through increased photoassimilation and suppressed photorespiration. Key words: Photorespiration, CO2-enrichment, ozone, climate change, air pollution  相似文献   

Salsola arbusculiformis is identified as a C3–C4intermediatespecies based on anatomical, biochemical and physiological characteristics.This is the first report of a naturally occurring intermediatespecies in the Chenopodiaceae, the family with the largest numberof C4species amongst the dicots. In the genus Salsola, mostspecies have Salsoloid anatomy with Kranz type bundle sheathcells and C4photosynthesis, while a few species have Sympegmoidanatomy and were found to have non-Kranz type bundle sheathcells and C3photosynthesis. In the cylindrical leaves of C4Salsolawith Salsoloid type anatomy, there is a continuous layer ofdistinct, chlorenchymatous Kranz type bundle sheath cells surroundedby a single layer of mesophyll cells; whereas species with Sympegmoidtype anatomy have an indistinct bundle sheath with few chloroplastsand multiple layers of chlorenchymatous mesophyll cells. However,S. arbusculiformis has intermediate anatomical features. Whileit has two-to-three layers of mesophyll cells, characteristicof Sympegmoid anatomy, it has distinctive, Kranz-like bundlesheath cells with numerous chloroplasts and mitochondria. Measurementsof its CO2compensation point and CO2response of photosynthesisshow S. arbusculiformis functions as an intermediate specieswith reduced levels of photorespiration. The primary means ofreducing photorespiration is suggested to be by refixing photorespiredCO2in bundle sheath cells, since analysis of photosyntheticenzymes (activity and immunolocalization) and14CO2labellingof initial fixation products suggests minimal operation of aC4cycle. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Immunolocalization, photosynthetic enzymes, C3–C4intermediate, C4-plants, leaf anatomy, Chenopodiaceae, Salsola arbusculiformis  相似文献   

Mutant barley plants containing only 8%, 16% or 38% of the wildtype level of glutamine synthetase activity have been isolated.The level of glutamine synthetase activity in the roots of themutant containing only 8% leaf activity was not affected bythis mutation. The plants accumulated high levels of ammoniain leaves exposed to air and although they were able to carryout photosynthetic CO2fixation normally at low levels of atmosphericO2, they were unable to maintain wild type rates of CO2fixationin air. The extent of this inhibition and the extent to whichammonia accumulated in the leaves was dependent on the photonfluence rate intercepted by the plant. When leaves from themutant plant were fed glutamine under non-photorespiratory conditionsfor 40 min before they were transferred to air, the plants exhibitedwild type rates of CO2 fixation in air but the ammonia contentof the leaves increased to an even higher level. At least inthe short term, therefore, ammonia accumulation was not responsiblefor the dramatic decline in the fixation rate of these mutantsin air. The most probable explanation is that as the supplyof potential amino donors diminished on transfer to air, therewas a restriction on the return of glycerate to the Calvin cyclewithin the chloroplast. Key words: Ammonia toxicity, photorespiration, photosynthesis, GS-deficient barley  相似文献   

The affinity for NaHCO3 (CO2) in photosynthesis of Anabaenavariabilis ATCC 29413 was much higher in the cells grown underordinary air (low-CO2 cells) than in those grown in air enrichedwith 2–4% CO2 (high-CO2 cells) (pH 8.0, 25?C). Ethoxyzolamide(50 µM) increased the Km(NaHCO3 in low-CO2 cells aboutnine times (from 14.3 to 125), while the maximum rate of photosynthesisdecreased about 20%. When high-CO2 cells were transferred tolow-CO2 conditions, carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity increased,while Km(NaHCO3) in photosynthesis decreased from 140 to 30µM within about 5 h. The addition of CA to the suspensionof both high- and low-CO2 cells enhanced the rates of photosyntheticO2 evolution under CO2-limiting conditions. The rate of 14CO2fixation was much faster than that of H14CO3 fixation.The former reaction was greatly suppressed, while the latterwas enhanced by the addition of CA. These results indicate thatthe active species of inorganic carbon utilized for photosynthesiswas free CO2 irrespective of the CO2 concentration given duringgrowth. It is suggested that CA plays an active role in increasingthe affinity for CO2 in photosynthesis of low-CO2 cells of thisblue-green alga. (Received January 24, 1984; Accepted October 22, 1984)  相似文献   

The effect of oxygen on photosynthetic 14CO2 fixation in theair-grown freshwater flagellate Chroomonas sp. (Cryptophyta)was studied. Considerable inhibition by anaerobiosis was observedonly under light-saturated conditions with no effect from theCO2 concentration. This inhibition was reversed by 2% O2. With,more than 2% O2, the rate of 14CO2 fixation was inhibited; 100%O2 caused about 20% inhibition which could be reversed by 2%O2. The degree of inhibition was only slightly higher at lowconcentrations (less than 0.43 mM NaHCO3) than at high CO2 concentrations,indicating that photorespiration is not a main cause of thisinhibition. Possible causes of the inhibitions by anaerobiosisand by oxygen are discussed. (Received June 29, 1983; Accepted January 23, 1984)  相似文献   

The maximum rate of photosynthetic 14CO2 fixation (Vmax) aswell as the concentration of CO2 at which the rate of photosynthetic14CO2 fixation attains one-half its maximum velocity (Km) inChlorella vulgaris 11h cells was strongly dependent on the concentrationof CO2 continuously provided during the algal growth. The Vmax (µmoles 14CO2 fixed/ml pcv?min) and Km (% CO2)of the algal cells which had been grown in air containing 4%CO2 (by volume) were ca. 10 and 0.15–0.17, while thosein the cells which had been grown in ordinary air (containing0.04% CO2) were 7 and 0.05–0.06, respectively. When the concentration of CO2 in the bubbling gas was loweredfrom 4 to 0.04% during the algal growth, their photosynthetickinetics attained the respective lower steady levels after 5–10hr. On the other hand, when the photosynthetic kinetics weredetermined 24 hr after raising the concentration of CO2 from0.04 to 4%, the Vmax and Km-values were found to have alreadyattained the respective higher levels. (Received October 15, 1976; )  相似文献   

The carbon dioxide compensation point of the unicellular greenalga, Chloretla saccharophila, was determined in aqueous mediumby a gas chromatographic method. Compensation points decreasedmarkedly from 63 cm3 m–3 at an external pH of 4.0 to 3.2cm3 m–3 at pH 8.0 and were not affected by the O2 concentrationof the medium. The calculated CO2 concentration required tosupport the half-maximum photosynthetic rate of the algal cellsranged from 6.0 mmol m–3 at an external pH of 60 to 1.5mmol m–3 at pH 8.0 and these values were not affectedby O2 concentration. The Km(CO2) of nbulose-l,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase isolated from cells grown either at pH 4.0 or pH8.0 was determined to be 64 mmol m–3. These results indicatethat loss of CO2 by photorespiration does not occur in C. saccharophilacells at acid pH and the disparity between the apparent affinityfor CO2 of the intact cells and that of the carboxylase indicatesthe operation of a ‘CO2 concentrating mechanism’in this alga at acid pH. Key words: Acidophilic alga, bicarbonate transport, Chlorella saccharophila, compensation point, CO2 affinity, PH, RuBP carboxylase  相似文献   

The increase in carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity and the decreasein apparent Km(CO2) for photosynthesis induced by reducing CO2concentration during the growth of Chlorella vulgaris 11h cellswere followed under different temperatures. Both changes wereaccelerated by raising the temperature and reached an optimumat 32–37?C. When the CO2 concentration was lowered from3 to 0.04%, the rate of photosynthetic O2 evolution at limitingCO2 concentrations increased and reached a stationary levelafter 3 h. Under such conditions, the concentration of CO2 dissolvedin the algal suspension decreased logarithmically (t1/2=10 min)and reached a concentration in equilibrium with 0.04% CO2 inair after ca. 2 h. When high-CO2 cells grown with 3% CO2 in air were transferredto various lower CO2 concentrations, CA activity and apparentKm(CO2) for photosynthesis changed depending on the CO2 concentration.The CO2 concentration which gives one-half the maximum valuefor Km(CO2) and one-half minimum value foi CA activities wasabout 0.5%. The inverse relationship observed for the changesin CA activity and the affinity for CO2 in photosynthesis supportsthe theory that CA loweres the apparent Km(CO2) for photosynthesisin Chlorella vulgaris 11h. (Received August 27, 1984; Accepted February 8, 1985)  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity in wild type cells of Chlamydomonasreinhardtii was low when cells were cultured under 2% CO3 inthe light. When the gas phase was changed to air, CA activityincresaed as much as 20 fold over the next 24 hours. In contrast,CA activity did not change markedly in cells of the mutantspet 20-8 (PS II-negative), lip 10-2 (photophosphorylation-negative),and F60 (phosphoribulokinase-negative), when they were subjectedto the same induction regimen. DCMU (10–5 M) and cydoheximide(3 µg/ml) severely inhibited the induction in wild typecells. No induction occured when CO2 concentration was loweredin darkness. 3Present adress: Photoconversion Research Branch, Solar EnergyResearch Institute, Golden, Colorado 80401, USA. (Received June 7, 1982; Accepted December 25, 1982)  相似文献   

Chlorella vulgaris 11h cells grown in air enriched with 4% CO2(high-CO2 cells) had carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity whichwas 20 to 90 times lower than that of algal cells grown in ordinaryair (containing 0.04% CO2, low-CO2 cells). The CO2 concentrationduring growth did not affect either ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate(RuBP) carboxylase activity or its Km for CO2. When high-CO2 cells were transferred to low CO2 conditions,CA activity increased without a lag period, and this increasewas accompanied by an increase in the rate of photosynthetic14CO2 fixation under 14CO2-limiting conditions. On the otherhand, CA activity as well as the rate of photosynthetic 14CO2fixation at low 14CO2 concentrations decreased when low-CO2cells were transferred to high CO2 conditions. Diamox, an inhibitor of CA, at 0.1 mM did not affect photosynthesisof low-CO2 cells at high CO2 concentration (0.5%). Diamox inhibitedphotosynthesis only under low CO2 concentrations, and the lowerthe CO2 concentration, the greater was the inhibition. Consequently,the CO2 concentration at which the rate of photosynthesis attainedone-half its maximum rate (Km) greatly increased in the presenceof this inhibitor. When CO2 concentration was higher than 1%, the photosyntheticrate in low-CO2 cells decreased, while that in high-CO2 cellsincreased. Fractionation of the low-CO2 cells in non-aqueous medium bydensity showed that CA was fractionated in a manner similarto the distribution of chlorophyll and RuBP carboxylase. These observations indicate that CA enhances photosynthesisunder CO2-limiting conditions, but inhibits it at CO2 concentrationshigher than a certain level. The mechanism underlying the aboveregulatory functions of CA is discussed. 1This work was reported at the International Symposium on PhotosyntheticCO2-Assimilation and Photorespiration, Sofia, August, 1977 (18).Requests for reprints should be addressed to S. Miyachi, RadioisotopeCentre, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan. (Received December 11, 1978; )  相似文献   

A novel photorespiratory mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, designatedgld2, was isolated based on a growth requirement for abnormallyhigh levels of atmospheric CO2. Photosynthetic CO2 fixationwas inhibited in the mutant following illumination in air butnot in atmosphere containing 2% O2. Photosynthetic assimilationof 14CO2 in an atmosphere containing 50% O2 resulted in accumulationof 48% of the soluble label in glycine in the mutant comparedto 9% in the wild type. The rate of glycine decarboxylationby isolated mitochondria from the mutant was reduced to 6% ofthe wild type rate. In genetic crosses, the mutant complementedtwo previously described photorespiratory mutants of A. thalianathat accumulate glycine during photosynthesis in air due todefects in glycine decarboxylase (glyD, now designated gld1)and serine transhydroxymethylase (stm). Because glycine decarboxylaseis a complex of four enzymes, these results are consistent witha mutation in a glycine decarboxylase subunit other than thataffected in the gld1 mutant. The two gld loci were mapped tochromosomes 2 and 5, respectively. 3Present address: Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, MichiganState University, East Lansing, MI 48824, U.S.A. 4Present address: Department of Applied Bioscience, Facultyof Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Kita-Ku, Sapporo, 060 Japan 5Present address: Department of Biology, Carnegie Institutionof Washington, 290 Panama Street, Standford, CA 94305, U.S.A.  相似文献   

SAMISH  Y.; KOLLER  D. 《Annals of botany》1968,32(4):687-694
An estimate of photorespiration is obtained from the relationshipbetween the net exchange of CO2 of the leaf and the internalCO2 concentration, i.e. within the mesophyll intercellular spaces.The latter is obtained by calculation, taking into account thecombined epidermal and boundary-layer resistances between thebulk atmosphere and the mesophyll intercellular spaces. Thelinear part of this relationship (at low CO2 concentrations)is extrapolated to zero internal concentration, at which noneof the intercellular photorespired CO2 is available for reassimilation.The calculated output of CO2 under such conditions providesan estimate of photorespiration, but, by failing to take intoaccount intracellular reassimilation of photorespired CO2 underestimatesactual photorespiration. As the slope of this linear relationshiprepresents the mesophyll (intracellular) resistance to CO2 uptake,this procedure was used to recalculate published data on effectsof light intensity and of oxygen concentration on net photosynthesis.The analysis showed that increased oxygen concentration anddecreased light intensity reduced photosynthesis largely byincreasing mesophyll resistance to CO2 uptake. It is suggestedthat the CO2 compensation point () is a function of both photorespiration(L) and mesophyll resistance (rm): = L. rm.  相似文献   

The rate of photosynthetic 14CO2 fixation in Chlorella vulgaris11h cells in the presence of 0.55 mM NaH14CO3 at pH 8.0 (20?C)was greatly enhanced by the addition of carbonic anhydrase (CA).However, when air containing 400 ppm 14CO2 was bubbled throughthe algal suspension, the rate of 14CO2 fixation immediatelyafter the start of the bubbling was suppressed by CA. Theseeffects of CA were observed in cells which had been grown inair containing 2% CO2 (high-CO2 cells) as well as those grownin ordinary air (containing 0.04% CO2, low-CO2 cells). We thereforeconcluded that, irrespective of the CO2 concentration givento the algal cells during growth, the active species of inorganiccarbon absorbed by Chlorella cells is free CO2 and they cannotutilize bicarbonate. The effects observed in the high-CO2 cellswere much more pronounced than those in the high-CO2 cells.This difference was accounted for by the difference in the affinityfor CO2 in photosynthesis between the high- and low-CO2 cells. (Received May 19, 1978; )  相似文献   

Transfer of algal cells of Chlorella regularis from 3% CO2 inair into ordinary air in the light increased external carbonicanhydrase (CA) activity as well as photosynthetic affinity forCO2 by several-fold within 2 h. Since no noticeable differencewas observed in CA activity between intact cells and cell homogenates,CA seemed to be mainly localized on the cell surface. Changesin CA activity and K?(CO2) of photosynthesis were not observedin the dark. CA induction was 50%-inhibited by incubation with10 µM DCMU during adaptation of high-CO2 cells to air,whereas it was considerably suppressed when high-CO2 cells preincubatedwith DCMU in the light for 6 h or without DCMU in the dark for24 h were used. The change in K?(CO2) of photosynthesis wasonly slightly affected by DCMU. Uncoupler like carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenyl-hydrazone(CCCP) and inhibitors of mitochondrial respiration (KCN plussalicylhydroxamic acid) suppressed CA induction during adaptationof high-CO2 cells to low CO2 conditions. These results suggest that photosynthesis is not essential forCA induction in Chlorella regularis when some amounts of photosyntheticproducts are previously stored in the cells and respirationis active. A decrease in K?(CO2) of photosynthesis during adaptationfrom high to low CO2 was mostly independent on photosynthesis.However, light is essential for both phenomena. (Received July 16, 1990; Accepted January 21, 1991)  相似文献   

 为了比较C4荒漠植物猪毛菜(Salsola collina)和木本猪毛菜(S. arbuscula)的抗旱结构和适应环境的光合作用特征, 在二者混生的群落中, 选择代表性植株, 采集叶片进行叶片解剖结构分析, 在自然条件下测定了二者叶片的气体交换参数。研究结果表明:猪毛菜叶片具表皮毛, 具有更发达的薄壁贮水组织;木本猪毛菜叶片具有更厚的角质层, 表皮下有1层下皮细胞, 其栅栏组织细胞较长, 排列更紧密。猪毛菜的净光合速率明显高于木本猪毛菜, 日平均值分别为21.5和15.7 μmol CO2·m–2·s–1。猪毛菜的蒸腾速率也明显高于木本猪毛菜, 日平均值分别为14.9和10.2 mmol·m–2·s–1。猪毛菜和木本猪毛菜的水分利用效率的日平均值分别为1.39和1.53 μmol CO2·mmol–1 H2O, 特别是在14:00时分别为1.61和2.30 μmol CO2·mmol–1 H2O, 木本猪毛菜高出猪毛菜约42%。猪毛菜的光补偿点低于木本猪毛菜, 而光饱和点和光量子效率较高, 具有更低的CO2补偿点。这表明:二者的旱生结构不同, 木本猪毛菜具有更显著的荒漠植物特征;在适于二者混生的环境下, 猪毛菜比木本猪毛菜的光合能力更强, 而木本猪毛菜的水分利用效率更高。  相似文献   

Time-courses of 14CO2-fixation and of enzyme activities involvedin photorespiration and photosynthesis were determined duringthe life span of cotyledons from sunflower seedlings (Helianthusannuus L.). Glycolate formation in vivo was estimated from theresults of combined labelling and inhibitor experiments. NADPH-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase, NADPH-glyoxylate reductase and chlorophyll werewell correlated with the time-course of 14CO2-fixation (photosynthesis).There was, however, a considerable discrepancy between the developmentalsequence of photosynthesis and that of both ribulose-l,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase and glycolate oxidase. Furthermore, time-coursesof glycolate oxidase activity in vitro and of glycolate formationin vivo differed significantly. Therefore, the use of glycolateoxidase as a marker for the activity of photorespiration ingreening sunflower cotyledons may be questionable. Results from14CO2-labelling experiments with cotyledons treated with theglycolate oxidase inhibitor 2-hydroxy butynoic acid suggestthat glycolate formation relative to CO2-fixation is reducedin senescent cotyledons. Key words: Development, glycolate oxidase, photorespiration, ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, oxygenase  相似文献   

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