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Experiments were performed to investigate which bundle of the olfactory tract was essential for mediating feeding behaviour in crucian carp. Fish were divided in three groups: control fish, fish with only the lateral olfactory tracts (LOTs) intact and fish with the LOTs cut. The fish were maintained in physiological saline after surgery to preserve the remaining tracts and postoperative inspections revealed the functional status of the remaining tracts. With the injection of food odour into the aquaria the scores for various feeding behaviours--biting, snapping, mouth openings and vertical posture--were not significantly different between those of the control fish and the fish with the LOT intact. Those fish that had the LOT cut but the medial and lateral parts of the medial olfactory tract (mMOT, lMOT) intact had significantly lower feeding-related scores than the other two groups of fish. The results of the present study indicate that the LOT is necessary to maintain the full qualitative and quantitative extent of feeding behaviour in crucian carp.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, males often produce costly and extravagant displays or physical ornaments to attract females. Numerous studies have established that testosterone could directly influence the expression of certain sexual signals. However, few of these studies have focused on the indirect role that testosterone could play in modulating prey detection and visual performance to improve the foraging ability of males and hence their acquisition of nutritional resource. In the present study, we experimentally modified the testosterone levels of European tree frog males (Hyla arborea), staying in the natural range previously measured in the field, and we investigated the effect of testosterone on the foraging ability of individuals. Foraging capacities were measured on males placed in an arena with a virtual cricket moving on a computer screen. Our results demonstrated a significant effect of testosterone on the hunting behavior of H. arborea. We observed that testosterone reduced the orientation latency to virtual prey for supplemented males compared to controls. In addition, testosterone significantly increased the attack promptness of male frogs. Finally, our experiment did not demonstrate any impact of testosterone on male attack success.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine (1) the effects of endogenous Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) on the developing human fetal genital tract; (2) the time in fetal life when MIS is first capable of inhibiting the growth of the embryonic Müllerian ducts; and (3) the reversibility of the effects of MIS on the developing male Müllerian ducts. Human fetal reproductive tracts were transplanted and grown for sustained periods in vivo in athymic nude mice. The genital tracts from 12 male human fetuses, ages 51 to 68 days postovulation, were grafted without their associated gonads into castrated murine hosts and grown for 30 to 70 days. Controls consisted of genital tracts from 8 female human fetuses, ages day 53 to 70 that were grown under identical conditions. Male specimens grew to approximately one-half the size of female specimens and disclosed varying degrees of inhibition of the Müllerian duct system from absence of the Müllerian ducts in older specimens (after Day 63) to poorly segregated segments of stroma as the mildest defect (less than Day 61). It is concluded that (1) MIS secretion by the embryonic testes probably begins before Day 51 of gestation; (2) the effects of MIS are progressive during the so-called critical window; (3) the effects of MIS are permanent; and (4) the mesenchyme is an important target of MIS.  相似文献   

This study investigated the gynogenetic cytobiological behavior of the third gynogenetic generation (G3), which was generated from the diploid eggs produced by the second gynogenetic generation (G2) of red crucian carp × common carp, and determined the chromosomal numbers of G3, G2×scatter scale carp and G2×allotetraploid hybrids of red crucian carp × common carp. The results showed that the diploid eggs of G2 with 100 chromosomes, activated by UV-irradiated sperm from scatter scale carp and without the treatment for doubling the chromosomes, could develop into G3 with 100 chromosomes. Similar to the first and second gynogenetic generations (G1 and G2), G3 was also diploid (2n=100) and presented the hybrid traits. The triploids (3n=150) and tetraploids (4n=200) were produced by crossing G2 with scatter scale carp and crossing G2 with allotetraploids, respectively. The extrusion of the second polar body in the eggs of G2 ruled out the possibility that the retention of the second polar body led to the formation of the diploid eggs. In addition, we discussed the mechanism of the formation of the diploid eggs generated by G2. The establishment of the diploid gynogenesis clonal line (G1, G2 and G3) provided the evidence that the diploid eggs were able to develop into a new diploid hybrid clonal line by gynogenesis. By producing the diploid eggs as a unique reproductive way, the diploid gyno- genetic progeny of allotetraploid hybrids of red crucian carp × common carp had important signifi- cances in both biological evolution and production application.  相似文献   


Blocked riverine spawning migration routes constitute one of the main threats of potamodromous fish that require well-connected habitats of high quality to maintain their unique life-history form. Alburnus vistonicus, a potamodromous species inhabiting the Vistonis freshwater system in northern Greece, manages to cope with wide salinity fluctuations in Vistonis Lake, but the impact of the fragmented connectivity of the lake’s two main freshwater suppliers, Kosynthos and Kompsatos rivers, has not been assessed. We analyzed the species whole reproductive cycle and we divided it into phases. Cyclicity was observed in gonadosomatic index and oocyte diameter, while total fecundity remained constant prior to the onset of the spawning season. Stomach fullness and condition factor differed among the surveyed habitats. Successful spawning and multiple spawning were verified, as well as spawning migration and potamodromy. However, mature females with markers of recent spawning activity were captured also in the lake, suggesting spawning occurrence in the lake or a previously undocumented oscillatory behavior between the lake and the rivers during the spawning season and between sequential spawning events. Either behavior may serve as a mechanism to overcome the restricted spawning migration routes due to the fragmented river connectivity.


Extracellular ATP and its hydrolysis product adenosine modulate various reproductive functions such as those requiring contraction, steroidogenesis, and maintenance of fluid composition. Interestingly, adenosine might act as a key capacitative effector for mammalian spermatozoa to acquire the capacity for fertilisation. Extracellular nucleotide levels are affected by cell surface ectonucleotidases, amongst which the ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (E-NTPDase) family regroups the most abundant and effective enzymes to hydrolyse ATP and ADP to AMP in physiological conditions. In the male reproductive tract three members of this family have been indentified: NTPDase1, NTPDase2 and NTPDase3 (Martín-Satué et al. in Histochem Cell Biol 131:615–628, 2009). The purpose of the present study was to characterize in the male reproductive tract the expression profile of the main enzyme responsible for the generation of adenosine from AMP, namely the ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73). The enzyme was identified by immunological techniques and by in situ enzymatic assays, including inhibition experiments with α,β-methylene-ADP, a specific CD73 inhibitor. High levels of ecto-5′-nucleotidase were detected in testes in association with both germinal and somatic cells, in smooth muscle cells throughout the tract, in secretory epithelia from exocrine glands, and remarkably, in principal cells of epididymis, where co-localization with NTPDase3 was found. The relevance of this co-expression on nucleotide hydrolysis in these cells directly involved in the control of sperm fluid composition was addressed biochemically. This study suggests close regulation of extracellular nucleoside and nucleotide levels in the genital tract by ecto-5′-nucleotidase that, in concurrence with NTPDases, may impact male fertility.  相似文献   

Gray  David A. 《Behavioral ecology》2005,16(1):201-206
Reproductive behavior influences gene flow within and amongspecies; thus, sexual selection may be a major contributor tothe maintenance of species, and possibly their formation. HereI experimentally manipulate the courtship interactions of thefield crickets Gryllus rubens and G. texensis to examine thepotential of close-range courtship interactions to limit interspecificgene flow. Responses of males to females and of females to malecourtship song and males per se were examined for four pairedsympatric and allopatric populations. Male G. rubens were morelikely to court conspecific females, but male G. texensis courtedfemales of both species equally. If paired with conspecificmales, female G. rubens and G. texensis both preferred conspecificcourtship song. In none of these comparisons were the responsesof males or females from allopatry different from those in sympatry.There was an asymmetry of courtship response across both sexand species: male G. rubens were more discriminating than maleG. texensis, whereas female G. texensis were more discriminatingthan female G. rubens. Despite significant preferences for conspecifics,the net effect of courtship interactions would appear to limitinterspecific gene flow only weakly. These results are consistentwith courtship behavior evolving under the influence of sexualselection and only indirectly promoting species integrity.  相似文献   

Seasonal fluctuations in immune status have been documented for avian and mammalian populations. During the late summer and early fall, immune function is bolstered to help animals cope with the more physiologically demanding winter. The environmental cue for these seasonal changes is apparently decreasing photoperiod. In the present study, we determined the potential role of leptin in mediating the effect of photoperiod on cell-mediated immune responses in male mice. Leptin-deficient (ob/ob) and littermate control mice were housed for 10 wk in either a short (8L:16D) or a long (16L:8D) photoperiod beginning at 6 wk of age. After the mice were killed, immune and reproductive organs were weighed and splenocytes isolated. The proliferative and cytokine responses (interleukin [IL]-2 and IL-4) of splenocytes to the T-cell mitogen, concanavalin A (Con A; 0-40 microg/ml), were determined. Body weights were elevated and both testes and seminal vesicle weights subnormal in ob/ob mice (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency), but thymuses and spleens were of normal size. Serum leptin levels were at minimum detection limits in ob/ob mice, but leptin levels in control mice housed at 8L:16D were higher than in control mice housed at 16L:8D. The proliferative response of splenocytes from ob/ob mice to Con A was subnormal (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency), but photoperiod had no effect on this response. Production of IL-2 in splenocytes of ob/ob mice was subnormal (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency) irrespective of photoperiod, but cells from mice housed at 8L:16D (by ANOVA, main effect of photoperiod) produced more IL-2 than cells from animals housed at 16L:8D. In contrast, a leptin deficiency did not alter IL-4 production, but cells from animals (ob/ob and controls) housed at 16L:8D produced less IL-4 than cells from animals housed at 8L:16D (by ANOVA, main effect of photoperiod). The present study suggests that both photoperiod and leptin have mutually independent effects on the proliferation of lymphocytes and cytokine production profiles. The data do not provide definitive support for the hypothesis that photoperiod-induced changes in leptin secretion mediate the effects of season on immune status.  相似文献   

A variety of signals mediate reproductive behaviors of Tephritidae, and studies of such behaviors have focused predominantly on economically important tephritid pest species. Trupanea vicina (Wulp) (Diptera: Tephritidae: Tephritinae), an Asteraceae‐feeding fruit fly, was not considered a pest until recently, when large populations developed on marigolds in California (USA) nurseries. Understanding courtship behavior and the signals that mediate mating behavior in T. vicina could produce leads for new methods of controlling this emerging pest species. Most of the sexual behaviors observed in T. vicina were expressed by males and reflected the general characteristics of known reproductive behaviors in the genus Trupanea. Analyses of headspace volatiles indicated the presence of almost exclusively one male‐specific compound, 1‐nonanol. Age‐related changes were observed in the amount but not in the composition of the male‐produced volatiles. Aerations of males showed no diel periodicity in 1‐nonanol production, but an increase after mating. Solid‐phase microextraction wipe samples from various body parts of male T. vicina showed that 1‐nonanol was concentrated on the abdomens of males exhibiting pleural distension. Laboratory bioassays failed to detect any strong attraction of either sex to synthetic 1‐nonanol. Although the functional role of 1‐nonanol in T. vicina's biology is not yet clear, we suggest that it must have some role in the life history of this species, given the relatively large amounts in which it is produced, and the specialized structures used in its production and release. Analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons extracted from males and females showed pronounced sexual dimorphism in the cuticular lipid profiles, suggesting that these compounds may have a role as short‐range and contact pheromones.  相似文献   

The organization of the developing male rodent brain is profoundly influenced by endogenous steroids, most notably estrogen. This process may be disrupted by estrogenic endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) resulting in altered sex behavior and the capacity to attract a mate in adulthood. To better understand the relative role each estrogen receptor (ER) subtype (ERα and ERβ) plays in mediating these effects, we exposed male Long Evans rats to estradiol benzoate (EB, 10 μg), vehicle, or agonists specific for ERβ (DPN, 1 mg/kg) or ERα (PPT, 1 mg/kg) daily for the first four days of life, and then assessed adult male reproductive behavior and attractiveness via a partner preference paradigm. DPN had a greater adverse impact than PPT on reproductive behavior, suggesting a functional role for ERβ in the organization of these male-specific behaviors. Therefore the impact of neonatal ERβ agonism was further investigated by repeating the experiment using vehicle, EB and additional DPN doses (0.5 mg/kg, 1 mg/kg, and 2 mg/kg bw). Exposure to DPN suppressed male reproductive behavior and attractiveness in a dose dependent manner. Finally, males were exposed to EB or an environmentally relevant dose of genistein (GEN, 10 mg/kg), a naturally occurring xenoestrogen, which has a higher relative binding affinity for ERβ than ERα. Sexual performance was impaired by GEN but not attractiveness. In addition to suppressing reproductive behavior and attractiveness, EB exposure significantly lowered the testis to body weight ratio, and circulating testosterone levels. DPN and GEN exposure only impaired behavior, suggesting that disrupted androgen secretion does not underlie the impairment.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1995,50(6):1433-1440
Two experiments were performed to determine the effect of past territoriality and mating success on subsequent dominance and ability to attract females. First, in 14 staged, pair-wise encounters, the development of nuptial coloration and agonistic behaviour was examined in two types of males: previously territorial (PT) and previously non-territorial (PNT) males. Previously territorial males developed a more intense nuptial coloration and won all contests. Second, to test the males' ability to attract females, other factors were controlled that could have affected female mate choice, such as male size, quality of breeding substrate and male-male interactions. In 40 trials, PT males were more active, developed a more intense nuptial coloration, courted females more vigorously, spawned sooner and had a higher mating success than PNT males. Thus, in pupfish, Cyprinodon pecosensis, previous reproductive history is a good indicator of both dominance and mating success. Only males in good physical condition achieve high mating success, and both intra- and inter-sexual selection are important in maintaining the close correlation between expression of nuptial coloration, a second sexual trait, and other male attributes, such as physical condition and vigour, that allow a male to secure and defend a territory against rivals and to attract and spawn with females.  相似文献   

Recent theory predicted that male advertisement will reliably signal investment in paternal care in species where offspring survival requires paternal care and males allocate resources between advertisement and care. However, the predicted relationship between care and advertisement depended on the marginal gains from investment in current reproductive traits. Life history theory suggests that these fitness gains are also subject to a trade‐off between current and future reproduction. Here, we investigate whether male signalling remains a reliable indicator of parental care when males allocate resources between current advertisement, paternal care and survival to future reproduction. We find that advertisement is predicted to remain a reliable signal of male care but that advertisement may cease to reliably indicate male quality because low‐quality males are predicted to invest in current reproduction, whereas higher‐quality males are able to invest in both current reproduction and survival to future reproduction.  相似文献   

1. Lowland tropical streams have a chemically diverse detrital resource base, where leaf quality could potentially alter the effect of high nutrient concentrations on leaf breakdown. This has important implications given the extent and magnitude of anthropogenic nutrient loading to the environment. 2. Here, we examine if leaf quality (as determined by concentrations of cellulose, lignin and tannins) mediates the effects of high ambient phosphorus (P) concentration on leaf breakdown in streams of lowland Costa Rica. We hypothesised that P would have a stronger effect on microbial and insect processing of high‐ than of low‐quality leaves. 3. We selected three species that represented extremes of quality as measured in leaves of eight common riparian species. Species selected were, from high‐ to low‐quality: Trema integerrima > Castilla elastica > Zygia longifolia. We incubated single‐species leaf packs in five streams that had natural differences in ambient P concentration (10–140 μg soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) L?1), because of variable inputs of solute‐rich groundwater and also in a stream that was experimentally enriched with P (approximately 200 μg SRP L?1). 4. The breakdown rate of all three species varied among the six streams: T. integerrima (k‐values range: 0.0451–0.129 day?1); C. elastica (k‐values range: 0.0064–0.021 day?1); and Z. longifolia (k‐values range: 0.002–0.008 day?1). Both ambient P concentration and flow velocity had significant effects on the breakdown rate of the three species. 5. Results supported our initial hypothesis that litter quality mediates the effect of high ambient P concentration on leaf processing by microbes and insects. The response of microbial respiration, fungal biomass and invertebrate density to high ambient P concentration was greater in Trema (high quality) than in Castilla or Zygia (low quality). Variation in flow velocity, however, confounded our ability to determine the magnitude of stimulation of breakdown rate by P. 6. Cellulose and lignin appeared to be the most important factors in determining the magnitude of P‐stimulation. Surprisingly, leaf secondary compounds did not have an effect. This contradicts predictions made by other researchers, regarding the key role of plant secondary compounds in affecting leaf breakdown in tropical streams.  相似文献   

The role of PGE(2) as a putative sex pheromone in Chinese black sleeper Bostrichthys sinensis was investigated, using immunocytochemistry and how the immunoreactivities of the prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2) ) receptor subtypes EP(1) , EP(2) , EP(3) and EP(4) varied with reproductive status in the olfactory system was determined. The results showed that PGE(2) receptors were present in the whole of the olfactory system of B. sinensis, and that the number of receptors was linked to the reproductive status of the fish. The densities of EP(1) immunoreactivity in the olfactory epithelium of mature fish were significantly (P < 0·01) higher than those in immature fish of both sexes, and the densities of EP(2) and EP(3) immunoreactivities in mature fish were higher (but not significantly) than those in immature fish of both sexes. In the olfactory nerve, the density of EP(2) immunoreactivity in mature fish was higher (but not significantly) than that in immature fish in both sexes. In the olfactory bulb, the densities of EP(1-4) immunoreactivities in mature females were significantly (P < 0·05 or <0·01) higher than those in immature females, and the density of EP(4) immunoreactivity in mature males was significantly (P < 0·01) higher than that in immature males. As far as is known, the present study is the first report of the immunoreactivities of PGE(2) receptor subtypes in the olfactory system of a teleost, and offers new findings regarding the role of PGE(2) as sex pheromone and hormone in the reproductive behaviour and pheromonal communication of B. sinensis.  相似文献   

Neuropharmacological studies suggest a common inhibitory role for the hypothalamic dopaminergic pathway on gonadotropin and prolactin pituitary release, in humans. As a consequence, it has been hypothesized that the inhibition of hypothalamic tyrosine-hydroxylase and the subsequent fall in dopamine synthesis is involved in the positive feedback of progesterone on LH and PRL pituitary release in estrogen-primed hypogonadal women. The aim of our study was to verify whether an inhibition of tyrosine-hydroxylase may really account for the progesterone action on gonadotropin and prolactin secretion. For this purpose, we compared the effect of a specific tyrosine-hydroxylase inhibitor (alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine, AMPT) with the effect of progesterone on gonadotropin and prolactin release in estrogen-primed postmenopausal women. Progesterone induced a marked release of LH (delta: 129.7 +/- 16.5 mlU/ml, mean +/- SE) and a slight increase in FSH (delta: 39.4 +/- 11.6 mlU/ml) and PRL (delta: 15.3 +/- 2.8 ng/ml) serum levels. Acute or two-day administration of AMPT was followed by a marked rise in PRL serum levels (delta: 82.9 +/- 13.8 and 88.3 +/- 8.2 ng/ml, respectively) while there were no significant increases in serum LH (delta: 5.4 +/- 2.6 and 3.3 +/- 4.6 mlU/ml) and FSH (delta: 3.4 +/- 0.9 and -0.4 +/- 2.9) concentrations. The ineffectiveness of a specific tyrosine-hydroxylase inhibitor in simulating the progesterone effect on gonadotropin secretion seems to negate the hypothesis that a reduction in hypothalamic dopaminergic activity mediates the positive feedback of progesterone on gonadotropin release.  相似文献   

Marked variations in the 3β-hydroxysterol content of hamster spermatozoa were observed as they progress through the epididymis. Cholesterol is the major sterol of caputal spermatozoa while the concentration of precursors of cholesterol was higher than that of cholesterol in caudal spermatozoa. One of these precursors has been identified as desmosterol. A second sterol has now been identified as 5α-cholesta-7, 24-dien-3β-ol by GLC-MS and by NMR. Its concentration is approximately 3-fold higher than that of cholesterol. This 3β-hydroxysterol is also found in epididymal tissue.  相似文献   

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) ligands seem to induce anticancer effects on prostate cancer cells, but the mechanism is not clear. The effect of PPARgamma ligands omega-6 fatty acids and ciglitazone (2-15 microM)--on proliferation, and apoptosis of LNCaP, PC-3, DU145, CA-K and BPH-K cells was studied. PPARgamma ligands led to: (1) reduction of proliferation (20-50%) of all the studied cell lines, (2) stimulation of differentiation of prostate cancer cells through an increased expression (1.5-3-fold: LNCaP, DU145, BPH-K) or reexpression (PC-3, CA-K) of E-cadherin with parallel inhibition of N-cadherin expression (PC-3, CA-K) and (3) down-regulation (1-2-fold) of beta-catenin and c-myc expression. The selective PPARgamma antagonist GW9662 abolished the effect of those ligands on prostate cancer cells. These results suggest that inhibition of beta-catenin and in effect c-myc expression through activation of PPARgamma may help prostate cancer cells to restore several characteristics of normal prostate cells phenotype.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis depends on the diffusion of gaseous CO(2) inside the leaf spaces from the stomatal entry point to the mesophyll cell walls. Although most research considers only the vertical diffusion from stomata on upper and/or leaf lower surfaces, some of the gas will diffuse in the lateral (paradermal) direction. The importance of lateral CO(2) diffusion is reviewed, and the anatomical characteristics of leaves, including the variation of air space volume between species and conditions are discussed. The contribution of the air space conductance to the limitation of photosynthesis by the overall CO(2) diffusion pathway is usually ignored. However, the need to consider three-dimensional diffusion at the small scale of a few stomata is emphasized because stomata are discrete, and separated by 20-300 microm. At the large scale of 100s of micrometres, there may be barriers to CO(2) caused by the vascular tissue, particularly if there are bundle sheath extensions. The possible extent and controls on CO(2) lateral and vertical diffusion in different species and conditions are illustrated using chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging techniques. It is clear that there is a range of effective lateral permeabilities depending on the particular vascular patterns and cell arrangements, and that species cannot be simply divided into homobaric and heterobaric anatomies. Lateral diffusion in more permeable leaves can be sufficient to affect measurements of leaf gas exchange, particularly when fluxes are low, although its contribution to leaf photosynthesis in natural conditions needs clarification.  相似文献   

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