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Unfed nymphal Ixodes ricinus, Haemaphysalis concinna, and adult Dermacentor reticulatus were collected in two locations of Saxony in July and September 1991 by flagging. In July, the abundance of nymphal I. ricinus was about 2-3 times higher than that of nymphal H. concinna, a time of the year when nymphs of both species are reported to have a seasonal peak of activity. No D. reticulatus were flagged concurrently. In September, host-seeking activity of nymphal I. ricinus was again quite high as was that of adult D. reticulatus but only low numbers of nymphal H. concinna were collected. The flagged ticks were individually examined for Borrelia by an indirect immunofluorescence assay (I. ricinus: n = 414; H. concinna: n = 96; D. reticulatus: n = 116). The prevalence of Borrelia (probably B. burgdorferi) in I. ricinus varied from 12.1% to 21.0%. No borreliae were found in H. concinna. Of the examined D. reticulatus from one site (n = 97) 11.3% contained either B. burgdorferi or a related Borrelia. This may be the first finding of Borrelia in an Eurasian Dermacentor species.  相似文献   

We investigate local lizard richness and distribution in central Brazilian Cerrado, harbouring one of the least studied herpetofaunas in the Neotropical region. Our results are based on standardized samplings at 10 localities, involving 2917 captures of 57 lizard species in 10 families. Local richness values exceeded most presented in earlier studies and varied from 13 to 28 species, with modal values between 19 and 28 species. Most of the Cerrado lizard fauna is composed of habitat‐specialists with patchy distributions in the mosaic of grasslands, savannas and forests, resulting in habitat‐structured lizard assemblages. Faunal overlap between open and forested habitats is limited, and forested and open areas may act as mutual barriers to lizard distribution. Habitat use is influenced by niche conservatism in deep lineages, with iguanians and gekkotans showing higher use of forested habitats, whereas autarchoglossans are richer and more abundant in open habitats. Contrary to trends observed in Cerrado birds and large mammals, lizard richness is significantly higher in open, interfluvial habitats that dominate the Cerrado landscape. Between‐localities variation in lizard richness seems tied to geographical distance, landscape history and phylogenetic constraints, factors operating in other well‐studied lizard faunas in open environments. Higher richness in dominant, open interfluvial habitats may be recurrent in Squamata and other small‐bodied vertebrates, posing a threat to conservation as these habitats are most vulnerable to the fast, widespread and ongoing process of habitat destruction in central Brazil.  相似文献   

The wildlife of the Brazilian Cerrado is threatened by large-scale habitat loss, in particular due to conversion to agricultural land. It is essential to study how the mammal fauna copes with the highly fragmented, human-influenced, non-protected landscape. The paper presents the results of a survey of the large to medium-sized mammals of a typical cattle ranch with a mixture of human-created and natural vegetation types. We recorded 18 species. Surprisingly, several species were found to still thrive in the area, however, many species are rare or have become extinct. We conclude the paper with comments relevant for the conservation of mammals in the Cerrado as a whole.  相似文献   

Fifty-six Brazilian commercial maize cultivars were examined for FB1 and FB2 accumulation after two non-consecutive growing seasons. During the 94/95 growing season 35 cultivars were planted at three locations in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. All samples (total of 105) were contaminated (0.10 g/g–6.58 g/g FB1 and 0.04 g/g–2.15 g/g FB2). During the 97/98 growing season, 8 of the cultivars used during 94/95 and 21 others were replanted at the same locations. All 87 samples were contaminated (1.15 g/g–43.80 g/g FB1 and 0.08 g/g–11.65 g/g FB2). One cultivar accumulated significantly less fumonisins in all locations during both growing seasons, indicating that some degree of selection may be possible even in climates that favor F. moniliforme (verticillioides) infection of maize. The presence of water surplus in soil from kernel maturity to harvest correlated with concentrations of FB1 in the grain for the 8 cultivars planted during both seasons at three locations. Observed trends indicated that water excesses and deficits from silking to harvest increased fumonisin levels. The difference in the incidence of FB1, FB2, and FB1 + FB2 was significant between growing seasons, planting locations and between cultivars. Neither the level of hybridization, nor the type of endosperm, nor the length of the vegetative cycle showed any effect on the FB1 contamination.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The pollen and charcoal record of a 1,500-cm-long lake sediment core from Lagoa Nova allows a reconstruction of vegetation, climate and fire history in the Atlantic lowland of southeastern Brazil. Today the potential vegetation of the study region would be dense and tall semi-deciduous forest, related to a dry season of 4 months and 1,250 mm precipitation per year. The lowermost core section of Lagoa Nova is probably of late Glacial age and contains only few, poorly preserved pollen grains, indicating dry environmental conditions. Pollen preservation was good above 1,005-cm core depth. Extrapolating from four radiocarbon dates, this interval represents about the last 10,000 years. During the early Holocene (until about 8,500 b.p.), the landscape was dominated by savanna of the campo cerrado type (open shrub woodland), with frequent trees of Curatella americana and small areas of gallery forests along the drainage system. Savanna fires, probably natural, were frequent at that time. The palaeovegetation pattern is consistent with a long dry season of about 6 months and annual precipitation lower than today. Then, up to about 7,560 b.p., gallery forests expanded in the valleys, reflecting a shorter dry season of about 5 months and somewhat higher annual rainfall. Fire was less frequent during this wetter period. Between about 7,560 and 6,060 b.p., savanna expanded and gallery forests retreated, indicating a return to drier climatic conditions of probably between 5 and 6 months dry season and lower precipitation. Fire was again frequent, but not as frequent as during the early Holocene. During the mid to late Holocene period between about 6,060 and 2,180 b.p., the valleys were covered by semi-deciduous forest, but on the hills cerrado vegetation continued to grow. The dry season was probably around 5 months and rainfall was higher than in the preceding period. During the following period between about 2,810 and 600 b.p., the open cerrado on the hills changed to closed cerrado, reflecting wetter conditions with a shorter dry season than in the previous period. It was only after about 600 b.p. that dense semi-deciduous forests expanded throughout the study region, indicating the start of modern, wet climatic conditions with an annual dry season of about 4 months. Fire was nearly absent during this period. The reconstructed palaeoenvironment from the Lagoa Nova record is similar to that of Lago do Pires, indicating that changes in past vegetation, climate and fire frequency are regionally consistent in southeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

Understanding the environmental factors shaping savannah and tropical forest boundaries is important to predict tropical vegetation responses to climate change and other human-mediated disturbances. To better understand the soil characteristics affecting the distribution of Cerradão (Brazilian woodland savannah) and seasonally dry forest (SDF), two vegetation types occurring next to each other in a similar seasonal climate in south-eastern Brazil, we compared several leaf chemical and morphological traits associated with soil pH and resource availability of Cerradão and SDF woody species. Leaf functional traits were measured for 25 Cerradão and 27 SDF species. We performed between-site comparisons with either all species pooled using phylogenetically independent contrasts or species shared between Cerradão and SDF, as well as congeneric pairs. We found higher specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen, potassium, calcium and sulfur concentrations for SDF species. We did not find higher concentrations for leaf phosphorus and manganese (Mn) for SDF species, despite a higher concentration of these nutrients in SDF soil. Cerradão plants had higher leaf iron (Fe), Mn and aluminium (Al) concentrations. For most of the traits assessed, variance was higher among species and genera than between sites. Nutrients with greater availability in the SDF soil did not invariably exhibit higher concentrations in the leaves of SDF species, indicating that these were not limiting for plant productivity. Higher concentrations in the leaves of Cerradão species for Al, Fe and Mn are probably a consequence of lower soil pH, which increases the availability of these elements. In spite of the differences in belowground resources and the divergence for some traits between Cerradão and SDF, our results show high diversity in leaf functional traits within communities and a similarity of leaf functional traits in closely related species in the contrasting habitats. Besides, we surmise that soil pH is an important factor affecting Cerradão and SDF species distribution, excluding SDF species from more acidic soils, because of the toxic effects of Al, and possibly also Mn and Fe.  相似文献   

Several studies pointed out soil properties as the prime determinant ofcerrado (the Brazilian savanna) physiognomies, and a gradient from campocerrado (a shrub savanna) to cerradão (a tallwoodland) has been correlated with a soil fertility gradient. Based on thishypothesis, we investigated soil-vegetation relationships in thePé-de-Gigante Reserve (São Paulo State,SoutheasternBrazil). We randomly distributed 10 quadrats (10 × 10 m) oneach ofthe following physiognomies: campo cerrado, cerradosensu stricto, cerradão, andseasonal semideciduous forest, previously defined by the analysis of satelliteimages (LANDSAT-5). We sampled the woody individuals with stem diameter> 3 cm at soil level, identifying their species. In each quadrat, wecollectedsoil samples at the depths of 0–5, 5–25, 40–60, and80–100 cm, and determined pH, K, Ca, Mg, P, Al, H + Al, basesaturation, aluminium saturation, cation exchange capacity, and percentage ofsand, clay and loam. Obtained data were submitted to a canonical correspondenceanalysis (CCA) and to a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). Our resultsshowed a clear distinction between semideciduous forest and the cerradophysiognomies, based in soil parameters. The former was related to higherconcentrations of cations and clay in the soil, while the latter was related tohigher concentrations of exchangeable aluminium in the soil surface. The threecerrado physiognomies – campo cerrado, cerradosensu stricto, and cerradão– could not be distinguished considering plant density and the analysedsoil features.  相似文献   

This review of Brazilian Amphipod works is arranged in a chronological list and points out the significant works for each one of the four arbitrary periods. Besides that, this paper deals with the distribution of 83 species of Brazilian Gammaridea and Caprellidea in relation to bathymetry, substrate, latitude and thermal region.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) inhabits the savannah-like Cerrado of Brazil. Although 80% of this biome has already been affected by human activity, little is known about maned wolf abundance. Using mark—recapture models, we obtained the first density estimate from central Brazil, the core of maned wolf distribution. With 5.19 individuals/100 km2, even large reserves support only small maned wolf populations. Therefore, long-term conservation of the maned wolf depends on land management outside of reserves.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of all stages of the Cayenne tick, Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius) (Acari: Ixodidae) on horses was evaluated over a period of 2 years in the district of Pedro Leopoldo, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Every 14 days, the left side of 20 horses was brushed for collection of immature stages; counts of adults were also undertaken. Infestation by larvae was detected from April to August, whereas nymphs were observed from June to October. Infestation by adults was detected throughout the year, and the highest population density occurred from September to March. The number of males was always higher than the number of females, but with considerable reduction in the male : female ratio between April and July. It was observed that 25% of the horses carried 41% of the infesting ticks, and 20% carried only 10% of the ticks during the entire period of the study.  相似文献   

Due to frequent fire, low nutrient availability, and prolonged drought, tropical savanna is a stressful environment for the survival and growth of woody plant seedlings. To understand why forest species do not succeed in this environment while savanna species are able to persist, the effects of fire and woody cover on seedlings of these two functional groups were investigated in the Brazilian Cerrado. Seedlings were established in experimental plots under three densities of woody cover, in sites protected from fire and sites to be subjected to fire. There was a clear difference in the ability of savanna and forest species to survive fire. None of the three forest species were able to survive fire during the first two years of life, whereas eight of the nine savanna species were able to resprout following fire. The small seed size of the ninth savanna species, Miconia albicans, predisposed its seedlings to be sensitive to fire, because there was a strong positive correlation between seed size and survivorship. Savanna species were less dependent on woody cover than were forest species, which exhibited higher growth and survival under tree canopies than in open grassland. The low rates of establishment and survival of forest trees in savanna, combined with high sensitivity to fire, appear sufficient to prevent the expansion of forest into savanna under current fire regimes in the Cerrado.  相似文献   

Tick genomics: the Ixodes genome project and beyond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ticks and mites (subphylum Chelicerata; subclass Acari) include important pests of animals and plants worldwide. The Ixodes scapularis (black-legged tick) genome sequencing project marks the beginning of the genomics era for the field of acarology. This project is the first to sequence the genome of a blood-feeding tick vector of human disease and a member of the subphylum Chelicerata. Genome projects for other species of Acari are forthcoming and their genome sequences will likely feature significantly in the future of tick research. Parasitologists interested in advancing the field of tick genomics research will be faced with specific challenges. The development of genetic tools and resources, and the size and repetitive nature of tick genomes are important considerations. Innovative approaches may be required to sequence, assemble, annotate and analyse tick genomes. Overcoming these challenges will enable scientists to investigate the genes and genome organisation of this important group of arthropods and may ultimately lead to new solutions for control of ticks and tick-borne diseases.  相似文献   

Although fire‐ and ant–plant interactions influence the community structure and dynamics of Neotropical savannas, no previous studies have considered their simultaneous effects on target host plants. We monitored the effect of ant exclusion for 3 years on leaf area loss to leaf chewing insects, thrips abundance, and reproductive output of the extrafloral nectary‐bearing shrub, Peixotoa tomentosa (Malpighiaceae). We predicted that the impact of ants on herbivores and plants would depend on the ant species, and that fire would reduce the effect of ants. We deliberately chose control plants that differed in their occupant ant species. Fire occurred in the second year of the study, allowing us to determine its effect on the benefit afforded by ants. Ants reduced leaf area loss and thrips abundance, and increased fruit and seed production in all 3 years. Some ant species were more effective than others, while plants with multiple ant species suffered higher leaf area loss than plants with a single ant species. In the year following the fire, leaf damage was greater than in the other years, regardless of the ant species, and the proportional effect of ants in reducing damage was less. Interactions affecting thrips abundance did not change following fire, nor was the benefit to the plant proportionally reduced. Overall, the identity of the ant species had a greater effect than did the occurrence of fire on the ant–herbivore–plant interaction: the identity of the ant species influenced leaf area loss, thrips numbers, and bud and seed production, while fire only modified the impact of ants on the amount of leaf area consumed by insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Plants of the Cerrado have shown some potential for restoration and/or phytoremediation projects due to their ability to grow in and tolerate acidic soils rich in metals. The aim of this study is to evaluate the tolerance and accumulation of metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in five native tree species of the Brazilian Cerrado (Copaifera langsdorffii, Eugenia dysenterica, Inga laurina, Cedrela fissilis, Handroanthus impetiginosus) subjected to three experiments with contaminated soils obtained from a zinc processing industry (S1, S2, S3) and control soil (S0). The experimental design was completely randomized (factorial 5 × 4 × 3) and conducted in a greenhouse environment during a 90-day experimentation time. The plant species behavior was assessed by visual symptoms of toxicity, tolerance index (TI), translocation factor (TF), and bioaccumulation factor (BF). C. fissilis has performed as a Zn accumulator by the higher BFs obtained in the experiments, equal to 3.72, 0.88, and 0.41 for S1, S2, and S3 respectively. This species had some ability of uptake control as a defense mechanism in high stress conditions with the best behavior for phytoremediation and high tolerance to contamination. With economical and technical benefits, this study may support a preliminary analysis necessary for using native tree species in environmental projects.  相似文献   

There is a major need for restoration of nonforest ecosystems in the Brazilian Cerrado, and planting seedlings is promising. However, there is no currently available information on nontree species production in nurseries. Grasses are dominant in the Cerrado herbaceous layer; therefore, we tested whether tree seedling production techniques can be used for two native grasses widely spread across the Cerrado ecoregion (Schizachyrium sanguineum and Loudetiopsis chrysothrix). We performed a factorial experiment with three levels: (1) seedbed substrate, (2) container volume, and (3) final substrate. Seeds were germinated in seedbeds with native soil or sand and, after emergence, transferred to 30, 55, or 290 cm3 containers filled with native soil, commercial substrate, or a mixture thereof. We evaluated seedling survival, height relative growth rate (RGR), tillering, and dry biomass. Survival rates after transfer from seedbeds to containers were greater than 80% for both species. Generally, species had greater height RGR, tillering, and biomass in the 290 cm3 containers than in the other containers, and the presence of native soil in the seedbeds, as well as in the containers, fostered seedling growth. However, the use of native soil is not recommended for large‐scale production, because its acquisition could degrade Cerrado areas. The commercial substrate improvement could be an alternative to increase seedling growth, since grasses survived well and presented greater growth in the largest container. Our study demonstrated that the techniques currently used in commercial nurseries for growing trees are suitable for both grasses, and substrates and container size drive seedling growth.  相似文献   

The increasing rates of declines in anuran populations worldwide are creating demands for urgent strategies to maximize conservation efforts. This may be critical in regions for which few detailed data on diversity, abundance and distribution are available, such as in the Cerrado of Central Brazil. In this paper, we used a macroecological approach based on the extent of occurrence of 131 species of Anura (Amphibia) in the Cerrado region to design a regional network of potential areas that preserves all anuran species. The final network, obtained using a simulation annealing algorithm based on complementarity, has a total of 17 cells, widely distributed throughout the biome. Minimum costs solutions were obtained in respect to total human population size, soybean production and bovine density, because these are the factors associated with human occupation that historically are more likely to cause broad scale habitat losses. The macro-scale approach used here can provide overall guidelines for conservation and define the focus for more local and effective conservation efforts.  相似文献   

While global technical progress is relatively linear, there is wide variation in its environmental and social impacts at the local level, with cycles of expansion and retraction or boom and bust, of long or short duration. Analysis of previous open-ended stages of extraction and agro commodities in the Amazon indicates a general gravitational trend for technical progress to increase productivity and permit transformation of increasingly generic forms of material or energy, rather than relying on the specific physical or chemical properties provided by nature. While increased demand favours frontier expansion in the periphery when there is no other alternative, technical progress ultimately favours spatial reconcentration of production in central countries. The agroenergy stage now beginning involves rapid frontier expansion and offers various environmental and economic opportunities, but also generates a series of negative ecosystemic and socio-economic impacts, which are both direct and indirect, for tropical regions. The Amazon and the Cerrado are particularly vulnerable. Interacting with climate change and land use, the upcoming stage of cellulosic energy could result in a collapse of the new frontier into vast degraded pasture. The present and future impacts can be mitigated through crafting of appropriate policies, not limited to the Amazon, stressing intensified and more sustainable use of areas already cleared, minimizing new clearing and consolidation of alternatives for sustainable use of natural resources by local communities. Coping with these scenarios requires knowledge of complex causal relationships.  相似文献   

This study asked the question, “Are there significant content differences between male and female dream reports obtained in dream seminars conducted in Brazil?” Each of the 240 (137 female, 103 male) research participants volunteered recent dream reports (one per person) during dream seminars that he or she attended between 1990 and 1998. Dreams were scored according to Hall-Van de Castle criteria. Comparative Cohen h-statistics revealed several gender differences. Further study is recommended because the dream reports did not represent Brazil's social-economic diversity, and may not have been characteristic of the totality of participants' dream lives.  相似文献   

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