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以分蘖能力较强的水稻品种D优527为材料,研究秧苗平面分布对水稻群体动态、冠层透光率及穗部性状的影响.结果表明:平面分布无序不等距程度越大,群体茎蘖数越多,差异在栽后34 d达显著水平,但齐穗期差异不显著.移栽后水稻不同平面分布群体逐渐呈平面分布无序不等距程度越大茎蘖数变异系数越大的趋势,至拔节期以后达到显著或极显著水平.与均匀分布相比,水稻秧苗不等距平面分布有利于改善群体冠层透光性和成穗质量.  相似文献   

苇田养分生物循环的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  

关继义  刘义 《植物研究》1999,19(1):100-110
本文对次生蒙古栎林中的灌木层及主要灌木树种(毛榛子,溲疏和刺五加)在林分分生物循环中的地位与作用进行了研究。研究结果表明,虽然灌木层在生物量,养分量,存留量,归还量等方面在林分中次于乔木层,但循环速率为0.68,高于乔木层(0.60),又高于林分(0.64),在林分养分步入良性循环中起着重要的不可缺少的作用,毛棒子和溲疏是灌木中的优势或亚优势树种,是在养分良性循环中具有突出贡献的树种,是重点保护的  相似文献   

受干扰的生态系统Ⅰ.柞蚕林的养分循环   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过田间实验与测试揭示了柞蚕林养分循环状态和干扰因素对养分平衡的影响。结果表明,地下部储存的养分占总积累的比重较大。同时叶部养分向树体转移能力较强。柞蚕林二级生产力是以收获蚕茧为主要形式,其养分输出水平对系统的养分平衡产生的影响主要表现对树体养分内循环方面。林木养分储量的下降是造成生产力衰退的重要原因。对养分循环格局的认识有助于对该系统干扰强度进行调控,以增强柞蚕林生态系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

不同年龄阶段马尾松人工林养分循环的研究   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
 对马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工林内N、P、K、Ca、Mg 5种养分元素的含量、积累、分配和生物循环以及它们随林分年龄的变化趋势进行了研究。结果表明:针叶的养分含量最高,树干材的养分含量最低,凋落物的养分含量与树枝或树皮的养分含量接近,土壤中K、Mg元素丰富,N、P、Ca 3种元素亏缺。树叶、树枝、树皮和树根中各元素含量大小顺序为K>N>Ca>Mg>P,树干材中则是Ca>K>N>Mg>P,5种元素含量随马尾松林分年龄的增加呈逐渐减少的趋势。5种元素贮存总量为460.19~1950.32 k  相似文献   

林下层植物在退化马尾松林恢复初期养分循环中的作用   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
以鼎湖山退化马尾松 (Pinusmassoniana)林恢复过程中林下层植物凋落物、分解和养分动态为对象 ,研究了林下层植物在退化马尾松林恢复初期养分循环中的作用。结果表明 ,林下层年凋落物量除在第 5年有所下降外均随时间逐年上升 ,但其增加速率随年份不同而异 ,总平均年增长速率为 3 8%。第 4年凋落物量为 0 .2 0 t· hm- 2 · a- 1,第 1 1年为 1 .1 7t·hm- 2·a- 1。凋落物养分元素平均浓度为 (% ) :N0 .95 ,P0 .0 4,K0 .5 7,Ca0 .1 3和 Mg0 .0 8,基本上以夏季和秋季最高冬春交替月份最低。第 1 1年凋落物各元素养分归还量为 (kg· hm- 2·a- 1) :N1 1 .1 0 ,P0 .47,K6.65 ,Ca1 .48和 Mg 0 .91。凋落物在分解过程中失重率呈直线模型变化 ,第 1年的分解速率为 3 1 % ,至试验结束时凋落物的残存量占起始量的 66%。在凋落物分解过程中 ,N和 P浓度随时间逐渐上升 ,但 N增加的速度较 P快 ,其余元素浓度均下降 ,但 K下降的速度最快。在凋落物分解过程中 ,N是唯一表现残留量呈先上升然后下降变化的元素。P的残留量变化与凋落物的失重率变化几乎一致。各元素在分解试验结束时残留量占起始量的百分比分别为 :N 90 % ,P 67% ,K 9% ,Ca 3 0 %和Mg 1 4%。可见 ,林下层凋落物在退化马尾松林恢复初期碳及其它营养元素循  相似文献   

哀牢山北部木果石栎林的元素积累及循环   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据对哀牢山北部徐家坝地区木果石栎林化学元素的吸收、分布及其生物循环的研究结果表明,碳素在树干中含量最高,而其它元素的含量均以叶片最高,枝和根其次,树干最低。该森林群落中碳、氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、锰、钠、铝和铁元素的积累量达260346kg/hm^2,其中乔木层的元素积累量占该群落元素总积累量的98.5%,灌木层和草本层的元素积累量仅分别占1.3%和0.2%。在该群落中各元素的积累量以碳>钙>氮>钾  相似文献   

林窗与生物多样性维持   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
自 2 0世纪以来 ,森林群落演替更新与生态系统的空间异质性 (spatialheterogeneity) ,逐渐成为当前生态学研究的热点。干扰 (自然或人为干扰 )作为群落时空格局及其动态的驱动力 ,是森林群落发展变化和结构维持的必要成分。将干扰状况与森林群落特征结合起来的研究方法 ,有助于对群落动态变化规律的深入理解 ,从而加深人们对森林群落调控机理的全面认识。生物多样性是全球关注的热点问题之一。对于生物多样性的维持与保护 ,提出了众多的理论与假说 ,但尚未形成一个完善的理论体系。空间异质性、物种竞争、边缘效应等都…  相似文献   

在杉木林和马尾松林中雨水的养分淋溶作用   总被引:41,自引:8,他引:41  
马雪华 《生态学报》1989,9(1):15-20
本试验地是在杉木林和马尾松林中,主要对降雨和径流水中所含各种养分物质进行测定。结果表明:降雨的养分含量与降雨量存在着半对数函数关系。降雨输入林地的养分量显著地大于径流输出的养分量。林内雨和树干茎流淋溶的养分量占养分还原总量的48—53%。林内雨和树干淋溶的K、Mg、N养分物质量超过凋落物归还养分量。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区柠条林地养分状况及其循环规律   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
黄土丘陵区柠条林地养分状况及其循环规律刘增文李雅素(西北林学院,陕西省杨陵712100)FertilityandElementsBio-CyclingsoftheCaraganaMicrophylaL.ForestlandintheRolingLoe...  相似文献   

太宽河自然保护区板栗群落数量分类与排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据野外调查数据,对太宽河自然保护区野生板栗群落进行TWINSPAN等级分类和DCA排序。结果表明:TWINSPAN将群落42个样方划分为11个群丛,分类结果很好地反映了群落类型与环境梯度的关系;DCA排序揭示了群落在该区的分布格局与环境梯度的关系;DCA样方排序图第一轴反映了群落生境中坡度与坡向的变化,从左至右坡度逐渐增大,而坡向由阴坡逐渐向半阴坡、半阳坡、阳坡转变;第一轴同时反映了群落受人为干扰情况;第二轴反映的群落与环境关系不太明显,但对角线较好地反映了植物群落与死地被层厚度的变化情况;37个优势种的DCA物种排序图第一轴从左至右,坡度逐渐增大,坡向由阴坡、半阴坡向半阳坡、阳坡转变,排序图从左下方到右上方反映出群落死地被层盖度逐渐减小。  相似文献   

长白山红松云冷杉林林内降水的养分输入   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
1 引言 在林地里,树木的叶子、枝条、树皮、果实,有时甚至整株树木都周期性地归还土壤,这种凋落物养分归还是森林生态系统的一个重要特点。但林木吸收的大部分养分,除由凋落物归还土壤外,还能由树冠淋洗归还土壤,在我国东北地区森林生态系统研究工作中,红  相似文献   

能量转化和物质循环是农业生态系统最基本的功能特征。1976年荷兰召开的第一次农业生态系统矿质养分循环研讨会标志着从系  相似文献   

The nutrient cycling and foliar status for the elements Ca, Mg, K, N, P, S, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu were investigated in an urban forest of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) in 2004 in Athens, Greece in order to draw conclusions on the productivity status and health of the ecosystem. The fluxes of bulk and throughfall deposition were characterized by the high amounts of Ca, organic N and sulfate S. The magnitude of the sulfate S fluxes indicated a polluted atmosphere. The nutrient enrichment in throughfall was appreciable for ammonium N, P and Mn. The mineral soil formed the largest pool for all the elements followed by the forest floor, trunk wood and trunk bark. The understory vegetation consisting of annual plants proved important for storing N, P and K. Compared to current year needles of Aleppo pine in remote forests of Spain, the needles of the Aleppo pine trees in Athens had significantly higher concentrations of Ca, N, P and Cu and significantly lower concentrations of Mg and Zn. The soil had a high concentration of calcium carbonate and accordingly high pH values. When all inputs to the forest floor were taken into account, the mean residence time of nutrients in the forest floor followed the order Fe > Mn > Cu > Ca > Mg > P > Zn > N > K > S.  相似文献   

Tropical rain forests are characterized by large numbers of the species with diverse growth habits. The objective of the present study was to determine the distribution of nutrient content in the major trees of the tropical rain forests in Xishuangbanna. This will improve the understanding of the nutrient losses from such sites that result from harvesting and flow of nutrients within the ecosystem and lead to the development of effective and rational forest management strategies. Based on the results in this study, the distribution of nutrients among biomass components of trees varied: The ordering of major elements concentrations was K>N>Mg>Ca>P in branch, stem and root tissues but was N>K>Mg>Ca>P in leaves. The maximum amount of all nutrients per ha occurred in the stems followed by branches, roots and leaves. Of the total uptake of 6167.7 kg ha−1 of all nutrients, the contribution of various nutrients was found to be N (2010.6 t ha−1), P (196.3 t ha−1), K (2123.8 kg ha−1), Ca (832 kg ha−1) and Mg (1005 kg ha−1). However, comparing the nutrient uptake of other tropical and sub tropical forests, the results indicated that rates for the Xishuangbanna forests were 20–35% lower than previously reported values.  相似文献   

The Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project is a significant water diversion project intended to alleviate water shortages in the north China plains, especially for the capital (Beijing). After water retention, the potential ecological risk of metal contamination in the riparian soils of the Miyun Reservoir (MYR) to water quality has raised public concern. The remobilization characteristics of cobalt (Co) in MYR riparian soils are still unknown. Riparian soil samples (considering five different land use types and three vertical elevations) were collected from the MYR prior to water impoundment. Total Co concentrations, soil properties, total Co in soil solution, Co chemical fractions and labile Co measured by diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) are applied to investigate the Co remobilization characteristics. The results showed that the total concentrations of Co (Ctotal-Co) were approximately equal to background values of Co in Beijing and China at most of the sites. The highest values of Ctotal-Co were observed at 140 m and 145 m in recreational land (S3), which may be influenced by the anthropogenic activities. No obvious differences in Ctotal-Co and DGT-labile Co (CDGT-Co) were found with the variation of land use types and vertical elevations in the soils of the MYR. CDGT-Co made up 9%-52% of the total dissolved Co, with an average value of 25%, indicating that Co in the soil solution was partially sustained by the solid phase. The highest CDGT-Co were observed in grassland and mountain land, indicating that the previous intensive mining in the upstream areas of the MYR is responsible for the release of Co. The results of the sequential extraction showed that Co is mainly bound to the residual fraction. DGT-labile Co had no correlation with non-residual fractions measured by sequential extraction, but had a significantly positive relationship with CDGT-Mn, indicating that Co trapped by DGT mainly came from the dissolution of MnOx. When the MYR riparian soils are submerged, a reducing environment will be formed. In this case, Co associated with MnOx may be also released into the water.  相似文献   

三峡库区世坪常绿阔叶林群落特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
重庆丰都世坪森林公园的常绿阔叶林是长江三峡库区低海拔区残存的较典型常绿阔叶林,林内植物种类丰富。1hm2固定样地的调查表明,群落内共有维管束植物195种,隶属73科142属,植物的科属组成丰富。群落内区系地理成分复杂,与热带植物区系关系较密切,但温带区系成分也占有相当大的比重。群落的外貌主要由中小型革质、单叶为主的常绿高位芽植物所决定。群落成层现象明显,可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层3个层次,层间植物丰富。总之,无论区系组成还是群落外貌和结构均体现了中亚热带北缘常绿阔叶林的特征。世坪森林公园的常绿阔叶林是三峡库区宝贵的植物基因库,希望有关部门尽快在此设立常绿阔叶林保护区,以保护本地区植被恢复的种质资源。  相似文献   

Ecological studies were made on the structure and phytomass of the secondary coppice forest near Tokyo, which was dominated by a deciduous oak,Quercus serrata Thunb. Average height of dominant trees was about 10 m. The shoot density at the beginning of the study was 4,600 ha−1 of which 89.5% belonged toQ. serrata. During the subsequent two growing seasons 8.3% of shoots, mainly small ones, died. All the tree shoots in a 10 m×10 m quadrat were cut and most of the underground parts were dug out. The phytomass calculated by the allometric relations of the dry weight of each plant organ to the square of DBH (D 2) agreed fairly well with the values directly weighed. The average phytomass of the overstory trees was 906 kg a−1. The leaf area index (LAI) of the canopy was 3.85. Phytomass of the undergrowth, mainly a dwarf bamboo,Pleioblastus chino Makino, was 91.8 kg a−1 with LAI of 3.46. The dead phytomass in the stand was 177 kg a−1, so the phytomass alive and dead amounted to 1,170 kg a−1. Heavy self-thinning of the coppice forest is discussed in relation to the rapid development of the log-normal distribution of tree sizes and to the large allometric constants for leaf and branch weight toD 2.  相似文献   

AIMS: Forty Bacillus strains isolated from a Brazilian oil reservoir were tested against each other to select strains producing antimicrobial substances (AMS). Three strains, Bacillus subtilis (LFE-1), Bacillus firmus (H2O-1) and Bacillus licheniformis (T6-5), were selected due to their ability to inhibit more than 65% of the Bacillus strains tested. These three strains were also investigated for their capability to inhibit sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Furthermore, physiological and biochemical characteristics of the antimicrobial compounds produced by the selected strains were determined. METHODS AND RESULTS: Among the forty strains tested, 36 (90%) strains were able to inhibit at least one Bacillus strain used as indicator in plate assays and three of them (LFE-1, T6-5 and H2O-1) were able to inhibit 65, 70 and 97.5% of the 40 strains studied here respectively. Clear zones of inhibition were observed when H2O-1 was tested against SRB-containing consortium T6-lab and Desulfovibrio alaskensis strain NCIMB 13491, while strain T6-5 was able to inhibit only the D. alaskensis strain. The three substances showed to be insensitive to different enzymes and chemicals, were heat stable and the substances produced by strains T6-5 and H2O-1 were active over a wide pH range. CONCLUSIONS: Three different AMS produced by Bacillus strains from an oil reservoir, two of them with activity against SRB, are presented here. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The preliminary characterization of these AMS points to their potential use as biocides in the petroleum industry for controlling problems associated with SRB.  相似文献   

Summary A new method of analyzing phylogenetic relations among members of sequence family (Quentin 1988) discriminates at least six possible B1 subfamilies in the mouse genome. Several additional and independent observations suggest that these grouping have evolutionary significance, and that successive waves of fixation of new variants occur during rodent lineage history. We have reason to believe that, in a genome, the founder sequences of different families of retroposons are in competition with regard to the amplification/fixation process.  相似文献   

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