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Abstract. Fluence-rate response curves were determined for the inhibition of hypocotyl growth in 54-h-old dark-grown Sinapis alba L. seedlings by continuous or hourly 5 min far-red light irradiation (24 h). Just as in red light ( Heim & Schäfer, 1982 ), a fluence-rate dependence was observed for both kinds of irradiations, even if only 35% of the continuous light effect could be substituted for by hourly far-red pulses. The same total fluence was used for the two different light regimes. Measurements of Pfr and Pfr/Ptot showed a strong fluence-rate dependence under continuous light which only partially paralleled the fluence-rate response curves for the inhibition of the hypocotyl growth. It was concluded that neither spectrophotometrically determined levels of Pfr nor Pfr/Ptot can be the only light-dependent factor controlling hypocotyl lengthening under continuous irradiation.  相似文献   

Baumgartner, N. and Fondeville, J. C. 1989. Photocontrol of the hypocotyl hook opening of Sinapis alba seedlings. Involvement of phytochrome and a high irradiance response.
A statistical evaluation of the hypocotyl hook opening (hook opening index) was used for measurement of the hook angle in lots of etiolated Sinapis alba L. cv. Albatros seedlings. Studies of the kinetics for hook opening were carried out in continuous fluorescent white, blue and red light (6, 15 and 40 μmol m-2s-1) with 2-day-old dark-grown seedlings. At the beginning of the irradiation period the photoresponse in red light was the opposite to that in blue (low photon fluences). Blue rapidly induced the hook opening (in less than 20 min), while red produced hook tightening (photon fluences up to 70 mmol m-2), which precedes the normal progressive hook opening. For low fluences, the data were consistent with the involvement of phytochrome and a specific blue light photoreceptor. A phytochrome effect was observed in the hook opening, dependent upon a high irradiance response (HIR). This HIR (like that for the inhibition of the hypocotyl elongation) was characterized by a wavelength response curve with maxima in the blue and far-red regions of the spectrum.  相似文献   

Electrically induced protoplast fusion was used to produce somatic hybrids between Brassica napus L. and Sinapis alba L. Seven hybrids were obtained and verified by the simple sequence repeat and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence analysis of the genefael, indicating that the characteristic bands from S. alba were present in the hybrids. The hybridity was also confirmed by chromosome number counting because the hybrids possessed 62 chromosomes, corresponding to the sum of fusion-parent chromosomes. Chromosome pairing at meiosis was predominantly normal, which led to high pollen fertility,ranging from 66% to 77%. All hybrids were grown to full maturity and could be fertilized and set seed after self-pollination or back-crosses with B. napus. The morphology of the hybrids resembled characteristics from both parental species. An analysis of the fatty acid composition in the seeds of F1 plants was conducted and the seeds were found to contain different amounts of erucic acid, ranging from 11.0% to 52.1%.  相似文献   

Electrically induced protoplast fusion was used to produce somatic hybrids between Brassica napus L. and Sinapis alba L. Seven hybrids were obtained and verified by the simple sequence repeat and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence analysis of the genefael, indicating that the characteristic bands from S. alba were present in the hybrids. The hybridity was also confirmed by chromosome number counting because the hybrids possessed 62 chromosomes, corresponding to the sum of fusion-parent chromosomes. Chromosome pairing at meiosis was predominantly normal, which led to high pollen fertility,ranging from 66% to 77%. All hybrids were grown to full maturity and could be fertilized and set seed after self-pollination or back-crosses with B. napus. The morphology of the hybrids resembled characteristics from both parental species. An analysis of the fatty acid composition in the seeds of F1 plants was conducted and the seeds were found to contain different amounts of erucic acid, ranging from 11.0% to 52.1%.  相似文献   

Pigments leached from Sinapis alba L. seeds and extracted from dark-grown seedlings are described and investigated by spectrophotometry and chromatography and their functions examined. Evidence is given that they are quinonoid, and it is suggested that they form part of a complex which absorbs ultraviolet light and utilizes it to produce growth energy at stages before visible light becomes available to the plant, and that this process may be the means by which mutations are introduced into species.  相似文献   

Obtention of epinasty in the cotyledons of Sinapis alba under continuous far-red illumination. Relation to the development of hypocotyl and cotyledons. Treatment by far red light induces epinasty of the cotyledonary leaf. The effects of light treatments of different intensities were recorded for hypocotyl length, percentage of epinasty and the cotyledon leaf area. The percentage of epinasty increases as a function of treatment duration and light intensity. As from the second day of treatment a correlation is obtained between the percentage of epinasty and hypocotyl length when the seedlings are given far-red light treatment of different durations.  相似文献   

Abstract. An analysis of three biochemical parameters during growth of white mustard in continuous white light (WL) has been undertaken at 10°, 15° and 20°C. The time required for anthocyanin and chlorophyll content and nitrate reductase [E.C. 1661 NAD(P)H: nitrate oxidoreductase] activity (NRA) to reach a peak in the cotyledons is shown to be temperature dependent, the rise in chlorophyll content being delayed to a much greater extent than anthocyanin content. In addition, with NRA, there is a significant increase in the level of the peaks with a lowering of temperature.
The NRA in dark-grown plants has been investigated in detail at 10°C. The pre-competence time for this response is increased to 20–24 h, compared with 14 h in seeds grown at 25°C. Other responses are affected far more by the lower temperature; for example, time for 50% loss of photoreversibility of a red (R) pulse in 48-h-old seeds is approximately 13 h, compared with 8 min in seeds grown at 25°C. At 25°C, light treatments during precompetence have been found to increase significantly the effectiveness of a subsequent R pulse on NRA; at 10°C, this effect appears to be almost entirely absent.  相似文献   

Abstract We have tested the hypothesis that a plant may detect the presence of a neighboug42r, before being shaded by it, through the perception of the spectral composition of reflected sunlight. Within seedling canopies the red: far-red ratio (R: FR) of the light received by a sensor with a geometry approximating that of a stem was significantly reduced by selective reflection. This effect was observed before any reduction in the amount of photosynthetic light energy received by an individual seedling could be detected. Small green fences of grass, east-west orientated, altered the spectral distribution of the light on the north (sunlit) side of them. Fully illuminated seedlings of Sinapis alba grown on the north side of these green fences produced longer internodes and had a lower leaf: stem dry weight ratio than those grown in front of fences of bleached grasses. A similar redistribution of growth was elicited in seedlings of Chenopodium album, Datura ferox and S. alba growing in full sunlight by exposing plants to additional small quantities of far-red reflected by selective mirrors. These results suggest that the change in the R: FR ratio serves as an early warning signal of oncoming competition.  相似文献   

A total storage protein fraction was prepared from mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seeds via isolated protein bodies and characterized by sedimentation, immunological, and electrophoretic techniques. Mustard seed storage protein consists of three fractions (1) a “legumin-like” 13-S complex composed of two pairs of disulfide-linked polypeptides (16.5 + 28.5 kDa and 19.5 + 34 kDa, respectively) and two single polypeptides (18 kDa and 26 kDa), (2) a “vicilin-like” 9-S complex composed of two glycoproteins (64 kDa and 77 kDa), and (3) two small polypeptides (10 kDa and 11 kDa) which probably represent the 1.7-S complex found in other Cruciferae. In contrast to related species, no glycosylated polypeptide was found in the 13-S complex. Immunological relationships were found between the paired polypeptides of the 13-S complex but not between polypeptides of the 13-S complex and polypeptides of the 9-S complex. Pulse-chase labeling and in vitro translation of polysomal RNA from young embryos demonstrated that the polypeptides of the 13-S complex originate from high molecular mass precursors, except for the 18 kDa polypeptide which appears to be synthesized in its final size. The amino-acid composition of the major polypeptides of the mustard storage protein is given.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated the effects of photon fluence rate on internode elongation in fully de-etiolated plants growing under sunlight. Our goal was to find out whether perception by the stems of fluence rate changes related to canopy density may be involved in the modulation of internode growth in canopies formed by plants of similar stature (e.g. crop stands). Using Datura ferox L. and Sinapis alba L. seedlings growing under natural radiation, we found that internode elongation is promoted by localized shading. This effect was observed with internodes receiving light with a high (>0.9) or a low (0.3) red (R) to far-red (FR) photon ratio. Selective removal of the different wavebands from the light impinging on the internodes showed that part of the response to fluence rate is due to photons in the R + FR range. The blue (B) component, most likely acting through a specific photoreceptor, also inhibited elongation. However, changes in the fluence rate of B light did not have detectable effects on the response of the internodes to R:FR ratio. Fibre-optic studies and measurements with integrating-cylinder sensors in even-aged populations of seedlings showed that both the quality and quantity of radiation received by the stems are profoundly influenced by changes in canopy density. When density is very low (leaf area index = LAI ≥ 1) only the R:FR ratio is reduced, due to FR reflected from nearby leaves. In the LAI range of 1 to 2, though a large proportion of the leaf area is still receiving full sunlight, the photon fluence rate at the stem level drops dramatically. These results suggest that in even-aged populations of LAI > 1 elongation growth is promoted by the low R:FR ratio and the reduced fluence rate. Perception of these two factors at the stem level may elicit morphological adaptations in the canopy before the onset of severe competition among neighbours for the resource of light.  相似文献   

Abstract. In cotyledons of mustard ( Sinapis alba L.) seedlings grown with distilled water (DW) phytochrome controlled increase in β-amylase (E.C. level takes place at about 42 h after sowing (starting point), while the photoresponse escapes from photoreversibility at 30 h after sowing. The temporal onset of starting point is presumed to be determined by innate process of developmental homeostasis, which is not amenable to influence of environmental factors such as light and nutrients. However, the temporal appearance of onset of phytochrome controlled increase in β-amylase level (starting point) in seedlings grown with Hoagland's nutrient solution (HS) is delayed by 9 h as compared to DW-grown seedlings. Concomitantly, the temporal appearance of the loss of photoreversibility of phytochrome mediated increase in β-amylase level (coupling point) is also delayed by 9 h in HS-grown seedlings. HS does not influence the primary action of phytochrome, the lifetime of components involved in signal chain of above photoresponse and the turnover of β-amylase enzyme. These results indicate that HS-induced temporal shift in onset of starting point of above photoresponse is caused by interaction of nutrients with the process of developmental homeostasis.  相似文献   

白芥自交亲和性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对不同来源的8份白芥材料,采用人工自交法分析其自交亲和性。结果显示:白芥的自交亲和性存在较大幅度的变异,自交亲和指数在0.01~4.10之间,8份参试材料中,自交亲和指数小于1的材料有3个,自交亲和指数大于1的材料有5个。表明白芥中存在自交亲和材料,白芥自交亲和性变异不仅存在于材料间,而且也存在于同一材料内不同个体间。按自交亲和指数的高低,可将参试材料分为3种类型:高自交亲和类型(自交亲和指数大于3.00,如民乐洪水芥麻、04(X)等)、自交亲和类型(自交亲和指数为1.00~2.99)、自交不亲和类型(自交亲和指数0.00~1.00)。  相似文献   

Abstract. In white light(W) stem elongation of green plants is stimulated when some far-red light (F) is added to W (Holmes & Smith, 1975, 1977b). The effect of adding F to a background W was quantified using Vigna sinensis L. plants and relatively high fluence rate W. F was given selectively to the 1st internode and the internode elongation rate (E.R) was recorded using linear voltage displacement transducers. Results confirm that adding F to background W stimulates internode E. R. The stimulation is very quickly measurable after switching F on and falls off rapidly after switching F off. The stimulation is not dependent on F fluence rate per per se but is strictly dependent on the quantum flux ratio F/W. These data are strongly in favour of phytochrome as the receptor, whose activity is controlled by the PFR content or the [PFR]/[P] ratio. A common mode of action for phytochrome in W and in darkness is suggested. The results indicate independence and additivity of the E. R.modulation by W light quantity and of the modulation by light quality.  相似文献   

Cation fluxes in the saps of Sinapis alba during the floral transition   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Plants of Sinapis alba L. were induced to flower by either a single long day or a single displaced short day. The levels of three cations. Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+, were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in exudates from roots, leaves and apical stem tips. The export of all three cations out of the root system (root exudate) was increased in induced as compared to non-induced plants. No changes were observed in cation export out of the mature leaves (leaf exudate). The supply of cations to the apical bud (apical exudate) did not originate from the phloem and, so, should mainly be of apoplastic origin. Only the supply of Ca2+ to the apical bud was increased, not the supply of Mg2+ or K+. The increase in Ca2+ supply was transient and occurred at about the same time as a conspicuous stimulation of cell division, previously detected in the apical bud.  相似文献   

Summary We examined how different wind speeds and interactions between plant age and wind affect growth and biomass allocation of Sinapis alba L. (white mustard). Physiological and growth measurements were made on individuals of white mustard grown in controlled-environment wind tunnels at windspeeds of 0.3, 2.2 and 6.0 ms–1 for 42 days. Plants were harvested at four different dates. Increasing wind speed slightly increased transpiration and stomatal conductance. We did not observe a significant decline in the photosynthetic rate per unit of leaf area. Number of leaves, stem length, leaf area and dry weights of total biomass and plant parts were significantly lower in plants exposed at high wind speed conditions. There were no significant differences in the unit leaf rate nor relative growth rates, although these were always lower in plants grown at high wind speed. Allocation and architectural parameters were also examined. After 42 days of exposure to wind, plants showed higher leaf area ratio, root and leaf weight ratios and root/shoot ratio than those grown at control treatment. Only specific leaf area declined significantly with wind speed, but stem and reproductive parts also decreased. The responses of plants to each wind speed treatment depended on the age of the plant for most of the variables. It is suggested that wind operates in logarithmic manner, with relatively small or no effect at lower wind speeds and a much greater effect at higher speeds. Since there is no evidence of a significant reduction in photosynthetic rate of Sinapis with increasing wind speed it is suggested that the effect of wind on plant growth was due to mechanical effects leading to changes in allocation and developmental patterns.  相似文献   

The cryptochrome 1 (cry1) photoreceptor is responsible for the majority of the inhibitory effect of blue light on hypocotyl elongation, but phytochrome photoreceptors also contribute to the response through a phenomenon known as coaction. In Arabidopsis thaliana the participation of phytochromes A and B (phyA and phyB) in the early phase of cry1 action was investigated by determining the effects of phyA, phyB and hy1 mutations on a cry1-dependent membrane depolarization, which is caused by the activation of plasma-membrane anion channels within seconds of blue light treatment. High-resolution growth measurements were also performed to determine the timing of the requirement for phytochrome in cry1-mediated growth inhibition, which is causally linked to the preceding anion-channel activation. A null mutation in PHYA impaired the membrane depolarization and prevented the early cry1-dependent phase of growth inhibition as effectively and with the same time course as mutations in CRY1. Thus, phyA is necessary for cry1/cry2 to activate anion channels within the first few seconds of blue light and to suppress hypocotyl elongation for at least 120 min. This finding furthers the notion of an intimate mechanistic association between the cry and phy receptors in mediating light responses. The absence of phyB did not affect the depolarization or growth inhibition during this time frame. Instead, double mutant analyses showed that the phyB mutation suppressed the early growth phenotypes of both phyA and cry1 seedlings. This result is consistent with the emerging view that the prevailing growth rate of a stem is a compromise between light-dependent inhibitory and promotive influences. It appears that phyB opposes the cry1/phyA-mediated inhibition by promoting growth during at least the first 120 min of blue light treatment.  相似文献   

Abstract. In germinating seedlings of Sinapis alba , nitrate reductase activity is under phytochrome control and becomes accessible to phytochrome at about 15 h from sowing. The induction of the enzyme with pulses of light is strongly affected by pretreatments given prior to 15 h, also acting through phytochrome. It is shown that the effects of these pretreatments can persist undiminished for a considerable time (>40 h) but do not alter the pattern of the subsequent responsiveness to Pfr. The nitrate reductase response is compared with other data pertaining to a similar response.  相似文献   

Abstract The ‘end-of-day’ phytochrome control of internode growth was characterized in Sinapis alba, seedlings previously grown under continuous white light for 13 d. The transition from white light to darkness caused a reduction in internode extension rate with a lag of less than 10 min. Following this, extension rate remained almost constant for at least 48 h. i.e. ‘re-etiolation’ was not noticed. The phytochorme controlling the growth processes was stable in the Pfr form. The growth rate of plants receiving a red light pulse, and the growth promotion caused by a far-red light pulse, increased with increasing fluence rate of the previous white light treatment. In far-red treated plants a first growth rate acceleration peaked at 20–30 min after the end of white light, followed by a transient deceleration which led to a growth rate minimum at 40–60 min, followed by a final growth rate recovery yielding a more-or-less steady elevated rate. Pulses establishing different Pfr/P modified the extent, but not the early kinetics, of the growth response. The relative promotion of growth caused by low Pfr/P was limited by darkness as follows: (a), The growth promotion caused by far-red directed to the internode alone was transient. (b), The promotion caused by a reduction of Pfr/P in the whole shoot persisted in darkness for at least 48 h and also persisted if, after a 3–9 h dark period, the plants were returned to continuous white light. In darkness, however, the magnitude of this growth rate promotion decreased with time, particularly when the previous white light fluence rate was low, or the pulse preceding darkness provided the lowest Pfr/P. (c), When compared over the same period in darkness, growth rate was higher in those seedlings in which Pfr/P was reduced during the continuous white light pretreatment than in those ones in which the Pfr/P was only reduced immediately before darkness. It is proposed that in the natural environment, red/far-red signals could be more effective when provided during daytime than at the end of the photoperiod, as both the background growth rate and the relative promotion caused by low Pfr/P are reduced by darkness.  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH, E.C. of mustard cotyledons was investigated during the first 4 days of seedling development. The enzyme was found to be composed of seven catalytically active isoforms (each with a molecular mass of 270 kDa) which exhibited a charge heterogeneity when investigated by isoelectric focusing. Antibodies against the purified isoform 7, raised in rabbits, cross-reacted with each of the isoforms in Western blotting experiments. In addition, each of the isoforms was composed of four immunopositive reacting polypeptides with 19, 21, 23 and 25 kDa. During development of the seedlings, a shift in the isoform pattern towards the more acidic forms was found which was more pronounced when the seedlings were supplied with 15 mM NH4Cl. The time course of changes in total GDH level can be correlated with the time course of disappearance of storage proteins. Both parameters are negatively regulated by light possibly via the photoreceptor, phytochrome. There are some indications that GDH in young mustard cotyledons mainly acts in the deaminating direction.  相似文献   

The myrosinase‐glucosinolate system is considered to be a major component of the preformed defence system of Brassicaceae species. This hypothesis has influenced the belief that the components of the myrosinase‐glucosinolate system are present at fixed levels which are independent of environmental factors. In the present study we show that external availability of nutrients can modulate the expression levels of myrosinase enzymes (EC Nutrients such as sulphate, iron, copper, zinc and manganese were tested for their modulation effect on myrosinase expression levels and activity in roots, stems, cotyledons and buds of Sinapis alba seedlings at four different developmental stages. The most sensitive organ was the bud where iron deficiency approximately doubled the myrosinase activity. Removal of sulphate and all four micronutrients reduced the myrosinase activity to approximately half of the activity in plants supplemented with all these nutrients. The myrosinase polypeptides can be divided into classes based on molecular mass after reduction. The nutritional status influenced mainly the 68‐kDa class of myrosinases as revealed by western blot and laser scan densitometry of the immunolabelled blots.  相似文献   

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