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DNA topoisomerase IIα (TopoIIα) is an essential chromosome-associated enzyme with activity implicated in the resolution of tangled DNA at centromeres before anaphase onset. However, the regulatory mechanism of TopoIIα activity is not understood. Here, we show that PIASy-mediated small ubiquitin-like modifier 2/3 (SUMO2/3) modification of TopoIIα strongly inhibits TopoIIα decatenation activity. Using mass spectrometry and biochemical analysis, we demonstrate that TopoIIα is SUMOylated at lysine 660 (Lys660), a residue located in the DNA gate domain, where both DNA cleavage and religation take place. Remarkably, loss of SUMOylation on Lys660 eliminates SUMOylation-dependent inhibition of TopoIIα, which indicates that Lys660 SUMOylation is critical for PIASy-mediated inhibition of TopoIIα activity. Together, our findings provide evidence for the regulation of TopoIIα activity on mitotic chromosomes by SUMOylation. Therefore, we propose a novel mechanism for regulation of centromeric DNA catenation during mitosis by PIASy-mediated SUMOylation of TopoIIα.  相似文献   

Although centromere function has been conserved through evolution, apparently no interspecies consensus DNA sequence exists. Instead, centromere DNA may be interconnected through the formation of certain DNA structures creating topological binding sites for centromeric proteins. DNA topoisomerase II is a protein, which is located at centromeres, and enzymatic topoisomerase II activity correlates with centromere activity in human cells. It is therefore possible that topoisomerase II recognizes and interacts with the alpha satellite DNA of human centromeres through an interaction with potential DNA structures formed solely at active centromeres. In the present study, human topoisomerase IIα-mediated cleavage at centromeric DNA sequences was examined in vitro. The investigation has revealed that the enzyme recognizes and cleaves a specific hairpin structure formed by alpha satellite DNA. The topoisomerase introduces a single-stranded break at the hairpin loop in a reaction, where DNA ligation is partly uncoupled from the cleavage reaction. A mutational analysis has revealed, which features of the hairpin are required for topoisomerease IIα-mediated cleavage. Based on this a model is discussed, where topoisomerase II interacts with two hairpins as a mediator of centromere cohesion.  相似文献   

SUMO modification plays a critical role in a number of cellular functions including nucleocytoplasmic transport, gene expression, cell cycle and formation of subnuclear structures such as promyelocytic leukemia (PML) bodies. In order to identify the sites where SUMOylation takes place in the cell, we developed an in situ SUMOylation assay using a semi-intact cell system and subsequently combined it with siRNA-based knockdown of nucleoporin RanBP2, also known as Nup358, which is one of the known SUMO E3 proteins. With the in situ SUMOylation assay, we found that both nuclear rim and PML bodies, besides mitotic apparatuses, are major targets for active SUMOylation. The ability to analyze possible SUMO conjugation sites would be a valuable tool to investigate where SUMO E3-like activities and/or SUMO substrates exist in the cell. Specific knockdown of RanBP2 completely abolished SUMOylation along the nuclear rim and dislocated RanGAP1 from the nuclear pore complexes. Interestingly, the loss of RanBP2 markedly reduced the number of PML bodies, in contrast to other, normal-appearing nuclear compartments including the nuclear lamina, nucleolus and chromatin, suggesting a novel link between RanBP2 and PML bodies. SUMOylation facilitated by RanBP2 at the nuclear rim may be a key step for the formation of a particular subnuclear organization. Our data imply that SUMO E3 proteins like RanBP2 facilitate spatio-temporal SUMOylation for certain nuclear structure and function.  相似文献   

Recent results suggest a role for topoIIalpha (topoisomerase IIalpha) in the fine-tuning of mitotic entry. Mitotic entry is accompanied by the formation of specific phosphoepitopes such as MPM-2 (mitotic protein monoclonal 2) that are believed to control mitotic processes. Surprisingly, the MPM-2 kinase of topoIIalpha was identified as protein kinase CK2, otherwise known as a constitutive interphase kinase. This suggested the existence of alternative pathways for the creation of mitotic phosphoepitopes, different from the classical pathway where the substrate is phosphorylated by a mitotic kinase. In the present paper, we report that topoIIalpha is co-localized with both CK2 and PP2A (protein phosphatase 2A) during interphase. Simultaneous incubation of purified topoIIalpha with CK2 and PP2A had minimal influence on the total phosphorylation levels of topoIIalpha, but resulted in complete disappearance of the MPM-2 phosphoepitope owing to opposite sequence preferences of CK2 and PP2A. Accordingly, short-term exposure of interphase cells to okadaic acid, a selective PP2A inhibitor, was accompanied by the specific appearance of the MPM-2 phosphoepitope on topoIIalpha. During early mitosis, PP2A was translocated from the nucleus, while CK2 remained in the nucleus until pro-metaphase thus permitting the formation of the MPM-2 phosphoepitope. These results underline the importance of protein phosphatases as an alternative way of creating cell-cycle-specific phosphoepitopes.  相似文献   

The presence of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha was investigated in interphase and metaphase mouse erythroleukemia (MEL) Friend-S cells, and in extracted with 25 mM lithium diiodosalicylate buffer (Lis) nuclei using indirect immunofluorescence. The results showed that DNA topoisomerase IIalpha is localised in the nuclei. In the metaphase cells, we found high concentrations of this enzyme in the mitotic chromosomes. Our results support the idea of the accumulation of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha at the end of the cell cycle. The extractions of nuclei with 25 mM Lis led to the complete depletion of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha from the residual nuclear matrix. Using a high dilution of the first antibody, we established that the high level of heterochromatin compactisation in the interphase nuclei is caused by the high concentration of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase IIalpha plays essential roles in chromosome segregation. However, it is not well understood how topoisomerase IIalpha exerts its function during mitosis. In this report, we find that topoisomerase IIalpha forms a multisubunit complex, named toposome, containing two ATPase/helicase proteins (RNA helicase A and RHII/Gu), one serine/threonine protein kinase (SRPK1), one HMG protein (SSRP1), and two pre-mRNA splicing factors (PRP8 and hnRNP C). Toposome separates entangled circular chromatin DNA about fourfold more efficiently than topoisomerase IIalpha. Interestingly, this decatenation reaction yields knotted circles, which are not seen in reactions provided with monomeric circular DNA. Our results also show that interaction among toposome-associated proteins is highest in G2/M phase but drastically diminishes in G1/S phase. These results suggest that toposome is a dynamic complex whose assembly or activation is subject to cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

It is known that topoisomerase IIalpha is phosphorylated by several kinases. To elucidate the role of phosphorylation of topoisomerase IIalpha in the cell cycle, we have examined the cell cycle behavior of phosphorylated topoisomerase IIalpha in HeLa cells using antibodies against several phospho-oligopeptides of this enzyme. Here we demonstrate that serine1212 in topoisomerase IIalpha is phosphorylated only in the mitotic phase. Using an antibody against an oligopeptide containing phosphoserine-1212 in topoisomerase IIalpha (PS1212), subcellular localization of topoisomerase IIalpha phosphorylated at serine1212 was examined by indirect immunofluorescence staining, and compared with that of overall topoisomerase IIalpha. Serine1212-phosphorylated topoisomerase IIalpha was localized specifically on mitotic chromosomes, but not on interphase chromosomes; this result contrasts with overall topoisomerase IIalpha which was observed on chomosomes in both interphase and mitosis. Serine1212-phosphorylated topoisomerase lIalpha first appeared on chromosome arms in prophase, became concentrated on the centromeres in metaphase, and disappeared in early telophase. In addition, ICRF-193, a catalytic inhibitor of topoisomerase II, prevented accumulation of serine1212-phosphorylated topoisomerase IIalpha at the centromeres. These results indicate that serine1212 of topoisomerase IIalpha is phosphorylated specifically during mitosis, and suggest that the serine1212-phosphorylated topoisomerase IIalpha acts on resolving topological constraint progressively from the chromosome arm to the centromere during metaphase chromosome condensation.  相似文献   

Inverted CCAAT box binding protein of 90kDa (ICBP90) is a nuclear protein involved in the topoisomerase IIalpha (TopoIIalpha) gene expression. It belongs to a family of E3 ligases of the RING finger type and its expression is deregulated in cancer cells. Previous studies have shown that high expression of ICBP90 may impair the control of G1/S transition of the cell cycle in various cancer cell lines. Since PKA signaling pathway is involved in G1/S transition of the cell cycle, the aim of the present study was to investigate whether cAMP signaling pathways involve phosphorylation of ICBP90. Here, we show that phosphorylation of ICBP90 through the cAMP signaling pathway accelerates exit of forskolin-treated cells from the G1 phase and increases binding of ICBP90 to the ICB2 element of the TopoIIalpha gene promoter with a subsequent increase of TopoIIalpha expression. We identify S298 of ICBP90 as target for PKA. We propose that cAMP signaling pathway enhances TopoIIalpha expression through ICBP90 phosphorylation, which may be one of the major events involved in the G1/S transition.  相似文献   

The mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, extracellular signal-related kinase 1 (ERK1) and ERK2, regulate cellular responses by mediating extracellular growth signals toward cytoplasmic and nuclear targets. A potential target for ERK is topoisomerase IIalpha, which becomes highly phosphorylated during mitosis and is required for several aspects of nucleic acid metabolism, including chromosome condensation and daughter chromosome separation. In this study, we demonstrated interactions between ERK2 and topoisomerase IIalpha proteins by coimmunoprecipitation from mixtures of purified enzymes and from nuclear extracts. In vitro, diphosphorylated active ERK2 phosphorylated topoisomerase IIalpha and enhanced its specific activity by sevenfold, as measured by DNA relaxation assays, whereas unphosphorylated ERK2 had no effect. However, activation of topoisomerase II was also observed with diphosphorylated inactive mutant ERK2, suggesting a mechanism of activation that depends on the phosphorylation state of ERK2 but not on its kinase activity. Nevertheless, activation of ERK by transient transfection of constitutively active mutant MAP kinase kinase 1 (MKK1) enhanced endogenous topoisomerase II activity by fourfold. Our findings indicate that ERK regulates topoisomerase IIalpha in vitro and in vivo, suggesting a potential target for the MKK/ERK pathway in the modulation of chromatin reorganization events during mitosis and in other phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported that the monoclonal antibody specific for human DNA topoisomerase IIalpha, Ki-S1, stains not only the nuclei of human A431 cells but also extranuclear structures suggestive of centrosomes (Meyer, K. N., Kjeldsen, E., Straub, T., Knudsen, B. K., Kikuchi, A., Hickson, I. D., Kreipe, H., and Boege, F. (1997) J. Cell Biol. 136, 775-788). Here, we confirm colocalization of Ki-S1 with the centrosomal marker gamma-tubulin. In addition, we show labeling of centrosomes by peptide antibodies against the N and C termini of human topoisomerase IIalpha. Probing Western blots of isolated centrosomes with topoisomerase IIalpha antibodies, we demonstrate a protein band of 170 kDa. Moreover, isolated centrosomes exhibited DNA decatenation and relaxation activity correlated to the amount of topoisomerase IIalpha protein in the same way as seen in the pure recombinant enzyme. Topoisomerase IIalpha epitopes could not be removed from centrosomes by salt extraction, DNase treatment, or RNase treatment, procedures that completely removed the enzyme from nuclei. Taken together, these observations suggest that active topoisomerase IIalpha is bound tightly to the centrosome in a DNA-independent manner. Because such centrosomal topoisomerase IIalpha was also present in quiescent lymphocytes devoid of topoisomerase IIalpha in the nuclei, we assume that it might be a long-lived storage form.  相似文献   

Nuclear localization of topoisomerase IIalpha and beta is important for normal cell function as well as being a determinant of tumour cell sensitivity to topoisomerase II-targeting chemotherapeutic agents. However, topoisomerase II is cytoplasmic under certain circumstances, indicating that it may undergo active nuclear export. We have examined the ability of Leu-rich potential nuclear export signal (NES) sequences present in human topoisomerase IIalpha and beta to direct the export of a green fluorescent protein-glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein following microinjection into HeLa cell nuclei. Of 12 sequences tested, only one potential NES sequence from the comparable location in each isoform (alphaNES(1018-1028) and betaNES(1034-1044)) was active. Mutation of hydrophobic residues in alphaNES(1018-1028) and betaNES(1034-1044) substantially reduced their nuclear export activity as did leptomycin B treatment of microinjected cells. Our results provide the first evidence of active nuclear export of topoisomerase II and suggest it is mediated by a CRM1-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Host defense systems employ posttranslational modifications to protect against invading pathogens. Here, we found that protein inhibitor of activated STAT 1 (PIAS1) interacts with the nucleoprotein (NP), polymerase basic protein 1 (PB1), and polymerase basic protein 2 (PB2) of influenza A virus (IAV). Lentiviral-mediated stable overexpression of PIAS1 dramatically suppressed the replication of IAV, whereas siRNA knockdown or CRISPR/Cas9 knockout of PIAS1 expression significantly increased virus growth. The expression of PIAS1 was significantly induced upon IAV infection in both cell culture and mice, and PIAS1 was involved in the overall increase in cellular SUMOylation induced by IAV infection. We found that PIAS1 inhibited the activity of the viral RNP complex, whereas the C351S or W372A mutant of PIAS1, which lacks the SUMO E3 ligase activity, lost the ability to suppress the activity of the viral RNP complex. Notably, the SUMO E3 ligase activity of PIAS1 catalyzed robust SUMOylation of PB2, but had no role in PB1 SUMOylation and a minimal role in NP SUMOylation. Moreover, PIAS1-mediated SUMOylation remarkably reduced the stability of IAV PB2. When tested in vivo, we found that the downregulation of Pias1 expression in mice enhanced the growth and virulence of IAV. Together, our findings define PIAS1 as a restriction factor for the replication and pathogenesis of IAV.  相似文献   

The DNA strand passage activity of eukaryotic topoisomerase II relies on a cascade of conformational changes triggered by ATP binding to the N-terminal domain of the enzyme. To investigate the interdomain communication between the ATPase and cleavage/religation domains of human topoisomerase IIalpha, we characterized a mutant enzyme that contains a deletion at the interface between the two domains, covering amino acids 350-407. The ATPase domain retained full activity with a rate of ATP hydrolysis that was severalfold higher than normal, but the ATPase activity was unaffected by DNA. The cleavage and religation activities of the enzyme were comparable with those of the wild-type enzyme both in the absence and presence of cancer chemotherapeutic agents. However, neither ATP nor a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog stimulated cleavage complex formation. Although both conserved domains retained full activity, the mutant enzyme was unable to coordinate these activities into strand passage. Our findings suggest that the normal conformational transitions occurring in the enzyme upon ATP binding are hampered or lacking in the mutant enzyme. Consistent with this hypothesis, the enzyme displayed an abnormal clamp closing activity. In summary, the region covering amino acids 350-407 in human topoisomerase IIalpha seems to be essential for correct interdomain communication and probably is involved in signaling ATP binding to the rest of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Bromberg KD  Burgin AB  Osheroff N 《Biochemistry》2003,42(12):3393-3398
Several important antineoplastic drugs kill cells by increasing levels of topoisomerase II-mediated DNA breaks. These compounds act by two distinct mechanisms. Agents such as etoposide inhibit the ability of topoisomerase II to ligate enzyme-linked DNA breaks. Conversely, compounds such as quinolones have little effect on ligation and are believed to stimulate the forward rate of topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage. The fact that there are two scissile bonds per double-stranded DNA break implies that there are two sites for drug action in every enzyme-DNA cleavage complex. However, since agents in the latter group are believed to act by locally perturbing DNA structure, it is possible that quinolone interactions at a single scissile bond are sufficient to distort both strands of the double helix and generate an enzyme-mediated double-stranded DNA break. Therefore, an oligonucleotide system was established to further define the actions of topoisomerase II-targeted drugs that stimulate the forward rate of DNA cleavage. Results indicate that the presence of the quinolone CP-115,953 at one scissile bond increased the extent of enzyme-mediated scission at the opposite scissile bond and was sufficient to stimulate the formation of a double-stranded DNA break by human topoisomerase IIalpha. These findings stand in marked contrast to those for etoposide, which must be present at both scissile bonds to stabilize a double-stranded DNA break [Bromberg, K. D., et al. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 7406-7412]. Moreover, they underscore important mechanistic differences between drugs that enhance DNA cleavage and those that inhibit ligation.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical cell proliferation analyses have come into wide use for evaluation of tumor malignancy. Topoisomerase IIalpha (topo IIalpha), an essential nuclear enzyme, has been known to have cell cycle coupled expression. We here show the usefulness of quantitative analysis of topo IIalpha mRNA to rapidly evaluate cell proliferation in brain tumors. A protocol to quantify topo IIalpha mRNA was developed with a real-time RT-PCR. It took only 3 h to quantify from a specimen. A total of 28 brain tumors were analyzed, and the level of topo IIalpha mRNA was significantly correlated with its immuno-staining index (p<0.0001, r=0.9077). Furthermore, it sharply detected that topo IIalpha mRNA decreased in growth-inhibited glioma cell. These results support that topo IIalpha mRNA may be a good and rapid indicator to evaluate cell proliferate potential in brain tumors.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor protein is a critical regulator of cell cycle progression and apoptosis following exposure of cells to DNA damaging agents such as ionizing radiation or anticancer drugs. An important group of anticancer drugs, including compounds such as etoposide and doxorubicin (Adriamycin), interacts with DNA topoisomerase II (topo II), causing the accumulation of enzyme-DNA adducts that ultimately lead to double-strand breaks and cell death via apoptosis. Human topo IIbeta has previously been shown to interact with p53, and we have extended this analysis to show that both topo IIalpha and IIbeta interact with p53 in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, we show that the regulatory C-terminal basic region of p53 (residues 364-393) is necessary and sufficient for interaction with DNA topo II.  相似文献   

Mammalian topoisomerase IIalpha (topo IIalpha) plays a vital role in the removal of topological complexities left on DNA during S phase. Here, we developed a new assay to selectively identify sites of catalytic activity of topo IIalpha with subcellular resolution. We show that topo IIalpha activity concentrates at replicating heterochromatin in late S in a replication-dependent manner and at centric heterochromatin during G2 and M phases. Inhibitor studies indicate that this cell cycle-dependent concentration over heterochromatin is sensitive to chromatin structure. We further show that catalytically active topo IIalpha concentrates along the longitudinal axis of mitotic chromosomes. Finally, we found that catalytically inert forms of the enzyme localize predominantly to splicing speckles in a dynamic manner and that this pool is differentially sensitive to changes in the activities of topo IIalpha itself and RNA polymerase II. Together, our data implicate several previously unsuspected activities in the partitioning of the enzyme between sites of activity and putative depots.  相似文献   

Cell division is achieved by a plasma membrane furrow that must ingress between the segregating chromosomes during anaphase [1-3]. The force that drives furrow ingression is generated by the actomyosin cytoskeleton, which is linked to the membrane by an as yet undefined molecular mechanism. A key component of the membrane furrow is anillin. Upon targeting to the furrow through its pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, anillin acts as a scaffold linking the actomyosin and septin cytoskeletons to maintain furrow stability (reviewed in [4, 5]). We report that the PH domain of anillin interacts with phosphatidylinositol phosphate lipids (PIPs), including PI(4,5)P(2), which is enriched in the furrow. Reduction of cellular PI(4,5)P(2) or mutations in the PH domain of anillin that specifically disrupt the interaction with PI(4,5)P(2), interfere with the localization of anillin to the furrow. Reduced expression of anillin disrupts symmetric furrow ingression that can be restored by targeting ectopically expressed anillin to the furrow using an alternate PI(4,5)P(2) binding module, a condition where the septin cytoskeleton is not recruited to the plasma membrane. These data demonstrate that the anillin PH domain has two functions: targeting anillin to the furrow by binding to PI(4,5)P(2) to maintain furrow organization and recruiting septins to the furrow.  相似文献   

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