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A stabilized consortium of microbes which anaerobically degraded benzoate and produced CH4 was established by inoculation of a benzoate-mineral salts medium with sewage sludge; the consortium was routinely subcultured anaerobically in this medium for 3 years. Acetate, formate, H2 and CO2 were identified as intermediates in the overall conversion of benzoate to CH4 by the culture. Radioactivity was equally divided between the CH4 and CO2 from the degradation of uniformly ring-labeled [14C]benzoate. The methyl group of acetate was stoichiometrically converted to CH4. Acetate, cyclohexanecarboxylate, 2-hydroxycyclohexanecarboxylate, o-hydroxybenzoic acid and pimelic acid were converted to CH4 without a lag suggesting that benzoate was degraded by a reductive pathway. Addition of o-chlorobenzoate inhibited benzoate degradation but not acetate degradation or methane formation. Two methanogenic organisms were isolated from the mixed culture, neither organism was able to degrade benzoate, showing that the methanogenic bacteria served as terminal organisms of a metabolic food chain composed of several organisms. Removal of intermediates by the methanogenic bacteria provided thermodynamically favorable conditions for benzoate degradation.  相似文献   

Summary The anaerobic degradation of phenol under denitrifying conditions by a bacterial consortium was studied both in batch and continuous cultures. Anaerobic degradation was dependent on NOf3 p– and concentrations up to 4 mm phenol were degraded within 2–5 days. During continuous growth in a fermenter, steady states could be maintained at eight dilution rates (D) corresponding to residence times between 12.5 and 50 h. Culture wash-out occurred at D=0.084 h–1. The kinetic parameters obtained for anaerobic degradation of phenol under denitrifying conditions by the consortium were: maximam specific growth rate = 0.091 h–1; saturation constant = 4.91 mg phenol/l; true growth yield = 0.57 mg dry wt/mg phenol; maintenance coefficient = 0.013 mg phenol/mg dry wt per hour. The Haldane model inhibition constant was estimated from batch culture data giving a value of 101 mg/l. The requirement of CO2 for the anaerobic degradation of phenol with NOf3 p– indicates that phenol carboxylation to 4-hydroxybenzoate was the first step of phenol degradation by this culture. 4-Hydroxybenzoate, proposed as an intermediate of phenol carboxylation under these conditions, was detected only in continuous cultures at very low growth rates (D=0.02 h–1), but was never detected as a free intermediary metabolite either in batch or in continuous cultures. Correspondence to: N. Khoury  相似文献   

Summary The anaerobic degradation of p-cresol under denitrifying conditions by a bacterial consortium was studied in batch and continuous cultures. Concentrations up to 3 mm were degraded within 5–6 days with 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde and 4-hydroxybenzoate as intermediates. Steady states could be maintained at only one dilution rate, D=0.04 h–1. A further increase in the dilution rate to 0.0 8 h–1 resulted in culture wash-out. An estimation of the Saturation constant was made (<1 mg/l), taking the maximum specific growth rate as 0.045 h–1, thus yielding a value of 0.125 mg p-cresol/l. Correspondence to: N. Khoury  相似文献   

S J Ruberg  J W Stegeman 《Biometrics》1991,47(3):1059-1069
Pharmaceutical products are routinely monitored for their stability over time. Stability studies generally consist of a random sample of dosage units (e.g., tablets, capsules, vials) from a batch or several batches placed in a storage room and periodically assayed for their drug content. The degradation of the drug product is modeled, and according to the Guideline for Submitting Documentation for Stability Studies of Human Drugs and Biologics (Food and Drug Administration, 1987), the shelf-life is calculated as the time point at which the lower 95% confidence limit about the fitted regression line crosses the lowest acceptable limit for drug content (frequently 90% of the labeled amount). When multiple batches are manufactured, preliminary testing for any batch differences (both slope and intercept) should precede pooling stability data from all batches in the analysis. The Guideline recommends a level of significance of .25 for such preliminary testing based on the work described by Bancroft (1964, Biometrics 20, 427-442). Using such a large significance level helps ensure that the power of the test for the batch differences is sufficiently high. This paper presents an approach whereby the power of the test is fixed and the significance level of the test needed to obtain this power is calculated from the data. If the observed significance level does not achieve the calculated significance level, then the data can be pooled. Examples will illustrate the relative performance of the FDA guideline and the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

Anaerobic benzene degradation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although many studies have indicated that benzene persists under anaerobic conditions in petroleum-contaminated environments, it has recently been documented that benzene can be anaerobically oxidized with most commonlyconsidered electron acceptors for anaerobic respiration. These include: Fe(III),sulfate, nitrate, and possibly humic substances. Benzene can also be convertedto methane and carbon dioxide under methanogenic conditions. There is evidencethat benzene can be degraded under in situ conditions in petroleum-contaminatedaquifers in which either Fe(III) reduction or methane production is the predominant terminal electron-accepting process. Furthermore, evidence from laboratory studies suggests that benzene may be anaerobically degraded in petroleum-contaminated marine sediments under sulfate-reducing conditions. Laboratory studies have suggested that within the Fe(III) reduction zone of petroleum-contaminated aquifers, benzene degradation can be stimulated with the addition of synthetic chelators which make Fe(III) more available for microbial reduction. The addition of humic substances and other compounds that contain quinone moieties can also stimulate anaerobic benzene degradation in laboratory incubations of Fe(III)-reducing aquifer sediments by providing an electron shuttle between Fe(III)-reducing microorganisms and insoluble Fe(III) oxides. Anaerobic benzene degradation in aquifer sediments can be stimulated with the addition of sulfate, but in some instances an inoculum of benzene-oxidizing,sulfate-reducing microorganisms must also be added. In a field trial, sulfate addition to the methanogenic zone of a petroleum-contaminated aquifer stimulated the growth and activity of sulfate-reducing microorganisms and enhanced benzene removal. Molecular phylogenetic studies have provided indications of what microorganisms might be involved in anaerobic benzene degradation in aquifers. The major factor limiting further understanding of anaerobic benzene degradation is the lack of a pure culture of an organism capable of anaerobic benzene degradation.  相似文献   

Anaerobic degradation of chloroacetanilide herbicides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anaerobic microbial transformations of chloroacetanilide herbicides (alachlor, metolachlor, and propachlor) and aniline were investigated. Modest microbial transformations (in most cases 30–60% losses) of chloroacetanilide herbicides were found in agricultural soils incubated under anaerobic conditions for 30 days. Greater anaerobic losses were observed in anaerobic digestor sludge or rumen fluid. Anilines were not substantially transformed in any system within 30 days. The highest anaerobic activities metabolizing alachlor or propachlor occurred in anaerobic sludge. However, this biological activity could only be transferred if autoclaved sludge digestor material was added to the transfer medium, which suggests that the activities involved co-metabolism of the substrates.  相似文献   

Anaerobic degradation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Over the last two decades significant advances have been made in our understanding of the anaerobic biodegradability of monoaromatic hydrocarbons. It is now known that compounds such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and all three xylene isomers can be biodegraded in the absence of oxygen by a broad diversity of organisms. These compounds have been shown to serve as carbon and energy sources for bacteria growing phototrophically, or respiratorily with nitrate, manganese, ferric iron, sulfate, or carbon dioxide as the sole electron acceptor. In addition, it has also been recently shown that complete degradation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons can also be coupled to the respiration of oxyanions of chlorine such as perchlorate or chlorate, or to the reduction of the quinone moieties of humic substances. Many pure cultures of hydrocarbon-degrading anaerobes now exist and some novel biochemical and genetic pathways have been identified. In general, a fumarate addition reaction is used as the initial activation step of the catabolic process of the corresponding monoaromatic hydrocarbon compounds. However, other reactions may alternatively be involved depending on the electron acceptor utilized or the compound being degraded. In the case of toluene, fumarate addition to the methyl group mediated by benzylsuccinate synthase appears to be the universal mechanism of activation and is now known to be utilized by anoxygenic phototrophs, nitrate-reducing, Fe(III)-reducing, sulfate-reducing, and methanogenic cultures. Many of these biochemical pathways produce unique extracellular intermediates that can be utilized as biomarkers for the monitoring of hydrocarbon degradation in anaerobic natural environments.  相似文献   

Benzene is a widespread and toxic contaminant. The fate of benzene in contaminated aquifers seems to be primarily controlled by the abundance of oxygen: benzene is aerobically degraded at high rates by ubiquitous microorganisms, and the oxygen‐dependent pathways for its breakdown were elucidated more than 50 years ago. In contrast, benzene was thought to be persistent under anoxic conditions until 25 years ago. Nevertheless, within the last 15 years, several benzene‐degrading cultures have been enriched under varying electron acceptor conditions in laboratories around the world, and organisms involved in anaerobic benzene degradation have been identified, indicating that anaerobic benzene degradation is a relevant environmental process. However, only a few benzene degraders have been isolated in pure culture so far, and they all use nitrate as an electron acceptor. In some highly enriched strictly anaerobic cultures, benzene has been described to be mineralized cooperatively by two or more different organisms. Despite great efforts, the biochemical mechanism by which the aromatic ring of benzene is activated in the absence of oxygen is still not fully elucidated; methylation, hydroxylation and carboxylation are discussed as likely reactions. This review summarizes the current knowledge about the ‘key players’ of anaerobic benzene degradation under different electron acceptor conditions and the possible pathway(s) of anaerobic benzene degradation.  相似文献   

This paper describes and discusses the main problems related to anaerobic batch and fed-batch processes for wastewater treatment. A critical analysis of the literature evaluated the industrial application viability and proposed alternatives to improve operation and control of this system. Two approaches were presented in order to make this anaerobic discontinuous process feasible for industrial application: (1) optimization of the operating procedures in reactors containing self-immobilized sludge as granules, and (2) design of bioreactors with inert support media for biomass immobilization. Received: 22 May 2000 / Received revision: 20 July 2000 / Accepted: 21 July 2000  相似文献   

Recent microbiological findings show how compounds, regarded hitherto as unusual substrates for anaerobic bacteria, are degraded under anaerobic conditions. The complete conversion of halobenzoic acids and halophenolic compounds to methane by lake sediment and sewage sludge microorganisms has been demonstrated. Since haloaromatic compounds are widely used and may be found in such effluents as those from the forest industry, these studies could stimulate a broader interest in anaerobic treatment of industrial waste waters which contain unusual organic compounds.  相似文献   

Anaerobic degradation of fluorinated aromatic compounds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anaerobic enrichment cultures with sediment from an intertidal strait as inoculum were established under denitrifying, sulfate-reducing, iron-reducing and methanogenic conditions to examine the biodegradation of mono-fluorophenol and mono-fluorobenzoate isomers. Both phenol and benzoate were utilized within 2–6 weeks under all electron-accepting conditions. However, no degradation of the fluorophenols was observed within 1 year under any of the anaerobic conditions tested. Under denitrifying conditions, 2-fluorobenzoate and 4-fluorobenzoate were depleted within 84 days and 28 days, respectively. No loss of 3-fluorobenzoate was observed. All three fluorobenzoate isomers were recalcitrant under sulfate-reducing, iron-reducing, and methanogenic conditions. The degradation of the fluorobenzoate isomers under denitrifying conditions was examined in more detail using soils and sediments from different geographic regions around the world. Stable enrichment cultures were obtained on 2-fluorobenzoate or 4-fluorobenzoate with inoculum from most sites. Fluoride was released stoichiometrically, and nitrate reduction corresponded to the values predicted for oxidation of fluorobenzoate to CO2 coupled to denitrification. The 2-fluorobenzoate-utilizing and 4-fluorobenzoate-utilizing cultures were specific for fluorobenzoates and did not utilize other halogenated (chloro-, bromo-, iodo-) benzoic acids. Two denitrifying strains were isolated that utilized 2-fluorobenzoate and 4-fluorobenzoate as growth substrates. Preliminary characterization indicated that the strains were closely related to Pseudomonas stutzeri. Received: 1 September 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 30 September 1999  相似文献   

Aromatic hydrocarbons are among the most prevalent organic pollutants in the environment. Their removal from contaminated systems is of great concern because of the high toxicity effect on living organisms including humans. Aerobic degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons has been intensively studied and is well understood. However, many aromatics end up in habitats devoid of molecular oxygen. Nevertheless, anaerobic degradation using alternative electron acceptors is much less investigated. Here, we review the recent literature and very early progress in the elucidation of anaerobic degradation of non-substituted monocyclic (i.e. benzene) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH such as naphthalene and phenanthrene). A focus will be on benzene and naphthalene as model compounds. This review concerns the microbes involved, the biochemistry of the initial activation and subsequent enzyme reactions involved in the pathway.  相似文献   

Anaerobic degradation of paper mill sludge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of pH adjustment and surfactant addition on the anaerobic degradation of sludge from a pulp and paper mill waste treatment plant was monitored by COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and EOX (Extractable Organic Halogen) analysis. COD decreased by 29–64% and EOX by 22–50%, in all treatments (including control, non-adjusted, sludges). Adjusting the initial pH to 7.0 with sodium bicarbonate, but not with potassium hydroxide, accelerated degradation. Maximum decreases in dry weight, COD and EOX, compared to the control, were seen in sludges receiving bicarbonate; after 5 months the reductions were 60% (COD) and 50% (EOX). The results indicate that the use of bicarbonate to adjust pH could be advantageous in anaerobic treatment of organochloride-containing residues.  相似文献   

Anaerobic batch co-digestion of sisal pulp and fish wastes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Co-digestion of various wastes has been shown to improve the digestibility of the materials and biogas yield. Batchwise digestion of sisal pulp and fish waste was studied both with the wastes separately and with mixtures in various proportions. While the highest methane yields from sisal pulp and fish waste alone were 0.32 and 0.39 m3 CH4/kg volatile solids (VS), respectively, at total solid (TS) of 5%, co-digestion with 33% of fish waste and 67% of sisal pulp representing 16.6% of TS gave a methane yield of 0.62 m3 CH4/kg VS added. This is an increase of 59-94% in the methane yield as compared to that obtained from the digestion of pure fractions at 5% TS.  相似文献   

An anaerobic, motile, gram-negative, rod-shaped, syntrophic, benzoate-degrading bacterium, strain SB, was isolated in pure culture with crotonate as the energy source. Benzoate was degraded only in association with an H2-using bacterium. The kinetics of benzoate degradation by cell suspensions of strain SB in coculture with Desulfovibrio strain G-11 was studied by using progress curve analysis. The coculture degraded benzoate to a threshold concentration of 214 nM to 6.5 microM, with no further benzoate degradation observed even after extended incubation times. The value of the threshold depended on the amount of benzoate added and, consequently, the amount of acetate produced. The addition of sodium acetate, but not that of sodium chloride, affected the threshold value; higher acetate concentrations resulted in higher threshold values for benzoate. When a cell suspension that had reached a threshold benzoate concentration was reamended with benzoate, benzoate was used without a lag. The hydrogen partial pressure was very low and formate was not detected in cell suspensions that had degraded benzoate to a threshold value. The Gibbs free energy change calculations showed that the degradation of benzoate was favorable when the threshold was reached. These studies showed that the threshold for benzoate degradation was not caused by nutritional limitations, the loss of metabolic activity, or inhibition by hydrogen or formate. The data are consistent with a thermodynamic explanation for the existence of a threshold, but a kinetic explanation based on acetate inhibition may also account for the existence of a threshold.  相似文献   

The role of benzoate in anaerobic degradation of terephthalate   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The effects of acetate, benzoate, and periods without substrate on the anaerobic degradation of terephthalate (1, 4-benzene-dicarboxylate) by a syntrophic methanogenic culture were studied. The culture had been enriched on terephthalate and was capable of benzoate degradation without a lag phase. When incubated with a mixture of benzoate and terephthalate, subsequent degradation with preference for benzoate was observed. Both benzoate and acetate inhibited the anaerobic degradation of terephthalate. The observed inhibition is partially irreversible, resulting in a decrease (or even a complete loss) of the terephthalate-degrading activity after complete degradation of benzoate or acetate. Irreversible inhibition was characteristic for terephthalate degradation only because the inhibition of benzoate degradation by acetate could well be described by reversible noncompetitive product inhibition. Terephthalate degradation was furthermore irreversibly inhibited by periods without substrate of only a few hours. The inhibition of terephthalate degradation due to periods without substrate could be overcome through incubation of the culture with a mixture of benzoate and terephthalate. In this case no influence of a period without substrate was observed. Based on these observations it is postulated that decarboxylation of terephthalate, resulting in the formation of benzoate, is strictly dependent on the concomitant fermentation of benzoate. In the presence of higher concentrations of benzoate, however, benzoate is the favored substrate over terephthalate, and the culture loses its ability to degrade terephthalate. In order to overcome the inhibition of terephthalate degradation by benzoate and acetate, a two-stage reactor system is suggested for the treatment of wastewater generated during terephthalic acid production.  相似文献   

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