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New deletion syndrome: 1q43.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A male infant showed dysmorphology of the head and face, neck, extremities, and genitalia, as well as growth and mental retardation. His G-banded karyotype was 46,XY,--1+der(1),t(1;16)(q43;q24)mat. Combined with five previously reported cases involving similar terminal deletions beginning at 1q42 or 43, we show that the homology of phenotypic characteristics permits identification of a new deletion syndrome, the first involving chromosome 1.  相似文献   

We report a proximal duplication in the long arm of chromosome 15 (15q11-15q13) in mosaic with a normal cell line in a 4-year-old boy presenting developmental delay and history of seizures, but normal phenotype.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the combined use of whole and partial chromosome 6 painting probe and YACS probes to define the unbalanced region of a de novo 6q+ marker chromosome. A male patient with peculiar features of < distal 6q trisomy syndrome > showed a direct duplication of 6q23 region. Comparing the phenotype of this child with the phenotype of other < de novo > partial 6q trisomy, we conclude that band 6q23 has an important role in defining 6q trisomy.  相似文献   

Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) is a rare genetic condition with characteristic facial traits, organ malformations, functional impairment and developmental delay due to partial short arm monosomy of chromosome 4. Although several hundreds of cases have been published to date, a systematic collection of its clinical symptoms and anthropological traits is missing in the literature, and reports on abilities and needs of children with WHS are scanty. Results of detailed physical and developmental phenotype analyses in a 1 10/12-year-old boy with monosomy 4p15.2-pter are presented. Physical analyses were based on systematic data acquisition. They disclosed a total of 32 clinical symptoms and 46 anthropological traits. Developmental analyses were based on the child's interactive play in an environment structured according to Montessori principles. They disclosed a total of 44 abilities and a number of needs to be satisfied by the environment for the support of the child's psychic and intellectual growth. While the physical phenotype is important for the diagnostic process, the developmental phenotype is essential for parental counseling.  相似文献   

We describe the case of a 6-year-old boy with a de novo deletion of the long arm of chromosome 1 encompassing band 1q31.1-q32.1, minor facial anomalies, mild developmental delay, and behavioral disorders. His postnatal karyotype was normal. Using array-comparative genomic hybridization, we identified and characterized a de novo 1q interstitial deletion of about 15.6 Mb, which partially overlaps those of other reported cases. We considered the gene content of the deleted region in an attempt to compare the clinical features of our patient with these other cases, even though they were not characterized molecularly in detail. The most remarkable difference was the absence of microcephaly. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a de novo 1q31.1-q32.1 deletion. Moreover, it illustrates how molecular delineation associated with fine clinical characterization can improve the genotype-phenotype correlations of classical cytogenetic abnormalities.  相似文献   

The frequency of small supernumerary marker chromosomes has been estimated to approximately 0.45 per 1000 newborns. They are usually seen as single marker chromosomes in a mosaic state. Two cytogenetically identical markers have been observed only occasionally. We report on a boy, with congenital heart defect, neonatal hypotonia, hypogenitalism, delayed psychomotor development and mild dysmorphic facial features. The GTG karyotype performed on peripheral blood lymphocytes revealed a mosaic male karyotype with three cell lines. One cell line had a normal karyotype. In the other two either single or double chromosome 6 derived supernumerary markers were present, leading to partial trisomy or partial tetrasomy of chromosome 6, respectively.  相似文献   

We describe the 11th case of a de novo partial trisomy of the long arm of chromosome 4, with the extra segment spanning from 4q27 to 4q35. The aberration resulted from an unbalanced translocation of material from 4q to the short arm of chromosome 7, as evident from fluorescent in situ hybridization. Microsatellite analysis revealed the extra material to originate from the father. The karyotype was interpreted as 46,XX,der(7)t(4;7)(q27;p22). The patient is a 13-year-old girl with severe mental retardation, growth retardation, hearing impairment as well as minor foot, thumb and facial anomalies. Although the extent of the aberration varies between the reported patients, there are nevertheless features in common, suggestive of a trisomy 4q syndrome. The clinical findings most frequently reported are: mental retardation, seizures, microcephaly, hearing impairment and growth retardation, as well as epicanthic folds, high/broad/depressed nasal bridge, malformed ears, tooth and thumb anomalies. Almost the entire long arm of chromosome 4, except band q11, has been involved in trisomies/duplications, but 4q27 and 4q31 seem to be preferentially engaged in the trisomy 4q syndrome.  相似文献   

Terminal deletion 1q43 in a newborn with hydrocephalus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A male newborn presented the main craniofacial features of the 1q terminal syndrome: prominent metopic sutures, flat nose bridge, wide short nose with anteverted nares, epicantus, telecanthus, long philtrum, thin upper lip with a well defined cupid bow, downturned corners of the mouth, retrognathia. The child also had an aqueductal obstructive hydrocephalus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Esophageal atresia is a major congenital malformation characterized by a complete interruption of the esophageal continuity. It is frequently observed in associations and syndromes. As an isolated finding, it has a multifactorial etiology whose genetic factors are poorly known. Recently, the GST family, especially the GSTM1 null genotype (but not the GSTP1 polymorphism I105V), has been associated with esophageal atresia. These enzymes play a role in phase II detoxification of xenobiotics. Here we present the clinical and molecular findings observed in a patient suggesting that the loss of the GSTP1 allele might predispose to this malformation. CASE: We describe a patient presenting with esophageal atresia associated with developmental delay and facial dysmorphism, whose mother used tobacco and alcohol during the first 2 months of her pregnancy. Microdeletion/microduplication analysis was performed using comparative genomic hybridization and a 180K Agilent array. It detected a de novo 2 Mb chromosome 11q13.1.q13.2 deletion. CONCLUSION: The deleted chromosomal segment includes the GSTP1 gene. We hypothesize that the deletion of one GSTP1 allele (an isoform highly expressed in embryonic tissues), associated with specific environmental factors, such as tobacco and alcohol, could cause the esophageal atresia observed in our patient. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 97:463–466, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

De novo satellited 21q associated with corpus callosum dysgenesis, colpocephaly, a concealed penis, congenital heart defects, and developmental delay: We present clinical and cytogenetic data on an infant with de novo satellited 21 q. A 3-month-old boy was found to have microcephaly, developmental delay, hypertelorism, down-slanting palpebral fissures, large low-set ears, a prominent nose, a broad philtrum, a concealed penis, interventricular septal defects, corpus callosum dysgenesis, colpocephaly, ventriculomegaly, and a de novo karyotype of 46,XY,21qs. Standard Ag-NOR staining and FISH studies confirmed a satellite and a deletion on the long arm of a chromosome 21. Quantitative-fluorescent polymerase chain reaction using the polymorphic small tandem repeat markers specific for chromosome 21 determined a maternal origin of the deletion and the breakpoint between D21S156 (21q22.1) (present) and D21S53 (21q22.3) (absent), centromeric to the known minimal holoprosencephaly critical region, D21S13-21qter. The present case provides evidence of the correlation of a distal region of chromosome 21 to the phenotypic effects of monosomy 21.  相似文献   

Summary Two unrelated children presented with similar clinical features (facial dysmorphism and multiple joint dislocations) suggesting the diagnosis of Larsen syndrome. Both carried an inherited unbalanced translocation resulting in partial trisomy 1q and partial monosomy 6p. Analysis of skin collagen from one of the probands disclosed a decreased 1/2 chain ratio of collagen type I, increased thermal stability and increased hydroxylation of proline and lysine. The present findings suggest that, as a result of the chromosome rearrangements, both patients have a mutation on a gene involved in collagen production, located either on chromosome 1q or, more probably, on 6p. It is furthermore suggested that other cases of Larsen syndrome are the result of a similar mutation.  相似文献   

De novo translocation (2;18)(q21;q22) in a patient with severe epilepsy developmental delay and mild dysmorphism: We report on a patient presenting with severe epilepsy, hypotonia, developmental delay, blepharophimosis, low-set ears, camptodactyly and tapering fingers, and cutaneous syndactyly of toes II and III of the right foot. The MRI showed some loss of volume of the white matter and delayed myelination, no other specific anomalies were present. Chromosome analysis revealed a translocation involving chromosomes 2 and 18, which was characterized further by FISH using band-specific probes. The possibility of a submicroscopic deletion is discussed and the patient is compared with patients reported in the literature with either 2q21 or 18q22 deletion.  相似文献   

We have studied a male patient with significant developmental delay, growth failure, hypotonia, girdle weakness, microcephaly, and multiple congenital anomalies including atrial (ASD) and ventricular (VSD) septal defects. Detailed cytogenetic and molecular analyses revealed three de novo X chromosome aberrations and a karyotype 46,Y,der(X)inv(X) (p11.4q11.2)inv(X)(q11.2q21.32 approximately q22.2)del(X)(q22.3q22.3) was determined. The three X chromosome aberrations in the patient include: a pericentric inversion (inv 1) that disrupted the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) gene, dystrophin, at Xp11.4; an Xq11.2q21.32 approximately q22.2 paracentric inversion (inv 2) putatively affecting no genes; and an interstitial deletion at Xq22.3 that results in functional nullisomy of several known genes, including a gene previously associated with X-linked nonsyndromic mental retardation, acyl-CoA synthetase long chain family member 4 (ACSL4). These findings suggest that the disruption of DMD and the absence of ACSL4 in the patient are responsible for neuromuscular disease and cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

Del(1)(q22-q25) syndrome. Cytogenetics and phenotype   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A male infant is described with dysmorphology of the head and face, neck, extremities and genitalia, as well as growth and mental retardation and with the de novo interstitial deletion of the proximal segment of the long arm of chromosome 1-del (1) (q22-q25). Comparison of the phenotypic characteristics of this patient with those of previously described patients with similar deletion confirms the existence of the proximal 1q deletion syndrome.  相似文献   

We report on a patient with congenital distal limb contractures, characteristic face, prominent metopic sutures, narrow forehead, severe psychomotor and growth retardation, white matter lesions and failure to thrive. The child has many overlapping features with those reported previously by Chitayat. We suggest that the central nervous anomalies are responsible for the congenital contractures in Chitayat syndrome.  相似文献   

Even though the molecular mechanisms underlying the Down syndrome (DS) phenotypes remain obscure, the characterization of the genes and conserved non-genic sequences of HSA21 together with large-scale gene expression studies in DS tissues are enhancing our understanding of this complex disorder. Also, mouse models of DS provide invaluable tools to correlate genes or chromosome segments to specific phenotypes. Here we discuss the possible contribution of HSA21 genes to DS and data from global gene expression studies of trisomic samples.  相似文献   

Partial duplication of 3q is a rare chromosomal disorder that leads to multiple congenital abnormalities such as growth retardation, microcephaly and characteristic facial features. Although the phenotype of the patient has similarities with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome they are etiologically different. We report here a 9 months old baby boy with partial duplication of 3q and features similar with Cornelia De Lange syndrome. Conventional cytogenetic analysis revealed a derivative chromosome 21. In order to determine the origin of this chromosome region we used subtelomeric FISH technique. Based on the results of all these cytogenetic studies and the physical examinations, the diagnosis is partial 3q duplication.  相似文献   

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