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Summary Analysis of -thalassemia syndromes in several German families revealed DNA deletion as well as nondeletion forms as the molecular basis for the defects. Thus, the -thalassemia haplotype was identified as the (–)3.7 rightward deletion form, and the region of the putative recombination process generating such a deletion was further characterized. In addition three different ° haplotypes, (--)MED, (--)>26, and ()T, could be detected using -and -globin gene-specific probes.  相似文献   

Three pairs of oligonucleotide primers based on partial DNA and amino acid sequences were used in a combination of PCR experiments to amplify the -globin gene of the bivalve mollusc Anadara trapezia. The sequence of 2,139 by presented contains the whole of the -globin gene with the exception of the 5 flanking sequence. This gene possesses the three-exon-and-two-intron gene structure typical of vertebrate globin genes but the lengths of the introns (762 by and 690 bp, respectively) are only approximately half the size of those present in a -variant gene previously characterized from this organism. The encoded amino acid sequence shows two changes when compared to the previously published amino acid sequence. Correspondence to: A.G. Mackinlay  相似文献   

A transient packaging method for a retroviral vector containing β-globin sequences, mediated by Ca3(PO4)2 precipitation, generated stable recombinant β-globin retroviruses with intact viral genomes. We suggest the use of this method as an alternative means to overcome the production of β-globin encoding retroviruses with aberrant viral genomes using the routine packaging procedure.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of inheritance of several polymorphic restriction sites associated with the -gene cluster, and spanning a region of 52 kb, demonstrates that a determinant for hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) segregates independently from the non- globin gene cluster, as we postulated several years ago on purely genetical grounds. This finding provides additional evidence for the existence of diffusible factors affecting -chain expression. Moreover, we have identified a private HinccII polymorphism, in the vicinity of the gene in the family studied.  相似文献   

Tyrosinemia type II, also designated as oculocutaneous tyrosinemia or Richner–Hanhart syndrome (RHS), is a very rare autosomal recessive disorder. In the present study, we report clinical features and molecular genetic investigation of the tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) gene in two young patients, both born to consanguineous unions between first-degree cousins. These two unrelated families originated from Northern and Southern Tunisia. The clinical diagnosis was based on the observation of several complications related to Richner–Hanhart syndrome: recurrent eye redness, tearing and burning pain, photophobia, bilateral pseudodendritic keratitis, an erythematous and painful focal palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis and a mild delay of mental development. The diagnosis was confirmed by biochemical analysis. Sequencing of the TAT gene revealed the presence of a previously reported missense mutation (c.452G > A, p.Cys151Tyr) in a Tunisian family, and a novel G duplication (c.869dupG, p.Trp291Leufs*6). Early diagnosis of RHS and protein-restricted diet are crucial to reduce the risk and the severity of long-term complications of hypertyrosinemia such as intellectual disability.  相似文献   

Neotropical aquatic ecosystems have a rich aquatic flora. In this report, we have listed the aquatic flora of various habitats of the upper Paraná River floodplain by compiling data from literature and records of our own continuous collections conducted during the period 2007-2009. Our main purposes were to assess the macrophyte richness in the Paraná floodplain, to compare it with other South American wetlands and to assess whether the number of species recorded in South American inventories has already reached an asymptote. We recorded a total of 153 species of macrophytes in the Upper Paraná River floodplain, belonging to 100 genera and 47 families. In our comparative analysis, a clear floristic split from other South American wetlands was shown, except for the Pantanal, which is the closest wetland to the Paraná floodplain and, therefore, could be considered a floristic extension of the Pantanal. The species accumulation curve provides evidence that sampling efforts should be reinforced in order to compile a macrophyte flora census for South America. The high dissimilarity among South American wetlands, together with the lack of an asymptote in our species accumulation curve, indicates that the sampling effort needs to be increased to account for the actual species richness of macrophytes in this region.  相似文献   

This paper studies to what extent participating in days for national commemoration and celebration is associated with feelings of national belonging, and to what extent this is comparable across generations and ethnic groups. Utilizing data from a national survey (N = 4,505), three major national days in the Netherlands are examined. We find that whereas participation in Queen's Day is associated with national belonging for all generations, for Remembrance Day this holds only for the generation born between 1945 and 1955, and for Liberation Day for the generations born after 1955. Moreover, for citizens with a non-Western origin, participating in national days is associated with national belonging more strongly than for citizens with a native Dutch or other Western background. These findings highlight the importance of paying attention to potential group differences in the association between participation in national days and feelings of national belonging.  相似文献   

The Hirudinea have a number of arthropod-like characters, including a true haemocoel and compound eyes. This 'arthropodization' may have bearing on the origin of the arthropod phylum Uniramia. Certain traits shared by Clitellata and Uniramia are interpreted as primitive and compatible with the view that a monophyletic link exists between these two groups: 'internal' fertilization, egg protected by cocoon/chorion, egg yolky with direct development not invoking a planktotrophic larval stage, formation and fate of presumptive areas in early embryology, uniramous lobopodial-like structures and the presence of uniramous mouthparts. Still other traits shared by Hirudinea and Hexapoda are interpreted as advanced and evidence for a paraphyletic relationship between leeches and pterygote insects: oogenesis with nurse cells, cephalization and segmental constancy. It is proposed that a major theme in uniramian evolution is the invasion of land from freshwater by a pre-lobopodial clitellate-like ancestor, the lobopodium being an adaptation to terrestrial locomotion. These views give new significance to the poorly studied fossil segmented worms from freshwater and terrestrial palaeohabitats.  相似文献   

β-defensins are important components of the vertebrate innate immune system responsible for encoding a variety of anti-microbial peptides. Pathogen-mediated selection is thought to act on immune genes and potentially maintain allelic variation in the face of genetic drift. The Seychelles warbler, Acrocephalus sechellensis, is an endemic passerine that underwent a recent bottleneck in its last remaining population, resulting in a considerable reduction in genome-wide variation. We genotyped avian β-defensin (AvBD) genes in contemporary (2000–2008) and museum samples (1876–1940) of the Seychelles warbler to investigate whether immunogenetic variation was lost through this bottleneck, and examined AvBD variation across four other Acrocephalus species with varying demographic histories. No variation was detected at four of the six AvBD loci screened in the post-bottleneck population of Seychelles warbler, but two silent nucleotide polymorphisms were identified at AvBD8 and one potentially functional amino-acid variation was observed at AvBD11. Variation in the Seychelles warbler was significantly lower than in the mainland migratory congeneric species investigated, but it similar to that found in other bottlenecked species. In addition, screening AvBD7 in 15 museum specimens of Seychelles warblers sampled prior to the bottleneck (1877–1905) revealed that this locus possessed two alleles previously, compared to the single allele in the contemporary population. Overall, the results show that little AvBD variation remains in the Seychelles warbler, probably as a result of having low AvBD diversity historically rather than the loss of variation due to drift associated with past demographic history. Given the limited pathogen fauna, this lack of variation at the AvBD loci may currently not pose a problem for this isolate population of Seychelles warblers, but it may be detrimental to the species’ long-term survival if new pathogens reach the population in the future.  相似文献   

Spatially varying selection on a given polymorphism is expected to produce a localized peak in the between-population component of nucleotide diversity, and theory suggests that the chromosomal extent of elevated differentiation may be enhanced in cases where tandemly linked genes contribute to fitness variation. An intriguing example is provided by the tandemly duplicated β-globin genes of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), which contribute to adaptive differentiation in blood-oxygen affinity between high- and low-altitude populations. Remarkably, the two β-globin genes segregate the same pair of functionally distinct alleles due to a history of interparalog gene conversion and alleles of the same functional type are in perfect coupling-phase linkage disequilibrium (LD). Here we report a multilocus analysis of nucleotide polymorphism and LD in highland and lowland mice with different genetic backgrounds at the β-globin genes. The analysis of haplotype structure revealed a paradoxical pattern whereby perfect LD between the two β-globin paralogs (which are separated by 16.2 kb) is maintained in spite of the fact that LD within both paralogs decays to background levels over physical distances of less than 1 kb. The survey of nucleotide polymorphism revealed that elevated levels of altitudinal differentiation at each of the β-globin genes drop away quite rapidly in the external flanking regions (upstream of the 5' paralog and downstream of the 3' paralog), but the level of differentiation remains unexpectedly high across the intergenic region. Observed patterns of diversity and haplotype structure are difficult to reconcile with expectations of a two-locus selection model with multiplicative fitness.  相似文献   

-globin gene haplotypes were determined for 196 normal (-A) and 419 thalassaemia (-Th) chromosomes of individuals from four different regions of the Indian subcontinent; North-west Pakistan, Gujarat, Punjab and Sindh. Analysis of -A and -Th haplotypes and haplotype-mutation associations in each regional group along with a consideration of Indian history provided information about the origin and spread of -thalassaemia mutations on the Indian subcontinent. The data are consistent with relatively recent and local origins for most -thalassaemia mutations. The frequencies of particular alleles differ markedly in various regions and these may be useful population markers. Of the high frequency alleles, intervening sequence 1 (IVS-1) nucleotide 5 (G-C) and codons 41/42 (-CTTT) appear to be older as suggested by multiple haplotype associations and a widespread geographical distribution. The microepidemiology of -thalassaemia in this region reflects considerable ethnic diversity, gene flow from population migration and natural selection by malaria infection.  相似文献   

Summary The ATTTT repeat polymorphism located approximately 1,400 base pairs (bp) upstream from the -globin structural gene was analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of RNA: DNA duplexes. A study of 81 unrelated Japanese from Hiroshima revealed a sequence heteromorphism in this site. The alleles with five and six repeats of the ATTTT unit, which have been reported, were found in polymorphic proportions. Two unreported alleles were also detected, the first, in two persons, characterized by seven repeats and the other, in a single person, having an A-to-G nucleotide substitution in the fifth repeat.  相似文献   

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