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重金属污染土壤的植物修复技术   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
土壤受重金属污染的状况在国内外都相当严重,传统的重金属污染土壤的修复技术存在许多难以克服的缺陷;近年来,一种运用植物来去除有毒重金属的新兴修复技术(植物修复技术)给这一问题提供了良好的解决途径,该技术被认为是一种低成本有效的“绿色”技术.但其主要缺点是修复周期较长,筛选、培育超积累植物以及提高土壤中重金属的生物有效性是提高植物吸收效果、缩短修复周期的关键.本文就超积累植物的筛选、转基因超积累植物及螯合剂强化植物吸收等热点问题的研究进展作了介绍,并对我国当前植物修复技术研究工作的重点提出了建议.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation has been implemented at an industrial site in Wisconsin to promote in situ remediation of No. 2 fuel oil-contaminated soil. The goal of the project is to utilize microbial-enhancing processes within the rhizosphere of trees to stimulate biodegradation of diesel range organics (DROs) within four contaminated hot spots at the site. Between 40 and 90% reductions in the concentrations of the DROs were observed over the course of a 24-week bench-scale bioventing study performed in 1994. In addition to a reduction in the concentration of DROs, the chromatograms for those analyses exhibited a relative decrease in the proportion of the more water soluble and available shorter chained or lower molecular weight DROs compared to their higher molecular weight counterparts in the fuel. In addition to a decrease in concentration, this observed change in the pattern of the chromatograms over time is consistent with biodegradation of DROs. An agronomic assessment performed in 1995 indicated that conditions were favorable for tree growth. Phytoremediation was implemented as a low-cost in situ alternative for remediation of the site. Willow trees were planted in the four hot spots in May 1996 and trees have exhibited fair to excellent growth in the first season.  相似文献   

Carbosulfan and carbofuran induce water pollution and health issues. Such issues may be solved by phytoremediation. Here we tested the potential of adding Rumex dentatus L. leaves extract to Plantago major L. for enhancing phytoremediation of carbosulfan-contaminated soil. The phytoremediation efficiency of P. major L. amended with R. dentatus L. leaves extract was significantly greater than that of P. major only and R. dentatus with respect to the removal of carbosulfan from contaminated soil. The contribution of R. dentatus leaves extract to the degradation of carbosulfan in the soil were 20.95%, 18.85%, 5.2% and 1.85% after 2, 4, 8 and 16 days of treatments, respectively. The presence of P. major amended with R. dentatus leaves extract showed significant effect on uptake of carbosulfan into roots at 2 and 4 days, the uptake ratio was about 2.39 and 1.31 times higher compared to P. major alone, respectively. Carbofuran appeared in the P. major roots amended with R. dentatus leaves extract within 2 days of treatment (5.49 mg/kg) and reached the maximum over 8 days (10.19 mg/kg), while carbofuran appeared in the P. major over 4 days of treatment (4.09 mg/kg) and reached the maximum (6.92 mg/kg) over 8 days of exposure. Carbosulfan taken up into P. major leaves reached 4.36 mg/kg over 4 days, while it reached 2.75 mg/kg in P. major leaves amended with R. dentatus leaves extract over the same time. Carbofuran translocated into the P. major leaves amended with R. dentatus leaves extract and reached the maximum over 16 days of exposure (10.43 mg/kg), followed by P. major (9.47 mg/kg) and R. dentatus leaves (9.5 mg/kg), respectively. This study indicates that R. dentatus leaves extract can improve the efficiency of phytoremediation of carbosulfan.  相似文献   

We used 32P to quantify the contribution of an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus (Glomus intraradices) to phosphorus (P) uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum), grown in compartmented pots. The soil was from a major cereal-growing area, the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia; it was highly calcareous and P-fixing. Fertilizer P was added to soil at 20 mg kg(-1), as solid or liquid. Two extraction methods were used to estimate plant-available P. Fungal colonization was well established at harvest (36 d). Application of P decreased both colonization and hyphal length density in soil, with small differences between different P fertilizers. Plants showed large positive responses in terms of growth or total P uptake to all P additions, and showed no positive (or even negative) responses to AM colonization, regardless of P application. 32P was detected only in AM plants, and we calculated that over 50% of P uptake by plants was absorbed via AM fungi, even when P was added. The results add to the growing body of knowledge that 'nonresponsive' AM plants have a functional AM pathway for P transfer to the plant; it should not be ignored in breeding plants for root traits designed to improve P uptake.  相似文献   

Assessment of soil contamination and its long-term monitoring are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of phytoremediation systems. Spectral sensing-based monitoring methods promise obvious benefits compared to field-based methods: lower cost, faster data acquisition and better spatio-temporal monitoring. This paper reviews the theoretical basis whereby proximal spectral sensing of soil and vegetation could be used to monitor phytoremediation of metal-contaminated soils, and the eventual upscaling to imaging sensing. Both laboratory and field spectroscopy have been applied to sense heavy metals in soils indirectly via their intercorrelations with soil constituents, and also through metal-induced vegetation stress. In soil, most predictions are based on intercorrelations of metals with spectrally-active soil constituents viz., Fe-oxides, organic carbon, and clays. Spectral variations in metal-stressed plants is particularly associated with changes in chlorophyll, other pigments, and cell structure, all of which can be investigated by vegetation indices and red edge position shifts. Key shortcomings in obtaining satisfactory calibration for monitoring the metals in soils or metal-related plant stress include: reduced prediction accuracy compared to chemical methods, complexity of spectra, no unique spectral features associated with metal-related plant stresses, and transfer of calibrations from laboratory to field to regional scale. Nonetheless, spectral sensing promises to be a time saving, non-destructive and cost-effective option for long-term monitoring especially over large phytoremediation areas, and it is well-suited to phytoremediation networks where monitoring is an integral part.  相似文献   

Eutrophication of freshwater bodies is frequently attributed to elevated phosphorus (P) concentrations in surface runoff from P-enriched agricultural soils. Forage and grain-cropping systems were compared for their effectiveness at remediating P-enriched soils. At each of four locations, one of three forage systems (Forage I = cereal rye silage and corn silage annually; Forage II = alfalfa; Forage III = annual ryegrass and corn silage annually) and the grain system (corn, small grain, and soybean rotation) were maintained for 3 yr on soils with five distinct initial soil P concentrations that were established by using four annual applications (1994-1997) of five different rates (0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 kg total P ha(-1) y(-1)) of poultry manure, dairy manure, or commercial fertilizer. Across all manure P treatments at all locations, the forage systems had greater removal of P than the grain system. Soil P concentration changes (2001-2004) did not reflect differences in crop P removal. Few significant reductions in soil P concentration were observed for either crop system. When reductions did occur, they were for the more highly enriched soil P treatments. No significant reductions in soil P concentration have occurred for the lowest manure P treatments. Considerable variability in crop P concentrations was observed among species at locations and among years produced. However, crop P concentrations did increase uniformly as soil P concentration increased, indicating that luxury consumption of P does occur in agronomic species produced on P-enriched soils.  相似文献   

Inorganic mercury in contaminated soils and sediments is relatively immobile, though biological and chemical processes can transform it to more toxic and bioavailable methylmercury. Methylmercury is neurotoxic to vertebrates and is biomagnified in animal tissues as it is passed from prey to predator. Traditional remediation strategies for mercury contaminated soils are expensive and site-destructive. As an alternative we propose the use of transgenic aquatic, salt marsh, and upland plants to remove available inorganic mercury and methylmercury from contaminated soils and sediments. Plants engineered with a modified bacterial mercuric reductase gene, merA, are capable of converting Hg(II) taken up by roots to the much less toxic Hg(0), which is volatilized from the plant. Plants engineered to express the bacterial organo-mercurial lyase gene, merB, are capable of converting methylmercury taken up by plant roots into sulfhydryl-bound Hg(II). Plants expressing both genes are capable of converting ionic mercury and methylmercury to volatile Hg(0) which is released into an enormous global atmospheric Hg(0) pool. To assess the phytoremediation capability of plants containing the merA gene, a variety of assays were carried out with the model plants Arabidopsis thaliana, and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum).  相似文献   

植物修复重金属污染及内生细菌效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤和水体的重金属污染已严重危害人类生存环境与健康。由于受重金属污染的环境分布广泛,迫切需要开发经济的清除环境重金属的技术。植物修复是通过绿色植物降解或移除环境污染物,有望成为重金属污染环境的原位修复技术。植物内生菌是指定殖于健康植物的各种组织和器官内部的细菌,被感染的宿主植物不表现出外在病症,耐重金属的内生菌在多种超富集植物中存在。在植物修复过程中,野生型内生菌或基因工程内生菌的抗性系统能降低重金属植物毒性,促进其迁移金属。耐重金属内生菌还可以通过固氮、溶解矿物元素及产生类植物激素、铁载体和ACC脱氨酶等产物促进植物的生长。主要综述目前植物-内生菌相互作用及其潜在的促进植物修复重金属污染的研究进展。  相似文献   

Legumes are important for nitrogen cycling in the environment and agriculture due to the ability of nitrogen fixation by rhizobia. In this review, we introduce an important and potential role of legume-rhizobia symbiosis in aiding phytoremediation of some metal contaminated soils as various legumes have been found to be the dominant plant species in metal contaminated areas. Resistant rhizobia used for phytoremediation could act on metals directly by chelation, precipitation, transformation, biosorption and accumulation. Moreover, the plant growth promoting (PGP) traits of rhizobia including nitrogen fixation, phosphorus solubilization, phytohormone synthesis, siderophore release, and production of ACC deaminase and the volatile compounds of acetoin and 2, 3-butanediol may facilitate legume growth while lessening metal toxicity. The benefits of using legumes inoculated with naturally resistant rhizobia or recombinant rhizobia with enhanced resistance, as well as co-inoculation with other plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) are discussed. However, the legume-rhizobia symbiosis appears to be sensitive to metals, and the effect of metal toxicity on the interaction between legumes and rhizobia is not clear. Therefore, to obtain the maximum benefits from legumes assisted by rhizobia for phytoremediation of metals, it is critical to have a good understanding of interactions between PGP traits, the symbiotic plant-rhizobia relationship and metals.  相似文献   

油页岩废渣场植物修复的生态效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对广东茂名页岩油工业固体废物裸露灰渣地植林18a(南排)和3-5a(北排)后的植物生长、凋落物、土壤容重、有机质、pH和植物多样性进行了对比调查和分析。结果表明,南排和北排已形成了森林环境。土壤基质已得到了改善,南排的凋落物现存量增加了1.39倍,土壤有机质增加了52.39%(0-20cm)、50%(20-40cm),土壤pH值提高了0.28个单位。南、北排林地土壤pH值分别比植林前裸地提高了0.99个单位和0.71个单位。这说明植树造林对增加土壤有机质效果明显,对提高土壤pH值则相对较慢。南排自堆放油页岩灰渣后,45a来入侵定居的野生植物有48科118属138种,其中草本植物占总种数的54%,乔木15种;北排堆放28a来,有24科63属66种植物入侵定居,其中草本种类占67%。  相似文献   

芦竹修复镉汞污染湿地的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
以湿土盆栽方法研究了芦竹在Cd和Hg污染模拟湿地中的富集能力及其在植株中的分布.结果表明,芦竹在101mg·kg-1Hg污染环境中生长8个月后,对Hg的富集量是根系>茎>叶片,植物地上部分对Hg富集量为200±20mg·kg-1DW;而在115mg·kg-1Cd污染环境中生长8个月后,其对Cd的富集量是叶片>根系>茎,芦竹叶片对Cd的富集量在160±26mg·kg-1DW.重金属在芦竹各器官内的含量随种植时间的延长而增加,8个月生长期富集量比4个月生长期富集量高30%~50%.芦竹生物富集系数(Bio concentrationfactorBCF)随土壤中重金属含量增加而减小.在污染土壤中,芦竹叶、茎对Hg的BCF为1.9和2.1、对Cd为1.5和0.3;在未受污染的空白对照湿土中(含Hg6.8mg·kg-1,Cd8.5mg·kg-1),芦竹叶、茎对Hg的BCF为6.8和12.2,对Cd为7.0和2.7,表明芦竹具有生物量大、根系发达、适应性强等特点,对Cd、Hg有较大富集量和较好的耐受性.  相似文献   

重金属污染的转基因植物修复——原理与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
污染环境的植物修复技术具有成本低、不造成二次污染等优点。从自然界中寻找用于污染环境修复的超富积植物不仅难度大 ,而且受生物量、生长周期以及地理环境等因素的限制。近几年迅速发展起来的通过转基因植物进行污染环境的修复技术显示了广阔的应用前景。外源基因在植物的高效表达可以提高植物吸收、运输、降解污染物的能力以及修复的效率 ,并可以作为研究不同污染物修复机理的实验系统。以转基因植物修复几种主要的重金属污染为例 ,介绍了转基因植物修复的原理、现状及存在问题 ,并探讨了提高转基因植物修复效率的一些方法 。  相似文献   

植物修复技术及其遗传工程改良   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境的污染在全球变得越来越严重。目前常用的环境污染治理措施不但费用大,效率底,往往还对生态环境本身带来其他的破坏。植物修复技术已在治理环境污染中越来越受到重视。本文综述了植物修复技术的五种应用方式:植物提取、植物降解、植物挥发、植物过滤和植物固定技术对环境污染的修复作用及其机理,并总结了通过遗传工程改良技术来提高植物修复环境污染的能力的研究进展。  相似文献   

There are many locations where soil quality improvements would be beneficial because of contamination, erosion, flooding, or past human activities. Miscanthus, a C-4 grass related to sugarcane, grows well in mildly contaminated soil and on sites where soil quality is poor, particularly with respect to nitrogen. Because of its high biomass yield, it is of interest as an energy crop, and as a plant to use for simultaneous crop production and phytoremediation. Here we review recent literature on using miscanthus for combined biomass production and phytoremediation of contaminated and marginal lands. We analyze both advantages and disadvantages for production of this crop along with phytoremediation of sites contaminated with metals and petroleum hydrocarbon. Reports of laboratory and field investigations, which use Miscanthus spp. for stabilizing and removing metals are considered. The potential for growing miscanthus commercially at contaminated and marginal sites in the regions of Central and Eastern Europe as well as the United States appears to be good because large quantities of biomass can be produced and effective phyto-stabilization can be achieved with very slow metal removal over time. In addition, soil quality is improved in many cases.  相似文献   

Soil contamination by heavy metals is a serious problem to humans due to its high level of toxicity. The heavy metal lead (Pb) is commonly used in industries and if the disposal of residues that contain this element is not done properly may result in tragic consequences to the organisms. In this experiment we assessed the potential of a forrage leguminous, Canavalia gladiata, to phytoremediate lead-contaminated soil under mycorrhizal influence. The experimental design was composed of 4 Pb doses (0, 250, 500, and 1000 mg kg?1 of soil) and the plants were inoculated or uninoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). We observed that the nodulation was severely affected by the presence of Pb independently of the mycorrhizal status; most of the elements analyzed were affected independently of the mycorrhizal status with exception of P. The mycorrhizal colonization was able to restrict the entrance of Pb in plants under high concentrations of Pb but promoted it's accumulation in both organs under intermediate concentrations of this element. Besides the mycorrhization did not promote plant growth under Pb stress, the use of this plant may be considered to be used for phytostabilization purposes.  相似文献   

Chelate-Enhanced Phytoremediation of Soils Polluted with Heavy Metals   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In general, hyperaccumulators are low biomass, slow-growing plants. High biomass non-hyperaccumulator plants by themselves are not a valid alternative for phytoextraction as they also have many limitations, such as small root uptake and little root-to-shoot translocation. In this context, chemically-induced phytoextraction (based on the fact that the application of certain chemicals, mostly chelating agents, to the soil significantly enhances metal accumulation by plants) has been proposed as an alternative for the cleaning up of metal polluted soils. But chelate-induced phytoextraction increases the risk of adverse environmental effects due to metal mobilization during extended periods of time. In order to minimize the phytotoxicity and environmental problems associated with the use of chelating agents, nowadays, research is being carried out on the gradual application of small doses of the chelating agent during the growth period. However, EDTA utilization in the future will most likely be limited to ex situconditions where control of the leachates can be achieved. There are other mobilizing agents which are much less harmful to the environment such as citric acid, NTA, and particularly EDDS. Research should also be aimed towards more innovative agronomic practices. Environmentally safe methods of chelate-induced phytoextraction must be developed before steps towards further development and commercialization of this remediation technology are taken. Most importantly, more applied projects in this field are needed to clarify the real potential and risks of this technology.  相似文献   

植物修复——治理土壤重金属污染的新途径   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
介绍了重金属污染土壤的植物修复的概念、原理与研究动态以及重金属超积累植物的特性 ,及其在治理污染土壤中的潜力 ,为土壤重金属污染的整治及其生态的修复提出新途径。  相似文献   

Phytoremediation of Pb contaminated soil with polymer-coated EDTA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
EDTA-assisted phytoextraction of lead (Pb) has been developed, but concerns have arisen due to the possibility of leaching of both Pb and EDTA to ground water caused by uncontrolled release. We developed five types of controlled-release EDTA (polymer-coated EDTA) by coating the EDTA with a polyolefin polymer. A test of the release rate showed that the duration for the release of 75% of total EDTA ranged from 3 to 210 days. A pot experiment was conducted to compare the effect of these polymer-coated EDTA and non-coated EDTA on the concentrations of Pb and EDTA in soil solution, and Pb accumulation in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. cv. EARLY SUMAC) in a Pb-contaminated soil. One of the polymer-coated EDTAs, C-EDTA-4, with a release period of 80 days proved to be the best in decreasing Pb and EDTA concentrations in soil solution, and increasing Pb accumulation in sorghum shoots compared to the direct application of EDTA. Our results suggest that polymer-coated EDTA has a potential for phytoextraction of Pb with a reduced environmental risk.  相似文献   

A previous study found that increased phosphorus (P) supply to frequently defoliated white clover plants, growing in a low-P, dry soil, alleviated water stress symptoms and increased plant recovery on rewatering. In this study we determined how these stresses influence white clover growth. Measurements were made of the leaf canopy, stolon infrastructure and root system of the white clover plants growing in a low-P soil. Treatments included the factorial combination of four levels of P supply, two defoliation frequencies and two soil water treatments. White clover growth declined markedly when P-deficient plants were exposed to frequent defoliation and dry soil conditions. Leaf area was more affected than other parameters, in that the combination of stresses reduced leaf area to 2% of maximum observed for infrequently defoliated plants growing in high-P soil, with adequate water. Increased P supply generally increased the growth of all plant parts. Frequently defoliated plants growing in dry soil produced similar or greater leaf mass and leaf area as plants from similar treatments growing in wet soil, when the P supply increased to 50 mg P kg-1 soil. Higher P rates were able to negate the effect of dry soil on these frequently defoliated plants, as a result of larger water and P uptake. Also, the frequently defoliated plants with restricted root growth did not respond to a small increase in P supply (17 mg P kg-1 soil) for the leaf growth, irrespective of whether they were growing in wet or dry soil. Infrequently defoliated plants with greater root growth, compared to frequently defoliated plants, more than doubled their leaf mass with this P treatment.  相似文献   

Understanding historical patterns of soil phosphorus (P) accumulation is critical to management of water quality across agricultural landscapes. To address the effects of long-term agricultural P management on soil P accumulation in the Saint Lawrence River sub-basin (574,000 km2), we calculated cropland P budgets at decadal intervals from 1901 to 2001 for the sub-basin and its tributary watersheds. Agricultural census data were used to estimate P inputs in the form of fertilizer and manure, and outputs (P removed in harvested crops). The resulting balances indicate the potential magnitude of P accumulation in cropland soils. Cropland P surpluses occurred in the sub-basin in each decade of the past century, with the rate of accumulation increasing after 1951 due to more widespread use of P fertilizers and manure. The largest annual P surplus occurred in 1981 (42,000 Mg y−1), followed by a decline in the rate of accumulation to almost half that level by 2001 (24,850 Mg y−1) as a result of improved management of agricultural P. Comparison of the cumulative P surpluses estimated for the entire 20th century with measured soil P data indicates a strong linear relationship between these watershed P budgets and the average soil P content across the sub-basin (R 2 = 0.712, P < 0.0001). These results support the view that historical land management can have important ecological legacies.  相似文献   

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