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The process of mRNA localization within a specific cytoplasmic region is an integral aspect of the regulation of gene expression. Furthermore, colocalization of mRNAs and their respective translation products may facilitate the proper assembly of multi-subunit complexes like the thick and thin filaments of muscle. This postulate was tested by investigating the cytoplasmic localization of three mRNAs-the alpha-actin, slow troponin C (sTnC), and slow troponin I (sTnI), which encode different poly-peptide partners of the thin filament. Using in situ hybridization we showed that all three thin filament mRNAs are localized in the perinuclear cytoplasm of cultured C2C12 muscle cells. Their localization differs from that of the nonmuscle beta-actin mRNA, which is localized in the peripheral region of both proliferating nondifferentiated myoblasts and the differentiated myocytes. Analysis of the localization signal of the sTnC mRNA showed that a 40-nucleotide-long region of the sTnC mRNA 3' UTR is sufficient to confer the perinuclear localization on a heterologous reporter beta-Gal mRNA. This localization signal showed tissue specificity and worked only in the differentiated myocytes, but not in the proliferating myoblasts or in HeLa cells. The predicted secondary structure of the localization signal suggests the presence of multiple stem and loop structures in this region of the 3' UTR. Mutations within the stem region of the localization signal, which abolish the base pairing in this region, significantly reduced its perinuclear mRNA localization activity. Using UV-induced photo-cross-linking of RNA and proteins we found that a myotube-specific 42-kDa polypeptide binds to the localization signal.  相似文献   

Using a cell-free translation system, we previously demonstrated that the turnover and translation of amyloid precursor protein (APP) mRNA was regulated by a 29-nucleotide instability element, located 200 nucleotides downstream from the stop codon. Here we have examined the regulatory role of this element in primary human capillary endothelial cells under different nutritional conditions. Optimal proliferation required a growth medium (endothelial cell growth medium) supplemented with epidermal, basic fibroblast, insulin-like, and vascular endothelial growth factors. In vitro transcribed mRNAs with the 5'-untranslated region (UTR) and coding region of beta-globin and the entire 3'-UTR of APP 751 were transfected into cells cultured in endothelial cell growth medium. Wild-type globin-APP mRNA containing an intact APP 3'-UTR and mutant globin-APP mRNA containing a mutated 29-nucleotide element decayed with identical half-lives (t 1/2 = 60 min). Removal of all supplemental growth factors from the culture medium significantly accelerated the decay of transfected wild-type mRNA (t 1/2 = 10 min), but caused only a moderate decrease in the half-life of transfected mutant mRNA (t 1/2 = 40 min). We therefore conclude that the 29-nucleotide 3'-UTR element is an mRNA destabilizer whose function can be inhibited by inclusion of the aforementioned mixture of growth factors in the culture medium.  相似文献   

The human multidrug resistance gene MDR1 encodes a membrane-bound protein, referred to as P-glycoprotein, that acts as a pump to extrude toxins from cells. The 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of the human MDR1 mRNA is very AU-rich (70%) and contains AU-rich sequences similar to those shown to confer rapid decay on c-myc, c-fos, and lymphokine mRNAs. We tested the ability of the MDR1 3'UTR to act as an mRNA destabilizing element in the human hepatoma cell line HepG2. The MDR1 mRNA has an intermediate half-life of 8 h in HepG2 cells compared to a half-life of 30 min for c-myc mRNA. The MDR1 mRNA half-life was prolonged to >20 h upon treatment with the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. We constructed expression vectors containing the human beta-globin coding region with the 3'UTR from either MDR1 or c-myc. The c-myc 3'UTR increased the decay of the chimeric mRNA, but the MDR1 3'UTR had no effect. We tested the ability of MDR1 3'UTR sequences to compete for interaction with AU-binding proteins in cell extracts; MDR1 RNA probes had a fivefold lower affinity for AU-binding proteins that interact with the c-myc AU-rich 3'UTR. Overall, our data suggest that the MDR1 3'UTR does not behave as an active destabilizing element in HepG2 cells.  相似文献   

During red blood cell differentiation, the mRNA encoding rabbit erythroid 15-lipoxygenase (LOX) is synthesized in the early stages of erythropoiesis, but is only activated for translation in peripheral reticulocytes. Erythroid LOX, which like other lipoxygenases catalyses the degradation of lipids, is unique in its ability to attack intact phospholipids and is the main factor responsible for the degradation of mitochondria during reticulocyte maturation. Strikingly, rabbit erythroid LOX mRNA has 10 tandem repeats of a slightly varied, pyrimidine-rich 19 nt motif in its 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR). In this study we demonstrate, using gel retardation and UV-crosslinking assays, that this 3'-UTR segment specifically binds a 48 kDa reticulocyte protein. Furthermore, the interaction between the 3'-UTR LOX repeat motif and the 48 kDa protein, purified to homogeneity by specific RNA chromatography, is shown to be necessary and sufficient for specific translational repression of LOX as well as reporter mRNAs in vitro. To our knowledge this is the first case in which translation, presumably at the initiation step, is regulated by a defined protein-RNA interaction in the 3'-UTR.  相似文献   

RNase-L mediates critical cellular functions including antiviral, pro-apoptotic, and tumor suppressive activities; accordingly, its expression must be tightly regulated. Little is known about the control of RNASEL expression; therefore, we examined the potential regulatory role of a conserved 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) in its mRNA. The 3'-UTR mediated a potent decrease in the stability of RNase-L mRNA, and of a chimeric beta-globin-3'-UTR reporter mRNA. AU-rich elements (AREs) are cis-acting regulatory regions that modulate mRNA stability. Eight AREs were identified in the RNase-L 3'-UTR, and deletion analysis identified positive and negative regulatory regions associated with distinct AREs. In particular, AREs 7 and 8 served a strong positive regulatory function. HuR is an ARE-binding protein that stabilizes ARE-containing mRNAs, and a predicted HuR binding site was identified in the region comprising AREs 7 and 8. Co-transfection of HuR and RNase-L enhanced RNase-L expression and mRNA stability in a manner that was dependent on this 3'-UTR region. Immunoprecipitation demonstrated that RNase-L mRNA associates with a HuR containing complex in intact cells. Activation of endogenous HuR by cell stress, or during myoblast differentiation, increased RNase-L expression, suggesting that RNase-L mRNA is a physiologic target for HuR. HuR-dependent regulation of RNase-L enhanced its antiviral activity demonstrating the functional significance of this regulation. These findings identify a novel mechanism of RNase-L regulation mediated by its 3'-UTR.  相似文献   

Insulin production in pancreatic beta cells is predominantly regulated through glucose control of proinsulin translation. Previously, this was shown to require sequences within the untranslated regions (UTRs) of the preproinsulin (ppI) mRNA. Here, those sequences were found to be sufficient for specific glucose-regulated proinsulin translation. Furthermore, an element 40-48 bp from the 5' end of the ppI mRNA specifically bound a factor present in islets of Langerhans. Glucose-responsive factor binding to this cis-element exhibited temporal and glucose-concentration-dependent patterns that paralleled proinsulin biosynthesis. Mutating this cis-element abolished the ability of ppI mRNA UTRs to confer glucose regulation upon translation. Like the rat 5'UTR, the human ppI 5'UTR conferred glucose regulation of translation. However alternative splicing of the human 5'UTR that disrupts the cis-element abolished glucose-regulated translation. These data indicate that glucose regulation of cis-element/trans-acting factor interaction is a key component of the mechanism by which glucose regulates insulin production.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of zein mRNA affects its translation potential. Here we show that in a cell-free system the translation efficiency of zein mRNA containing inverted repeats in the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions is reduced. This translational block is released after deletion of the 3'-inverted repeat. We conclude that the translational block is caused by hybrid formation between the two inverted repeats. The translational efficiency of zein mRNAs, is also affected by varying the length or the primary structure of the 5'-untranslated region.  相似文献   

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