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The endogenous stages of Isospora serini Arog?o and Isospora canaria Box are described from experimentally infected canaries, Serinus canarius Linnaeus. Unlike other Coccidia, the first part of the I. serini life cycle takes place in mononuclear phagocytes. Five asexual generations are described from this cell type; 2 additional asexual generations and the sexual stages take place in the intestinal epithelium. Isospora canaria, on the other hand, has a conventional coccidian life cycle in that all of the endogenous stages are in the epithelium of the small intestine, with 3 asexual generations and the sexual generation described in the duodenal epithelium. The 2 species differ in their position relative to the nucleus of the intestinal epithelial cell. Isospora serini is usually on the lumenal side of the nucleus while I. canaria is below the nucleus, toward the basement membrane. The prepatent period is 4-5 days for I. canaria and 9-10 days for I. serini. Patency lasts for 11-13 days in I. canaria infections, but duration of oocyst output is more chronic in I. serini infections, persisting for as long as 231 days. Both species have a diurnal periodicity of oocyst discharge which occurs in late afternoon and evening.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The endogenous stages of Isospora serini Aragão and Isospora canaria Box are described from experimentally infected canaries, Serinus canarius Linnaeus. Unlike other Coccidia, the first part of the I. serini life cycle takes place in mono-nuclear phagocytes. Five asexual generations are described from this cell type; 2 additional asexual generations and the sexual stages take place in the intestinal epithelium. Isospora canaria, on the other hand, has a conventional coccidian life cycle in that all of the endogenous stages are in the epithelium of the small intestine, with 3 asexual generations and the sexual generation described in the duodenal epithelium. The 2 species differ in their position relative to the nucleus of the intestinal epithelial cell. Isospora serini is usually on the lumenal side of the nucleus while I. canaria is below the nucleus, toward the basement membrane. The prepatent period is 4–5 days for I. canaria and 9–10 days for I. serini. Patency lasts for 11–13 days in I. canaria infections, but duration of oocyst output is more chronic in I. serini infections, persisting for as long as 231 days. Both species have a diurnal periodicity of oocyst discharge which occurs in late afternoon and evening.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal parasites, and egg and oocyst output in the faeces of captive white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus yucatanensis) were recorded in Yucatan, Mexico. Feces were obtained from from January through December 1995 (ten samples every two weeks per place). Samples were processed by flotation and the McMaster techniques. Faecal cultures for L3 larvae were made by the Corticelli-Lai technique. Oocysts in faeces were cultured in 2% potassium dicromate. Seven genera were determined (Haemonchus spp., Cooperia spp, Isospora spp., Eimeria spp., Trichuris spp., Strongyloides spp. and Moniezia spp.) which represent five orders. The most frequent genera were Haemonchus, Isospora and Eimeria. The genus Isospora is reported for the first time in deer of this region, although it was not possible to explain the source of this parasite. The frequency and level of faecal egg and oocyst outputs were variable during the year and increased during the rainy season. There was a positive correlation between relative humidity, environmental temperature and rainfall with the coccidia and strongylida orders. In the central zone of Yucatan the meteorological conditions during the rainy season are favourable for the development of gastrointestinal parasitism which enable an increased risk of infection for deer.  相似文献   

This paper describes the distribution and behaviour of passerine birds within 1 km of Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus eyries in western Greenland. Passerine populations were censused in 1983 around six cliffs occupied by nesting Peregrines and at six sites on the open tundra, and in 1984 at two unoccupied sites suitable for Peregrine nesting.
Four passerine species accounted for over 90% of birds seen. Within 400 m of Peregrine occupied cliffs, three species, Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus . Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe , and Common Redpoll Carduelisflammea , were found in lower than average abundance while the fourth, Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis , was found in increased abundance. Our indirect tests suggest that Peregrine presence, rather than direct predation, was responsible for the distributions of the first three species. The Snow Bunting, however, behaviourally adapts to Peregrine presence in order to exploit nesting habitat available at the cliff base.
These results contrast strongly with those reported by other Arctic workers, where increased abundances of potential prey were observed in close proximity to nesting Peregrines.  相似文献   

Many parasite species spend part of their life cycle in the external environment waiting for a new host. Emergence of parasites often occurs once a day, which may help to minimise mortality in an inhospitable environment and increase transition rates. Many intestinal parasites in birds are released in faeces only in the late afternoon. However, the adaptative significance of this pattern is unclear. One hypothesis is that a particular time of emergence may prevent parasite desiccation and therefore increase the parasite’s life expectancy in the external environment. We tested this hypothesis experimentally using the blackbird (Turdus merula) infected with Isospora turdi (Protozoa: Apicomplexa). We found that short exposure of faeces to natural sunlight has a dramatic effect on oocyst survival. This appears to be due to the effect of warmth and ultraviolet (UV) radiation with UVB waves being more damaging than UVA. Oocysts contained in faeces shed in water are protected from the effect of sunlight. Together, these results suggest that the release of oocysts in the late afternoon is an adaptative trait to avoid desiccation and UV radiation, thus reducing mortality of the oocysts in the external environment.  相似文献   

Many species of migratory birds migrate in a series of solitary nocturnal flights. Between flights, they stop to rest and refuel for the next segment of their journey. The mechanism controlling this behaviour has long remained elusive. Here, we show that wild-caught migratory redstarts (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) are consistent in their flight scheduling. An advanced videographic system enabled us to determine the precise timing of flight activity in redstarts caught at a northern European stopover site during their return trip from Africa. Birds were held captive for three days in the absence of photoperiodic cues (constant dim light) and under permanent food availability. Despite the absence of external temporal cues, birds showed clear bimodal activity patterns: intense nocturnal activity alternating with diurnal foraging and resting periods. The onset of their migratory activity coincided with the time of local sunset and was individually consistent on consecutive nights. The data demonstrate that night-migrating birds are driven by autonomous circadian clocks entrained by sunset cues. This timekeeping system is probably the key factor in the overall control of nocturnal songbird migration.  相似文献   

Capsule: The first national survey for Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis in the UK was carried out in 2011 and estimated the breeding population at 60 territories (95% confidence intervals?=?48–83).

Aims: To estimate breeding population size for Snow Buntings in the UK by surveying all sites with a history of breeding season occupation.

Methods: Surveys were carried out in June 2011 to detect males on territory at sites where Snow Bunting had been recorded during the breeding season since 1970. Each site was visited at least once during the survey period; suitable habitat was searched and vantage point watches were conducted in order to detect singing males. Repeated visits to a sample of sites allowed a correction factor to be calculated in order to account for birds undetected during surveys.

Results: In 2011, the number of Snow Bunting breeding in the UK (including adjusting for imperfect detection) is a minimum of 60 territories (95% CI?=?48–83) using confirmed and probable breeding records of males. A less conservative estimate of 99 territories (95% CI?=?88–114) results from including all records of males in suitable habitat. The vast majority of the population was found in the Cairngorm region, with isolated records in the north and west Highlands.

Conclusion: The results of the 2011 survey are consistent with well-informed estimates of the Snow Bunting population made previously. This work provides a baseline and repeatable fieldwork and analytical methods enabling future change in the population to be quantified more rigorously.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphological characteristics of two new species of Isospora observed in Emberiza cirlus (Cirl Bunting) from Italy are reported. the oocysts of Isospora normanlevinei n. sp. are spherical or sub-spherical, with a smooth double-layered wall, and measure 24.2 times 23.7 (21.0-26.5 times 21.5-25.5) μm; each oocyst contains 2 to 10 polar granules. No micropyle or residuum was observed. the piriform sporocysts measure 19.4 times 11.2 (17.0-21.0 times 10.0-12.5) μm and contain a dispersed residuum. the Stieda body is flat; the substiedal body, with scattered clear and dark granules, may be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. the oocysts of I. coluzzii n. sp. are asymmetrical and rounded shape and measure 28.6 times 24.2 (25.0-31.5 times 21.5-26.0) μm. the oocyst has a double-layered wall and 2 to 3 polar granules. Neither micropyle nor residuum is present. the sub-ellipsoidal sporocyst, measuring 18.2 times 10.0(16.5-20.0 times 9.0-11.0) μm, has a dispersed sporocyst residuum. the Stieda complex is symmetrical.  相似文献   

Parasitic nematodes are found in almost all wild vertebrate populations but few studies have investigated these host-parasite relationships in the wild. For parasites with free-living stages, the external environment has a major influence on life-history traits, and development and survival is generally low at sub-zero temperatures. For reindeer that inhabit the high Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, parasite transmission is expected to occur in the summer, due to the extreme environmental conditions and the reduced food intake by the host in winter. Here we show experimentally that, contrary to most parasitic nematodes, Marshallagia marshalli of Svalbard reindeer is transmitted during the Arctic winter. Winter transmission was demonstrated by removing parasites in the autumn, using a novel delayed-release anthelmintic bolus, and estimating re-infection rates in reindeer sampled in October, February and April. Larval stages of nematodes were identified using molecular tools, whereas adult stages were identified using microscopy. The abundance of M. marshalli adult worms and L4s increased significantly from October to April, indicating that reindeer were being infected with L3s from the pasture throughout the winter. To our knowledge, this study is the first to experimentally demonstrate over-winter transmission of a gastro-intestinal nematode parasite in a wild animal. Potential mechanisms associated with this unusual transmission strategy are discussed in light of our knowledge of the life-history traits of this parasite.  相似文献   

The review deals with the biodiversity, life cycles, distribution and temperature adaptations of parasites circulating in the coastal waters of northern polar seas. Special attention is given to helminths of marine birds, which are the most common parasites in the coastal waters. Among them, the focus is on trematodes. Factors responsible for the impoverished species composition of parasites in the Arctic are analyzed. It is shown that species without free-living larvae in the life cycle have an advantage in this environment. The abundance of cestodes and acanthocephalans in Arctic seabirds is linked with the high proportion of crustaceans in their diet. The phenomenon of nonspecific parasitism (occurrence of parasites in atypical host species) is analyzed from an evolutionary viewpoint. Characteristic features in the spatial distribution of infection of marine coastal invertebrates with parasite larvae are considered, and factors that determine it are specified. The prevalence of infection in intermediate hosts is closely connected with the abundance of final hosts, which makes it possible to estimate the abundance of final hosts in a given region and reveal trends in its changes. Trematodes have a high potential for temperature acclimation. This facilitates their transmission in the northern seas but, on the other hand, makes it unlikely that the transmission process would be intensified upon an increase in summer temperatures resulting from climate warming. However, intensification of transmission may well occur due to the prolongation of the warm season (“transmission window”), which has been predicted and is already observed. It is suggested that warming in the Arctic promotes both the entry of certain “southern” species into the Arctic and the trans-Arctic interpenetration of the North Atlantic and North Pacific parasitic faunas. A case is made for the necessity to broaden the scope of parasitological research in the Arctic and Subarctic, including parasitological monitoring at the reference sites of the sea coast.  相似文献   

In migratory birds, the place and time of pair formation are important parameters for population structure and dynamics. Geese are not only migratory but also exhibit long-term monogamy, and therefore the first pairing event in a bird's lifetime is of particular importance. Through behavioural observations of young, known-age, marked birds conducted on the wintering grounds during three winter seasons we investigated two aspects of the timing of first pair formation in the Wrangel Island population of Snow Geese Anser caerulescens : (1) the age at which birds first form pair bonds, and (2) the seasonal pattern of first pair formation. Wrangel Island Snow Geese paired considerably later in life than Snow Geese from a low-Arctic population: almost none of the birds formed pairs in their second winter, and many were still in sibling groups for at least part of that season. The proportion of birds in pairs continued to increase until at least 5 years of age. Most pairing took place during the observation periods, and in general the proportion of birds in pair bonds increased gradually throughout the winter season. The amount of pairing during spring migration or summer varied annually and among cohorts, indicating that even very young birds may be able to form pair bonds quickly if conditions on the breeding grounds are unusually favourable. Pairing later and remaining in family groups longer may be a response to breeding conditions in this high-Arctic colony. Here, productivity is typically low due to harsh weather and predation, whereas Snow Geese breeding in the low Arctic are less restricted and form pairs and start to breed when younger. The fact that most, but not all, pairing takes place on the wintering grounds helps explain why a previous study found a certain amount of gene flow between the two Wrangel Island subpopulations with separate wintering grounds.  相似文献   

Many parasites depress the expression of the carotenoid-based colour displays of their hosts, and it has been hypothesized that animals face a trade-off in carotenoid allocation between immune functions and 'degree of ornamentation'. While numerous correlative studies suggest that parasite infection decreases the intensity of carotenoid-based colour displays, the existence of this trade-off has never been demonstrated experimentally in a host-parasite model. In this study, we used the blackbird (Turdus merula) and Isospora (an intestinal parasite) to assess whether this trade-off does indeed exist. Blackbirds were supplemented with carotenoids while simultaneously being exposed to parasites. Supplemented males circulated more carotenoids in the blood and developed more brightly coloured bills than unsupplemented males. In addition, supplementation slowed down the replication rate of parasites. Supplementation with carotenoids enabled infected birds to maintain their bill coloration, whereas birds that were infected but not supplemented showed reduced bill coloration. At the same time, infection slowed carotenoid assimilation in the blood. Overall, we demonstrated that bill colour reflects a bird's health, and that only males with a carotenoid-rich diet are capable of coping with costs associated with parasitic infection. Carotenoids are thus traded off between host physiological response to parasites and secondary sexual traits. Further investigations are required to determine the physiological mechanisms that govern this trade-off.  相似文献   

Changes in abiotic and biotic factors between seasons in subarctic lake systems are often profound, potentially affecting the community structure and population dynamics of parasites over the annual cycle. However, few winter studies exist and interactions between fish hosts and their parasites are typically confined to snapshot studies restricted to the summer season whereas host‐parasite dynamics during the ice‐covered period rarely have been explored. The present study addresses seasonal patterns in the infections of intestinal parasites and their association with the diet of sympatric living Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Lake Takvatn, a subarctic lake in northern Norway. In total, 354 Arctic charr and 203 brown trout were sampled from the littoral habitat between June 2017 and May 2018. Six trophically transmitted intestinal parasite taxa were identified and quantified, and their seasonal variations were contrasted with dietary information from both stomachs and intestines of the fish. The winter period proved to be an important transmission window for parasites, with increased prevalence and intensity of amphipod‐transmitted parasites in Arctic charr and parasites transmitted through fish prey in brown trout. In Arctic charr, seasonal patterns in parasite infections resulted mainly from temporal changes in diet toward amphipods, whereas host body size and the utilization of fish prey were the main drivers in brown trout. The overall dynamics in the community structure of parasites chiefly mirrored the seasonal dietary shifts of their fish hosts.  相似文献   

The effect of low intensity continuous light, e.g., in the High Arctic summer, on plant carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionations is unknown. We conducted greenhouse experiments to test the impact of light quantity and duration on both carbon and hydrogen isotope compositions of three deciduous conifers whose fossil counterparts were components of Paleogene Arctic floras: Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Taxodium distichum, and Larix laricina. We found that plant leaf bulk carbon isotopic values of the examined species were 1.75–4.63‰ more negative under continuous light (CL) than under diurnal light (DL). Hydrogen isotope values of leaf n-alkanes under continuous light conditions revealed a D-enriched hydrogen isotope composition of up to 40‰ higher than in diurnal light conditions. The isotope offsets between the two light regimes is explained by a higher ratio of intercellular to atmospheric CO2 concentration (C i/C a) and more water loss for plants under continuous light conditions during a 24-h transpiration cycle. Apparent hydrogen isotope fractionations between source water and individual lipids (εlipid–water) range from −62‰ (Metasequoia C27 and C29) to −87‰ (Larix C29) in leaves under continuous light. We applied these hydrogen fractionation factors to hydrogen isotope compositions of in situ n-alkanes from well-preserved Paleogene deciduous conifer fossils from the Arctic region to estimate the δD value in ancient precipitation. Precipitation in the summer growing season yielded a δD of −186‰ for late Paleocene, −157‰ for early middle Eocene, and −182‰ for late middle Eocene. We propose that high-latitude summer precipitation in this region was supplemented by moisture derived from regionally recycled transpiration of the polar forests that grew during the Paleogene warming.  相似文献   

Molecular and morphological data permit a rational subdivision of the paraphyletic Isospora into 2 apparently monophyletic groups of parasites, i.e., Isospora and Cystoisospora. Atoxoplasma was determined to be a junior objective synonym for Isospora. Tetrasporozoic, diplosporocystic oocysts possessing Stieda bodies in their sporocysts belong to Isospora (Eimeriidae) and have been described principally from the feces of birds. Tetrasporozoic, diplosporocystic oocysts without Stieda bodies in their sporocysts belong to Cystoisospora (Sarcocystidae).  相似文献   

The expression of a 21 kDa transmission-blocking determinant on the malarial parasite Plasmodium berghei was studied by using the immunogold method at the light, scanning-electron and transmission-electron microscope levels. The determinant was shown to be expressed exclusively on the macrogamete and its immediate progeny the zygote, ookinete and oocyst. It is first detected on the plasmalemma two hours after the escape of the parasite from the red blood cell, reaches a maximal density on the young ookinete some ten hours later, and is still found on the oocyst after six days. The antigen is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the zygote and ookinete, but is readily shed from the parasite surface. The general applicability of the silver-enhanced immunogold method in parasitological research is emphasized.  相似文献   

Specific pathogen-free domestic cats were fed with tissue cysts containing Toxoplasma gondii. In two infected cats large numbers of oocysts were produced in the faeces; no oocysts were observed in the faeces of the uninfected control cat. Five days after the feeding of the toxoplasms profuse schizogonic and gametogonic stages were observed in the epithelial cells of the small intestine of one infected cat. A single schizont was observed in an intestinal epithelial cell of a second cat six days after being fed the tissue cysts. There was no evidence of schizogony or gametogony in the uninfected control cat. The stages observed in the intestinal epithelium are identical with those of the well-known endogenous cycles of coccidian parasites. The appearance of these stages, together with the nature of the oocyst, indicates that T. gondii is a coccidian parasite closely related to the genus Isospora.  相似文献   

Prevalence and disease caused by isosporoid coccidia in passerine birds are well recognized, but confusion about the life cycles of the parasites has led to taxonomic inconsistencies. In this study, we characterized segments of the chromosomal small and large-subunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes of coccidial parasites from 23 species of passerine birds, as well as heat shock protein 70, apicoplast rRNA, and chromosomal 5.8s rRNA genes from a subgroup of these animals, and we correlated genetic data with morphologic findings for different parasite developmental stages, host phylogeny, and overall taxonomic relations within the phylum Apicomplexa. Our findings indicate that isosporoid coccidia of passerine birds are monophyletic but exhibit substantial diversity, with most avian species having one or several unique parasite lineages that underwent synchronous speciation with their hosts, interrupted by sporadic episodes of lateral transmission across species and families. Molecular analyses support a homoxenous life cycle, with sexual forms occurring chiefly in the intestines and asexual merozoites present systemically. Rarely, extraintestinal sexual stages can occur. The passerine coccidia are genetically most closely related to species of Eimeria rather than Isospora. We suggest that these parasites, whether identified from blood merozoite stages or fecal oocysts, be provisionally grouped as a homogeneous clade of individual species in a single taxon and formally named when reliable criteria allowing reclassification of related genera in the suborder Eimeriina are clarified.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Isospora petrochelidon sp. n. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) is described from the cliff swallow, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota , from Douglas County, Colorado. Oocysts were passed primarily between 4 and 9 p.m. Sporogony was completed by 24 hr in 3% aqueous potassium dichromate at 21–28 C. The ellipsoid to ovoid oocysts averaged 25.2 × 22.2 μm. The oocyst wall was smooth, colorless, and single-layered. The 2 polar granules were disc-shaped, each adjoining a sporocyst. The lemon-shaped sporocysts averaged 18.4 × 10.8 μm. There was no membrane enclosing the sporocyst residuum and sporozoites. Two fledgling Isospora -free swallows fed sporulated oocysts began passing them on day 4 and died with massive infections on day 5. Data from these birds indicate that schizogony occurred during nighttime hours, gametogony during the day. Endogeny was found throughout the intestine distal to the gizzard, with schizogony confined to the convoluted glands of the subvillar mucosa and gametogony to the villar epithelium. Sporocysts released from mechanically ruptured oocysts excysted in 2% pancreatin within 5 min. Sporulated oocysts fed to a pigeon squab, duckling and cockerel produced no infections.  相似文献   

本文报道了7种安徽省鸟类分布新纪录,分别为黑脸琵鹭(Platalea minor)、沙丘鹤(Grus canadensis)、黑雁(Branta bernicla)、黄眉姬鹟(Ficedula narcissina)、鳞头树莺(Urosphena squameiceps)、黑眉柳莺(Phylloscopus ricketti)以及红颈苇鹀(Emberiza yessoensis)。其中黑脸琵鹭、沙丘鹤和黑雁是迷鸟,黄眉姬鶲、鳞头树莺和红颈苇鹀是旅鸟,黑眉柳莺是夏候鸟。  相似文献   

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