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The association of isolated remains of lobopods with a netlike structure, including plates of Microdictyon rozanovi sp. nov. and sclerites with spinelike process of Onychomicrodictyon spiniferum gen. et sp. nov., as well as saberlike sclerites of Protohertzina yudomica sp. nov. interpreted as grasping spines of chaetognaths, is described from the middle part of the Inikan Formation of the Toyonian Stage of the Lower Cambrian (Lermontovia dzevanovskii Zone). The diagnoses and species composition of the genera Microdictyon and Protohertzina are refined.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - Twelve new species of Ordovician ostracodes are described from the sections on the Moyero, Angara and Nizhnyaya Chunku rivers. They belong to six previously described...  相似文献   

The new microorganism Surninia implicata gen. et sp. nov. from the Vendian (Ediacaran) Berezovsky Trough is described. As a result of biological interpretation of the well-preserved remains of microorganisms, they are assigned to the kingdom Fungi.  相似文献   

Based on Yu.L. Pelman’s lingulid collection and our own material, the Early-Middle Cambrian genus Eoobolus, which was widespread on the Siberian Platform, is revised. The Siberian members of this genus have previously been assigned to Lingulella. Two out of these six members are recognized as valid species: Eoobolus siniellus (Pelman) and E. variabilis (Pelman). Lingulella acuta Pelman and L. linguata Pelman are considered here to be junior synonyms of E. priscus (Poulsen, 1932). The valid species are redescribed and their stratigraphic and geographic ranges are given. A new species, E. pelmani sp. nov., is described. New data on the Eoobolus microornamentation and shell structure are provided.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - The Vendian–Cambrian transitional strata of the Igarka Uplift (northwestern Siberian Platform), originally erected as the Sukharikha Formation, are one of the key...  相似文献   

Borehole Nizhny Imbak 219 is situated in the northwestern Siberian Platform. Paleontological material comes from the clayey–limestone series at a depth of 2333.3–2314.3 m referred to the Ovatoryctocara and Kounamkites zones of the Middle Cambrian Amgan Stage and from the overlying limestone series at a depth of 2264.1–2244.0 m referred to the upper part of the Kounamkites Zone and an unnamed zone of the Amgan Stage and also to the Solenopleura patula and Dorypyge olenekensis–Corynexochus perforatus zones of the Middle Cambrian Mayan Stage. The questions of the traditional Lower–Middle Cambrian boundary and the role of Siberian sections in the construction of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart are considered. The trilobites collected are described.  相似文献   

A collection of trilobites of the genus Plicatolina Shaw, 1951 from the upper Ogon’or Formation, Cambrian Section, Chekurovka Anticline (northeastern Siberian Platform, Kharaulakh Mountains), is studied. It is shown that all specimens of this collection belong to the same species, Plicatolina lucida Lazarenko, 1966, but represent different age stages. It is also shown that species of the genus Plicatolina (P. quadrata Pokrovskaya, 1966 and P. yakutica Pokrovskaya, 1966) described from the Upper Cambrian of the Siberian Platform are probably synonyms of P. lucida.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - This paper continues our revision of Yu.L. Pelman’s collection of the linguliformean brachiopods and of our own material from the Early–Middle Cambrian of the...  相似文献   

I.V. Korovnikov   《Palaeoworld》2006,15(3-4):424
In the Early and Middle Cambrian (of traditional usage), three broad facies belts were developed over the Siberian Platform. The lithofacies belts comprise evaporitic-carbonate, reef-shoal, and open-marine environments.Trilobites assemblages are most diverse in the open-marine lithofacies (Judoma-Olenek facies), represented especially by the Kuonamka Formation, in the eastern part of the platform. Species, genera and families of trilobites gradually increased through the Middle-Cambrian boundary interval in the Kuonamka Formation. Protolenidae dominated in the time represented by the Lermontovia Zone. In strata assigned to the Anabaraspis Zone, the protolenids disappear, the paradoxidids appear, and the diversity of dorypygids increases. The number of trilobite families increases in the Oryctocara and Kounamkites zones.Well represented in the Kuonamka formation of the eastern Siberian Platform are three levels of trilobites that have potential for global correlation. They are the Oryctocephalus reticulatus (=O. indicus latus), Oryctocephalus indicus, and Ovatoryctocara granulatus levels. The Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary in the South China correlates to the lower part of the Kounamkites Zone of the Siberian Platform.  相似文献   

Ammonoids from the basal beds of the Nerpalakh Formation (Lower Frasnian) of Belkovsky Island (New Siberian Archipelago) are systematically studied. Taxonomically, the assemblage studied (Manticoceras insulare sp. nov., Tornoceras typum (Sandberger, 1851), and T. contractum Glenister, 1958) is similar to the Early Frasnian ammonoid assemblage of South Timan, from which its is distinguished by the absence of the genera Timanites and Komioceras. The same beds contain conodonts of the Palmatolepis transitans Zone (= MN 4 Zone of the Montagne Noire standard succession), which allow the correlation of the beds studied with the Timanites keyserlingi and Komioceras stuckenbergi ammonoid zones of South Timan. The Early Frasnian ammonoids could supposedly have entered the region of the New Siberian Archipelago from the southwest at the time of a major transgression, which facilitated the distribution of the genera Manticoceras and Tornoceras. A new species of the genus Manticoceras is described.  相似文献   

New brachiopod genus of the order Lingulida Sukharilingula with new type species S. luchininae is described from the Lower Botomian (Lower Cambrian) of northwestern Siberian Platform, basin of the Yenisei River, section on the Sukharikha River. The study of the microornamentation and shell structure of the new genus revealed that the initial shell structure of lingulid shells could transform in the course of early diagenesis. The importance of reconstruction of burial conditions of the valves for the reconstruction of posthumous transformations is discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus, Soktokuta (Rhodophyta), and new species S. sporifera, Talakania diversa, Torgia munientis, and T. ellipsoidea are described. The diagnosis of the genus Torgia Grigorieva et Kolosov is emended. The genus Torgia is classified within the Chlorophyta. The Late Riphean (Neoproterozoic) beds of the South Urals and Siberia contain ellipsoidal unicellular fronds (Chlorophyta) with polar structures (dense and frequently spiny terminations).  相似文献   

The ostracod assemblages of the Baksian and Dolborian horizons of the Chunya River basin (a right tributary of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River) have been studied. They add essentially the paleontological characteristics of Upper Ordovician deposits of the Siberian Platform. The age of deposits was verified and the studied sections were correlated with the Gaindinskaya 3 reference borehole. Two new genera and 9 new species were described. Images for known ostracod species are given.  相似文献   

Late Triassic foraminifers of Kotelnyi Island (New Siberian Islands) are studied. Four new lenticuline species (Lenticulina kotelnensis sp. nov., L. triassica sp. nov., L. septentrionalis sp. nov., and L. sakhaensis sp. nov.) are described. Their distribution in the Upper Triassic deposits of Kotelnyi Island is discussed.  相似文献   

New data are provided on the ostracode fauna of the Middle Neopleistocene to Holocene of the southeastern West Siberian Plain. Several species are recorded for the first time in the West Siberian Plain: Fabaeformiscandona aff. hyalina (Brady et Robertson), F. harmsworthi Scott, F. holzkampfi Hartwig, Pseudocandona insculpta Müller, Candona weltneri Hartwig, C. inaequivalvis Sars, and C. muelleri jacutica Pietrzeniuk. New evidence is presented on the distribution of the species Pseudocandona stagnalis Sars, Eucypris pigra (Fischer), Dolerocypris fasciata Fischer, Cyclocypris ovum Müller, and C. triangula Negadaev. New species, Candona kazminae sp. nov. and Ilyocypris pustulata sp. nov., are described. The study resulted in establishing the Late Karginian ostracode association.  相似文献   

This paper continues our revision of Yu.L. Pelman’s collection of the superfamily Acrotheloidea (phosphatic brachiopods) and of our own material from the Early–Middle Cambrian of the Siberian Platform. The following representatives of the superfamily Acrotheloidea (order Lingulida, class Linguliformea) are restudied and revised based on new techniques: the genus Botsfordia (family Botsfordiidae Schindewolf, 1955) and the genera Acrothele, Eothele, and Orbithele (family Acrothelidae), which are widespread on the Siberian Platform. Only one out of the three Acrothele species described by Pelman is recognized as a valid species, and one new species of this genus that comprises some part of the brachiopods that Pelman figured and placed in another taxon is described. All these species are described using data on shell microsculpture and microstructure. In addition, the genera Eothele and Orbithele are described for the first time from the Siberian Platform.  相似文献   

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