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Animal health issues are a problem on many dairy farms, and much is already known about clinical treatments and the behaviour of sick animals. Animal health issues can influence behaviour seen around the milking parlour, but less is known about the relationship between the number of previous medical treatments and the queuing to be milked, the ‘milking order’. Information was collected on five afternoon milking sessions, the individual cows’ age and the medical treatment history of each cow in a group of 100 cows. The question addressed was whether the age and the medical treatment history of each cow in the herd affected its milking order. In addition, milking order was tested day to day, and was found to be consistent. A significant positive correlation was found between medical treatment history and milking order rank, meaning that cows with a higher medical treatment history tended to enter the milking parlour later than cows with a lower medical treatment history. In contrast with this finding, it was found that older cows were more likely to enter the milking parlour early when compared to younger animals, a finding which is supported by previous studies. These somewhat contradictory effects of (a) age and (b) medical treatment history on milking order suggest that health disorders may have long-term measurable effects on the position of a cow in the milking order, even when the effect of age on milking order is accounted for.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate if cows milked twice per day have more difficulty lying down and getting up and spend less time lying than cows milked three times per day. Seventeen cows of the Swedish Red and White Cattle Breed were studied, seven of which were milked twice daily (2M) and ten were milked three times (3M) daily. They were kept in individual cubicles, that were closed in the rear end with a rope. They had free access to a mixture of silage, hay and concentrate. The individual cows were video-recorded for 24h every fourth week, starting four weeks after calving for four times. The 2M cows stood significantly longer, 128.11min, than the 3M cows, 64.88min, (P<0.01) during the 4h before morning milking. The 2M cows also had a tendency for longer duration of standing rumination (P=0.059) as well as significantly more bouts of standing rumination (P<0.01) during these hours than the 3M cows. The cows in the 3M group spent less time on the getting up movement (P<0.05) during the 4h before morning milking. The distribution of the lying bouts during these 4h differed significantly between the groups, where the 3M cows had fewer lying bouts shorter than 15min and more lying bouts longer than 90min. The results indicate that milking three times a day contributes to increased comfort in high-producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

Dairy cows often have to choose which of two sides to enter in the milking parlour. Some cows are very consistent in this choice, and it is common to assume that when these cows are more disturbed are being milked in their non-preferred side. Such disturbance might involve significantly poor welfare. In order to assess this assumption, we decided to study the behaviour and milk yield of dairy cows and their relationships with side preference in the milking parlour. The study was carried out at Cambridge University Farm, in a two-sided tandem milking parlour. The data collection followed the daily management routine. We recorded the side chosen by each cow (left or right) during 40 milking sessions. Data from 70 cows, which were present in at least 25 milking sessions (mode=36), were included in the statistical analysis. Cows' reactivity (CR) during premilking udder preparation, time spent fitting the milking cluster (FT), milk yield (MY) and duration of milking (DM) were measured. There was evident individual variation in the consistency of side choice. Individual differences (ANOVA, P<0.001) were also found in CR, FT, MY and DM; although these variables were not significantly affected by the side or the interaction animalxside (ANOVA, P>0.05). The comparison between left and right side means (paired t-test) of these variables did not show significant differences (P>0.05). We concluded that there is no evidence that the cows were discomforted or stressed when milked in the non-preferred side of the milking parlour.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to record the oxytocin (OT) release during milking (M) without or with calf presence, suckling (S) and finally calf removal just before the next milking in cows during postpartum or early lactation periods. Furthermore, the release of OT was examined during S and M in unknown surroundings (parlour). A total of 20 Brown Swiss cows kept under loose housing environment were used in our experiment. In both periods, the cows were milked twice daily at 07.00 and 18.00h and suckled three times daily at 09.00, 14.00 and 20.00h in the stall (tie housing). In the postpartum period, 13 cows were suckled and milked in the presence of their calves in the stall for the first 5 days of postpartum. Five from seven primiparous cows were additionally suckled by their own calves in the parlour on day 5 at 20.00h. On day 6, calves were separated and moved from mothers to the calf barn 10min before morning M. After evening milking cows were relocated to the herd within the same stable and milked in the parlour for a period of 4 weeks without contact to their calf. For control, additional seven primiparous cows without calf presence (not suckled) were also milked in the tie housing. In the early lactation period, suckled cows were moved back to the tie housing 2 days before the start of two consecutive days of S by their own calves and milking. Afterwards, 10min before M calves were separated again. Before S, two consecutive M were considered as controls. Results: The S stimulus during postpartum resulted in a higher OT release as compared with M in the calf presence and M after calf separation but not during M of not suckled cows. S in parlour reduced OT release. However, when not suckled primiparous cows were first milked in parlour, OT release was more reduced and in some cows total inhibition was observed. In early lactation during the first S, release of OT was lower than during control M, but increased gradually with repeated S and reached a maximum already on the second day. After two S, during evening M, the M related OT release was reduced as compared with controls. Calf removal 10min before M reduced OT release as compared with control M or M in calf presence. In conclusion, the calf presence and its removal can negatively influence OT secretion during M. Conditioning to machine milking caused a short-term reduction of OT release during first suckling, which normalised within 1 day.  相似文献   

The significance of local effects associated with mammary involution on transfer of immunoglobulin and especially on the selective transfer of IgG1 into mammary secretion of cows approaching parturition has been determined. This was carried out by measuring the changes in the concentration of IgG1, IgG2, IgM and IgA in serum and mammary secretion of 5 cows in which two mammary glands were milked continuously (twice daily) during the period preceding parturition, while the other two glands were allowed to undergo normal involution. In the secretion of unmilked glands of all cows there was a substantial increase in the concentration of IgG1 as cows approached parturition. In contrast, the increases in the concentration of IgG1 and in the selective index for IgG1 of milked glands were either virtually non-existent (1 cow) or generally reduced in magnitude and delayed in time of onset (4 cows). It is clear from the results that continued milking of a mammary gland throughout pregnancy tends to maintain milk production in the milked gland and at the same time reduces the massive selective transfer of IgG1 into secretion of that gland.  相似文献   

Cow traffic in automatic milking (AM) systems can be controlled with gates at the entrances to feeding areas, where cows are either let through (gate opens) or redirected (gate remains closed) to an open waiting area in front of the milking unit (MU). The motivation of a cow to enter the MU after a redirection is assumed to be reflected in redirection time, which is the elapsed time from a redirection in a control gate (CG) until the next registration in the MU (i.e. CG  milking in MU/passage through MU). In order to study the possibility of guiding cows in this kind of system and to increase the understanding for the emergence of redirection time, a behavior study was performed at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Two groups of 12 cows each (high and low social rank, respectively) in an AM-system with control gates and an open waiting area were used as focal cows. After a redirection in a CG, the location of each focal cow was continuously observed until entrance in the MU or during a maximum observation time of 1 h. This was repeated five times for each focal cow, generating 120 observations in total. The social rank of the cows was established from registered visits to roughage stations. Cows of high social rank spent, on an average, 13 min in the waiting area during the observation period, compared to 20 min for cows of low social rank. In 22% of all observations, the cows entered cubicles in a resting area during the 1 h observation period and when they did, they, on an average, spent 41 min of the 1 h long observation time in the cubicles. Both time since last feeding and time since last milking were in negative relationship to redirection time. The number of cows in the waiting area significantly prolonged the redirection time. Redirection time was influenced by individual characteristics, such as social rank and by situation-specific factors, such as time since last feeding, time since last milking and the number of cows in the waiting area.  相似文献   

By morphometric methods the quantitative changes of cell, cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleolus and also of the contents of secretes from the neurosecreting cells of the N.S.O. (Pars parvocellularis and Pars magnocellularis) and N.P.V. from unmilked and milked cows was investigated. This single parameters change in N.S.O. and N.P.V. approximately in the same rhythm. The nucleus-plasma-relation is only unessential influenced. The cytoplasm of the neurosecreting cells of the N.P.V. from unmilked and milked cows is greater ca 6 once, than the nucleus of this. The cytoplasm of the neurosecreting cells of the N.S.O. is greater ca 5 once. A maximal increase of the size of the single parameters and so the greatest activity were observed in the neurosecreting cells of the N.S.O. and N.P.V. of cows, which were prepared 15 min after milking. 60 min after milking of the cows they reach the initial value. The reaction to the milking stimulus is maximal 3 once greater in the neurosecreting cells of the N.P.V. than in the N.S.O. To the same time after the milking stimulus the contents of secretes is maximal diminished about 10 once in the N.P.V. and about 8 once in the N.S.O. The conception that in the N.P.V. the hormon oxytocin is synthetized, is anew supported.  相似文献   

With mathematical-statistical methods the density and the diameter of the capillaries of the NSO and NPV were investigated by unmilked and milked cows. After the milking the diameter of the capillaries is significantly expanded in both nuclei districts. The density of the capillaries measured through the length of the capillaries pro mm3 tissue, were not significantly enlarged after the milking stimulus. The adaptation on the changed functionstate of the neurosecreoty cells arrive at a maximum 15 min after the milking, to go back afterwards, by 60 min after the milking studied cows, to the values of the beginning. It is discussed, that the intensified blood maintenance of the activated neurosecretory cells of the NSO and NPV is of a higher oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

Increased economic, societal and environmental challenges facing agriculture are leading to a greater focus on effective way to combine grazing and automatic milking systems (AMS). One of the fundamental aspects of robotic milking is cows’ traffic to the AMS. Numerous studies have identified feed provided, either as fresh grass or concentrate supplement, as the main incentive for cows to return to the robot. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of concentrate allocation on voluntary cow traffic from pasture to the robot during the grazing period, to highlight the interactions between grazed pasture and concentrate allocation in terms of substitution rate and the subsequent effect on average milk yield and composition. Thus, 29 grazing cows, milked by a mobile robot, were monitored for the grazing period (4 months). They were assigned to two groups: a low concentrate (LC) group (15 cows) and a high concentrate (HC) group (14 cows) receiving 2 and 4 kg concentrate/cow per day, respectively; two allocations per day of fresh pasture were provided at 0700 and 1600 h. The cows had to go through the AMS to receive the fresh pasture allocation. The effect of concentrate level on robot visitation was calculated by summing milkings, refusals and failed milkings/cow per day. The impact on average daily milk yield and composition was also determined. The interaction between lactation number and month was used as an indicator of pasture availability. Concentrate allocation increased significantly robot visitations in HC (3.60±0.07 visitations/cow per day in HC and 3.10±0.07 visitations/cow per day in LC; P<0.001) while milkings/cow per day were similar in both groups (LC: 2.37±0.02/day and HC: 2.39±0.02/day; Ns). The average daily milk yield over the grazing period was enhanced in HC (22.39±0.22 kg/cow per day in HC and 21.33±0.22 kg/cow per day in LC; P<0.001). However the gain in milk due to higher concentrate supply was limited with regards to the amount of provided concentrates. Milking frequency in HC primiparous compared with LC was increased. In the context of this study, considering high concentrate levels as an incentive for robot visitation might be questioned, as it had no impact on milking frequency and limited impact on average milk yield and composition. By contrast, increased concentrate supply could be targeted specifically to primiparous cows.  相似文献   

With mathematical-statistical methods the reaction of the Nucleus supraopticus (N.S.O.) and Nucleus paraventricularis (N.P.V.) were investigated before and after the milking of the cows. The frequency-distributions of the tests of the nuclear volumes in the N.S.O. and N.P.V. show an increase of the mean values of the nuclear volumes from the unmilked cows to those studied 15 minutes after the milking. The mean values of the nuclei volumes of the cows studied 60 minutes after the milking fall off, but they are higher than the values of the unmilked cows. The results of the histological-histochemical investigations mainly coincided with the results obtained by caryometry. It is discussed, that the changes in the nuclear bolumes show an increased protein synthesis and that -- combined with the release of oxytocin -- the milk stimulus caused a secretory synthesis in the neurosecretory cells, mainly in the N.P.V.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that the combined effects of suckling and milking in the dual purpose cows is one of the main suppressors of reproductive efficiency in this production system. The experiment described here examined whether managing the interval between milking and suckling could reduce the postpartum anoestrous period and whether the presence of a teaser bull could enhance the effects of these managements. The experiment involved 39 Bos taurus x Bos indicus cows which had an average weight of 523.0 +/- 12.8 kg (mean +/- S.E.M.) and body condition score of 5-7 (scale 1-9) at calving. The cows and calves grazed separate pastures and the cows were supplemented with 2 kg 17% CP concentrates and 1 kg molasses per cow per day. The experiment was conducted over the first 100 days postpartum. Cows were hand-milked once per day in the presence of the calf to stimulate milk release. The factors in the 2 x 2 design were the milking to suckling interval (0 h, control suckling; CS versus 8 h prolonged-delay suckling; PDS) and no exposure versus exposure to a teaser bull (B). Cows were assigned at random within calving date to the four treatments: CS (n = 10), PDS (n = 10), CS-B (n = 9) and PDS-B (n = 10). Cows on treatments CS and CS-B had three-quarters of the udder milked and one-quarter was not milked. The entire udder was milked on those treatments where there was an interval between milking and suckling. The bull was introduced 7 days after calving in treatments where the cows were exposed to a teaser bull. Body weights of cows and calves and cow milk yield were recorded. Weekly blood samples were collected for plasma progesterone assay. Data were analyzed by ANOVA in a 2 x 2 factorial design and by chi(2)-test. There were no statistically significant differences between treatments in cow body weight at calving and at 100 days postpartum, nor in milk yield (overall mean 6.0 +/- 1.1 kg per day). Calf daily gain was 598 +/- 25 g for treatments CS and CS-B in which suckling immediately followed milking and 833 +/- 24 g for treatments PDS and PDS-B (P < 0.001). The proportion of cows ovulating was CS 80.0%, PDS 100.0%, CS-B 88.8% and PDS-B 100.0%. The difference between CS and PDS or PDS-B was significant (P < 0.05). CS-B did not differ significantly from the other three treatments. The calving to first ovulation interval was not improved when the interval between milking and suckling was increased from 0 h (56.5 +/- 5.0 days) to 8 h (64.8 +/- 4.5 days). Exposure to a teaser bull, however, significantly (P < 0.001) reduced this interval from 77.0 +/- 2.7 days (no bull exposure) to 44.4 +/- 2.7 days (exposure to teaser bull). Exposure to a teaser bull significantly reduced the calving to first anoestrus interval. Delaying the start of suckling after milking did not improve the reproductive performance of the cows or alter the effect of bull exposure, however, delaying suckling after milking improved the performance of the calves without affecting milk yield.  相似文献   

We developed a method for studying the synchrony of behaviour based on calculations of overdispersion of a binomial process. The lying behaviour of cows was investigated under two different housing units inside the same barn. The first unit housed 30 cows undergoing conventional milking and the second unit housed 27 cows undergoing automatic milking. The lying behaviour of the cows was observed over 3 weeks in 12 periods of 6 h each. Every 5 min, we counted the number of cows lying down in the cubicles. As external cues, like feeding and conventional milking, can promote synchrony in dairy cows, we expected that cows conventionally milked would show more behavioural synchrony than automatically milked cows. Cows lied down synchronously in both units (overdispersion 1.67, P < 0.01). Lying synchrony tended to be slightly bigger in automatically than in conventionally milked cows (overdispersion 1.76 v. 1.58, P = 0.09), although the proportion of cows lying down was on average greater in conventionally than in automatically milked cows (60.7% v. 45.6%). This suggests that synchronized lying behaviour in cows is a constant phenomenon that depends on social facilitation rather than on external cues. The overdispersion index appears to be a useful tool for studying the synchrony of animal behaviour when observations are made at the group level.  相似文献   

Achieving a consistent level of robot utilisation throughout 24 h maximises automatic milking system (AMS) utilisation. However, levels of robot utilisation in the early morning hours are typically low, caused by the diurnal feeding behaviour of cows, limiting the inherent capacity and total production of pasture-based AMS. Our objective was to determine robot utilisation throughout 24 h by dairy cows, based on milking frequency (MF; milking events per animal per day) in a pasture-based AMS. Milking data were collected from January and February 2013 across 56 days, from a single herd of 186 animals (Bos taurus) utilising three Lely A3 robotic milking units, located in Tasmania, Australia. The dairy herd was categorised into three equal sized groups (n=62 per group) according to the cow’s mean daily MF over the duration of the study. Robot utilisation was characterised by an interaction (P< 0.001) between the three MF groups and time of day, with peak milking time for high MF cows within one h of a fresh pasture allocation becoming available, followed by the medium MF and low MF cows 2 and 4 h later, respectively. Cows in the high MF group also presented for milking between 2400 and 0600 h more frequently (77% of nights), compared to the medium MF group (57%) and low MF group (50%). This study has shown the formation of three distinct groups of cows within a herd, based on their MF levels. Further work is required to determine if this finding is replicated across other pasture-based AMS farms.  相似文献   

Feed is a strong incentive for encouraging cows in automatic milking systems (AMS) to voluntarily move around the farm and achieve milkings distributed across the 24 h day. It has been reported that cows show preferences for some forages over others, and it is possible that offering preferred forages may increase cow traffic. A preliminary investigation was conducted to determine the effect of offering a forage crop for grazing on premilking voluntary waiting times in a pasture-based robotic rotary system. Cows were offered one of two treatments (SOYBEAN or GRASS) in a cross-over design. A restricted maximum likelihood procedure was used to model voluntary waiting times. Mean voluntary waiting time was 45.5±6.0 min, with no difference detected between treatments. High and mid-production cows spent <44 min/milking in the premilking yard compared with >55 min/milking for low-production cows, whereas waiting time increased as queue length increased. Voluntary waiting time was 23% and 80% longer when cows were fetched from the paddock or had a period of forced waiting before volunteering for milking, respectively. The time it took cows to return to the dairy since last exiting was not affected by treatment, with a mean return time of 13.7±0.6 h. Although offering SOYBEAN did not encourage cows to traffic more readily through the premilking yard, the concept of incorporating forage crops in AMS still remains encouraging if the aim is to increase the volume or quantity of home-grown feed rather than improving cow traffic.  相似文献   

In the dual purpose milk/beef production system practised in Mexico, the cows are milked once a day in the presence of the calf and then the calf suckles for the next 1-8 h. It was hypothesised that the imposition of milking and suckling in close succession contributes to the long postpartum anoestrous periods experienced by cows in this system. Therefore, separating these two inhibiting factors, by delaying the start of suckling after milking would lower the impact on the hypothalamus-hypophysial axis and allow it to recover more readily. This hypothesis was tested in two experiments using Bostaurus x Bosindicus cows which weighed 541.3 +/- 12.7 kg (mean +/- S.E.M.; experiment 1) and 537.8 +/- 10.6 kg (experiment 2) and had a body condition score of 5-6 (scale 1-9) at calving. The cows and calves were maintained on separate pastures and the cows were offered concentrate supplements. Experiment 1 was conducted in the dry season and cows were offered a daily supplement of 3 kg of 17% crude protein (CP) concentrates plus 1 kg molasses per cow. Experiment 2 was conducted during the wet season and the nutritional supplement consisted of only 1 kg of 17% CP plus 1 kg molasses per cow per day. Each experiment lasted for the first 100 days postpartum and the cows were not mated during this time. Cows were hand-milked once a day in the presence of the calf to stimulate milk let-down. In experiment 1, 30 multiparous cows were assigned at random by date of calving, to one of three treatments: controlled suckling (CS; n = 10), delayed suckling (DS; n = 10) and prolonged delayed suckling (PDS; n = 10). The suckling period on all treatments lasted for 2 h and started at 0 h (CS), 4 h (DS) or 8 h (PDS) after milking. In experiment, 34 multiparous cows were assigned at random to three treatments: CS (n = 11), PDS (n = 11) or prolonged delayed short suckling (PDSS; n = 12), in this last treatment the suckling period was reduced to only 30 min. In both experiments, one quarter of the udder of cows on treatment CS was not milked but all the udder was milked on the other treatments. Body weights of cows and calves and cow milk yields were recorded. Weekly blood samples were collected for plasma progesterone assay to detect the first postpartum corpus luteum. Data were analysed by ANOVA and chi-square test. Cows in experiment 1 had similar weight changes during the first 100 days postpartum. Milk production was higher for DS (8.0 +/- 0.7 kg per day) and PDS (7.0 +/- 0.5 kg per day) cows than for CS (5.2 +/- 0.7 kg per day) cows (P < 0.01). Calf daily gain was greater (P < 0.05) for PDS (827 +/- 35 g per day), than CS (702 +/- 26 g per day) or DS (715 +/- 29 g per day). The proportion of cows ovulating during the first 100 days postpartum were 50.0, 70.0 and 100.0%, for CS, DS and PDS, respectively (P < 0.05). The intervals from calving to first significant rise in progesterone were 70.4 +/- 1.6, 72.1 +/- 1.3 and 64.6 +/- 1.5 days for CS, DS and PDS (P > 0.05), respectively. In experiment 2, cow body weight during the first 100 days postpartum did not differ between treatments. Milk production was not significantly different between CS (7.3 +/- 1.0 kg per day) and PDSS (6.8 +/- 1.0 kg per day), but was higher (P < 0.05) for CS than PDS (5.2 +/- 1.0 kg per day). Calf daily gain was lower for CS (576 +/- 31 g per day; P < 0.05) than PDS (779 +/- 38 g per day) and PDSS (780 +/- 20 g per day). The proportion of cows ovulating was higher (P < 0.05) for treatments PDS (100%) and CS (81.8%) than PDSS (50%). Calving to first ovulation interval was shorter (P < 0.05) for PDS (57.3 +/- 4.5 days) and PDSS (49.7 +/- 3.0 days) cows than CS (72.1 +/- 3.5 days) cows. It is concluded that delaying suckling for 8 h after milking, increases the proportion of cows ovulating within 100 days of calving, shortened the calving to first ovulation interval and improved calf performance without adversely affecting cow milk yield or body weight change.  相似文献   

Automatic milking systems (AMS), one of the earliest precision livestock farming developments, have revolutionized dairy farming around the world. While robots control the milking process, there have also been numerous changes to how the whole farm system is managed. Milking is no longer performed in defined sessions; rather, the cow can now choose when to be milked in AMS, allowing milking to be distributed throughout a 24 h period. Despite this ability, there has been little attention given to milking robot utilization across 24 h. In order to formulate relevant research questions and improve farm AMS management there is a need to determine the current knowledge gaps regarding the distribution of robot utilization. Feed, animal and management factors and their interplay on levels of milking robot utilization across 24 h for both indoor and pasture-based systems are here reviewed. The impact of the timing, type and quantity of feed offered and their interaction with the distance of feed from the parlour; herd social dynamics, climate and various other management factors on robot utilization through 24 h are provided. This novel review draws together both the opportunities and challenges that exist for farm management to use these factors to improved system efficiency and those that exist for further research.  相似文献   

B Schneider 《Endokrinologie》1975,66(3):255-267
By morphological and morphometric methods the appearance of prolactin- and STH-cells of the adenohypophysis from unmilked and milked cows was investigated. The prolactin-cells were influenced by the milking stimulus, but not the STH-cells. The morphological results speak in favour of a release of secretes immediately after milking. The following synthesis brings back the prolactin-cells to the normal condition. Immediately after milking the morphometric results indicate a significant shrinkage of the nuclear volumes of the prolactin-cells; afterwards they reach the initial value. It is discussed, that in the prolactin-cells the milking stimulus causes an extreme increase in activity being associated with the release of prolactin.  相似文献   

In pasture-based automatic milking systems (AMS), feed is the main incentive that can be managed to encourage reliable and consistent voluntary and distributed cow traffic. Modifying timing, placement and size of feed allocations is expected to have an effect on cow behavior that could avoid the occurrence of extended milking intervals, which have a negative effect on milk yield. Therefore, behavioral studies provide information on how cows modify their actions under different management regimes and can help explain the impact of those regimes. Behavioral observations were conducted in spring 2011 at the FutureDairy AMS research farm, as part of a study where a herd of 175 cows was split into two groups that received supplementary feed either before (PRE), or immediately after (POST) milking. In addition, all cows were offered access to two daily pasture allocations. Observations were conducted in the pasture allocation on 15 focal cows from each treatment group during four periods of 24 h to detect presence and behavior (grazing, ruminating, idling and other) every 15 min. In addition, bite rate and pasture biomass were measured every hour. Overall, despite the finding that more POST cows than PRE cows entered the pasture allocation during the first 8 h of active access, there was no difference in the total proportion of cows that had gained access by the end of the active access period (average 68% for both treatments). Cows in the PRE treatment started exiting the pasture allocation just 6 h after entering, compared with 8 h for POST cows, although their behaviors in the pasture allocation did not differ. Behaviors and bite rate were more dependent on pasture biomass than on supplementary feeding management.  相似文献   

Human contact and the effects of acute stress on cows at milking   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the effects of novelty/isolation stress on cows at milking and whether human contact reduced the stress. Holstein cows (n=18) were observed during three experimental milkings following a balanced order: (1) control (C) - milked in usual place; (2) novelty/isolation stress (S) - milked alone in an unfamiliar room; (3) human contact (HC) - milked in unfamiliar room and brushed by a familiar person. Behavior and heart rate during milking, milk yield and residual milk following oxytocin injections were recorded, and blood samples assayed for oxytocin and cortisol. Cows defecated/urinated and vocalized more and made more steps during milking in the unfamiliar room and human contact prevented this increase. Cows kicked and lifted their legs less in the unfamiliar room, but human contact did not affect this. Both plasma cortisol concentrations and heart rates were higher when cows were milked in the unfamiliar room. Although human contact reduced heart rates during the initial period of isolation, heart rates during milking and cortisol concentrations were not affected by human contact. Milk yield was lower, residual milk higher, and oxytocin during milking was lower in the unfamiliar room but this was not changed by human contact. Cows milked alone in an unfamiliar room showed signs of acute stress and gave less milk due to higher residual milk and reduced oxytocin secretion. Human contact reduced some behavioral signs of agitation and heart rate, but had no effect on milk yield or hormonal responses. For dairy cows, human contact may not be sufficiently comforting to be able to reduce the endocrine response to novelty/isolation stress.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of milking frequency and nutritional level on some aspects of animal health. Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 60) were assigned post calving to a factorial arrangement of treatments; twice a day (TAD) milking on a high or low nutritional level; once a day (OAD) milking on a high or low nutritional level. Milking characteristics were recorded daily. Blood samples to evaluate changes in the composition of the blood cells, milk leakage, udder tension and locomotory ability were measured on four occasions. Teat-ends were classified for hyperkeratosis (HK) monthly post partum. TAD had longer daily milking times (P < 0.001) compared with OAD cows. There was no effect of milking frequency or nutritional level on morning milking time, time to milk letdown or peak milk flow rate (P>0.05). High nutritional level cows had higher average flow-rates (P < 0.05) than low nutritional level cows. Neither milking frequency nor nutritional level affected HK (P>0.05). However, HK values were positively correlated with daily milking time for OAD cows for 6 months of lactation (P < 0.05). This correlation was significant (P < 0.01) for cows milked OAD on high nutrition during the peak lactation period. OAD cows had higher levels of milk leakage compared with TAD cows during the month of May (P < 0.01). Cows on high nutrition milked OAD showed higher udder firmness scores than cows milked once or twice daily at the low nutrition level in June and July (P < 0.05). OAD cows had higher locomotion scores compared with TAD cows (P < 0.001). Locomotion and udder firmness scores were significantly correlated for OAD in June (P < 0.05). OAD cows had lower blood lymphocyte counts, numerically higher counts of neutrophil and a higher monocyte count at peak lactation compared with TAD cows suggesting that OAD cows had altered immune responses. The increase in milk leakage, higher udder firmness and locomotion scores in conjunction with changes in blood cells, suggests that OAD milking may have caused some discomfort to the cows during peak lactation. A reduction in the concentrate input to OAD cows during this period could ameliorate this problem.  相似文献   

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