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Summary As in the case of oxidative metabolism, the photosynthetic metabolism of propionate in Rhodospirillum rubrum begins with a carboxylation yielding succinate. This conclusion is based on experiments in which radioactive propionate (1-C14 and 2-C14) is administered in the presence of carrier lactate, pyruvate, succinate, and acrylate, and on studies of the inhibitory action of malonate.  相似文献   

Summary Studies were conducted of the oxidative metabolism of propionate in Rhodospirillum rubrum, using C14-labeled compounds. The results, taken in conjunction with a carbon dioxide requirement described previously (Clayton et al., 1957), reveal that the first step is a carboxylation of propionic acid, yielding succinic acid. This result is confirmed through manometric studies of inhibition by malonate.  相似文献   

The purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum has been employed to study physiological adaptation to limiting oxygen tensions (microaerophilic conditions). R. rubrum produces maximal levels of photosynthetic membranes when grown with both succinate and fructose as carbon sources under microaerophilic conditions in comparison to the level (only about 20% of the maximum) seen in the absence of fructose. Employing a unique partial O(2) pressure (pO(2)) control strategy to reliably adjust the oxygen tension to values below 0.5%, we have used bioreactor cultures to investigate the metabolic rationale for this effect. A metabolic profile of the central carbon metabolism of these cultures was obtained by determination of key enzyme activities under microaerophilic as well as aerobic and anaerobic phototrophic conditions. Under aerobic conditions succinate and fructose were consumed simultaneously, whereas oxygen-limiting conditions provoked the preferential breakdown of fructose. Fructose was utilized via the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway. High levels of pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase activity were found to be specific for oxygen-limited cultures. No glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity was detected under any conditions. We demonstrate that NADPH is supplied mainly by the pyridine-nucleotide transhydrogenase under oxygen-limiting conditions. The tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes are present at significant levels during microaerophilic growth, albeit at lower levels than those seen under fully aerobic growth conditions. Levels of the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle marker enzyme fumarate reductase were also high under microaerophilic conditions. We propose a model by which the primary "switching" of oxidative and reductive metabolism is performed at the level of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and suggest how this might affect redox signaling and gene expression in R. rubrum.  相似文献   

Cultures of Chromatium strain D and Rhodospirillum rubrum incorporated 14C from phenylacetate-1-14C during anaerobic growth. The radioactivity in the protein fraction of cells was mainly in phenylalanine. Phenylalanine from Chromatium cells grown in phenylacetate-1-14C was labeled at carbon 2. Incorporation of phenylacetate by Chromatium was decreased in the presence of exogenous phenylalanine, and de novo synthesis of phenylalanine from bicarbonate was less in medium containing either phenylalanine or phenylacetate. These organisms, and also certain anaerobic rumen bacteria, apparently carboxylate phenylacetate to synthesize the phenylalanine carbon skeleton. The mechanism of the carboxylation is unknown; however, it appears to be dependent upon anaerobic conditions, since R. rubrum did not synthesize phenylalanine from phenylacetate during aerobic growth in the dark.  相似文献   

Acetylene reduction by nitrogenase from Rhodospirillum rubrum, unlike that by other nitrogenases, was recently found by other investigators to require an activation of the iron protein of nitrogenase by an activating system comprising a chromatophore membrane component, adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), and divalent metal ions. In an extension of this work, we observed that the same activating system was also required for nitrogenase-linked H(2) evolution. However, we found that, depending on their nitrogen nutrition regime, R. rubrum cells produced two forms of nitrogenase that differed in their Fe protein components. Cells whose nitrogen supply was totally exhausted before harvest yielded predominantly a form of nitrogenase (A) whose enzymatic activity was not governed by the activating system, whereas cells supplied up to harvest time with N(2) or glutamate yielded predominantly a form of nitrogenase (R) whose enzymatic activity was regulated by the activating system. An unexpected finding was the rapid (less than 10 min in some cases) intracellular conversion of nitrogenase A to nitrogenase R brought about by the addition to nitrogen-starved cells of glutamine, asparagine, or, particularly, ammonia. This finding suggests that mechanisms other than de novo protein synthesis were involved in the conversion of nitrogenase A to the R form. The molecular weights of the Fe protein and Mo-Fe protein components from nitrogenases A and R were the same. However, nitrogenase A appeared to be larger in size, because it had more Fe protein units per Mo-Fe protein than did nitrogenase R. A distinguishing property of the Fe protein from nitrogenase R was its ATP requirement. When combined with the Mo-Fe protein (from either nitrogenase A or nitrogenase R), the R form of Fe protein required a lower ATP concentration but bound or utilized more ATP molecules during acetylene reduction than did the A form of Fe protein. No differences between the Fe proteins from the two forms of nitrogenase were found in the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum, midpoint oxidation-reduction potential, or sensitivity to iron chelators.  相似文献   

2,5-Dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl benzoqui-none (DBMIB) inhibits the light-dependent membrane potential generation in Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores. The inhibition is relieved by electron donors and is obviously due to oxidation of the photosynthetic electron transfer chain components. In addition, high DBMIB concentrations elicit another effect probably caused by disruption of quinone functions in chromatophores. However, in quinone-depleted chromatophores and proteoliposomes containing the P-870 reaction center and light-harvesting antenna complexes, DBMIB stimulates membrane potential generation in the light, probably restoring some of the quinone-dependent processes in the membrane. DBMIB inhibits the inorganic pyrophosphate- and ATP-in-duced membrane potential generation in chromatophores.  相似文献   

The defined medium A of W. R. Sistrom (W. R. Sistrom, J. Gen. Microbiol. 22:77-85, 1960) has been modified to allow the growth of Rhodospirillum rubrum in large-scale batch cultures under dark, semiaerobic conditions. The simultaneous use of two substrates, NH4-succinate (46 mM) and fructose (0.3%), which are utilized in aerobic and fermentative metabolism, respectively, leads to very high cell densities with a maximal yield of photosynthetic membranes.  相似文献   

Rhodoquinone (RQ) is an important cofactor used in the anaerobic energy metabolism of Rhodospirillum rubrum. RQ is structurally similar to ubiquinone (coenzyme Q or Q), a polyprenylated benzoquinone used in the aerobic respiratory chain. RQ is also found in several eukaryotic species that utilize a fumarate reductase pathway for anaerobic respiration, an important example being the parasitic helminths. RQ is not found in humans or other mammals, and therefore inhibition of its biosynthesis may provide a parasite-specific drug target. In this report, we describe several in vivo feeding experiments with R. rubrum used for the identification of RQ biosynthetic intermediates. Cultures of R. rubrum were grown in the presence of synthetic analogs of ubiquinone and the known Q biosynthetic precursors demethylubiquinone, demethoxyubiquinone, and demethyldemethoxyubiquinone, and assays were monitored for the formation of RQ3. Data from time course experiments and S-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent O-methyltransferase inhibition studies are discussed. Based on the results presented, we have demonstrated that Q is a required intermediate for the biosynthesis of RQ in R. rubrum.Rhodospirillum rubrum is a well-characterized and metabolically diverse member of the family of purple nonsulfur bacteria (29, 61). R. rubrum is typically found in aquatic environments and can adapt to a variety of growth conditions by using photosynthesis, respiration, or fermentation pathways (28, 70). In the light, R. rubrum exhibits photoheterotrophic growth using organic substrates or photoautotrophic growth using CO2 and H2 (15, 70). In the dark, R. rubrum can utilize either aerobic respiration (70, 73) or anaerobic respiration with a fumarate reduction pathway or with nonfermentable substrates in the presence of oxidants such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or trimethylamine oxide (15, 58, 73). R. rubrum can also grow anaerobically in the dark by fermentation of sugars in the presence of bicarbonate (58). The focus of this work was the biosynthesis of quinones used by R. rubrum for aerobic and anaerobic respiration.Rhodoquinone (RQ; compound 1 in Fig. Fig.1)1) is an aminoquinone structurally similar to ubiquinone (coenzyme Q or Q [compound 2]) (44); however, the two differ considerably in redox potential (that of RQ is −63 mV, and that of Q is +100 mV) (2). Both RQ and Q have a fully substituted benzoquinone ring and a polyisoprenoid side chain that varies in length (depending on the species; see Fig. Fig.11 for examples). The only difference between the structures is that RQ has an amino substituent (NH2) instead of a methoxy substituent (OCH3) on the quinone ring. While Q is a ubiquitous lipid component involved in aerobic respiratory electron transport (9, 36, 60), RQ functions in anaerobic respiration in R. rubrum (19) and in several other phototrophic purple bacteria (21, 22, 41) and is also present in a few aerobic chemotrophic bacteria, including Brachymonas denitrificans and Zoogloea ramigera (23). In these varied species of bacteria, RQ has been proposed to function in fumarate reduction to maintain NAD+/NADH redox balance, either during photosynthetic anaerobic metabolism (12, 15-18, 64) or in chemotrophic metabolism when the availability of oxygen as a terminal oxidant is limiting (23). Another recent finding is that RQH2 is capable of inducing Q-cycle bypass reactions in the cytochrome bc1 complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, resulting in superoxide formation (7). If RQ/RQH2 coexists in the cytoplasmic membrane with Q/QH2 in R. rubrum, it might serve as both a substrate for and an inhibitor of the bc1 complex (47).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Proposed pathways for RQ biosynthesis. The number of isoprene units (n) varies by species (in S. cerevisiae, n = 6; in E. coli, n = 8; in C. elegans, n = 9; in helminth parasites, n = 9 or 10; in R. rubrum, n = 10; in humans, n = 10). RQ is not found in S. cerevisiae, E. coli, or humans. Known Coq (from S. cerevisiae) and Ubi (from E. coli) gene products required for the biosynthesis of ubiquinone (Q, compound 2) are labeled. A polyisoprenyl diphosphate (compound 5) is assembled from dimethylallyl disphosphate (compound 3) and isopentyl diphosphate (compound 4). Coupling of compound 5 with p-hydroxybenzoic acid (compound 6) yields 3-polyprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoic acid (compound 7). The next three steps differ between S. cerevisiae and E. coli. However, they merge at the common intermediate (compound 8), which is oxidized to demethyldemethoxyubiquinone (DDMQn, compound 9). RQ (compound 1) has been proposed to arise from compound 9, demethoxyubiquinone (DMQn; compound 10), demethylubiquinone (DMeQn; compound 11), or compound 2 (by pathway A, B, C, or D). Results presented in this work support pathway D as the favored route for RQ biosynthesis in R. rubrum.RQ is also found in the mitochondrial membrane of eukaryotic species capable of fumarate reduction, such as the flagellate Euglena gracilis (25, 53), the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (62), and the parasitic helminths (65, 66, 68, 72). Similar to R. rubrum, these species can adapt their metabolism to both aerobic and anaerobic conditions throughout their life cycle. For example, most adult parasitic species (e.g., Ascaris suum, Fasciola hepatica, and Haemonchus contortus) rely heavily on fumarate reduction for their energy generation while inside a host organism, where the oxygen tension is very low (30, 65, 72). Under these conditions, the biosynthesis of RQ is upregulated; however, during free-living stages of their life cycle, the helminth parasites use primarily aerobic respiration, which requires Q (30, 65, 72). The anaerobic energy metabolism of the helminthes has been reviewed (63, 67). Humans and other mammalian hosts use Q for aerobic energy metabolism but do not produce or require RQ; therefore, selective inhibition of RQ biosynthesis may lead to highly specific antihelminthic drugs that do not have a toxic effect on the host (35, 48).R. rubrum is an excellent facultative model system for the study of RQ biosynthesis. The complete genome of R. rubrum has recently been sequenced by the Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute, finished by the Los Alamos Finishing Group, and further validated by optical mapping (57). The 16S rRNA sequence of R. rubrum is highly homologous to cognate eukaryotic mitochondrial sequences (46). Due to the similarities in structure, the biosynthetic pathways of RQ and Q have been proposed to diverge from a common precursor (67). Proposed pathways for RQ biosynthesis (A to D), in conjunction with the known steps in Q biosynthesis, are outlined in Fig. Fig.11 (31, 34, 60). Parson and Rudney previously showed that when R. rubrum was grown anaerobically in the light in the presence of [U-14C]p-hydroxybenzoate, 14C was incorporated into both Q10 and RQ10 (50). In their growth experiments, the specific activity of Q10 was measured at its maximal value 15 h after inoculation and then began to decrease. However, the specific activity of RQ10 continued to increase for 40 h before declining. These results suggested that Q10 was a biosynthetic precursor of RQ10, although this was not directly demonstrated using radiolabeled Q10; hence, the possibility remained that the labeled RQ10 was derived from another radiolabeled lipid species. We have done this feeding experiment with a synthetic analog of Q where n = 3 (Q3) and monitored for the production of RQ3. The synthesis and use of farnesylated quinone and aromatic intermediates for characterization of the Q biosynthetic pathway in S. cerevisiae and Escherichia coli has been well documented (4, 5, 38, 52, 59). The other proposed precursors of RQ shown in Fig. Fig.11 were also fed to R. rubrum, and the lipid extracts from these assays were analyzed for the presence of RQ3, i.e., demethyldemethoxyubiquinone-3 (DDMQ3; compound 9), demethoxyubiquinone-3 (DMQ3; compound 10), and demethylubiquinone-3 (DMeQ3; compound 11).In S. cerevisiae and E. coli, the last O-methylation step in Q biosynthesis is catalyzed by the S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM)-dependent methyltransferases Coq3 and UbiG, respectively (26, 52); this final methylation step converts DMeQ to Q. Using the NCBI Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, an O-methyltransferase (GeneID no. 3834724 Rru_A0742) that had 41% and 59% sequence identity with Coq3 and UbiG, respectively, was identified in R. rubrum. S-Adenosyl-l-homocysteine (SAH) is a well-known inhibitor of SAM-dependent methyltransferases (13, 24). Because SAH is the transmethylation by-product of SAM-dependent methyltransferases, it is not readily taken up by cells and must be generated in vivo (24). SAH can be produced in vivo from S-adenosine and l-homocysteine thiolactone by endogenous SAH hydrolase (SAHH) (37, 71). A search of the R. rubrum genome also confirmed the presence of a gene encoding SAHH (GeneID no. 3836896 Rru_A3444). It was proposed that if DMeQ is the immediate precursor of RQ, then SAH inhibition of the methyltransferase required for Q biosynthesis should have little effect on RQ production. Conversely, if Q is required for RQ synthesis, then inhibition of Q biosynthesis should have a significant effect on RQ production. Assays were designed to quantify the levels of RQ3 produced from DMeQ3 and Q3 in R. rubrum cultures at various concentrations of SAH.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodospirillumrubrum, may synthesize polyphosphate using pyrophosphate asa precursor has been tested. The cells were cultured in thepyrophosphate media, and the cell yield, cell shape, and thepolyphosphate content were determined and compared with thatgrown in the orthophosphate media. In the control experiment, the total amount of polyphosphateformed by the cultures grown in the pyrophosphate media wasfound to be up to 70% less than that grown in orthophosphatemedia. When the ATP formation was blocked by using the phosphorylationinhibitor, antimycin A, however, the cells grown in the pyrophosphatemedia formed up to 50% more polyphosphate than that grown inthe orthophosphate media. The results seem to support the hypothesis that Rhodospirillumrubrum may use pyrophosphate as the precursor of polyphosphate. (Received May 26, 1986; Accepted February 21, 1987)  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the major carotenoid spirilloxanthin by the purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum is thought to occur via a linear pathway proceeding through phytoene and, later, lycopene as intermediates. This assumption is based solely on early chemical evidence (B. H. Davies, Biochem. J. 116:93–99, 1970). In most purple bacteria, the desaturation of phytoene, catalyzed by the enzyme phytoene desaturase (CrtI), leads to neurosporene, involving only three dehydrogenation steps and not four as in the case of lycopene. We show here that the chromosomal insertion of a kanamycin resistance cassette into the crtC-crtD region of the partial carotenoid gene cluster, whose gene products are responsible for the downstream processing of lycopene, leads to the accumulation of the latter as the major carotenoid. We provide spectroscopic and biochemical evidence that in vivo, lycopene is incorporated into the light-harvesting complex 1 as efficiently as the methoxylated carotenoids spirilloxanthin (in the wild type) and 3,4,3′,4′-tetrahydrospirilloxanthin (in a crtD mutant), both under semiaerobic, chemoheterotrophic, and photosynthetic, anaerobic conditions. Quantitative growth experiments conducted in dark, semiaerobic conditions, using a growth medium for high cell density and high intracellular membrane levels, which are suitable for the conventional industrial production in the absence of light, yielded lycopene at up to 2 mg/g (dry weight) of cells or up to 15 mg/liter of culture. These values are comparable to those of many previously described Escherichia coli strains engineered for lycopene production. This study provides the first genetic proof that the R. rubrum CrtI produces lycopene exclusively as an end product.  相似文献   

This study investigated the apparent genetic redundancy in the biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) in the Rhodospirillum rubrum genome revealed by the occurrence of three homologous PHA polymerase genes (phaC1, phaC2, and phaC3). In vitro biochemical assays established that each gene product encodes PHA polymerase. A series of single, double, and triple phaC deletion mutants were characterized with respect to PHA production and growth capabilities on acetate or hexanoate as the sole carbon source. These analyses establish that phaC2 contributes the major capacity to produce PHA, even though the PhaC2 protein is not the most efficient PHA polymerase biocatalyst. In contrast, phaC3 is an insignificant contributor to PHA productivity, and phaC1, the PHA polymerase situated in the PHA biosynthetic operon, plays a minor role in this capability, even though both of these genes encode PHA polymerases that are more efficient enzymes. These observations are consistent with the finding that PhaC1 and PhaC3 occur at undetectable levels, at least 10-fold lower than that of PhaC2. The monomers in the PHA polymer produced by these strains establish that PhaC2 is responsible for the incorporation of the C5 and C6 monomers. The in vitro characterizations indicate that heteromeric PHA polymerases composed of mixtures of different PhaC paralogs are more efficient catalysts, suggesting that these proteins form complexes. Finally, the physiological role of PHA accumulation in enhancing the fitness of R. rubrum was indicated by the relationship between PHA content and growth capabilities of the genetically manipulated strains that express different levels of the PHA polymer.  相似文献   

Enzymes of the reductive pentose phosphate cycle including ribulose-diphosphate carboxylase, ribulose-5-phosphate kinase, ribose-5-phosphate isomerase, aldolase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and alkaline fructose-1,6-diphos-phatase were shown to be present in autotrophically grown Rhodospirillum rubrum. Enzyme levels were measured in this organism grown photo- and dark heterotrophically as well. Several, but not all, of these enzymes appeared to be under metabolic control, mediated by exogenous carbon and nitrogen compounds. Light had no effect on the presence or levels of any of these enzymes in this photosynthetic bacterium.

The enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and enolase were shown to be present in R. rubrum cultured aerobically, autotrophically, or photoheterotrophically, both in cultures evolving hydrogen and under conditions where hydrogen evolution is not observed. Light had no clearly demonstrable effect on the presence or levels of any of these enzymes.


Summary The threshold strength-duration relationships were determined for the phototactic excitation of Rhodospirillum rubrum by various pulses and pairs of pulses of change in light intensity. The recovery of excitability after a response was followed, and examples of rhythmic behavior were recorded.Exprimental results were found to be in fair agreement with data for other irritable systems and with the predictions of the theories of Rashevsky and Hill.The hypothesis was considered that all excitable systems might share a common mechanism for irritability, and the phototactic mechanisms of various unicellular organisms were discussed in this connection.  相似文献   

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