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Using comparative phylogenetic analysis, we analyzed the evolution of male alternative reproductive tactics (MARTs) in ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii). Numerous independent origins for each type of MART (involving sneaker males, female mimics, pirates, and satellite males) indicate that these behaviors have been highly labile across actinopterygiian evolution, consistent with a previous notion that convergent selection in fishes can readily mold the underlying suites of reproductive hormones into similar behaviors. The evolutionary appearance of MARTs was significantly correlated with the presence of sexually selected traits in bourgeois males (P = 0.001) but not with the presence of male parental care. This suggests that MARTs often arise from selection on some males to circumvent bourgeois male investment in mate monopolization, rather than to avoid male brood care per se. We found parsimony evidence for an evolutionary progression of MARTs wherein sneaking is usually the evolutionary precursor to the presumably more complex MARTs of female mimicry and cooperative satellite behavior. Nest piracy appears not to be part of this evolutionary progression, possibly because its late onset in the life cycle of most ray-finned fishes reduces the effects of selection on this reproductive tactic.  相似文献   

Collectively, ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) display far more diversity in many reproductive and genomic features than any other major vertebrate group. Recent large-scale comparative phylogenetic analyses have begun to reveal the evolutionary patterns and putative causes for much of this diversity. Several such recent studies have offered clues to how different reproductive syndromes evolved in these fishes, as well as possible physiological and genomic triggers. In many cases, repeated independent origins of complex reproductive strategies have been uncovered, probably reflecting convergent selection operating on common suites of underlying genes and hormonal controls. For example, phylogenetic analyses have uncovered multiple origins and predominant transitional pathways in the evolution of alternative male reproductive tactics, modes of parental care and mechanisms of sex determination. They have also shown that sexual selection in these fishes is repeatedly associated with particular reproductive strategies. Collectively, studies on reproductive and genomic diversity across the Actinopterygii illustrate both the strengths and the limitations of comparative phylogenetic approaches on large taxonomic scales.  相似文献   

The head of ray-finned fishes is structurally complex and is composed of numerous bony, muscular, and ligamentous elements capable of intricate movement. Nearly two centuries of research have been devoted to understanding the function of this cranial musculoskeletal system during prey capture in the dense and viscous aquatic medium. Most fishes generate some amount of inertial suction to capture prey in water. In this overview we trace the history of functional morphological analyses of suction feeding in ray-finned fishes, with a particular focus on the mechanisms by which suction is generated, and present new data using a novel flow imaging technique that enables quantification of the water flow field into the mouth. We begin with a brief overview of studies of cranial anatomy and then summarize progress on understanding function as new information was brought to light by the application of various forms of technology, including high-speed cinematography and video, pressure, impedance, and bone strain measurement. We also provide data from a new technique, digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) that allows us to quantify patterns of flow into the mouth. We believe that there are three general areas in which future progress needs to occur. First, quantitative three-dimensional studies of buccal and opercular cavity dimensions during prey capture are needed; sonomicrometry and endoscopy are techniques likely to yield these data. Second, a thorough quantitative analysis of the flow field into the mouth during prey capture is necessary to understand the effect of head movement on water in the vicinity of the prey; three-dimensional DPIV analyses will help to provide these data. Third, a more precise understanding of the fitness effects of structural and functional variables in the head coupled with rigorous statistical analyses will allow us to better understand the evolutionary consequences of intra- and interspecific variation in cranial morphology and function.  相似文献   

In ray-finned fishes, which comprise nearly half of all vertebrate species, the telencephalon does not evaginate, as it does in other vertebrates, but instead everts. No detailed explanation for this species difference has ever been offered. Here we propose that telencephalic eversion evolved because ray-finned fish embryos are so small that their telencephalon cannot evaginate but must, instead, squeeze into the space just dorsal to the developing nasal epithelia and rostral to the eyes-morphogenetic movements that amount to eversion. Evidence for this hypothesis derives from cladistic analyses, which show that early ray-finned fishes reduced their adult body size and adopted a novel reproductive strategy, based on the production of myriad minute young. Because body size tends to be inversely proportional to brain:body ratio, this phylogenetic reduction in body size implies that embryonic ray-finned fishes should have proportionately larger brains than embryos of species whose telencephalons evaginate. This prediction was confirmed by comparing serially sectioned heads of representative ray-finned and cartilaginous fish embryos at several stages of development. The brain, excluding its ventricles, occupies 36-46% of the cranial cavity in embryonic ray-finned fishes, but less than 20% in embryonic sharks. Moreover, three-dimensional reconstructions show that in embryonic ray-finned fishes the telencephalon has no room for a full-fledged evagination; instead, it spreads into the spaces just dorsal and caudal to the developing nasal epithelia. These morphogenetic movements, in conjunction with a thinning of the forebrain roof, generate telencephalic eversion.  相似文献   

Patterns of genome size diversity in the ray-finned fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ray-finned fishes make up about half of all vertebrate diversity and are by far the best represented group in the Animal Genome Size Database. However, they have traditionally been the least well investigated among vertebrates in terms of patterns and consequences of genome size diversity. This article synthesizes and expands upon existing information about genome size diversity in ray-finned fishes. Specifically, compiled data from the Animal Genome Size Database and FishBase are used to examine the potential patterns of interspecific genome size variability according to ecology, environment, morphology, growth, physiology, reproduction, longevity, and taxonomic diversity. Polyploidy and haploid genome sizes are considered separately, revealing differences in their respective consequences. This represents the most comprehensive summary of fish genome size diversity presented to date, and highlights areas of particular interest to investigate as more data become available.
T. Ryan GregoryEmail:



The facial musculature is a remarkable anatomical complex involved in vital activities of fishes, such as food capture and gill ventilation. The evolution of the facial muscles is largely unknown in most major fish lineages, such as the Actinopterygii. This megadiverse group includes all ray-finned fishes and comprises approximately half of the living vertebrate species. The Polypteriformes, Acipenseriformes, Lepisosteiformes, Amiiformes, Elopiformes, and Hiodontiformes occupy basal positions in the actinopterygian phylogeny and a comparative study of their facial musculature is crucial for understanding the cranial evolution of bony fishes (Osteichthyes) as a whole.


The facial musculature of basal actinopterygians is revised, redescribed, and analyzed under an evolutionary perspective. We identified twenty main muscle components ontogenetically and evolutionarily derived from three primordial muscles. Homologies of these components are clarified and serve as basis for the proposition of a standardized and unifying myological terminology for all ray-finned fishes. The evolutionary changes in the facial musculature are optimized on the osteichthyan tree and several new synapomorphies are identified for its largest clades, including the Actinopterygii, Neopterygii, and Teleostei. Myological data alone ambiguously support the monophyly of the Holostei. A newly identified specialization constitutes the first unequivocal morphological synapomorphy for the Elopiformes. The myological survey additionally allowed a reinterpretation of the homologies of ossifications in the upper jaw of acipenseriforms.


The facial musculature proved to be extremely informative for the higher-level phylogeny of bony fishes. These muscles have undergone remarkable changes during the early radiation of ray-finned fishes, with significant implications for the knowledge of the musculoskeletal evolution of both derived actinopterygians and lobe-finned fishes (Sarcopterygii).

Sometime before or during the early Mesozoic era, new lineages of actinopterygian (ray-finned) fishes radically transformed their mode of gastrulation. During this evolutionary transformation, yolky endoderm was a hotspot for ontogenetic change. As holoblastic cleavage patterns were modified into meroblastic cleavage patterns, major changes in cell identity specification occurred within the mesendodermal marginal zone, as well as in the superficial epithelium of the embryo. These cellular identity changes resulted in the appearance of two novel extra-embryonic tissues within the embryos of teleostean fishes: the enveloping layer (EVL) and the yolk syncytial layer (YSL). The generation of these extra-embryonic tissues prompted major morphogenetic changes within the Organizer Region. As these evolutionary changes occurred, the outermost cell layer of the Organizer (the Organizer Epithelium) was apparently retained as a signaling center necessary for the establishment of left-right embryonic asymmetry in the embryo. Conserved and derived features of Organizer morphogenesis and gastrulation within ancient lineages of ray-finned fishes provide important insights into how the genetically encoded cell behaviors of early morphogenesis can be altered during the course of evolution. In particular, a highly divergent form of actinopterygian gastrulation, which is found in the annual fishes of South America, demonstrates that no aspect of vertebrate gastrulation is inherently immutable to evolutionary change.  相似文献   

Among major vertebrate groups, ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) collectively display a nearly unrivaled diversity of parental care activities. This fact, coupled with a growing body of phylogenetic data for Actinopterygii, makes these fishes a logical model system for analyzing the evolutionary histories of alternative parental care modes and associated reproductive behaviors. From an extensive literature review, we constructed a supertree for ray-finned fishes and used its phylogenetic topology to investigate the evolution of several key reproductive states including type of parental care (maternal, paternal, or biparental), internal versus external fertilization, internal versus external gestation, nest construction behavior, and presence versus absence of sexual dichromatism (as an indicator of sexual selection). Using a comparative phylogenetic approach, we critically evaluate several hypotheses regarding evolutionary pathways toward parental care. Results from maximum parsimony reconstructions indicate that all forms of parental care, including paternal, biparental, and maternal (both external and internal to the female reproductive tract) have arisen repeatedly and independently during ray-finned fish evolution. The most common evolutionary transitions were from external fertilization directly to paternal care and from external fertilization to maternal care via the intermediate step of internal fertilization. We also used maximum likelihood phylogenetic methods to test for statistical correlations and contingencies in the evolution of pairs of reproductive traits. Sexual dichromatism and nest construction proved to be positively correlated with the evolution of male parental care in species with external fertilization. Sexual dichromatism was also positively correlated with female-internal fertilization and gestation. No clear indication emerged that female-only care or biparental care were evolutionary outgrowths of male-only care, or that biparental care has been a common evolutionary stepping stone between paternal and maternal care. Results are discussed in the context of prior thought about the evolution of alternative parental care modes in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that sexual selection may increase taxonomic diversity when emergent mating preferences result in reproductive isolation and therefore speciation. This theory has been invoked to explain patterns of diversity in ray-finned fishes (most notably in the cichlids), but the theory has not been tested comparatively in fish. Additionally, several other unrelated factors have been identified as promoters of cladogenesis, so it is unclear how important sexual selection might be in diversification. Using sister-clade analysis, I tested the relationship between the presence of sexually selected traits and taxonomic diversification in actinopterygiian fishes, a large clade that shows substantial diversity in mating preferences and related sexually selected traits. In all identified sister-families that differed with regard to the proportion of species manifesting sexually selected traits, sexual selection was correlated with increased diversification, and this association was significant across all sister clades (P=0.02). This suggests that sexual selection, when present, is a substantial driver of diversification in the ray-finned fishes, and lends further empirical support to the theoretical link between mating preferences and accelerated cladogenesis.  相似文献   


Cytological and organismal characteristics associated with cellular DNA content underpin most adaptionist interpretations of genome size variation. Since fishes are the only group of vertebrate for which relationships between genome size and key cellular parameters are uncertain, the cytological correlates of genome size were examined in this group. The cell and nuclear areas of erythrocytes showed a highly significant positive correlation with each other and with genome size across 22 cartilaginous and 201 ray-finned fishes. Regressions remained significant at all taxonomic levels, as well as among different fish lineages. However, the results revealed that cartilaginous fishes possess higher cytogenomic ratios than ray-finned fishes, as do cold-water fishes relative to their warm-water counterparts. Increases in genome size owing to ploidy shifts were found to influence cell and nucleus size in an immediate and causative manner, an effect that persists in ancient polyploid lineages. These correlations with cytological parameters known to have important influences on organismal phenotypes support an adaptive interpretation for genome size variation in fishes.  相似文献   

Nests as ornaments: revealing construction by male sticklebacks   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
Nests are built by animals from a variety of taxa, and serveas receptacles for eggs and developing offspring. Where nestsare built solely or mainly by one sex, they also have the potentialto serve as extended ornaments, because aspects of constructionpotentially reveal or amplify characteristics of the builderto prospective mates. Here, we develop novel indices to quantifynest structure and examine variation in temporal and structuralaspects of nest construction in relation to morphological,immunological, and physiological traits in male three-spinedsticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Wild-caught male sticklebacksthat began construction within 3 days of being transferredto the laboratory built "neater" nests than fish that tooklonger to start, and we present alternative testable hypothesesthat could explain this pattern. Various characteristics ofnest-building males correlated with nest structure. The relativeweight of the building male's kidney—which secretes aglue-like protein used in nest building and whose developmentis androgen-dependent—correlated positively with nest "neatness." We also found males with enlarged spleens (an indicatorof immune stress) to construct less "compact" nests. The structureof a nest may therefore be important not only in determiningits functional capacity, but may also act as a quality-revealingornament. We suggest that females may gain valuable informationregarding male health status and androgen levels from nestinspection.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes in the sockeye salmon: a Y-autosome fusion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Chromosomes of 21 sockeye salmon [Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum)] from three locations in Washington state were examined. All males had 57 chromosomes, while all females had 58 chromosomes. Both sexes had 104 chromosome arms. It appears that in males of this species the Y chromosome and an autosome have fused to form a metacentric chromosome.  相似文献   

Dosage compensation of some X-linked genes varies among mammals. Inactivation of an X-linked copy of a gene in females appears to correlate with lack of an active homologue on the Y chromosome, implying that dosage compensation evolves in response to the loss of function of genes on the Y.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes and speciation in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two empirical rules suggest that sex chromosomes play a special role in speciation. The first is Haldane's rule - the preferential sterility and inviability of species hybrids of the heterogametic (XY) sex. The second is the disproportionately large effect of the X chromosome in genetic analyses of hybrid sterility. Whereas the causes of Haldane's rule are well established, the causes of the 'large X-effect' have remained controversial. New genetic analyses in Drosophila confirm that the X is a hotspot for hybrid male sterility factors, providing a proximate explanation for the large X-effect. Several other new findings -- on faster X evolution, X chromosome meiotic drive and the regulation of the X chromosome in the male-germline -- provide plausible evolutionary explanations for the large X-effect.  相似文献   

Higher individual genetic quality has been hypothesized to be associated with the expression of conspicuous ornaments. However, the relationship between multicomponent sexual signals and heterozygosity is poorly understood. In this study, we examined whether different ornaments, including song (repertoire size and bout length) and plumage coloration (yellow breast and blue crown), reflect individual genetic diversity in male blue tits (Aves: Cyanistes caeruleus). We estimated genetic diversity using 26 microsatellite markers that were classified as putatively functional (12 loci) and neutral (14 loci). We found that yellow breast carotenoid chroma, blue crown brightness, bout length and body condition were positively associated with heterozygosity at functional loci, but not with genetic diversity estimated at all typed loci or the subset of neutral markers. The lack of strong single‐locus effects and the presence of identity disequilibrium in our population suggest that the observed heterozygosity‐phenotype associations are driven by loci widely distributed across the genome. The predominant role of putatively functional loci evidences that the expression of secondary sexual characters is more tightly reflected by heterozygosity at genomic regions containing coding genes that are being actively expressed, a fact that may make ornamental traits more reliable indicators of the genetic quality of individuals. Overall, this study shows that multiple secondary sexual characters reflect male genetic diversity and lends support to the good‐genes‐as‐heterozygosity hypothesis. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 362–375.  相似文献   

Turnover of sex chromosomes and speciation in fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Closely related species of fishes often have different sex chromosome systems. Such rapid turnover of sex chromosomes can occur by several mechanisms, including fusions between an existing sex chromosome and an autosome. These fusions can result in a multiple sex chromosome system, where a species has both an ancestral and a neo-sex chromosome. Although this type of multiple sex chromosome system has been found in many fishes, little is known about the mechanisms that select for the formation of neo-sex chromosomes, or the role of neo-sex chromosomes in phenotypic evolution and speciation. The identification of closely related, sympatric species pairs in which one species has a multiple sex chromosome system and the other has a simple sex chromosome system provides an opportunity to study sex chromosome turnover. Recently, we found that a population of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from Japan has an X1X2Y multiple sex chromosome system resulting from a fusion between the ancestral Y chromosome and an autosome, while a sympatric threespine stickleback population has a simple XY sex chromosome system. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the neo-X chromosome (X 2) plays an important role in phenotypic divergence and reproductive isolation between these sympatric stickleback species pairs. Here, we review multiple sex chromosome systems in fishes, as well as recent advances in our understanding of the evolutionary role of sex chromosome turnover in stickleback speciation.  相似文献   

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