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A low-cost, low-maintenance system for soilless production of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus spores and inoculum was developed and adapted for production of acidophilic and basophilic isolates. Corn (Zea mays) plants were grown with Glomus etunicatum, G. mosseae or Gigaspora margarita in sand automatically irrigated with modified Hoagland's solution. Sand particle size, irrigation frequency, P concentration, and buffer constituents were adjusted to maximize spore production. Modified half-strength Hoagland's solution buffered with 4-morpholine ethane-sulfonic acid (MES) automatically applied 5 times/day resulted in production of 235 G. etunicatum spores/g dry wt. of medium (341000 spores/pot) and 44 G. margarita spores/g dry wt. of medium (64800 spores/pot). For six basophilic isolates of G. mosseae, CaCO3 was incorporated into the sand and pots were supplied with the same nutrient solution as for acidophilic isolates. The increased pH from 6.1±0.2 to 7.2±0.2 resulted in spore production ranging from 70 to 145 spores/g dry wt. (102000–210000 spores/pot). Spore production by all isolates grown in the soilless sand system at Beltsville has exceeded that of traditional soil mixtures by 32–362% in 8–12 weeks.  相似文献   

Clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were grown in a controlled environment with either low or high rates of applied nitrate-N (providing, notionally, insufficient or sufficient N for unrestricted growth), or in the absence of applied N. Plants receiving no nitrate-N were inoculated with Rhizobia and fixed their own N2. All plants were maintained with a maximum of three fully unfolded leaves per apex (lenient defoliation) until day 68 when half of the plants were severely defoliated. The export and translocation of carbohydrates from the first fully unfolded main stolon leaf was measured three days later using 14C.Reduced carbon translocation to stolon tissue and roots, and increased translocation to young branches, occurred following severe defoliation in all three nitrogen treatments. However, N-deficient plants showed large reductions in total export of carbohydrates (44 vs. 17% of 14C assimilated for lenient vs. severe defoliation) whereas N-sufficient plants (either receiving nitrate-N or fixing their own N2) showed small increases in total export (means of 54% vs. 62% in the respective defoliation treatments). Furthermore, carbohydrate translocation to old branches ceased altogether in severely defoliated, N-deficient plants, but increased in severely defoliated, N-sufficient plants, illustrating that plant responses to multiple-factor stresses may differ greatly from those seen as the result of single-factor stresses. Interactions between nitrogen nutrition and defoliation in total carbohydrate export, and in carbohydrate supply to old branches, could have serious negative effects on the short-term C economy and physiological integration, and hence on the adaptability, of clonal plants growing with a mineral deficiency in the presence of grazing animals.  相似文献   

Summary Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Amsoy 71) plants were grown in a greenhouse in a soil very low in plant-available P, and plants were harvested 5 times over a 21-week growth period. Soybeans were inoculated with one of two species of VAM fungi or received daily one of three nutrient solutions of different P concentrations (0.0, 0.2, or 1.0mMP). Until week 9, the dry weights, leaf areas and developmental stage of soybeans inoculated withG. fasciculatum orG. mosseae were similar to the 1.0 or 0.2mMP-treated plants, respectively. Phosphorus concentrations were significantly lower in VAM plants at weeks 6 and 9 as compared to non-VAM soybeans given 1.0mMP, suggesting P input in VAM plants was immediately used for new growth. Total P input for VAM plants was linear over 21 weeks, and the average rate of P uptake for these plants was 0.19mg P d−1. Estimated specific P uptake rates (SPUR) for the mycorrhizae (VAM roots) were twice that of the control (0.0mMP) roots. The calculated SPURs forG. fasciculatum andG. mosseae hyphae were 95 and 120μg P g−1 VAM d−1 respectively, a 4 to 5 fold increase over non-inoculated roots, indicating more attention must be paid to P assimilation by VAM fungi in P-fixing substrates. Contribution from the Western Regional Research Center, USDA-ARS (CRIS No. 5325-20580-003).  相似文献   

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] was grown in a greenhouse in a low P (3.6 mg kg-1) soil (Typic Argiudolls) inoculated with the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VMAF) Glomus fasciculatum and P added at 0, 12.5, 25.0, and 37.5 mg kg-1 soil to determine the effects of VAMF-root associations on plant growth, benefit and cost analysis, and P efficiency (dry matter produced/unit P absorbed). Root colonization with VAMF and shoot growth enhancements decreased with increased soil P applications. Mycorrhizal plants were less P efficient than nonmycorrhizal plants. Shoot dry matter differences between mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants were considered the benefit derived by plants from VAMF-root associations. Shoot dry matter differences between mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants with similar P concentrations were considered the costs paid by plants for VAMF-root associations. Values of benefit and cost analysis for VAMF-root associations were highest when soil P was lowest and decreased with increasing P applications. Genotypic differences for calculated costs were pronounced, but not benefits. Benefit and cost analysis.may be helpful to evaluate host plant genotypes and VAMF species to optimize efficiencies of VAMF symbiosis in different soil environments.  相似文献   

Rooted cuttings ofRosa multiflora ‘Brooks 56’ were grown in a medium of 1 mineral soil: 1 sand (v/v) or bark: 1 sand (v/v) inoculated with the VA-mycorrhizal (VAM) fungiGlomus mosseae (Nicol. and Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe andG. fasciculatum (Thaxt. sensu Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe or left as noninoculated controls. The slow release fertilizer osmocote was applied at rates of either 0, 1.2, or 4.2 kg/m3 (18N-6P-12K) and incorporated into the container medium. After 180 days plants were evaluated for growth, development and chemical leaf analysis. Greatest growth responses occurred after the highest fertilizer application of 4.2 kg/m3, and the poorest one after 0 kg/m3. Combination bark: sand medium was superior to mineral soil: sand medium for growth of mycorrhizal plants. At 0 kg/m3, mycorrhizal plants in bark: sand medium had longer shoots than other treatments. At 1.2 kg/m3, VAM plants compared to nonmycorrhizal plants in park:sand medium had greater effect on growth parameters. At the highest fertilizer application of 4.2 kg/m3, greatest growth responses occurred with VAM plants in bark:sand medium. Mycorrhizal plants compared to nonmycorrhizal plants in bark:sand medium had greater K and Zn uptake at 0 kg/m3, and greater K, Ca, S, Mn and Zn uptake at 1.2 kg/m3. Texas Agr. Expt. Sta. Journal Series No. TA-22264.  相似文献   

Augé RM  Moore JL  Sylvia DM  Cho K 《Mycorrhiza》2004,14(2):85-92
Colonization of roots and soil by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi sometimes promotes stomatal conductance (g s) of the host plant, but scientists have had difficulty predicting or manipulating the response. Our objective was to test whether the magnitude of AM influence on g s is related to environmental conditions: irradiance, air temperature or leaf temperature. Stomatal conductances of two groups of uncolonized sorghum plants were compared to g s of plants colonized by Glomus intraradices (Gi) or Gigaspora margarita (Gm) in 31 morning and afternoon periods under naturally varying greenhouse conditions. Stomatal conductance of Gi and Gm plants was often markedly higher than g s of similarly sized nonAM plants. AM promotion of g s was minimal at the lowest irradiances and lowest air and leaf temperatures, but was substantial at intermediate irradiance and temperatures. AM promotion was again low or absent at the highest irradiances and temperatures. Magnitude of AM promotion of g s was not a function of absolute g s. Promotion of g s by Gi and Gm was remarkably similar. Differing phosphorus fertilization did not affect g s.  相似文献   

Stein C  Rissmann C  Hempel S  Renker C  Buscot F  Prati D  Auge H 《Oecologia》2009,159(1):191-205
Plant communities can be affected both by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and hemiparasitic plants. However, little is known about the interactive effects of these two biotic factors on the productivity and diversity of plant communities. To address this question, we set up a greenhouse study in which different AMF inocula and a hemiparasitic plant (Rhinanthus minor) were added to experimental grassland communities in a fully factorial design. In addition, single plants of each species in the grassland community were grown with the same treatments to distinguish direct AMF effects from indirect effects via plant competition. We found that AMF changed plant community structure by influencing the plant species differently. At the community level, AMF decreased the productivity by 15–24%, depending on the particular AMF treatment, mainly because two dominant species, Holcus lanatus and Plantago lanceolata, showed a negative mycorrhizal dependency. Concomitantly, plant diversity increased due to AMF inoculation and was highest in the treatment with a combination of two commercial AM strains. AMF had a positive effect on growth of the hemiparasite, and thereby induced a negative impact of the hemiparasite on host plant biomass which was not found in non-inoculated communities. However, the hemiparasite did not increase plant diversity. Our results highlight the importance of interactions with soil microbes for plant community structure and that these indirect effects can vary among AMF treatments. We conclude that mutualistic interactions with AMF, but not antagonistic interactions with a root hemiparasite, promote plant diversity in this grassland community. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure is described for selection and screening of VA mycorrhizal fungi in pot and field trials. The VA mycorrhizal fungi from 20 farm paddocks with unexpectedly high pasture production were compared withGlomus fasciculatus for ability to stimulate plant growth. The fungi from three soils (F4, F11, and F20) which were 84–142% more effective thanG. fasciculatus at stimulating growth in sterilised soils were then tested for ability to stimulate clover growth in unsterilised soils in pots, and in the field. F4, F11 and F20 were more efficient thanG. fasciculatus and the indigenous mycorrhizal fungi in all except one field soil.  相似文献   

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] plants were grown in growth chambers at 20, 25 and 30°C in a low P Typic Argiudoll (3.65 µg P g–1 soil, pH 8.3) inoculated with Glomus fasciculatum, Glomus intraradices, and Glomus macrocarpum to determine effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF) species on plant growth and mineral nutrient uptake. Sorghum root colonization by VAMF and plant responses to Glomus species were temperature dependent. G. macrocarpum colonized sorghum roots best and enhanced plant growth and mineral uptake considerably more than the other VAMF species, especially at 30°C. G. fasciculatum enhanced shoot growth at 20 and 25°C, and mineral uptake only at 20°C. G. intraradices depressed shoot growth and mineral uptake at 30°C. G. macrocarpum enhanced shoot P, K, and Zn at all temperatures, and Fe at 25 and 30°C above that which could be accounted for by increased biomass. Sorghum plant growth responses to colonization by VAMF species may need to be evaluated at different temperatures to optimize beneficial effects.  相似文献   

The growth response ofCalopogonium caeruleum, a leguminous covercrop in plantation agriculture, to inoculation with two vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi was investigated in five phosphorus (P)-deficient soils supplied with various levels of rock phosphate. Significant shoot yield increases over the uninoculated controls were obtained in most sterilised or unsterilised soils at all applied P levels, although the inoculant VAM fungi differed in their effectiveness in the soils used. Responses in mycorrhizal root infections, P and nitrogen (N) concentrations in tops and plant nodulation varied. The results are discussed in relation to the edaphic environment of the mycorrhizal association.  相似文献   

Soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Essex] were grown in nonsterile acid (pH. 5.2) infertile Wynnville silt loam (Glossic Fragiudult) in a glasshouse. The effects of P fertilization and lime were determined by inoculation with two VAM-fungi (VAMF): Glomus fasciculatum (Gf) and Glomus etunicatum (Ge). An important factor affected by the interaction between applied lime (soil acidity), applied P, and VAMF inoculation was the soil Al. Five application rates of P as KH2PO4 and three rates of lime were tested. Potassium was equalized with KCl (muriate of potash). P-efficiency (g seed/mg P kg-1 soil) by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) was maximal at 20 mg P kg-1 soil at all lime and VAMF treatments. VAMF inoculation increased plant survival and protected the soybeans from leaf scorch, thereby substituting for the effects of lime and P. The Ge inoculum was superior in ameliorating leaf scorch in the nonlimed soil. The Gf inoculum required more lime and P than the Ge inoculum to increase seed yield relative to the noninoculated controls containing only native VAMF. Both inocula increased root Al uptake and extractable soil Al in the acid soil without apparent adverse effects on root or shoot. The ability of the VAMF inocula to enhance the efficiency of applied P and decrease seed Cl concentration was increased by lime. Seed yield (Y) was negatively related to seed Cl concentration (X) where Y=aX-b. Both VAMF inoculation and lime application reduced this negative relationship and may have increased the tolerance to both Cl and soil Al.  相似文献   

The interaction between native and introduced fungi and their effect on plant growth and mineral uptake were studied. The host plants wereLygeum spartum andAnthyllis cytisoides, the introduced fungus wasGlomus fasciculatum. The four soils used were selected from disturbed and contaminated by mining activities areas. Inoculated and uninoculated plants were grown in the unsterilized and sterilized soils (with and withouth native microflora, respectively). Plants inoculated withG. fasciculatum were higher and had higher tissue P concentration than uninoculated plants, especially inA. cytisoides. However, this inoculation was not effective in unsterilized substrates, suggesting a competition between introduced and native fungi. Concentration of mineral elements other than P varied depending on the host plant and soil. Decrease in Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and Pb was observed in mycorrhizalA. cytiosides plants and a slight increase in Zn concentration was noted in mycorrhizalL. spartum plants. The study showed that the type of soil and their populations of native endophytes have a considerable effect on plant response to mycorrhizal symbiosis, especially in disturbed soils.  相似文献   

The effects of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Glomus mosseae and G. claroideum) and a pathogenic fungus (Pythium ultimum) on the production of eight flavonoids in roots of two white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cultivars were evaluated. Quantification of AM and pathogenic fungi in the roots showed that the AM symbiosis significantly reduced P. ultimum biomass and in some cases prevented infection. The flavonoid productions in clover roots varied depending on the presence of beneficial and/or pathogenic fungi, fungal isolate or plant cultivar. Only plants colonized with G. claroideum showed detectable concentrations of either coumestrol or kaempferol (cultivar-dependant). In addition, inoculation with G. claroideum resulted in significantly higher concentrations of coumestrol in cv. Sonja and medicarpin in cv. Milo. A low production of coumestrol and kaempferol in mycorrhizal plants may be G. mosseae-specific. Only the concentrations of formononetin and daidzein increased in clover roots in response to infection with P. ultimum. These flavonoids are supposedly stress metabolites, synthesized or produced from glycosides in response to pathogen infection. However, the presence of one or both AMF significantly lowered the formononetin and daidzein concentrations, and overruled the inductive effect of P. ultimum. Therefore the antagonistic action of AM against the pathogen must take place through another mechanism.  相似文献   

Yamato M  Ikeda S  Iwase K 《Mycorrhiza》2008,18(5):241-249
Community of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in a coastal vegetation on Okinawa island in Japan was examined. A sampling plot was established in a colony of Ipomoea pes-caprae (Convolvulaceae) on the beach in Tamagusuku, Okinawa Pref, in which eight root samples of I. pes-caprae and three root samples each of Vigna marina (Leguminosae) and Paspalum distichum (Poaceae) were collected. Partial 18S rDNA of AM fungi was amplified from the root samples by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers NS31 and AM1. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis with HinfI and RsaI for cloned PCR products revealed that two types of Glomus sp., type A and type B, were dominant in the colony. Among them, the fungi of type A were especially dominant near the edge of the colony facing the sea. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the AM fungi of type B are closely related to Glomus intraradices and those of type A are nearly related to type B. From the sequence data, it was also found that type A was further divided into two types, type A1 and A2. One representative strain each of the three types, type A1, A2, and B, propagated from single spore each, was examined for the growth of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) at three different salinity levels, 0, 100, and 200 mM NaCl. At the non-salt-treated condition, the type B fungus was the most effective on shoot growth enhancement of the host plant, whereas at the salt-treated conditions, the type A2 fungus was the most effective. An efficient suppression of Na + translocation into the shoot by the examined AM fungi was found. These results suggested that the AM fungi dominant near the sea are adapted to salt-stressed environment to alleviate the salt stress of host plants.  相似文献   

Summary Plants of white clover Trifolium repens were grown under the canopies of three grass species, Lolium perenne, Agrostis tenuis and Holcus lanatus, and under simulated canopies of black polythene and controls were exposed to unfiltered natural radiation. The canopies were adjusted so that they transmitted equal intensities of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (P.A.R.). The ratio of red to far red radiation () was unchanged under the black polythene canopies but was reduced under canopies of Lolium and Agrostis and even more so under Holcus. The effect of canopy filtered radiation on the growth of clover was greatly to reduced internode length, mean number of nodes, the number of branched nodes and the number of rooted nodes and greatly to increase petiole length. The effect of canopies of Holcus was greater than that of the other grass species both in its effect on and on the responses of the clover plant to its shade.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of temperature on growth in broth and soil and on competition for nodule formation betweenRhizobium japonicum serotypes USDA 76 and 94 compared to 6 and 110 were studied. Increasing root temperatures of Lee soybean from 20 to 35°C increased the competitiveness of 76 and 94 relative to 6 and 110 for all inoculum ratios such that at 30 and 35°C symptoms ofRhizobium-induced chlorosis appeared. Tolerance to elevated temperatures was exhibited by 76 and 110, but not 94 and 6 in broth and soil which suggested that increased competitiveness of 76 and 94 at high soil temperatures was not dependent upon growth at elevated temperatures. Nodulation and vegetative growth of Lee soybeans were at a minimum at 20°C and optimum at 30°C. Differences in competitiveness of 6 to previous studies indicated the need to standardize temperatures of assays. Differences in growth responses of 76 and 94 to temperature from a previous study suggested a confounding effect on different carbon sources in growth media. Scientific Article No. A-3721 Contribution No. 6697 of the Maryland Agric Exp Sta, Dept of Agronomy, College Park, MD 20742 and the USDA, ARS, Beltsville, MD 20705. Part of a thesis submitted by the senior author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. Degree.  相似文献   

Summary Humidity, at the young nodes of white clover stolones, varied by enclosing nodes in the atmosphere above a range of saturated solutions, inhibited root initiation at 85% RH or less. The threshold humidity for root initiation increased to about 93% on young nodes subject to moisture stress or old nodes on well watered plants in which root initiation had been previously suppressed by low humidity.Roots at old nodes and at the three youngest on stolons were either subject to moisture stress or adequately watered. Growth of young roots and N2-fixation were more adversely affected by the direct effects of drought than by subjecting old roots to drought. Although old roots under stress affected new root growth and N2-fixation, length of roots and lateral root number were little affected. By contrast stolon growth was affected more by stress to old roots than to young nodes, although after 6 weeks the contribution made by young roots to stolon growth was almost as high as old roots.The data suggest that deep roots at old nodes will allow clover stolons to grow during drought due to the high acropetal movement of water but initiation of roots and functioning of young roots at the soil surface will be adversely affected, with possible implications on the persistence of clover.  相似文献   

Two successive hydroponic experiments were carried out to identify barley varieties tolerant to Cd toxicity via examining Soil–Plant Analyses Development (SPAD) value, plant height, leaves and tillers per plant, root number and volume, and biomass accumulation. The results showed that SPAD values (chlorophyll meter readings), plant height, leaf number, root number and volume, and biomass accumulation of shoot/root were significantly reduced in the plants grown in 20 μM Cd nutrient solution compared with control, and the uptake and translocation of Zn, Mn, and Cu was also strictly hindered. Furthermore, there was a highly significant difference in the reduction in these growth parameters among varieties, and varieties “Weisuobuzhi” and “Jipi 1” showed the least reduction both in the two experiments, suggesting their high tolerance to Cd toxicity, while “Dong 17” and “Suyinmai 2” with the greatest reduction and the toxicity symptoms appeared rapidly and severely, denoting as Cd-sensitive varieties. Significant variety difference in Cd concentration was also found, with Weisuobuzhi containing the highest and Jipi 1 the lowest Cd concentration in shoots.  相似文献   

Three heathand species, Antennaria dioica, Arnica montana and Hieracium pilosella, were artificially rained with ammonium sulphate solutions at increasing concentrations in a greenhouse experiment. The same species were also artificially rained with increasing ammonium sulphate solutions under field conditions. Dry weights of the plants in the field experiments did not change with increasing ammonium sulphate applications. Nor did the dry weights of plants in the greenhouse experiments change with increasing ammonium sulphate concentrations, except for Arnica montana, which showed an increase in dry weight. VAM infection percentage of Antennaria dioica increased in both the greenhouse and the field experiment. The results of the field experiment show that VAM infection rates are reduced after two years of artificial rain in the plant species Arnica montana, which grows naturally under nutrient poor conditions and is presently declining in its natural habitat in the Netherlands. In the greenhouse experiment, VAM infection of Arnica montana did not change with increasing ammonium sulphate concentrations. VAM infection rates of Hieracium pilosella, which presently is not declining, did not change with increasing ammonium sulphate concentrations.  相似文献   

Three wheat cultivars with different tolerances against free aluminium were grown monoxenically in association with Azospirillum brasilense. In situ nitrogen fixation, measured with the acetylene reduction assay, was higher by the aluminium-tolerant cultivars than by the sensitive cultivar. The transfer of fixed nitrogen to the host plant, determined by the 15N dilution technique, was also significantly higher in the aluminium-resistant wheat plants. The total accumulation of fixed nitrogen in the host plants due to an A. brasilense inoculation varied from approximately 13% to 17% of the total nitrogen in the root and 2.9% to 3.9% of the nitrogen in the shoot.The quantity and quality of exudates released in liquid nutrient solution were analysed separately for two of the wheat cultivars, one aluminium-tolerant and one aluminium-sensitive. After 29 days of growth the aluminium-tolerant plants exudated significantly higher total amounts of carbon than aluminium-sensitive plants. No differences between the two cultivars existed in the carbon exudation rate per gram dry root.Much higher concentrations of low molecular dicarboxylic acids i.e. succinic, malic and oxalic acid, were found in the exudates of aluminium-tolerant plants. Dicarboxylic acids are potential chelating compounds for positively charged metals such as aluminium and they may play an important role in protecting the plant against aluminium incorporation. They are also very suitable substrates for Azospirillum spp. It is therefore suggested that these factors may be causing the higher associative nitrogen fixation rates which was found in the aluminium-tolerant wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

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