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DNA is constantly damaged by endogenous and exogenous agents. The resulting DNA lesions have the potential to halt the progression of the replisome, possibly leading to replication fork collapse. Here, we examine the effect of a noncoding DNA lesion in either leading strand template or lagging strand template on the bacteriophage T4 replisome. A damaged base in the lagging strand template does not affect the progression of the replication fork. Instead, the stalled lagging strand polymerase recycles from the lesion and initiates the synthesis of a new Okazaki fragment upstream of the damaged base. In contrast, when the replisome encounters a blocking lesion in the leading strand template, the replication fork only travels approximately 1 kb beyond the point of the DNA lesion before complete replication fork collapse. The primosome and the lagging strand polymerase remain active during this period, and an Okazaki fragment is synthesized beyond the point of the leading strand lesion. There is no evidence for a new priming event on the leading strand template. Instead, the DNA structure that is produced by the stalled replication fork is a substrate for the DNA repair helicase UvsW. UvsW catalyzes the regression of a stalled replication fork into a “chicken-foot” structure that has been postulated to be an intermediate in an error-free lesion bypass pathway.  相似文献   

Beclin-1, originally identified as a Bcl-2 binding protein, is an evolutionarily conserved protein required for autophagy. The direct interaction between Beclin-1 and Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL provides a potential convergence point for apoptosis and autophagy, two programmed cell death processes. Given the functional significance of the interaction between Beclin-1 and Bcl-2/Bcl-xL, we performed detailed biochemical and structural characterizations of this interaction. We demonstrated that the Bcl-xL-binding domain of Beclin-1 contains a BH3 domain. Therefore, Beclin-1 is a new member of the BH3-only family proteins. The structure of Bcl-xL in complex with the Beclin-1 BH3 domain was determined at high resolution by NMR spectroscopy. Although similar to other known BH3 domains, the Beclin-1 BH3 domain displays its own distinct features in the complex with Bcl-xL. Systematic analysis of all known Bcl-xL/BH3 domain complexes helped us to identify the molecular basis underlying the capacity of Bcl-xL to recognize diverse target sequences.  相似文献   

CHD7 is a member of the chromodomain helicase DNA binding domain (CHD) family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling enzymes. It is mutated in CHARGE syndrome, a multiple congenital anomaly condition. CHD7 is one of a subset of CHD proteins, unique to metazoans that contain the BRK domain, a protein module also found in the Brahma/BRG1 family of helicases. We describe here the NMR solution structure of the two BRK domains of CHD7. Each domain has a compact betabetaalphabeta fold. The second domain has a C-terminal extension consisting of two additional helices. The structure differs from those of other domains present in chromatin-associated proteins.  相似文献   

RecQ DNA helicases act in conjunction with heterologous partner proteins to catalyze DNA metabolic activities, including recombination initiation and stalled replication fork processing. For the prototypical Escherichia coli RecQ protein, direct interaction with single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) stimulates its DNA unwinding activity. Complex formation between RecQ and SSB is mediated by the RecQ winged-helix domain, which binds the nine C-terminal-most residues of SSB, a highly conserved sequence known as the SSB-Ct element. Using nuclear magnetic resonance and mutational analyses, we identify the SSB-Ct binding pocket on E. coli RecQ. The binding site shares a striking electrostatic similarity with the previously identified SSB-Ct binding site on E. coli exonuclease I, although the SSB binding domains in the two proteins are not otherwise related structurally. Substitutions that alter RecQ residues implicated in SSB-Ct binding impair RecQ binding to SSB and SSB/DNA nucleoprotein complexes. These substitutions also diminish SSB-stimulated DNA helicase activity in the variants, although additional biochemical changes in the RecQ variants indicate a role for the winged-helix domain in helicase activity beyond SSB protein binding. Sequence changes in the SSB-Ct element are sufficient to abolish interaction with RecQ in the absence of DNA and to diminish RecQ binding and helicase activity on SSB/DNA substrates. These results support a model in which RecQ has evolved an SSB-Ct binding site on its winged-helix domain as an adaptation that aids its cellular functions on SSB/DNA nucleoprotein substrates.  相似文献   

Circoviruses are the smallest circular single-stranded DNA viruses able to replicate in mammalian cells. Essential to their replication is the replication initiator, or Rep protein that initiates the rolling circle replication (RCR) of the viral genome. Here we report the NMR solution three-dimensional structure of the endonuclease domain from the Rep protein of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), the causative agent of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in swine. The domain comprises residues 12-112 of the full-length protein and exhibits the fold described previously for the Rep protein of the representative geminivirus tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus. The structure, however, differs significantly in some secondary structure elements that decorate the central five-stranded beta-sheet, including the replacement of a beta-hairpin by an alpha-helix in PCV2 Rep. The identification of the divalent metal binding site was accomplished by following the paramagnetic broadening of NMR amide signals upon Mn(2+) titration. The site comprises three conserved acidic residues on the exposed face of the central beta-sheet. For the 1:1 complex of the PCV2 Rep nuclease domain with a 22mer double-stranded DNA oligonucleotide chemical shift mapping allowed the identification of the DNA binding site on the protein and aided in constructing a model of the protein/DNA complex.  相似文献   

Two ssb mutants of Escherichia coli, whic carry a lesion in the single-strand DNA-binding protein (SSB), are sensitive to UV-irradiation. We have investigated the influence of SSB on the “SOS” repair pathway by examining the levels of recA protein synthesis. These strains fail to induced normal levels of recA protein after treatment with nalidixic acid or ultraviolet light. The level of recA protein synthesis in wild-type cells is about three times greater than ssb cells. This deficiency in ssb mutants occurs in all strains and at all temperatures tested (30–41.5°). In contrast, the ssb-1 mutant has no effect on temperature-induced recA induction in a recA441 (tif-1) strain. Cells carrying ssb+ plasmids and overproducing normal DNA-binding protein surprisingly are moderated UV-sensitive and have reduced levels of recA protein synthesis. Together these results establish that single-strand DNA-binding protein is involved in the induction of recA, and accounts, at least in part, for the UV sensivitiy of ssb mutant. Three possible mechanisms to explain the role of SSB are discussed.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli PriA helicase complex with the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), the location of the strong DNA-binding subsite, and the effect of the nucleotide cofactors, bound to the strong and weak nucleotide-binding site of the enzyme on the dsDNA affinity, have been analyzed using the fluorescence titration, analytical ultracentrifugation, and photo-cross-linking techniques. The total site size of the PriA-dsDNA complex is only 5 ± 1 bp, that is, dramatically lower than 20 ± 3 nucleotides occluded in the enzyme-single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) complex. The helicase associates with the dsDNA using its strong ssDNA-binding subsite in an orientation very different from the complex with the ssDNA. The strong DNA-binding subsite of the enzyme is located on the helicase domain of the PriA protein. The dsDNA intrinsic affinity is considerably higher than the ssDNA affinity and the binding process is accompanied by a significant positive cooperativity. Association of cofactors with strong and weak nucleotide-binding sites of the protein profoundly affects the intrinsic affinity and the cooperativity, without affecting the stoichiometry. ATP analog binding to either site diminishes the intrinsic affinity but preserves the cooperativity. ADP binding to the strong site leads to a dramatic increase of the cooperativity and only slightly affects the affinity, while saturation of both sites with ADP strongly increases the affinity and eliminates the cooperativity. Thus, the coordinated action of both nucleotide-binding sites on the PriA-dsDNA interactions depends on the structure of the phosphate group. The significance of these results for the enzyme activities in recognizing primosome assembly sites or the ssDNA gaps is discussed.  相似文献   

The C-terminal domain (CTD) of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nucleocapsid protein (NP) contains a potential RNA-binding region in its N-terminal portion and also serves as a dimerization domain by forming a homodimer with a molecular mass of 28 kDa. So far, the structure determination of the SARS-CoV NP CTD in solution has been impeded by the poor quality of NMR spectra, especially for aromatic resonances. We have recently developed the stereo-array isotope labeling (SAIL) method to overcome the size problem of NMR structure determination by utilizing a protein exclusively composed of stereo- and regio-specifically isotope-labeled amino acids. Here, we employed the SAIL method to determine the high-quality solution structure of the SARS-CoV NP CTD by NMR. The SAIL protein yielded less crowded and better resolved spectra than uniform 13C and 15N labeling, and enabled the homodimeric solution structure of this protein to be determined. The NMR structure is almost identical with the previously solved crystal structure, except for a disordered putative RNA-binding domain at the N-terminus. Studies of the chemical shift perturbations caused by the binding of single-stranded DNA and mutational analyses have identified the disordered region at the N-termini as the prime site for nucleic acid binding. In addition, residues in the β-sheet region also showed significant perturbations. Mapping of the locations of these residues onto the helical model observed in the crystal revealed that these two regions are parts of the interior lining of the positively charged helical groove, supporting the hypothesis that the helical oligomer may form in solution.  相似文献   

Tropomyosin is a coiled-coil protein that binds head-to-tail along the length of actin filaments in eukaryotic cells, stabilizing them and providing protection from severing proteins. Tropomyosin cooperatively regulates actin's interaction with myosin and mediates the Ca2+ -dependent regulation of contraction by troponin in striated muscles. The N-terminal and C-terminal ends are critical functional determinants that form an "overlap complex". Here we report the solution NMR structure of an overlap complex formed of model peptides. In the complex, the chains of the C-terminal coiled coil spread apart to allow insertion of 11 residues of the N-terminal coiled coil into the resulting cleft. The plane of the N-terminal coiled coil is rotated 90 degrees relative to the plane of the C terminus. A consequence of the geometry is that the orientation of postulated periodic actin binding sites on the coiled-coil surface is retained from one molecule to the next along the actin filament when the overlap complex is modeled into the X-ray structure of tropomyosin determined at 7 Angstroms. Nuclear relaxation NMR data reveal flexibility of the junction, which may function to optimize binding along the helical actin filament and to allow mobility of tropomyosin on the filament surface as it switches between regulatory states.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 UvsY is a recombination mediator protein that promotes assembly of the UvsX-ssDNA presynaptic filament. UvsY helps UvsX to displace T4 gene 32 protein (gp32) from ssDNA, a reaction necessary for proper formation of the presynaptic filament. Here we use DNA stretching to examine UvsY interactions with single DNA molecules in the presence and absence of gp32 and a gp32 C-terminal truncation (*I), and show that in both cases UvsY is able to destabilize gp32-ssDNA interactions. In these experiments UvsY binds more strongly to dsDNA than ssDNA due to its inability to wrap ssDNA at high forces. To support this hypothesis, we show that ssDNA created by exposure of stretched DNA to glyoxal is strongly wrapped by UvsY, but wrapping occurs only at low forces. Our results demonstrate that UvsY interacts strongly with stretched DNA in the absence of other proteins. In the presence of gp32 and *I, UvsY is capable of strongly destabilizing gp32-DNA complexes in order to facilitate ssDNA wrapping, which in turn prepares the ssDNA for presynaptic filament assembly in the presence of UvsX. Thus, UvsY mediates UvsX binding to ssDNA by converting rigid gp32-DNA filaments into a structure that can be strongly bound by UvsX.  相似文献   

Solution structure of the first Src homology (SH) 3 domain of human vinexin (V_SH3_1) was determined using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method and revealed that it was a canonical SH3 domain, which has a typical beta-beta-beta-beta-alpha-beta fold. Using chemical shift perturbation and surface plasmon resonance experiments, we studied the binding properties of the SH3 domain with two different peptides from vinculin hinge regions: P856 and P868. The observations illustrated slightly different affinities of the two peptides binding to V_SH3_1. The interaction between P868 and V_SH3_1 belonged to intermediate exchange with a modest binding affinity, while the interaction between P856 and V_SH3_1 had a low binding affinity. The structure and ligand-binding interface of V_SH3_1 provide a structural basis for the further functional study of this important molecule.  相似文献   

Wang H  Zhang Q  Cai B  Li H  Sze KH  Huang ZX  Wu HM  Sun H 《FEBS letters》2006,580(3):795-800
Alzheimer's disease is characterized by progressive loss of neurons accompanied by the formation of intraneural neurofibrillary tangles and extracellular amyloid plaques. Human neuronal growth inhibitory factor, classified as metallothionein-3 (MT-3), was found to be related to the neurotrophic activity promoting cortical neuron survival and dendrite outgrowth in the cell culture studies. We have determined the solution structure of the alpha-domain of human MT-3 (residues 32-68) by multinuclear and multidimensional NMR spectroscopy in combination with the molecular dynamic simulated annealing approach. The human MT-3 shows two metal-thiolate clusters, one in the N-terminus (beta-domain) and one in the C-terminus (alpha-domain). The overall fold of the alpha-domain is similar to that of mouse MT-3. However, human MT-3 has a longer loop in the acidic hexapeptide insertion than that of mouse MT-3. Surprisingly, the backbone dynamics of the protein revealed that the beta-domain exhibits similar internal motion to the alpha-domain, although the N-terminal residues are more flexible. Our results may provide useful information for understanding the structure-function relationship of human MT-3.  相似文献   

Mutations in the protein dysferlin, a member of the ferlin family, lead to limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B and Myoshi myopathy. The ferlins are large proteins characterised by multiple C2 domains and a single C-terminal membrane-spanning helix. However, there is sequence conservation in some of the ferlin family in regions outside the C2 domains. In one annotation of the domain structure of these proteins, an unusual internal duplication event has been noted where a putative domain is inserted in between the N- and C-terminal parts of a homologous domain. This domain is known as the DysF domain. Here, we present the solution structure of the inner DysF domain of the dysferlin paralogue myoferlin, which has a unique fold held together by stacking of arginine and tryptophans, mutations that lead to clinical disease in dysferlin.  相似文献   

Translocation of double-stranded DNA into a preformed capsid by tailed bacteriophages is driven by powerful motors assembled at the special portal vertex. The motor is thought to drive processive cycles of DNA binding, movement, and release to package the viral genome. In phage T4, there is evidence that the large terminase protein, gene product 17 (gp17), assembles into a multisubunit motor and translocates DNA by an inchworm mechanism. gp17 consists of two domains; an N-terminal ATPase domain (amino acids 1-360) that powers translocation of DNA, and a C-terminal nuclease domain (amino acids 361-610) that cuts concatemeric DNA to generate a headful-size viral genome. While the functional motifs of ATPase and nuclease have been well defined and the ATPase atomic structure has been solved, the DNA binding motif(s) responsible for viral DNA recognition, cutting, and translocation are unknown. Here we report the first evidence for the presence of a double-stranded DNA binding activity in the gp17 ATPase domain. Binding to DNA is sensitive to Mg2+ and salt, but not the type of DNA used. DNA fragments as short as 20 bp can bind to the ATPase but preferential binding was observed to DNA greater than 1 kb. A high molecular weight ATPase-DNA complex was isolated by gel filtration, suggesting oligomerization of ATPase following DNA interaction. DNA binding was not observed with the full-length gp17, or the C-terminal nuclease domain. The small terminase protein, gp16, inhibited DNA binding, which was further accentuated by ATP. The presence of a DNA binding site in the ATPase domain and its binding properties implicate a role in the DNA packaging mechanism.  相似文献   

Folding intermediates have been detected and characterized for many proteins. However, their structures at atomic resolution have only been determined for two small single domain proteins: Rd-apocytochrome b(562) and engrailed homeo domain. T4 lysozyme has two easily distinguishable but energetically coupled domains: the N and C-terminal domains. An early native-state hydrogen exchange experiment identified an intermediate with the C-terminal domain folded and the N-terminal domain unfolded. We have used a native-state hydrogen exchange-directed protein engineering approach to populate this intermediate and demonstrated that it is on the folding pathway and exists after the rate-limiting step. Here, we determined its high-resolution structure and the backbone dynamics by multi-dimensional NMR methods. We also characterized the folding behavior of the intermediate using stopped-flow fluorescence, protein engineering, and native-state hydrogen exchange. Unlike the folding intermediates of the two single-domain proteins, which have many non-native side-chain interactions, the structure of the hidden folding intermediate of T4 lysozyme is largely native-like. It folds like many small single domain proteins. These results have implications for understanding the folding mechanism and evolution of multi-domain proteins.  相似文献   

During infections the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus procures the essential nutrient iron from its host using iron-regulated surface determinant (Isd) proteins, which scavenge heme bound iron from host hemoproteins. Four Isd proteins are displayed in the cell wall, where they function as receptors for host proteins and heme. Each of the receptors contains one or more copies of a recently discovered domain called NEAT (NEAr Transporter) that has been shown to mediate protein binding. Here we report the three-dimensional solution structure of the NEAT domain from the IsdH/HarA protein, which is the hemoglobin receptor in the Isd system. This is the first structure of a NEAT domain and reveals that they adopt a beta sandwich fold that consists of two five-stranded antiparallel beta sheets. Although unrelated at the primary sequence level, our results indicate that NEAT domains belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily. Binding studies indicate that two IsdH/HarA NEAT domains bind a single molecule of methemoglobin, while the distantly related NEAT domain from the S. aureus IsdC protein binds only heme. A comparison of their primary sequences in light of the new structure is used to predict the hemoglobin and heme binding surfaces on NEAT domains.  相似文献   

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