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Sexual selection is often considered as a critical evolutionary force promoting sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in animals. However, empirical evidence for a positive relationship between sexual selection on males and male-biased SSD received mixed support depending on the studied taxonomic group and on the method used to quantify sexual selection. Here, we present a meta-analytic approach accounting for phylogenetic non-independence to test how standardized metrics of the opportunity and strength of pre-copulatory sexual selection relate to SSD across a broad range of animal taxa comprising up to 95 effect sizes from 59 species. We found that SSD based on length measurements was correlated with the sex difference in the opportunity for sexual selection but showed a weak and statistically non-significant relationship with the sex difference in the Bateman gradient. These findings suggest that pre-copulatory sexual selection plays a limited role for the evolution of SSD in a broad phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

Individuals of the genus Jaera do not mate at random. In the species from the Mediterranean group, J. italica and. J. nordmanni, large males and medium sized females are at an advantage and their sizes are positively assorted. These effects are attributable to sexual competition between males. In the Ponlo-caspian species J. istri, no advantage of large males exists, but sexual selection could be the cause for a long passive phase prior to copulation and for normalizing selection upon female size at pairing. In the Atlantic species, J. albifrons, no selection can be ascertained.
Differential mating success in males appears as one of the causes of the evolution of sexual dimorphism in body size, which makes males larger, of equal size, or smaller than females according to the species. The reason for this reversal in dimorphism seems to differ in the two sexes. Sexual selection provides an explanation for the evolution of male size, while the interspecific changes in female length are more likely due to ecological factors.  相似文献   

The magnitude and direction of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) varies greatly across the animal kingdom, reflecting differential selection pressures on the reproductive and/or ecological roles of males and females. If the selection pressures and constraints imposed on body size change along environmental gradients, then SSD will vary geographically in a predictable way. Here, we uncover a biogeographical reversal in SSD of lizards from Central and North America: in warm, low latitude environments, males are larger than females, but at colder, high latitudes, females are larger than males. Comparisons to expectations under a Brownian motion model of SSD evolution indicate that this pattern reflects differences in the evolutionary rates and/or trajectories of sex‐specific body sizes. The SSD gradient we found is strongly related to mean annual temperature, but is independent of species richness and body size differences among species within grid cells, suggesting that the biogeography of SSD reflects gradients in sexual and/or fecundity selection, rather than intersexual niche divergence to minimize intraspecific competition. We demonstrate that the SSD gradient is driven by stronger variation in male size than in female size and is independent of clutch mass. This suggests that gradients in sexual selection and male–male competition, rather than fecundity selection to maximize reproductive output by females in seasonal environments, are predominantly responsible for the gradient.  相似文献   

Morphological and behavioral differences between sexes are commonplace throughout the animal kingdom. Body size is one of the most obvious sex differences frequently found in snakes. However, the developmental origins of size differences in many species, including snakes, are not well known. We examined post-natal variation in sexual size dimorphism in garter snakes Thamnophis sirtalis . The weights, body and tail lengths, and head sizes of male and female neonates born to mothers collected from ecologically dissimilar habitats on Beaver Island, Lake Michigan were compared. Sexual size dimorphism was prominent. Overall, males had significantly longer bodies and tails than females. Females were significantly heavier and had larger heads than male snakes. Maternal site affected head but not body measurements, perhaps due to differences in prey availability. The body condition of maternal females predicted neonatal body length. Significant litter variation suggests heritable variation in morphological traits possibly correlated with feeding success and survival.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is usually interpreted in terms of reproductive adaptations, but the degree of sex divergence also may be affected by sex-based niche partitioning. In gape-limited animals like snakes, the degree of sexual dimorphism in body size (SSD) or relative head size can determine the size spectrum of ingestible prey for each sex. Our studies of one mainland and four insular Western Australian populations of carpet pythons ( Morelia spilota ) reveal remarkable geographical variation in SSD, associated with differences in prey resources available to the snakes. In all five populations, females grew larger than males and had larger heads relative to body length. However, the populations differed in mean body sizes and relative head sizes, as well as in the degree of sexual dimorphism in these traits. Adult males and females also diverged strongly in dietary composition: males consumed small prey (lizards, mice and small birds), while females took larger mammals such as possums and wallabies. Geographic differences in the availability of large mammalian prey were linked to differences in mean adult body sizes of females (the larger sex) and thus contributed to sex-based resource partitioning. For example, in one population adult male snakes ate mice and adult females ate wallabies; in another, birds and lizards were important prey types for both sexes. Thus, the high degree of geographical variation among python populations in sexually dimorphic aspects of body size and shape plausibly results from geographical variation in prey availability.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 113–125.  相似文献   

Many animal taxa exhibit a positive correlation between sexual size dimorphism and sex differences in age at maturity, such that members of the larger sex mature at older ages than members of the smaller sex. Previous workers have suggested that sexual bimaturation is a product of sex differences in growth trajectories, but to date no one has tested this hypothesis. The current study uses growth-based models to study relationships between sexual size dimorphism and sexual bimaturation in species with asymptotic growth after maturity. These models show that sex differences in asymptotic size would produce sexual bimaturation even if both sexes approach their respective asymptotic sizes at the same age, mature at the same proportion of asymptotic size and have otherwise equivalent growth and maturation patterns. Furthermore, our analyses show that there are three ways to reduce sexual bimaturation in sexually size-dimorphic species: (1) higher characteristic growth rates for members of the larger sex, (2) larger size at birth, hatching or metamorphosis for members of the larger sex or (3) smaller ratio of size at maturity to asymptotic size (relative size at maturity) for members of the larger sex. Of these three options, sex differences in relative size at maturity are most common in size-dimorphic species and, in both male-larger and female-larger species, members of the larger sex frequently mature at a smaller proportion of their asymptotic size than do members of the smaller sex. Information about the growth and maturation patterns of a taxon can be used to determine relationships between sexual size dimorphism and sexual bimaturation for the members of that taxon. This process is illustrated for Anolis lizards, a genus in which both sexes exhibit the same strong correlation (r 0.97) between size at maturity and asymptotic size, and in which the relative size at maturity is inversely related to asymptotic size for both sexes. As a result, sexually size-dimorphic species of anoles exhibit the expected pattern of a smaller relative size at maturity for members of the larger sex. However, for species in this genus, sex differences in the relative size at maturity are not strong enough to produce the same age at maturity for both sexes in sexually size-dimorphic species. Members of the larger sex (usually males) are still expected to mature at older ages than members of the smaller sex in Anolis lizards.  相似文献   

昆虫的雌雄二型现象   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王孟卿  杨定 《昆虫知识》2005,42(6):721-725
对发生雌雄二型现象的昆虫类群、生态因子及进化进行了概括总结;还特别介绍了长足虻科昆虫雌雄二型的相关方面;并简要讨论了雌雄二型与性选择的关系。  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits are limited by selection against those traits in other fitness components, such as survival. Thus, sexual selection favouring large size in males should be balanced by higher mortality of larger males. However, evidence from red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) indicates that large males survive better than small males. A survival advantage to large size could result from males migrating north in early spring, when harsh weather favours large size for energetic reasons. From this hypothesis we predicted that, among species, sex differences in body size should be correlated with sex differences in timing of spring migration. The earlier males migrate relative to females, the larger they should be relative to females. We tested this prediction using a comparative analysis of data collected from 30 species of passerine birds captured on migration. After controlling for social mating system, we found that sexual size dimorphism and difference in arrival dates of males and females were significantly positively correlated. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that selection for survival ability promotes sexual size dimorphism (SSD), rather than opposes SSD as is the conventional view. If both natural selection and sexual selection favour large adult males, then limits to male size must be imposed before males become adults.  相似文献   

The degree of sexual dimorphism in flowers and inflorescences can be evaluated early in flower development through the study of floral organ size co-variation. In the present work, the gynoecium-androecium size relationship was studied to assess the degree of sexual expression in flowers and inflorescences of the andromonoecious shrub Caesalpinia gilliesii. The co-variation pattern of floral organ sizes was compared between small and large inflorescences, under the hypothesis that inflorescence size reflected differential resource availability. Also, staminate and perfect flowers were collected from three populations and compared on the basis of gynoecium, ovule length, filament length, pollen size and number. The obtained results indicated that staminate and perfect flowers differed only in the gynoecium and ovule length, whereas filament length, pollen size, and number varied across populations. The gynoecium size was smaller and its variability was much higher in staminate than in perfect flowers, as explained by a recent hypothesis about pollinator-mediated gynoecium size selection acting upon perfect flowers. The analysis of the gynoecium-androecium size relationship during flower development, revealed a dissociation of gynoecium growth relative to other floral structures in some buds. Lower gynoecium-androecium regression slopes and smaller gynoecia length characterized smaller inflorescences, thus reflecting the fact that sexual expression was more male-biased. This trend is in agreement with a differential resource-related response at the inflorescence level, however, post-mating resource allocation and the inclusion of other modular levels may also help us to understand the variation in sexual dimorphism in this species.  相似文献   

Patterns of sexual size dimorphism and body size in calanoid copepods are examined. We hypothesize that favorable conditions for development will result in large body size and high sexual size dimorphism among populations of a given species and that differences in this allometric relationship among species is governed by the male's role in insemination. We confirm that there is a greater advantage to large female size, normally the larger sex, when compared to males, hence leading to selection for developmental patterns favoring high size dimorphism. Individuals from populations of four centropagid copepod species were measured; other sizes were obtained from published sources. In the four species we examined, the relationships between prosome length and both clutch size and the ability to produce multiple clutches with one insemination were determined. Results show a trend toward hyperallometry in all centropagid species examined: sexual size dimorphism increases with increasing size. Large females produce larger clutches and more additional clutches on one insemination. That hyperallometry is not observed in diaptomid copepods may result from the greater role the male plays in reproduction. Males are needed for each clutch produced, hence the selective pressure to be larger is greater than that in the centropagidae.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism in parasitoid wasps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual dimorphism in body length and proportion of overlap between the ranges of body length for males and females were estimated for 361 species of parasitoid wasps from 21 families. In most species, females are generally larger than males, though the range of male and female sizes overlap. Species in the family Ichneumonidae differ significantly from species in other families in three ways: (1) ichneumonids on average are larger, (2) in most species, females are generally smaller than males, and (3) on average, proportion overlap between the ranges of body length for males and females is greater. At present, there is a paucity of life history data on parasitoid wasp species for which size dimorphism is known. Thus it is not clear why ichneumonids differ from species in other families. Possible evolutionary explanations for variation in dimorphism among parasitoid wasp species are discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-three morphological features of 140 specimens of Ophisops elegans were analysed in order to identify sexual dimorphism in west and northwestern populations of Iran. Sexual dimorphism is significant (P<0.05) in nearly all metric features except for trunk length (TL) and length of widest part of belly (LWB), and in only two meristic characters, the number of dorsal scales around mid-body (DSN) and the number of femoral pores (FPN). Males have a relatively longer snout-vent length (SVL) than females and males have generally relatively larger heads compared to females.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism in species with asymptotic growth after maturity   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
If animals mature at small sizes and then grow to larger asymptotic sizes, many factors can affect male and female size distributions. Standard growth equations can be used to study the processes affecting sexual size dimorphism in species with asymptotic growth after maturity. This paper first outlines the effects of sex differences in growth and maturation patterns on the direction and degree of sexual dimorphism. The next section considers the effects of variation in age structure or growth rates on adult body sizes and sexual size dimorphism. Field data from a crustacean, fish, lizard and mammal show how information on a species' growth and maturation patterns can be used to predict the relationships between male size, female size and sexual size dimorphism expected if a series of samples from the same population simply differed with respect to their ages or growth rates. The last section considers ecological or behavioural factors with different effects on the growth, maturation, survival or movement patterns of the two sexes. This study supports earlier suggestions that information on growth and maturation patterns may be useful, if not essential, for comparative studies of sexual size dimorphism in taxa with asymptotic growth after maturity.  相似文献   

Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) exhibit a range of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) that includes species with male-biased (males > females) or female-biased SSD (males < females) and species exhibiting nonterritorial or territorial mating strategies. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to investigate the influence of sexual selection on SSD in both suborders: dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera). First, we show that damselflies have male-biased SSD, and exhibit an allometric relationship between body size and SSD, that is consistent with Rensch's rule. Second, SSD of dragonflies is not different from unit, and this suborder does not exhibit Rensch's rule. Third, we test the influence of sexual selection on SSD using proxy variables of territorial mating strategy and male agility. Using generalized least squares to account for phylogenetic relationships between species, we show that male-biased SSD increases with territoriality in damselflies, but not in dragonflies. Finally, we show that nonagile territorial odonates exhibit male-biased SSD, whereas male agility is not related to SSD in nonterritorial odonates. These results suggest that sexual selection acting on male sizes influences SSD in Odonata. Taken together, our results, along with avian studies (bustards and shorebirds), suggest that male agility influences SSD, although this influence is modulated by territorial mating strategy and thus the likely advantage of being large. Other evolutionary processes, such as fecundity selection and viability selection, however, need further investigation.  相似文献   

Some aquatic taxa (fishes, snakes) exhibit a puzzling form of sexual dimorphism: males have a more rugose body surface than do conspecific females. As a first step towards understanding the biological significance of this phenomenon, the nature and correlates (sex, size, body condition, season, and latitude) of scale rugosity was quantified in preserved museum specimens of four species of sea snakes (Family Hydrophiidae): Astrotia stokesii , Emydocephalus annulatus , Hydrophis elegans , and Lapemis hardwickii . Males are more rugose than conspecific females in all four taxa, on ventral as well as dorsal scales. The position of rugosities on the body differs among species. For example, rugosities are found over the entire body in E. annulatus , but are concentrated anteriorly in L. hardwickii and posteriorly in H. elegans . Females possess rugosities that are similar to those of conspecific males, but smaller (in female E. annulatus , they are visible only with scanning electron microscopy analysis). The degree of male rugosity varies seasonally in at least two species ( E. annulatus , L. hardwickii ), being most pronounced during the winter breeding season. Thus, the transition from terrestrial to aquatic life in proteroglyphous snakes has been accompanied both by an increase in overall rugosity, and by a seasonally labile sex-specific elaboration of this trait.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 343–354.  相似文献   

The effects of a series of ecological and size factors on the degree of sexual dimorphism in body weight and canine size were studied among subsets of 70 primate species. Variation in body-weight dimorphism can be almost entirely attributed to body weight (83% of variance R2 of weight dimorphism). Much smaller amounts of the variation can be attributed to mating system (R2 =6.8%,polygynous species being more dimorphic than monogamous ones) and diet (R2 = 2.5%,frugivorous species being more dimorphic than folivorous ones). Habitat (arboreal vs. terrestrial) and activity rhythm (nocturnal vs. diurnal) have only an indirect effect on weight dimorphism. Variation in canine-size dimorphism can be explained in terms of canine size (R2 =49%),activity rhythm (R2 = 20%,diurnal species being more dimorphic than nocturnal ones), and mating system (R2 = 10%).Habitat and diet do not play a significant role in canine-size dimorphism. The unexpectedly high contribution of size to sexual dimorphism coupled with the observation of increased sexual dimorphism with increased size leads us to formulate a new selection model for the evolution of sexual dimorphism. We suggest that if there is selection for size increase, whatever its cause, directional selection in both males and females will lead to an increase in sexual dimorphism based on differences in genetic variance between the sexes. Sexual selection, resource division between the sexes, or lopsided reproductive selection need not play a role in such a model.  相似文献   

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