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Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants were equilibrated under18-h days (LD) before a subset of the plants was transferredto 10-h photosynthetic periods with either a dark night (SD)or an 8-h dim photoperiod extension with incandescent lamps(DE). Plants were harvested at regular intervals for growthanalysis during the 18 d after transfer. Leaf area increasedrapidly under SD and LD but was inhibited under DE. Internodeelongation was similar under SD and LD, but much higher underDE. Stem d. wts were lowest under SD. Axillary branching wasgenerally greatest under LD. Total shoot weights were greatestunder LD. Total shoot weights were similar under SD to thoseunder DE, even though within 18 d of transfer as much as one-thirdof the biomass of SD plants was in tubers. Tuber initiationwas later under LD than under SD, and was delayed even moreby DE. High temperature increased the delay in tuberizationfrom LD. The early tuber initiation under SD was concurrentwith a rapid increase in leaf area under SD, not with an earlycessation of leaf growth. This was contrary to assumptions basedupon studies of long-term effects of photoperiod. The resultanthigh sink strength under SD contributed to the greater efficiencyof biomass production. Potato, Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Norchip, photoperiod, temperature, morphology, tuberization, growth analysis, biomass partitioning, sink strength, leaf area, short term effects  相似文献   

Nitrogen uptake and partitioning have been studied in field-grownpotato crops which were subjected to N deficiency (no fertilizerN applied), or received large applications of N (20 g N m–2)at planting. Isolation of part of the root system of the plantsallowed pulses of 1SN to be applied at three different stagesof crop development. Partitioning of 15N throughout the plantswas followed during a subsequent chase, to distinguish betweenthe use in tuber growth of recently absorbed N, and redistributionof N from the existing N capital of the plant When a pulse of 15N was applied 26 d after emergence (DAE),the distribution of 15N within the plant closely followed thatof total N for the duration of the chase, which finished 110DAE. Application of fertilizer N decreased the proportion of15N recovered in the tubers, while increasing that found inthe canopy, because of an increase in leaf growth, particularlyat the top of the canopy, after 69 DAE. When fertilized plantswere supplied with 18N 69 DAE, a greater proportion of 15N wasrecovered in new leaf growth during the subsequent chase, thanwhen the 15N was supplied earlier in the season. It appearsthat current uptake of N is used to augment N pools within thecanopy and, where appropriate, support leaf growth at the endof the season. In contrast, transfer of N into the tubers isby remobilization of the existing N capital, as leaves senesce.The results are discussed in relation to studies of N partitioningin potatoes and other crops Solatium tuberosum, nitrogen-15, uptake, partitioning, pulse-chase  相似文献   

One-node potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. ‘Katahdin’)cuttings were used to study early anatomical changes associatedwith tuberization. Starch deposition and the percentage frequencyof cells in mitosis increased in the medullary region of thebud within 1 d after cutting, whereas increases in average cellsize were not detected until 4 d after cutting. Starch depositionand mitosis were the earliest detectable changes in anatomyassociated with tuber initiation. Potato, Solanum tuberosum L., tuber initiation, cuttings, cell enlargement, mitosis, starch deposition  相似文献   

3-Deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase, the first enzyme of the shikimate pathway, was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. cv Superior. The enzyme is a dimer with a native molecular weight of 110,000. The enzyme appears to be hysteretic. The enzyme activity is stimulated by Mn2+ and l-tryptophan. Chromatofocusing resolved two forms of the enzyme with isoelectric points of 7.8 and 8.4, respectively. The enzyme closely resembles an analogous activity previously isolated from roots of Daucus carota (JA Suzich, JFD Dean, KM Herrmann 1985 Plant Physiol 79: 765-770).  相似文献   

Cell division and cell expansion during early stages of tuberdevelopment were studied using developing axillary buds on single-leafcuttings from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Cuttings takenfrom plants induced to form tubers, by short day (SD) treatment,were compared with cuttings from non-induced (long day, LD)plants. In the apical zone of the buds, cell division occurredfrom the first day after cutting, in both LD and SD cuttings.The planes of these divisions were transverse, associated withelongation of the buds. At day 5, a new orientation of celldivision was observed in the subapical zone of SD cuttings only.These divisions were longitudinal, associated with radial growth.Cell expansion occurred in both SD and LD cuttings, and wasnot uniquely related to the onset of tuber formation. Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Solanum tuberosum L., potato, tuber formation, cell division, cell expansion.  相似文献   

马铃薯块茎发育机理及其基因表达   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
柳俊  谢从华 《植物学通报》2001,18(5):531-539
马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)块茎是有块茎马铃薯植物的地下变态器官,它由匍匐茎顶端膨大形成,对于马铃薯块茎形成的生理机制已有许多研究,这些研究表明,块茎发生受许多因素的影响,总体来讲短日 照,较低的温度以及离体条件下培养基较高的蔗糖浓度等有利于块茎形成,同时,块茎形成过程中内源激素亦发生一系列变化,然而,对于块茎形成中相关基因表达,进而调控块茎形成的系统研究目前还较滞后,已有研究显示,块茎形成与膨大涉及到一系列基因的表达与关闭,同时它也与淀粉合成和块茎储藏蛋白基因的表达有关,综述了这一领域现有的研究进展。  相似文献   

Factors controlling growth and tuberization of axillary budsin shoots of plantlets of potato (Solarium tuberosum L.) culturedin vitro were investigated. Correlative inhibition restrainedgrowth and tuberization of the axillary buds. Exposure of intactplantlets for various periods (4 to 48 h) to low (2 or 12C)or high (30 C) temperatures as comparedto 18C, did not alleviatecorrelative inhibition. Removal of the apical part of the shoot,the roots or both was generally ineffective Elevating sucroseconcentration from 30 to 80 g dm–3 promoted tuberizationon axillary buds, and the cytokinin 6-(-dimethylallylamino)purine (2iP), alleviated correlative inhibition and enhancedtuberization in intact plantlets. In the whole plantlet mostof the tubers were formed on the basal nodes, however, oncecorrelative inhibition was eliminated by the dissection of theshoot to single node sections, tubers were formed on every axillarybud. The single most effective factor inducing tuberizationin single node sections was the growth retardant ancymidol,an inhibitor of giberellin biosynthesis. Key words: Potato, Solanum tuberosum L., in vitro tuberization, correlative inhibition  相似文献   

The effect of orthovanadate on the uptake of phosphate by agedpotato tuber tissue was investigated to study the relationshipwith plasma membrane ATPase activity. Vanadate inhibited therate of phosphate uptake by aged discs with a maximum effectat 500 µM (58% inhibition). When vanadate was added tothe ageing medium for 24 h, the subsequent rate of phosphateuptake was also markedly decreased (68% inhibition). The resultsshow that the inhibition by vanadate was not due to enhancedleakage of phosphate nor to a non-specific toxic effect. Furthermore,complementary experiments with erythrosin B and molybdate wereconsistent with the hypothesis that vanadate acts specificallyon the plasma membrane ATPase and that this enzyme is involvedin maintaining the driving force for active uptake of phosphate(via co-transport with protons) by storage cells of potato tubers. Key words: Proton-phosphate co-transport, vanadate, plasma membrane ATPase, unloading  相似文献   

Potato tubers of the cultivar Pentland Dell were investigated for ultrastructural changes following impact. Studies were carried out on tubers after 12 and 24 wk of storage using a falling bolt delivering 0.7 J of energy. Ultra-thin sections were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Tubers stored for 12 wk exhibited no visual bruise formation, whereas visible bruising resulted following impact of tubers stored for 24 wk. An ultrastructural sequence of events during bruising was established as (1) a collapse of intracellular compartmentation, (2) increased ribosomal and mitochondrial abundance within the cytoplasm, (3) increased density of cytoplasm adjacent to the cell wall and surrounding amyloplasts, and (4) the development of melanin in bruised cells. These observations are discussed in relation to tuber turgor and physiology during storage.  相似文献   

14C partitioning was examined in growing stolons of field-grownpotato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Maris Piper. Considerablevariation was evident on single plants and on a fresh weightbasis many stolon tips, which showed no signs of sub-apicalswelling, had higher specific activities (cpm g–1 f. wt)of 14C in both ethanol soluble and insoluble forms than larger,visibly tuberized stolons. Furthermore, many tips of low freshweight had a higher insoluble to soluble 14C ratio than visiblytuberized stolons suggesting greater efficiency of conversionof soluble 14C to insoluble 14C in the smaller stolons. Theresults suggest that the onset of visible ‘tuberization’,namely the sub-apical swelling of the stolon, is preceded byincreased soluble carbon accumulation at the stolon tip togetherwith an increase in the conversion of soluble to insoluble formsof carbon. Tuberization, 14C, stolon tip  相似文献   

Ewing EE 《Plant physiology》1978,62(3):348-353
The intensity of “tuberization stimulus” in potato shoots (Solanum tuberosum L.) can be assessed from cuttings containing one or more leaves. Cuttings maintained in a mist chamber under long days will form tubers from underground buds if prior to taking the cutting the leaves received sufficient exposure to photoperiods less than the critical photoperiod. The greatest tendency to tuberize was found in cuttings that consisted of a single, fully expanded leaf and its subtended bud. Grafts showed that genetical differences in critical photoperiod resided in properties of the leaf. Short days before cutting tended to shift growth from above ground buds of two-node cuttings to below ground buds, even if the number of short days was insufficient for tuber induction. As few as 6 short days reduced growth of shoots at the upper bud and increased underground growth of shoots and stolons.  相似文献   

In Vitro Propagation of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
HUSSEY  G.; STACEY  N. J. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(6):787-796
Potato shoots were propagated in vitro by placing nodes fromsprouted tubers on Murashige and Skoog type medium without hormones.The vigour of growth and the rate of node production increasedwith both day-length and temperature over the ranges 8–24h and 15–25 °C respectively. Propagation rates ofup to x 10 per month were obtained. In vitro plantlets spontaneouslyformed roots either in agar or liquid cultures. Plantlets leftin the culture jars for 3–4 months eventually senescedand formed small tubers in 16 and 24 h day-lengths. In a day-lengthof 8 h vegetative growth continued by branching and no tuberswere formed. Solanum tuberosum L., potato, tissue culture, propagation, temperature, day-length  相似文献   

A study was conducted to characterize patterns of mobilizationand translocation of seedpiece nitrogen (N) from single-eyeseedcores cut from 5 and 17-month-old potato seed-tubers. Differencesin mobilization efficiency were related to age-induced, morphologicaldifferences in plant development. Seedcores from older seed-tuberssprouted earlier and produced an average of 6.6 shoots per eyecompared to a single shoot from younger seed-tubers. Shoot vigour(d. wt per shoot) from 17-month-old was four-fold lower thanthat from 5-month-old seed-tubers following 25 d of growth.However, total shoot dry matter from older seedcores was two-foldgreater than that from younger seedcores. Differences in vigourper shoot were not explained entirely by differences in shootnumber. Rates and absolute amounts of free amino, soluble protein andtotal-N mobilized from 17-month-old seedcores were greater thanfrom younger seedcores. However, a higher degree of intersproutcompetition from older seedcores translated into a lower amountof mobilized N available to support growth of individual shoots.Furthermore, before seedcore N became limiting, concentrationof foliar N (mg g d. wt–1) from older seedcores was lowercompared to that from younger seedcores, indicating a lowersink strength for N per unit increase in dry weight of the multipleshoots. Seedpiece N did not appear to limit shoot growth fromyounger seedcores. Age-induced loss of vigour on an individualshoot basis may thus be related to decreased sink strength andincreased competition among multiple shoots for seedcore N. Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.), seed-tuber age, nitrogen mobilization, plant growth potential  相似文献   

The effect of advanced meristem age on growth and accumulationof plant nitrogen (N) in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was studied.Etiolated plantlets, excised from sprouted, single-eye-containingcores from 7 and 19-month-old seed-tubers, were transplantedinto aerated nutrient culture. Rates of shoot and root dry matterand shoot soluble-N (which included nitrate-N) accumulationwere similar for plants from both meristem ages over a 30 dinterval of log-linear growth. The rate at which nitrate-N accumulatedwas consistently 17 per cent higher in shoots from 19-month-oldcompared to those from 7-month-old meristems. However, accumulationof free amino-N and soluble protein-N were 21 and 15 per centlower, respectively in shoots from 19-month-old meristems. Abuild-up of shoot nitrate, along with lower rates of accumulationof amino-N and soluble protein-N, suggests a lower capacityfor nitrate reduction during early growth of plants from oldermeristems. Furthermore, these effects can be attributed to age-inducedchanges in the meristem or bud tissue as the plants were separatedfrom the tuber tissue initially in the study. Long-term ageingof seed-potatoes apparently affects changes within meristemsthat translate into a lower capacity to accumulate reduced formsof nitrogen during early plant growth. Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.), meristem age, nitrogen metabolism, plant growth potential  相似文献   

Tuberization response of single-node leaf cuttings from induced potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) was reversed when pretreated with 5 millimolar ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) + 50 micromolar calcium ionophore (A23187) and resumed when transferred to a CaCl(2)-containing medium. Tuberization was inhibited by LaCl(3), chlorpromazine, and trifluoperazine at 5 to 10 micromolar. These results suggest a role for calcium in the tuberization process.  相似文献   

Haploids (2n =24) of the common tetraploid (2n=48) potato (SolanumtuberosumL.) provide promising material for attacking many problemsconcerned with the genetics, cytogenetics and breeding of thisspecies. Interspecific 4xx2xcrosses betweenSolanum tuberosumgp.Andigenaorgp.Tuberosumcultivars as pistillate parents andSolanum tuberosumgp.Phurejaassource of pollen (hereafter ‘pollinator’) have beenused to produce maternally derived haploids through parthenogenesis.This paper discusses the nature of the ‘pollinator’effect in haploid extraction. The ‘pollinator’ hada significant effect on haploid frequencies following 4xx2xcrosses.The ‘pollinator’ effect seems to operate via theendosperm, in which haploid (n=2x) embryos are associated withhexaploid endosperm. A superior ‘pollinator’ appearsto have its effect by contributing two haploid (n) gametes tothe central cell. 2n pollen; double fertilization; endosperm; ploidy manipulations; Solanum tuberosum  相似文献   

WOLF  S.; MARANI  A.; RUDICH  J. 《Annals of botany》1990,66(5):513-520
The effects of temperature and photoperiod on d. wt partitioningand 14C translocation were studied in three potato varieties.High temperatures and long days enhanced plant growth in termsof plant height and number of leaves, and also affected d. wtpartitioning between the plant organs. However, no temperatureeffect was noted on total plant d. wt, nor on the export of14C from the source leaf. Translocation of 14C to the vegetativeorgans (leaves and stems) was greater at higher temperatures,while translocation to the tubers was less under these conditions.We suggest that, under the temperature regimes studied, themain effect of high temperature is on assimilate partitioningand not on total plant productivity. Differences in responseto high temperatures were observed among varieties, with Norchipshowing the least and Up-to-Date showing the most sensitivity. High temperature, partitioning of assimilates, 14C-translocation, potato, Solanum tuberosum var. Desirèe, Solanum tuberosum var. Norchip, Solanum tuberosum var. Up-to-Date  相似文献   

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