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目的 通过对国外公立医院薪酬激励比较分析,为我国公立医院薪酬体系改革提供借鉴。方法 采用文献研究和比较研究方法,研究国外公立医院薪酬分配、薪酬确定方法、激励方式等,得出对我国公立医院薪酬激励优化的建议。结果 大多数国家和地区建立了较为稳定的薪酬激励政策,薪酬制度标准明确,并且薪酬水平不受业务收入的影响。国际上医务人员的薪酬结构往往是混合型的,除了基本薪酬外,使用各种津贴、定期的奖金、加班费用以及其它形式的报酬来增加工作的吸引力。结论 通过完善薪酬制度设计和薪酬评价指标体系,逐渐提高薪酬水平,增加非经济性激励因素;采取多样的激励补偿方式,细化薪酬决定要素来完善我国公立医院薪酬激励体系。  相似文献   

近几年一些学术不端行为相继曝光,引起了学术界的极大重视。由于高校教师在学术界扮演着重要角色,分析高校教师的特点及其在学术研究中的作用显得尤为必要。通过分析学术不端行为产生的原因,结合教师的就业环境和职业特点,可以从建立诚信为本的社会环境、加强制度建设、加强职业道德修养三个方面来防治学术不端行为的发生。  相似文献   

在医学院校里生理学作为一门非常基础的课程,主要涉及一些相比来说比较抽象的原理等等,学习过程当中有可能学生会感到枯燥,虽然枯燥,但是作为基础课程这是医学生必须要掌握的一门学科。所以说,在生理学的教学过程当中,应该从大学生的心理以及需求等方面出发,综合利用制度激励、按需激励、情感激励、制度激励等措施和手法,这将对激发学生们的学习兴趣,提升生理学教育质量,提高医学生的学习能力等方面具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

高校教师要胜任当代社会教育工作,不仅要有渊博的知识和精湛的科学和文化教育教学能力,更应该有良好的职业道德。文章从积极参与教育教学实践、不断学习、增强爱心和责任感、防微杜渐、积极与人交往和加强法律意识等方面进行了论述,指出高校教师必须在工作中通过多种途径和方法加强职业道德修养。  相似文献   

卫技人员隐性人力资本是公立医院获得持续性核心竞争力的重要来源,促进卫技人员隐性人力资本显性化是公立医院人力资源管理的重要内容。从公立医院隐性人力资本特性出发,探索建立公立医院隐性人力资本转化的机制模型,并结合模型提出建立物质激励、学术激励和环境激励三位一体的制度安排。  相似文献   

高校教师的工作性质具有多重性,客观评价指标体系不能完全反映教师的 工作成果,可能导致对教师激励的扭曲。主观评价则由于可信性问题,难以获得被 评对象的认同。本文试图考察综合利用主观评价和客观评价对教师劳动激励的效 用。研究发现,当客观评价的扭曲程度较小时,单独使用客观评价即可达到最优,即 客观评价的替代性发挥主导作用;而当客观评价的扭曲程度很大时,两者的互补性 更为凸显,即主观评价的引入使得本来无法单独使用的客观评价变得可用,并且两 者的可用性都比单独使用时更好。  相似文献   

薪酬是人力资源管理的关键问题,好的薪酬制度不仅能够吸引人,更能激励员工发挥个人潜力;同时,在企业管理中,薪酬设计直接影响着企业的经营管理成本。针对快消品行业,如何建立一个既适合企业发展又能激励员工的薪酬制度仍然需要对具体情况进行研究。全文结合2011年的快消品行业的薪酬特点,分析2012年上半年行业薪酬现状,发现该行业涨薪现象背后存在的问题并提出了相应的对策,同时由于企业及外部环境的不断发展变化,薪酬制度也应不断进行调整。  相似文献   

高校教师的人文关怀对于学生在各方面的素质培养有很大的带动性,在综合对学生实行人文道德引导、活动开展、自身素质提升等多方面的管理,优化教学方式,对于促进学生的个性化发展将有很大的现实意义。本文将围绕高校教师人文关怀对促进学生素质形成的重要性进行分析,并从多方面探讨强化高校教师人文关怀与学生素质培养的主要方式,更好的实现教师人文关怀下学生综合素质的养成。  相似文献   

文章旨在提高边疆高校教师的多媒体教学能力,通过问卷调查、对教师访谈、文献法,以及自身的实践等多种渠道进行了研究。讨论了教师多媒体教学能力的概念和内涵,对边疆高校教师的多媒体教学能力现状进行了分析,并有针对性的提出了提高教师多媒体教学能力的有效措施。  相似文献   

学科竞赛是培养大学生创新思维和创新实践能力的有效途径。我院通过有效的竞赛组织机制、优化的选拔培训体系、完善的竞赛激励制度等措施,提高了学生的学科竞赛参与度和竞赛水平,为培养创新型生物学专业人才奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

建立管理者有效激励机制,化解公立医院法人治理结构下的委托代理问题是公立医院体制改革的重要保障。该激励机制通过弥合管理者与所有者的价值及行为取向差异,促使管理者自觉自愿地履行并实现公共利益。但由于机制建立过程中存在效益目标不明晰、绩效水平难于考量等难题。为此,需以公共利益为导向设置董事机构,加强效益评价指标体系和外部监管制度建设,同时创新激励手段,从而提高公立医院法人治理结构下的整体绩效。  相似文献   

尊重供者意愿的器官获取是各国普遍遵从的方式。绝大多数国家采取无偿捐献的法律模式,少数国家为解决器官短缺问题,采取强制征收尸体器官或者国家控制下的有偿交易模式。这种模式尽管一定程度上解决了器官来源不足的问题,然而,却因违背了全球公认的人权理念和生命伦理原则而受到质疑。我国无偿自愿捐献的器官获取法律模式存在激励机制缺失和体系不完善等缺陷,对此进行了深入的法伦理分析,并提出了构建器官获取激励机制和完善器官获取体系等措施。  相似文献   

从理论上分析了公立医院补偿模式的特点,以及政府卫生投入和医疗服务收费之间的关系;梳理了公立医院补偿机制存在的问题;提出了改革补偿机制的建议,即在政府按照医改要求足额投入,调整医疗服务价格的基础上,改革政府投入机制、医疗服务收入分配机制和医保支付方式,并建立有效的监管和奖惩体系。  相似文献   

目的 按照薪酬体系的分类,判断背景因素、各薪酬激励分类因素对员工被激励程度的影响。方法 利用相关分析、回归分析判断背景因素、各薪酬激励因素对员工的激励程度。结果 薪酬各个激励因素相互作用,从不同方面对员工的激励产生影响。结论 医院薪酬政策应能够体现和服务于医院发展战略的需要,薪酬激励分类因素是影响薪酬激励效果的主要因素,背景因素是影响薪酬激励的次要因素。  相似文献   

Because the number of organs available for transplantation does not meet the needs of potential recipients, some have proposed that a potentially effective way to increase registration is to offer a self-benefit incentive that grants a 'preferred status' or some degree of prioritization to those who register as potential donors, in case they might need organs. This proposal has elicited an ethical debate on the appropriateness of such a benefit in the context of a life-saving medical procedure. In this paper we review arguments and ethical concerns raised by scholars, and studies of views of members of the public regarding the prioritization incentive system. We also report on our study of the views of those involved in organ transplant and of other medical professionals in Israel, as over half a decade ago Israel implemented a prioritization incentive system. Bioethicists propose that key stakeholders' views can provide additional arguments and perspectives on controversial issues. Proponents justify the prioritization incentive drawing mainly on arguments related to its potential effectiveness, reciprocity and fairness. Opponents point to the fact that registering is not binding and not an actual donation, and raise concerns regarding equity, autonomy and gaming the system. Ethical concerns raised by the practitioners in the study were examined in light of scholars' arguments and actual registration and donation data. Practitioners involved in transplantation raised ethical concerns corresponding to those raised by scholars as well as additional concerns. They also challenged proponents' assumptions regarding the utility of the incentive system from their own experience and argued that proponents obscure the meaning of reciprocity.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of cloud computing techniques, the number of users is undergoing exponential growth. It is difficult for traditional data centers to perform many tasks in real time because of the limited bandwidth of resources. The concept of fog computing is proposed to support traditional cloud computing and to provide cloud services. In fog computing, the resource pool is composed of sporadic distributed resources that are more flexible and movable than a traditional data center. In this paper, we propose a fog computing structure and present a crowd-funding algorithm to integrate spare resources in the network. Furthermore, to encourage more resource owners to share their resources with the resource pool and to supervise the resource supporters as they actively perform their tasks, we propose an incentive mechanism in our algorithm. Simulation results show that our proposed incentive mechanism can effectively reduce the SLA violation rate and accelerate the completion of tasks.  相似文献   

During Pavlovian incentive learning, the affective properties of rewards are thought to be transferred to their predicting cues. However, how rewards are represented emotionally in animals is widely unknown. This study sought to determine whether 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) in rats may signal such a state of incentive motivation to natural, nutritional rewards. To this end, rats learned to anticipate food rewards and, across experiments, the current physiological state (deprived vs. sated), the type of learning mechanism recruited (Pavlovian vs. instrumental), the hedonic properties of UCS (low vs. high palatable food), and the availability of food reward (continued vs. discontinued) were manipulated. Overall, we found that reward-cues elicited 50-kHz calls as they were signaling a putative affective state indicative of incentive motivation in the rat. Attribution and expression of incentive salience, however, seemed not to be an unified process, and could be teased apart in two different ways: 1) under high motivational state (i.e., hunger), the attribution of incentive salience to cues occurred without being expressed at the USVs level, if reward expectations were higher than the outcome; 2) in all experiments when food rewards were devalued by satiation, reward cues were still able to elicit USVs and conditioned anticipatory activity although reward seeking and consumption were drastically weakened. Our results suggest that rats are capable of representing rewards emotionally beyond apparent, immediate physiological demands. These findings may have translational potential in uncovering mechanisms underlying aberrant and persistent motivation as observed in drug addiction, gambling, and eating disorders.  相似文献   

Among the conservation initiatives, biodiversity banking is a strategic new concept that calls for advocacy by the researchers, conservationists, policy planners and business corporate houses to enhance the conservational behaviour of the stakeholders. The concept has dual benefits of restoration of livelihood support systems and conservation of biodiversity that provides ecological services and economic benefits to civil society. Currently, lack of defined guidelines with robust valuation and incentive mechanism for biodiversity banking has resulted in ‘business as usual’ situation especially in developing and under developed countries. There is need for re-defining the country level biodiversity banking guidelines for the effective private-government-stakeholder participation. Furthermore, the mechanism must consider using robust scientific database of inter-disciplinary nature and suitably adopt the modalities of successful case studies to overcome the flaws/risks. Biodiversity banking is a realizable concept in developing and resource poor countries as additional livelihood support system through the market of accrued ecosystem services linked to conservation behaviour of stakeholders.  相似文献   

Social and sexual incentive motivation, defined as the intensity of approach to a social and a sexual incentive, respectively, were studied in female Swiss Webster mice. In the first experiment, the social incentive was a castrated mouse of the same strain as the females, whereas the sexual incentive was an intact male mouse of the same strain. Ovariectomized females were first tested after oil treatment and then after administration of estradiol benzoate + progesterone in doses sufficient to induce full receptivity. The hormones increased sexual incentive motivation while leaving social incentive motivation unaffected. This suggests that sexual incentive motivation in the female mouse is dependent on ovarian hormones. In the next experiment, ovariectomized females were tested with an intact, male estrogen receptor α knockout and its wild type as incentives, first without hormones and then when fully receptive. There were no differences in incentive properties between the wild type and the knockout. In a similar experiment, we used an intact male estrogen receptor β knockout and its corresponding wild type as incentives. The wild type turned out to be a more attractive social incentive than the knockout, while they were equivalent as sexual incentives. Finally, an intact male oxytocin knockout and its wild type were used as incentives. The knockout turned out to be a superior incentive, particularly a superior sexual incentive. The fact that the estrogen receptor β and oxytocin knockouts have incentive properties different from their wild types may be important to consider in studies of these knockouts' sociosexual behaviors.  相似文献   

目的 进一步明确医药分开政策目的及策略。方法 采用文献回顾性研究法,对医药利益链条及其形成原因,以及解决策略进行系统性地总结和分析。结果 现有研究一是认为医疗服务提供方拥有垄断地位造成利益链条存在,因而提出消除垄断;二是认为扭曲的“白色”或不良的“灰色”激励机制造成利益链条存在,因而提出完善“白色”或消除“灰色”激励机制的综合策略。结论 医药利益链条产生更深层次的原因是,非营利性的公立医疗机构不合理地追求经济利益,医生采用不合理方式追求部分合理经济利益。因此,医药分开目的应是让公立医疗机构真正成为非营利机构,使医生依靠技术获得合理的经济回报,让公立医疗机构、医生、政府、患者、药品企业及流通商间激励相容。建议采用外部补偿和内部薪酬制度为重点的综合改革策略,形成各利益相关方激励相容的良好局面,自然消除公立医疗机构、医生与药品销售间利益链条。  相似文献   

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