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The myelin proteolipid protein gene was characterized in jimpy mice to identify the specific mutation that produces dysmyelination, oligodendrocyte cell death, and death of the animal by 30 days of age. Exon 5 and flanking intron segments were isolated from jimpy proteolipid protein genomic clones and sequenced. A single nucleotide difference was noted between the normal and jimpy proteolipid protein genes: the conversion of an AG/GT to a GG/GT in the splice acceptor signal preceding exon 5, which apparently destroys the splice signal. Thus, exon 5 of the mouse myelin proteolipid protein gene is skipped during the processing of mRNA, producing a shortened proteolipid protein mRNA.  相似文献   

Characterization of myelin proteolipid mRNAs in normal and jimpy mice.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
A clone specific for the rat myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) was isolated from a cDNA library made in pUC18 from 17-day-old rat brain stem mRNA. This clone corresponded to the carboxyl-terminal third of the PLP-coding region. The clone was used to identify PLP-specific mRNAs in mouse brain and to establish the time course of PLP mRNA expression during mouse brain development. Three PLP-specific mRNAs were seen, approximately 1,500, 2,400, and 3,200 bases in length, of which the largest was the most abundant. During brain development, the maximal period of PLP mRNA expression was from 14 to 25 days of age, and this was a similar time course to that for myelin basic protein mRNA expression. When the jimpy mouse, an X-linked dysmyelination mutant, was studied for PLP mRNA expression, low levels of PLP mRNA were seen which were approximately 5% of wild-type levels at 20 days of age. When jimpy brain RNA was analyzed by Northern blotting, the PLP-specific mRNA was shown to be 100 to 200 bases shorter than the wild-type PLP-specific mRNA. This size difference was seen in the two major PLP mRNAs, and it did not result from a loss of polyadenylation of these mRNAs.  相似文献   

Myelin basic proteins (MBPs) from 6-day-old, 10-day-old, 20-day-old and adult normal mouse brain were compared with those from 20-day-old jimpy (dysmyelinating mutant) mouse brain to determine the effect of reduced levels of proteolipid protein (PLP) on MBPs. Alkaline-urea-gel electrophoresis showed that 6-day-old and 10-day-old normal and jimpy MBPs lacked charge microheterogeneity, since C8 (the least cationic of the components; not be confused with complement component C8) was the only charge isomer present. In contrast, MBPs from 20-day-old and adult normal mouse brain displayed extensive charge microheterogeneity, having at least eight components. A 32 kDa MBP was the major isoform observed on immunoblots of acid-soluble protein from 6-day-old and 10-day-old normal and 20-day-old jimpy mouse brain. There were eight bands present in 20-day-old and adult normal mouse brain. Purified human MBP charge heteromers C1, C2, C3 and C4 reacted strongly with rat 14 kDa MBP antiserum, whereas the reaction with human C8 was weak. This suggested that MBPs from early-myelinating and jimpy mice did not react to MBP antisera because C8 was the major charge isomer in these animals. Purification of MBPs from normal and jimpy brain by alkaline-gel electrophoresis showed that both normal and jimpy MBPs have size heterogeneity when subjected to SDS/PAGE. However, the size isoforms in normal mouse brain (32, 21, 18.5, 17 and 14 kDa) differed from those in jimpy brain (32, 21, 20, 17, 15 and 14 kDa) in both size and relative amounts. Amino acid analyses of MBPs from jimpy brain showed an increase in glutamic acid, alanine and ornithine, and a decrease in histidine, arginine and proline. The changes in glutamic acid, ornithine and arginine are characteristic of the differences observed in human C8 when compared with C1.  相似文献   

A study of brain gangliosides in "jimpy" mutant mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

B B Stanfield 《Neuron》1991,7(2):249-256
The corticospinal projection was examined in dysmyelinated, jimpy mice and in unaffected littermates following cortical injections of either wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase or biocytin. Corticospinal axons in both phenotypes traverse the medulla within a well-defined pyramidal tract, decussate within several fascicles at the spinomedullary junction, and extend down the spinal cord in a compact bundle in the ventral-most part of the dorsal funiculus. Very few labeled fibers are seen separated from the main bundle. This normal configuration of the corticospinal tract is attained despite the virtual absence of CNS myelin in jimpy mice. It seems unlikely then that the myelin normally present in fiber bundles adjacent to this relatively late emerging projection can significantly influence pathway selection during its development.  相似文献   

The jimpy mutation of the X-linked proteolipid protein (Plp) gene causes dysmyelination and premature death of the mice. The established phenotype is characterised by severe hypomyelination, increased numbers of dead oligodendrocytes and astrocytosis. The purpose of this study was to define the earliest cellular abnormalities in the cervical spinal cord. We find that on the first and third postnatal days the amount of myelin in jimpy spinal cord is approximately 20% of wild-type. However, the total glial cell density, the number of dead glial cells and the number and distribution of Plp-positive cells, as assessed by in situ hybridization, are similar to wild-type during the first week of life. Immunostaining of cryosections has identified that jimpy spinal cords express on schedule, a variety of antigens associated with mature oligodendrocytes. Dissociated oligodendrocytes, cultured for 18 hours to reflect their in vivo differentiation, express MBP and surface myelin-associated glycoprotein at the same frequency as wild-type. By comparison, the proportion of jimpy oligodendrocytes expressing surface myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein is reduced by approximately 34%. In vivo, however, only a small minority of axons is surrounded by a collar of myelin-associated glycoprotein, suggesting that the majority of jimpy oligodendrocytes fail to make appropriate ensheathment of axons. Although the DM20 isoform is expressed in the embryonic CNS prior to myelin formation, the cellular abnormalities appear to correspond to the time at which the Plp isoform becomes predominant. The results suggest that the primary abnormality in jimpy is the inability of oligodendrocytes to properly associate with, and then ensheath, axons and that oligodendrocyte death compounds, rather than initiates, the established phenotype.  相似文献   

Jimpy (jp), myelin synthesis-deficient (jpmsd), and quaking (qk) are mutations which affect myelination to different degrees in the mouse central nervous system (CNS). Total messenger RNA (mRNA) and myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific mRNA from brains of these three mutants have been analyzed by in vitro translation and immunoprecipitation with antibody to MBP. The results indicate that the three mutations do not affect the level of total MBP-specific mRNA in the CNS but do affect the relative proportions of the various MBP-related translation products encoded in vitro. In each case the proportions of 14K and 12K Mr MBP-related translation products are reduced and the proportions of 21.5K, 18.5K, and 17K Mr MBP-related translation products are increased relative to wild type. This effect is most pronounced in jp, less so in jpmsd, and least pronounced in qk animals. The MBP-related polypeptides that accumulate in vivo have also been analyzed in the three mutants by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) followed by immunoblotting with antibody to MBP. The levels of all the major MBP-related polypeptides that accumulate in vivo are reduced in all three mutations. The reduction is most pronounced in jp, less in jpmsd, and least pronounced in qk animals. These results indicate that the jp, jpmsd, and qk mutations exhibit qualitatively similar phenotypic effects on MBP gene expression but the magnitude of the effect is proportional to the extent of hypomyelination in each mutant.  相似文献   

Proteolipid protein (PLP) is a major structural component of central nervous system (CNS) myelin. Evidence exists that PLP or the related splice variant DM-20 protein may also play a role in early development of oligodendrocytes (OLs), the cells that form CNS myelin. There are several naturally occurring mutations of the PLP gene that have been used to study the roles of PLP both in myelination and in OL differentiation. The PLP mutation in the jimpy (jp) mouse has been extensively characterized. These mutants produce no detectable PLP and exhibit an almost total lack of CNS myelin. Additionally, most OLs in affected animals die prematurely, before producing myelin sheaths. We have studied cultures of jp CNS in order to understand whether OL survival and myelin formation require production of normal PLP. When grown in primary cultures, jp OLs mimic the relatively undifferentiated phenotype of jp OLs in vivo. They produce little myelin basic protein (MBP), never immunostain for PLP, and rarely elaborate myelin-like membranes. We report here that jp OLs grown in medium conditioned by normal astrocytes synthesize MBP and incorporate it into membrane expansions. Some jp OLs grown in this way stain with PLP antibodies, including an antibody to a peptide sequence specific for the mutant jp PLP. This study shows that: (1) an absence of PLP does not necessarily lead to dysmyelination or OL death; (2) OLs are capable of translating at least a portion of the predicted jp PLP; (3) the abnormal PLP made in the cultured jp cells is not toxic to OLs. These results also highlight the importance of environmental factors in controlling OL phenotype. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were generated with a fusion gene carrying a portion of the murine myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) gene, including the first intron, fused to the E. coli LacZ gene. Three transgenic lines were derived and all lines expressed the transgene in central nervous system white matter as measured by a histochemical assay for the detection of beta-galactosidase activity. PLP-LacZ transgene expression was regulated in both a spatial and temporal manner, consistent with endogenous PLP expression. Moreover, the transgene was expressed specifically in oligodendrocytes from primary mixed glial cultures prepared from transgenic mouse brains and appeared to be developmentally regulated in vitro as well. Transgene expression occurred in embryos, presumably in pre- or nonmyelinating cells, rather extensively throughout the peripheral nervous system and within very discrete regions of the central nervous system. Surprisingly, beta- galactosidase activity was localized predominantly in the myelin in these transgenic animals, suggesting that the NH2-terminal 13 amino acids of PLP, which were present in the PLP-LacZ gene product, were sufficient to target the protein to the myelin membrane. Thus, the first half of the PLP gene contains sequences sufficient to direct both spatial and temporal gene regulation and to encode amino acids important in targeting the protein to the myelin membrane.  相似文献   

By studying highly purified CNS proteolipids, we have shown that DM-20 proteolipid, which was considered, until now, to be a minor brain proteolipid is, in fact, almost as abundant as the Major Myelin Proteolipid known also as Proteolipid Protein (PLP). DM-20 proteolipid is even the major brain proteolipid in young foetuses. It is only during myelinisation that the "Proteolipid Protein" increases rapidly and becomes equivalent in weight to DM-20 proteolipid. This study raises the question of the particular function of DM-20 proteolipid.  相似文献   

Mice ranging in age from 16 to 44 days were injected intracerebrally with 3H-leucine, and incorporation into total brain proteolipids and the myelin proteolipid protein was measured. All proteolipids were isolated from whole brain by ether precipitation and separated into their individual components by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two major proteolipids with apparent molecular weights of 20,700 and 25,400 were observed in these preparations, and their proportion increased over the developmental period examined. A Ferguson plot analysis comparing these proteins with those of isolated myelin showed that the 25,400-dalton proteolipid component from whole brain was the myelin proteolipid protein. Rates of incorporation of 3H-leucine into total brain proteolipids peaked at 22 days of age. Synthesis of the myelin proteolipid protein increased rapidly to a maximum value at 22 days and decreased rather slowly until at 44 days it was about 83% of its maximum rate of synthesis. The data indicate that the developmental pattern of synthesis of the myelin proteolipid protein is unlike that of the myelin basic proteins. Synthesis of the major myelin proteins is developmentally asynchronous in that peak synthesis of the myelin proteolipid appears to occur several days later than the basic proteins. In addition, it maintains its maximum rate of synthesis over a longer period of time than do the basic proteins.  相似文献   

Ionophoric properties of the Proteolipid Apoprotein have been assayed. This is a highly purified and delipidated intrinsic myelin membrane protein, isolated from bovine brain white matter. The preparation of myelin membrane vesicles or the incorporation of purified protein into Dimiristoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes have been carried out. According to our results, the myelin Proteolipid protein may act as a Na+ and Rb+ (K+) unidirectional ionophoretic channel, which main physiological role could be related to the maintenance of ionic equilibrium of myelin sheath around the axons.  相似文献   

The amino-acid sequence of bovine myelin lipophilin (proteolipid apoprotein, Folch-protein) has been completed. Lipophilin is a 276 amino acid residues containing, extremely hydrophobic membrane protein with molecular mass 30,000 Da. The sequence determination was based on automated Edman degradation of four tryptophan and four cyanogen bromide fragments and of proteolytic peptides of complete lipophilin as well as the fragments obtained by chemical cleavage. Four additional sequences were determined which led to the completion of the primary structure. Lipophilin is esterified at threonine-198 by long chain fatty acids (palmitic, stearic and oleic acid). The attachment site has been established at the same threonine residue in three different peptides isolated from thermolysinolytic, papainolytic and chymotrypsinolytic hydrolysates. This threonine residue is part of a hydrophilic segment of lipophilin. The covalent fatty acyl bond is being discussed together with important structural and functional properties of this membrane protein which can be derived from sequence information. New separation and purification methods of hydrophobic and hydrophilic polypeptides for this sequence determination (fractional solubilization, silica gel exclusion, high-performance liquid chromatography) had to be elaborated as indispensable tools. They are generally applicable to the structural analysis of hydrophobic membrane proteins. Four long (26, 29, 40 and 36 residues) and one medium long (12 residues) hydrophobic segments are separated by four predominantly positively and one negatively charged hydrophilic segments. On the basis of structural data a model for the membrane integration of lipophilin is proposed.  相似文献   

Mutations of the myelin proteolipid protein gene (Plp) are associated with excessive programmed cell death (PCD) of oligodendrocytes. We show for the first time that PLP is a molecule ubiquitously expressed in non-neural tissues during normal development, and that the level of native PLP modulates the level of PCD. We analyze three non-neural tissues, and show that native PLP is expressed in trophoblasts, spermatogonia, and cells of interdigital webbing. The non-neural cells that express high levels of native PLP also undergo PCD. The level of PLP expression modulates the level of PCD because mice that overexpress native PLP have increased PCD and mice deficient in PLP have decreased PCD. We show that overexpression of native PLP causes a dramatic acidification of extracellular fluid that, in turn, causes increased PCD. These studies show that the level of native PLP modulates the amount of PCD during normal development via a pH-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Centromere protein B (CENP-B) is a centromeric DNA-binding protein that binds to α-satellite DNA at the 17 bp CENP-B box sequence. The binding of CENP-B, along with other proteins, to α-satellite DNA sequences at the centromere, is thought to package the DNA into heterochromatin subjacent to the kinetochore of mitotic chromosomes. To determine the importance of CENP-B to kinetochore assembly and function, we generated a mouse null for the cenpB gene. The deletion removed part of the promoter and the entire coding sequence except for the carboxyl-terminal 35 amino acids of the CENP-B polypeptide. Mice heterozygous or homozygous for the cenpB null mutation are viable and healthy, with no apparent defect in growth and morphology. We have established mouse embryo fibroblasts from heterozygous and homozygous cenpB null littermates. Microscopic analysis, using immunofluorescence and electron microscopy of the cultured cells, indicated that the centromere-kinetochore complex was intact and identical to control cells. Mitosis was identical in fibroblasts derived from cenpB wild-type, heterozygous and null animals. Our studies demonstrate that CENP-B is not required for the assembly of heterochromatin or the kinetochore, or for completion of mitosis. Received: 17 September 1998 / Accepted: 9 October 1998  相似文献   

Proteolipid protein (PLP) was isolated from white matter of human brain by chloroform/methanol extraction and further purified by chromatography. Performic acid oxidation yielded a product homogeneous in NaDodSO4-polyacrylamide electrophoresis with a molecular mass of 30 kDa. The carboxymethylated PLP was chemically cleaved with cyanogen bromide into four fragments: CNBr I 22-24 kDa, CNBr II 5 kDa, CNBr III 1.4 kDa and CNBr IV 0.7 kDa. HBr/dimethylsulfoxide cleavage at tryptophan residues released four fragments: Trp I 14-16 kDa, Trp II 2.0 kDa, Trp III 5 kDa and Trp IV 7 kDa. Hydrophilic fragments were enriched in 50% formic acid (CNBr II, III, IV and Trp II and III), whereas hydrophobic peptides precipitated from this solvent were CNBr I, Trp I and IV. The fragments were separated by gel filtration with 90% formic acid as solvent and finally purified by gel permeation HPLC (Si 60 and Si 100) for automated liquid and solid-phase Edman degradation. Large fragments were further cleaved with different proteinases (trypsin, V8-proteinase, endoproteinase Lys-C and thermolysin). We used an improved strategy in the sequencing of the human proteolipid protein compared with our approach to the structural elucidation of bovine brain PLP. The amino-acid sequence of human PLP contains 276 residues, the same as found in bovine proteolipid protein. The two sequences proved to be identical. The possible importance of the conservative structure of this integral membrane protein is discussed.  相似文献   

The broad background resonance observed in the in vivo 31P NMR spectra of adult murine heads was investigated in terms of phosphorus atoms in bone and membrane phospholipids. The broad background resonance was found to be weak in a juvenile and increase with advance of age. Fractionation of adult gerbil heads showed that the broad signal was derived from bone and membrane, of which myelin is the major component. The two origins of the broad background resonance exhibited considerably different line shapes in spectra, which enabled us to extract the membrane component from an intact murine head spectrum (sequential subtraction method). By the use of this method, the development of membrane in gerbil brain at various age grades could be estimated. The membrane component was shown to be suppressed in a mutant mouse, jimpy, which has a deficiency in myelin formation ability. Furthermore, the value of T1 of the membrane component was estimated to be 0.9 sec, which was in good agreement with previously reported values for excised brain.  相似文献   

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