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A novel role for lbx1 in Xenopus hypaxial myogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have examined lbx1 expression in early X. laevis tadpoles. In contrast to amniotes, lbx1 is expressed in all of the myoblasts that contribute to the body wall musculature, as well as in a group of cells that migrate into the head. Despite this different expression, the function of lbx1 appears to be conserved. Morpholino (MO) knockdown of lbx1 causes a specific reduction of body wall muscles and hypoglossal muscles originating from the somites. Although myoblast migratory defects are observed in antisense MO injected tadpoles targeting lbx1, this results at least in part from a lack of myoblast proliferation in the hypaxial muscle domain. Conversely, overexpression of lbx1 mRNA results in enlarged somites, an increase in cell proliferation, but a lack of differentiated muscle. The control of cell proliferation is linked to a strong downregulation of myoD expression in gain-of-function experiments. Co-injection of myoD mRNA with lbx1 mRNA eliminates the overproliferation phenotype observed when lbx1 is injected alone. The results indicate that a primary function of lbx1 in hypaxial muscle development is to repress myoD, allowing myoblasts to proliferate before the eventual onset of terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

The formation of the body wall musculature in vertebrates is assumed to be initiated by direct ventral extension of the somites/myotomes. This contrasts to the formation of limb muscles and muscles involved in feeding or respiration/ventilation, which are founded by migratory muscle precursors (MMPs) distant to the somites. Here, we present evidence from morphology and expression of molecular markers proposing that the formation of the two muscle layers of the teleost body wall involves both of the above mechanisms: (1) MMPs from somites 5 and 6 found an independent muscle primordium–the so-called posterior hypaxial muscle (PHM)–which subsequently gives rise to the most anterior two segments of the medial obliquus inferioris (OI) muscle. (2) Direct epithelial extension of the hypaxial myotomes generates the OI segments from somite 7 caudalward and the entire lateral obliquus superioris (OS) muscle. The findings are discussed in relation to the evolution of hypaxial myogenic patterning including functional considerations. We hypothesise that the potential of the most anterior somites to generate migratory muscle precursors is a general vertebrate feature that has been differently utilised in the evolution in vertebrate groups.  相似文献   

Lou Q  He J  Hu L  Yin Z 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2012,1823(5):1024-1032
It has been suggested that mouse lbx1 is essential for directing hypaxial myogenic precursor cell migration. In zebrafish, the expression of lbx1a, lbx1b, and lbx2 has been observed in pectoral fin buds. It has also been shown that knocking down endogenous lbx2 in zebrafish embryos diminishes myoD expression in the pectoral fin bud. However, downstream lbxs signals remain largely unexplored. Here, we describe a previously unknown function of zebrafish lbx2 (lbx2) during convergent extension (CE) movements. The abrogation of the lbx2 function by two non-overlapping morpholino oligonucleotides (MOs) resulted in the defective convergence and extension movements in morphants during gastrulation. Our transplantation studies further demonstrated that the overexpression of lbx2 autonomously promotes CE movements. Expression of wnt5b is significantly reduced in lbx2 morphants. We have demonstrated that application of the wnt5b MO, a dominant-negative form of disheveled (Dvl) and a chemical inhibitor of Rho-associated kinase Y27632 in zebrafish embryos have effects reminiscent that are of the CE and hypaxial myogenesis defects observed in lbx2 morphants. Moreover, the CE and hypaxial mesoderm defects seen in lbx2 morphants can be rescued by co-injection with wnt5b or RhoA mRNA. However, this reduced level of active RhoA and hypaxial myogenesis defects in the embryos injected with the dominant-negative form of Dvl mRNA cannot be effectively restored by co-injection with lbx2 mRNA. Our results suggest that the key noncanonical Wnt signaling components Wnt5, Dvl, and RhoA are downstream effectors involved in the regulative roles of lbx2 in CE movement and hypaxial myogenesis during zebrafish embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Despite the acknowledged importance of the locomotory and respiratory functions associated with hypaxial musculature in salamanders, variation in gross morphology of this musculature has not been documented or evaluated within a phylogenetic or ecological context. In this study, we characterize and quantify the morphological variation of lateral hypaxial muscles using phylogenetically and ecologically diverse salamander species from eight families: Ambystomatidae (Ambystoma tigrinum), Amphiumidae (Amphiuma tridactylum), Cryptobranchidae (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis), Dicamptodontidae (Dicamptodon sp.), Plethodontidae (Gyrinophilus porphyriticus), Proteidae (Necturus maculosus), Salamandridae (Pachytriton sp.), and Sirenidae (Siren lacertina). For the lateral hypaxial musculature, we document 1) the presence or absence of muscle layers, 2) the muscle fiber angles of layers at mid‐trunk, and 3) the relative dorsoventral positions and cross‐sectional areas of muscle layers. Combinations of two, three, or four layers are observed. However, all species retain at least two layers with opposing fiber angles. The number of layers and the presence or absence of layers vary within species (Necturus maculosus and Siren lacertina), within genera (e.g., Triturus), and within families. No phylogenetic pattern in the number of layers can be detected with a family‐level phylogeny. Fiber angle variation of hypaxial muscles is considerable: fiber angles of the M. obliquus externus range from 20–80°; M. obliquus internus, 14–34°; M. transversus abdominis, 58–80° (acute angles measured relative to the horizontal septum). Hypaxial musculature comprises 17–37% of total trunk cross‐sectional area. Aquatic salamanders show relatively larger total cross‐sectional hypaxial area than salamanders that are primarily terrestrial. J. Morphol. 241:153–164, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nidogen-1, a key component of basement membranes, is considered to function as a link between laminin and collagen Type IV networks and is expressed by mesenchymal cells during embryonic and fetal development. It is not clear which cells produce nidogen-1 in early developmental stages when no mesenchyme is present. We therefore localized nidogen-1 and its corresponding mRNA at the light and electron microscopic level in Day 7 mouse embryos during the onset of mesoderm formation by in situ hybridization, light microscopic immunostaining, and immunogold histochemistry. Nidogen-1 mRNA was found not only in the cells of the ectoderm-derived mesoderm but also in the cytoplasm of the endoderm and ectoderm, indicating that all three germ layers express it. Nidogen-1 was localized only in fully developed basement membranes of the ectoderm and was not seen in the developing endodermal basement membrane or in membranes disrupted during mesoderm formation. In contrast, laminin-1 and collagen Type IV were present in all basement membrane types at this developmental stage. The results indicate that, in the early embryo, nidogen-1 may be expressed by epithelial and mesenchymal cells, that both cell types contribute to embryonic basement membrane formation, and that nidogen-1 might serve to stabilize basement membranes in vivo. (J Histochem Cytochem 48:229-237, 2000)  相似文献   

Liu  Yue  Sun  Jiandong  Su  Yang  Lin  Jianmin  Lv  Chengyu  Mo  Kaien  Xu  Songhua  Wang  Shie 《Journal of molecular histology》2021,52(5):965-973
Journal of Molecular Histology - Preimplantation embryo development is characterized by drastic nuclear reprogramming and dynamic stage-specific gene expression. Key regulators of this earliest...  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the cellular site of eyeless-I (ey-I) and eyeless-2 (ey-2) gene action, causing anophthalmia or microphthalmia. Eye primordia from 10-day-old embryos of ZRDCT-AN and CC57BR (control) mice were cultured in vitro for 3 or 6 days. In 59 out of 77 cultured mutant eye primordia neural retina was disturbed. In 9 mutant eye primordia the disturbed neural retina was 4-6 times thinner than in the control. However, lens differentiation was similar to that in the control, epithelial and fibrous components were observed. Thus, mutant genes eyeless inhibit the growth of primordial retina, causing secondary developmental defects of the lens and other eye structures.  相似文献   

The trigeminal placode is a thickened region of ectodermal epithelium located along the side of the embryonic head. Mesenchyme escapes from the placode to form neurons of the trigeminal (V) ganglion. To further our knowledge of the morphogenesis of this escape, plastic thick sections were cut from mouse embryos and stained for light microscopy by using a technique which revealed escaping mesenchyme. The escape of trigeminal mesenchyme began at approximately 12 somites of age and was substantially complete by 30 somites. These results provided spatial/temporal orientation for a subsequent electron microscopic study. The first ultrastructural manifestation of escape was the penetration of an otherwise continuous basal lamina by small cell processes. The presence of longitudinally oriented microtubules within these processes suggests that mesenchymal cells escape through the basal lamina by using microtubules to direct/move their contents (e.g., the cell nucleus) into an enlarging process. Nuclei were distorted as they passed into these processes. This distortion suggests that basal lamina, together with a possible contribution from basal microfilaments, forms a rigid obstruction which is disrupted in the region from which a process is formed. In some cases a collar of basal lamina was observed around the necks of processes, but their distal membranes were invariably lamina-free. This lamina-free membrane is possibly that which is newly formed to accommodate the growing process. In later stages of escape, instances were observed in which the lamina was completely absent beneath an escaping cell and partially degraded beneath adjacent cells as well. These instances suggest that enzymatic digestion may play a role in degrading the lamina during mesenchymal escape. Apical desmosomes were often retained beyond the initial stages of escape. Mechanisms involved in their disruption are thus not among those which initiate escape.  相似文献   

We addressed the potential role of cell-laminin interactions during epaxial myotome formation in the mouse embryo. Assembly of the myotomal laminin matrix occurs as epaxial myogenic precursor cells enter the myotome. Most Myf5-positive and myogenin-negative myogenic precursor cells localise near assembled laminin, while myogenin-expressing cells are located either away from this matrix or in areas where it is being assembled. In Myf5(nlacZ/nlacZ) (Myf5-null) embryos, laminin, collagen type IV and perlecan are present extracellularly near myogenic precursor cells, but do not form a basement membrane and cells are not contained in the myotomal compartment. Unlike wild-type myogenic precursor cells, Myf5-null cells do not express the alpha6beta1 integrin, a laminin receptor, suggesting that integrin alpha6beta1-laminin interactions are required for myotomal laminin matrix assembly. Blocking alpha6beta1-laminin binding in cultured wild-type mouse embryo explants resulted in dispersion of Myf5-positive cells, a phenotype also seen in Myf5(nlacZ/nlacZ) embryos. Furthermore, inhibition of alpha6beta1 resulted in an increase in Myf5 protein and ectopic myogenin expression in dermomyotomal cells, suggesting that alpha6beta1-laminin interactions normally repress myogenesis in the dermomyotome. We conclude that Myf5 is required for maintaining alpha6beta1 expression on myogenic precursor cells, and that alpha6beta1 is necessary for myotomal laminin matrix assembly and cell guidance into the myotome. Engagement of laminin by alpha6beta1 also plays a role in maintaining the undifferentiated state of cells in the dermomyotome prior to their entry into the myotome.  相似文献   

The prion-like protein Shadoo has been suggested to compensate for the lack of PrP in Prnp-knockout mice, explaining their lack of extreme phenotype. In adult mice, both PrP and Shadoo have shown overlapping expression patterns and shared functions. Their expression in the mouse embryo has also been suggested to be complementary, as invalidation of both genes results in embryonic lethality. The developmental expression profile of PrP has been described from post-implantation stages up until birth. However the spatial expression pattern of Shadoo in the developing mouse embryo is not known. We previously described the expression profile of the prion-like protein Shadoo in adult mice using Sprn reporter mice (Sprn-GFP and Sprn-LacZ). Here we used these mice to describe the developmental expression of Shadoo between 10.5 and 14.5 dpc. The observed pattern in specific embryonic cell lineages and in extra-embryonic tissues is consistent with the previously reported phenotype resulting from its knockdown.  相似文献   

Rho-kinase is involved in mouse blastocyst cavity formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During mammalian embryonic development, the formation and subsequent expansion of a fluid-filled cavity, the blastocoel, is crucial for successful implantation. Our present experiments were aimed at exploring the contribution of Rho-kinase, a downstream effector of the small GTP-binding protein RhoA, to mouse blastocoel formation. RT-PCR analysis showed that Rho-kinase mRNA is present throughout mouse preimplantation development. When 2-cell embryos were cultured in the presence of a specific inhibitor of Rho-kinase, Y-27632, they developed to the morula stage but failed to develop to the blastocyst stage. Y-27632 inhibited the formation of the blastocoel cavity from the morula stage, and this inhibitory effect was reversible when embryos were returned to medium without Y-27632. Moreover, Y-27632 reduced the rate of re-expansion of blastocysts collapsed by cytochalasin D upon transfer to the control medium. These results suggest that Rho-kinase is likely involved in blastocyst formation.  相似文献   

Notochord is an embryonic midline structure that serves as mechanical support for axis elongation and the signaling center for the surrounding tissues. Precursors of notochord are initially induced in the dorsal most mesoderm region in gastrulating embryo and separate from the surrounding mesoderm/endoderm tissue to form an elongated rod-like structure, suggesting that cell adhesion molecules may play an important role in this step. In Xenopus embryo, axial protocadherin (AXPC), an orthologue of mammalian Protocadherin-1 (PCDH1), is indispensable for the assembly and separation from the surrounding tissue of the notochord cells. However, the role of PCDH1 in mammalian notochord remains unknown. We herein report that PCDH1 is expressed in the notochord of mouse embryo and that PCDH1-deficient mice form notochord normally. First, we examined the temporal expression pattern of pcdh1 and found that pcdh1 mRNA was expressed from embryonic day (E) 7.5, prior to the stage when notochord cells detach from the surrounding endoderm tissue. Second, we found that PCDH1 protein is expressed in the notochord of mouse embryos in addition to the previously reported expression in endothelial cells. To further investigate the role of PCDH1 in embryonic development, we generated PCDH1-deficient mice using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. In PCDH1-deficient embryos, notochord formation and separation from the surrounding tissue were normal. Structure and marker gene expression of notochord were also unaffected by loss of PCDH1. Major vascular patterns in PCDH1-deficient embryo were essentially normal. These results suggest that PCDH1 is dispensable for notochord formation, including the tissue separation process, in mammalian embryos. We successfully identified the evolutionary conserved expression of PCDH1 in notochord, but its function may differ among species.  相似文献   

We have used in situ hybridization and computer-aided reconstruction to study the spatial distribution of expression of the mammary tumor proto-oncogene int-1 during mouse embryogenesis. int-1 RNA accumulation is restricted to specific regions of the neural plate and its derivatives between 9 and 14.5 days of development. int-1 RNA accumulates throughout the neural plate at the anterior head folds of the 9 day embryo but only at its lateral tips in more posterior regions. Following neural tube closure, int-1 expression is restricted to specific regions of the dorsal wall of the brain ventricles and spinal cord, the ventral wall of the midbrain and the diencephalon, and the lateral walls of the neuroepithelium at the midbrain-hindbrain junction. These data suggest that int-1 has a role in the early stages of central nervous system development in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Protocadherins constitute a large family of transmembrane proteins primarily involved in weak homophilic adhesion in the brain and several other tissues. In a screen for potential regulators of kidney development, we have identified Pcdh19, a poorly characterized member of the delta-protocadherin subfamily. Here, we report the spatio-temporal expression pattern of Pcdh19 during mouse embryonic development. In midgestation embryos, Pcdh19 mRNA was detected in the mesonephros and in the neuroepithelium of the forebrain and midbrain. At later stages, Pcdh19 was expressed in other neural tissues such as the neural retina, nasal epithelium and spinal cord, as well as in the collecting duct and differentiating nephrons of the metanephros, in the glandular stomach, the exocrine pancreas and the hair follicles. Hence, the Pcdh19 gene is developmentally regulated during mouse organogenesis and shows a unique expression profile among protocadherins.  相似文献   

Human Fibroblast Activation Protein (FAP), a member of the serine prolyl oligopeptidase family, is a type II cell surface glycoprotein that acts as a dual-specificity dipeptidyl-peptidase (DPP) and collagenase in vitro. Its restricted expression pattern in embryonic mesenchyme, in wound healing and in reactive stromal fibroblasts of epithelial cancers, has suggested a role for the FAP protease in extracellular matrix degradation or growth factor activation in sites of tissue remodeling. The FAP homologue in Xenopus laevis has been reported to be induced in the thyroid hormone-induced tail resorption program during tadpole metamorphosis supporting a role for FAP in tissue remodeling processes during embryonic development. However, Fap-deficient mice show no overt developmental defects and are viable. To study the expression of FAP during mouse embryogenesis, a second Fap-deficient mouse strain expressing beta-Galactosidase under the control of the Fap promoter was generated by homologous recombination (Fap-/- lacZ mice). FAP deficiency was confirmed by the absence of FAP-specific dipeptidyl-peptidase activity in detergent-soluble extracts isolated from 17.5 d.p.c. Fap-/- lacZ embryos. We report that Fap-/- lacZ mice express beta-Galactosidase at regions of active tissue remodeling during embryogenesis including somites and perichondrial mesenchyme from cartilage primordia.  相似文献   

K R Willison  P L Stern 《Cell》1978,14(4):785-793
A monoclonal antibody recognizing a Forssman antigenic specificity has been shown to react with cells of the preimplantation mouse embryo. The antigen is believed to be carried on glycolipid molecules on teratocarcinoma stem cells. This antigen is first detected on the trophectoderm of the early blastocyst. The topography of the expression on the trophectoderm is striking and novel. The antigen is no longer found on these cells after the blastocyst has hatched from the zona pellucida in utero. Inner cell masses are antigen-positive at all times. This is the first study of the distribution of a single antigenic determinant in early mouse embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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