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The inhibitory region of troponin I (TnI) plays a central regulatory role in the contraction and relaxation cycle of skeletal and cardiac muscle through its Ca(2+)-dependent interaction with actin. Detailed structural information on the interface between TnC and this region of TnI has been long in dispute. We have used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to investigate the global conformation of the inhibitory region of a full-length TnI mutant from cardiac muscle (cTnI) in the unbound state and in reconstituted complexes with the other cardiac troponin subunits. The mutant contained a single tryptophan residue at the position 129 which was used as an energy transfer donor, and a single cysteine residue at the position 152 labeled with IAEDANS as energy acceptor. The sequence between Trp129 and Cys152 in cTnI brackets the inhibitory region (residues 130-149), and the distance between the two sites was found to be 19.4 A in free cTnI. This distance was insensitive to reconstitution of cTnI with cardiac troponin T (cTnT), cTnC, or cTnC and cTnT in the absence of bound regulatory Ca(2+) in cTnC. An increase of 9 A in the Trp129-Cys152 separation was observed upon saturation of the Ca(2+) regulatory site of cTnC in the complexes. This large increase suggests an extended conformation of the inhibitory region in the interface between cTnC and cTnI in holo cardiac troponin. This extended conformation is different from a recent model of the Ca(2+)-saturated skeletal TnI-TnC complex in which the inhibitory region is modeled as a beta-turn. The observed Ca(2+)-induced conformational change may be a switch mechanism by which movement of the regulatory region of cTnI to the exposed hydrophobic patch of the open regulatory N-domain of cTnC pulls the inhibitory region away from actin upon Ca(2+) activation in cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

We have used two-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the structure of the synthetic inhibitory peptide N alpha-acetyl TnI(104-115) amide bound to calcium-saturated skeletal troponin C (TnC). Conformational changes in the peptide induced by the formation of the troponin I (TnI) peptide-TnC complex were followed by the study of the transferred nuclear Overhauser effect, a technique that allows one to determine the structure of a ligand bound to a macromolecule. The structure of the bound TnI peptide reveals an amphiphilic alpha-helix, distorted around the two central proline residues. The central bend in the peptide functions to bring the residues on the hydrophobic face into closer proximity with each other, thereby forming a small hydrophobic pocket. The hydrophilic, basic residues extend off the opposite face of the peptide. Hydrophobic surfaces on TnC that become exposed upon binding of calcium are involved in the binding of the TnI peptide, but electrostatic interactions also contribute to the strength of the interaction. The role of amphiphilic helices in the targeting of calcium-binding proteins such as troponin C will be discussed.  相似文献   

J Lan  S Albaugh  R F Steiner 《Biochemistry》1989,28(18):7380-7385
Fluorescent probes have been used to study the interaction of troponin I and its inhibitory peptide TnIp with troponin C, calmodulin, and the proteolytic fragments of calmodulin. The probes used included the noncovalently bound ligand TNS and the covalently attached labels dansyl and AEDANS. The fluorescence intensity of TNS bound to troponin C, calmodulin, or the calmodulin fragments was greatly enhanced by the presence of TnIp. This effect was used to estimate the corresponding binding constants. It was found that TnIp is bound by the C-terminal half-molecule of calmodulin, TR2C, with an affinity comparable to that of intact calmodulin or troponin C, while the binding affinity of the N-terminal half-molecule, TR1C, was an order of magnitude less, suggesting that the TnIp-containing portion of troponin I combines with the C-terminal half of calmodulin or troponin C. The fluorescence properties of an AEDANS group linked to Cys-98 of troponin C were modified by interaction with troponin I or TnIp. The fluorescence properties of the same group linked to Cys-27 of wheat germ calmodulin were affected by TnI, but not TnIp. TnI had a small effect upon the fluorescence of a dansyl group linked to Met-25 of troponin C. TnIp also inhibited the tryptic hydrolysis of the midpoint of the central connecting strand of calmodulin and troponin C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have used 19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study the interaction of the inhibitory region of troponin (TnI) with apo- and calcium(II)-saturated turkey skeletal troponin C (TnC), using the synthetic TnI analogue N alpha-acetyl[19FPhe106]TnI(104-115)amide. Dissociation constants of Kd = (3.7 +/- 3.1) x 10(-5) M for the apo interaction and Kd = (4.8 +/- 1.8) x 10(-5) M for the calcium(II)-saturated interaction were obtained using a 1:1 binding model of peptide to protein. The 19F NMR chemical shifts for the F-phenylalanine of the bound peptide are different from the apo- and calcium-saturated protein, indicating a different environment for the bound peptide. The possibility of 2:1 binding of the peptide to Ca(II)-saturated TnC was tested by calculating the fit of the experimental titration data to a series of theoretical binding curves in which the dissociation constants for the two hypothetical binding sites were varied. We obtained the best fit for 0.056 mM less than or equal to Kd1 less than or equal to 0.071 mM and 0.5 mM less than or equal to Kd2 less than or equal to 2.0 mM. These results allow the possibility of a second peptide binding site on calcium(II)-saturated TnC with an affinity 10- to 20-fold weaker than that of the first site.  相似文献   

The structure of a peptide analog of the inhibitory region of cardiac troponin-I (N-acetyl-G110-TnI(104-115) amide) when bound to cardiac troponin-C has been determined by 2-dimensional 1H-NMR techniques. The bound structure determined for this peptide is similar to that determined previously for the skeletal peptide (which has a proline at position 110) bound to skeletal troponin-C (Campbell and Sykes (1991) J. Mol. Biol. 222, 405-421). This structure shows a helical like peptide backbone 'bent' around P109-G110 to bring the hydrophobic residues F106, L111 and V114 closer together. The other 'side' of this structure is surrounded by the basic residues extending outwards towards the protein or solution. While the bound structures of the cardiac and skeletal peptides are shown to be quite similar, the cardiac peptide appears more flexible near the central glycine residue.  相似文献   

We have quantitated the interactions of two rabbit skeletal troponin C fragments with troponin I and the troponin I inhibitory peptide. The calcium binding properties of the fragments and the ability of the fragments to exert control in the regulated actomyosin ATPase assay have also been studied. The N- and C-terminal divalent metal binding domains of rabbit skeletal troponin C, residues 1-97 and residues 98-159, respectively, were prepared by specific cleavage at cysteine-98 and separation by gel exclusion chromatography. Both of the troponin C fragments bind calcium. The calcium affinity of the weak sites within the N-terminal fragment is about an order of magnitude greater than is reported for these sites in troponin C, suggesting interaction between the calcium-saturated strong sites and the weak sites. Stoichiometric binding (1:1) of the troponin I inhibitory peptide to each fragment and to troponin C increased the calcium affinities of the fragments and troponin C. Complex formation was detected by fluorescence quenching or enhancement using dansyl-labeled troponin C (and fragments) or tryptophan-labeled troponin I inhibitory peptide. The troponin C fragments bind to troponin I with 1:1 stoichiometry and approximately equal affinities (1.6 x 10(6) M-1) which are decreased 4-fold in the presence of magnesium versus calcium. These calcium effects are much smaller than is observed for troponin C. The summed free energies for the binding of the troponin C fragments to troponin I are much larger than the free energy of binding troponin C. This suggests a large positive interaction free energy for troponin C binding to troponin I relative to the fragments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recent studies using bee and wasp venom peptides have led to the hypothesis that proper complex formation with calmodulin (CaM) requires the presence of a basic amphiphilic helix on the surface of the target protein [Cox, J. A. (1984) Fed. Proc., Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. 43, 3000]. We have tested this hypothesis by examining CaM and troponin C (TnC) complex formation with two basic peptides, the wasp venom tetradecapeptide mastoparan and the physiologically relevant synthetic troponin I (TnI) inhibitory peptide [104-115], using far-ultraviolet circular dichroism as a secondary structure probe. Complex formation between mastoparan and either CaM or TnC results in an increase in helical content, whereas the helical content of TnI inhibitory peptide does not increase when bound to either protein. Significantly, mastoparan is 78% alpha-helical in a 50% solution of the helix-inducing solvent trifluoroethanol and has a high helix-forming potential according to the Chou-Fasman rules while TnI inhibitory peptide contains none and is not predicted to have any. We interpret these data as indicating that these peptides exhibit substantially different secondary structures upon binding to CaM or TnC. The ability of mastoparan to regulate the acto-subfragment 1-tropomyosin ATPase has also been examined. Mastoparan and TnI inhibitory peptide inhibited 31% and 45% of the activity, respectively. TnC and CaM promote differing degrees of Ca2+-sensitive release of inhibition by both peptides. Sequence comparison suggests that the basic residues present in both peptides are important for binding. However, we conclude that an alpha-helical structure is not a prerequisite for the binding of target proteins to CaM and TnC.  相似文献   

The different conformations induced by the binding of Mg2+ or Ca2+ to troponin C (TnC) and calmodulin (CaM) results in the exposure of various interfaces with potential to bind target compounds. The interaction of TnC or CaM with three affinity columns with ligands of either the synthetic peptide of troponin I (TnI) inhibitory region (residues 104-115), mastoparan (a wasp venom peptide), or fluphenazine (a phenothiazine drug) were investigated in the presence of Mg2+ or Ca2+. TnC and CaM in the presence of either Ca2+ or Mg2+ bound to the TnI peptide 104-115. The cation specificity for this interaction firmly establishes that the TnI inhibitory region binds to the high affinity sites of TnC (most likely the N-terminal helix of site III) and presumably the homologous region of CaM. Mastoparan interacted strongly with both proteins in the presence of Ca2+ but, in the presence of Mg2+, did not bind to TnC and only bound weakly to CaM. Fluphenazine bound to TnC and CaM only in the presence of Ca2+. When the ligands interacted with either proteins there was an increase in cation affinity, such that TnC and CaM were eluted from the TnI peptide or mastoparan affinity column with 0.1 M EDTA compared with the 0.01 M EDTA required to elute the proteins from the fluphenazine column. The interaction of these ligands with their receptor sites on TnC and CaM require a specific and spatially correct alignment of hydrophobic and negatively charged residues on these proteins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We determined the free energy of interaction between rabbit skeletal troponin I (TNI) and troponin C (TNC) at 10 degrees and 20 degrees C with fluorescently labeled proteins. The sulfhydryl probe 5-iodoacetamidoeosin (IAE) was attached to cysteine (Cys)-98 of TNC and to Cys-133 of TNI, and each of the labeled proteins was titrated with the other unlabeled protein. The association constant for formation of the complex between labeled TNC (TNC*) and TNI was 6.67 X 10(5) M-1 in 0.3 M KCl, and pH 7.5 at 20 degrees C. In the presence of bound Mg2+, the binding constant increased to 4.58 X 10(7) M-1 and in the presence of excess of Ca2+, the association constant was 5.58 X 10(9) M-1. Very similar association constants were obtained when labeled TNI was titrated with unlabeled TNC. The energetics of Ca2+ binding to TNC* and the complex TNI X TNC* were also determined at 20 degrees C. The two sets of results were used to separately determine the coupling free energy for binding TNI and Mg2+, or Ca2+ to TNC. The results yielded a total coupling free energy of -5.4 kcal. This free energy appeared evenly partitioned into the two species: TNI X TNC(Mg)2 or TNI X TNC(Ca)2, and TNI X TNC(Ca)4. The first two species were each stabilized by -2.6 kcal, with respect to the Ca2+ free TNI X TNC complex, and TNI X TNC(Ca)4 was stabilized by -2.8 kcal, respect to TNI X TNC(Ca)2 or TNI X TNC(Mg)2. The coupling free energy was shown to produce cooperatively complexes formed between TNI and TNC in which the high affinity sites were initially saturated as a function of free Ca2+ to yield TNI X TNC(Ca)4. This saturation occurred in the free Ca2+ concentration range 10(-7) to 10(-5) M. The cooperative strengthening of the linkage between TNI and TNC induced by Ca2+ binding to the Ca2+-specific sites of TNC may have a direct relationship to activation of actomyosin ATPase. The nature of the forces involved in the Ca2+-induced strengthening of the complex is discussed.  相似文献   

Interactions between troponin C (TnC) and troponin I (TnI) play an important role in the Ca(2+)-dependent regulation of vertebrate striated muscle contraction. In the present study, we investigated the sites of interaction between the N-terminal regulatory domain of TnC and the inhibitory region (residues 96-116) of TnI, using a mutant rabbit skeletal TnC (designated as TnC57) that contains a single Cys at residue 57 in the C-helix. TnC57 was modified with the photoreactive cross-linker 4-maleimidobenzophenone (BP-Mal), and, after formation of a binary complex with TnI, cross-linking between the proteins was induced by photolysis. The resulting product was cleaved with CNBr and several proteases, and peptides containing cross-links were purified and subjected to amino acid sequencing. The results show that Cys-57 of TnC57 is cross-linked to the segment of TnI spanning residues 113-121. Previously, we showed that Cys-98 of TnC can be cross-linked via BP-Mal to TnI residues 103-110 (Leszyk, J., Collins, J.H., Leavis, P.C., and Tao, T. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 7042-7047). Taken together, these results demonstrate that both the C- and the N-terminal domains of TnC interact with the inhibitory region of TnI and are consistent with the hypothesis that, in a complex with TnI, TnC adopts a more compact conformation than in the crystal structure.  相似文献   

Troponin is a ternary protein complex consisting of subunits TnC. TnI, and TnT, and plays a key role in calcium regulation of the skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction. In the present study, a partial complex (CI47) was prepared from Escherichia coli-expressed rabbit skeletal muscle TnC and fragment 1-47 of TnI, which is obtained by chemical cleavage of an E. coli-expressed mutant of rabbit skeletal muscle TnI. Within the ternary troponin complex, CI47 is thought to form a core that is resistant to proteolytic digestion, and the interaction within CI47 likely maintains the integrity of the troponin complex. Complex CI47 was crystallized in the presence of sodium citrate. The addition of trehalose improved the diffraction pattern of the crystals substantially. The crystal lattice belongs to the space group P3(1)(2)21, with unit cell dimensions a = b = 48.2 A, c = 162 A. The asymmetric unit presumably contains one CI47 complex. Soaking with p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate (PCMBS) resulted in loss of isomorphism, but enhanced the quality of the crystals. The crystals diffracted up to 2.3 A resolution, with completeness of 91% and R(merge) = 6.4%. The crystals of PCMBS-derivative should be suitable for X-ray studies using the multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction technique. This is the first step for elucidating the structure of the full troponin complex.  相似文献   

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to study the cation (Mg2+, Ca2+)-dependent conformational states of the C-terminal domain of rabbit skeletal troponin C under a variety of solution conditions. Nuclear Overhauser data and paramagnetic probe observations provide definition of the configuration of this region of troponin C. Comparative study of homologous proteins identify common features of the tertiary structure relevant to the cation binding reaction. Complex formation with troponin I and the drug trifluoperazine is observed to adjust the solution conformation of the C-terminal domain of troponin C. The interactive conformational response to cation coordination and the binding of the drug and troponin I are discussed.  相似文献   

The binding of the chymotryptic troponin T subfragments to tropomyosin, troponin I, and troponin C was semiquantitatively examined by using affinity chromatography, and also by co-sedimentation with F-actin and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 14 mM Tris/90 mM glycine. Circular dichroism spectra of the subfragments were measured to confirm that the subfragments retained their conformational structures. Based on these results, the binding sites of tropomyosin, troponin I, and troponin C on the troponin T sequence were elucidated. Tropomyosin bound mainly to the region of troponin T1 (residues 1-158) with the same binding strength as to the original troponin T. The C-terminal region of troponin T (residues 243-259) was the second binding site to tropomyosin under physiological conditions. The binding site of troponin I was concluded to be the region including residues 223-227. The binding of troponin C was dependent on Ca2+ ion concentration. The C-terminal region of troponin T2 (residues 159-259) was indicated to be the Ca2+-independent troponin C-binding site and the N-terminal side of troponin T2 to be the Ca2+-dependent site.  相似文献   

The binding of Ca(2+) to cardiac troponin C (cTnC) triggers contraction in cardiac muscle. In diseased heart, the myocardium is often desensitized to Ca(2+), leading to weak cardiac contractility. Compounds that can sensitize cardiac muscle to Ca(2+) would have potential therapeutic value in treating heart failure. The thiadiazinone derivative EMD 57033 is an identified 'Ca(2+) sensitizer', and cTnC is a potential target of the drug. In this work, we used 2D ?(1)H, (15)N?-HSQC NMR spectroscopy to monitor the binding of EMD 57033 to cTnC in the Ca(2+)-saturated state. By mapping the chemical shift changes to the structure of cTnC, EMD 57033 is found to bind to the C-domain of cTnC. To test whether EMD 57033 competes with cardiac TnI (cTnI) for cTnC and interferes with the inhibitory function, we examined the interaction of cTnC with an inhibitory cTnI peptide (residues 128-147, cIp) in the absence and presence of EMD 57033, respectively. cTnC was also titrated with EMD 57033 in the presence of cIp. The results show that although both the drug and cIp interact with the C-domain of cTnC, they do not displace each other, suggesting noncompetitive binding sites for the two targets. Detailed chemical shift mapping of the binding sites reveals that the regions encompassing helix G-loop IV-helix H are more affected by EMD 57033, while residues located on helix E-loop III-helix F and the linker between sites III and IV are more affected by cIp. In both cases, the binding stoichiometry is 1:1. The binding affinities for the drug are 8.0 +/- 1.8 and 7.4 +/- 4.8 microM in the absence and presence of cIp, respectively, while those for the peptide are 78.2 +/- 10.3 and 99.2 +/- 30.0 microM in the absence and presence of EMD 57033, respectively. These findings suggest that EMD 57033 may exert its positive inotropic effect by not directly enhancing Ca(2+) binding to the Ca(2+) regulatory site of cTnC, but by binding to the structural domain of cTnC, modulating the interaction between cTnC and other thin filament proteins, and increasing the apparent Ca(2+) sensitivity of the contractile system.  相似文献   

Mercier P  Li MX  Sykes BD 《Biochemistry》2000,39(11):2902-2911
The interaction between the calcium binding and inhibitory components of troponin is central to the regulation of muscle contraction. In this work, two-dimensional heteronuclear single-quantum coherence nuclear magnetic resonance (2D-?1H,15N?-HSQC NMR) spectroscopy was used to determine the stoichiometry, affinity, and mechanisms for binding of Ca2+ and two synthetic TnI peptides [TnI1-40 (or Rp40) and TnI96-115] to the isolated C-domain of skeletal troponin C (CTnC). The Ca2+ titration revealed that 2 equiv of Ca2+ binds to sites III and IV of CTnC with strong positive cooperativity and high affinity [dissociation constant (KD) 相似文献   

The paramagnetic relaxation reagent, 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxy (HyTEMPO), was used to probe the surface exposure of methionine residues of recombinant cardiac troponin C (cTnC) in the absence and presence of Ca2+ at the regulatory site (site II), as well as in the presence of the troponin I inhibitory peptide (cTnIp). Methyl resonances of the 10 Met residues of cTnC were chosen as spectral probes because they are thought to play a role in both formation of the N-terminal hydrophobic pocket and in the binding of cTnIp. Proton longitudinal relaxation rates (R1's) of the [13C-methyl] groups in [13C-methyl]Met-labeled cTnC(C35S) were determined using a T1 two-dimensional heteronuclear single- and multiple-quantum coherence pulse sequence. Solvent-exposed Met residues exhibit increased relaxation rates from the paramagnetic effect of HyTEMPO. Relaxation rates in 2Ca(2+)-loaded and Ca(2+)-saturated cTnC, both in the presence and absence of HyTEMPO, permitted the topological mapping of the conformational changes induced by the binding of Ca2+ to site II, the site responsible for triggering muscle contraction. Calcium binding at site II resulted in an increased exposure of Met residues 45 and 81 to the soluble spin label HyTEMPO. This result is consistent with an opening of the hydrophobic pocket in the N-terminal domain of cTnC upon binding Ca2+ at site II. The binding of the inhibitory peptide cTnIp, corresponding to Asn 129 through Ile 149 of cTnI, to both 2Ca(2+)-loaded and Ca(2+)-saturated cTnC was shown to protect Met residues 120 and 157 from HyTEMPO as determined by a decrease in their measured R1 values. These results suggest that in both the 2Ca(2+)-loaded and Ca(2+)-saturated forms of cTnC, cTnIp binds primarily to the C-terminal domain of cTnC.  相似文献   

The role of the inhibitory region of troponin (Tn) I in the regulation of skeletal muscle contraction was studied with three deletion mutants of its inhibitory region: 1) complete (TnI-(Delta96-116)), 2) the COOH-terminal domain (TnI-(Delta105-115)), and 3) the NH(2)-terminal domain (TnI-(Delta95-106)). Measurements of Ca(2+)-regulated force and relaxation were performed in skinned skeletal muscle fibers whose endogenous TnI (along with TnT and TnC) was displaced with high concentrations of added troponin T. Reconstitution of the Tn-displaced fibers with a TnI.TnC complex restored the Ca(2+) sensitivity of force; however, the levels of relaxation and force development varied. Relaxation of the fibers (pCa 8) was drastically impaired with two of the inhibitory region deletion mutants, TnI-(Delta96-116).TnC and TnI-(Delta105-115).TnC. The TnI-(Delta95-106).TnC mutant retained approximately 55% relaxation when reconstituted in the Tn-displaced fibers. Activation in skinned skeletal muscle fibers was enhanced with all TnI mutants compared with wild-type TnI. Interestingly, all three mutants of TnI increased the Ca(2+) sensitivity of contraction. None of the TnI deletion mutants, when reconstituted into Tn, could inhibit actin-tropomyosin-activated myosin ATPase in the absence of Ca(2+), and two of them (TnI-(Delta96-116) and TnI-(Delta105-115)) gave significant activation in the absence of Ca(2+). These results suggest that the COOH terminus of the inhibitory region of TnI (residues 105-115) is much more critical for the biological activity of TnI than the NH(2)-terminal region, consisting of residues 95-106. Presumably, the COOH-terminal domain of the inhibitory region of TnI is a part of the Ca(2+)-sensitive molecular switch during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Inhibition of muscle force development by acidic pH is a well known phenomenon, yet the exact mechanism by which a decrease in pH inhibits the Ca2+-activated force in striated myofilaments remains poorly understood. Whether or not the deactivation by acidic pH involves direct competition between Ca2+ and protons for regulatory binding sites on fast skeletal troponin C (TnC) or whether other proteins in thin filament regulation are important remains unclear. We measured the effects of acidic pH on Ca2+-dependent fluorescent changes in TnC labeled with the probe danzylaziridine (Danz), which reports Ca2+ binding to the regulatory (Ca2+-specific) sites. Measurements were also made with TnCDanz complexed with the inhibitory Tn unit, TnI, and in the whole Tn complex. Our results show that a drop in pH from 7.0 to 6.5 is associated with a 1.6-fold increase in the midpoint for the relation between free Ca2+ and Ca2+ binding to the regulatory sites on TnCDanz. However, when TnCDanz was present in its complex with either TnI alone or with TnI-TnT, the increase in midpoint free Ca2+ was increased by 3.5-fold. We tested whether this potentiation in the effect of acidic pH on Ca2+ binding to TnC is due to a pH-induced alteration in the binding of TnI to TnC. A decrease in pH from 7.0 to 6.5 was associated with a halving of the affinity of TnI for TnC. We also probed the effect of acidic pH on TnI. This was done (i) by measuring the intrinsic fluorescence of tryptophan residues in TnI alone and (ii) by measuring fluorescence of TnI (in the Tn complex) labeled at Cys-133 with 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein. A drop in pH from 7.0 to 6.5 was associated with a 15% decrease in intrinsic fluorescence and with a 30% decrease in the fluorescence of the 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein probe. We conclude, therefore, that while protons and Ca2+ may directly affect Ca2+ binding to regulatory sites on fast skeletal TnC, the effect of acidic pH on TnC Ca2+ binding is amplified in the TnI-TnC and Tn complexes by a pH-related effect on the affinity of TnI for TnC.  相似文献   

To systematically evaluate the contribution of each amino acid residue of the troponin I (TnI) inhibitory region (104-115), 14 synthetic analogs were synthesized by the solid-phase method. The analogs consisted of either single glycine or multiglycine replacements. The importance of the substituted amino acid(s) was determined from the extent of inhibition of the acto-S1 ATPase activity and the strength of binding to a troponin C (TnC) high pressure liquid chromatography affinity column of each synthetic analog. Every residue of the TnI sequence (104-115) is necessary to achieve maximum inhibition of the ATPase activity. However, the analogs quantitatively differed in the amount of inhibition induced. The TnI analogs bound less tightly to the TnC affinity column than the native synthetic peptide indicating that all residues in the TnI sequence contribute to the binding of TnC in the presence of Mg2+ or Ca2+. In the presence of Ca2+, there is a definite increase in the strength of the interaction between most analogs and TnC. This is accompanied with a shift toward a more specific interaction with the C terminus of the TnI inhibitory sequence.  相似文献   

Interactions between troponin C (TnC) and troponin I (TnI) play an important role in the Ca2(+)-dependent regulation of vertebrate striated muscle contraction. Previous attempts to elucidate the molecular details of TnC-TnI interactions, mainly involving chemically modified proteins or fragments thereof, have led to the widely accepted idea that the "inhibitory region" (residues 96-116) of TnI binds to an alpha-helical segment of TnC comprising residues 89-100 in the nonregulatory, COOH-terminal domain. In an attempt to identify other possible physiologically important interactions between these proteins, 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]carbodiimide (EDC) was used to produce zero-length cross-links in the complex of rabbit skeletal muscle TnC and TnI. TnC was activated with EDC and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) and then mixed with an equimolar amount of TnI [Grabarek, Z., & Gergely, J. (1988) Biophys. J. 53, 392a]. The resulting cross-linked TnCXI was cleaved with cyanogen bromide, trypsin, and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease (SAP). Cross-linked peptides were purified by reverse-phase HPLC and characterized by sequence analysis. The results indicated that residues from the regulatory Ca2(+)-binding site II in the NH2-terminal domain of TnC (residues 46-78) formed cross-links with TnI segments spanning residues 92-167. The most highly cross-linked residues in TnI were Lys-105 and Lys-107, located in the inhibitory region. These results yield the first evidence for an interaction between the N-terminal domain of TnC and the inhibitory region of TnI.  相似文献   

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