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MutL homologs are crucial for mismatch repair and genetic stability, but their function is not well understood. Human MutLalpha (MLH1-PMS2 heterodimer) harbors a latent endonuclease that is dependent on the integrity of a PMS2 DQHA(X)2E(X)4E motif (Kadyrov, F. A., Dzantiev, L., Constantin, N., and Modrich, P. (2006) Cell 126, 297-308). This sequence element is conserved in many MutL homologs, including the PMS1 subunit of Saccharomyces cerevisiae MutLalpha, but is absent in MutL proteins from bacteria like Escherichia coli that rely on d(GATC) methylation for strand directionality. We show that yeast MutLalpha is a strand-directed endonuclease that incises DNA in a reaction that depends on a mismatch, yMutSalpha, yRFC, yPCNA, ATP, and a pre-existing strand break, whereas E. coli MutL is not. Amino acid substitution within the PMS1 DQHA(X)2E(X)4E motif abolishes yMutLalpha endonuclease activity in vitro and confers strong genetic instability in vivo, but does not affect yMutLalpha ATPase activity or the ability of the protein to support assembly of the yMutLalpha.yMutSalpha.heteroduplex ternary complex. The loaded form of yPCNA may play an important effector role in directing yMutLalpha incision to the discontinuous strand of a nicked heteroduplex.  相似文献   

Y S Weng  J A Nickoloff 《Genetics》1998,148(1):59-70
Double-strand break (DSB) induced gene conversion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during meiosis and MAT switching is mediated primarily by mismatch repair of heteroduplex DNA (hDNA). We used nontandem ura3 duplications containing palindromic frameshift insertion mutations near an HO nuclease recognition site to test whether mismatch repair also mediates DSB-induced mitotic gene conversion at a non-MAT locus. Palindromic insertions included in hDNA are expected to produce a stem-loop mismatch, escape repair, and segregate to produce a sectored (Ura+/-) colony. If conversion occurs by gap repair, the insertion should be removed on both strands, and converted colonies will not be sectored. For both a 14-bp palindrome, and a 37-bp near-palindrome, approximately 75% of recombinant colonies were sectored, indicating that most DSB-induced mitotic gene conversion involves mismatch repair of hDNA. We also investigated mismatch repair of well-repaired markers flanking an unrepaired palindrome. As seen in previous studies, these additional markers increased loop repair (likely reflecting corepair). Among sectored products, few had additional segregating markers, indicating that the lack of repair at one marker is not associated with inefficient repair at nearby markers. Clear evidence was obtained for low levels of short tract mismatch repair. As seen with full gene conversions, donor alleles in sectored products were not altered. Markers on the same side of the DSB as the palindrome were involved in hDNA less often among sectored products than nonsectored products, but markers on the opposite side of the DSB showed similar hDNA involvement among both product classes. These results can be explained in terms of corepair, and they suggest that mismatch repair on opposite sides of a DSB involves distinct repair tracts.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli and related enteric bacteria, repair of base-base mismatches is performed by two overlapping biochemical processes, methyl-directed mismatch repair (MMR) and very short-patch (VSP) repair. While MMR repairs replication errors, VSP repair corrects to C*G mispairs created by 5-methylcytosine deamination to T. The efficiency of the two pathways changes during the bacterial life cycle; MMR is more efficient during exponential growth and VSP repair is more efficient during the stationary phase. VSP repair and MMR share two proteins, MutS and MutL, and although the two repair pathways are not equally dependent on these proteins, their dual use creates a competition within the cells between the repair processes. The structural and biochemical data on the endonuclease that initiates VSP repair, Vsr, suggest that this protein plays a role similar to MutH (also an endonuclease) in MMR. Biochemical and genetic studies of the two repair pathways have helped eliminate certain models for MMR and put restrictions on models that can be developed regarding either repair process. We review here recent information about the biochemistry of both repair processes and describe the balancing act performed by cells to optimize the competing processes during different phases of the bacterial life cycle.  相似文献   

Goldfarb T  Alani E 《Genetics》2005,169(2):563-574
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae mismatch repair (MMR) protein MSH6 and the SGS1 helicase were recently shown to play similarly important roles in preventing recombination between divergent DNA sequences in a single-strand annealing (SSA) assay. In contrast, MMR factors such as Mlh1p, Pms1p, and Exo1p were shown to not be required or to play only minimal roles. In this study we tested mutations that disrupt Sgs1p helicase activity, Msh2p-Msh6p mismatch recognition, and ATP binding and hydrolysis activities for their effect on preventing recombination between divergent DNA sequences (heteroduplex rejection) during SSA. The results support a model in which the Msh proteins act with Sgs1p to unwind DNA recombination intermediates containing mismatches. Importantly, msh2 mutants that displayed separation-of-function phenotypes with respect to nonhomologous tail removal during SSA and heteroduplex rejection were characterized. These studies suggest that nonhomologous tail removal is a separate function of Msh proteins that is likely to involve a distinct DNA binding activity. The involvement of Sgs1p in heteroduplex rejection but not nonhomologous tail removal further illustrates that subsets of MMR proteins collaborate with factors in different DNA repair pathways to maintain genome stability.  相似文献   

Mismatch repair proteins act during double-strand break repair (DSBR) to correct mismatches in heteroduplex DNA, to suppress recombination between divergent sequences, and to promote removal of nonhomologous DNA at DSB ends. We investigated yeast Msh2p association with recombination intermediates in vivo using chromatin immunoprecipitation. During DSBR involving nonhomologous ends, Msh2p localized strongly to recipient and donor sequences. Localization required Msh3p and was greatly reduced in rad50delta strains. Minimal localization of Msh2p was observed during fully homologous repair, but this was increased in rad52delta strains. These findings argue that Msh2p-Msh3p associates with intermediates early in DSBR to participate in the rejection of homeologous pairing and to stabilize nonhomologous tails for cleavage by Rad1p-Rad10p endonuclease.  相似文献   

The respiratory adaptation (i.e., essentially mitochondrial biogenesis) in the excision repair-defective rad3-type mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergoing transition from the anaerobic to the aerobic state is found to be far more sensitive to 254-nm ultraviolet radiation (UV) than that of the RAD wild-type strain. We confirm that mitochondria of aerobic cells of a RAD strain lack the excision repair capacity of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers at all doses tested (1-15 J/m2). In contrast, in promitochondria of anaerobic cells of the wild-type strain excision repair appears to take place. This process is very efficient at low doses (at 0.5-5 J/m2 100% of the UV endonuclease-sensitive sites disappear), whereas at high doses its efficiency is reduced by about 50%. The promitochondrial excision repair of pyrimidine dimers appears to be under nuclear control since it is blocked in the rad2 mutant. Finally photoreactivation is found to be operating in nuclei, mitochondria and promitochondria.  相似文献   

Jensen LE  Jauert PA  Kirkpatrick DT 《Genetics》2005,170(3):1033-1043
During meiotic recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, heteroduplex DNA is formed when single-stranded DNAs from two homologs anneal as a consequence of strand invasion. If the two DNA strands differ in sequence, a mismatch will be generated. Mismatches in heteroduplex DNA are recognized and repaired efficiently by meiotic DNA mismatch repair systems. Components of two meiotic systems, mismatch repair (MMR) and large loop repair (LLR), have been identified previously, but the substrate range of these repair systems has never been defined. To determine the substrates for the MMR and LLR repair pathways, we constructed insertion mutations at HIS4 that form loops of varying sizes when complexed with wild-type HIS4 sequence during meiotic heteroduplex DNA formation. We compared the frequency of repair during meiosis in wild-type diploids and in diploids lacking components of either MMR or LLR. We find that the LLR pathway does not act on single-stranded DNA loops of <16 nucleotides in length. We also find that the MMR pathway can act on loops up to 17, but not >19, nucleotides in length, indicating that the two pathways overlap slightly in their substrate range during meiosis. Our data reveal differences in mitotic and meiotic MMR and LLR; these may be due to alterations in the functioning of each complex or result from subtle sequence context influences on repair of the various mismatches examined.  相似文献   

Postreplication repair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Postreplication events in logarithmically growing excision-defective mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were examined after low doses of ultraviolet light (2 to 4 J/m2). Pulse-labeled deoxyribonucleic acid had interruptions, and when the cells were "chased," the interruptions were no longer detected. Since the loss of interruptions was not associated with an exchange of pyrimidine dimers at a detection level of 10 to 20% of the induced dimers, we concluded that postreplication repair in excision-defective mutants (or leaky mutants) does not involve molecular recombination. Pyrimidine dimers were assayed by utilizing the ultraviolet-endonuclease activity in extracts of Micrococcus luteus and newly developed alkaline sucrose gradient techniques, which yielded chromosomal-size deoxyribonucleic acid after treatment of irradiated cells.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that recombination between 400-bp substrates containing only 4-bp differences, when present in an inverted repeat orientation, is suppressed by >20-fold in wild-type strains of S. cerevisiae. Among the genes involved in this suppression were three genes involved in mismatch repair--MSH2, MSH3, and MSH6--and one in nucleotide excision repair, RAD1. We now report the involvement of these genes in interchromosomal recombination occurring via crossovers using these same short substrates. In these experiments, recombination was stimulated by a double-strand break generated by the HO endonuclease and can occur between completely identical (homologous) substrates or between nonidentical (homeologous) substrates. In addition, a unique feature of this system is that recombining DNA strands can be given a choice of either type of substrate. We find that interchromosomal crossover recombination with these short substrates is severely inhibited in the absence of MSH2, MSH3, or RAD1 and is relatively insensitive to the presence of mismatches. We propose that crossover recombination with these short substrates requires the products of MSH2, MSH3, and RAD1 and that these proteins have functions in recombination in addition to the removal of terminal nonhomology. We further propose that the observed insensitivity to homeology is a result of the difference in recombinational mechanism and/or the timing of the observed recombination events. These results are in contrast with those obtained using longer substrates and may be particularly relevant to recombination events between the abundant short repeated sequences that characterize the genomes of higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Using small palindromes to monitor meiotic double-strand-break-repair (DSBr) events, we demonstrate that two distinct classes of crossovers occur during meiosis in wild-type yeast. We found that crossovers accompanying 5:3 segregation of a palindrome show no conventional (i.e., positive) interference, while crossovers with 6:2 or normal 4:4 segregation for the same palindrome, in the same cross, do manifest interference. Our observations support the concept of a "non"-interference class and an interference class of meiotic double-strand-break-repair events, each with its own rules for mismatch repair of heteroduplexes. We further show that deletion of MSH4 reduces crossover tetrads with 6:2 or normal 4:4 segregation more than it does those with 5:3 segregation, consistent with Msh4p specifically promoting formation of crossovers in the interference class. Additionally, we present evidence that an ndj1 mutation causes a shift of noncrossovers to crossovers specifically within the "non"-interference class of DSBr events. We use these and other data in support of a model in which meiotic recombination occurs in two phases-one specializing in homolog pairing, the other in disjunction-and each producing both noncrossovers and crossovers.  相似文献   

Hoffmann ER  Borts RH 《Genetics》2005,169(3):1305-1310
Genetic analysis of recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has revealed products with structures not predicted by the double-strand break repair model of meiotic recombination. A particular type of recombinant containing trans heteroduplex DNA has been observed at two loci. Trans events were originally identified only in tetrads in which the non-Mendelian segregations were not associated with a crossover. Because of this, these events were proposed to have arisen from the unwinding of double Holliday junctions. Previous studies used palindromes, refractory to mismatch repair, as genetic markers whereas we have used a complementary approach of deleting mismatch repair proteins to identify heteroduplex DNA. We found that the markers occurred in trans and were associated with crossovers. In both mlh1Delta and msh2Delta strains, the frequency of trans events associated with a crossover exceeded that predicted from the random association of crossovers with noncrossover trans events. We propose two different models to account for trans events associated with crossovers and discuss the relevance to wild-type DSB repair.  相似文献   

DNA interstrand cross-link repair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA interstrand cross-links (ICL) present a formidable challenge to the cellular DNA repair apparatus. For Escherichia coli, a pathway which combines nucleotide excision repair (NER) and homologous recombination repair (HRR) to eliminate ICL has been characterized in detail, both genetically and biochemically. Mechanisms of ICL repair in eukaryotes have proved more difficult to define, primarily as a result of the fact that several pathways appear compete for ICL repair intermediates, and also because these competing activities are regulated in the cell cycle. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has proven a powerful tool for dissecting ICL repair. Important roles for NER, HRR and postreplication/translesion synthesis pathways have all been identified. Here we review, with reference to similarities and differences in higher eukaryotes, what has been discovered to date concerning ICL repair in this simple eukaryote.  相似文献   

Data obtained from acid hydrolysis and extraction of yeast have demonstrated that routine saponification does not recover total sterol from the cells. This suggests the existence of a form of ergosterol resistant to saponification. Time course analyses of sterol synthesis by resting cell suspensions reveal an inverse relationship between the amounts of base labile and acid labile forms of sterol. These data give strong presumptive evidence for dual forms of ergosterol which are interconvertible according to the respiratory state of the cell.  相似文献   

Evidence for a new chromosome in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The current yeast map has 16 chromosomes, each originally defined by a centromere-linked gene unlinked to previously defined centromere markers. We examined four genes, cly2, KRB1, AMY2, and tsm0115, each centromere linked, but previously thought to be not on chromosomes I to XVI. We found that AMY2 is linked to cly2, and both are on chromosome II. tsm0115 is on the left arm of chromosome XVI. We confirm the earlier evidence that KRB1 is not on chromosomes I through XVI. This gene thus defines a new chromosome XVII. We also report meiotic linkage of met4 and pet8 (on chromosome XIV), confirming the connection between the petx-kex2 fragment of XIV and the centromere of XIV.  相似文献   

We sequenced two alleles of the MATa locus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that reduce homothallic switching and confer viability to HO rad52 strains. Both the MATa-stk (J. E. Haber, W. T. Savage, S. M. Raposa, B. Weiffenbach, and L. B. Rowe, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77:2824-2828, 1980) and MATa-survivor (R. E. Malone and D. Hyman, Curr. Genet. 7:439-447, 1983) alleles result from a T----A base change at position Z11 of the MAT locus. These strains also contain identical base substitutions at HMRa, so that the mutation is reintroduced when MAT alpha switches to MATa. Mating-type switching in a MATa-stk strain relative to a MATa Z11T strain is reduced at least 50-fold but can be increased by expression of HO from a galactose-inducible promoter. We confirmed by Southern analysis that the Z11A mutation reduced the efficiency of double-strand break formation compared with the Z11T variant; the reduction was more severe in MAT alpha than in MATa. In MAT alpha, the Z11A mutation also creates a mat alpha 1 (sterile) mutation that distinguishes switches of MATa-stk to either MAT alpha or mat alpha 1-stk. Pedigree analysis of cells induced to switch in G1 showed that MATa-stk switched frequently (23% of the time) to produce one mat alpha 1-stk and one MAT alpha progeny. This postswitching segregation suggests that Z11 was often present in heteroduplex DNA that was not mismatch repaired. When mismatch repair was prevented by deletion of the PMS1 gene, there was an increase in the proportion of mat alpha 1-stk/MAT alpha sectors (59%) and in pairs of switched cells that both retained the stk mutation (27%). We conclude that at least one strand of DNA only 4 bp from the HO cut site is not degraded in most of the gene conversion events that accompany MAT switching.  相似文献   

The products of the yeast mismatch repair genes MSH2 and MSH3 participate in the inhibition of genetic recombination between homeologous (divergent) DNA sequences. In strains deficient for these genes, homeologous recombination rates between repeated elements are elevated due to the loss of this inhibition. In this study, the effects of these mutations were further analyzed by quantitation of mitotic homeologous recombinants as crossovers, gene conversions or exceptional events in wild-type, msh2, msh3 and msh2 msh3 mutant strains. When homeologous sequences were present as a direct repeat in one orientation, crossovers and gene conversions were elevated in msh2, msh3 and msh2 msh3 strains. The increases were greater in the msh2 msh3 double mutant than in either single mutant. When the order of the homeologous sequences was reversed, the msh2 mutation again yielded increased rates of crossovers and gene conversions. However, in an msh3 strain, gene conversions occurred at higher levels but interchromosomal crossovers were not increased and intrachromosomal crossovers were reduced relative to wild type. The msh2 msh3 double mutant behaved like the msh2 single mutant in this orientation. Control strains harboring homologous duplications were largely but not entirely unaffected in mutant strains, suggesting specificity for the mismatched intermediates of homeologous recombination. In all strains, very few (<10%) recombinants could be attributed to exceptional events. These results suggest that MSH2 and MSH3 can function differentially to control homeologous exchanges.  相似文献   

Argueso JL  Smith D  Yi J  Waase M  Sarin S  Alani E 《Genetics》2002,160(3):909-921
In mismatch repair (MMR), members of the MLH gene family have been proposed to act as key molecular matchmakers to coordinate mismatch recognition with downstream repair functions that result in mispair excision. Two members of this gene family, MLH1 and MLH3, have also been implicated in meiotic crossing over. These diverse roles suggest that a mutational analysis of MLH genes could provide reagents required to identify interactions between gene products and to test whether the different roles ascribed to a subset of these genes can be separated. In this report we show that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the mlh1Delta mutation confers inviability in pol3-01 strain backgrounds that are defective in the Poldelta proofreading exonuclease activity. This phenotype was exploited to identify four mlh1 alleles that each confer a temperature-sensitive phenotype for viability in pol3-01 strains. In three different mutator assays, strains bearing conditional mlh1 alleles displayed wild-type or nearly wild-type mutation rates at 26 degrees. At 35 degrees, these strains exhibited mutation rates that approached those observed in mlh1Delta mutants. The mutator phenotype exhibited in mlh1-I296S strains was partially suppressed at 35 degrees by EXO1 overexpression. The mlh1-F228S and -I296S mutations conferred a separation-of-function phenotype in meiosis; both mlh1-F228S and -I296S strains displayed strong defects in meiotic mismatch repair but showed nearly wild-type levels of crossing over, suggesting that the conditional mutations differentially affected MLH1 functions. These genetic studies suggest that the conditional mlh1 mutations can be used to separate the MMR and meiotic crossing-over functions of MLH1 and to identify interactions between MLH1 and downstream repair components.  相似文献   

The cause of reproductive isolation between biological species is a major issue in the field of biology. Most explanations of hybrid sterility require either genetic incompatibilities between nascent species or gross physical imbalances between their chromosomes, such as rearrangements or ploidy changes. An alternative possibility is that genomes become incompatible at a molecular level, dependent on interactions between primary DNA sequences. The mismatch repair system has previously been shown to contribute to sterility in a hybrid between established yeast species by preventing successful meiotic crossing-over leading to aneuploidy. This system could also promote or reinforce the formation of new species in a similar manner, by making diverging genomes incompatible in meiosis. To test this possibility we crossed yeast strains of the same species but from diverse historical or geographic sources. We show that these crosses are partially sterile and present evidence that the mismatch repair system is largely responsible for this sterility.  相似文献   

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