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The activity of average statistical species was approximated by normal distribution. This is provided by calculation of the part of resident animals without repeated hatching, i.e., the edge effect. Residence beyond the space covering 99% of species activity was considered as non-residence. The appearance of non-residence in general can be considered as “excursions” and “resettlement.” The experiments on requisitioning of small settled animals from a preliminary marked site were carried out. It was shown that the number of settled small animals calculated using results of requisitioning corresponds to the number found during labeling with amendment to the edge effect, and immigration was constant and is not initiated by requisitioning. Only resettlements had an influence on the settlement of free space. The expected velocity of settling of the free space was calculated according to evaluation of the value of settlement and the share of “migrants” among immigrants. Second labeling of the place of hatching has shown that the expected and real paces of settlement are close.  相似文献   

Human impact on the environment is steadily increasing the amounts of aluminum in the ecosystems. This element accumulates in plants and water, potentially exposing herbivores to its harmful effect. In heavily polluted sites, a decrease in the density of small rodent populations has been observed. This decline may be caused by many factors, including decreased fertility. The aim of the presented research was to determine how aluminum, administered at concentrations similar to those recorded in industrial districts (Al I = 3 mg/l, Al II = 200 mg/l), affects the reproductive abilities of small rodents. As the indicators of reproductive abilities, body weight, weight of the testes and accessory sex glands of males, and uterus weight of females were estimated. In females, the number of matured follicles (types 6, 7, and 8) was analyzed, while in males, the quantity and quality (matured, viable, swollen, motile, head abnormalities) of epididymal sperm cells were assessed. Moreover, the development of testes, measured by spermatogenic index, was determined. The model species was the bank vole. Our results have proven that aluminum impairs adult individuals’ reproductive abilities by decreasing the quality and quantity of sperm cells and by causing morphologically abnormal development of the gonads. However, no difference in male organometric parameters was found, and only in females treated with 3 mg/l Al, the uterus weight was higher than control. No differences were found in the total number of matured follicles. These results suggest that the decline in rodent numbers in industrial districts is due, at least in part, to poorer males’ reproductive abilities, resulting from exposure to aluminum contamination.  相似文献   

ELISA with antibodies to corticosterone was used to evaluate the possibility of estimating the level of adrenocortical activity in male bank voles, Myodes glareolus (Rodentia, Cricetidae), by determining the concentration of immunoreactive steroids (IRS) in their feces. The binding curves of dilutions of the corticosterone standard and the extracts from dried feces were shown to be parallel. The corticosteroid response was evoked by ACTH injection, blood sampling, or immobilization. The response to ACTH injection was highly significant both in the blood in and fecal samples (a delayed response after 4 h), with daily variation in the IRS level being insignificant. In the case of blood sampling, the increased level of fecal IRS was recorded after 4 h and remained high after 8 h. Immobilization did not result in any significant increase in blood corticosterone or fecal IRS level. Individual baseline concentrations of fecal IRS levels were found to be highly repeatable between days. Thus, the antibodies to corticosterone used in this study (IZW, Berlin, Germany) proved effective for the assessment of stress by measuring fecal IRS in bank voles.  相似文献   

A new species, endemic to the Flora Iranica area, Gagea robusta (Liliaceae) is described and illustrated. It differs from G. reticulata (Pall.) Schult. & Schult. f. in having a puberulent indumentum on the basal leaf and from G. setifolia Baker ex Aitch. in having a long neck (up to 12 cm long). Its ecology, distribution and conservation status are discussed.  相似文献   

Following a re-examination of the material treated under Barleria brevispina (Fiori) Hedrén in the recent Flora of Somalia account of the Acanthaceae, it is concluded that two distinct species are involved and Barleria compacta Malombe & I. Darbysh. is described here from north-eastern Somalia. Its affinities and conservation status are discussed.  相似文献   

The quantitative and structural hematological indices were studied in bank vole in different reproductive states (overwintered individuals, mature underyearlings, and immature underyearlings) in different years corresponding to different phases of the population cycle. The annual changes in certain hematological indices have been revealed for each reproductive state irrespective of the population cycle phase.  相似文献   

Columba livia is an important reservoir and carrier of Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryptococcus uniguttulatus, Cryptococcus laurentii and Cryptococcus albidus. Upper digestive tract of this species is also known as a habitat for Cryptococcus neoformans. Given the increasing clinical interest of this microorganism, 331 swabs from crop and 174 dropping samples from pigeon lofts in Grand Canary Island have been studied. The obtained results show an extensive presence samples 81 positive (24.47%) of Cryptococcus spp. in analysed crops: 32 (9.66%) for C. neoformans, 24 (7.2%) for C. uniguttulatus, 23 (6.9%) for C. albidus and 2 (0.6%) for C. laurentii. In the same way, Cryptococcus spp was also isolated in 82 (47.13%), dropping samples: C. neoformans in 59 (33.9%), C. uniguttulatus, in 9 (5.17%), C. laurentii in 8 (4.59%) and C. albidus in 6 (3.44%) of the investigated samples, respectively. The cryptococcosis produced by species of cryptococci other than C. neoformans has become more important during the last decade, supporting the study on the role of pigeon in the epidemiology of this disease.  相似文献   

Hematological and hematopoietic indices were studied in various seasons in bank vole in different reproductive states. The seasonal variation in the indices demonstrated patterns typical of each state and reflecting the adaptive response to changed habitat conditions.  相似文献   

Boletus kermesinus, a new species of Boletus section Luridi, is fully described and illustrated based on the materials collected in subalpine coniferous forests of central Honshu, Japan. It has distinctive features of dark-red basidiomata having distinct viscidity in the pileus surface, usually unchanging flesh, discolorous red pores, and an entirely reticulate stipe becoming coarsely lacerate-rimose with age.  相似文献   

The salt tolerance of two representatives of genus Spirulina (Arthrospira) Spirulina platensis and Spirulina maxima has been investigated. They both are the wide-spread objects of photobiotechnology and it has been shown that the content of 5–15 % sea-water in medium has not caused the decreasing of biomass yield more than 15–20% as compared with control. The further decreasing of biomass was proportionate to sea-water content in medium. The investigation of reactivity of native (intravital) exometabolites secreted into cultural medium has showed that the sea-water content influence the oxidative activity (OA) of exometabolites and hour’s rhythmics.  相似文献   

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