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机体细胞在多种化学物质和内外环境不断攻击下会诱发DNA损伤。为了维持基因组的稳定性,细胞内拥有一系列完善而精确的细胞应答机制来保护基因组DNA的完整性。细胞首先通过DNA损伤检测点,然后通过一系列细胞信号转导通路,启动细胞周期阻滞,进而介导细胞修复或凋亡。大量研究表明泛素化作为一种重要的蛋白质翻译后修饰方式,参与调控了多种细胞生理过程。近期研究表明,DNA损伤导致复制应激可诱发PCNA的翻译后泛素化修饰,泛素化修饰的PCNA可能参与了多种DNA损伤应激过程,影响细胞选择不同的DNA损伤应答途径,导致细胞截然不同的转归。因此,更好地了解PCNA泛素化的作用及其影响DNA损伤应答通路可为我们更深入地了解人类细胞如何调控异常的DNA代谢过程和癌症的发生和发展机制提供依据。  相似文献   

机体细胞在多种化学物质和内外环境不断攻击下会诱发DNA损伤。为了维持基因组的稳定性,细胞内拥有一系列完善而精确的细胞应答机制来保护基因组DNA的完整性。细胞首先通过DNA损伤检测点,然后通过一系列细胞信号转导通路,启动细胞周期阻滞,进而介导细胞修复或凋亡。大量研究表明泛素化作为一种重要的蛋白质翻译后修饰方式,参与调控了多种细胞生理过程。近期研究表明,DNA损伤导致复制应激可诱发PCNA的翻译后泛素化修饰,泛素化修饰的PCNA可能参与了多种DNA损伤应激过程,影响细胞选择不同的DNA损伤应答途径,导致细胞截然不同的转归。因此,更好地了解PCNA泛素化的作用及其影响DNA损伤应答通路可为我们更深入地了解人类细胞如何调控异常的DNA代谢过程和癌症的发生和发展机制提供依据。  相似文献   

泛素化修饰是真核生物细胞内重要的翻译后修饰类型,通过调节蛋白质活性、稳定性和亚细胞定位广泛参与细胞内各项信号传导与代谢过程,对维持正常生命活动具有重要意义。组蛋白作为染色质中主要的蛋白成分,与DNA复制转录、修复等行为密切相关,是研究翻译后修饰的热点。DNA损伤后,组蛋白泛素化修饰通过调节核小体结构、激活细胞周期检查点、影响修复因子的招募与装配等诸多途径参与损伤应答。同时,组蛋白泛素化修饰还能调节其他位点翻译后修饰,并通过这种串扰(crosstalk)作用调节DNA损伤应答。本文介绍了组蛋白泛素化修饰的主要位点和相关组分(包括E3连接酶、去泛素化酶与效应分子),以及这些修饰作用共同编译形成的信号网络在DNA损伤应答中的作用,最后总结了目前该领域研究所面临的一些问题,以期为科研人员进一步探索组蛋白密码在DNA损伤应答中的作用提供参考。  相似文献   

细胞对DNA损伤进行精确、高效修复的机制被称为DNA损伤应答机制,增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)在DNA损伤修复机制中起着核心的作用。当细胞遭遇到DNA损伤时,PCNA通过泛素化及类泛素化的翻译后修饰对DNA修复过程进行调控。本文重点阐述DNA损伤修复的不同方式,以及泛素/类泛素化相关蛋白参与调控DNA损伤修复过程的研究进展,并分析了DNA损伤修复与机体的衰老和发育之间的密切关系,为研究DNA修复蛋白的缺失在相关疾病中的作用机制提供新思路。  相似文献   

目的:观察PCNA泛素化修饰对Hela细胞损伤敏感性的影响。方法:Western blot法检测His-PCNA及His-mutant PCNA(mPCNA,K164R)在Hela细胞中的表达。DNA损伤剂苯并芘(BaP)和依托泊苷(VP-16)分别处理Hela细胞后,MTT法检测不同细胞系对DNA损伤药物的敏感性;Western blot法检测细胞PCNA的泛素化修饰。结果:Western blot结果显示His-PCNA和His-mPCNA在Hela细胞中稳定高表达。MTT结果显示,苯并芘损伤后,稳定高表达mPCNA的细胞系与野生型及高表达PCNA细胞系相比,其细胞存活率呈明显下降趋势,而VP-16作用后,三种细胞存活率无明显差异。Western blot结果显示苯并芘损伤可特异性诱导PCNA发生泛素化修饰。结论:苯并芘损伤能够诱导PCNA发生泛素化修饰,从而降低Hela细胞对苯并芘损伤的敏感性。  相似文献   

泛素化修饰作为最普遍存在的翻译后修饰形式之一,介导了生物体内蛋白质稳态调控等功能。泛素分子的7个赖氨酸和N端甲硫氨酸可以继续被泛素分子修饰,进而形成8种类型的泛素链。其中,K48和K63泛素链由于丰度高且功能研究相对清楚被称为经典泛素链,而其他6种泛素链被称为非经典泛素链。在非经典泛素链中,K27泛素链是在泛素分子的Lys27 (K27)位点上继续发生泛素化形成的,具有紧密的空间结构。近些年,K27泛素链在固有免疫、蛋白稳态和DNA损伤修复等方面的功能逐渐被报道,但K27泛素链的合成、修剪过程及其下游招募特定蛋白质的分子调控机制还所知甚少。文中结合实验室研究,综述了K27泛素链结构特征、结合方式和生物学功能,为未来K27泛素链结构和生物学功能的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

泛素化(ubiquitination)是真核细胞内广泛存在的蛋白质翻译后修饰方式,参与并调控DNA修复、细胞周期、免疫应答、信号通路等真核细胞内几乎所有的生命活动。同时,细胞通过去泛素化酶(deubiquitinases,DUBs)使泛素化修饰成为可逆过程,保证了泛素化系统及其相关生理过程的动态平衡。病原菌感染过程中,宿主细胞可通过泛素化修饰发挥抗细菌感染作用。然而,病原菌可编码并分泌效应因子,靶向宿主泛素(ubiquitin,Ub)系统并调控宿主泛素化修饰过程,干扰宿主细胞的免疫应答,从而促进细菌存活与毒力。本文概述了重要病原菌利用效应因子调控宿主细胞泛素化修饰的研究进展,有助于全面理解病原菌调控宿主泛素化修饰促进感染的机制。  相似文献   

细胞内DNA会受部分外界因素(如紫外辐射,电离辐射和化学毒素)和内部因素(如复制错误)的影响而发生损伤,包括DNA双链断裂、DNA错配和DNA交链等。DNA损伤发生后,损伤部位会被一些蛋白识别,进而招募一系列蛋白至损伤部位,形成一个修复系统。DNA双链断裂是最严重的一种DNA损伤,错误修复往往导致疾病的发生。DNA双链断裂(double strand break, DSB)后,细胞启动RNF8/RNF168信号通路进行修复。RNF8和RNF168是这条通路的枢纽蛋白;53BP和BRCA1是关键的效应蛋白,决定着DSB修复的方式;组蛋白泛素化、磷酸化和甲基化等翻译后修饰是这条通路顺利进行的基本条件;染色质重塑、泛素化酶/去泛素化酶平衡和蛋白稳定性是这条通路的主要调节方式。本综述对RNF8/RNF168信号通路进行了梳理总结,希望其能对相关研究者起到参考作用。  相似文献   

多种化学、物理及生物因素可诱发细胞DNA损伤,损伤后DNA损伤位点被相关损伤感受器识别,激活相应的修复通路进行DNA修复。越来越多的证据表明DNA甲基化状态、蛋白翻译后修饰、染色质重塑、miRNA等修饰方式参与了DNA的损伤修复。文章通过不同损伤修复通路中这些修饰的特点,阐述表观遗传学改变在DNA损伤修复发展过程中的作用机制。  相似文献   

天然免疫是宿主防御病原微生物入侵的第一道防线,其活化主要通过天然免疫细胞上的模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptors, PRRs)识别病原微生物上相对保守的相关分子模式(pathogen-associated molecular patterns, PAMPs).病毒相关的核酸成分可以被机体Toll样受体(Toll-like receptors, TLRs)、维甲酸诱导基因Ⅰ受体(RIG-I-like receptors, RLRs)以及胞浆DNA受体(cytoplasmic DNA sensors)等识别,通过一系列复杂的细胞信号通路诱导Ⅰ型干扰素(typeⅠinterferon)及炎症因子的表达,从而激发机体抗病毒反应.泛素化修饰是细胞内广泛存在的蛋白质翻译后修饰方式,在宿主防御病原微生物感染的动态调控过程中发挥着重要的作用.已有大量文献报道,天然免疫抗病毒信号通路中的多个关键接头分子可发生泛素化修饰,进而调控机体抗病毒免疫应答反应.本文综述了泛素化修饰在抗病毒天然免疫中的作用及其调控机制.  相似文献   

Andersen PL  Xu F  Xiao W 《Cell research》2008,18(1):162-173
In addition to well-defined DNA repair pathways, all living organisms have evolved mechanisms to avoid cell death caused by replication fork collapse at a site where replication is blocked due to disruptive covalent modifications of DNA. The term DNA damage tolerance (DDT) has been employed loosely to include a collection of mechanisms by which cells survive replication-blocking lesions with or without associated genomic instability. Recent genetic analyses indicate that DDT in eukaryotes, from yeast to human, consists of two parallel pathways with one being error-free and another highly mutagenic. Interestingly, in budding yeast, these two pathways are mediated by sequential modifications of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) by two ubiquitination complexes Rad6-Rad18 and Mms2-Ubc13-Rad5. Damage-induced monoubiquitination of PCNA by Rad6-Rad18 promotes translesion synthesis (TLS) with increased mutagenesis, while subsequent polyubiquitination of PCNA at the same K164 residue by Mms2-Ubc13-Rad5 promotes error-free lesion bypass. Data obtained from recent studies suggest that the above mechanisms are conserved in higher eukaryotes. In particular, mammals contain multiple specialized TLS polymerases. Defects in one of the TLS polymerases have been linked to genomic instability and cancer.  相似文献   

DNA-damage tolerance (DDT) is defined as a mechanism by which eukaryotic cells resume DNA synthesis to fill the single-stranded DNA gaps left by replication-blocking lesions. Eukaryotic cells employ two different means of DDT, namely translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) and template switching, both of which are coordinately regulated through sequential ubiquitination of PCNA at the K164 residue. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the same PCNA-K164 residue can also be sumoylated, which recruits the Srs2 helicase to prevent undesired homologous recombination (HR). While the mediation of TLS by PCNA monoubiquitination has been extensively characterized, the method by which K63-linked PCNA polyubiquitination leads to template switching remains unclear. We recently identified a yeast heterotetrameric Shu complex that couples error-free DDT to HR as a critical step of template switching. Here we report that the Csm2 subunit of Shu physically interacts with Rad55, an accessory protein involved in HR. Rad55 and Rad57 are Rad51 paralogues and form a heterodimer to promote Rad51-ssDNA filament formation by antagonizing Srs2 activity. Although Rad55-Rad57 and Shu function in the same pathway and both act to inhibit Srs2 activity, Shu appears to be dedicated to error-free DDT while the Rad55-Rad57 complex is also involved in double-strand break repair. This study reveals the detailed steps of error-free lesion bypass and also brings to light an intrinsic interplay between error-free DDT and Srs2-mediated inhibition of HR.  相似文献   

In response to replication-blocking lesions, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) can be sequentially ubiquitinated at the K164 residue leading to 2 modes of DNA-damage tolerance, namely translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) and error-free lesion bypass. Ectopic expression of PCNA fused with ubiquitin (Ub) lacking the 2 C-terminal Gly residues resembles PCNA monoubiquitination-mediated TLS. However, if the fused Ub contains C-terminal Gly residues, it is further polyubiquitinated and inhibits cell proliferation. Unexpectedly, the polyubiquitination chain does not require any surface Lys residues and is likely to be head-to-tail linked. Such PCNA polyubiquitination interferes with replication, arrests cells at the S-phase and activates the p53 checkpoint pathway. The above cell-cycle arrest is reversible in an ATR-dependent manner, as simultaneous inhibition of ATR, but not ATM, induces apoptosis. Since ectopic expression of PCNA-Ub also induces double-strand breaks that colocalize with single-stranded DNA, we infer that this non-canonical PCNA poly-Ub chain serves as a signal to activate ATR checkpoint and recruit double-strand-break repair apparatus.  相似文献   

DNA damage tolerance (DDT) pathways, including translesion synthesis (TLS) and additional unknown mechanisms, enable recovery from replication arrest at DNA lesions. DDT pathways are regulated by post-translational modifications of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) at its K164 residue. In particular, mono-ubiquitination by the ubiquitin ligase RAD18 is crucial for Polη-mediated TLS. Although the importance of modifications of PCNA to DDT pathways is well known, the relevance of its homo-trimer form, in which three K164 residues are present in a single ring, remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that multiple units of a PCNA homo-trimer are simultaneously mono-ubiquitinated in vitro and in vivo. RAD18 catalyzed sequential mono-ubiquitinations of multiple units of a PCNA homo-trimer in a reconstituted system. Exogenous PCNA formed hetero-trimers with endogenous PCNA in WI38VA13 cell transformants. When K164R-mutated PCNA was expressed in these cells at levels that depleted endogenous PCNA homo-trimers, multiple modifications of PCNA complexes were reduced and the cells showed defects in DDT after UV irradiation. Notably, ectopic expression of mutant PCNA increased the UV sensitivities of Polη-proficient, Polη-deficient, and REV1-depleted cells, suggesting the disruption of a DDT pathway distinct from the Polη- and REV1-mediated pathways. These results suggest that simultaneous modifications of multiple units of a PCNA homo-trimer are required for a certain DDT pathway in human cells.  相似文献   

Wang S  Wen R  Shi X  Lambrecht A  Wang H  Xiao W 《DNA Repair》2011,10(6):620-628
DNA-damage tolerance (DDT) in yeast is composed of two parallel pathways and mediated by sequential ubiquitinations of PCNA. While monoubiquitination of PCNA promotes translesion synthesis (TLS) that is dependent on polymerase ζ consisted of a catalytic subunit Rev3 and a regulatory subunit Rev7, polyubiquitination of PCNA by Mms2-Ubc13-Rad5 promotes error-free lesion bypass. Inactivation of these two pathways results in a synergistic effect on DNA-damage responses; however, this two-branch DDT model has not been reported in any multicellular organisms. In order to examine whether Arabidopsis thaliana possesses a two-branch DDT system, we created rad5a rev3 double mutant plant lines and compared them with the corresponding single mutants. Arabidopsis rad5a and rev3 mutations are indeed synergistic with respect to root growth inhibition induced by replication-blocking lesions, suggesting that AtRAD5a and AtREV3 are required for error-free and TLS branches of DDT, respectively. Unexpectedly this study reveals three modes of genetic interactions in response to different types of DNA damage, implying that plant RAD5 and REV3 are also involved in DNA damage responses independent of DDT. By comparing with yeast cells, it is apparent that plant TLS is a more frequently utilized means of lesion bypass than error-free DDT in plants.  相似文献   

In response to replication-blocking lesions, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) can be sequentially ubiquitinated at the K164 residue, leading to two modes of DNA-damage tolerance, namely, translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) and error-free lesion bypass. Although the majority of reported data support a model whereby monoubiquitinated PCNA enhances its affinity for TLS polymerases and hence recruits them to the damage sites, this model has also been challenged by several observations. In this study, we expressed the PCNA-164R and ubiquitin (UB) fusion genes in an inducible manner in an attempt to mimic PCNA monoubiquitination in cultured human cells. It was found that expression of both N- and C-terminal PCNA•Ub fusions conferred significant tolerance to ultraviolet (UV)-induced DNA damage. Surprisingly, depletion of Polη, a TLS polymerase dedicated to bypassing UV-induced pyrimidine dimers, did not alter tolerance conferred by PCNA•Ub. In contrast, depletion of Rev1, another TLS polymerase serving as a scaffold for the assembly of the TLS complex, completely abolished PCNA•Ub-mediated damage tolerance. Similar genetic interactions were confirmed when UV-induced monoubiquitination of endogenous PCNA is abolished by RAD18 deletion. Hence, PCNA•Ub fusions bypass the requirement for PCNA monoubiquitination, and UV damage tolerance conferred by these fusions is dependent on Rev1 but independent of Polη.  相似文献   

In response to replication-blocking DNA lesions, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) can be conjugated with a single ubiquitin (Ub) or Lys63-linked Ub chains at the Lys164 residue, leading to two modes of DNA damage tolerance (DDT), namely translesion synthesis (TLS) and error-free DDT, respectively. Several reports suggest a model whereby monoubiquitylated PCNA recruits TLS polymerases through an enhanced physical association. We sought to examine this model in Saccharomyces cerevisiae through artificial fusions of Ub to PCNA in vivo. We created N- and C- terminal gene fusions of Ub to PCNA-K164R (collectively called PCNA·Ub) and found that both conferred tolerance to DNA damage. The creation of viable PCNA·Ub strains lacking endogenous PCNA enabled a thorough analysis of roles for PCNA mono-Ub in DDT. As expected, the DNA damage resistance provided by PCNA·Ub is not dependent on RAD18 or UBC13. Surprisingly, inactivation of TLS polymerases did not abolish PCNA·Ub resistance to DNA damage, nor did PCNA·Ub cause elevated spontaneous mutagenesis, which is a defining characteristic of REV3-dependent TLS activity. Taken together, our data suggest that either the monoubiquitylation of PCNA does not promote TLS activity in all cases or PCNA·Ub reveals a currently undiscovered role for monoubiquitylated PCNA in DNA damage tolerance.  相似文献   

In yeast, Rad6-Rad18-dependent lesion bypass involves translesion synthesis (TLS) by DNA polymerases eta or zeta or Rad5-dependent postreplication repair (PRR) in which error-free replication through the DNA lesion occurs by template switching. Rad5 functions in PRR via its two distinct activities-a ubiquitin ligase that promotes Mms2-Ubc13-mediated K63-linked polyubiquitination of PCNA at its lysine 164 residue and a DNA helicase that is specialized for replication fork regression. Both these activities are important for Rad5's ability to function in PRR. Here we provide evidence for the requirement of Rad5 in TLS mediated by Polzeta. Using duplex plasmids carrying different site-specific DNA lesions-an abasic site, a cis-syn TT dimer, a (6-4) TT photoproduct, or a G-AAF adduct-we show that Rad5 is needed for Polzeta-dependent TLS. Rad5 action in this role is likely to be structural, since neither the inactivation of its ubiquitin ligase activity nor the inactivation of its helicase activity impairs its role in TLS.  相似文献   

Stalled DNA replication forks activate specific DNA repair mechanism called post-replication repair (PRR) pathways that simply bypass DNA damage. The bypassing of DNA damage by PRR prevents prolonged stalling of DNA replication that could result in double strand breaks (DSBs). Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) functions to initiate and choose different bypassing pathways of PRR. In yeast, DNA replication forks stalled by DNA damage induces monoubiquitination of PCNA at K164, which is catalyzed by Rad6/Rad18 complex. PCNA monoubiquitination triggers the replacement of replicative polymerase with special translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases that are able to replicate past DNA lesions. The PCNA interaction motif and/or the ubiquitin binding motif in most TLS polymerases seem to be important for the regulation of TLS. The TLS pathway is usually error-prone because TLS polymerases have low fidelity and no proofreading activity. PCNA can also be further polyubiquitinated by Ubc13/ Mms2/Rad5 complex, which adds an ubiquitin chain onto monoubiquitinated K164 of PCNA. PCNA polyubiquitination directs a different PRR pathway known as error-free damage avoidance, which uses the newly synthesized sister chromatid as a template to bypass DNA damage presumably through template switching mechanism. Mammalian homologues of all of the yeast PRR proteins have been identified, thus PRR is well conserved throughout evolution. Mutations of some PRR genes are associated with a higher risk for cancers in mice and human patients, strongly supporting the importance of PRR as a tumor suppressor pathway.  相似文献   

DNA damage tolerance is regulated at least in part at the level of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) ubiquitination. Monoubiquitination (PCNA-Ub) at lysine residue 164 (K164) stimulates error-prone translesion synthesis (TLS), Rad5-dependent polyubiquitination (PCNA-Ub(n)) stimulates error-free template switching (TS). To generate high affinity antibodies by somatic hypermutation (SHM), B cells profit from error-prone TLS polymerases. Consistent with the role of PCNA-Ub in stimulating TLS, hypermutated B cells of PCNA(K164R) mutant mice display a defect in generating selective point mutations. Two Rad5 orthologs, HLTF and SHPRH have been identified as alternative E3 ligases generating PCNA-Ub(n) in mammals. As PCNA-Ub and PCNA-Ub(n) both make use of K164, error-free PCNA-Ub(n)-dependent TS may suppress error-prone PCNA-Ub-dependent TLS. To determine a regulatory role of Shprh and Hltf in SHM, we generated Shprh/Hltf double mutant mice. Interestingly, while the formation of PCNA-Ub and PCNA-Ub(n) is prohibited in PCNA(K164R) MEFs, the formation of PCNA-Ub(n) is not abolished in Shprh/Hltf mutant MEFs. In line with these observations Shprh/Hltf double mutant B cells were not hypersensitive to DNA damage. Furthermore, SHM was normal in Shprh/Hltf mutant B cells. These data suggest the existence of an alternative E3 ligase in the generation of PCNA-Ub(n).  相似文献   

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