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Eight monoclonal antibodies produced against haemocytes of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) were used to research the antigenic cross-reactivity of crustacean haemocytes. 2C3 cross-reacted with the haemocytes of all the experimental animals, while 1H8 and 2C11 did not cross-react with the experimental animals. The other five monoclonal antibodies cross-reacted with some of the experimental animals.  相似文献   

We report the development of 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) using an unenriched genomic library. The number of the alleles ranged from two to 18 and observed hererozygosity ranged from 0.0286 to 0.9429, indicating that these markers will be useful for population studies and mapping in pacific white shrimp. Seven loci were detected deviated from Hardy–Weinberg, caused by deficiency of heterozygote, suggesting population genetic structure across the sampled population. No evidence for linkage disequilibrium was found.  相似文献   

The effects of dopamine (DA) on crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) release and osmoregulation were investigated in the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Application of 2 μg of the recombinant CHH-B1His hormone or 2?×?10?6 mol L?1 of DA to intact shrimp caused an increase in the hemolymph glucose levels 1 h post-injection, suggesting that DA might stimulate hyperglycemia through CHH release from the sinus glands. This assumption was supported by similar experiments using bilaterally eyestalk-ablated shrimp. Additionally, rCHH-B1His restored the osmoregulatory capacity (OC) of shrimp under hyperosmotic conditions to basal values 2 h post-injection, whereas DA led to an OC decrease in shrimp at all sampling times. These neuroendocrine factors may be involved in the control of metabolism and osmoregulation in L. vannamei and could be important for its adaptation to different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Ergosan an algal product containing 1% alginic acid, developed for use in aquaculture and reported to have immunomodulatory activity, was administered orally to intermoult adult white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) for 15 days. Examination of haemolymph proteins using SDS-PAGE did not reveal any obvious differences between control and Ergosan treated shrimp. Similarly, total haemocyte counts were found to be roughly equivalent for both the control and experimental samples. However, differential analysis of haemocyte populations revealed marked changes in terms of the relative levels of hyaline, semi-granular, and particularly granular haemocytes between the two groups. Moreover, enhancement of the in vitro antimicrobial activity of haemolymph towards two shrimp pathogenic Vibrio isolates was recorded for shrimp fed with Ergosan. Finally, shrimp fed with Ergosan showed a significant increase in relative growth when compared with control groups.  相似文献   

Catalase is an antioxidant enzyme that plays a very important role in the protection against oxidative damage by breaking down hydrogen peroxide. It is a very highly conserved enzyme that has been identified from numerous species including bacteria, fungi, plants and animals, but the information about catalase in crustaceans is very limited. A cDNA containing the complete coding sequence for catalase from the shrimp Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei was sequenced and the mRNA was detected by RT-PCR in selected tissues. Catalase was detected in hepatopancreas crude extracts by Western blot analysis with anti-human catalase polyclonal antibodies. The nucleotide sequence is 1692 bp long, including a 72-bp 5′-UTR, a coding sequence of 1515 bp and a 104-bp 3′-UTR. The deduced amino acid sequence corresponds to 505 amino acids with high identity to invertebrate, vertebrate and even bacterial catalases and contains the catalytic residues His71, Asn144, and Tyr354. The predicted protein has a calculated molecular mass of 57 kDa; which coincides with the size of the subunit (55 kDa) and the tetrameric protein (230 kDa) detected in hepatopancreas extracts under native conditions. Catalase mRNA level was higher in hepatopancreas, followed by gills and was not detected in muscle.  相似文献   

Five polymorphic microsatellite loci were characterized for Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei. Loci were isolated using a partial Sau3A1 genomic library by the sequencing of randomly selected clones and by a biotinylated (CT)10 and (GT)10 probes screening procedure. The last strategy resulted in the most useful data. About 40% of the clones showed a previously reported satellite/microsatellite (PVS1), reducing the chance of finding new microsatellite regions. Whereas two of the microsatellite loci with more than 10 alleles will be useful for mating analysis in a breeding program, the others might prove useful for population genetic studies.  相似文献   

Vitellin (Vt) was purified from ovary extracts of mature females of the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei using Sepharose CL-4B and Q-Sepharose columns. Native Vt had an apparent molecular weight of 388 kDa as detected in Native-PAGE, bound the lipophilic dye Oil Red O and had a total lipid content of approximately 43.8%. Under reducing and denaturing conditions (SDS-PAGE), Vt is composed of three major subunits of 87, 78 and 46 kDa, although minor bands of 65, 61 and 31 kDa are also detected. The 87- and 78-kDa polypeptides were strongly recognized by Penaeus semisulcatus anti-Vt polyclonal and Penaeus monodon anti-Vt monoclonal antibodies. Furthermore, the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 78-kDa polypeptide is very similar to Penaeus japonicus vitellogenin (Vg) and P. semisulcatus Vt, with an identity of 76%. Circular dichroism indicates that the beta-helix content of Vt is 25% while beta-sheets correspond to 37 and 14% of unordered secondary structure. These values are similar to insect microvitellogenin. Vt has an emission fluorescence maximum at 329 nm, comparable to the shrimp high-density lipoprotein/beta-glucan binding protein (HDL/BGBP).  相似文献   

The eyestalk of the astacideans Orconects limosus, Nephrops norvegicus, and Homarus gammarus, and the palinuran Palinurus vulgaris, was examined with an antiserum raised against purified crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) of the astacidean species Astacus leptodactylus. A distinct immunopositive reaction occurs in a group of neurosecretory cells in the medulla terminalis ganglionic X-organ (MTGX), in the MTGX-sinus gland tractus, and in a considerable part of the sinus gland. The immunoreactive sites in the eyestalk of the investigated species correspond to the site of production, storage, and release of the CHH. Preliminary investigations with this antiserum also indicate that a positive immunoreaction can be obtained in the eyestalk of other decapod crustaceans, for example, of the brachyuran Macropipus puber and the caridean Palaemon serratus.  相似文献   

Noradrenaline modulates the immunity of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The total haemocyte count (THC), phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency in response to pathogen Vibrio alginolyticus were measured when the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (18.4 +/- 1.2 g) were injected individually with noradrenaline at 10(-8), 10(-7) and 10(-6) mol shrimp(-1). For the shrimp that received noradrenaline at 10(-8), 10(-7) and 10(-6) mol shrimp(-1), the THC decreased by 15%, 21% and 32%, phenoloxidase activity decreased by 15%, 31% and 31%, respiratory burst decreased by 13%, 21% and 32%, and SOD activity decreased by 46%, 56% and 55%, respectively, after 2 h. The phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency of shrimp that received noradrenaline at either dose decreased significantly after 2 h. The THC, phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, SOD activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency returned to normal values after 4, 4, 8, 24, 16 and 8 h, respectively, in the shrimp that received noradrenaline at either dose. In another experiment, L. vannamei which had received noradrenaline at 10(-8), 10(-7) and 10(-6) mol shrimp(-1) were challenged after 1h by injection with V. alginolyticus at 1.0 x 10(5) colony-forming units (cfu)shrimp(-1) and then placed in seawater of 20 per thousand. The cumulative mortality of shrimp that received noradrenaline at either dose was significantly higher than that of shrimp that received saline after 4 h, and at the termination of the experiment (48 h after the challenge). It is therefore concluded that noradrenaline administration at 10(-6) mol shrimp(-1) or less causes immune modulation of L. vannamei.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effect of fucoidan on the immune response of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and its resistance against Vibrio alginolyticus infection. Fucoidan induced degranulation, caused changes in the cell morphology, and increased activation of prophenoloxidase (proPO) and the production of superoxide anions in vitro. Shrimp that received fucoidan via immersion at 100, 200, and 400 mg l?1 after 3 h showed haemocyte proliferation and a higher mitotic index of haematopoietic tissue. In another experiment, the haemocyte count, phenoloxidase (PO) activity, and respiratory bursts (RBs) were examined after the shrimp had been fed diets containing fucoidan at 0 (control), 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 g kg?1 for 7–21 days. Results indicated that these parameters directly increased with time. The immune parameters of shrimp fed the 1.0 g kg?1 diet were significantly higher than those of shrimp fed the 2.0 g kg?1 diet after 14 and 21 days. Phagocytic activity and the clearance efficiency against V. alginolyticus were significantly higher in shrimp fed the 1.0 g kg?1 diet compared to those of shrimp fed the 0, 0.5 and 2.0 g kg?1 diets. In a separate experiment, shrimp that had been fed diets containing fucoidan for 21 days were challenged with V. alginolyticus at 106 colony-forming units shrimp?1. Survival rates of shrimp fed the 1.0 and 2.0 g kg?1 diets were significantly higher than those of shrimp fed the 0 and 0.5 g kg?1 diets for 96–120 h. We concluded that fucoidan provokes innate immunity of shrimp as evidenced by haemocyte degranulation, proPO activation, and the mitotic index of haematopoietic tissue, and that dietary administration of fucoidan at 1.0 g kg?1 enhanced the immune response of shrimp and their resistance against V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

White shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, which had been injected with chitin at 4, 6 and 8 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 2, 4 and 6 microg g(-1), were challenged with pathogen Vibrio alginolyticus at 2 x 10(6) colony-forming units (cfu) shrimp(-1) and then placed in seawater of 34 per thousand. The survival of shrimp that received chitin or chitosan at either dose was significantly higher than that of control shrimp after 1 day, and at the termination of the experiment (6 days after the challenge). In another experiment, the total haemocyte count (THC), phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and phagocytic activity to V. alginolyticus were measured when L. vannamei (10.4 +/- 0.7 g) were injected individually with chitin at 4 and 6 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 2 and 4 microg g(-1). L. vannamei received chitin at 6 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 2 and 4 microg g(-1) increased significantly its THC and respiratory burst after 2 days. L. vannamei received chitin at 6 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 2 and 4 microg g(-1) still maintained significantly higher phenoloxidase activity after 6 days. L. vannamei received chitin at 4 and 6 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 2 and 4 microg g(-1) increased its phagocytic activity against V. alginolyticus after 1 day, respectively. It is therefore concluded that L. vannamei that received chitin at 6 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 4 microg g(-1) or less increased its immune ability and resistance to V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

Necrotizing Hepatopancreatitis Bacterium (NHPB), which causes Necrotizing Hepatopancreatitis, was successfully transmitted in individually isolated Kona stock Litopenaeus vannamei through per os exposure. Animals (140) were individually exposed orally to a 0.05 g piece of an NHPB-infected hepatopancreas and 120 control animals were each exposed to a 0.05 g piece of NHPB-negative hepatopancreas. Shrimp were maintained in Sterilite containers with approximately 41 of artificial seawater at 30 per thousand salinity and 30 degrees C for 60 d. Mortality of infected shrimp was observed from Day 16 to Day 51 post-exposure. Infected animals sustained reduced feeding activity and displayed empty guts. Some infected animals developed a pale hepatopancreas noticeable through the carapace. Survival probabilities fit a Weibull distribution and parametric survival analysis revealed lowered survival due to NHPB infection. Median survival time of NHPB-infected animals was 34.5 d. After correcting for background daily mortality in the controls, mean acute daily mortality of NHPB was estimated at 0.09, a value much lower than that estimated for other diseases in Kona stock L. vannamei such as White Spot Syndrome Virus (0.40) and Taura Syndrome Virus (0.30). A chronic, or carrier, state was not demonstrated in NHPB epizootics because all NHPB-positive animals experienced mortality and no animals surviving to 60 d post-exposure were diagnosed NHPB-positive through PCR or histology.  相似文献   

Though phenoloxidase (PO) activity has been used as an important index in immunological research of crustaceans, methods for the determination of PO activity are not consistent even for the same species. Plasma, the major location of PO activity, should be the most reasonable sample, instead of hemocytes or serum, for the determination of PO activity of shrimp. The current study provided a thorough characterization and reconsideration for PO activity assay in the plasma of Litopenaeus vannamei. Results show that the final concentration of l-dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-DOPA) for PO activity assay should be no less than 1.5 mg ml?1, and pH 6.6 should be used to maintain the stability of l-DOPA solution. This study provides direct evidence that PO activity is significantly inhibited by EDTA, and it is suggested to use EDTA-free anticoagulant in separating plasma for PO activity assay in future studies. Repeated measurements indicated that the assayed PO activities are significantly affected by preservation conditions, and plasma is quite unstable with spontaneous activation when put in ice or stored at ?20 °C. Thus samples need to be measured immediately or preserved at ?80 °C with assay as soon as possible after it is thawed, and should not be preserved for a second time for measuring PO activity.  相似文献   

Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) were injected with Taura syndrome virus (TSV) to assess shrimp immune responses and survival. TSV-infected shrimp suffered high mortality, but mock-infected and untreated shrimp experienced no mortality. Moribund shrimp were a pale, reddish colour and were lethargic and soft-shelled. Their haemolymph was clear red and coagulated poorly. In TSV-infected shrimp, the total haemocyte count (THC), hyalinocyte and granulocyte counts, and total plasma protein decreased significantly to 21%, 24%, 17% and 56% of untreated control values, respectively. Haemocyanin decreased to 67%, and clottable proteins to 80% of control values (P< 0.01). Copper and calcium ions, haemocytic transglutaminase (TGase) activity and plasma growth inhibitory activity against Vibrio harveyi also decreased significantly. Generation of intrahaemocytic superoxide anion, O(-2), in TSV-infected shrimp was significantly greater (P< 0.05) than in both control groups, no matter whether glucan stimulated or unstimulated. But the relative increase of intrahaemocytic O(-2) generation in TSV-infected shrimp response to glucan stimulation was lower in both controls. Plasma phenoloxidase (PO) activity increased significantly in TSV-infected shrimp. The plasma bacterial agglutinin titre against E. coli and V. harveyi, growth inhibition of E. coli and the concentration of magnesium ions in TSV-infected shrimp did not change significantly.In conclusion, ten of thirteen haemolymph parameters changed significantly during the host-TSV interaction. These parameters might be valuable references of shrimp health status.  相似文献   

The immunomodulatory action of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and its possible use as an indicator of immune responses in American white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) were studied. Juvenile shrimp were immersed in aerated beta-glucan and sulfated polysaccharide solutions for 6 h. SOD activity in haemocytes and muscle was quantified to evaluate whether beta-glucan and sulfated polysaccharide induce immunostimulatory activity. Haemocytes and muscle showed similar increased levels of SOD activity (1.5- and 1.4-fold that of control, respectively). Total haemocyte count decreased within the first 24 h after challenge with immunostimulants, but total haemocyte count and total soluble haemocyte protein increased over normal values after 48-120 h. Single immunostimulation with beta-glucan and sulfated polysaccharide is sufficient to generate an increase in the antioxidant activity of L. vannamei SOD.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) play an essential role in dissipating the proton gradient and controlling the mitochondrial inner membrane potential. When active, UCPs promote proton leak across the inner membrane, oxidative phosphorylation uncoupling, oxygen uptake increase and decrease the ATP synthesis. Invertebrates possess only isoforms UCP4 and UCP5, however, the role of these proteins is not clear in most species since it may depend on the physiological needs of each animal. This study presents the first functional characterization of crustacean uncoupling proteins from the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei LvUCP4 and LvUCP5. Free radicals production in various shrimp organs/tissues was first evaluated, and mitochondria were isolated from shrimp pleopods. The oxygen consumption rate, membrane potential and proton transport of the isolated non-phosphorylating mitochondria were used to determine LvUCPs activation/inhibition. Results indicate that UCPs activity is stimulated in the presence of 4-hydroxyl-2-nonenal (HNE) and myristic acid, and inhibited by the purine nucleotide GDP. A hypoxia/re-oxygenation assay was conducted to determine whether UCPs participate in shrimp mitochondria response to oxidative stress. Isolated mitochondria from shrimp at re-oxygenation produced large quantities of hydrogen peroxide and higher levels of both LvUCPs were immunodetected. Results suggest that, besides the active response of the shrimp antioxidant system, UCP-like activity is activated after hypoxia exposure and during re-oxygenation. LvUCPs may represent a mild uncoupling mechanism, which may be activated before the antioxidant system of cells, to early control reactive oxygen species production and oxidative damage in shrimp.  相似文献   

Shrimp head waste is a major byproduct of crustacean processing in North-eastern Brazil and represents an interesting source of bioactive molecules. Additionally, its use increases the sustainability of processing fishery products. The present study reports a process developed for recovering bioactive molecules from shrimp heads through autolysis. A protein hydrolysate (120 ± 0.4 g) formed by a 9% (w/v) solution was recovered and lyophilized from 1 kg of shrimp heads. Approximately 195 ± 0.5 mg of carotenoids was recovered as an ethanolic extract. The recovery of chitin and chitosan were 25 ± 2 g kg?1 and 17 ± 4 g kg?1 wet processing waste, respectively. Chitosans were characterized by 13C NMR, and FT-IR analysis and exhibited a variable degree of deacetylation (60–80%). Sulfated glycosaminoglycans that exhibited electrophoretic migration similar to mammalian standards were also recovered (79 ± 2 mg kg?1 wet processing waste), and their degradation products suggested the presence of C6-sulfated heparan sulfate. These data point to the feasibility of an integrated process for isolating highly bioactive molecules, such as sulfated- and amino-polysaccharides, with a broad spectrum of applications from shrimp processing waste.  相似文献   

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