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Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) provides three-dimensional (3D) structural information of bacteria preserved in a native, frozen-hydrated state. The typical low contrast of tilt-series images, a result of both the need for a low electron dose and the use of conventional defocus phase-contrast imaging, is a challenge for high-quality tomograms. We show that Zernike phase-contrast imaging allows the electron dose to be reduced. This limits movement of gold fiducials during the tilt series, which leads to better alignment and a higher-resolution reconstruction. Contrast is also enhanced, improving visibility of weak features. The reduced electron dose also means that more images at more tilt angles could be recorded, further increasing resolution.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron tomography of frozen hydrated cells has provided cell biologists with an indispensable tool for delineating three-dimensional arrangements of cellular ultrastructure. To avoid the damage induced by electron irradiation, images of frozen hydrated biological specimens are generally acquired under low-dose conditions, resulting in weakly contrasted images that are difficult to interpret, and in which ultrastructural details remain ambiguous. Zernike phase contrast transmission electron microscopy can improve contrast, and can also fix a fatal problem related to the inherent low contrast of conventional electron microscopy, namely, image modulation due to the unavoidable setting of deep defocus. In this study, we applied cryo-electron tomography enhanced with a Zernike phase plate, which avoids image modulation by allowing in-focus setting. The Zernike phase contrast cryo-electron tomography has a potential to suppress grainy background generation. Due to the smoother background in comparison with defocus phase contrast cryo-electron tomography, Zernike phase contrast cryo-electron tomography could yield higher visibility for particulate or filamentous ultrastructure inside the cells, and allowed us to clearly recognize membrane protein structures.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the frozen-hydrated influenza A virus was examined by Zernike phase contrast electron microscopy. Using this new microscopy, not only lipid bilayers but also individual glycoprotein spikes on viral envelopes were clearly resolved with high contrast in micrographs taken in focus. In addition to spherical and elongated virions, three other classes of virions were distinguished on the basis of the features of their viral envelope: virions with a complete matrix layer, which were the most predominant, virions with a partial matrix layer, and virions with no matrix layer under the lipid bilayer. About 450 glycoprotein spikes were present in an average-sized spherical virion. Eight ribonucleoprotein complexes, that is, a central one surrounded by seven others, were distinguished in one viral particle. Thus, Zernike phase contrast electron microscopy is a powerful tool for resolving the ultrastructure of viruses, because it enables high-contrast images of ice-embedded particles free of contrast transfer function artifacts that can be a problem in conventional cryo-electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Understanding the hierarchical organizations of molecules and organelles within the interior of large eukaryotic cells is a challenge of fundamental interest in cell biology. Light microscopy is a powerful tool for observations of the dynamics of live cells, its resolution attainable is limited and insufficient. While electron microscopy can produce images with astonishing resolution and clarity of ultra-thin (< 1 μm thick) sections of biological specimens, many questions involve the three-dimensional organization of a cell or the interconnectivity of cells. X-ray microscopy offers superior imaging resolution compared to light microscopy, and unique capability of nondestructive three-dimensional imaging of hydrated unstained biological cells, complementary to existing light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

We present the first application of Zernike phase-contrast transmission electron microscopy to single-particle 3D reconstruction of a protein, using GroEL chaperonin as the test specimen. We evaluated the performance of the technique by comparing 3D models derived from Zernike phase contrast imaging, with models from conventional underfocus phase contrast imaging. The same resolution, about 12A, was achieved by both imaging methods. The reconstruction based on Zernike phase contrast data required about 30% fewer particles. The advantages and prospects of each technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Vibrio alginolyticus use flagella to swim. A flagellum consists of a filament, hook and basal body. The basal body is made up of a rod and several ring structures. This study investigates the structure of the T ring which is a unique component of the V. alginolyticus sodium ion-driven flagellar basal body. Using Zernike phase contrast (ZPC) cryo-electron tomography, we compared the 3D structures of purified hook-basal bodies (HBB) from a wild-type strain (KK148) and a deletion mutant lacking MotX and MotY (TH3), which are thought to form the T ring. ZPC images of HBBs had highly improved signal-to-noise ratio compared to conventional phase contrast images. We observed the outline of the HBBs from strains KK148 and TH3, and the TH3 mutant was missing its T ring. In the wild-type strain, the T ring was beneath the LP ring and seemed to form a ring shape with diameter of 32 nm.  相似文献   

Optical microscopy is an indispensable diagnostic tool in modern healthcare. As a prime example, pathologists rely exclusively on light microscopy to investigate tissue morphology in order to make a diagnosis. While advances in light microscopy and contrast markers allow pathologists to visualize cells and tissues in unprecedented detail, the interpretation of these images remains largely subjective, leading to inter‐ and intra‐observer discrepancy. Furthermore, conventional microscopy images capture qualitative information which makes it difficult to automate the process, reducing the throughput achievable in the diagnostic workflow. Quantitative Phase Imaging (QPI) techniques have been advanced in recent years to address these two challenges. By quantifying physical parameters of cells and tissues, these systems remove subjectivity from the disease diagnosis process and allow for easier automation to increase throughput. In addition to providing quantitative information, QPI systems are also label‐free and can be easily assimilated into the current diagnostic workflow in the clinic. In this paper we review the advances made in disease diagnosis by QPI techniques. We focus on the areas of hematological diagnosis and cancer pathology, which are the areas where most significant advances have been made to date.

[Image adapted from Y. Park, M. Diez‐Silva, G. Popescu, G. Lykotrafitis, W. Choi, M. S. Feld, and S. Suresh, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 105, 13730–13735 (2008).]  相似文献   

Vitreous freezing offers a way to study cells and tissue in a near-native state by cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), which is important when structural information at the macromolecular level is required. Many cells – especially those in tissue – are too thick to study intact in the cryo-TEM. Cryo focused-ion-beam (cryo-FIB) milling is being used in a few laboratories to thin vitreously frozen specimens, thus avoiding the artifacts and difficulties of cryo-ultramicrotomy. However, the technique is challenging because of the need to avoid devitrification and frost accumulation during the entire process, from the initial step of freezing to the final step of loading the specimen into the cryo-TEM. We present a robust workflow that makes use of custom fixtures and devices that can be used for high-pressure-frozen bulk tissue samples as well as for samples frozen on TEM grids.  相似文献   

The use of a Zernike-type phase plate in biologic cryo-electron microscopy allows the imaging, without using defocus, of what are predominantly phase objects. It is thought that such phase-plate implementations might result in higher quality images, free from the problems of CTF correction that occur when images must be recorded at extremely high values of defocus. In single-particle cryo-electron microscopy it is hoped that these improvements in image quality will facilitate work on structures that have proved difficult to study, either because of their relatively small size or because the structures are not completely homogeneous. There is still a need, however, to quantitate how much improvement can be gained by using a phase plate for single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. We present a method for quantitatively modeling the images recorded with 200keV electrons, for single particles embedded in vitreous ice. We then investigate what difference the use of a phase-plate device could have on the processing of single-particle data. We confirm that using a phase plate results in single-particle datasets in which smaller molecules can be detected, particles can be more accurately aligned and problems of heterogeneity can be more easily addressed.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, Cryo-TEM has developed into a powerful technique for high-resolution imaging of biological macromolecules in their native vitrified state. However, the method for vitrifying specimens onto EM grids is essentially unchanged - application of ~3 μL sample to a grid, followed by blotting and rapid plunge freezing into liquid ethane. Several trials are often required to obtain suitable thin (few hundred nanometers or less) vitrified layers amenable for cryo-TEM imaging, which results in waste of precious sample and resources. While commercially available instruments provide some level of automation to control the vitrification process in an effort to increase quality and reproducibility, obtaining satisfactory vitrified specimens remains a bottleneck in the Cryo-TEM pipeline. We describe here a completely novel method for EM specimen preparation based on small volume (picoliter to nanoliter) dispensing using inkjet technology. A first prototype system (Spotiton v0.5) demonstrates feasibility of this new approach for specimen vitrification. A piezo-electric inkjet dispenser is integrated with optical real-time cameras (100 Hz frame rate) to analyze picoliter to nanoliter droplet profiles in-flight and spreading dynamics on the grid, and thus provides a method to optimize timing of the process. Using TEM imaging and biochemical assays we demonstrate that the piezo-electric inkjet mechanism does not disrupt the structural or functional integrity of macromolecules. These preliminary studies provide insight into the factors and components that will need further development to enable a robust and repeatable technique for specimen vitrification using this novel approach.  相似文献   

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) has recently gained attention as a label-free method for the detection of biological molecules binding onto functionalised surfaces. It is one of the most sensitive detection method for monitor variations in the thickness and refractive index in ultra-thin films. Here, the adsorption processes of oligonucleotides onto gold substrates have been investigated in aqueous buffer solution using SPR imaging measurements. The hybridization of a thiol-modified, single stranded oligonucleotide anchored to a gold surface via thiol group, with its complementary sequence has been observed and characterised monitoring the hybridization process by SPR equipment. In situ investigation of smallest changes in SPR imaging measurements dynamically performed in liquid phase in the presence of DNA complementary probes was performed. Infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy characterisation of the functionalised gold surfaces of the biosensor were compared with the images obtained by SPR experimental apparatus.  相似文献   

This work sets out to study the effect of hydrophobic molecules on the morphology of aqueous solutions of amphiphilic block copolymer, which has potential drug delivery applications. The effect is studied both experimentally and by using simulations. Using cryogenic TEM observations, micelles can clearly be visualised and their core size measured. While pure polymer solutions form into spherical micelles with a narrow size distribution, addition of small amounts of hydrophobic drug molecules leads to distortions in shape, a wider size distribution, and larger average core diameter. Simulations are based on a mesoscale dynamic density functional method with Gaussian chain Hamiltonian and mean-field interactions, as implemented in the MesoDyn code. With parameters for the amphiphilic system established in earlier work, and mean-field interactions for the drug molecule derived from structure–property relationships, we obtain good agreement with the TEM observations for the effect of the hydrophobic molecules on the morphology. The simulations clearly show how increasing drug concentration leads to an increase in micelle size, a wider distribution and more elongated rather than spherical micelles.  相似文献   

LeSage AJ  Kron SJ 《Cytometry》2002,49(4):159-169
BACKGROUND: Digital time-lapse microscopy using Nomarski-DIC requires that an autofocusing system adapt to changes in cell shape, size, and position while contending with drift, noise, and hysteresis in the microscope and imager. We have designed and implemented an autofocusing system that tracks subjects under dynamic conditions and maintains focus within a threshold of discriminability. METHODS: With the use of proven and novel algorithms for autofocusing in Nomarski, we performed "virtual" experiments on recorded image stacks to simulate drift and sudden displacements and test the search algorithm response. RESULTS: We found that combining a simple [1, -1] contrast function with an adaptive "warmer-colder" focusing algorithm yields a reasonable compromise between focusing precision and noise tolerance. This method was implemented to record growth kinetics of yeast cells in single and multiple fields of view over several hours. CONCLUSIONS: We have implemented a robust digital autofocus that maintains focus on optically complex samples imaged at high resolution. The tolerance of this system of drift and vibration suggests that it is a practical system for time-lapse imaging in many biological applications.  相似文献   

X-ray phase imaging that uses the phenomena of X-ray refraction and scattering to generate image contrast has the potential to overcome the drawback of conventional X-ray radiography in observing biological soft tissues. After its dawn at synchrotron radiation facilities 30 years ago, the development of X-ray phase imaging is expanding to hospitals by grating-based phase-imaging approaches available with a conventional X-ray tube. In this review, after introducing the physical advantages and methodological details of X-ray phase imaging, recent trials of instrumentation in hospitals for diagnoses of rheumatoid arthritis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are introduced.  相似文献   

The measurement of intracellular calcium response transients in living mammalian cells is a popular functional assay for identification of agonists and antagonists to receptors or channels of pharmacological interest. In recent years, advances in fluorescence-based detection techniques and automation technologies have facilitated the adaptation of this assay to 384-well microplate format high-throughput screening (HTS) assays. However, the cost and time required performing the intracellular calcium HTS assays in the 384-well format can be prohibitive for HTS campaigns of greater than 1 x 10(6) wells. For these reasons, it is attractive to miniaturize intracellular calcium functional assays to the 1536-well microplate format, where assay volumes and plate throughput can be decreased by several fold. The focus of the research described in this article is the miniaturization of an intracellular calcium assay to 1536-well plate format. This was accomplished by modifying the hardware and software of a fluorometric imaging plate reader (FLIPR) to enable transfer of nanoliters of test compound directly to a 1536-well assay plate, and measure the resulting calcium response from all 1536 wells simultaneously. An intracellular calcium functional assay against the rat muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtype 1 (rmAchR1) G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) was miniaturized and executed on this modified instrument. In experiments measuring the activity of known muscarinic receptor agonists and antagonists, the miniaturized FLIPR assay gave EC(50) and IC(50) values and rank order potency comparable to the 384-well format assays. Calculated Z' factors for the miniaturized agonist and antagonist assays were, respectively, 0.56 +/- 0.21 and 0.53 +/- 0.22, which were slightly higher (Z'(agonist) = 0.55 +/- 0.33) and lower (Z'(antagonist) = 0.70 +/- 0.18) than the corresponding values in the 384-well assays. A mock agonist HTS campaign against the muscarinic receptor in miniaturized format was able to identify all wells spiked with the rmAchR1 agonist carbachol.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data-processing methods in the time domain include correlation analysis and the general linear model, among others. Virtually, many fMRI processing strategies utilise temporal information and ignore or pay little attention to phase information, resulting in an unnecessary loss of efficiency. We proposed a novel method named Hilbert phase entropy imaging (HPEI) that used the discrete Hilbert transform of the magnitude time series to detect brain functional activation. The data from two simulation studies and two in vivo fMRI studies that both contained block-design and event-related experiments revealed that the HPEI method enabled the effective detection of brain functional activation and the distinction of different response patterns. Our results demonstrate that this method is useful as a complementary analysis, but hypothesis-constrained, in revealing additional information regarding the complex nature of fMRI time series.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of the influence of plate geometry and the added packing on the holdup and slip velocity in reciprocating plate columns is presented. The use of packing in the interplate spaces of the column is of interest as packing alters the character of dispersion and also provides contact area for the phases. A model is proposed relating slip velocity to the single drop rise velocity taking into consideration the pseudo-hydrostatic effects and particle-to-particle interaction effects.  相似文献   

We describe the design of a database and software for managing and organizing protein crystallization data. We also outline the considerations behind the design of a fast web interface linking protein production data, crystallization images, and automated image analysis. The database and associated interfaces underpin the Oxford Protein Production Facility (OPPF) crystallization laboratory, collecting, in a routine and automatic manner, up to 100,000 images per day. Over 17 million separate images are currently held in this database. We discuss the substantial scientific benefits automated tracking, imaging, and analysis of crystallizations offers to the structural biologist: analysis of the time course of the trial and easy analysis of trials with related crystallization conditions. Features of this system address requirements common to many crystallographic laboratories that are currently setting up (semi-)automated crystallization imaging systems.  相似文献   

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