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The effects of eosinophilia on the course of Plasmodium berghei infection in mice were studied. Eosinophilia was induced by intravenous injection of Ascaris suum body fluid into the mice. Results indicated that eosinophils may play a role in the suppression of murine malaria. A significant reduction in parasitemias and increased survival time in eosinophilic mice occurred compared to mice not treated with A. suum body fluid. Reduction of parasitemia was effectively achieved when the mice were challenged with P. berghei, only after the level of eosinophils reached at least 10% of total white cell counts in the circulation. These findings may offer an additional explanation for the suppression of malaria in individuals with severe ascariasis.  相似文献   

Subpatent persistence of parasitemia was detected for up to 7 weeks after infection of BALB/c mice with Plasmodium yoelii. Serum taken from recovered mice maintained parasitemias in recipient mice at a subpatent level when transferred repeatedly at 2-day intervals. Single doses of serum from convalescent donors delayed the course of infection in recipients. Small doses of transferred hyperimmune serum had the same effect, whereas large doses (>0.5 ml) totally suppressed parasitemia. Only a single secondary challenge of recovered mice was required in order to produce a maximally protective hyperimmune serum. Mice completely protected from a primary challenge with P. yoelii by transfer of hyperimmune serum were not at all resistant to a second challenge given some weeks later. After transfer of hyperimmune serum into mice with established P. yoelii infection, parasitemia fell to subpatent levels within 48 hr. During the first 21 hr after serum transfer, a progressive reduction in the proportion of ring forms present in blood smears was observed.  相似文献   

Two different diets for the host and three drug dosage regimens were used to select lines resistant to sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine from the parent strain of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei [the N (K173) strain]. A higher yield of resistance was obtained when a high parasitemia was present at the beginning of the drug pressure schedule. The development of resistance to the association of sulfadoxine plus pyrimethamine was accelerated by a relatively high para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) content diet. Reproducibility was satisfactory when one of the dosage regimens was applied independently by two different technicians at different times.  相似文献   

Following primary in vitro Stimulation by Plasmodium berghei, IgM titers by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) were negative in in vitro reconstituted syngeneic mouse spleen cultures containing T cells and macrophages, or B cells and macrophages, or macrophages alone, but IgM titers of 1:20 were obtained from cultures containing B cells, T cells, and macrophages. IFAT IgG titers were negative for cultures with T cells and macrophages together, or macrophages alone, but rose to 1:40 with cultures containing B cells and macrophages and 1,80 with cultures of B cells, T cells, and macrophages together. After a second in vitro challenge, IgM and IgG titers were similar to the stimulated cultures from immunized mice; the IgM titer reached only 1:20 but the IgG titer rose to 1:160. Total immunoglobulin was higher in the cultures from immunized mice than from in vitro primed cultures.  相似文献   

The rate of glucose utilization by red blood cells infected with Plasmodium berghei was not inhibited by an acidic pH which completely inhibited normal red cell glucose consumption. This insensitivity to acid conditions by P. berghei-parasitized red cells was associated with an electrophoretically separable and kinetically distinct form of the enzyme phosphofructokinase (EC which exhibited a pH response similar to that of whole-cell glucose consumption.  相似文献   

The surface membrane glycoproteins of normal mouse erythrocytes can be labeled by oxidation with either periodate or galactose oxidase in the presence of neuraminidase, followed by reduction with NaB3H4. Without neuraminidase there is little galactose oxidase-catalyzed labeling of protein. Analysis of labeled proteins by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that both methods labeled the same set of glycoproteins. Plasmodium berghei infection dramatically reduced the sialoglycoprotein labeling of red blood cells from infected blood using the periodate/NaB3H4 method. Provided neuraminidase was present, labeling by the galactose oxidase method gave identical results to normal erythrocytes. We conclude that the glycoprotein sialic acid of uninfected as well as infected red cells is modified during infection such that it is refractory to periodate oxidation. Acylation of the exocyclic hydroxyls of sialic acid is suggested to account for this. Lectin binding and cell agglutination experiments using Limulin, soybean and wheatgerm lectins, and concanavalin A confirmed and extended these observations. The possible implications of these results with regard to anemia induced by malaria are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The capacity of mouse erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium berghei to accumulate chloroquine is developed with maturation of the parasites. This is shown by direct comparison of the early and mature stages, which are separated by density difference. After drug accumulation, infected cells were fractionated by saponin lysis or nitrogen decompression to study the drug distribution. Effectiveness of isolating intact parasites and host components was checked by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by low leakage of parasite-specific lactate dehydrogenase used as a marker enzyme. At low external drug concentration (~10?7M), chloroquine is principally accumulated in the parasites. However, at higher drug concentrations (~10?5and ~10?3M), the proportion of the drug found in the host cytosol fraction is increased. A small but significant proportion of the drug (<20%) is associated with the host cell membrane. The pellet fraction of the freed parasites, further fractionated by freeze-thaw lysis, contains a major proportion of the drug at low external concentrations. However, the pellet fraction obtained from prolonged sonication of the parasites, which contains the bulk of hemozoin pigment, carries only a small proportion of the drug. This indicates that parasite membrane components may bind most of the drug. As external chloroquine concentration is increased, the proportion of drug in the parasite supernatant increases, some or most of which is probably bound by soluble hemecontaining compounds. However, the presence of chloroquine in the parasite does not affect the partition of heme in particulate and soluble forms.  相似文献   

A mouse model for the "sudden death" and "malarial lung" syndromes is described. Mice of the C3H/z strain succumb suddenly approximately 7 days after an infection with Plasmodium berghei becomes patent, at a time when parasitemia is still moderate (6 to 8%). Death could be shown to be due to anaphylactoid shock, probably induced by soluble immune complexes. Increased vascular permeability caused transudation and leakage of serum proteins into the interstitium and the alveoli. The lungs were found to be edematous, with a fine granular precipitate in the alveoli and adherent to the vascular walls. The precipitates reacted with antiglobulins G and M, and could be shown to also contain malaria antigens and C3/4. A dramatic drop in hematocrit was recorded several hours before death, indicating the sudden release of malaria antigens. The myocardium of animals that had died very suddenly showed a patchy loss of phosphorylase activity. This loss of activity was much more extensive, and sometimes almost total, when there had been an agonal period of several (1 to 3) hours before death. In these cases the irreversibility of the myocardial damage was also indicated by the loss of activity of the dehydrogenases, as well as by typical inflammatory reactions of granulocytic and histiocytic infiltrations. The hearts thus presented a typical picture of the acute and peracute shock syndromes. In acute shock cardiac insufficiency develops so suddenly that death ensues before irreversible damage has occurred, and cardiac insufficiency can only be demonstrated by the most sensitive of enzyme histochemical means. In the present case shock was induced by the anaphylactoid activity of immune complexes with the lung as target organ. The described syndrome appears analogous to human "malarial lung."  相似文献   

The carriage of oxygen by the blood and the in vivo response of the brain were investigated in mice infected with a lethal strain of Plasmodium yoelii. All mice with parasitaemia exceeding 70% were severely anaemic (Hb 3.5 +/- 1.8 g/dl; mean +/- 1 SD), acidotic (blood pH 7.04 +/- 0.06) and hypoglycaemic (blood glucose 0.6 +/- 0.76 mumol/ml). The oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve (ODC) of blood from heavily infected mice was shifted right as compared to controls, but the increase in p50 was less than expected from the accompanying acidosis. The reduced shift right was due to a decrease in the 2,3-DPG/Hb ratio in infected animals (0.72 +/- 0.12, n = 17 vs 1.10 +/- 0.09, n = 12 in controls). Despite the severity of terminal infection, the cerebral pH and the relative steady-state concentrations of PCr, ATP and Pi measured in vivo by nuclear magnetic resonance (31P NMR) were normal. Alterations in brain energy status and pH cannot account for cerebral signs or death in this proposed mouse model of cerebral malaria.  相似文献   

DL-alpha-difluoromethylornithine and DL-alpha-monofluoromethyldehydroornithine methyl ester, inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase, blocked exoerythrocytic schizogony of Plasmodium berghei in mice and in cultured human hepatoma cells. These effects were reversed by exogenous administration of the polyamine, spermidine. The antimalarial drug, primaquine, the side chain of which is structurally analogous to a natural polyamine, did not enhance the activity of alpha-difluoromethylornithine or alpha-monofluoromethyldehydroornithine methyl ester. These results extend previous observations that polyamines influence the malaria parasite's schizogony outside the red blood cell but not within it.  相似文献   

Euthymic mice, athymic nude mice, and mice treated with antithymocyte serum were infected with Plasmodium yoelii and immunized 10 days postinfection with pneumococcal polysaccharide (SSSIII). As a control, uninfected mice were also immunized with SSSIII. Splenic plaque-forming cells as well as serum antibody titers to SSSIII were measured 5 days after immunization. In infected euthymic mice, both plaque-forming cells (PFC) and serum antibody were severely depressed. In contrast, plaque-forming cells and serum antibody were approximately normal in infected nude mice and in infected mice treated with antithymocyte serum. Splenic adherent cells from infected euthymic mice failed to function as accessory cells in the in vitro antibody response to a second antigen, the sheep erythrocyte. Moreover, they lacked suppressor activity when cultured with spleen cells from uninfected mice. In contrast, adherent spleen cells from infected mice treated with antithymocyte serum displayed accessory cell function.  相似文献   

In NIH inbred mice infected with the AS strain of Plasmodium chabaudi the erythrocytic infection shows an acute primary parasitaemia which becomes subpatent after about 2 weeks. A period (7–10 days) of subpatency follows before a short-lasting patent recrudescence appears. The appearance of the recrudescent parasitaemia was examined in relation to (1) the level of antiplasmodial antibody detected by the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test, (2) the antiparasite activity of the serum measured by the passive protection test, and (3) the ability of the mice to control and eliminate a large intravenous challenge infection. In the period between the primary parasitaemia becoming subpatent and the onset of the recrudescence there was a slight drop in the IFA levels, and a steep decline in passive protective levels and in the ability of the mice to control a large intravenous challenge infection. It is suggested that a decline in the effector arm in the immune response contributes to emergence of the recrudescent parasitaemias.  相似文献   

Infection of BALB/c mice with Plasmodium berghei results in an anemia which is excessive to that which can be accounted for solely by direct destruction of infected erythrocytes by the mature schizonts at the time of merozoite release. Mice infected with 104 infected erythrocytes exhibited a progressive anemia beginning on Day 7. Significant reticulocytosis was first observed on Day 9 and parasitemia tended to parallel reticulocytosis with a lag of about 1 day. In studies of erythrophagocytosis, washed erythrocytes from randomly selected mice infected with 105 infected red blood cells were phagocytized by peritoneal macrophages in vitro to a significantly greater extent on Days 3–5 postinfection than were erythrocytes taken from normal controls. The degree of erythrophagocytosis reached a peak on Day 4 and returned to control levels on Days 6 and 7. Erythrocytes taken from infected animals on Day 7 and incubated in normal plasma were phagocytized to a significantly greater extent than were normal erythrocytes incubated in normal plasma or erythrocytes from infected mice incubated in plasma from infected animals. The enhanced in vitro erythrophagocytosis observed on Days 3–5, which preceded and coincided with the beginning of the early-onset anemia on Day 5, may correlate with in vivo phenomena which may contribute to the developing anemia. Furthermore, the restoration of enhanced erythrophagocytosis by normal plasma seems to indicate that some component(s) of normal plasma may be depleted during the early stages of P. berghei infection.  相似文献   

An attenuated strain of malaria causing limited parasitemia in mice was derived from a highly virulent strain of Plasmodium berghei (NK65) which produced 100% lethality in mice. A pool of mouse blood infected with the original highly virulent P. berghei was exposed to 40 Krad irradiation and parasites were inoculated into nude mice as well as into thymus competent normal littermates. Thymus competent mice showed no parasitemia, while one out of the five nude mice inoculated with the irradiated parasites developed a slow and progressive parasitemia. These parasites induced a self-limiting parasitemia in thymus competent mice, even when a large inoculum was administered. Maintenance of the low virulence strain required passage through nude mice. After 50 passages at two weekly intervals, reversion to virulence did not occur. A single vaccination with the attenuated strain induced immunity in mice against a challenge inoculation with the original virulent strain. Specific IgG persisted at high titer for more than 9 weeks in mice receiving a single inoculation of the attenuated strain.  相似文献   

Malarial infection during pregnancy has been associated with maternal anemia and death, abortion, still-birth and is a major cause of low birth weight, an important risk factor for infant morbidity and mortality in endemic areas. The present study was designed to delineate the oxidative stress in various organs (liver, spleen, kidney, brain and placenta) of pregnant Plasmodium berghei infected BALB/c mice. It was observed that pregnant-infected mice had higher parasitaemia than nonpregnant-infected mice. Most notably, levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a measure of lipid peroxidation, reduced glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels were significantly higher in the liver, spleen, kidney and brain of pregnant-infected mice compared with pregnant mice. Although MDA levels were significantly higher, GSH and SOD levels remained unaltered in the placenta of pregnant-infected mice compared with pregnant mice. Furthermore, catalase activity was significantly lower in all the organs of pregnant-infected mice compared with pregnant mice. Histopathological observations in the organs clearly show the cellular and morphological alterations that may be occurring due to increased lipid peroxidation. Taken together, the data suggest that the increased severity of malarial infection during pregnancy may be due to accentuated oxidative stress.  相似文献   

An in vitro correlate of the binding in vivo of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to capillary and venular endothelium, using cultured human endothelial cells and amelanotic melanoma cells, was previously developed. The effects of different times in continuous culture on binding of erythrocytes infected with nine different isolates of P. falciparum is now reported. Four isolates, which bound at the time they were first tested, rapidly lost the ability to bind after 26-43 days in culture. One of these, the Cameroun isolate, tested 12 h after the blood was obtained from the patient, had the highest rate of binding of all isolates (680 infected erythrocytes per 100 melanoma cells). After 37 days in culture, only 18 infected erythrocytes per 100 melanoma cells bound. Three isolates first tested after 30-62 days in culture bound poorly. In contrast, two others, the Vietnam (VI) and Brazil (It), continued to bind during the period of study. The Brazil (It) isolate studied after 43 days in culture bound 505 infected erythrocytes per 100 melanoma cells; its clone ItG2G1 continued to bind equally well after 400 days in culture. The ultrastructural morphology of knobs on the binding and nonbinding infected erythrocytes were indistinguishable. Since evidence from other studies indicates that knobs are necessary for binding to endothelium, it is proposed that some parasites in continuous culture may not express the molecules responsible for binding, although the morphologic knobs are still present.  相似文献   

In unidirectional mixed lymphocyte cultures containing (as responders, stimulators, or regulators) spleen cells from mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, alloantigen responses were less than in cultures containing normal spleen cells only. Depletion of plastic adherent cells from infected spleen cells (stimulators or regulators) reversed their inhibitory effect on normal spleen cells (responders); removal of adherent responder cells and/or B lymphocytes did not alter the low alloantigen responses of normal spleen cells (stimulated by infected spleen cells) or infected spleen cells (stimulated by normal spleen cells). Infected spleen cells were effective in regulating mixed lymphocyte cultures only when added at the initiation of the culture. Serum from infected mice suppressed mixed lymphocyte cultures containing responder spleen cells syngeneic to the serum donor if added up to 24 hr after initiation of cultures, whereas the “suppressor serum” had to be present at the initiation of cultures when responder cells were allogeneic to the serum donor. Cultures of infected spleen cells (whole or macrophage enriched) produced a factor which was suppressive when added to mixed lymphocyte cultures containing syngeneic responder cells at initiation. It is proposed that the serum suppressor substance regulates cell-mediated immune responses directly by suppressing the response-potential of cells and indirectly by triggering the release of a factor from adherent splenic cells which induces a hyporesponsive state in T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

CD4(+) T cells co-expressing CD25 (CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells) have been identified as immunoregulatory suppressors modulating autoimmune response. Beside that, autoimmune response was supposed to be associated with malaria infection. Based on these data, we hypothesised that CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells may influence protective immunity to malaria parasites, while suppressing autoimmune response arising throughout the course of malarial infection. To test this possibility, we evaluated the kinetics of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells during malaria infection and investigated the influence of CD25 depletion by anti-mouse CD25 monoclonal antibody (PC61) on the infection, using a mouse model of premunition to Plasmodium berghei NK65 malaria. The results showed that, during exacerbation of P. berghei NK65 infection, the proportion of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells among CD4(+) T cells decreased, although that of CD4(+) T cells increased. CD25 depletion clearly delayed the growth of parasitaemia during parasite challenge, particularly in immunised mice. These findings demonstrated that CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells are able to influence protective immunity underlying premunition to P. berghei NK65 parasites.  相似文献   

The effect of antimalarial drugs on immune responses to the malaria infection is evaluated in vivo using two experimental self-cured rodent models. BALB/c and DBA/2 mice were infected by Plasmodium yoelii 17XNL and 17XL strains, respectively, and then treated with different doses of antimalarial drugs: chloroquine (228mg/kg or 114mg/kg of the body weight) or artesunate (78mg/kg or 39mg/kg). The effect of antimalarial drugs on host immune responses was evaluated by parasitemia, splenocyte IFN-gamma production level, and parasite-specific IgG level in the serum, however, no significant differences were observed between drug-treated and untreated groups. Moreover, most of the infected mice of all groups showed the ability to resist homologous reinfection (challenged on day 60 post-infection), only a few mice experienced transient, low parasitemia. The rechallenged mice were accompanied by high level of parasite-specific IgG. Therefore, this research implicated that, for BALB/c and DBA/2 mice, chloroquine or artesunate treatment of blood-stage P. yoelii infections does not compromise acquired immunity to malaria in either primary infection or upon rechallenge.  相似文献   

The in vivo susceptibility of several inbred strains of mice to the Y and CL strains of Trypanosoma cruzi was compared to the in vitro ability of spleen cells from infected mice to generate factor(s) able to activate macrophages to a trypanocidal state. Spleen cells from resistant immune mice generate higher levels of the factor(s) and do so at earlier times during infection than those of susceptible mice. The spleen cells capable of generating the in vitro factor(s) are also capable of conferring resistance upon passive transfer. Removal of immunoglobulin-bearing cells from the immune spleen cell population did not affect either transfer of protection in vivo or generation of the factor(s) in vitro. The cellular basis underlying the differences between susceptible and resistant mouse strains has not yet been determined.  相似文献   

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