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Bovine pancreatic DNase I shows a strong preference for double-stranded substrates and cleaves DNA with strongly varying cutting rates suggesting that the enzyme recognises sequence-dependent structural variations of the DNA double helix. The complicated cleavage pattern indicates that several local as well as global helix parameters influences the cutting frequency of DNase I at a given bond. The high resolution crystal structures of two DNase I-DNA complexes showed that the enzyme binds tightly in the minor groove, and to the sugar-phosphate backbones of both strands, and thereby induces a widening of the minor groove and a bending towards the major grooves. In agreement with biochemical data this suggests that flexibility and minor groove geometry are major parameters determining the cutting rate of DNase I. Experimental observations showing that the sequence environmental of a dinucleotide step strongly affects its cleavage efficiency can be rationalized by that fact that six base pair are in contact with the enzyme. Mutational analysis based on the structural results has identified critical residues for DNA binding and cleavage and has lead to a proposal for the catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

The effect of actinomycin D and adriamycin on synthetic polynucleotides, single-stranded viral DNA and supercoiled DNA has been studied employing the fluorescent probe, terbium. Marked displacement of the probe was observed when any deoxyribose-containing polynucleotide was pretreated with either drug. With supercoiled DNA, an unwinding of the supercoil was observed at very low drug concentrations (at approx. 1:500 molar ratio of drug:DNA) prior to the displacement of the terbium. This unwinding was visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis at molar ratios of approx. 1:200. The effect was more apparent and occurred at lower drug:DNA ratios with actinomycin D than with adriamycin. Unlike cis-dichlorodiammine platinum(II), actinomycin D did not protect pBR322 DNA from cleavage at its BamHI site. The hydrolysis of Φχ174 DNA by a series of G-C-specific restriction nucleases (including HhaI, HpaII and HaeIII) was also not affected by prior treatment of the DNA with actinomycin D.  相似文献   

DNase I was used to footprint the 147 bp DNA fragment of the nucleosome in whole chicken erythrocyte nuclei. It was found that the higher-order structure imposes an additional protection on nucleosomes at sites close to the entry and exit points of the linker DNA, around the dyad axis (site S 0). The observed protection is extended up to 20 bp on either side of S 0. It is partial (∼50%) and most probably reflects a full protection of different regions in alternatively oriented nucleosomes. These are the same regions which interact with linker histones. The results strongly support the findings by simulation of DNase I digests of unlabelled oligonucleosome fragments in the 30 nm fibre that in all nucleosomes sites S −5 to S −3 and S +3 to S +5 ara on the outside of the fibre exposed to DNase I.  相似文献   

Fragment analysis was developed to determine the sizes of DNA fragments relative to size standards of known lengths using a capillary electrophoresis genetic analyzer. This approach has since been adapted for use in DNA footprinting. However, DNA footprinting requires accurate determination of both fragment length and intensity, imposing specific demands on the experimental design. Here we delineate essential considerations involved in optimizing the fragment analysis workflow for use in DNase I footprinting to ensure that changes in DNase I cleavage patterns may be reliably identified.  相似文献   

Bacterial immobilization by metal hydroxides can be used for enrichment of various bacterial strains including Gram (+) and Gram (−). The polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based bacterial detection without enrichment culture could be implemented by concentrating bacteria from food matrix by metal hydroxides. To distinguish between viable and non-viable cells, it is often required to detect the mRNA, an indicator of viable cells. This technique, although provides accurate and reliable result, is expensive and time-consuming. Here, we report the studies on application of DNase I treatment to eliminate DNA from dead cells and subsequently detect the presence of viable pathogens by conventional PCR. It was found that treatment of immobilized cells with DNase I for 1 h at 37°C prior to DNA extraction could efficiently eliminate false positives due to the presence of non-viable cells. The technique was used to detect the presence of various pathogens in food model. The detection limits for Escherichia coli O157:H7 (384 bp), Listeria monocytogenes (482 bp), and E. coli wild type (580 bp) was 5 × 101 cells and that for Salmonella typhimurium (685 bp) was 5 × 102 cells in 10 ml of whole milk. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The technique of DNAase I footprinting has been used to investigate preferred binding sites for actinomycin D and distamycin on a 160-base-pair DNA fragment from E. coli containing the tyr T promoter sequence. Only sites containing the dinucleotide step GpC are protected by binding of actinomycin, and all such sites are protected. Distamycin recognizes four major regions rich in A + T residues. Both antibiotics induce enhanced rates of cleavage at certain regions flanking their binding sites. These effects are not restricted to any particular base sequence since they are produced in runs of A and T by actinomycin and in GC-rich sequences by distamycin. The observed increases in susceptibility to nuclease attack are attributed to DNA structural variations induced in the vicinity of the ligand binding site, most probably involving changes in the width of the helical minor groove.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have constructed double stranded helices (60-mers) containing a single N-2-acetylaminofluorene (-AAF) adduct covalently bound to one of the three guanine residues of the Narl site (G1G2CG3CC). This sequence was identified as a strong frameshift mutation hot spot for many carcinogens that bind to the C8 position of guanine. Using DNase I as a probe for DNA conformation we show i) that the average size of the helix deformation extends over 3 to 5 base pairs in both directions from the adduct site, and ii) that there is a strong polymorphism in the adduct induced DNA conformation. The present study supports the idea that adducts induce specific sequence dependent local conformational changes in DNA that are differentially recognized and processed by the enzymatic machineries that lead to repair or mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Immunization of rabbits with DNase I leads to the production of antiidiotypic Abs with DNase activity. It is not known at present whether antiidiotypic Abs against DNA-hydrolyzing enzymes can possess RNase activity. Here we show that immunization of healthy rabbits with bovine DNase I produces IgGs with intrinsic DNase and RNase activities. Electrophoretically and immunologically homogeneous polyclonal IgGs were obtained by sequential chromatography of the immune sera on Protein A-Sepharose and gel filtration. Affinity chromatography on DNA cellulose using elution of Abs with different concentrations of NaCl and an acidic buffer separated catalytic IgGs into four Ab subfractions, three of which demonstrated only DNase activity while one subfraction hydrolyzed RNA faster than DNA. The serum of patients with many different autoimmune (AI) diseases contains small fractions of antibodies (Abs) interacting with immobilized DNA, which possess both DNase and RNase activities. Our data suggest that a fraction of abzymes from AI patients hydrolyzing both DNA and RNA can contain a subfraction of Abs against DNase I.  相似文献   

Human T-cell leukemia virus type II (HTLV-II) isolated from a T-cell variant of hairy cell leukemia contains gag, pol and env genes as well as a fourth gene termed X, which can code three major open reading frames Xa, Xb and Xc. Proteins with molecular masses of 26 kDa (p26Xb) and 24 kDa (p24Xb) encoded by the Xb open reading frame were identified with antisera directed against synthetic peptides corresponding to the N-terminal and C-terminal amino acid sequences deduced from the structure of the Xb open reading frame. More than half the Xb products were found to be located in the nuclear fraction of HTLV-II-infected cells.  相似文献   

We have investigated the kinetics of dissociation of actinomycin D from DNA by a variation of the footprinting technique. Complexes of actinomycin with a radiolabelled DNA fragment (tyrT) were dissociated by addition of a large excess of unlabelled calf thymus DNA and the mixture subjected to DNase I footprinting at subsequent intervals. The rates at which the footprints disappeared varied between the different binding sites. The dissociation was temperature dependent with average time constants of 30 s, 10 mins and 2 hours at temperatures of 37 degrees C, 20 degrees C and 4 degrees C respectively. The dissociation from a DNA fragment containing the synthetic insert T9GCA9 was significantly faster, with a half-life of about 1 min at 20 degrees C. In contrast, the dissociation of distamycin was too fast to measure (< 5 s) even at 4 degrees C.  相似文献   

The internucleosomal cleavage of genomic DNA is the biochemical hallmark of apoptosis. DNase gamma, a Ca(2+)/Mg(2+)-dependent endonuclease, has been suggested to be one of the apoptotic endonucleases. We identified here 4-(4,6-dichloro-[1,3,5]-triazin-2-ylamino)-2-(6-hydroxy-3-oxo-3H-xanthen-9-yl)-benzoic acid (DR396) as a novel and potent DNase gamma inhibitor using stable HeLa S3 transfectants of DNase gamma (HeLa-gamma cells). DR396 inhibited apoptotic DNA fragmentation in HeLa-gamma cells induced by staurosporine (STS) and in rat splenocytes exposed to gamma-ray irradiation in a dose-dependent manner. This compound potently and selectively inhibited DNase gamma activity with an IC(50) value of 3.2 microM. DR396 did not delay the apoptotic processes as judged by the morphological changes and the cleavage of a death substrate, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). Furthermore, the compound did not prevent apoptotic DNA fragmentation in Jurkat cells induced by anti-Fas antibody (Ab), which is catalyzed by caspase-activated DNase (CAD). These findings clearly indicate that DR396 exerts chemical knockdown effect of DNase gamma on cells, suggesting that the compound could be an attractive tool for understanding of the physiological significance of DNase gamma.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a versatile human pathogen that produces diverse virulence factors, and its biofilm cells are difficult to eradicate due to their inherent ability to tolerate antibiotics. The anti-biofilm activities of the spent media of 252 diverse endophytic microorganisms were investigated using three S. aureus strains. An attempt was made to identify anti-biofilm compounds in active spent media and to assess their anti-hemolytic activities and hydrophobicities in order to investigate action mechanisms. Unlike other antibiotics, actinomycin D (0.5 μg ml?1) from Streptomyces parvulus significantly inhibited biofilm formation by all three S. aureus strains. Actinomycin D inhibited slime production in S. aureus and it inhibited hemolysis by S. aureus and caused S. aureus cells to become less hydrophobic, thus supporting its anti-biofilm effect. In addition, surface coatings containing actinomycin D prevented S. aureus biofilm formation on glass surfaces. Given these results, FDA-approved actinomycin D warrants further attention as a potential antivirulence agent against S. aureus infections.  相似文献   

Twelve new thiazolidinones were synthesized and, together with 41 previously synthesized thiazolidinones, evaluated for inhibitory activity against deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) in vitro. Ten compounds inhibited commercial bovine pancreatic DNase I with an IC50 below 200 μM and showed to be more potent DNase I inhibitors than crystal violet (IC50 = 365.90 ± 47.33 μM), used as a positive control. Moreover, three compounds were active against DNase I in rat liver homogenate, having an IC50 below 200 μM. (3-Methyl-1,4-dioxothiazolidin-2-ylidene)-N-(2-phenylethyl)ethanamide ( 41 ) exhibited the most potent DNase I inhibition against both commercial and rat liver DNase I with IC50 values of 115.96 ± 11.70 and 151.36 ± 15.85 μM, respectively. Site Finder and molecular docking defined the thiazolidinones interactions with the most important catalytic residues of DNase I, including the H-acceptor interaction with residues His 134 and His 252 and/or H-donor interaction with residues Glu 39 and Asp 168. The three most active compounds against both commercial and rat liver DNase I ( 31 , 38 , and 41 ) exhibited favorable physico-chemical, pharmacokinetic, and toxicological properties. These observations could be utilized to guide the rational design and optimization of novel thiazolidinone inhibitors. Thiazolidinones as novel DNase I inhibitors could have potential therapeutic applications due to the significant involvement of DNase I in the pathophysiology of many disease conditions.  相似文献   

Human deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I), an enzyme used to treat cystic fibrosis patients, has been systematically analyzed by site-directed mutagenesis of residues at the DNA binding interface. Crystal structures of bovine DNase I complexed with two different oligonucleotides have implicated the participation of over 20 amino acids in catalysis or DNA recognition. These residues have been classified into four groups based on the characterization of over 80 human DNase I variants. Mutations at any of the four catalytic amino acids His 134, His 252, Glu 78, and Asp 212 drastically reduced the hydrolytic activity of DNase I. Replacing the three putative divalent metal ion-coordinating residues Glu 39, Asp 168, or Asp 251 led to inactive variants. Amino acids Gln 9, Arg 41, Tyr 76, Arg 111, Asn 170, Tyr 175, and Tyr 211 were also critical for activity, presumably because of their close proximity to the active site, while more peripheral DNA interactions stemming from 13 other positions were of minimal significance. The relative importance of these 27 positions is consistent with evolutionary relationships among DNase I across different species, DNase I-like proteins, and bacterial sphingomyelinases, suggesting a fingerprint for a family of DNase I-like proteins. Furthermore, we found no evidence for a second active site that had been previously implicated in Mn2+-dependent DNA degradation. Finally, we correlated our mutational analysis of human DNase I to that of bovine DNase I with respect to their specific activity and dependence on divalent metal ions.  相似文献   

Actin is the principal component of the cytoskeleton, a structure that can be disassembled and reassembled in a matter of seconds in vivo. The state of assembly of actin in vivo is primarily regulated by one or more actin binding proteins (ABPs). Typically, the actions of ABPs have been studied one by one, however, we propose that multiple ABPs, acting cooperatively, may be involved in the control of actin filament length. Cofilin and DNase I are two ABPs that have previously been demonstrated to form a ternary complex with actin in vitro. This is the first report to demonstrate their co-localisation in vivo, and differences in their distributions. Our observations strongly suggest a physiological role for higher order complexes of actin in regulation of cytoskeletal assembly during processes such as cell division.  相似文献   


The luzopeptin antibiotics contain a cyclic decadepsipeptide to which are attached two quinoline chromophores that bisintercalate into DNA. Although they bind DNA less tightly than the structurally related quinoxaline antibiotics echinomycin and triostin A, the molecular basis of their interaction remains unclear. We have used the PCR in conjunction with novel nucleotides to create specifically modified DNA for footprinting experiments. In order to study the influence that removal, addition or relocation of the guanine 2-amino group, which normally identifies G. C base pairs from the minor groove, has on the interaction of luzopeptin antibiotics with DNA. The presence of a purine 2-amino group is not strictly required for binding of luzopeptin to DNA, but the exact location of this group can alter the position of preferred drug binding sites. It is, however, not the sole determinant of nucleotide sequence recognition in luzopeptin-DNA interaction. Nor can the selectivity of luzopeptin be attributed to the quinoline chromophores, suggesting that an analogue mode of DNA recognition may be operative. This is in contrast to the digital readout that seems to predominate with the quinoxaline antibiotics.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to localize specific sites where RNA elongation is arrested due to DNA-bound ligands. The method was used to determine apparent binding sites for actinomycin D. We have found 14 strong RNA hindrance sites along nucleotide sequence of T7 and D111 T7 DNA of 380 nucleotides full length under low actinomycin D concentration conditions. Nucleotide sequence of all the sites is described by general formula XGCY where X ‡ G and Y ‡ C.  相似文献   

Two global helix parameters important for DNA-DNase I interaction are the geometry of the minor groove and the DNA stiffness that resists bending toward major groove. Thus, local averaging of P-O3' bonds cutting frequencies (InP) reflects global helix parameters revealed by DNase I. Using the approximation that locally averaged InP values depend only on the type of the dinucleotide steps involved in the region of interaction, we calculated the collective contribution (sigma Dd) for ten different dinucleotide steps. Our results suggest that, at the first approximation, global varying helix parameters revealed by DNase I, might be predicted from sequence. Obtained sigma Dd function can be used as a sequence-dependent measure of protein-induced DNA flexure in the direction towards the major groove, which is usually connected to widening of the minor groove. In the course of analysis of Mg2+ and Mn2+ dependent DNase I digestions, no significant difference was found, in spite of the supposed differences in enzyme activity. These results suggest that if the second Mn2(+)-dependent active site exists, its activity is lower than that of the first one.  相似文献   

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