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The ancient eukaryotic human pathogen, Entamoeba histolytica, is a nucleo-base auxotroph (i.e. lacks the ability to synthesize purines or pyrimidines de novo) and therefore is totally dependent upon its host for the supply of these essential nutrients. In this study, we identified two unique 28-kDa, dithiothreitol-sensitive nucleases and showed that they are constitutively released/secreted by parasites during axenic culture. Using several different molecular approaches, we identified and characterized the structure of EhNucI and EhNucII, genes that encode ribonuclease T2 family proteins. Homologous episomal expression of epitope-tagged EhNucI and EhNucII chimeric constructs was used to define the functional and biochemical properties of these released/secreted enzymes. Results of coupled immunoprecipitation-enzyme activity analyses demonstrated that these "secretory" enzymes could hydrolyze a variety of synthetic polynucleotides, as well as the natural nucleic acid substrate RNA. Furthermore, our results demonstrated that sera from acutely infected amebiasis patients recognized and immunoprecipitated these parasite secretory enzymes. Based on these observations, we hypothesize that within its host, these secretory nucleases could function, at a distance away from the parasite, to harness (i.e. hydrolyze/access) host-derived nucleic acids to satisfy the essential purine and pyrimidine requirements of these organisms. Thus, these enzymes might play an important role in facilitating the survival, growth, and development of this important human pathogen.  相似文献   

Exposure of Entamoeba histolytica to specific ligands induces cell polarization via the activation of signalling pathways and cytoskeletal elements. The process leads to formation of a protruding pseudopod at the front of the cell and a retracting uropod at the rear. In the present study, we show that the uropod forms during the exposure of trophozoites to serum isolated from humans suffering of amoebiasis. To investigate uropod assembly, we used LC-MS/MS technology to identify protein components in isolated uropod fractions. The galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine lectin, the immunodominant antigen M17 (which is specifically recognized by serum from amoeba-infected persons) and a few other cells adhesion-related molecules were primarily involved. Actin-rich cytoskeleton components, GTPases from the Rac and Rab families, filamin, α-actinin and a newly identified ezrin-moesin-radixin protein were the main factors found to potentially interact with capped receptors. A set of specific cysteine proteases and a serine protease were enriched in isolated uropod fractions. However, biological assays indicated that cysteine proteases are not involved in uropod formation in E. histolytica, a fact in contrast to the situation in human motile immune cells. The surface proteins identified here are testable biomarkers which may be either recognized by the immune system and/or released into the circulation during amoebiasis.  相似文献   



Entamoeba histolytica is a significant cause of disease worldwide. However, little is known about the genetic diversity of the parasite. We re-sequenced the genomes of ten laboratory cultured lines of the eukaryotic pathogen Entamoeba histolytica in order to develop a picture of genetic diversity across the genome.


The extreme nucleotide composition bias and repetitiveness of the E. histolytica genome provide a challenge for short-read mapping, yet we were able to define putative single nucleotide polymorphisms in a large portion of the genome. The results suggest a rather low level of single nucleotide diversity, although genes and gene families with putative roles in virulence are among the more polymorphic genes. We did observe large differences in coverage depth among genes, indicating differences in gene copy number between genomes. We found evidence indicating that recombination has occurred in the history of the sequenced genomes, suggesting that E. histolytica may reproduce sexually.


E. histolytica displays a relatively low level of nucleotide diversity across its genome. However, large differences in gene family content and gene copy number are seen among the sequenced genomes. The pattern of polymorphism indicates that E. histolytica reproduces sexually, or has done so in the past, which has previously been suggested but not proven.  相似文献   

The single-celled human parasite Entamoeba histolytica possesses a dynamic actin cytoskeleton vital for its intestinal and systemic pathogenicity. The E. histolytica genome encodes several Rho family GTPases known to regulate cytoskeletal dynamics. EhRho1, the first family member identified, was reported to be insensitive to the Rho GTPase-specific Clostridium botulinum C3 exoenzyme, raising the possibility that it may be a misclassified Ras family member. Here, we report the crystal structures of EhRho1 in both active and inactive states. EhRho1 is activated by a conserved switch mechanism, but diverges from mammalian Rho GTPases in lacking a signature Rho insert helix. EhRho1 engages a homolog of mDia, EhFormin1, suggesting a role in mediating serum-stimulated actin reorganization and microtubule formation during mitosis. EhRho1, but not a constitutively active mutant, interacts with a newly identified EhRhoGDI in a prenylation-dependent manner. Furthermore, constitutively active EhRho1 induces actin stress fiber formation in mammalian fibroblasts, thereby identifying it as a functional Rho family GTPase. EhRho1 exhibits a fast rate of nucleotide exchange relative to mammalian Rho GTPases due to a distinctive switch one isoleucine residue reminiscent of the constitutively active F28L mutation in human Cdc42, which for the latter protein, is sufficient for cellular transformation. Nonconserved, nucleotide-interacting residues within EhRho1, revealed by the crystal structure models, were observed to contribute a moderating influence on fast spontaneous nucleotide exchange. Collectively, these observations indicate that EhRho1 is a bona fide member of the Rho GTPase family, albeit with unique structural and functional aspects compared with mammalian Rho GTPases.  相似文献   

The ability of axenic Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites and amoebic protein preparations to stimulate chemotaxis of human polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) was evaluated. Virulent E. histolytica (strain HM1:IMSS) stimulated chemotaxis (delta distance = 0.55 +/- 0.02 mm, P less than 0.01 vs. control medium). Sonicated (100 micrograms protein/ml) or homogenized (500 micrograms protein/ml) virulent amoebae also significantly stimulated PMN chemotaxis, whereas preparations of the nonpathogenic "Entamoeba-like" Laredo strain did not stimulate chemotaxis. Preparations of subcellular fractions of E. histolytica demonstrated maximal stimulation of PMN chemotaxis existed in nonvesiculated membranes and the supernatant from plasma membranes.  相似文献   

A micropore membrane procedure to assay taxis by Entamoeba histolytica is described and the results of studies of responses to a variety of soluble substances, bacteria, an rat colon washings using this procedure are reported. Trophozoites migrated in blind well chambers through 8-micron pore size polycarbonate membranes but not nitrocellulose membranes up to 12 micron pore size. Amoebae were attracted toward fresh axenic culture medium (TYI-S), an enzymatic hydrolysate of casein (Trypticase), and a partially purified preparation of N-acetylneuraminic acid from egg mucin, but not purified N-acetylneuraminate or a variety of other low molecular weight metabolites. The response was verified as chemotaxis by checkerboard analysis. Amoebae migrated most dramatically toward suspensions of all of seven bacterial species tested, including motile and non-motile, gram-negative and gram-positive rods and cocci. This response was diminished when the bacteria concentration gradient was eliminated. The response to bacteria culture filtrates was less than 10% of that to bacterial suspensions. A response to clarified washings from the rat colon was detected; this was diminished but not eliminated by filter sterilization of the washings. We concluded that some soluble molecules, possibly of intermediate molecular size, whole bacteria, and both soluble and particulate components of the rat colon provide tactic stimuli for E. histolytica. Scanning electron micrographs of trophozoites migrating towards attractants through membranes showed narrow, extended pseudopodia entering the membrane pores, and enlarging spheres exiting as the cells proceeded through.  相似文献   

The genome of Entamoeba histolytica is considered to possess very few intervening sequences (introns), as only 5 intron-containing genes from this protozoan parasite have been reported so far. However, while sequencing a number of genomic contigs as well as three independent genes coding for ribosomal protein L27a, we have identified 9 additional intron-containing genes of E. histolytica and the closely related species Entamoeba dispar, indicating that introns are more common in these organisms than previously suggested. The various amoeba introns are relatively short comprising between 46 and 115 nucleotides only and have a higher AT-content compared to the corresponding exon sequences. In contrast to higher eukaryotes, amoeba introns do not contain a well-conserved branch point consensus, and have extended donor and acceptor splice sites of the sequences G  相似文献   

In this article, Terry jackson and Jonathan Ravdin briefly review the latest information on monoclonal antibody-based ELISAs that use antigen capture as a tool in the differential detection of human infection with Entamoeba histolytica and E. dispar. Current technology of culture and isoenzyme analysis is not widely available, is cumbersome and too time-consuming. A further potential benefit of antigen detection tests is that they can be used to monitor the efficacy of therapy; this is a shortcoming of serological tests owing to the persistence of the antibody response after successful treatment.  相似文献   

This review will concentrate on certain aspects of the nucleic acids of Entamoeba histolytica. Utilization and synthesis of purines and pyrimidines will initially be briefly discussed, e.g. salvage vs. de novo pathways, uptake studies and recognition of at least 4 transport loci. Data will be presented which show that the distribution and synthesis of RNA (to a lesser extent DNA) in the nucleus is basically the opposite one finds in other eukaryotes, viz. most RNA (ribosomal?) is synthesized (or accumulates) in the peripheral chromatin (functional equivalent of nucleolus?). The DNA is distributed and synthesized primarily throughout the nucleus. It is usually so dispersed that it will not stain with e.g. the standard Feulgen technique, unless the DNA condenses around the endosome (not a nucleolar equivalent) prior to nuclear division. Isolation of rRNA was difficult due, in part, to potent and difficult to inhibit RNase(s), some of which are apparently intimately bound to ribosomal subunits. The 25S (1.3 kDa), 178 (0.8 kDa) and 58 rRNA were recovered after isolation with a high salt SDS-DEP technique. This is the only procedure which enables us to obtain high yields of 258 rRNA: guanidine or guanidinium which permits isolation of intact functional mRNA results in isolation of small amounts of 28 RNA relative to 178 RNA. The 258 RNA is “nicked” (apparently during nuclear processing) and dissociates readily into 1 78 (0.7 kDa) and 168 (0.6 kDa) species, and a more rigidly bound 5.88 species. A small amount of “unnicked” 258 RNA was recovered with guanidine. Two DNA-dcpendent RNA polymerases (I and II) with a pronounced preference for denatured DNA as template were eluted from DEAE-Sephadex in reverse order of what occurs in other eukaryotes, except Physarum polycephalum. This conclusion was based on salt optima and alpha-amanitin sensitivity studies. Initial characterization of DNA isolated with a procedure capable of isolating > 100-kbp Leishmania DNA showed that undigested DNA migrates as a broad band between markers 6 and 24 kbp. The persistent recovery of such a “band” by us and Perez-Mutul et al. no larger than ca. 24 kbp (with the exception of >48 kbp DNA isolated by Hernandez et al. using an in situ lysis technique which did not include a proteinase) may be due to nicks introduced during isolation; or, perhaps much of the amebal DNA exists in vivo as gene sized fragments. However, preliminary data generated using orthogonal pulse-field agarose gel electrophoresis do suggest that amebal DNA may be in small chromosomes.  相似文献   

This review will concentrate on certain aspects of the nucleic acids of Entamoeba histolytica. Utilization and synthesis of purines and pyrimidines will initially be briefly discussed, e.g. salvage vs. de novo pathways, uptake studies and recognition of at least 4 transport loci. Data will be presented which show that the distribution and synthesis of RNA (to a lesser extent DNA) in the nucleus is basically the opposite one finds in other eukaryotes, viz. most RNA (ribosomal?) is synthesized (or accumulates) in the peripheral chromatin (functional equivalent of nucleolus?). The DNA is distributed and synthesized primarily throughout the nucleus. It is usually so dispersed that it will not stain with e.g. the standard Feulgen technique, unless the DNA condenses around the endosome (not a nucleolar equivalent) prior to nuclear division. Isolation of rRNA was difficult due, in part, to potent and difficult to inhibit RNase(s), some of which are apparently intimately bound to ribosomal subunits. The 25S (1.3 kDa), 17S (0.8 kDa) and 5S rRNA were recovered after isolation with a high salt SDS-DEP technique. This is the only procedure which enables us to obtain high yields of 25S rRNA; guanidine or guanidinium which permits isolation of intact functional mRNA results in isolation of small amounts of 25S RNA relative to 17S RNA. The 25S RNA is "nicked" (apparently during nuclear processing) and dissociates readily into 17S (0.7 kDa) and 16S (0.6 kDa) species, and a more rigidly bound 5.8S species. A small amount of "unnicked" 25S RNA was recovered with guanidine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Secretory hydrolases of Entamoeba histolytica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cells of Entamoeba histolytica grown over a period of four days contained NADP+-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase exclusively inside the cells. No activity of this enzyme could be found in the growth medium after harvesting the cells. Under the same conditions, acid phosphatase, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, esterase, alpha-glucosidase, and different amylases of the parasite were found both inside the cells and in the medium. The activities present in the cell homogenate and in the medium before and after growth of the amoebas were partially separated by gel filtration on Sephadex G150 and G75, respectively. The comparison of the elution diagrams revealed that NADP+-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase, esterase, and amylases occurred as multiple forms inside the cells. These activities, as well as beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase and alpha-glucosidase, were released into the extracellular environment to a different degree. The enzymes originating from the parasite were identified and distinguished from those of the ingredients of the growth medium according to their molecular mass and pH optimum. Furthermore, the amoebic origin of the secreted enzymes was shown on the basis of their inhibition by antibodies prepared against the supernatant fraction of the homogenate.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica infects almost 10% of the world's population and results in about 100 000 deaths annually(1). Relatively little information is available concerning the immune response and the immunopathology elicited by this parasite, probably due in part to the lack of a truly appropriate animal model(2-4). However, there has been some progress - particularly concerning the interaction of this parasite with cells of the immune system(5,6). This review summarizes the salient features of the cellular immune response and immunopathology, largely from in vitro studies and studies using the gerbil model for invasive amoebiasis(7,8). Overall, the results suggest that invasive amoebtasis induces profound immune dysfunction both at the effector level of macrophages and on their accessory cell potential.  相似文献   

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