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We here report a study on the activation of the ι-class bacterial CA from Burkholderia territorii (BteCAι). This protein was recently characterised as a zinc-dependent enzyme that shows a significant catalytic activity (kcat 3.0 × 105 s−1) for the physiological reaction of CO2 hydration to bicarbonate and protons. Some amino acids and amines, among which some proteinogenic derivatives as well as histamine, dopamine and serotonin, showed efficient activating properties towards BteCAι, with activation constants in the range 3.9–13.3 µM. L-Phe, L-Asn, L-Glu, and some pyridyl-alkylamines, showed a weaker activating effect towards BteCAι, with KA values ranging between 18.4 µM and 45.6 µM. Nowadays, no information is available on active site architecture, metal ion coordination and catalytic mechanism of members of the ι-group of CAs, and this study represents another contribution towards a better understanding of this still uncharacterised class of enzymes.  相似文献   

The bacterial pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae encodes for an α-class carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC, NgCA, which was investigated for its inhibition with a series of inorganic and organic anions. Perchlorate and hexafluorophosphate did not significantly inhibit NgCA CO2 hydrase activity, whereas the halides, azide, bicarbonate, carbonate, stannate, perosmate, diphosphate, divanadate, perruthenate, and trifluoromethanesulfonate showed inhibition constants in the range of 1.3–9.6 mM. Anions/small molecules such as cyanate, thiocyanate, nitrite, nitrate, bisulphite, sulphate, hydrogensulfide, phenylboronic acid, phenylarsonic acid, selenate, tellurate, tetraborate, perrhenate, peroxydisulfate, selenocyanate, iminodisulfonate, and fluorosulfonate showed KIs in the range of 0.15–1.0 mM. The most effective inhibitors detected in this study were sulfamide, sulfamate, trithiocarbonate and N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate, which had KIs in the range of 5.1–88 µM. These last compounds incorporating the CS2- zinc-binding group may be used as leads for developing even more effective NgCA inhibitors in addition to the aromatic/heterocyclic sulphonamides, as this enzyme was recently validated as an antibacterial drug target for obtaining novel antigonococcal agents  相似文献   

Pathogenic bacteria resistant to most antibiotics, including the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) represent a serious medical problem. The search for new antiinfectives, possessing a diverse mechanism of action compared to the clinically used antibiotics, has become an attractive research field. S. aureus DNA encodes a β-class carbonic anhydrase, SauBCA. It is a druggable target that can be inhibited by certain aromatic and heterocyclic sulphonamides. Here we investigated inorganic anions and some other small molecules for their inhibition of SauBCA. The halides, nitrite, nitrate, bicarbonate, carbonate, bisulphite, sulphate, stannate, and N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate were submillimolar SauBCA inhibitors with KIs in the range of 0.26 − 0.91 mM. The most effective inhibitors were sulfamide, sulfamate, phenylboronic acid, and phenylarsonic acid with KIs of 7 − 43 µM. Several interesting inhibitors detected here may be considered lead compounds for the development of even more effective derivatives, which should be investigated for their bacteriostatic effects.  相似文献   

Recently, inorganic anions and sulphonamides, two of the main classes of zinc-binding carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs), were investigated for inhibition of the α-class carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC from Neisseria gonorrhoeae, NgCA. As an extension to our previous studies, we report that dithiocarbamates (DTCs) derived from primary or secondary amines constitute a class of efficient inhibitors of NgCA. KIs ranging between 83.7 and 827 nM were measured for a series of 31 DTCs that incorporated various aliphatic, aromatic, and heterocyclic scaffolds. A subset of DTCs were selected for antimicrobial testing against N. gonorrhoeae, and three molecules displayed minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values less than or equal to 8 µg/mL. As NgCA was recently validated as an antibacterial drug target, the DTCs may lead to development of novel antigonococcal agents.  相似文献   

Sulphonamides and their isosteres are classical inhibitors of the carbonic anhydrase (CAs, EC metalloenzymes. The protozoan pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis encodes two such enzymes belonging to the β-class, TvaCA1 and TvaCA2. Here we report the first sulphonamide inhibition study of TvaCA1, with a series of simple aromatic/heterocyclic primary sulphonamides as well as with clinically approved/investigational drugs for a range of pathologies (diuretics, antiglaucoma, antiepileptic, antiobesity, and antitumor drugs). TvaCA1 was effectively inhibited by acetazolamide and ethoxzolamide, with KIs of 391 and 283 nM, respectively, whereas many other simple or clinically used sulphonamides were micromolar inhibitors or did not efficiently inhibit the enzyme. Finding more effective TvaCA1 inhibitors may constitute an innovative approach for fighting trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection, caused by T. vaginalis.  相似文献   

A β-class carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC was cloned from the genome of the Monogenean platyhelminth Gyrodactylus salaris, a parasite of Atlantic salmon. The new enzyme, GsaCAβ has a significant catalytic activity for the physiological reaction, CO2 + H2O ⇋ HCO3 + H+ with a kcat of 1.1 × 105 s−1 and a kcat/Km of 7.58 × 106 M−1 × s−1. This activity was inhibited by acetazolamide (KI of 0.46 µM), a sulphonamide in clinical use, as well as by selected inorganic anions and small molecules. Most tested anions inhibited GsaCAβ at millimolar concentrations, but sulfamide (KI of 81 µM), N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate (KI of 67 µM) and sulphamic acid (KI of 6.2 µM) showed a rather efficient inhibitory action. There are currently very few non-toxic agents effective in combating this parasite. GsaCAβ is subsequently proposed as a new drug target for which effective inhibitors can be designed.  相似文献   

An anion inhibition study of the β-class carbonic anhydrase, AgaCA, from the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae is reported. A series of simple as well as complex inorganic anions, and small molecules known to interact with CAs were included in the study. Bromide, iodide, bisulphite, perchlorate, perrhenate, perruthenate, and peroxydisulphate were ineffective AgaCA inhibitors, with KIs?>?200?mM. Fluoride, chloride, cyanate, thiocyanate, cyanide, bicarbonate, carbonate, nitrite, nitrate, sulphate, stannate, selenate, tellurate, diphosphate, divanadate, tetraborate, selenocyanide, and trithiocarbonate showed KIs in the range of 1.80–9.46?mM, whereas N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate was a submillimolar AgaCA inhibitor (KI of 0.65?mM). The most effective AgaCA inhibitors were sulphamide, sulphamic acid, phenylboronic acid and phenylarsonic acid, with inhibition constants in the range of 21–84?µM. The control of insect vectors responsible of the transmission of many protozoan diseases is rather difficult nowadays, and finding agents which can interfere with these processes, as the enzyme inhibitors investigated here, may arrest the spread of these diseases worldwide.  相似文献   

In this paper, bis (indol-3-yl) methanes (BIMs) were synthesised and evaluated for their inhibitory activity against α-glucosidase and α-amylase. All synthesised compounds showed potential α-glucosidase and α-amylase inhibitory activities. Compounds 5 g (IC50: 7.54 ± 1.10 μM), 5e (IC50: 9.00 ± 0.97 μM), and 5 h (IC50: 9.57 ± 0.62 μM) presented strongest inhibitory activities against α-glucosidase, that were ∼ 30 times stronger than acarbose. Compounds 5 g (IC50: 32.18 ± 1.66 µM), 5 h (IC50: 31.47 ± 1.42 µM), and 5 s (IC50: 30.91 ± 0.86 µM) showed strongest inhibitory activities towards α-amylase, ∼ 2.5 times stronger than acarbose. The mechanisms and docking simulation of the compounds were also studied. Compounds 5 g and 5 h exhibited bifunctional inhibitory activity against these two enzymes. Furthermore, compounds showed no toxicity against 3T3-L1 cells and HepG2 cells.


  1. A series of bis (indol-3-yl) methanes (BIMs) were synthesised and evaluated inhibitory activities against α-glucosidase and α-amylase.
  2. Compound 5g exhibited promising activity (IC50 = 7.54 ± 1.10 μM) against α-glucosidase.
  3. Compound 5s exhibited promising activity (IC50 = 30.91 ± 0.86 μM) against α-amylase.
  4. In silico studies were performed to confirm the binding interactions of synthetic compounds with the enzyme active site.

Coumarins were discovered to act as inhibitors of α-carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC after undergoing hydrolysis mediated by the esterase activity of the enzyme to the corresponding 2-hydroxycinnamic acids. Other classes of CAs among the eight currently known do not possess esterase activity or this activity was poorly investigated. Hence, we decided to look at the potential of coumarins as inhibitors of the η-CA from the malaria-producing protozoan Plasmodium falciparum, PfaCA. A panel of simple coumarins incorporating hydroxyl, amino, ketone or carboxylic acid ester moieties in various positions of the ring system acted as low to medium micromolar PfaCA inhibitors, whereas their affinities for the cytosolic off-target human isoforms hCA I and II were in a much higher range. Thus, we confirm that η-CAs possess esterase activity and that coumarins effectively inhibit this enzyme. Elaboration of the simple coumarin scaffolds investigated here may probably lead to more effective PfaCA inhibitors.  相似文献   

The protozoan pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, encodes an α-class carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC, TcCA, which was recently shown to be crucial for its life cycle. Thiols, a class of strong TcCA inhibitors, were also shown to block the growth of the pathogen in vitro. Here we report the inhibition of TcCA by inorganic and complex anions and other molecules interacting with zinc proteins, such as sulfamide, sulfamic acid, phenylboronic/arsonic acids. TcCA was inhibited in the low micromolar range by iodide, cyanate, thiocyanate, hydrogensulfide and trithiocarbonate (KIs in the range of 44–93 μM), but the best inhibitor was diethyldithiocarbamate (KI = 5 μM). Sulfamide showed an inhibition constant of 120 μM, but sulfamic acid was much less effective (KI of 10.6 mM). The discovery of diethyldithiocarbamate as a low micromolar TcCA inhibitor may be useful to detect leads for developing anti-Trypanosoma agents with a diverse mechanism of action compared to clinically used drugs (benznidazole, nifurtimox) for which significant resistance emerged.  相似文献   

The α-class carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC from the bacterial pathogens Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NgCAα) and Vibrio cholerae (VchCAα) were investigated for their inhibition by a panel of phenols and phenolic acids. Mono-, di- and tri-substituted phenols incorporating additional hydroxyl/hydroxymethyl, amino, acetamido, carboxyl, halogeno and carboxyethenyl moieties were included in the study. The best NgCAα inhibitrs were phenol, 3-aminophenol, 4-hydroxy-benzylalcohol, 3-amino-4-chlorophenol and paracetamol, with KI values of 0.6–1.7 µM. The most effective VchCAα inhibitrs were phenol, 3-amino-4-chlorophenol and 4-hydroxy-benzyl-alcohol, with KI values of 0.7–1.2 µM. Small changes in the phenol scaffold led to drastic effects on the bacterial CA inhibitory activity. This class of underinvestigated bacterial CA inhibitors may thus lead to effective compounds for fighting drug resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

Rationale: The αvβ6- and αvβ8-integrins, two cell-adhesion receptors upregulated in many tumors and involved in the activation of the latency associated peptide (LAP)/TGFβ complex, represent potential targets for tumor imaging and therapy. We investigated the tumor-homing properties of a chromogranin A-derived peptide containing an RGDL motif followed by a chemically stapled alpha-helix (called “5a”), which selectively recognizes the LAP/TGFβ complex-binding site of αvβ6 and αvβ8.Methods: Peptide 5a was labeled with IRDye 800CW (a near-infrared fluorescent dye) or with 18F-NOTA (a label for positron emission tomography (PET)); the integrin-binding properties of free peptide and conjugates were then investigated using purified αvβ6/αvβ8 integrins and various αvβ6/αvβ8 single - or double-positive cancer cells; tumor-homing, biodistribution and imaging properties of the conjugates were investigated in subcutaneous and orthotopic αvβ6-positive carcinomas of the pancreas, and in mice bearing subcutaneous αvβ8-positive prostate tumors.Results: In vitro studies showed that 5a can bind both integrins with high affinity and inhibits cell-mediated TGFβ activation. The 5a-IRDye and 5a-NOTA conjugates could bind purified αvβ6/αvβ8 integrins with no loss of affinity compared to free peptide, and selectively recognized various αvβ6/αvβ8 single- or double-positive cancer cells, including cells from pancreatic carcinoma, melanoma, oral mucosa, bladder and prostate cancer. In vivo static and dynamic optical near-infrared and PET/CT imaging and biodistribution studies, performed in mice with subcutaneous and orthotopic αvβ6-positive carcinomas of the pancreas, showed high target-specific uptake of fluorescence- and radio-labeled peptide by tumors and low non-specific uptake in other organs and tissues, except for excretory organs. Significant target-specific uptake of fluorescence-labeled peptide was also observed in mice bearing αvβ8-positive prostate tumors.Conclusions: The results indicate that 5a can home to αvβ6- and/or αvβ8-positive tumors, suggesting that this peptide can be exploited as a ligand for delivering imaging or anticancer agents to αvβ6/αvβ8 single- or double-positive tumors, or as a tumor-homing inhibitor of these TGFβ activators.  相似文献   

Complement fragment iC3b serves as a major opsonin for facilitating phagocytosis via its interaction with complement receptors CR3 and CR4, also known by their leukocyte integrin family names, αMβ2 and αXβ2, respectively. Although there is general agreement that iC3b binds to the αM and αX I-domains of the respective β2-integrins, much less is known regarding the regions of iC3b contributing to the αX I-domain binding. In this study, using recombinant αX I-domain, as well as recombinant fragments of iC3b as candidate binding partners, we have identified two distinct binding moieties of iC3b for the αX I-domain. They are the C3 convertase-generated N-terminal segment of the C3b α’-chain (α’NT) and the factor I cleavage-generated N-terminal segment in the CUBf region of α-chain. Additionally, we have found that the CUBf segment is a novel binding moiety of iC3b for the αM I-domain. The CUBf segment shows about a 2-fold higher binding activity than the α’NT for αX I-domain. We also have shown the involvement of crucial acidic residues on the iC3b side of the interface and basic residues on the I-domain side.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron microscopy recently resolved the structure of the vertebrate γ-tubulin ring complex (γ-TuRC) purified from Xenopus laevis egg extract and human cells to near-atomic resolution. These studies clarified the arrangement and stoichiometry of γ-TuRC components and revealed that one molecule of actin and the small protein MZT1 are embedded into the complex. Based on this structural census of γ-TuRC core components, we developed a recombinant expression system for the reconstitution and purification of human γ-TuRC from insect cells. The recombinant γ-TuRC recapitulates the structure of purified native γ-TuRC and has similar functional properties in terms of microtubule nucleation and minus end capping. This recombinant system is a central step towards deciphering the activation mechanisms of the γ-TuRC and the function of individual γ-TuRC core components.  相似文献   

Aberrant cytoplasmic accumulation of an RNA-binding protein, fused in sarcoma (FUS), characterizes the neuropathology of subtypes of ALS and frontotemporal lobar degeneration, although the effects of post-translational modifications of FUS, especially phosphorylation, on its neurotoxicity have not been fully characterized. Here, we show that casein kinase 1δ (CK1δ) phosphorylates FUS at 10 serine/threonine residues in vitro using mass spectrometric analyses. We also show that phosphorylation by CK1δ or CK1ε significantly increased the solubility of FUS in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. In transgenic Drosophila that overexpress wt or P525L ALS-mutant human FUS in the retina or in neurons, we found coexpression of human CK1δ or its Drosophila isologue Dco in the photoreceptor neurons significantly ameliorated the observed retinal degeneration, and neuronal coexpression of human CK1δ extended fly life span. Taken together, our data suggest a novel regulatory mechanism of the assembly and toxicity of FUS through CK1δ/CK1ε-mediated phosphorylation, which could represent a potential therapeutic target in FUS proteinopathies.  相似文献   

βII spectrin, the most common isoform of non-erythrocyte spectrin, is a cytoskeleton protein present in all nucleated cells. Interestingly, βII spectrin is essential for the development of various organs such as nerve, epithelium, inner ear, liver and heart. The functions of βII spectrin include not only establishing and maintaining the cell structure but also regulating a variety of cellular functions, such as cell apoptosis, cell adhesion, cell spreading and cell cycle regulation. Notably, βII spectrin dysfunction is associated with embryonic lethality and the DNA damage response. More recently, the detection of altered βII spectrin expression in tumors indicated that βII spectrin might be involved in the development and progression of cancer. Its mutations and disorders could result in developmental disabilities and various diseases. The versatile roles of βII spectrin in disease have been examined in an increasing number of studies; nonetheless, the exact mechanisms of βII spectrin are still poorly understood. Thus, we summarize the structural features and biological roles of βII spectrin and discuss its molecular mechanisms and functions in development, homeostasis, regeneration and differentiation. This review highlight the potential effects of βII spectrin dysfunction in cancer and other diseases, outstanding questions for the future investigation of therapeutic targets. The investigation of the regulatory mechanism of βII spectrin signal inactivation and recovery may bring hope for future therapy of related diseases.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal microtubules (MTs) are nucleated from γ-tubulin ring complexes (γTuRCs) located at MT organizing centers (MTOCs), such as the centrosome. However, the exact regulatory mechanism of γTuRC assembly is not fully understood. Here, we showed that the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase c-Abl was associated with and phosphorylated γ-tubulin, the essential component of the γTuRC, mainly on the Y443 residue by in vivo (immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation) or in vitro (surface plasmon resonance) detection. We further demonstrated that phosphorylation deficiency significantly impaired γTuRC assembly, centrosome construction, and MT nucleation. c-Abl/Arg deletion and γ-tubulin Y443F mutation resulted in an abnormal morphology and compromised spindle function during mitosis, eventually causing uneven chromosome segregation. Our findings reveal that γTuRC assembly and nucleation function are regulated by Abl kinase-mediated γ-tubulin phosphorylation, revealing a fundamental mechanism that contributes to the maintenance of MT function.  相似文献   

Different oleanolic acid (OA) oxime ester derivatives (3a-3t) were designed and synthesised to develop inhibitors against α-glucosidase and α-amylase. All the synthesised OA derivatives were evaluated against α-glucosidase and α-amylase in vitro. Among them, compound 3a showed the highest α-glucosidase inhibition with an IC50 of 0.35 µM, which was ∼1900 times stronger than that of acarbose, meanwhile compound 3f exhibited the highest α-amylase inhibitory with an IC50 of 3.80 µM that was ∼26 times higher than that of acarbose. The inhibition kinetic studies showed that the inhibitory mechanism of compounds 3a and 3f were reversible and mixed types towards α-glucosidase and α-amylase, respectively. Molecular docking studies analysed the interaction between compound and two enzymes, respectively. Furthermore, cytotoxicity evaluation assay demonstrated a high level of safety profile of compounds 3a and 3f against 3T3-L1 and HepG2 cells.


  1. Oleanolic acid oxime ester derivatives (3a–3t) were synthesised and screened against α-glucosidase and α-amylase.
  2. Compound 3a showed the highest α-glucosidase inhibitory with IC50 of 0.35 µM.
  3. Compound 3f presented the highest α-amylase inhibitory with IC50 of 3.80 µM.
  4. Kinetic studies and in silico studies analysed the binding between compounds and α-glucosidase or α-amylase.

Defensins are critical components of the innate immune system and play an important role in the integration of innate and adaptive immune responses. Although information on the immunomodulatory properties of peptidoglycan from bacteria is abundant, little is known about the β-defensin induction effect of peptidoglycan from the probiotic Lactobacillus. This study investigated the effect of intact peptidoglycan from L. rhamnosus MLGA on the induction of avian β-defensin 9 in chicken immune cells and intestinal explants. Peptidoglycan from Lactobacillus rhamnosus MLGA dose dependently promoted avian β-defensin 9 mRNA expression in chicken PBMCs, splenocytes, thymocytes, hepatocytes, and chicken embryo jejunum, ileum, and cecum explants and increased the capacity of PBMC or splenocyte lysates to inhibit the growth of Salmonella Enteritidis. In contrast to the effect of L. rhamnosus MLGA-derived peptidoglycan, peptidoglycan derived from pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus reduced avian β-defensin 9 mRNA expression in chicken PBMCs and splenocytes. The inducible effect of peptidoglycan from L. rhamnosus MLGA on avian β-defensin 9 expression in PBMCs and splenocytes was observed without activation of the expression of associated pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-8, and IL-12p40, whereas these cytokine expressions were suppressed by peptidoglycan hydrolysate obtained by lysozyme digestion. The results of the present study show the capability of peptidoglycan derived from L. rhamnosus MLGA to induce the antimicrobial peptide defensin while simultaneously avoiding the deleterious risks of an inflammatory response.  相似文献   

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