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长白落叶松种群地理变异研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
根据17年生长白落叶松种源试验资料,从生态遗传学的观点出发,采用典型相关分析等方法,揭示了长白落叶松地理变异规律可以认为,以海拔垂直梯度为主、纬向渐变为辅的连续型变异;低海拔、低等效纬度的小北湖种源是长白落叶松优良基因资源中心,生长较快、生长期较长;水热因子的综合选择作用是长白落叶松地理变异的重要因素,其中温度是主导因子;在地理种群的遗传分化中,生长性状的分化最为明显,可以作为种源区区划的主要性状;从长白落叶松分布的低等效纬度地区向高等效纬度地区调种(一般不超过2个等效纬度),可望获得较大的遗传增益.  相似文献   

Floral scents are important signals for communication between plants and pollinators. Several studies have focused on interspecific variation of these signals, but little is known about intraspecific variation in flower scent, particularly for species with wide geographic distributions. In the highly specific mutualism between Ficus species and their pollinating wasps, chemical mediation is crucial for partner encounter. Several studies show that scents, i.e. blends of volatiles, are species-specific, but no studies address interpopulation variation of scents in fig pollination mutualisms, which often have broad geographic distributions. In this study, using absorption/desorption headspace techniques, we analyzed variation in floral scent composition among three populations of each of two widely distributed Asian Ficus species. We identified more than 100 different volatile organic compounds, predominantly terpenes. In both species, significant differences were found between scent bouquets of East Asian and Indian populations. These differences are discussed in relation to geographical barriers that could disrupt gene exchange between these two areas, thereby isolating Indian populations from those of Eastern Asia.  相似文献   

Embryonic development times and the stage at which embryonic diapause occurs varied dramatically among 23 populations of the Melanoplus sanguinipes/ devastator species complex in California, USA. Grasshoppers were collected from a wide range of latitudes (32°57N to 41°20N) and altitudes (10m to 3031 m), spanning much of the variation in climatic conditions experienced by these insects in California. When reared in a common garden in the laboratory, total embryonic development times were positively correlated to the mean annual temperature of the habitat from which the grasshoppers were collected (varying from about 19 days to 32 days when reared at 27°C). These grasshoppers overwinter as diapausing eggs and the proportion of embryonic development completed prior to diapause was significantly higher in populations collected from cool habitats (>70%) than in populations collected from warm environments (<26%). The length of pre-diapause development time is determined by the stage of embryonic development at which diapause occurs, and varies considerably among populations of these grasshoppers; grasshoppers from warmer environments tend to diapause at very early stages of embryogenesis, while grasshoppers from cooler environments diapause at very late stages. The combined effect of variation in embryonic development times and variation in the stage at which diapause occurs results in a dramatic reduction in the time needed to hatch in the spring; populations from warm environments required up to 20 days (at 27°C) to hatch while populations from cool environments required as few as 5 days to complete embryonic development prior to hatching. Egg size also varied significantly among populations, but tended to be larger in populations with shorter embryonic development times. Significant family effects were observed for development time and stage of diapause, suggesting significant heritabilities for these traits, although maternal effects may also contribute to family level variation. We interpret these findings to support the hypothesis that embryonic development time and the stage of embryonic diapause have evolved as adaptations to prevailing season lengths in the study populations.  相似文献   

Two species linked by a mutualistic relationship may evolve correlated population differentiation if there is long-term continuity of interactions between specific partners. This phenomenon was analyzed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis on the annual legume Amphicarpaea bracteata and its nitrogen-fixing bacterial symbionts (Bradyrhizobium sp.) sampled from >20 sites over a 1000 km area. Three analyses indicated that genetic differentiation was correlated in the two organisms. First, the genetic distance between bacterial populations at each pair of sites was significantly positively related to the genetic distance between their host plant populations, as evaluated by the Mantel test. Second, a cluster analysis revealed that several divergent lineages were present both among plants and among bacteria. Bacterial lineages showed a highly nonrandom distribution across plant lineages that was consistent in each of two regions sampled. Finally, there were numerous cases where populations of the same plant lineage 1000 km apart harbored bacterial isolates with an identical multilocus genotype. Thus, despite recurrent opportunities for partner switching, particular genotypes of these two organisms associate consistently across multiple habitats throughout their geographic range.  相似文献   

In 1991–1993, we investigated the incidence of seed dormancy in 25 local populations of barnyard grass, Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv., in the western Czech Republic. The percentage of germination after 4 months afterripening of dry seeds at 25°C varied between 0.0 and 83.6%. Although there were significant annual differences in the percentage of germination at some localities, typical proportions of dormant seeds persisted over 3 years at field sites where the seed bank was not disturbed. One-way ANOVA (using data from 14 cultivated or abandoned fields) revealed that 73.0% of variance in seed dormancy incidence could be attributed to the effect of locality (P<0.001). Incidence of dormancy was not correlated with mother plant stature (dry above-ground biomass, number of tillers, maximal stem height) nor seed mass. There was a significant correlation (r 2=0.403, P<0.005) between dormancy incidence at natural localities in 1991 and in F1 offspring sown at experimental grounds at Praha-Ruzyn in 1992. The results indicate that heredity is important in maintaining local variation in seed dormancy, probably favoured by the self-pollinating reproduction of barnyard grass.  相似文献   

中国石龙子雌体繁殖特征和卵孵化的地理变异   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
浙江丽水和广东韶关中国石龙子均年产单窝卵,窝卵数,窝卵重和卵重均与雌体SVL呈正相关,雌体头部形态,繁殖特征,产卵起始时间和孵孵化的热依赖性等有显著的地理变异;韶关石龙子产卵起始时间为5月中旬,比丽水经子约早两周,韶关石龙子窝卵数较大,卵较小,窝卵重与丽水石龙子无显著差异。韶关石龙子特定SVL的窝卵数比丽水石龙子多2.8枚卵,中国经子卵数量和大小之间有种群间权衡,无种数内权衡,同一种群内卵数量与卵大小无关,孵化温度影响石龙子孵出幼体的一些特征,24℃孵出细幼体比32℃孵出幼体大,躯干发育好,剩余卵黄少,韶关24℃孵出幼体的体重,躯干干重小于丽水幼体,韶关32℃孵出幼体的SVL小于丽水幼体,剩余卵黄大于丽水幼体,表明适宜卵孵化温度范围有地理变异。丽水石龙子卵对极端高温和低温的耐受性较强,适宜卵孵化温度范围较宽。  相似文献   

We compared the morphological characters of populations of the Caucasian Pit Viper, Gloydius halys caucasicus, from different regions of the Alborz mountain range. For this purpose, we studied 7 metric and 21 meristic characters in 12 specimens from the western Alborz, 44 specimens from the eastern Alborz and nine specimens from the central Alborz Mountains. The results of the statistical analyses by npMANOVA, ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis tests showed significant differences between all three populations, while the western Alborz and the eastern Alborz populations are more distinct from each other. The important characters showing differences between them are: Subcaudals, dorsal scales in anterior part, dorsal scales in posterior part, supralabial scales, scales between gulars, gulars, ventrals, ratio of snout length over snout width, and ratio of snout length over head length.  相似文献   

Sears MW 《Oecologia》2005,143(1):25-36
Thermal constraints on the time available for activity have been proposed as a proximate mechanism to explain variation in suites of life history traits. The longer that an ectotherm can maintain activity, the more time it has to forage and the greater chance that it will encounter a predator and be eaten. Thus, the thermal environment may produce a trade off between growth and survival when variation in the environment favors increased activity. I used mark-recapture data from a demographic study of three natural populations of the sagebrush lizard (Sceloporus graciosus) and estimates of thermal opportunity for each population to evaluate whether variation in the thermal environment can explain patterns of growth and survival that occur over an elevational gradient. Lizards from the highest elevation population exhibited higher individual growth rates than those of lizards from lower elevation, while mortality rates increased with elevation for these populations. The covariation of fast growth and high mortality with increased thermal opportunity is the opposite trend expected if the thermal environment alone is to explain patterns of life history in these lizards. Additional factors including thermal heterogeneity in the distribution of microhabitats of lizards, adaptation to local environmental conditions, and a potential trade-off between resource acquisition and predation risk need to be addressed to obtain a satisfactory explanation of the causative mechanisms producing life history variation.  相似文献   

Summary Significant differences in bill shape exist between the endemic Laysan population and introduced populations of the Laysan Finch (Drepanidinae:Telespyza cantans) at Pearl and Hermes Reef. Furthermore, there are significant differences in bill shape between two of four finch populations on the islands of Pearl and Hermes Reef. The variation in finch bill shape is paralleled by geographic variation in the large, hard mericarps ofTribulus cistoides, an important food item at Pearl and Hermes Reef. There are three possible explanations for the observed variation. Environmental influence may be a non-evolutionary cause of the variation, or genetic drift and natural selection may have caused the differences in morphology. Preliminary results suggest that both genetic drift and natural selection have been acting on the populations. Continuing studies, including investigation of genetic variation and cross-fostering experiments to determine heritability of morphological traits and effects of environment on morphological traits, are planned to test the various hypotheses.  相似文献   

  • 1 Asobara tabida is a parasitoid of Drosophila larvae in fermenting substrates. Because it is a widespread species, it may encounter different biotic and abiotic circumstances in various parts of its range.
  • 2 The species composition of the host population varies over the parasitoid's range: D.obscura-group species (especially D.subobscura) are the main hosts for northwestern and central European parasitoids; D.melanogaster is the main host for southern European parasitoids.
  • 3 D.melanogaster larvae can defend themselves against A.tabida by encapsulating the parasitoid egg, and survival in D.melanogaster is always lower than in D.subobscura.
  • 4 Parasitoids from southern European populations are much better able to survive in D.melanogaster than their northwestern and central European conspecifics; parasitoids from different populations are equally well able to survive in D.subobscura.
  • 5 The lower survival in D.melanogaster may be partly compensated for by the larger size of parasitoids emerging from this host species compared to parasitoids emerging from D.subobscura.
  • 6 Within population groups, larger A.tabida females have more eggs in their ovarioles. Additionally, southern European females have more eggs and less fat than northern and western/central European females. The relationship between size and longevity is ambiguous.
  • 7 It is concluded that parasitoids from different populations are adapted to region-specific circumstances.

Humans have favored the presence of Ficus species within anthropogenic landscapes and near human settlements throughout the planet due to a number of beliefs and for practical purposes. An intimate or mutualistic relationship between Ficus spp and human societies has been suggested but explanations about the motivations of these proximities between humans and Ficus remain very fragmentary. The case study presented in this paper, which was conducted in the sacred hills located in the surroundings of an urban area, Antananarivo, capital city of Madagascar, inhabited by the Merina, aims at finding some answers to the following two questions. To what extent are Ficus species integrated into the ecologies of human groups, understood here as interactions between humans (social, political and economic dimensions)? 2) Do humans introduce Ficus species into new habitats, potentially offering new ecological opportunities? This study builds on initial work conducted in Madagascar in the region of Fianarantsoa in Betsileo rural communities. Results shown in this paper suggest that: 1) the kings of Imerina, the region located in the north-eastern part of the High Plateau of Madagascar, have planted Ficus species abundantly, especially Ficus lutea Vahl and Ficus. polita Vahl, to claim ownership upon new territories of the Imerina and symbolically establish their political hegemony. Marriages with women from non-Merina cultural groups, such as the Sakalava inhabiting the Western Coast, and the use of Ficus species as symbols of power has contributed, with other activities, to the unification process of Madagascar; 2) The ecological distribution of F. lutea has been substantially manipulated by people from Imerina by planting this species quite abundantly in the sacred hills surrounding Antananarivo, an area where this species is at its ecological limit of distribution and also in faraway places such as the Western coast where the tree is not naturally distributed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Barbus radiatus is a widely distributed, polytypic species with three recognized subspecies: radiatus Peters (1853), aurantiacus Boulenger (1910), and profundus Greenwood (1970). A phenetic analysis of relative similarity was conducted for specimens of B. radiatus from throughout its known range. The study focuses on several large population samples taken recently along the presumed central Zambian interface between the subspecies aurantiacus and radiatus. New data on meristic and morphometric variation in B. radiatus and recent rediscovery of typical radiatus in Lake Victoria demonstrate that profundus is a species distinct from radiatus. With respect to the remaining two subspecies, results indicate a populational mosaic of highly variable morphs rather than two discrete, allopatric morphs. Thus, aurantiacus is placed in synonymy of radiatus. It is hypothesized that the populational mosaic of morphology in radiatus reflects adaptive ecotypic responses to water temperature and current velocity. The characters which accounted for most of the geographic variation of radiatus were body depth, caudal peduncle length, longitudinal meristic counts, dorsal fin height, and orbit diameter.  相似文献   

Models of partner choice leading to mutualism raise a conceptual problem: directional selection for high‐quality partners should ultimately erode variation in partner quality. How do we explain the persistence of variation in partner quality observed in nature? The problem arises in all models of partner choice, including screening models, in which a host induces potential symbionts of different quality to screen themselves by assigning them different costs and rewards. Using a screening model in which costs and rewards are sometimes assigned incorrectly, I show that a stable polymorphism can arise because rewards are higher when partners vary in quality than when there is only one type of partner. Partner quality, therefore, undergoes negative frequency‐dependent selection even though there is a preference for high‐quality partners. This also shows that partner choice by screening does not need to be totally accurate to be effective—inaccuracies enable both effective screening and the maintenance of variation.  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟成虫寿命与繁殖力的地理差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis繁殖力的地理差异,比较了亚洲玉米螟5个不同地理种群海南乐东(LD)、江西南昌(NC)、山东泰安(TA)、河北廊坊(LF)和黑龙江哈尔滨(HEB)的成虫寿命、产卵历期、产卵量,并分析了这些参数与各种群地理纬度的关系.成虫寿命随纬度升高而延长,从南到北各种群雌虫寿命分别为10.20、13.68、13.90、13.95 d和16.40 d,雄虫寿命分别为8.35、12.50、13.62、13.71 d和14.30 d;产卵历期随纬度升高而延长,从南到北各种群分别为7.45、10.45、11.90、10.62d和13.15 d;产卵量随纬度升高而增大,乐东产卵量显著低于其他种群,从南到北各种群产卵量分别为351.55、500.09、522.90、546.76粒和577.95粒/雌.这些研究结果初步揭示了亚洲玉米螟繁殖略策的地理差异.  相似文献   

Multiple traits of stress resistance were investigated in the epedaphic springtail Orchesella cincta. Second generation adults from five laboratory populations were compared with respect to resistance to extreme temperatures and desiccation, and traits relevant to climatic adaptation. Populations were collected along a 2000-km latitudinal gradient ranging from Denmark to southern Italy and reared under the same standard laboratory conditions. Traits investigated were resistance to high and low temperature, desiccation resistance, body size and water loss rate (WLR). Results showed genetically based differences in resistance to high and low temperature, desiccation, WLR, water pool and body size between populations. Individuals from the most northern population had the highest desiccation-and cold shock resistance, and the lowest heat shock resistance. Females were significantly more desiccation resistant than males. The results of cold shock resistance showed a positive increase with lowest environmental temperature recorded at the sites of population origin, whereas heat shock resistance showed a positive increase with highest recorded temperature at the sites of population origin. Desiccation resistance increased towards the most southern and northern population, suggesting that both low and high temperature extremes affect desiccation resistance. Body mass, water pool and WLR showed interpopulation as well as sex specific variation. This provides evidence for geographical variation in stress resistance of springtails related to climatic conditions.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes nonmetric trait variation in 11 late Late Woodland (ca. AD 700-1000) and one Mississippian (AD 1000-1300) skeletal samples from west-central Illinois from a population-structure perspective. Most of the sites are of the Bluff phase of Late Woodland in the lower Illinois River valley; others are from a nearby, contemporary archaeological phase. Late Woodland as a whole era (ca. AD 250-1000) was a period of marked population growth and expansion into new regional environments, trends that accompanied horticultural intensification in the area. Overall variation between sites was low, but males, females, and the total sample exhibited a significant geographic component to variation due to interregional morphological differences. The Bluff sites tended to group together relative to the non-Bluff sites. However, there was no significant geographic component to variation among the Bluff sites. The results are only partially consistent with archaeological data suggesting population growth and expansion through fissioning. Previous studies have demonstrated significant heterogeneity for nonmetric trait frequencies among Middle Woodland (ca. 100 BC to AD 250) sites, suggesting a Middle to Late Woodland change in population structure that lowered levels of morphological variation. This supports a model of increased intra- and interregional interaction from Middle to Late Woodland times developed from ceramic data by Braun and by Braun and Plog.  相似文献   

Cordyceps sinensis is one of the most valuable medicinal fungi in the Orient. It is naturally distributed in the eastern extension area of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, at an altitude over 4000 m high. In order to investigate genetic variation and evolutionary relationships of C. sinensis from different geographical regions, 17 isolates of C. sinensis were collected from different provinces and the complete sequences of rDNA ITS were determined. On the basis of 5.8S rDNA and ITS region analysis, it was clearly shown that the ITS sequences within C. sinensis are highly homologous regardless of geographical origin. The distance values between the sequences in this study were lower than 0.03. This implied that C. sinensis from different geographic regions are the same species; they are not different species or a species complex. The results also showed that distance values between C. sinensis and Hirsutella sinensis are of the same order as those within C. sinensis from different geographic regions. This confirmed our previous results that C. sinensis should only have H. sinensis as its asexual stage whatever the geographic region from which the samples were collected. An rDNA ITS clone library was established to obtain further evidence for the interpretation of the fungal community structure from C. sinensis and to confirm the accuracy of the taxonomic identities produced by directly sequencing the rDNA ITS region. The discrimination between intraspecies of C. sinensis might provide additional data for the authentication of medicinal material at the species or intraspecies level.  相似文献   

The geographic variation of 33 morphological characters of two morphs of the gall-forming aphid Pemphigus populitransversus is studied in 214 locality samples. Among-locality variation ranges from 1 to 69% in the elongate morph and from 0 to 44% in the globular morph. The design of the study permits separation of interlocality correlations from intralocality correlations. The former are partly a function of the latter, confirming early observations on another Pemphigus species and on ticks. Factor analyses of both correlation matrices for both morphs yield four factors. Within localities these factors agree for the two morphs; among localities only one factor corresponds. Multiple discriminant analyses among localities of the two data sets do not correspond. There is little correlation between characters of stem mother and alate morphotypes within localities but such correlations are strong among localities. Maps are furnished for characters representing the independent dimensions of variation for each morph. Patterns of variation are shown to be significant by spatial autocorrelation analysis for both morphs but are much more marked in the elongate morph. Significant positive autocorrelation occurs up to 1000 km in the elongate morph – mostly only up to 200 km in the globular morph. There are two to three geographic variation patterns in the elongate morph, whereas in the globular morph the classes of patterns are less well defined and involve few characters. The environmental factors to which the globular and elongate morphs are adapting would appear to have different autocorrelation patterns. In each morph the patterns are clearly different and cannot be explained by a single microevolutionary process. The findings are compared with an earlier study in the related and largely sympatric P. populicaulis.  相似文献   

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