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Hosts may defend themselves against parasitism through a wide variety of defence mechanisms, but due to finite resources, investment in one defence mechanism may trade-off with investment in another mechanism. We studied resistance strategies against the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi in two Drosophila species. We found that D. melanogaster had significantly lower physiological resistance against L. boulardi than D. simulans, and hypothesized that D. melanogaster might instead invest more heavily in other forms of defence, such as behavioural defence. We found that when given a choice between clean oviposition sites and sites infested with wasps, both D. melanogaster and D. simulans detected and avoided infested sites, which presumably limits later exposure of their offspring to infection. Unlike D. simulans, however, D. melanogaster laid significantly fewer eggs than controls in the forced presence of wasps. Our findings suggest that D. melanogaster relies more heavily on behavioural avoidance as defence against wasp parasitism than D. simulans, and that this may compensate for a lack of physiological defence.  相似文献   

A two-host–two-parasitoid model was constructed to assess the effects of the introduced larval parasitoid, the braconid Cotesia flavipes, on its primary target host, the invasive crambid Chilo partellus, and on secondary host species, in inter-specific competition with Cotesia sesamiae, the main native parasitoid species of stemborers in Kenya. The model assumed that: (1) there was no host discrimination by either parasitoid species; (2) Cotesia flavipes was the superior competitor that out-competed Cotesia sesamiae when the host was suitable; and (3) Cotesia flavipes could only develop in an unsuitable host if it had been previously parasitized by Cotesia sesamiae. Model parameters were estimated from surveys conducted in Kenya and from laboratory experiments. Different scenarios of host and parasitoid species composition and host suitability occurring in the different ecological zones in Kenya were analyzed. Results indicated that: (1) the coexistence of stemborer host populations are determined by their population growth rates, the degree of aggregation of the parasitoids and their searching efficiency; (2) in the regions where both the invasive and the predominant native host species were suitable to either parasitoid species, stemborer densities would be reduced to and controlled at low densities, and Cotesia flavipes would become the dominant parasitoid species. However, the extinction or predominance of the native stemborer species depends on the ratio of the growth rates of exotic and native stemborers and their relative searching efficiencies; and (3) if the native host species was acceptable but unsuitable to Cotesia flavipes, the parasite would not become established.  相似文献   

Conflicts of interest are omnipresent between mutualist species. In the monoecious fig/pollinator wasp mutualism, each female flower produces either a seed or a pollinator offspring (which has fed on a single seed). Pollen from a syconium (i.e. fig, a closed urn-shaped inflorescence) is only dispersed by female pollinator offspring born in this syconium. Thus the fig tree is selected to produce both seed and pollinator offspring whereas for the pollinator there is no short term advantage in seed production. Using controlled pollination experiments (pollen injection, and foundress introduction), we show that 1) The relative proportion of seeds and pollinator offspring produced (i.e., the effective allocation between female and male function) depends mainly on the number of foundresses that entered the syconium. 2) Many female flowers within every syconium mature neither a seed nor a wasp (from 25% to 33%). 3) All the female flowers within a syconium that are not vacant at maturity have the potential to produce a seed, and at least 80% of them can produce a pollinator. Several hypotheses concerning mechanisms that govern the partitioning between seed and wasp production are discussed, and their evolutionary consequences are considered.  相似文献   

Many species inhabit fragmented landscapes, where units of resource have a patchy spatial distribution. While numerous studies have investigated how the incidence and dynamics of individual species are affected by the spatial configuration and landscape context of habitat patches, fewer studies have investigated the dynamics of multiple interacting resource and consumer species in patchy landscapes. We describe a model system for investigating host–parasitoid dynamics in a patchy landscape: a network of 166 holly trees, a specialised herbivore of holly (the leaf miner, Phytomyza ilicis (Curtis, 1948)), and its suite of parasitoids. We documented patch occupancy by P. ilicis, its density within patches, and levels of parasitism over a 6-year period, and manipulated patch occupancy by creating artificially vacant habitat patches. Essentially all patches were occupied by the herbivore in each year, suggesting that metapopulation dynamics are unlikely to occur in this system. The main determinants of densities for P. ilicis and its parasitoids were resource availability (patch size and host density, respectively). While P. ilicis is apparently not restricted by the spatial distribution of resources, densities of its parasitoids showed a weaker positive relationship with host density in more isolated patches. In patches where local extinctions were generated experimentally, P. ilicis densities and levels of parasitism recovered to pre-manipulation levels within a single generation. Furthermore, patch isolation did not significantly affect re-colonisation by hosts or parasitoids. Analysing the data at a variety of spatial scales indicates that the balance between local demography and dispersal may vary depending on the scale at which patches are defined. Taken together, our results suggest that the host and its parasitoids have dispersal abilities that exceed typical inter-patch distances. Patch dynamics are thus largely governed by dispersal rather than within-patch demography, although the role of demography is higher in larger patches.  相似文献   

 Continuous-time, age structured, host–parasitoid models exhibit three types of cyclic dynamics: Lotka–Volterra-like consumer-resource cycles, discrete generation cycles, and “delayed feedback cycles” that occur if the gain to the parasitoid population (defined by the number of new female parasitoid offspring produced per host attacked) increases with the age of the host attacked. The delayed feedback comes about in the following way: an increase in the instantaneous density of searching female parasitoids increases the mortality rate on younger hosts, which reduces the density of future older and more productive hosts, and hence reduces the future per head recruitment rate of searching female parasitoids. Delayed feedback cycles have previously been found in studies that assume a step-function for the gain function. Here, we formulate a general host–parasitoid model with an arbitrary gain function, and show that stable, delayed feedback cycles are a general phenomenon, occurring with a wide range of gain functions, and strongest when the gain is an accelerating function of host age. We show by examples that locally stable, delayed feedback cycles commonly occur with parameter values that also yield a single, locally stable equilibrium, and hence their occurrence depends on initial conditions. A simplified model reveals that the mechanism responsible for the delayed feedback cycles in our host–parasitoid models is similar to that producing cycles and initial-condition-dependent dynamics in a single species model with age-dependent cannibalism. Received: 24 October 1997 / Revised version: 13 June 1998  相似文献   

Rohlfs M 《Oecologia》2008,155(1):161-168
Although still underrepresented in ecological research, competitive interactions between distantly related organisms (so-called “interkingdom competition”) are expected to be widespread in various ecosystems, with yet unknown consequences for, e.g. trophic interactions. In the model host–parasitoid system Drosophila melanogaster–Asobara tabida, toxic filamentous fungi have been shown to be serious competitors that critically affect the density-dependent survival of host Drosophila larvae. This study investigates the extent to which the competing mould Aspergillus niger affects key properties of the well-studied Drosophila–parasitoid system and how the host–parasitoid interaction influences the microbial competitor. In contrast to slightly positive density-dependent host mortality under mould-free conditions, competing A. niger mediated a strong Allee effect for parasitised larvae, i.e. mortality decreased with increasing larval density. It was found that the common toxic fungal metabolite kojic acid is not responsible for higher death rates in parasitised larvae. Single parasitised Drosophila larvae were less harmful to fungal reproduction than unparasitised larvae, but this effect vanished with an increase in larval density. As predicted from the negative effect of fungi on host survival and thus on parasitoid fitness at low larval densities, A. tabida females spent less time foraging in fungus-infested patches. Interestingly, even though high host larval densities increased host survival, parasitoids still reduced their search efforts in fungus-infested patches, indicating a benefit for host larvae from feeding in the presence of noxious mould. Thus, this experimental study provides evidence of the potentially important role of interkingdom competition in determining trophic interactions in saprophagous animal communities and the dynamics of both host–parasitoid and microbial populations.  相似文献   

Anaphes nitens is a solitary parasitoid of the egg capsules of the Eucalyptus snout beetle, Gonipterus scutellatus. Some traits of its natural history suggest that Local Mate Competition (LMC) could account for sex ratio adjustment in this species. We tested whether males emerged early, a prerequisite for fully local mating, and investigated the occurrence and effect of superparasitism on adult size and pre-emergence mortality, factors that might influence sex ratio adjustment. We found in field-collected egg capsules that males emerged first. To investigate the effects of superparasitism on adult size, we compared the sizes of parasitoids that emerged early and late from egg capsules collected in the field, and from egg capsules parasitized and superparasitized in the laboratory. Superparasitism reduced parasitoid size, affecting females more strongly than males, and increased pre-emergence mortality. We estimated A. nitens sex ratio and parasitism rate in the field during 2 years in five localities and during 4 years in a sixth. Following LMC we expected an increase in sex ratio (proportion of males) with increasing parasitism rate (assumed to reflect parasitoid density). We found that sex ratio decreased from 0.38 when the parasitism rate was low (0-20%) to 0.21 when parasitism was high (80-100%). In contrast with field results, a laboratory experiment showed that: (1) at a low parasitism level sex ratio was clearly female biased (0.28+/-0.04), (2) at a high parasitism level sex ratio increased (0.40+/-0.07), (3) male larval survivorship was not lower than female survivorship, and (4) low-quality hosts (i.e. superparasitized) were allocated more males. We conclude that LMC cannot explain the sex ratio adjustment observed in the field, even at low parasitism rates, and alternative explications for highly female-biased sex ratios must be found. One such alternative is female-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

Host–parasitoid metapopulation models have typically been deterministic models formulated with population numbers as a continuous variable. Spatial heterogeneity in local population abundance is a typical (and often essential) feature of these models and means that, even when average population density is high, some patches have small population sizes. In addition, large temporal population fluctuations are characteristic of many of these models, and this also results in periodically small local population sizes. Whenever population abundances are small, demographic stochasticity can become important in several ways. To investigate this problem, we have reformulated a deterministic, host–parasitoid metapopulation as an integer-based model in which encounters between hosts and parasitoids, and the fecundity of individuals are modelled as stochastic processes. This has a number of important consequences: (1) stochastic fluctuations at small population sizes tend to be amplified by the dynamics to cause massive population variability, i.e. the demographic stochasticity has a destabilizing effect; (2) the spatial patterns of local abundance observed in the deterministic counterpart are largely maintained (although the area of ''spatial chaos'' is extended); (3) at small population sizes, dispersal by discrete individuals leads to a smaller fraction of new patches being colonized, so that parasitoids with small dispersal rates have a greater tendency for extinction and higher dispersal rates have a larger competitive advantage; and (4) competing parasitoids that could coexist in the deterministic model due to spatial segregation cannot now coexist for any combination of parameters.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms underlying tri-trophic interactions between insect herbivores, their host plants and natural enemies is an important aim in ecology. In the present study, the effect of urea fertilizer and vermicompost on a tri-trophic level cascade, comprising safflower, Carthamus tinctorius, safflower aphid, Uroleucon carthami and its primary parasitoid wasp, Praon yomenae, was investigated. Vermicompost increased the number of leaves, leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight, the total number of aphids and reduced the number of winged aphids and aphid load (Aphid load = number of aphids / plant fresh weight). Only two variables, plant phenol content and relative water content, were not significantly affected by vermicompost. Urea fertilizer had no impact on all variables except a significant effect on plant height. In another experiment, the effect of urea fertilizer and vermicompost on the wasp parasitoid was studied. The number of parasitoid mummies, mummification time, developmental time, the number of emerged adults, sex ratio, percentage of parasitism and hind tibia length was measured. Vermicompost had no significant effect on any of the measured parameters, but urea fertilizer increased the hind tibia length of the parasitoid. Vermicompost increased plant growth parameters and had an indirect and inhibiting effect on the safflower aphid itself. There was evidence of a bottom-up cascade to the third trophic level by adding fertilizers in this system: Urea fertilizer enhanced plant height but seemingly had no impact on the attacking herbivore. It is interesting that the effect of urea can be transferred to the third trophic level, that is parasitoid. This suggests that vermicompost could be used simultaneously with urea fertilizer, because urea fertilizer had a positive impact on the parasitoid and vermicompost had a positive impact on plant growth as well as the ability to reduce aphid load.  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions and the evolution of dispersal are both of interest when considering the potential impact of habitat fragmentation on community ecology, but the interaction between these processes is not well studied. We address this by considering the coevolution of dispersal strategies in a host–parasitoid system. An individual-based host–parasitoid metapopulation model was constructed for a patchy environment, allowing for evolution in dispersal rates of both species. Highly rarefied environments with few suitable patches selected against dispersal in both species, as did relatively static environments. Provided that parasitoids persist, all the variables studied led to stable equilibria in dispersal rates for both species. There was a tendency toward higher dispersal rates in parasitoids because of the asymmetric relationships of the two species to the patches: vacant patches are most valuable for hosts, but unsuitable for parasitoids, which require an established host population to reproduce. High host dispersal rate was favoured by high host population growth rate, and in the parasitoid by high growth rates in both species. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The venom of the parasitoid wasp Ampulex compressa induces long-lasting hypokinesia in the cockroach prey. Previous work indicates that the venom acts in the subesophageal ganglion to indirectly affect modulation of thoracic circuits for locomotion. However, the target of the venom in the subesophageal ganglion, and the mechanism by which the venom achieves its effects are as yet unknown. While the stung cockroaches appear generally lethargic, not all behaviors were affected, indicating that the venom targets specific motor systems and not behavior in general. Stung cockroaches were observed "freezing" in abnormal positions. Reserpine, which depletes monoamines, mimics the behavioral effects of the venom. We treated cockroaches with antagonists to dopamine and octopamine receptors, and found that the dopamine system is required for normal escape response. Dopamine injection induces prolonged grooming in normal cockroaches, but not in stung, suggesting that the venom is affecting dopamine receptors, or targets downstream of these receptors, in the subesophageal ganglion. This dopamine blocking effect fades slowly over the course of several weeks, similar to the time course of recovery from hypokinesia. The similarity in the time courses suggests that the mechanism underlying the hypokinesia may be the block of the dopamine receptors.  相似文献   

To explore the effects of bottom-up and top-down forces on the relationships between a host, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae), and its parasitoid, Cotesia vestalis (Haliday) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a short-term field experiment was established as a factorial experiment using three different host plants (Brassica pekinensis cv. Yuki F1, Brassica oleracea var. capitata cv. Midorimaru F1 and B. oleracea var. botrytis cv. Snow Crown) in the presence of C. vestalis at two different levels (low and high initial release). The tritrophic interactions were monitored by census counts of live adults 20?days after parasitoid release. The mean numbers of P. xylostella and C. vestalis adults were compared using log-linear analysis of deviance. Also, differences in the levels of parasitism were analysed using logistic analysis of deviance. There was a significant effect of host plant type on the abundance of P. xylostella, the abundance of C. vestalis and the percentage parasitism of P. xylostella by C. vestalis. The mean number of P. xylostella adults per cage on common cabbage or cauliflower was significantly greater than that on Chinese cabbage. The mean number of C. vestalis adults and the proportion of hosts attacked by C. vestalis per cage were significantly greater on Chinese cabbage compared with common cabbage or cauliflower. Indeed, initial parasitoid release did not significantly affect the abundance of P. xylostella but there was a significant influence of initial parasitoid release on the abundance of C. vestalis and the levels of parasitism of P. xylostella by C. vestalis. The mean number of C. vestalis adults and the proportion of P. xylostella parasitised by C. vestalis per cage were greater in high level of parasitoid release compared with low level of parasitoid release. However, there were no significant interacting effect of the factors (plant type?×?parasitoid initial abundance) on the abundance of P. xylostella, the population size of C. vestalis and parasitism of P. xylostella by C. vestalis.  相似文献   

Endoparasitoid insects have evolved mechanisms to counteract host immune defences. At oviposition, the endoparasitoid Venturia canescens injects virus-like particles (VLPs) together with the egg that interfere with the immune system of the host. These prevent encapsulation of the parasitoid egg. It has been shown that the gene coding for one of the VLP proteins exists in two variants (called Repeat-Plus (RP) and Repeat-Minus (RM)). Previous observations suggested that these variants induce pleiotropic effects on the reproductive biology of the female resulting, in an impeded transfer of eggs from the ovarioles to the oviducts in RM females, and in alterations in the egg laying sequence. We show that RM females from another geographical locality do not exhibit any phenotypic alteration of the reproductive biology. By showing a lack of association between VLP alleles and the reproductive phenotypic characteristics in a given strain, our results do not support the hypothesis of pleiotropic effects. Conversely, the results suggest that different genes code for the VLPs and for the reproductive biology characteristics. Different phenomena such as linkage, the action of pathogens, etc. could explain the association between characters that is observed in some strains.  相似文献   

Through intentional and accidental introduction, more than 100 species of alien Ichneumonidae and Braconidae (Hymenoptera) have become established in the Hawaiian Islands. The extent to which these parasitoid wasps have penetrated native wet forests was investigated over a 1,765 m elevation gradient on windward Hawai’i Island. For >1 year, malaise traps were used to continuously monitor parasitoid abundance and species richness in nine sites over three elevations. A total of 18,996 individuals from 16 subfamilies were collected. Overall, the fauna was dominated by aliens, with 44 of 58 species foreign to the Hawaiian Islands. Ichneumonidae was dominant over Braconidae in terms of both diversity and abundance, comprising 67.5% of individuals and 69.0% of species collected. Parasitoid abundance and species richness varied significantly with elevation: abundance was greater at mid and high elevations compared to low elevation while species richness increased with increasing elevation, with all three elevations differing significantly from each other. Nine species purposely introduced to control pest insects were found, but one braconid, Meteorus laphygmae, comprised 98.0% of this assemblage, or 28.3% of the entire fauna. Endemic species, primarily within the genera Spolas and Enicospilus, were collected almost exclusively at mid- and high-elevation sites, where they made up 22.1% and 36.0% of the total catch, respectively. Overall, 75.9% of species and 96.0% of individuals are inferred to parasitize Lepidoptera larvae and pupae. Our results support previous data indicating that alien parasitoids have deeply penetrated native forest habitats and may have substantial impacts on Hawaiian ecosystems.  相似文献   

The interaction between the hundreds of Ficus species and their specific pollinating fig wasps (Agaonidae) presents a striking example of mutualism. Foundress fig wasps pollinate fig flowers, but also lay their eggs in (and gall) some of them. Only two cases of cheating fig wasps (that fail to pollinate) have been reported, from two continents, suggesting that there is a cost to abandoning pollination. Reasons for the rarity of cheating are a major question in fig biology, because persistence of the mutualism depends on fig wasps continuing to pollinate. A cost in terms of reduced reproductive success among cheaters could be one explanation. Here we compare the behavior and reproduction of an undescribed Eupristina sp., a cheater that coexists with the pollinator Eupristina altissima on Ficus altissima in southern China. Adult females of both species fought with conspecifics when they were seeking entry through the ostiole into receptive figs, but there was no fighting with heterospecifics. Despite a similar body size, female pollinators contained more eggs than female cheaters. Pollinators and cheaters produced similar number of galls, and although almost twice as many flowers were galled in figs entered by two compared to one foundress, larval mortality was greatly increased when two foundresses were present. Larval mortality was also significantly higher for cheaters compared to pollinators, independent of the number of foundresses. Ovules galled by the cheater were thus significantly less likely to result in adult offspring, suggesting that there are significant costs associated with abandoning the mutualism.  相似文献   

Habitat conservation for threatened temperate insect species is often guided by one of two paradigms: a metapopulation approach focusing on patch area, isolation and number; or a habitat approach focusing on maintaining high quality habitat for the focal species. Recent research has identified the additive and interacting importance of both approaches for maintaining populations of threatened butterflies. For specialised host-parasitoid interactions, understanding the consequences of habitat characteristics for the interacting species is important, because (1) specialised parasitoids are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of fragmentation, and (2) altered interaction frequencies resulting from changes to habitat management or the spatial configuration of habitat are likely to have consequences for host dynamics. The spatial ecology of Cotesia bignellii, a specialist parasitoid of the threatened butterfly Euphydryas aurinia, was investigated at two spatial scales: within habitat patches (at the scale of individual aggregations of larvae, or ‘webs’) and among habitat patches (the scale of local populations). Parasitism rates were investigated in relation to larval web size, vegetation sward height and host density. Within patches, the probability of a larval webs being parasitized increased significantly with increasing number of larvae in the web, and parasitism rates increased significantly with increasing web isolation. The proportion of webs parasitized was significantly and negatively correlated with cluster density. Among habitat patches the proportion of parasitized webs decreased as cluster density increased. Clusters with a high proportion of larval webs parasitized tended to have lower parasitism rates per larval web. These results support the call for relatively large and continuous habitat patches to maintain stable parasitoid and host populations. Conservation efforts directed towards maintenance of high host plant density could allow E. aurinia to reduce parasitism risk, while providing C. bignellii with sufficient larval webs to allow population persistence.  相似文献   

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