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This study examined the influence of a mechanical perturbation of the ankle joint on obstacle avoidance pattern. A decoupled control between the distal joint and the combined (hip-knee) proximal joints was observed according to the task requirement. In this context, a greater mechanical friction at the ankle should be compensated at this joint (local compensation) or alternatively, by regulating more combined proximal joints (knee and/or hip). The leading limb inter-segmental coordination was evaluated in both no constraint and constraint conditions in calculating ranges of motion (ROM), moments of force and powers (from heel-off to obstacle) at the ankle, knee and hip joints. Electromyographic activities were also analyzed. With the constraint, the dorsiflexor moment and the tibialis anterior activity remained unchanged while both ROM and power bursts (absorbed and generated) decreased. The hip and knee ROM remain invariant. At heel-off the absorption by hip extensors decreased and the forthcoming generation by knee flexors increased in the constraint condition. To quantify the inter-joint coordination, principal component analysis was used and indicated a high level of inter-joint coupling (synergy) that decreased with the constraint (i.e. less inter-joint coupling). At the ankle joint, the results suggest that the central command was the same in both conditions thus, not be adapted. At both the hip and knee joints, a combined joints modulation occurred to overcome additional friction.  相似文献   



This study aims to examine age-related and obstacle height-related differences in movements while stepping over obstacles.


The participants included 16 elderly and nine young women. Obstacles that were either 5 or 20 cm high were positioned at the center of a 4-m walking path. The participants were instructed to walk along the path as quickly as possible. The participants’ movements were analyzed using a three-dimensional motion analysis system that recorded their movements as they walked and stepped over the obstacles.

Results and conclusions

Seven joint angles and the distances between the ground and six markers were examined in the initial contact and swing instants of the leading and trailing limbs. In the initial contact instant, the elderly women prepared for stepping with a lower toe height than the young women when stepping over the 20-cm obstacle. Trunk rotation was greater in the young women than in the elderly women. In the swing instant, the elderly women showed greater ankle dorsiflexion and hip adduction angles for the leading limb when stepping over the 20-cm obstacle. They moved the trailing limb with increased ankle dorsiflexion, knee flexion, hip flexion, and foot inversion to ensure that they did not touch the obstacle as they stepped over it. These movement patterns are characteristic of elderly individuals who cannot easily lift their lower limbs because of decreased lower-limb strength.  相似文献   

The structure of DNA is such that the multi-array of functionalized units with desired numbers and sequences within the DNA is possible. In particular, to replace DNA bases, which are biologically important elements for gene expression, by alternative bases would provide powerful tools for programming molecular arrays in a pre-designed manner. This review focuses on recent chemical approaches to self-assembled metal arrays within DNA with metal-mediated base pairing.  相似文献   

Identifying the informative genes has always been a major step in microarray data analysis. The complexity of various cancer datasets makes this issue still challenging. In this paper, a novel Bio-inspired Multi-objective algorithm is proposed for gene selection in microarray data classification specifically in the binary domain of feature selection. The presented method extends the traditional Bat Algorithm with refined formulations, effective multi-objective operators, and novel local search strategies employing social learning concepts in designing random walks. A hybrid model using the Fisher criterion is then applied to three widely-used microarray cancer datasets to explore significant biomarkers which reveal the effectiveness of the proposed method for genomic analysis. Experimental results unveil new combinations of informative biomarkers have association with other studies.  相似文献   

POEtic: an electronic tissue for bio-inspired cellular applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we introduce the general architecture of a new electronic tissue called POEtic. This reconfigurable circuit is designed to ease the implementation of bio-inspired systems that bring cellular applications into play. It contains special features that allow a developer to realize systems that require evolution (Phylogenesis), development (Ontogenesis), and/or learning (Epigenesis). A dynamic routing algorithm has been added to a structure similar to that of common commercial FPGAs, in order to allow the creation of data paths between cells. As the creation of these paths is dynamic, it is possible to add new cells or to repair faulty ones at runtime.  相似文献   

To understand the functioning of nervous systems and, in particular, how they control behaviour we must bridge many levels of complexity from molecules, cells and synapses to perception behaviour. Although experimental analysis is a precondition for understanding by nervous systems, it is in no way sufficient. The understanding is aided at all levels of complexity by modelling. Modelling proved to be an inevitable tool to test the experimentally established hypotheses. In this review it will by exemplified by three case studies that the appropriate level of modelling needs to be adjusted to the particular computational problems that are to be solved. (1) Specific features of the highly virtuosic pursuit behaviour of male flies can be understood on the basis of a phenomenological model that relates the visual input to the motor output. (2) The processing of retinal image motion as is experienced by freely moving animals can be understood on the basis of a model consisting of algorithmic components and components which represent a simple equivalent circuit of nerve cells. (3) Behaviourally relevant features of the reliability of encoding of visual motion information can be understood by modelling the transformation of postsynaptic potentials into sequences of spike trains.  相似文献   

How do humans achieve such remarkable energetic efficiency when walking over complex terrain such as a rocky trail? Recent research in biomechanics suggests that the efficiency of human walking over flat, obstacle-free terrain derives from the ability to exploit the physical dynamics of our bodies. In this study, we investigated whether this principle also applies to visually guided walking over complex terrain. We found that when humans can see the immediate foreground as little as two step lengths ahead, they are able to choose footholds that allow them to exploit their biomechanical structure as efficiently as they can with unlimited visual information. We conclude that when humans walk over complex terrain, they use visual information from two step lengths ahead to choose footholds that allow them to approximate the energetic efficiency of walking in flat, obstacle-free environments.  相似文献   

Multi-segment foot models are increasingly being used to evaluate intra and inter-segment foot kinematics such as the motion between the hindfoot/tibia (ankle) and the forefoot/hindfoot (midfoot) during walking. However, kinetic analysis have been mainly restricted to one-segment foot models and could be improved by considering a multi-segment approach. Therefore, the aims of this study were to (1) implement a kinetic analysis of the ankle and theoretical midfoot joints using the existing Oxford Foot Model (OFM) through a standard inverse dynamics approach using only marker, force plate and anthropometric data and (2) to compare OFM ankle joint kinetics to those output by the one-segment foot plugin-gait model (PIG). 10 healthy adolescents fitted with both the OFM and PIG markers performed barefoot comfortable speed walking trials over an instrumented walkway. The maximum ankle power generation was significantly reduced by approximately 40% through OFM calculations compared to PIG estimates (p<0.001). This result was not caused by a decrease in OFM computed joint moments, but by a reduction in the angular velocity between the tibia/hindfoot (OFM) compared to the tibia/foot (PIG) (p<0.001). Additionally, analysis revealed considerable midfoot loading. One-segment foot models overestimate ankle power, and may also overestimate the contribution of the triceps surae. A multi-segment approach may help quantify the important contribution of the midfoot ligaments and musculature to power generation. We therefore recommend the use of multi-segment foot models to estimate ankle and midfoot kinetics, especially when surgical decision-making is based on the results of three-dimensional gait analysis.  相似文献   

The common chameleon, Chamaeleo chameleon, is an arboreal lizard with highly independent, large-amplitude eye movements. In response to a moving threat, a chameleon on a perch responds with distinct avoidance movements that are expressed in its continuous positioning on the side of the perch distal to the threat. We analyzed body-exposure patterns during threat avoidance for evidence of lateralization, that is, asymmetry at the functional/behavioral levels. Chameleons were exposed to a threat approaching horizontally from the left or right, as they held onto a vertical pole that was either wider or narrower than the width of their head, providing, respectively, monocular or binocular viewing of the threat. We found two equal-sized sub-groups, each displaying lateralization of motor responses to a given direction of stimulus approach. Such an anti-symmetrical distribution of lateralization in a population may be indicative of situations in which organisms are regularly exposed to crucial stimuli from all spatial directions. This is because a bimodal distribution of responses to threat in a natural population will reduce the spatial advantage of predators.  相似文献   

During running, muscles of the lower limb act like a linear spring bouncing on the ground. When approaching an obstacle, the overall stiffness of this leg-spring system (kleg) is modified during the two steps preceding the jump to enhance the movement of the center of mass of the body while leaping the obstacle. The aim of the present study is to understand how kleg is modified during the running steps preceding the jump. Since kleg depends on the joint torsional stiffness and on the leg geometry, we analyzed the changes in these two parameters in eight subjects approaching and leaping a 0.65 m-high barrier at 15 km h−1. Ground reaction force (F) was measured during 5–6 steps preceding the obstacle using force platform and the lower limb movements were recorded by camera. From these data, the net muscular moment (Mj), the angular displacement (θj) and the lever arm of F were evaluated at the hip, knee and ankle. At the level of the hip, the Mjθj relation shows that muscles are not acting like torsional springs. At the level of the knee and ankle, the Mjθj relation shows that muscles are acting like torsional springs: as compared to steady-state running, the torsional stiffness kj decreases from ~1/3 two contacts before the obstacle, and increases from ~2/3 during the last contact. These modifications in kj reflect in changes in the magnitude of F but also to changes in the leg geometry, i.e. in the lever arms of F.  相似文献   

The purpose of this feasibility study was to examine changes in frontal plane knee and hip walking biomechanics following a gait retraining strategy focused on increasing lateral trunk lean and to quantify reports of difficulty and joint discomfort when performing such a gait modification. After undergoing a baseline analysis of normal walking, 9 young, healthy participants were trained to modify their gait to exhibit small (4°), medium (8°), and large (12°) amounts of lateral trunk lean. Training was guided by the use of real-time biofeedback of the actual trunk lean angle. Peak frontal plane external knee and hip joint moments were compared across conditions. Participants were asked to report the degree of difficulty and the presence of any joint discomfort for each amount of trunk lean modification. Small (4°), medium (8°), and large (12°) amounts of lateral trunk lean reduced the peak external knee adduction moment (KAM) by 7%, 21%, and 25%, respectively, though the peak KAM was only significantly less in the medium and large conditions (p<0.001). Increased trunk lean also significantly reduced the peak external hip adduction moments (p<0.001). All participants reported at least some difficulty performing the exaggerated trunk lean pattern and three participants reported ipsilateral knee, hip, and/or lower spine discomfort. Results from this study indicate that a gait pattern with increased lateral trunk lean can effectively reduce frontal plane joint moments. Though these findings have implications for pathological populations, learning this gait pattern was associated with some difficulty and joint discomfort.  相似文献   

Walknet, a bio-inspired controller for hexapod walking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Walknet comprises an artificial neural network that allows for the simulation of a considerable amount of behavioral data obtained from walking and standing stick insects. It has been tested by kinematic and dynamic simulations as well as on a number of six-legged robots. Over the years, various different expansions of this network have been provided leading to different versions of Walknet. This review summarizes the most important biological findings described by Walknet and how they can be simulated. Walknet shows how a number of properties observed in insects may emerge from a decentralized architecture. Examples are the continuum of so-called “gaits,” coordination of up to 18 leg joints during stance when walking forward or backward over uneven surfaces and negotiation of curves, dealing with leg loss, as well as being able following motion trajectories without explicit precalculation. The different Walknet versions are compared to other approaches describing insect-inspired hexapod walking. Finally, we briefly address the ability of this decentralized reactive controller to form the basis for the simulation of higher-level cognitive faculties exceeding the capabilities of insects.  相似文献   

South American electric knifefish are a leading model system within neurobiology. Recent efforts have focused on understanding their biomechanics and relating this to their neural processing strategies. Knifefish swim by means of an undulatory fin that runs most of the length of their body, affixed to the belly. Propelling themselves with this fin enables them to keep their body relatively straight while swimming, enabling straightforward robotic implementation with a rigid hull. In this study, we examined the basic properties of undulatory swimming through use of a robot that was similar in some key respects to the knifefish. As we varied critical fin kinematic variables such as frequency, amplitude, and wavelength of sinusoidal traveling waves, we measured the force generated by the robot when it swam against a stationary sensor, and its velocity while swimming freely within a flow tunnel system. Our results show that there is an optimal operational region in the fin's kinematic parameter space. The optimal actuation parameters found for the robotic knifefish are similar to previously observed parameters for the black ghost knifefish, Apteronotus albifrons. Finally, we used our experimental results to show how the force generated by the robotic fin can be decomposed into thrust and drag terms. Our findings are useful for future bio-inspired underwater vehicles as well as for understanding the mechanics of knifefish swimming.  相似文献   

In gait stability research, neither self-selected walking speeds, nor the same prescribed walking speed for all participants, guarantee equivalent gait stability among participants. Furthermore, these options may differentially affect the response to different gait perturbations, which is problematic when comparing groups with different capacities. We present a method for decreasing inter-individual differences in gait stability by adjusting walking speed to equivalent margins of stability (MoS). Eighteen healthy adults walked on a split-belt treadmill for two-minute bouts at 0.4 m/s up to 1.8 m/s in 0.2 m/s intervals. The stability-normalised walking speed (MoS = 0.05 m) was calculated using the mean MoS at touchdown of the final 10 steps of each speed. Participants then walked for three minutes at this speed and were subsequently exposed to a treadmill belt acceleration perturbation. A further 12 healthy adults were exposed to the same perturbation while walking at 1.3 m/s: the average of the previous group. Large ranges in MoS were observed during the prescribed speeds (6–10 cm across speeds) and walking speed significantly (P < 0.001) affected MoS. The stability-normalised walking speeds resulted in MoS equal or very close to the desired 0.05 m and reduced between-participant variability in MoS. The second group of participants walking at 1.3 m/s had greater inter-individual variation in MoS during both unperturbed and perturbed walking compared to 12 sex, height and leg length-matched participants from the stability-normalised walking speed group. The current method decreases inter-individual differences in gait stability which may benefit gait perturbation and stability research, in particular studies on populations with different locomotor capacities. [Preprint: https://doi.org/10.1101/314757]  相似文献   

We report a fully integrated, portable, battery-operated electronic nose system comprising a bio-inspired two-layer multiple-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT)-polymer composite sensor array, a bio-inspired fast-adaptive readout circuit, and a microprocessor embedded with a pattern recognition algorithm. The two-layer MWNT-polymer composite sensor is simple to operate, and the membrane quality can be easily controlled. These two-layer membranes have improved sensitivity and stability. The fast-adaptive readout circuit responds to the sensor response, while tuning out the long-term constant background humidity, temperature, and odors. This portable electronic nose system successfully classified four complex alcohol samples 40 times for each sample; these samples were sake, sorghum liquor, medical liquor, and whisky.  相似文献   

While the sequencing of bacterial genomes has become a routine procedure at major sequencing centers, there are still a number of genome projects at small- or medium-size facilities. For these facilities a maximum of control over sequencing, assembling and finishing is essential. At the same time, facilities have to be able to co-operate at minimum costs for the overall project. We have established a pipeline for the distributed sequencing of Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2, Azoarcus sp. BH72, Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis NCPPB382, Sorangium cellulosum So ce56 and Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria 85-10. Our pipeline relies on standard tools (e.g. PHRED/PHRAP, CAP3 and Consed/Autofinish) wherever possible, supplementing them with new tools (BioMake and BACCardI) to achieve the aims described above.  相似文献   

Predictive modelling of human walking over a complete gait cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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