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Overexploitation of Neotropical ecosystems for wild meat constitutes a threat to biodiversity and might seriously affect local people who depend on wild animals as a primary food resource. To assess this problem at the local level, social use of wild animals was evaluated in a Mayan community of the Yucatan Peninsula. Over 8 months, peasant-hunters carried out a total of 175 hunting trips, gathering 253 animals of 12 species (mammals, birds and reptiles). Most preys (95%) were taken in 4 months (January–April) during the dry season and the main target species were white-tailed deer and iguana (jointly representing 59% of preys). During an 11-week period, total per capita wild meat consumption (182 kg; n = 14 families) was three times greater in nuclear than in extended families. The observed wild fauna use is a reflection of traditional knowledge and represents an important subsistence strategy for the local people.  相似文献   

While the negative ecological effects of the rapid expansion of oil palm in Southeast Asia are far-reaching and relatively widely studied, the socioeconomic consequences have received much less attention in the literature. We examine whether local farmers in Indonesia benefit from cultivating oil palm. We also look at the impact dynamics and possible spillover effects on other farmers. Our analysis builds on panel data collected from 680 farm households in Jambi Province, Sumatra. We show that oil palm cultivation has significant positive effects on farmers’ livelihoods. The economic gains allow farm households to increase their consumption. Oil palm has lower labor requirements than alternative crops. Hence, oil palm farmers can cultivate larger areas and also reallocate saved labor time to non-farm economic activities, which contributes to additional secondary gains. Policies aimed at regulating further oil palm area expansion will have to account for the economic benefits of this crop for the local population.  相似文献   

Our society faces the pressing challenge of increasing agricultural production while minimizing negative consequences on ecosystems and the global climate. Indonesia, which has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from deforestation while doubling production of several major agricultural commodities, exemplifies this challenge. Here we focus on palm oil, the world’s most abundant vegetable oil and a commodity that has contributed significantly to Indonesia’s economy. Most oil palm expansion in the country has occurred at the expense of forests, resulting in significant GHG emissions. We examine the extent to which land management policies can resolve the apparently conflicting goals of oil palm expansion and GHG mitigation in Kalimantan, a major oil palm growing region of Indonesia. Using a logistic regression model to predict the locations of new oil palm between 2010 and 2020 we evaluate the impacts of six alternative policy scenarios on future emissions. We estimate net emissions of 128.4–211.4 MtCO2 yr-1 under business as usual expansion of oil palm plantations. The impact of diverting new plantations to low carbon stock land depends on the design of the policy. We estimate that emissions can be reduced by 9-10% by extending the current moratorium on new concessions in primary forests and peat lands, 35% by limiting expansion on all peat and forestlands, 46% by limiting expansion to areas with moderate carbon stocks, and 55–60% by limiting expansion to areas with low carbon stocks. Our results suggest that these policies would reduce oil palm profits only moderately but would vary greatly in terms of cost-effectiveness of emissions reductions. We conclude that a carefully designed and implemented oil palm expansion plan can contribute significantly towards Indonesia’s national emissions mitigation goal, while allowing oil palm area to double.  相似文献   

Substantial attention has been given in recent years to forest and peatland degradation, transboundary haze, and biodiversity and economic impacts associated with major fire events in perhumid western Indonesia. Conversely, little information is available concerning underpinning conditions associated with burning practices and resultant fire patterns in other parts of the Indonesian archipelago, especially in markedly seasonally dry regions. As part of a broader study examining the patterning and drivers of burning in the monsoonal province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), the paper explores cultural, socioeconomic, biophysical, and, in discussion, political dimensions associated with landscape-scale patterns of burning at each of two village locations on the islands of Sumba and Flores. Assembled data illustrate that: (1) study villages are reliant on a range of subsistence agricultural activities, particularly annual food crops, livestock (especially pigs), and forest products; (2) while villages encompass mostly extensive areas of grassland savanna, proportionately most income/products are derived from limited areas of arable agricultural and very diminished forested lands; (3) despite this, considerable economic potential exists for developing certain tree products especially in agro-forestry settings, and more intensive livestock management; (4) these patterns are representative generally of surrounding regional agricultural landscapes. While burning is used as an essential agricultural management tool in defined seasonal contexts in all study villages, the reality is that today much burning is unmanaged and uncontrolled, with attendant significant economic impacts. As for western Indonesia, underlying drivers of such behavior are multiple and complex, but pointedly include: rapid societal change; conflicts within and between villages, and between villages and regulatory authorities (especially the Forestry Department), over access to land and resources; and continued nonrecognition in national and provincial fire policy frameworks of the practical necessity for using fire (wisely and safely) in many agricultural contexts. It is axiomatic that, without effective fire management and a supportive policy environment, sustainable livelihoods development will continue to be elusive in fire-prone savanna landscapes of eastern Indonesia.  相似文献   

The proliferation of oil palm plantations has led to dramatic changes in tropical landscapes across the globe. However, relatively little is known about the effects of oil palm expansion on biodiversity, especially in key ecosystem-service providing organisms like pollinators. Rapid land use change is exacerbated by limited knowledge of the mechanisms causing biodiversity decline in the tropics, particularly those involving landscape features. We examined these mechanisms by undertaking a survey of orchid bees, a well-known group of Neotropical pollinators, across forest and oil palm plantations in Costa Rica. We used chemical baits to survey the community in four regions: continuous forest sites, oil palm sites immediately adjacent to forest, oil palm sites 2km from forest, and oil palm sites greater than 5km from forest. We found that although orchid bees are present in all environments, orchid bee communities diverged across the gradient, and community richness, abundance, and similarity to forest declined as distance from forest increased. In addition, mean phylogenetic distance of the orchid bee community declined and was more clustered in oil palm. Community traits also differed with individuals in oil palm having shorter average tongue length and larger average geographic range size than those in the forest. Our results indicate two key features about Neotropical landscapes that contain oil palm: 1) oil palm is selectively permeable to orchid bees and 2) orchid bee communities in oil palm have distinct phylogenetic and trait structure compared to communities in forest. These results suggest that conservation and management efforts in oil palm-cultivating regions should focus on landscape features.  相似文献   

The rapid conversion of Southeast Asian lowland rainforests into monocultures calls for the development of rapid methods for species identification to support ecological research and sustainable land‐use management. Here, we investigated the utilization of DNA barcodes for identifying flowering plants from Sumatra, Indonesia. A total of 1,207 matK barcodes (441 species) and 2,376 rbcL barcodes (750 species) were successfully generated. The barcode effectiveness is assessed using four approaches: (a) comparison between morphological and molecular identification results, (b) best‐close match analysis with TaxonDNA, (c) barcoding gap analysis, and (d) formation of monophyletic groups. Results show that rbcL has a much higher level of sequence recoverability than matK (95% and 66%). The comparison between morphological and molecular identifications revealed that matK and rbcL worked best assigning a plant specimen to the genus level. Estimates of identification success using best‐close match analysis showed that >70% of the investigated species were correctly identified when using single barcode. The use of two‐loci barcodes was able to increase the identification success up to 80%. The barcoding gap analysis revealed that neither matK nor rbcL succeeded to create a clear gap between the intraspecific and interspecific divergences. However, these two barcodes were able to discriminate at least 70% of the species from each other. Fifteen genera and twenty‐one species were found to be nonmonophyletic with both markers. The two‐loci barcodes were sufficient to reconstruct evolutionary relationships among the plant taxa in the study area that are congruent with the broadly accepted APG III phylogeny.  相似文献   

In a number of places, sacred forest sites play an important role in conservation and local livelihoods. Here we examine how Iban hunters and animals alike use sacred forest in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. To determine the relative importance of different sites in hunting, we compare hunting effort, animal species and their numbers encountered by hunters, and encounters and captures in a variety of forest sites including sacred groves. We relate the results to the role of such sites in the overall Iban agroforestry system and in the conservation of forest habitat that professional conservationists deem precious. Such land use practices, while having social and religious origins, may be important for local economic purposes, but they may also be valuable in promoting and enhancing the more global goals of biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Over the past decade international organizations and developing countries have been trying to promote agricultural diversification among smallholders under the assumption that smallholders are too dependent upon a narrow range of crops. The International Coffee Organization and the Government of Indonesia have promoted agricultural diversification among coffee farmers to curb production and, thereby, increase prices. In South Sumatra, Indonesia, coffee smallholders diversify on their own initiative and depend upon numerous resource systems. They diversify out of coffee and even agriculture because other investments yield attractive returns and because further diversification within agriculture is often limited by agronomic and financial constraints.The Center for Policy and Implementation Studies (CPIS), Ministry of Finance, in Indonesia funded this research.  相似文献   

The overhunting of wildlife for food and commercial gain presents a major threat to biodiversity in tropical forests and poses health risks to humans from contact with wild animals. Using a recent survey of wildlife offered at wild meat markets in Malaysia as a basis, we review the literature to determine the potential zoonotic infection risks from hunting, butchering and consuming the species offered. We also determine which taxa potentially host the highest number of pathogens and discuss the significant disease risks from traded wildlife, considering how cultural practices influence zoonotic transmission. We identify 51 zoonotic pathogens (16 viruses, 19 bacteria and 16 parasites) potentially hosted by wildlife and describe the human health risks. The Suidae and the Cervidae families potentially host the highest number of pathogens. We conclude that there are substantial gaps in our knowledge of zoonotic pathogens and recommend performing microbial food safety risk assessments to assess the hazards of wild meat consumption. Overall, there may be considerable zoonotic risks to people involved in the hunting, butchering or consumption of wild meat in Southeast Asia, and these should be considered in public health strategies.  相似文献   

The macrobentic community in the Musi Estuary is very diverse. However, it has been showing a declining trend recently due to an increase in waste from human activities entering the waters. This study aimed to assess the macrobenthic diversity and community structure and correlated to the water quality parameters of the Musi Estuary, South Sumatra. The method used was a survey collecting water quality parameters at eight observation stations. The salinity is measured with a refractometer, temperature is measured with a digital thermometer, pH is measured with a pH meter. The dissolved oxygen (DO), brightness and current are measured with a DO meter, Seichii disk, and current meter, respectively. The Ekman grab was used to collect the samples, and then we used a diversity index, a similarity index, and principal components analysis (PCA) for analysis. The results show that the water quality is found in a good condition for macrobenthos growths. The salinity is ranging between 0 and 15 ppt, temperature is about 29–30.8 °C, pH is about 7.6–8.1, the dissolved oxygen is found to be 3.2–12.5 mg/L, the brightness is about 4.71–31.67% and the current speed is about 0.02–0.08 m.s−1. The analysis also indicates that the microbenthic compositions consist of 18 species, which is grouped into five classes, namely Gastropods 56%, Crustacea 22%, Bivalve 11%, Actinopterygii 6%, and Polychaeta 5%, with an abundance of 0,67 to 13,33 Ind.m−2. The diversity index is generally in low categories (H′ < 1), and the dominance index is more than 0.5. Based on the PCA analysis, it was found that the water quality parameters (e.g. dissolved oxygen and temperature) show significant correlation with similarity index at all observation stations. The macrobenthic diversity and community structure in the Musi Estuary is found to be increasing offshore and decreasing towards the river.  相似文献   

Agroecology and conservation must overlap to protect biodiversity and farmer livelihoods. Coffee agroecosystems with complex shade canopies protect biodiversity. Yet, few have examined biodiversity in coffee agroecosystems in Asia relative to the Americas and many question whether coffee agroecosystems can play a similar role for conservation. We examined vegetation, ant and bird diversity, coffee yields and revenues, and harvest of alternative products in coffee farms and forests in SW Sumatra, Indonesia near Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBS). BBS is among the last habitats for large mammals in Sumatra and >15,000 families illegally cultivate coffee inside of BBS. As a basis for informing management recommendations, we compared the conservation potential and economic outputs from farms inside and outside of BBS. Forests had higher canopy cover, canopy depth, tree height, epiphyte loads, and more emergent trees than coffee farms. Coffee farms inside BBS had more epiphytes and trees and fewer coffee plants than farms outside BBS. Tree, ant, and bird richness was significantly greater in forests than in coffee farms, and richness did not differ in coffee farms inside and outside of BBS. Species similarity of forest and coffee trees, ants, and birds was generally low (<50%). Surprisingly, farms inside the park were significantly older, but farm size, coffee yields, and revenues from coffee did not depend on farm location. Farmers outside BBS received higher prices for their coffee and also more often produced other crops in their coffee fields such that incentives could be created to draw illegal farmers out of the park. We also discuss these results with reference to similar work in Chiapas, Mexico to compare the relative contribution of coffee fields to conservation in the two continents, and discuss implications for working with farmers in Sumatra towards conservation plans incorporating sustainable coffee production.  相似文献   

Increasing prices and demand for biofuel and cooking oil from importer countries have caused a remarkable expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. In this paper, we attempt to monitor the expansion of oil palm plantations on peat land and in tropical forests. We measure the GHG emissions from the land conversion activities at provincial scale. Using Landsat images from three different periods (1990s, 2000s and 2012), we classified LULC of the Riau Province, which is the largest oil palm producing region in Indonesia. A hybrid method of integration, generated by combining automatic processing and manual analysis, yields the best results. We found that the tropical rainforest cover decreased from ∼63% in the 1990s to ∼37% in the 2000s. By 2012, the remaining tropical rainforest cover was only ∼22%. From the 1990s to the 2000s, conversion of forests and peat lands was the primary source of emissions, total CO2 emitted to the atmosphere was estimated at ∼26.6 million tCO2.y-1, with 40.62% and 59.38% of the emissions from conversion of peat lands and forests, respectively. Between 2000 and 2012, the total CO2 emitted to the atmosphere was estimated at ∼5.2 million tCO2. y-1, with 69.94% and 27.62% of the emissions from converted peat lands and converted forests, respectively. The results show that in the Riau Province, the oil palm industry boomed in the period from 1990 to 2000, with transformation of tropical forest and peat land as the primary source of emissions. The decrease of CO2 emissions in the period from 2000 to 2012 is possibly due to the enforcement of a moratorium on deforestation.  相似文献   

In Southeast Asia, the conversion of native forests to oil palm plantations threatens tropical biodiversity, but very little is known about the impacts of oil palm cultivation on small carnivore species. To determine the diversity and occupancy of small carnivores within oil palm plantations and to investigate possible factors that might affect their presence within oil palm, we used camera-traps within two oil palm plantations in central Sumatra, analysed the data using occupancy modelling and tested whether two covariates (distance to the edge of the oil palm habitat and distance from extensive areas of lowland forest) affected the model parameters for each small carnivore species. From 3164 camera-trap days, we detected only three small carnivores: leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) and Malay civet (Viverra tangalunga), which indicates that there was a low diversity of small carnivores within the oil palm plantations. Both the leopard cat and common palm civet were found deep within the oil palm, whereas the Malay civet was only detected near the edge in one of the plantations. The leopard cat and common palm civet had very high occupancy values, whereas the Malay civet had low values for both occupancy and detection probability. Neither covariate affected occupancy of the leopard cat and common palm civet, but distance from the edge of the oil palm habitat did influence their detection probabilities. Malay civet occupancy decreased with distance from the oil palm edge, and detection probability was affected by distance from extensive areas of lowland forest. Forests and rest/den site availability are suggested to be important features for small carnivores with oil palm-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

Structural and cytochemical aspects of the pistil and detailsof pollination and pollen-pistil interaction were investigatedin the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), an importantperennial oil crop. The stigma is trilobed, wet and papillate.The branched papillae are confined to a narrow linear zone oneach stigmatic lobe. Each stigmatic lobe harbours a deep stigmaticgroove, which runs adaxially along the surface. The stigmaticgroove is bordered by a well-defined layer of glandular cells,each of which has a pectinaceous cap on the inner tangentialwall. The style is hollow. The canal cells show thickeningson the inner tangential wall. The stigmatic groove and stylarcanal contain an extracellular matrix secreted by the canalcells which is rich in proteins, acidic polysaccharides andpectins. The canal cells at the base of the style are papillateand loosely fill the stylar canal. The stigma becomes receptivewhen the stigmatic lobes separate, and remains so for 24 h.Pollination is mediated by weevils as well as by the wind. Undernatural conditions the pollination efficiency was 100%. Pollinationinduces additional secretion in the stigmatic groove and stylarcanal. During post-pollination secretion, the pectinaceous capsof the cells lining the stigmatic groove are degraded. Pollengrains germinate on the stigmatic papillae and tubes grow onthe surface of the papillae, entering the stigmatic groove andadvancing along it into the stylar canal to eventually gainaccess to the locules. Pollen tubes are seen in the ovules 18–20h after pollination. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Arecaceae, Elaeis guineensis, African oil palm, pollination, stigmatic grove, stylar canal, Tenera hybrid, weevil  相似文献   

Wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) use a polygynous mating system whereby males engage in multiple courtship behaviors, including vocalizations (gobbling) to attract females and compete with other males for breeding opportunities. Males must balance the risk of courtship behaviors with the reproductive potential of each courtship behavior. Male turkeys are primarily hunted during the reproductive period, so the associated risk of courtship behaviors is increased. Many state agencies attempt to set hunting season frameworks that maximize hunter satisfaction by allowing hunting when gobbling activity is greatest and most females are theoretically incubating nests, but the relationship between gobbling activity and nesting phenology is unclear. We used autonomous recording units and global positioning system transmitters to monitor gobbling activity by male turkeys and reproductive behaviors of female turkeys in the Piedmont region of Georgia, USA. We used 13,177 gobbles, behavioral data from 82 females during the reproductive season, and daily estimates of harvest of males by hunters to examine relationships between daily gobbling activity, cumulative removal of males, and reproductive behaviors (laying, incubating) of females during 2017–2018. We observed a weak negative relationship between daily gobbling activity and gobbling activity the following day. As the reproductive season progressed, gobbling activity decreased. As the proportion of females engaged in laying or incubating behaviors increased, expected daily gobbling activity increased. Conversely, we observed that hunting and removal of males had a negative effect on daily gobbling activity, and this effect was disproportionately greater than the positive effect of female reproductive behaviors. Our findings suggest that hunting and removal of males are important determinants of gobbling activity, and that corresponding reductions in gobbling activity may have mediating effects on the mating system of wild turkeys. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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