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To date, minerals of interest have been analyzed individually to understand mineral dynamics and metabolism. Our recent development of metallomic analyses enabled us to evaluate minerals in an unbiased and global manner. Here, we evaluated the effects of ingestion of excess zinc to plasma and tissue concentrations of minerals in growing rats. A total of 26 minerals were simultaneously evaluated by metallomic analyses using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in semi-quantification mode; the concentrations of several minerals exhibited consistent changes in response to the concentrations of dietary zinc. Manganese concentrations in plasma and femur increased, while concentrations in the liver and pancreas decreased with increasing dietary zinc concentrations. Because the interaction between zinc and manganese is not known, we further focused our analysis on liver manganese. Quantitative analyses also indicated that the hepatic concentration of manganese decreased in response to the ingestion of diets containing excess zinc, a result that is partly explained by the decreased expression of hepatic Zip8, a manganese transporter. The present study reveals mineral interaction by using metallomic analyses and proposes a possible mechanism that underlies this novel interaction.  相似文献   

This report demonstrates that oxygen concentration within the physiologic range of 2.5 to 20% controls the pattern of proliferation of human diploid fibroblasts by modulating their response to serum and purified growth factors. Reducing oxygen concentration from 20 to 2.5% increased the division rate and final density of fibroblasts cultured in serum-containing medium. DNA synthesis in response to serum, as well as to EGF and PDGF, was enhanced significantly. Exposing quiescent cells to reduced oxygen enhanced serum-induced DNA synthesis in a time-dependent manner. The stimulatory effect persisted when the oxygen concentration was raised to ambient levels before the addition of serum. These results suggest that oxygen concentration within the physiologic range may control proliferation indirectly by altering the activity of a stable intermediate that regulates the cellular response to growth factors.  相似文献   

In Veits et al., we showed that flowers respond to a range of pollinator sounds by increased nectar sugar concentration. Here we clarify that (1) our argument is relevant to most pollinators, and not limited to bees (2) specifically, bees do access Oenothera Drumondii nectar in this area.  相似文献   

To determine whether the metabolism of diet-derived triglycerides (TG) is acutely regulated by the consumption of insulinogenic carbohydrates, we measured the effects of glucose ingestion on oral and intravenous fat tolerance, and on serum triglyceride concentrations obtained during duodenal fat perfusion. Postprandial lipemia was diminished by the ingestion of 50 g (148 +/- 121 mg.dl-1 x 7 h-1 vs 192 +/- 124 mg.dl-1 x 7 h-1, P less than 0.05) and 100 g (104 +/- 106 mg.dl-1 x 7 h-1 vs 171 +/- 104 mg.dl-1 x 7 h-1, P less than 0.05) glucose. Peak postprandial TG concentrations occurred later after meals containing glucose and fat than after meals containing fat alone. This effect could be reproduced when an iso-osmotic quantity of urea was substituted for glucose in the test meal. Starch ingestion had no discernible effect on postprandial lipemia. Intravenous fat tolerance was similar before (4.9 +/- 1.2%.min-1) and 2 h (4.4 +/- 1.3%.min-1) and 4 h (4.8 +/- 1.5%.min-1) after 50 g glucose ingestion. During duodenal fat perfusion, glucose ingestion caused a progressive decrease in plasma triglyceride concentrations. These data suggest that glucose ingestion diminishes postprandial lipemia in a dose-dependent manner, but that this effect is not due to increased clearance of triglyceride from the circulation. The hypotriglyceridemic effects of glucose appear to reflect delayed gastric emptying and decreased hepatic secretion of triglyceride.  相似文献   

Four strains of bakers' yeast were analysed for their hyperosmotic responses when in media that mimic conditions occurring in bread doughs. Two of the strains produced strong fermentative activity in medium with low osmotic stress, but produced considerably less ethanol in high sucrose concentration medium. Two other strains produced more similar fermentation activities across the range of media tested. The strains that were inhibited by high sucrose concentration were unable to produce significant amounts of glycerol under hyperosmotic conditions. By contrast, the yeasts that were not inhibited significantly by high sucrose produced a considerable amount of glycerol. The strains that produced significant glycerol exhibited efficient expression of the glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene GPD1. These novel data on the molecular responses of industrially relevant strains of bakers' yeasts are prerequisite to designing strategies for improving the performance of industrial yeasts in high sugar concentration media.  相似文献   

Rat liver parenchymal cells were isolated with (a) collagenase alone and (b) with both collagenase and hyaluronidase. Addition of hyaluronidase significantly decreased intracellular glycogen content of cells from fed rats. Effects of various concentrations of glucagon on gluconeogenesis were also studied in isolated hepatocytes from fed and fasted rats. Glucagon at the concentration of 10?12M to 10?10M stimulated gluconeogenesis in fed rats. Higher concentrations (10?8M) had no further stimulating effect. In fasted rats, glucagon at the concentrationsof 10?12M had no effect whereas at 10?10M to 10?8M concentrations, it stimulated gluconeogenesis by 2 fold. These studies suggest that glucagon functions in gluconeogenesis both in the fed and fasted state.  相似文献   

A protocol for determination of oxidation susceptibility of serum lipids based on proton nuclear magnetic resonance ((1)H NMR) spectroscopy is presented and compared to the commonly used spectrophotometric method. Even though there are methodological differences between these two methods, the NMR-based oxidation susceptibility correlates well (r(2)?=?0.73) with the lag time determined spectrophotometrically. In addition to the oxidizability of serum lipids, the NMR method provides also information about the lipid profile. The NMR oxidation assay was applied to the chocolate study including fasting serum samples (n?=?45) from subjects who had consumed white (WC), dark (DC) or high-polyphenol chocolate (HPC) daily for 3?weeks. The oxidation susceptibility of serum lipids decreased in the HPC group, and there was a significant difference between the WC and HPC groups (P?=?0.031). According to the random forest analysis, the consumption of the HPC chocolate induced changes to the amounts of HDL, phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, and nervonic, docosahexaenoic and myristic acids. Furthermore, arachidonic, docosahexaenoic, docosapentaenoic and palmitic acids, gamma-glutamyl transferase, hemoglobin, HDL, phosphatidylcholine and choline containing phospholipids explained about 60% of the oxidation susceptibility values. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11306-011-0323-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A first comprehensive dataset of nectar sugar composition and concentration in Bromeliaceae is presented, covering 111 species belonging to all three subfamilies. Based on this dataset, we examined the relationship between nectar traits and pollination syndromes in the family. Sugars in samples were assayed by high pressure liquid chromatography. All sampled species were grouped into three broad categories (trochilophilous, chiropterophilous, or lepidopterophilous) according to their main pollination mode. Significant differences between the different pollination syndromes were found in nectar sugar composition as well as concentration. For a total of four genera (Guzmania, Pitcairnia, Tillandsia and Vriesea), a comparison of nectar composition showed significant differences between trochilophilous and chiropterophilous species. Data presented here indicate that the characteristics of nectar in Bromeliaceae are predominantly determined by putative adaptations of nectar sugars to preferences of the pollinators rather than by phylogenetic relations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To study the association between non-fasting serum triglyceride concentrations and mortality in women from coronary and cardiovascular disease and all causes. DESIGN--Follow up by ambulatory teams of men and women who underwent cardiovascular screening for a mean of 14.6 years. SETTING--National health screening service in Norway. SUBJECTS--25,058 men and 24,535 women aged 35-49 years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Predictive value of non-fasting serum triglyceride concentrations. RESULTS--At initial screening total serum cholesterol concentration, serum triglyceride concentration, blood pressure, height, and weight were measured, and self reported information about smoking habits, physical activity, and time since last meal were recorded. During subsequent follow up 108 women died from coronary heart disease, 238 from cardiovascular diseases, and 931 from all causes. In women mortality increased steadily with increasing triglyceride concentration for all three causes of death. With the proportional hazards model and adjustment for age, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol concentration, time since last meal, and number of cigarettes a day the relative risk between triglyceride concentration > or = 3.5 mmol/l and < 1.5 mmol/l was 4.7 (95% confidence interval 2.5 to 8.9) for deaths from coronary heart disease, 3.0 (1.9 to 4.8) for deaths from cardiovascular disease, 2.3 (1.8 to 2.9) for total deaths in all women. CONCLUSIONS--A raised non-fasting concentration of triglycerides is an independent risk factor for mortality from coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and any cause mortality among middle aged Norwegian women in contrast to what is seen in men.  相似文献   

Triglyceride ingestion releases gut peptides from enteroendocrine cells located in the intestinal epithelia and provides feedback regulations of gastrointestinal function. The precise mechanisms sensing lipids in the intestinal wall, however, are not well characterized. In the current study, we investigated the release of gut peptides following oral triglyceride loading in mice deficient for monoacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 (MGAT2KO) and diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1KO), enzymes that sequentially re-synthesize triglyceride to secrete as chylomicron at the small intestine. In wild-type (Wt) mice, oral triglyceride loading resulted in hypertriglycemia. In addition, plasma glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY) were significantly increased 30 min after triglyceride loading, before decaying in 2 h. In MGAT2KO and DGAT1KO mice, oral triglyceride loading did not result in hypertriglycemia and the increase in GIP was significantly suppressed in both KO mouse strains. In contrast, the increases in plasma GLP-1 and PYY in both KO mouse strains were comparable to Wt mice 30 min after triglyceride loading, however, they remained elevated in DGAT1KO mice even 2 h after triglyceride loading. In parallel to the changes in GLP-1 and PYY, gastric emptying was delayed after oral triglyceride loading in MGAT2KO mice comparably to Wt type mice and was further delayed in DGAT1KO mice. STC-1 and GLUTag, GLP-1-producing intestinal endocrine L-cell lines, displayed a significant level of DGAT1 activity but not MGAT activity. These findings suggest that synthesis and/or secretion of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins play an important role in the release of GIP. Moreover, DGAT1 may directly regulate the release of GLP-1 and PYY in L-cells.  相似文献   

Prospective studies indicate that high intake of dietary flavanols, such as those contained in cocoa/chocolate, are associated with reduced rates of cardiovascular-related morbidity and mortality in humans. Numerous mechanisms may underlie these associations such as favorable effects of flavanols on blood pressure, platelet aggregation, thrombosis, inflammation, and the vascular endothelium. The brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD) technique has emerged as a robust method to quantify endothelial function in humans. Collectively, the preponderance of evidence indicates that FMD is a powerful surrogate measure for firm cardiovascular endpoints, such as cardiovascular-related mortality, in humans. Thus, literally thousands of studies have utilized this technique to document group differences in FMD, as well as to assess the effects of various interventions on FMD. In regards to the latter, numerous studies indicate that both acute and chronic ingestion of cocoa/chocolate increases FMD in humans. Increases in FMD after cocoa/chocolate ingestion appear to be dose-dependent such that greater increases in FMD are observed after ingestion of larger quantities. The mechanisms underlying these responses are likely diverse, however most data suggest an effect of increased nitric oxide bioavailability. Thus, positive vascular effects of cocoa/chocolate on the endothelium may underlie (i.e., be linked mechanistically to) reductions in cardiovascular risk in humans.  相似文献   

The present study investigated potential sex-related differences in the metabolic response to carbohydrate (CHO) ingestion during exercise. Moderately endurance-trained men and women (n = 8 for each sex) performed 2 h of cycling at approximately 67% Vo(2 max) with water (WAT) or CHO ingestion (1.5 g of glucose/min). Substrate oxidation and kinetics were quantified during exercise using indirect calorimetry and stable isotope techniques ([(13)C]glucose ingestion, [6,6-(2)H(2)]glucose, and [(2)H(5)]glycerol infusion). In both sexes, CHO ingestion significantly increased the rates of appearance (R(a)) and disappearance (R(d)) of glucose during exercise compared with WAT ingestion [males: WAT, approximately 28-29 micromol x kg lean body mass (LBM)(-1) x min(-1); CHO, approximately 53 micromol x kg LBM(-1) x min(-1); females: WAT, approximately 28-29 micromol x kg LBM(-1) x min(-1); CHO, approximately 61 micromol x kg LBM(-1) x min(-1); main effect of trial, P < 0.05]. The contribution of plasma glucose oxidation to the energy yield was significantly increased with CHO ingestion in both sexes (from approximately 10% to approximately 20% of energy expenditure; main effect of trial, P < 0.05). Liver-derived glucose oxidation was reduced, although the rate of muscle glycogen oxidation was unaffected with CHO ingestion (males: WAT, 108 +/- 12 micromol x kg LBM(-1) x min(-1); CHO, 108 +/- 11 micromol x kg LBM(-1) x min(-1); females: WAT, 89 +/- 10 micromol x kg LBM(-1) x min(-1); CHO, 93 +/- 11 micromol x kg LBM(-1) x min(-1)). CHO ingestion reduced fat oxidation and lipolytic rate (R(a) glycerol) to a similar extent in both sexes. Finally, ingested CHO was oxidized at similar rates in men and women during exercise (peak rates of 0.70 +/- 0.08 and 0.65 +/- 0.06 g/min, respectively). The present investigation suggests that the metabolic response to CHO ingestion during exercise is largely similar in men and women.  相似文献   

Changes in leaf sugar concentrations are a possible mechanism of short‐term adaptation to temperature changes, with natural fluctuations in sugar concentrations in the field expected to modify the heat sensitivity of respiration. We studied temperature‐response curves of leaf dark respiration in the temperate tree Populus tremula (L.) in relation to leaf sugar concentration (1) under natural conditions or (2) leaves with artificially enhanced sugar concentration. Temperature‐response curves were obtained by increasing the leaf temperature at a rate of 1°C min?1. We demonstrate that respiration, similarly to chlorophyll fluorescence, has a break‐point at high temperature, where respiration starts to increase with a faster rate. The average break‐point temperature (TRD) was 48.6 ± 0.7°C at natural sugar concentration. Pulse‐chase experiments with 14CO2 demonstrated that substrates of respiration were derived mainly from the products of starch degradation. Starch degradation exhibited a similar temperature‐response curve as respiration with a break‐point at high temperatures. Acceleration of starch breakdown may be one of the reasons for the observed high‐temperature rise in respiration. We also demonstrate that enhanced leaf sugar concentrations or enhanced osmotic potential may protect leaf cells from heat stress, i.e. higher sugar concentrations significantly modify the temperature‐response curve of respiration, abolishing the fast increase of respiration. Sugars or enhanced osmotic potential may non‐specifically protect respiratory membranes or may block the high‐temperature increase in starch degradation and consumption in respiratory processes, thus eliminating the break‐points in temperature curves of respiration in sugar‐fed leaves.  相似文献   

Summary There are several sources of potential error in calculating the concentration or energy value of floral nectar. Errors resulting from confusing data become substantial with increasing concentration. The different methods of expressing sugar concentration are here clarified, and the correct methods of converting from one to the other are provided. Refractometers in use in field studies usually read on a weight per total weight basis; this is recommended as the mode of statement. The perils of oversimplifying conversions from this mode, as is often done, are pointed out.  相似文献   

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