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The ability of regulatory T cells (Treg) to traffic to sites of inflammation supports their role in controlling immune responses. This feature supports the idea that adoptive transfer of in vitro expanded human Treg could be used for treatment of immune/inflammatory diseases. However, the migratory behavior of Treg, as well as their direct influence at the site of inflammation, remains poorly understood. To explore the possibility that Treg may have direct anti-inflammatory influences on tissues, independent of their well-established suppressive effects on lymphocytes, we studied the adhesive interactions between mouse Treg and endothelial cells, as well as their influence on endothelial function during acute inflammation. We show that Foxp3(+) adaptive/inducible Treg (iTreg), but not naturally occurring Treg, efficiently interact with endothelial selectins and transmigrate through endothelial monolayers in vitro. In response to activation by endothelial Ag presentation or immobilized anti-CD3ε, Foxp3(+) iTreg suppressed TNF-α- and IL-1β-mediated endothelial selectin expression and adhesiveness to effector T cells. This suppression was contact independent, rapid acting, and mediated by TGF-β-induced activin receptor-like kinase 5 signaling in endothelial cells. In addition, Foxp3(+) iTreg adhered to inflamed endothelium in vivo, and their secretion products blocked acute inflammation in a model of peritonitis. These data support the concept that Foxp3(+) iTreg help to regulate inflammation independently of their influence on effector T cells by direct suppression of endothelial activation and leukocyte recruitment.  相似文献   

TLR ligands are potent activators of dendritic cells and therefore function as adjuvants for the induction of immune responses. We analyzed the capacity of TLR ligands to enhance CD8+ T cell responses toward soluble protein Ag. Immunization with OVA together with LPS or poly(I:C) elicited weak CD8+ T cell responses in wild-type C57BL/6 mice. Surprisingly, these responses were greatly increased in mice lacking CD4+ T cells indicating the induction of regulatory CD4+ T cells. In vivo, neutralization of IL-10 completely restored CD8+ T cell responses in wild-type mice and OVA-specific IL-10 producing CD4+ T cells were detected after immunization with OVA plus LPS. Our study shows that TLR ligands not only activate the immune system but simultaneously induce Ag specific, IL-10-producing regulatory Tr1 cells that strongly suppress CD8+ T cell responses. In this way, excessive activation of the immune system may be prevented.  相似文献   

Syngeneic normal lymphoid cells added in co-culture of immune lymphocytes and tumor cells reveal a suppressive activity inhibiting the generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes. The suppression was specific for the response directed against endogenous virus-induced or x-ray-induced tumor cells expressing endogenous C type virus antigens. Thymocytes, spleen cells, or lymph node cells from naive mice were able to express this suppressive activity. The same cells displayed no suppressive activity on killer cells directed against exogenous C type virus-induced tumor cells. The suppressor cells were Thy-1+, Lyt-1- 2+. Our results strongly suggested that the spontaneous suppressor cells exert their activity by interacting with an early step on the CTL response, probably at the level of the helper T cell function. The suppressive activity was mediated by soluble factor(s) that were antigen specific and possibly H-2 restricted. The possible implications of these spontaneous suppressor T lymphocytes in the development of endogenous virus-induced tumors and their possible implications in tolerance to self antigens are discussed.  相似文献   

Target cell lysis by sensitized cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) may be conveniently quantitated by 51Cr release. By fitting to the formula, P (% specfic release) = 100 (1-e-Nat) one obtains alpha, the relative frequency of CTL in N lymphoid cells. Using a microassay and murine sarcoma target cells, we observed an unexpected decrease in lysis whenever effectors obtained from a graft-vs-host reaction were tested at high concentrations. This inhibition was not observed with CTL generated by an MLC reaction. Inhibition could not be explained by nonspecific mechanical 'crowding', reutilization of released isotope, suppression of release from dead target cells, or the particular strain combination and target used. By modifying the formula to allow suppression of CTL by a stochastic cell-cell interaction with suppessor cell, we found that P = 100 (1-e-Nate-Ngamma) adequately fitted the data, where Ngamma is proportional to inhibitor content. An 18- to 24-hr incubation at 37 degrees C but not 4 degrees C allowed selective depletion or enrichment of inhibitors; in mixing experiments, both parameters Nalpha t and Ngamma behaved stoichiometrically as independent cellular properties. The inhibitor was resistant to concentrations of anti-T cell (RAMG) serum + complement which killed -TL. A similar inhibitor arose in vivo during an anti-tumour allograft response. The ability to quantitate CTL and inhibitor activities from titration curves provides a technique for studying the identity and mechanism of suppressor cells acting at the effector stage of cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

The propagation of mucosal tolerance as a therapeutic approach in autoimmune diseases remains a difficult goal to achieve, and therefore further mechanistic studies are necessary to develop potential clinical protocols to induce mucosal regulatory T cells (Tr cells). In this study we addressed whether oral or nasal proteoglycan induced functional Tr cells in the cartilage proteoglycan-induced chronic arthritis model. Both nasal and oral application of human proteoglycan before induction of disease suppressed arthritis severity and incidence. Tolerized mice showed enhanced numbers of IL-10 producing CD4(+) cells in the paw-draining lymph nodes. Furthermore, CD4(+) spleen cells displayed enhanced expression of molecules associated with Tr cells, such as IL-10, Foxp3, and TGF-beta. Transfer of CD4(+) spleen cells from mucosally tolerized donors into proteoglycan-immunized mice abolished arthritis and reduced humoral responses, indicative of Tr cells with the capacity to inhibit already induced immune responses. Tr cells were activated upon transfer, because enhanced proliferation was observed in the joint draining lymph nodes compared with activated T cells from nontolerized donors. Upon cotransfer with naive proteoglycan-specific T cells, mucosally induced Tr cells inhibited proliferation of these arthritogenic T cells in vivo. Herein we show that both oral and nasal Ag application induced Tr cells, which had a direct inhibitory effect on already established pathogenic B and T cell responses.  相似文献   

We evaluated the capacity of NK cells to influence expansion of CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) in response to microbial Ags, using Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a model. We previously found that Tregs expand when CD4(+) cells and monocytes are exposed to M. tuberculosis. Addition of NK cells that were activated by monokines (IL-12, IL-15, and IL-18) or by exposure to M. tuberculosis-stimulated monocytes reduced Treg expansion in response to M. tuberculosis. NK cell inhibition of Treg expansion was not mediated through IFN-gamma. Activated NK cells lysed expanded, but not freshly isolated Tregs. Although monokines increased NK cell expression of the activating receptors NKp46, NKG2D, 2B4, CD16, and DNAM-1, only anti-NKG2D and anti-NKp46 inhibited NK cell lysis of expanded Tregs. Of five NKG2D ligands, only UL16-binding protein 1 (ULBP1) was up-regulated on M. tuberculosis-expanded Tregs, and anti-ULBP1 inhibited NK cell lysis of expanded Tregs. M. tuberculosis-stimulated monocytes activated NK cells to lyse expanded Tregs, and this was also inhibited by anti-NKG2D and anti-ULBP1, confirming the physiological relevance of this effect. Our study identifies a potential new role for NK cells in maintaining the delicate balance between the regulatory and effector arms of the immune response.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) fail to induce allogeneic responses in mixed lymphocyte reaction assays. Because MSC express HLA class I molecules, here we investigated whether they could be recognized as allogeneic targets by cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). With this aim, CTL precursor (CTLp) frequencies were measured following stimulation of T cells with either allogeneic mononuclear cells (MNC) or MSC originated from the same human bone marrow donor. Lysis of MSC was measured at day 10 of culture in standard chromium release assays. In addition, allogeneic PHA blast T cells or B-EBV lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) generated from the same donor were used as positive controls of lysis. Our results showed that when allogeneic MNC were used to stimulate T cells, a high CTLp frequency was detected towards MSC targets. However, when MSC were used as stimulators, CTLp frequencies were markedly altered whatever the targets used, i.e.: MSC, PHA blast T cells or EBV-B LCLs. Moreover, when graded concentrations of MSC were added together with MNC upon stimulation of alloreactive T cells, we observed a dose-dependent decrease in CTLp frequencies towards MSC targets. This inhibition of MSC lysis was partially overcome by adding exogenous rh-IL-2 from the beginning of cultures. In addition, this suppressive effect was totally reproduced when, instead of MSC, supernatant harvested from MSC cultures was added to allogeneic MNC, upon stimulation of alloreactive T cells. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that MSC which can be recognized as targets by pre-activated alloreactive CTLs, may be able to suppress differentiation of CTL precursors into CTL effectors through secretion of suppressive factors.  相似文献   

We have previously observed that in vivo exposure to growing melanoma tumors fundamentally alters activated T cell homeostasis by suppressing the ability of naïve T cells to undergo antigen-driven proliferative expansion. We hypothesized that exposure of T cells in later stages of differentiation to melanoma would have similar suppressive consequences. C57BL/6 mice were inoculated with media or syngeneic B16F10 melanoma tumors 8 or 60 days after infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), and splenic populations of LCMV-specific T cells were quantified using flow cytometry 18 days after tumor inoculation. Inoculation with melanoma on post-infection day 8 potentiated the contraction of previously activated T cells. This enhanced contraction was associated with increased apoptotic susceptibility among T cells from tumor-bearing mice. In contrast, inoculation with melanoma on post-infection day 60 did not affect the ability of previously established memory T cells to maintain themselves in stable numbers. In addition, the ability of previously established memory T cells to respond to LCMV challenge was unaffected by melanoma. Following adoptive transfer into melanoma-bearing mice, tumor-specific memory T cells were significantly more effective at controlling melanoma growth than equivalent numbers of tumor-specific effector T cells. These observations suggest that memory T cells are uniquely resistant to suppressive influences exerted by melanoma on activated T cell homeostasis; these findings may have implications for T cell–based cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are key regulators of immune responses. Mature DC are traditionally considered to be immunogenic, although there is accumulating evidence that they can also be tolerogenic and induce Ag-specific regulatory T cells (Tregs). However, the mechanism of this Treg induction and the site of Treg action in vivo are yet to be defined. In this study, using the experimental model of interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein peptide (1-20)-induced experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis, we show that s.c. inoculation of IRBP-peptide-pulsed IL-10-producing LPS-activated mature DC (IL-10-DC) at one site (the cervical region) suppresses autoimmunity induced at a separate site (the inguinal region). Our data show that s.c. IL-10-DC correlates with an increase in the number of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Tregs at the DC-draining lymph nodes (DC-dLN). However, although MHCII(-/-) IL-10-DC also induces Treg expansion at this DC-dLN, they failed to suppress experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis. Furthermore, unlike wild-type IL-10-DC, MHCII(-/-) IL-10-DC did not correlate with an increase in the percentage of Tregs expressing CD62L at the DC-dLN, nor did they associate with an increase in Treg number at a distal site. Similar effects were also observed after s.c. hen egg lysozyme-pulsed IL-10-DC, which produced a strong reduction in the number and activation of proliferating Ag-specific CD4(+) 3A9 T effector cells. We therefore propose that IL-10-DC require MHCII-dependent Ag presentation, and hence TCR ligation, to promote CD62L-mediated trafficking of Tregs to the site of T effector cell priming, where they suppress autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Deficient T cell regulation can be mechanistically associated with development of chronic autoimmune diseases. Therefore, combining the regulatory properties of IL-10 and the specificity of autoreactive CD4(+) T cells through adoptive cellular gene transfer of IL-10 via autoantigen-specific CD4(+) T cells seems an attractive approach to correct such deficient T cell regulation that avoids the risks of nonspecific immunosuppressive drugs. In this study, we studied how cartilage proteoglycan-specific CD4(+) T cells transduced with an active IL-10 gene (T(IL-10)) may contribute to the amelioration of chronic and progressive proteoglycan-induced arthritis in BALB/c mice. TCR-transgenic proteoglycan-specific T(IL-10) cells ameliorated arthritis, whereas T(IL-10) cells with specificity for OVA had no effect, showing the impact of Ag-specific targeting of inflammation. Furthermore, proteoglycan-specific T(IL-10) cells suppressed autoreactive proinflammatory T and B cells, as T(IL-10) cells caused a reduced expression of IL-2, TNF-alpha, and IL-17 and a diminished proteoglycan-specific IgG2a Ab response. Moreover, proteoglycan-specific T(IL-10) cells promoted IL-10 expression in recipients but did not ameliorate arthritis in IL-10-deficient mice, indicating that T(IL-10) cells suppress inflammation by propagating the endogenous regulatory IL-10 response in treated recipients. This is the first demonstration that such targeted suppression of proinflammatory lymphocyte responses in chronic autoimmunity by IL-10-transduced T cells specific for a natural Ag can occur via the endogenous regulatory IL-10 response.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro, murine peripheral T cells can suppress or "veto" the activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes directed against antigens presented by those T cells. This suppression is antigen-specific and H-2-restricted. The recognition event initiating this suppression appears to be unidirectional; precursors of cytotoxic T lymphocytes recognize the antigen-bearing veto cell and are thereby inactivated--the veto cell need not recognize the CTL precursor. We show here that 3/3 cytolytic T cell clones can exert veto activity in vitro on normal spleen cells which do not bear antigens the T cell clones can recognize. This suppression results in greatly diminished cytotoxic activity generated during a primary 5-day mixed lymphocyte culture against antigens which the veto cell expresses, but not against third-party antigens present in the same culture. In this same system, a noncytolytic T cell clone will not serve as a source of veto cells. Secondary cytotoxic responses are relatively resistant to the veto cell activity of cloned cytolytic T cells. The cloned veto cells do not suppress the generation of cytotoxic activity directed against antigens they recognize (and presumably carry over via antigen-specific receptors). Cold target competition during the cytotoxic assay has been eliminated as a possible mechanism for T cell clone-induced suppression, and suppression cannot be reversed by the addition to the mixed lymphocyte cultures of supernatants from concanavalin A-activated spleen cells. It is suggested that this mechanism of inactivating primary cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses could play an important role in the maintenance of self-tolerance and in the induction and maintenance of tolerance to allografts.  相似文献   

Antigen-independent activation of memory cytotoxic T cells by interleukin 2   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Culture supernatants from mitogen- or antigen-activated murine spleen cells are capable of causing reexpression of specific cytolytic activity from inactive memory cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in the absence of the original priming antigen. We have demonstrated that memory CTL from cytolytically inactive day 14 MLC cells are induced to reexpress high levels of specific cytotoxic activity after incubation with IL 2. Highly purified IL 2 was shown to induce levels of lytic activity comparable with that induced by supernatants from secondary mixed lymphocyte cultures (secondary MLC SN), suggesting that only IL 2 is necessary for the reactivation process. Moreover, only Lyt-2+ cells are necessary for reactivation inasmuch as inactive MLC cells depleted of Lyt-1+ cells by treatment with antibody and complement, followed by FACS selection of Lyt-2+ cells, were efficiently reactivated by IL 2. Because IL 2 is considered a proliferative signal, we examined whether proliferation was requisite for reactivation of memory CTL by IL 2. In the presence of cytosine arabinoside, which effectively inhibited proliferation, IL 2 was capable of reactivating memory CTL as efficiently as antigen, thus implying a differentiative role for IL 2 in secondary CTL activation. Reactivation of CTL by IL 2 and antigen appear to be functionally distinct events, because antigen but not IL 2 could trigger immune interferon release, although either IL 2 or antigen induced high levels of cytotoxicity. We propose that resting, memory CTL retain a heightened level of expression of IL 2 receptors as compared with naive CTL precursors, and thus are able to respond directly to exogenous IL 2. The consequences of this are proliferation and reexpression of specific killing activity, but this signal is not sufficient to induce immune interferon secretion. Rather, it appears that a signal via the antigen receptor is necessary for release of this lymphokine.  相似文献   

A portal venous injection of allogeneic donor cells is known to prolong the survival of subsequently transplanted allografts. In this study, we investigated the role of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) in immunosuppressive effects induced by a portal injection of allogeneic cells on T cells with indirect allospecificity. To eliminate the direct CD4+ T cell response, C57BL/6 (B6) MHC class II-deficient C2tatm1Ccum (C2D) mice were used as donors. After portal injection of irradiated B6 C2D splenocytes into BALB/c mice, the host LSECs that endocytosed the irradiated allogeneic splenocytes showed enhanced expression of MHC class II molecules, CD80, and Fas ligand (FasL). Due to transmigration across the LSECs from BALB/c mice treated with a portal injection of B6 C2D splenocytes, the naive BALB/c CD4+ T cells lost their responsiveness to stimulus of BALB/c splenic APCs that endocytose donor-type B6 C2D alloantigens, while maintaining a normal response to stimulus of BALB/c splenic APCs that endocytose third-party C3H alloantigens. Similar results were not observed for naive BALB/c CD4+ T cells that transmigrated across the LSECs from BALB/c FasL-deficient mice treated with a portal injection of B6 C2D splenocytes. Adaptive transfer of BALB/c LSECs that had endocytosed B6 C2D splenocytes into BALB/c mice via the portal vein prolonged the survival of subsequently transplanted B6 C2D hearts; however, a similar effect was not observed for BALB/c FasL-deficient LSECs. These findings indicate that LSECs that had endocytosed allogeneic splenocytes have immunosuppressive effects on T cells with indirect allospecificity, at least partially via the Fas/FasL pathway.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of ligand-engaged cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) to the T cell receptor (TCR) during the early phase of T cell activation attenuates TCR signaling, leading to T cell inhibition. To promote this event, a bispecific fusion protein comprising a mutant mouse CD80 (CD80w88a) and lymphocyte activation antigen-3 was engineered to concurrently engage CTLA-4 and cross-link it to the TCR. Cross-linking is expected to be attained via ligation of CTLA-4 first to MHCII and then indirectly to the TCR, generating a CTLA-4-MHCII-TCR trimolecular complex that forms between T cells and antigen-presenting cells during T cell activation. Treating T cells with this bispecific fusion protein inhibited T cell activation. In addition, it induced the production of IL-10 and TGF-β and attenuated AKT and mTOR signaling. Intriguingly, treatment with the bispecific fusion protein also directed early T cell differentiation into Foxp3-positive regulatory T cells (Tregs). This process was dependent on the endogenous production of TGF-β. Thus, bispecific fusion proteins that engage CTLA-4 and co-ligate it to the TCR during the early phase of T cell activation can negatively regulate the T cell response. Bispecific biologics with such dual functions may therefore represent a novel class of therapeutics for immune modulation. These findings presented here also reveal a potential new role for CTLA-4 in Treg differentiation.  相似文献   

Fas-mediated apoptosis is a key mechanism for elimination of autoreactive T cells, yet loss of function mutations in the Fas signaling pathway does not result in overt T cell-mediated autoimmunity. Furthermore, mice and humans with homozygous Fas(lpr) or Fas ligand(gld) mutations develop significant numbers of B220+ CD4- CD8- double-negative (DN) alphabeta T cells (hereafter referred to as B220+ DN T cells) of poorly understood function. In this study, we show that B220+ DN T cells, whether generated in vitro or isolated from mutant mice, can suppress the ability of activated T cells to proliferate or produce IL-2, IL-10, and IFN-gamma. B220+ DN T cells that were isolated from either lpr or gld mice were able to suppress proliferation of autologous and syngeneic CD4 T cells, showing that suppression is Fas independent. Furthermore, restoration of Fas/Fas ligand interaction did not enhance suppression. The mechanism of suppression involves inhibition of IL-2 production and its high affinity IL-2R alpha-chain (CD25). Suppression also requires cell/cell contact and TCR activation of B220+ DN T cells, but not soluble cytokines. These findings suggest that B220+ DN T cells may be involved in controlling autoreactive T cells in the absence of Fas-mediated peripheral tolerance.  相似文献   

Lili Y  Yi W  Ji Y  Yue S  Weimin S  Ming L 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e37513
Melanocyte-specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play a pivotal role in vitiligo-induced depigmentation. Yet, the mechanisms underlying the high frequency of generalized autoimmune disorders associated with generalized vitiligo (GV) are unknown. We hypothesized that an imbalance between activated CD8(+) CTLs and regulatory T cells (Tregs) exists in patients with GV . Assessment of the circulating CD8(+) CTLs and Tregs by flow cytometric analysis revealed an obvious expansion of CD8(+) CTLs and a concomitant decrease in Treg cells in GV patients. The percentages of skin infiltrating CD8(+) CTLs and Tregs were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and revealed dramatically increased numbers of both CD8(+) CTLs and Tregs in the perilesional skin of GV patients. However, peripheral Tregs were impaired in their ability to suppress the proliferation and cytolytic capacity of autologous CD8(+) T cells, suggesting that a functional failure of Tregs and the hyper-activation of CD8(+) CTLs may contribute to progressive GV. Our data indicate that reduced numbers and impaired function of natural Tregs fail to control the widespread activation of CD8(+) CTLs, which leads to the destruction of melanocytes and contributes to the elevated frequency of various associated autoimmune diseases. This knowledge furthers our understanding of the mechanisms of immune tolerance that are impaired in GV patients and may aid in the future development of effective immunotherapy for GV patients.  相似文献   

Suppression of T cell response is thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Regulatory T cell (Treg) mediated immune-suppression is reported in animal models of Leishmania infection. However, their precise role among human patients still requires pathologic validation. The present study is aimed at understanding the frequency dynamics and function of Treg cells in the blood and bone marrow (BM) of VL patients. The study included 42 parasitologically confirmed patients, 17 healthy contact and 9 normal bone marrow specimens (NBM). We show i) the selective accumulation of Treg cells at one of the disease inflicted site(s), the BM, ii) their in vitro expansion in response to LD antigen and iii) persistence after successful chemotherapy. Results indicate that the Treg cells isolated from BM produces IL-10 and may inhibit T cell activation in IL-10 dependent manner. Moreover, we observed significantly higher levels of IL-10 among drug unresponsive patients, suggesting their critical role in suppression of immunity among VL patients. Our results suggest that IL-10 plays an important role in suppression of host immunity in human VL and possibly determines the efficacy of chemotherapy.  相似文献   

We have explored further the basis for resistance of cloned cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) to cell-mediated cytotoxicity. We find that most cloned CTLs recognized as specific target cells by other cloned CTLs used as effector cells fail to activate three early events that may be critical in triggering lysis in the effector CTLs: Ca2+ influx, microtubule organizing center (MTOC) reorientation, and serine esterase release. To the extent that any or all of these events are involved in activation or expression of the lytic pathway in effector CTLs, our results suggest that in addition to being inherently resistant to cytotoxic granule extracts, many CTLs are also unable to induce lytic function in other (effector) CTLs. We have found one CTL clone that can respond to recognizable cloned CTL target cells with at least MTOC reorientation and serine esterase release, although the target CTLs are still not lysed. In this case, the resistance of the target CTL to lysis may be due solely to its resistance to cytoplasmic granule contents.  相似文献   

M Hubo  H Jonuleit 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e44056


Dendritic cells (DC) play a key role in initiation and regulation of immune responses. Plasmacytoid DC (pDC), a small subset of DC, characterized as type-I interferon producing cells, are critically involved in anti-viral immune responses, but also mediate tolerance by induction of regulatory T cells (Treg). In this study, we compared the capacity of human pDC and conventional DC (cDC) to modulate T cell activity in presence of Foxp3+ Treg.

Principal Findings

In coculture of T effector cells (Teff) and Treg, activated cDC overcome Treg anergy, abrogate their suppressive function and induce Teff proliferation. In contrast, pDC do not break Treg anergy but induce Teff proliferation even in coculture with Treg. Lack of Treg-mediated suppression is independent of proinflammatory cytokines like IFN-α, IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α. Phenotyping of pDC-stimulated Treg reveals a reduced expression of Treg activation markers GARP and CTLA-4. Additional stimulation by anti-CD3 antibodies enhances surface expression of GARP and CTLA-4 on Treg and consequently reconstitutes their suppressive function, while increased costimulation with anti-CD28 antibodies is ineffective.


Our data show that activated pDC induce Teff proliferation, but are insufficient for functional Treg activation and, therefore, allow expansion of Teff also in presence of Treg.  相似文献   

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