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Tabanid flies are telmophages (pool feeders), taking frequent and rapid bloodmeals from many different individual hosts. To investigate how they accomplish this intermittent feeding strategy, we examined the anticoagulant activities in salivary gland extracts (SGE) from 19 species representing six genera: Atylotus, Chrysops, Haematopota, Heptatoma, Hybomitra and Tabanus (Diptera: Tabanidae). Standard coagulation screen assays were used to determine thrombin time, prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time. Chromogenic substrate assays were performed for thrombin and factor Xa activity. SGE of most species (except Chrysops spp.) considerably prolonged human plasma clotting time in a dose-dependent manner, and showed potent and specific antithrombin activity in the chromogenic substrate assay. Heptatoma pellucens displayed the strongest anticoagulant activity. Specific anti-factor Xa activity in tabanid SGE was not detected. Electrophoretic profiles of SGE proteins differed between genera and species. Overall, the results suggest that tabanids have evolved at least two antihaemostatic strategies.  相似文献   

Trypanosomes of the subgenus Megatrypanum have been isolated from many mammalian hosts around the world. They are usually non-pathogenic, although they may confuse the parasitological diagnosis of trypanosomosis. Additionally, Trypanosoma theileri has been associated with disease in cattle. Megatrypanum trypanosomes are considered to be transmitted by different arthropods, including tabanids. However, little is known about the potential vectors of Megatrypanum trypanosomes in different parts of the world. The present study reports on the detection of Megatrypanum trypanosomes in Heamatopota pluvialis, Tabanus bromius, Tabanus maculicornis and Tabanus distinguendus in Poland. It also discusses the possible role of these tabanids in the transmission of Megatrypanum trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Tabanids are haematophagous insects that act as biological and mechanical vectors of various diseases, including viruses, bacteria and parasites. The saliva of these insects contains strong anticoagulant and vasodilatory activities as well as immunoregulatory peptides. Here we demonstrate pronounced hyaluronidase (hyase) activity in ten tabanid species of the genera Chrysops, Haematopota, Hybomitra and Tabanus. Compared to other haematophagous insects, the ability of tabanid hyases to hydrolyze hyaluronic acid (HA) is extremely high, for example the enzyme activity of Hybomitra muehlfeldi was found to be 32-fold higher than the salivary hyase activity of the sand fly Phlebotomus papatasi. Hyases of all ten tabanid species tested also cleaved chondroitin sulfate A, another glycosaminoglycan present in the extracellular matrix of vertebrates. The pH optimum of the enzyme activity was measured in eight tabanid species; the hyase of Haemopota pluvialis was the only one with optimum at pH 4.0, while in the other seven species the activity optimum was at 5.0. SDS PAGE zymography showed the monomeric character of the enzymes in all tabanid species tested. Under non-reducing conditions the activities were visible as single bands with estimated MW between 35 and 52 kDa. The very high hyaluronidase activity in tabanid saliva might be related to their aggressive biting behavior as well as to their high efficiency as mechanical vectors. As they are supposedly involved in the enlargement of feeding hematomas, hyases might contribute to the mechanical transmission of pathogens. Pathogens present in vector mouthparts are co-inoculated into the vertebrate host together with saliva and may benefit from increased tissue permeability and the immunomodulatory activity of the salivary hyase.  相似文献   

Horse flies, family Tabanidae, are the most diverse family‐level clade of bloodsucking insects, but their phylogeny has never been thoroughly explored using molecular data. Most adult female Tabanidae feed on nectar and on the blood of various mammals. Traditional horse fly classification tends towards large heterogeneous taxa, which impede much‐needed taxonomic work. To guide renewed efforts in the systematics of horse flies and their relatives, we assembled a dataset of 110 exemplar species using nucleotide data from four genes—mitochondrial CO1, and nuclear 28S, CAD and AATS. All commonly recognized tribes in Tabanidae are represented, along with outgroups in Tabanomorpha. The phylogeny is reconstructed using Bayesian inference, and divergence times are estimated using Bayesian relaxed clock methods with time constraints from tabanid fossils. Our results show Athericidae strongly supported as the lineage most closely related to Tabanidae, and Pangoniinae and Tabaninae as monophyletic lineages. However, Chrysopsinae is nonmonophyletic, with strong support for both a nonmonophyletic Bouvieromyiini and for Rhinomyzini as sister to Tabaninae. Only the tribes Philolichini, Chrysopsini, Rhinomyzini and Haematopotini are recovered as monophyletic, although Scionini is monophyletic with exclusion of the peculiar genus Goniops Aldrich. Mycteromyia Philippi and Adersia Austen, two enigmatic genera sometimes placed in separate family‐level groups, are recovered inside Pangoniini and Chrysopsini, respectively. Several species‐rich genera are not recovered as monophyletic, including Esenbeckia Rondani, Silvius Meigen, Dasybasis Macquart and Tabanus L. Tabanidae likely originated in the Cretaceous, and all major extant groups were present by the early Palaeogene. This newly revised phylogenetic framework for Tabanidae forms the basis for a new assessment of tabanid diversification and provides context for understanding the evolution of trophic specialization in horse flies.  相似文献   

Tabanid flies were captured in a sheep pasture in Hungary using black plastic boards (30 × 30 cm), coated with an adhesive sheet, which were either unbaited or baited with ethane-ethiol or Swormlure-4. Five species of tabanid were caught, of which Tabanus tergestinus was caught in the greatest number (87% of 192). The sex ratio of T. tergestinus on unbaited boards was not statistically significantly different to equality. However, on baited boards, males were significantly more numerous, probably due to a repellent effect of the odours on female tabanids. Because of the importance of repellents in tabanid control, this result encourages the exploration of a wider range of compounds as tabanid repellents than are used at present. Sticky boards offer a simple technique for trapping both sexes of tabanids, especially males, which are poorly represented in many tabanid traps.  相似文献   

Information on the daily activity patterns of tabanid flies is important in the development of strategies that decrease the risk of pathogens transmitted by them. In addition, this information is useful to maximize numbers of tabanids trapped during short‐term studies and to target feeding behavior studies of certain tabanid species to their times of peak activity. The current study examined the effects of various meteorological factors on the daily activity patterns of common tropical species of tabanids in north Queensland. Each species studied responded differently to weather factors. Tabanus townsvilli Ricardo (Diptera: Tabanidae) was most active during late morning and early afternoon, whereas Pseudotabanus silvester (Bergroth) and Tabanus pallipennis Macquart were most active in the late afternoon. Tabanus dorsobimaculatus Macquart was most active in the morning and early afternoon. Data on daily activity patterns of tabanid flies indicates that in an area such as Townsville, North Queensland, where several species of tabanid are present concurrently in high numbers, the overlapping periods of high activity for these species indicate a high risk of pathogen transmission for most of the day (10.00–19.00 hours). Similarly, because each species responds differently to weather variables, only extreme weather conditions are likely to inhibit activity of all species. These data also indicate that for maximal results, trapping and feeding behavior studies should be tailored to the preferred activity period of the species under investigation.  相似文献   

During blood-sucking, female members of the family Tabanidae transmit pathogens of serious diseases and annoy their host animals so strongly that they cannot graze, thus the health of the hosts is drastically reduced. Consequently, a tabanid-resistant coat with appropriate brightness, colour and pattern is advantageous for the host. Spotty coats are widespread among mammals, especially in cattle (Bos primigenius). In field experiments we studied the influence of the size and number of spots on the attractiveness of test surfaces to tabanids that are attracted to linearly polarized light. We measured the reflection-polarization characteristics of living cattle, spotty cattle coats and the used test surfaces. We show here that the smaller and the more numerous the spots, the less attractive the target (host) is to tabanids. We demonstrate that the attractiveness of spotty patterns to tabanids is also reduced if the target exhibits spottiness only in the angle of polarization pattern, while being homogeneous grey with a constant high degree of polarization. Tabanid flies respond strongly to linearly polarized light, and we show that bright and dark parts of cattle coats reflect light with different degrees and angles of polarization that in combination with dark spots on a bright coat surface disrupt the attractiveness to tabanids. This could be one of the possible evolutionary benefits that explains why spotty coat patterns are so widespread in mammals, especially in ungulates, many species of which are tabanid hosts.  相似文献   

Cattle flies, including Musca autumnalis, Haematobia irritans, and Hydrotaea irritans, are pests of pastured cattle. A 2-year study of the natural occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi in adult cattle flies and other flies associated with pastures showed that the four species included in the Entomophthora muscae species complex (E. muscae sensu lato) caused high infection levels in several species of flies. However, only a few specimens of cattle flies were infected by E. muscae sensu stricto despite the fact that cattle flies were observed to perch on spear thistles, which acted as transmission site for all four Entomophthora species. Transmission experiments with E. muscae s.l. supported the field data. Of the two species considered host specific, E. syrphi caused substantial infection in a muscid, and E. scatophagae likewise could be transmitted to a muscid. This emphasizes the need for a revision of the two species. Low prevalences were recorded of another entomophthoralean, Furia americana, and of the hyphomycetes Beauveria bassiana and Verticillium lecanii.  相似文献   

While learning to avoid toxic food is common in mammals and occurs in some insects, learning to avoid cues associated with infectious pathogens has received little attention. We demonstrate that Drosophila melanogaster show olfactory learning in response to infection with their virulent intestinal pathogen Pseudomonas entomophila. This pathogen was not aversive to taste when added to food. Nonetheless, flies exposed for 3 h to food laced with P. entomophila, and scented with an odorant, became subsequently less likely to choose this odorant than flies exposed to pathogen-laced food scented with another odorant. No such effect occurred after an otherwise identical treatment with an avirulent mutant of P. entomophila, indicating that the response is mediated by pathogen virulence. These results demonstrate that a virulent pathogen infection can act as an aversive unconditioned stimulus which flies can associate with food odours, and thus become less attracted to pathogen-contaminated food.  相似文献   

Five beetle spiroplasmas, the Colorado potato beetlespiroplasma (CPBS, strain LD-1), the Cantharis carolinusspiroplasma (CCBS, strain CC-1), the Ellychnia corrusca fireflyspiroplasma (FS, strain EC-1), the Diabrotica undecimpunctatacorn rootworm spiroplasma (CRS, strain DU-1), and the Spiroplasmafloricola fall flower spiroplasma (FFS), all associated withbeetles, were fed to beetles (Maladera matrida and Carpophilushumeralis) and mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens). CPBSand CCBS were also injected into M. matrida. Attempts to recoverspiroplasmas from regurgitates and hemolymph were conducted 1–10days after their introduction. After day 1, orally administeredspiroplasmas could not be recovered from M. matrida beetles;however, at 2–5 days, four out of five spiroplasmas wererecovered from adult C. humeralis. Injected spiroplasmas survivedin the hemolymph of M. matrida beetles for a relatively longperiod (at least 22 days). All five spiroplasmas were recoveredfrom mosquitoes 1 day post feeding, but only two (CCBS and CRS)survived for five or more days. The results show short andvariable persistence in orally challenged non-host insects, withgeneral failure to pass the gut barrier. Such evidence should beconsidered when attempting to use these microbes in biocontrolprograms.  相似文献   

With few exceptions insects whose larvae develop in freshwater possess positive polarotaxis, i.e., are attracted to sources of horizontally polarized light, because they detect water by means of the horizontal polarization of light reflected from the water surface. These insects can be deceived by artificial surfaces (e.g. oil lakes, asphalt roads, black plastic sheets, dark-coloured cars, black gravestones, dark glass surfaces, solar panels) reflecting highly and horizontally polarized light. Apart from the surface characteristics, the extent of such a ‘polarized light pollution’ depends on the illumination conditions, direction of view, and the threshold p* of polarization sensitivity of a given aquatic insect species. p* means the minimum degree of linear polarization p of reflected light that can elicit positive polarotaxis from a given insect species. Earlier there were no quantitative data on p* in aquatic insects. The aim of this work is to provide such data. Using imaging polarimetry in the red, green and blue parts of the spectrum, in multiple-choice field experiments we measured the threshold p* of ventral polarization sensitivity in mayflies, dragonflies and tabanid flies, the positive polarotaxis of which has been shown earlier. In the blue (450 nm) spectral range, for example, we obtained the following thresholds: dragonflies: Enallagma cyathigerum (0% < p* ≤ 17%), Ischnura elegans (17% ≤ p* ≤ 24%). Mayflies: Baetis rhodani (32% ≤ p* ≤ 55%), Ephemera danica, Epeorus silvicola, Rhithrogena semicolorata (55% ≤ p* ≤ 92%). Tabanids: Tabanus bovinus, Tabanus tergestinus (32% ≤ p* ≤ 55%), Tabanus maculicornis (55% ≤ p* ≤ 92%).  相似文献   

Time flies for Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scully AL  Kay SA 《Cell》2000,100(3):297-300

The nutritional requirements of 43 strains of Haemophilus influenzae isolated from clinical and normal flora sources were investigated. Two defined minimal media were developed by modifying the medium of Herriott et al. (1970):74% of the strains could grow on the minimal media and Herriott's medium; the remaining strains could not grow on any of these media.  相似文献   

Ear tags containing 40% organophosphate insecticides (diazinon or diazinon plus chlorpyrifos-ethyl) were applied to control Haematobia irritans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) in treated (TG01 and TG02) and untreated (UG01 and UG02) groups of Holstein heifers born in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Control and treated groups were assessed for the abundance of Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) from August 2001 to April 2002 and again from August 2002 to April 2003. The treatment had a high efficacy for control of horn flies (maximum median number per heifer of TG01 and TG02 = 5) but a low effect on the abundance of stable flies. The total numbers of S. calcitrans were 1251 (42.9% of the total) and 1668 (57.1%) for TG01 and UG01, and 1423 (48.8%) and 1494 (51.2%) in TG02 and UG02, respectively. No significant difference in stable fly burden was found in 55 of the 76 weeks evaluated. A unimodal peak of abundance in the spring was found during the first fly season, and a bimodal abundance, with peaks in the spring and autumn, during the second season. No strong associations between horn fly and stable fly burdens was found in individuals of the CG01 (correlation coefficient = 0.13, P > 0.05) or CG02 (correlation coefficient = 0.538, P < 0.05, determination coefficient = 0.289).  相似文献   

Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans [Diptera: Muscidae] L.) are blood‐feeding synanthropic pests, which cause significant economic losses in livestock. Stable fly antennae contain olfactory sensilla responsive to host and host environment‐associated odours. Field observation indicated that the abundance of stable flies increased significantly in grasslands or crop fields when cattle manure slurry was applied. Major volatile compounds emanating from manure slurry were collected and identified. Behavioural responses of stable flies to those compounds were investigated in laboratory bioassays and field‐trapping studies. Results from olfactometer assays revealed that phenol, p‐cresol and m‐cresol were attractive to adult stable flies. When tested individually, attraction was higher with lower dosages. Stable flies were most attracted to blends of phenol and m‐cresol or p‐cresol. Traps with binary blend lures caught more stable flies in field trials as well.  相似文献   

An extensive survey of the ectoparasites infesting bats in Paraguay provides information regarding the taxonomy and host distribution of streblid bat flies at a geographic interface between subtropical and temperate habitats. Five families of bats representing 45 species, including Molossidae (5 genera and 15 species), Natalidae (1 genus and 1 species), Phyllostomidae (11 genera and 15 species), Noctilionidae (1 genus and 2 species), and Vespertilionidae (4 genera and 12 species) were collected from 24 localities across Paraguay and sampled for ectoparasites. In total, 2,467 bat flies were collected, representing 11 genera and 31 nominal species of Streblidae, of which 6 genera and 24 species are new records for Paraguay. No streblids were collected from vespertilionid bats; 23 species infested phyllostomids, 6 species noctilionids, 1 species a natalid, and 1 species molossids. Streblid bat flies were highly specific to certain host groups and individual host species, and their geographic distributions closely followed those of their host bats. Of 31 streblid species surveyed, 27 were monoxenous (i.e., associated with a single host species), and 4 were stenoxenous (i.e., associated with a group of phylogenetically related hosts). The number of streblid species is greatly reduced in the Chaco region west of the Paraguay River, largely because of the lack of phyllostomid host bats.  相似文献   

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