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The chironomid fauna of Baldwin Lake, an off-stream closed-cycle cooling reservoir for an 1800-megawatt coal-fired power plant, was sampled semi-monthly to monthly at four stations for six years, beginning five months after the reservoir was filled and ending 23 months after the third unit of the power plant went into operation. In the main basin three species dominated: Coelotanypus concinnus (Coquillett), Procladius bellus (Loew), and Tanypus stellatus Coquillett. The last did not become established until the lake was two years old, probably because temperatures were too low the first winter. Populations of all three species were initially large and sharply fluctuating, but later became smaller and less fluctuant in C. concinnus and P. bellus, due, probably, to more intense predation on them. Only in T. stellatus were changes in voltinism clearly evident: it changed from bivoltine to tri- and quatrivoltine as degree-days of heat increased. Photoperiod also affected its life cycle, as evidenced by synchronous development of summer generations each year. Temperature and perhaps food supply affected development time of its overwintering generation. All three species tolerated a temperature of 38 °C; their populations were kept low in the discharge channel by the current, not the temperature. Six species of Chironominae were sporadically abundant in the discharge channel.  相似文献   

记述拟枝角摇蚊属Paracladopelma 1新种:短鞭拟枝角摇蚊P.demissum sp.nov.。该新种触角比AR低,为0.60;肛尖具中肋;第9背板后缘肩形;第9背板带V型;上附器远端膨大,向外侧成三角形突起状,亚顶端具2根大刚毛,且内侧密被小刚毛;抱器端节两侧平行,中部内弯。模式标本存放于南开大学生命科学学院摇蚊学研究室。  相似文献   

Instars II and III of Polypedilum aviceps Townes, Polypedilum convictum (Walker), and Polypedilum illinoense (Malloch) can be identified to species by associating them with instar IV because key taxonomic characters remain relatively unchanged from instar to instar. Instars I cannot be identified to species or genus unless they are associated with older, identifiable larvae reared from the same egg masses. No single character evaluated on slide material can be used to clearly separate instars in all three species. Larvae of P. aviceps can be separated into instars based on any four of seven characters; P. convictum by either of two characters; and, P. illinoense by a combination of two characters. Changes in structures of instars II, III, and IV are described for all three species. Growth ratios for some structures are compared and discussed with regard to Dyar's Rule.  相似文献   

Georg Wolfram 《Hydrobiologia》1996,318(1-3):103-115
From July 1990 to July 1991 the benthic community of the open water zone of Neusiedler See, one of the largest shallow lakes in central Europe, was studied with special reference to the chironomids. Only 16 spp. of chironomids inhabited the sediment of the open water zone. The numerically dominant species were Tanypus punctipennis, Procladius cf. choreus, Microchironomus tener and Cladotanytarsus gr. mancus. Most invertebrates showed a distinct horizontal distribution. Species richness and abundance were highest on muddy and organically rich substrates near the reed belt. Chironomid densities in this area reached 54,000 ind m–2 and biomass was 2.0 g dw m–2. The two tanypod species accounted for more than 90% of the standing stock of the macrozoobenthos near the reed belt. The sediment of the open lake and of the eastern part of Neusiedler See was composed of compact clay and sand as a result of the erosion of fine material due to strong waves and currents. Individual densities in these areas were much lower. Production of the numerically dominant species T. punctipennis was estimated using the increment-summation method, whereas production of the remaining species was estimated using an empirically derived multiple regression. Mean annual production of chironomids exceeded 6 g dw m–2 yr–1 near the reed belt, but it reached only 0.55 g dw m–2 yr–1 in the open lake. These values are rather low compared with other lakes and can be explained by unfavourable sediment conditions due to wave action and by physiological stress due to the water chemistry.  相似文献   

J. H. Epler 《Hydrobiologia》1996,318(1-3):3-11
The males of three new species of Oukuriella Epler are described from Costa Rica. The genus had been previously recorded only from South America. Oukuriella annamae sp. nov. has genitalia similar to O. albistyla Epler, but differs in having transverse bands on abdominal segments In, IV, VI and VII, a lower AR, no humeral setae and fewer dorsocentral setae. Oukuriella costaricense sp. nov. differs from other described species in the genus by its brown abdomen, unnotched posterior margin of tergite IX and distinctive superior volsella, with its sharply bent, thin upper arm directed medially, and digitus small and directed caudad. Oukuriella rushi sp. nov. has apices of femora tipped with brown, a brown abdomen and distinctive superior volsella, with upper arm shorter and broader, and digitus longer then O. costaricense. The female of Oukuriella costaricense is also described. This is the first female described for the genus. Based on male and female genitalia, Oukuriella is closely related to Epedilum Townes and Zavreliella Kieffer. A key is provided to separate the males of the six described species.  相似文献   

Wang  Xinhua  Sæther  Ole A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,444(1-3):237-240
Rheocricotopus (Psilocricotopus) calviculus sp. n. and R. (P.) villiculus sp. n. from China are described as male imagines. The species are closely related to the previously described R. (P.) orientalis Wang forming a new group, the orientalis group, which eventually may deserve the rank of subgenus or even genus. The group is distinguished by lacking a humeral pit, numerous sensilla clavata on third palpomere, cuneiform wings, no or few setae on squama, long legs, banded abdomen, very long inferior volsella, gonocoxite with apical extensions, and gonostylus with a median triangular projection.  相似文献   

The natural incidence of deformities in the head capsules of Chironomus zealandicus was investigated at four lake sites in the central North Island (New Zealand) in summer (December) of 1994, 1995 and 1996, and winter (June) of 1995 and 1996. Significant differences were observed in deformities between sites and seasons. Individuals from Hamurana Stream, a relatively clean site, had the lowest incidence of deformities. However, there were still significant numbers of deformed chironomids. The incidence of deformity increased in summer in larvae from all sites except Hamurana Stream. No seasonal differences were observed in larvae from Hamurana Stream. There are indications that substrate type, season and genetic factors, as well as sediment chemistry may have collectively contributed to the incidence of head capsule abnormalities in C. zealandicus.  相似文献   

Twenty-two chironomid species were found in Lake Shabla. Five species (Chironomus bonus, Dicrotendipes lobiger, Kiefferulus tendipediformis, Cricotopus suspiciosus and Cricotopus sp.) are new for Bulgaria. Their karytopes are described for the first time.Cytogenetic studies of two closely related chironomid species, Glyptotendipes glaucus and G. pallens, show that in one area of sympatry (Lake Shabla, Bulgaria) about 2.5% of the naturally occuring individuals are hybrids. In most cases, in this hybrid, 1st, IInd and IIIrd chromosomes correspond fully to the chromosomes of G. glaucus. The IVth chromosome is a hybrid, with one homologue of the species G. glaucus; the other homologue is derived from G. pallens. Introgressive hybridization is of particular importance to the production of these combinations. Despite hybridization, natural selection appears to maintain the essential integrity of each separate gene pool.  相似文献   

Two new species of chironomid midges (Rheosmittia arcuata n.sp. and Mesocricotopus loticus n.sp.) are recognized. They may easily be missed in collections due to their small size, and difficulty in collecting from the larval microhabitat (sand substrates for R. arcuata n.sp., low order streams with depositional substrates including gravel, sand, and silt for M. loticus n.sp.). Some morphological features are given to distinguish the new species from similar congeneric forms. The distribution and some ecological information for each species are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Fifty one chironomid species were identified from 504 samples collected at depths ranging 8 to 267 m in Lake Michigan, U.S.A. Heterotrissocladius oliveri Saether occurred in 32% of these samples and had an average abundance of 22 m–2 which was similar to other estimates from the Great Lakes. Maximum average lake-wide density was at 30 to 60 m (41 m–2). At depths 60 m, H. oliveri was the dominant chironomid species comprising 75% of total Chironomidae. The substrate preference of H. oliveri differed within each depth regime considered: at 30–60 m, 2–3 ; at 60–120 m, 3–5 , 7–9 ; and at 120–180 m, 6–8 . Abundance was notably reduced at all depths in substrates characterized as medium silt (5–6 ). On a lake-wide basis, the distribution pattern suggested H. oliveri was most numerous from 30 to 60 m along the southwestern, eastern, and northern shorelines and at 60–120 m depths along the southern and eastern shorelines. Increased abundance in the South Basin was concurrent with evidence of increased sedimentation at 60 to 100 m. However, in several other areas of the lake, high densities were associated with medium to very fine sands relatively free of silts and clays. This observation suggested occurrence of H. oliveri was minimally affected by sediment type.Widely variable, but generally elevated water temperatures likely prevent H. oliveri from establishing a substantial population density at depths < 30 m. With increased depth, temperature fluctuation is negligible and food is more stable, though the source is variable. Factors limiting abundance of H. oliveri at depths 30 m were related to decreased food supply due to distance from shore, food sources of lower value (clays), and, most importantly, to reproductive replenishment.Although still oligotrophic in nature, high density occurrences in both high and low sedimentation areas of the lake suggest the trophic indicator status of H. oliveri might be broader than previously thought.  相似文献   

Adult chironomids were collected by light trap operations, sweeping grasses with insect nets, and aspiration of light‐attracted adults at various localities. All collected specimens were slide‐mounted and identified. Six species new to science were found and named: Rheotanytarsus pseudopentapoda n. sp., Cricotopus byeonsanensis n. sp., Cricotopus parajogantertius n. sp., Limnophyes bukhandecimus n. sp., Limnophyes simensis n. sp. and Orthocladius jeongnungensis. Two species, Ainuyusuroka tuberculatum (Tokunaga) and Pseudosmittia nishiharaensis Sasa and Hasegawa, are found for the first time in Korea. All species are fully described with illustrations. This is the first report of the genus Ainugusurika in Korea.  相似文献   

J. H. Epler 《Hydrobiologia》1996,318(1-3):13-15
The adult male of Dicrotendipes baru is described from the Dominical area of southwestern Costa Rica. The species is characterized by its elongate club-like superior volsella. This species represents the third member of the genus known from Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Chironomidae (Diptera) of Baldwin Lake,Illinois, a cooling reservoir   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The chironomid fauna of Baldwin Lake, a closed-cycle cooling reservoir for a power plant, was sampled monthly to semi-monthly for one year at four stations, two in the discharge channel and two in the main basin. Qualitative samples were also taken elsewhere and with multiple-plate samplers. Twenty-four species were collected. Annual mean population density was less than 100 larvae m–2 in the channel, 1037 M–2 in the main basin. Three species of Tanypodinae formed over 96 percent of the larval population in the main basin: Tanypus stellatus Coquillett, Procladius bellus (Loew), and Coelotanypus concinnus (Coquillett). The principal species on the multiple-plate samplers were Dicrotendipes nervosus (Staeger), Glyptotendipes lobiferus (Say), and Parachironomus monochromus (Wulp). Temperatures of 35°C or more in the channel virtually eliminated the chironomids, whereas temperatures up to 32°C in the main basin increased the number of generations of T. stellatus from the usual two to four at Station 3 and three at Station 4. Station 3 had almost 1,000 degree-days more heat than Station 4.  相似文献   

Aim Anthropogenic climate change is expected to result in the complete loss of glaciers from the high mountains of tropical Africa, with profound impacts on the hydrology and ecology of unique tropical cold‐water lakes located downstream from them. This study examines the biodiversity of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) communities in these scarce Afroalpine lake systems, in order to determine their uniqueness in relation to lowland African lakes and alpine lakes in temperate regions, and to evaluate the potential of Afroalpine Chironomidae as biological indicators to monitor future changes in the ecological integrity of their habitat. Location Mount Kenya (Kenya) and Rwenzori Mountains (Uganda). Methods The species composition of Afroalpine chironomid communities was assessed using recent larval death assemblages extracted from the surface sediments of 11 high‐mountain lakes between 2900 and 4575 m. Results were compared with similar faunal data from 68 East African lakes at low and middle elevation (750–2760 m), and with literature records of Chironomidae species distribution in sub‐Saharan Africa, the Palaearctic region and elsewhere. All recovered taxa were fully described and illustrated. Results The 11‐lake analysis yielded 1744 subfossil chironomid larvae belonging to 16 distinct taxa of full‐grown larvae, and three taxa of less differentiated juveniles. Eleven of these 16 are not known to occur in African lakes at lower elevation, and eight taxa (or 50% of total species richness) appear restricted to the specific habitat of cold lakes above 3900 m, where night‐time freezing is frequent year‐round. The faunal transition zone coincides broadly with the Ericaceous zone of terrestrial vegetation (c. 3000–4000 m). Snowline depression during the Quaternary ice ages must have facilitated dispersion of cold‐stenothermous species among the high mountains of equatorial East Africa, but less so from or to the Palaearctic region via the Ethiopian highlands. Main conclusions Chironomid communities in glacier‐fed lakes on Africa's highest mountains are highly distinct from those of lowland African lakes, and potentially unique on a continental scale. By virtue of excellent preservation and their spatial and temporal integration of local community dynamics, chironomid larval death assemblages extracted from surface sediments are powerful biological indicators for monitoring the hydrological and ecological changes associated with the current retreat and loss of Africa's glaciers.  相似文献   

1. Surface sediment samples of subfossil chironomid head capsules from 47 lakes in southern West Greenland were analysed using multivariate numerical methods in order to explore the relationship between chironomid assemblages and selected environmental variables. The study lakes are located along a climate gradient ranging from coastal maritime conditions near the Davis Strait to a continental climate near the margin of the Greenland ice sheet. 2. High‐resolution surface water temperatures were measured through the summer season using automatic data loggers in 21 of the study lakes. The mean July surface water temperature (1999) ranged from 7.3 to 16.5 °C in the data set. 3. In all lakes, a total of 24 chironomid taxa were recorded; Micropsectra, Psectrocladius, Chironomus and Procladius were the dominant genera. There was a strong correlation between the trophic variables [total nitrogen and total phosphorus (TN, TP)] and temperature, and in redundancy analysis (RDA) the three variables explained almost equal significant amounts of variation in the chironomid data (19.8–22.3%). However, temperature lost significant explanatory power when the effect of TN was partialled out in RDA. 4. The lakes were classified using two‐way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN ) into eight groups defined by temperature, trophic variables, salinity (conductivity) and lake‐morphometric data. Fourteen chironomid taxa showed significant differences in percentage abundances among groups, with Heterotrissocladius, Micropsectra, Ablabesmyia and Chironomus as the most robust group‐indicator taxa. Forward selection of taxa in multiple discriminant analysis was used to fit chironomid assemblages into lake groups. Using only eight taxa, 95% of lakes were correctly classified at a second TWINSPAN division level (four groups) and 85% of lakes at a third division level (eight groups). 5. This study showed that there is considerable potential in using subfossil chironomid head capsules as paleoenvironmental indicators in both short‐ and long‐term (down‐core) studies of lake ontogeny and palaeoclimate conditions in West Greenland. However, because of the strong correlation between temperature and trophic variables, a quantitative reconstruction of lake‐ and habitat‐type is recommended, in combination with direct reconstruction of single variables such as temperature.  相似文献   

Male and pupa of Tanytarsus calorifontis sp. n. are described. Diagnoses, hypopygium drawings for the examined species and distribution are given for: Tanytarsus akantertiusSasa & Kamimura, T. angulatus Kawai, T. atagoensis Tokunaga,T. bathophilusKieffer, T. boninensis Tokunaga, T. formosae (Kieffer), T. formosanusKieffer, T. infundibulusChaudhuri & Datta, T. kikuchiiSasa, Kawai & Ueno, T. konishii Sasa & Kawai, T. mcmillani Freeman, T. mendax Kieffer, T. miyakobrevis Sasa & Hasegawa, T. monstrosus Chaudhuri et al., T. ogasaquartus Sasa & Suzuki, T. ogasatertius Sasa & Suzuki, T. okuboi Sasa & Kikuchi, T. oscillans Johannsen, T. ovatus Johannsen, T. oyamai Sasa, T. pollexus Chaudhuri & Datta, T. shouautumnalis Sasa, T. shoudigitatus Sasa, T. takahashii Kawai & Sasa, T. tamaundecimus Sasa, T. tonebeceus Sasa & Tanaka, T. tusimatneousSasa & Suzuki, T. unagiseptimus Sasa, T. uraiensis Tokunaga, T. yakuheiusSasa & Suzuki and T. yunosecundus Sasa. Tanytarsus ikiefeus Sasa & Suzuki is a new junior synonym of T. konishii. Tanytarsus ikifegeus Sasa & Suzuki, T. miyakoflavus Sasa & Hasegawa,T. oyabepallidus Sasa, Kawai & Ueno, T. simantoopeus Sasa et al. and T. tusimatheius Sasa & Suzuki are new junior synonyms of T. okuboi. Tanytarsus nippogregarius Sasa & Kamimura is a new junior synonym of T. bathophilus. Tanytarsus cultellus Chaudhuri & Datta and T. sibafegeus Sasa et al. are new junior synonyms of T. oscillans.Tanytarsus insulus (Guha et al., 1985) is a new junior synonym of T. ovatus. Tanytarsus sakishimanus Sasa & Hasegawa, T. vinculus Chaudhuri et al., T. parvistylus Chaudhuri & Datta, T. fusciabdominalis Guha et al. and T. euformosanus Kikuchi & Sasa are new junior synonyms of T. formosanus. Tanytarsus tsutaprimus Sasa, T. tokarajekeus Sasa & Suzuki, T. tusimatlemeus Sasa & Suzuki, T. tusimatopeus Sasa & Suzuki and T. yakugeheuus Sasa & Suzuki are new junior synonyms of T. shouautumnalis. Tanytarsus togasiroidus Sasa & Okazawa is a new junior synonym of T. shoudigitatus. Tanytarsus tusimatjekeus Sasa & Suzuki and T. tusimatkeleus Sasa & Suzuki are new junior synonyms of T. akantertius, and Tanytarsus tusimatpequeus Sasa & Suzuki is a new junior synonym of T. tusimatneous. Virgatanytarsus toganiveus (Sasa & Okazawa), Cladotanytarsus utonaiquartus (Sasa) and Zavrelia tusimatijeus (Sasa & Suzuki), all previously placed in Tanytarsus, are new combinations.  相似文献   

Endochironomus tendens has been studied from different localities and geographically isolated populations. On the basis of the detailed karyotaxonomic analysis the investigated material can be divided into two forms. These forms are distinguished by their karyotype and phenotype. The results of the karologica and hybridization analysis showed that the differences between these forms lie only on the basis of microevolution differentiation of species, without being reproductively isolated. This is an example of stasipatric speciation-chromosomal aberrations having an adaptive value in a homozygous state are fixed in definitive localities of species range.  相似文献   

记述真开氏摇蚊属Eukiefferiella Thienemann 1新种:盖真开氏摇蚊E. celata sp. nov.和1种中国新记录种: 翘叶真开氏遥蚊E. brehmi Gouin, 1943;提出兵库真开氏摇蚊E. togaeuquinta Sasa & Okazawa, 1992为翘叶真开氏摇蚊 E. brehmi Gouin,1943的新异名。  相似文献   

New records and distributional notes of Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) are provided for four protected areas in the state of Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil. Additionally, we also present new records and update of distributional ranges from Brazil and the Neotropical Region. In total, 810 specimens belonging to 35 genera within the subfamilies Chironominae (22 taxa), Tanypodinae (11 taxa) and Orthocladiinae (2 taxa) were found. The subfamilies Chironominae and Tanypodinae predominated. Axarus Roback, 1980 Roback, S.S. (1980), ‘New name for Anceus Roback nec Anceus Risso’, Entomological News, 91, 32.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and the Tanytarsus ortoni-group were recorded for the first time in the state of Pernambuco, while Nanocladius Kieffer, 1913a Kieffer, J.J. (1913b), ‘Nouvelle étude sur les Chironomides de l'Indian Museum de Calcutta’, Records of the Indian Museum, 9, 119197. [Google Scholar] was recorded for the first time in the Northeast Region of Brazil. Our results make evident how much and where current knowledge of the northeastern Brazil chironomids remains fragmentary.  相似文献   

Chironomids living inside freshwater sponges are scarcely known, particularly in the Neotropical region where most of them are to be described. Here, male and female adults, pupa and 4th instar larva of Xenochironomus ceciliae sp. n., living in freshwater sponges of the Paraná River (Brazil) are described. The larval labrum with its several densely setose or combed structures somewhat resembling the filtering structures of simuliid larvae and the predominance of fine detritus in the larval gut contents, may indicate that the larvae of Xenochironomus ceciliae sp. n. are collector-filterers and they might be favored by the aquifer systems of the sponges.  相似文献   

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