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雨生红球藻虾青素合成研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虾青素是一种重要的次级类胡萝卜素,具有高活性的抗氧化功能,广泛应用于食品保健、医药、水产养殖等领域。雨生红球藻是一种在胁迫条件下能够大量积累虾青素的微藻。文中回顾了雨生红球藻虾青素的生物合成研究的进展,包括虾青素生物合成的诱导与调控、虾青素合成与光合作用及脂类代谢的关系等研究现状。  相似文献   

活性氧对雨生红球藻生长及虾青素含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王劲  段舜山 《生态科学》2006,25(3):213-215,221
在雨生红球藻培养液中分别添加活性氧1O2、H2O2和·OH的诱生剂,通过测定细胞密度、叶绿素a含量、虾青素含量,研究了这三种活性氧诱生处理对雨生红球藻生长和虾青素含量的影响,初步探索了利用活性氧诱生剂提高雨生红球藻虾青素含量的可行性。实验结果表明,适当浓度的MB能够促进虾青素含量增加,当MB浓度为10-7mol·L-1时,虾青素含量达到5.27μg·mL-1,比对照显著提高。活性氧诱生剂对雨生红球藻生长有抑制作用,但MB的抑制作用小于H2O2和·OH诱生剂。  相似文献   

营养胁迫对雨生红球藻虾青素累积的影响   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
通过改变营养条件可诱导雨生红球藻积累虾青素.氮限制实验表明,色素的累积速率与原初氮浓度成反比,也与细胞分裂速率负相关,当BBM培养基中的NaNO3浓度减半时(0.13g@L-1),对细胞增殖及色素累积相对都有利.在高光强下,进一步进行氮、磷饥饿,红球藻细胞分裂明显受抑,但色素的累积作用增强,培养9d,细胞内次生类胡萝卜素的含量分别比对照组提高141.0%和60.5%,色素的累积高峰也比对照组提前2-4d.提高NaCl浓度至0.8%时的盐胁迫,不能诱导虾青素的形成.实验结果还表明,色素的累积与厚壁孢子的形成并不完全相关,游动细胞也能大量积累红色色素.  相似文献   

以雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis)为材料,研究不同强度的UV-B对雨生红球藻生长、光合作用及虾青素积累的影响和其作用机理。设置5种紫外线强度,分别在正常光照培养条件下补充不同强度UVB(100—500 lx),标记为CK、U100、U200、U300、U400和U500六组。结果表明,经UV-B辐射后雨生红球藻细胞密度、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、非光化学淬灭系数(NPQ)和叶绿素(Chl.a和Chl.b)含量等均呈现下降趋势,且与辐射强度相关。相反,虾青素含量在100—400 lx强度下随UV-B辐射强度的增加而升高。与对照相比,高强度UV-B辐射(U400)36h和72h后藻细胞虾青素含量分别提高了35.68%和56.23%,达到5.82和7.06 mg/L。qRT-PCR检测发现雨生红球藻虾青素合成关键酶基因(IPI、PSY、BCH和BKT)的表达量随紫外辐射强度和辐射时间的增加均有不同程度升高。UV-B辐射亦调控紫外光受体UVR8及其信号转导通路核心元件(COP1、SPA1、HYH和HY5)的基因表...  相似文献   

雨生红球藻营养细胞的虾青素累积   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
接种于缺氮培养基的雨生红球藻。当置于光强为10—12klx,温度25℃±1.5℃条件下培养时,营养细胞迅速由绿色变成红色。接种4d时,运动细胞占细胞总数的90%,细胞内的虾青素含量(33.0pg/cell)占最终色素累积量的(60.0pg/cell)的55%。接种6d时,虾青素含量已占最终累积量的75%。电镜观察显示,红色的运动细胞除细胞质的大部分区域充满色素颗粒外,细胞的形态结构与绿色细胞基本一致。实验还表明,当接种物置于低光(0.5—1.0klx)下培养时,营养细胞仍有色素沉积,但累积缓慢。当只有高光胁迫(10—12klx,完全培养基培养)时,营养细胞转变成厚壁孢子后(5d后),才大量积累色素。  相似文献   

黄腐酸对雨生红球藻虾青素的积累和CHY基因表达量影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验以雨生红球藻Haematococcus pluvialis LUGU为对象,研究了不同浓度的黄腐酸对微藻细胞生长、虾青素积累以及β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(CHY)基因表达量的影响。结果表明,FA浓度为5 mg/L,藻细胞生物量产率达到了79.39 mg/(L·d),虾青素产量达到了20.82 mg/L,分别比对照组提高了4.25%和86.89%;FA浓度为10 mg/L,藻细胞的生物量产率和虾青素产量分别比对照组提高了5.44%和9.78%。RT-PCR分析显示,虾青素合成的关键基因CHY的表达受FA的诱导,当添加5和10 mg/L的黄腐酸时,CHY基因最大的表达量分别为对照的18.1倍和7.3倍,当添加20 mg/L的黄腐酸时CHY基因的最大的表达量仅为对照的3.2倍,FA诱导下的雨生红球藻虾青素的积累含量和CHY基因表达量呈正相关。实验表明,适当浓度的黄腐酸不仅能够显著提高虾青素合成关键酶基因CHY的表达水平,并且明显促进了藻细胞内虾青素的积累,因此黄腐酸可作为虾青素生产的一种有效诱导子。  相似文献   

雨生红球藻中虾青素的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雨生红球藻是单细胞微藻,其中的虾青素具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤、预防心脑血管疾病等多种生物活性,在食品、医药、保健品、化妆品及养殖业有诸多用途。概述了雨生红球藻虾青素含量影响因素,雨生红球藻培养方法、虾青素的提取方法及其应用领域等最新研究成果,为虾青素的开发利用提供帮助。  相似文献   

UV-B辐射对雨生红球藻生长和类胡萝卜素含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以BG11培养基,对雨生红球藻进行了室内培养,研究了增强UV-B辐射对雨生红球藻生长速率和虾青素含量的影响.室内培养的条件是UV-B辐射强度为0.1J·m-2·S-1,0.2J·m-2·S-1, 0.3J·m-2·S-1, 光照强度为60 μmoL·m-2·S-1(昼夜比为12 h:12 h),温度为20~26℃.测定了培养液细胞数目、叶绿素a、类胡萝卜素的含鼍,并对雨生红球藻进行了显微结构观察.结果显示在室内培养雨生红球藻增加UV-B辐射,能够提高其细胞内虾青素的含量,其显微结构显示类胡萝卜素颗粒明显增加的现象.本研究目的是在室内培养雨生红球藻提高虾青素产量的方法.  相似文献   

雨生红球藻培养基的改良   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
近年来,雨生红球藻(HaematococcuspluvialisFlotetWill)作为一种获取天然虾青素的资源被广泛重视l‘,‘1。目前,有关而生红球藻的研究主要集中于虾青素的积累机制、合成调控及其生物学功能‘)。关于雨生红球资生长调控方面的工作报道较少,还没有一个很理想的红球藻培养基【’],从而在很大程度上阻碍了对雨生红球藻的深人研究与开发利用。雨生红球藻尤其是它的绿色游动细胞对环境pH值的改变较敏感,其生长状况与培养液的pH稳定性关系密切[‘”],而目前较多采用的MCM、BBM和Bthl…  相似文献   

光照强度对雨生红球藻合成虾青素的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis)是一种单细胞绿藻,在强光照射条件下能够合成并大量积累具有强抗氧化性的次生类胡萝卜素-虾青素。然而,其合成机理目前还不明确,导致虾青素诱导合成过程中操作的盲目性,限制了虾青素产量的提高。  相似文献   

本文综述了当前国内、外利用雨生血球藻生产天然虾菁素的优化条件、雨生血球藻的大规模培养方法以及虾菁素的最佳提取工艺。  相似文献   

Changes in physiological and photosynthetic parameters were followed in the freshwater chorophyte Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow (Volvocales) during the transformation of green vegetative cells to red aplanospores.Formation of aplanospores was induced by exposure to a nitrogen-deficient medium. In spite of an increase in cellular volume (from 6.6 to 41 pL) and amassive accumulation of astaxanthin, chlorophyll content of the mature aplanospore decreased only slightly (from 16 to 14.8 pg'cell?1)as compared to the vegetative cell. Aplanospore formation was characterized by a gradual reduction in the maximal photosynthetic rate and increases in the photosynthetic quantum requirement and minimal turnover time for photosynthetic O2 evolution.Respiration rate increased (4.2 times)and excretion rate decreased (up to 8.8 times) during aplanospore formation. Measurements of photosynthetic unit “size” and estimation of the cellular content of photosystem II reaction centers suggest that the photosynthetic complex remains relatively centers stable during the formation process and in the mature aplanospore.A functional relationship between the describe changes in the physiology of the cells and their photosynthetic parameters is proposed.  相似文献   

In N-limited continuous chemostat cultures of the green alga Haematococcus lacustris (Gir.) Rostaf. (UTEX 16), the steady-state astaxanthin content of the cells was determined by the specific growth rate of the cultures. The highest, pigment content was obtained at the lowest dilution rate. The specific rate of astaxanthin accumulation was, however, a function of the photon flux density measured at the illuminated culture surface. In nongrowing Haematococcus cultures, the specific rate of astaxanthin accumulation was determined by the growth rate of the culture during growth phase. The highest possible cellular astaxanthin content of all cultures was comparable and independent of the culture parameters.  相似文献   

Under stress conditions, Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow accumulates fatty acid–esterified astaxanthin, in extraplastidial lipid globules. The enhanced accumulation of fatty acids, mainly in triacylglycerols (TAG), among which oleic acid predominates, is linearly correlated with that of astaxanthin. We used inhibitors of either carotenoid or lipid biosynthesis to assess the interrelationship between carotenogenesis and TAG accumulation under high light irradiance as the stress factor. The two carotenogenesis inhibitors used—norflurazon, an inhibitor of phytoene desaturase, and diphenylamine (DPA), an inhibitor of β‐carotene C‐4 oxygenase—suppressed the accumulation of astaxanthin in a concentration‐dependent manner. Concurrently, the accumulation of neutral lipids was significantly less affected. The lipid biosynthesis inhibitor sethoxydim, which inhibits acetyl‐CoA carboxylase, significantly decreased de novo fatty acid synthesis and, in concert, drastically inhibited astaxanthin formation. In the presence of various concentrations of the three inhibitors, the inhibition of astaxanthin was not accompanied by a proportional decrease in oleic acid, which was used as a marker for TAG fatty acids. When astaxanthin synthesis was completely inhibited, the volumetric content of oleic acid was about 60% of the control value when the two carotenogenesis inhibitors (0.05 μM norflurazon or 20 μM DPA) were used and 27% of the control when the lipid‐synthesis inhibitor (50 μM) was used. We suggest therefore that TAG accumulation under high irradiance is not tightly coupled with astaxanthin accumulation, although the correlation between these two processes was demonstrated earlier. Furthermore, we propose that the accumulation of a certain amount of TAG is a prerequisite for the initiation of fatty acid–esterified astaxanthin accumulation in lipid globules.  相似文献   

Green cells of Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow accumulate the ketocarotenoid astaxanthin under stress conditions, such as high irradiance, nutrient deficiency, high salinity, and high temperature. Though some photoprotective mechanisms have been suggested, the function of astaxanthin in red cysts is still questioned. We studied the role of astaxanthin in photoprotection by inducing its formation in logarithmically growing cultures by high irradiance, thus avoiding unrelated processes that can occur in H. pluvialis when carotenogenesis is induced by other stresses. On exposure to high irradiance, the green Haematococcus culture turned red as lipid globules loaded with astaxanthin esters were formed and concentrated at the periphery of the cell. During this phase of induction, the photosynthesis rates remained high, but the amount of the D1 protein of PSII was significantly reduced. The decline in D1 protein content stopped after 1 day; the level then increased, returning to normal after 5 days. The response of the D1 protein was indicative of a transitional phase in the acclimation of Haematococcus to high light. The formation and deposition of astaxanthin seemed to prevent further reduction in D1 protein level, thus enabling the cell to maintain PSII function and structural integrity. This result seems to be a clear indication of the light screening by astaxanthin, which absorbs light in the blue region, thus protecting the photosynthetic apparatus. When the cells recovered from the high light stress, the astaxanthin globules concentrated around the nucleus, indicating that the pigment also serves as a physicochemical barrier, protecting the replicating DNA from oxidation as the cells divide.  相似文献   

Synchronous release of ellipsoidal biflagellated zoo-spores from thick-walled akinetes of Haematococcus lacustris (Gir.) Rostaf. (UTEX 16) was induced. After being released, the zoospores divided rapidly at a rate that depended on the initial concentration of urea in the culture medium. Cells fused after approximately five doublings, and the DNA content of most cells doubled within 50 h. Spherical nonmotile palmella cells and aplanospores appeared after 100 h of incubation in media containing high (1.7 g·L?1) and low (0.85 g·L?1) urea concentrations. Thereafter, the number of nonmotile cells increased with time, whereas motile cell numbers decreased with time. Nonmotile cells continued to grow and divide by forming 4–32 aplanospores, for up to 200 h of incubation in the high-urea medium. The size of the nonmotile cells and the number of daughter cells formed within was inversely proportional to the growth rate of the cultures. Within the first 100 h of incubation, dry weight biomass of the zoo-spores increased from about 0.3 to 0.8 g·L?1. In the following 180 h, dry weight biomass reached 1.7 g·L?1 in the low-urea medium and 2.5 g·L?1 in the high-urea medium. The astaxanthin content of zoospores decreased with time, whereas there was a net accumulation of astaxanthin in the nonmotile cells. The specific rate of accumulation of astaxanthin in motile and nonmotile cells, however, was practically identical.  相似文献   

亚硫酸氢钠对光合机构及其运转的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
NaHSO_2在不同的浓度范围内,可以影响光合、光呼吸、气孔开度和膜脂过氧化等,但在1~2mmol/L时常能提高净光合强度和增加作物产量。这可能与促进RuBP羧化酶/加氧酶活性及光合磷酸化有关。低浓度的NaHSO_3对RuBP羧化酶/加氧酶两种活性都有促进作用。0.1mmol/L NaHSO_3对弱光下测定的光合磷酸化稍有促进。NaHSO_3对植物的影响可能在某些方面与α-羟基磺酸类似,但有时也许能以其它形式影响植物,而不一定要变成α-羟基磺酸。  相似文献   

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