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Chen PM  Li PH 《Plant physiology》1977,59(2):240-243
A decrease of protein, RNAs, and starch, and an increase of sugar were observed in 3-day water-stressed red osier dogwood plants (Cornus stolonifera Michx.) when the frost hardiness increased from −3 to −6 C. As the frost hardiness increased to −11 C after 7 days of treatment, the starch continuously decreased, however, the proteins and RNAs increased with a continuous increase of sugar. Further water stress treatment had little effect on the changes of these chemicals. Control plants in short days showed similar gradual biochemical changes in patterns. From the results of frost hardiness increases, the pattern of biochemical changes, and the mechanism of the increased freezing resistance, it appears that the water stress and short days accomplished essentially the same physiological end(s) in inducing frost hardiness in red-osier dogwood.  相似文献   

Parsons LR  Li PH 《Plant physiology》1979,64(3):351-353
Moderate water stress increases frost hardiness in many woody plants but little attention has been given to changes in hardiness after recovery from water stress. Tests were carried out to examine how much water stress-induced frost hardiness remained when plants were rewatered under different day length regimes. Red osier dogwood plants (Cornus stolonifera Michx.) were water-stressed at normal growing temperatures in long day (LD) or short day (SD) conditions, exposed to 6 nights of freezing temperatures, and then returned to normal growing conditions with full water supply. Water-stressed plants gained an additional 8 to 10 C of hardiness. The amount of freeze-induced hardiness in both stressed and control plants was not significant (approximately 2 C) and was not affected by photoperiod. When plants were kept in or transferred to LD, they lost nearly all of their water stress-induced hardiness within 7 days after rewatering. Water-stressed plants in SD lost the least amount of hardiness (5 C) when rewatered. In dogwood, water stress is an effective way to increase hardiness temporarily, but the photoperiod has a large effect on the retention of the acquired hardiness.  相似文献   

The relationship of freezing resistance to water permeability of cortex cells was studied in stems of red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx.). Permeability was estimated by determining the diffusion flux of tritiated water from cortex slices previously equilibrated in tritiated water. Energy of activation and diffusion time comparisons of tritiated water flux from living cortex slices and slices killed by immersion in liquid N2 verified that intact membranes of uninjured cortex cells limited water flux.  相似文献   

Induction of Cold Acclimation in Cornus stolonifera Michx   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A warm (20 to 15 Celsius day or night) preconditioning treatment enhanced cold acclimation of Cornus stolonifera bark under short-day conditions when plants were preconditioned for at least 4 weeks. Warm preconditioning inhibited the acclimation of plants subjected to long photoperiods. Removing leaves from plants exposed to low temperatures and short days inhibited acclimation. Removal of buds did not affect acclimation. Plants did not acclimate unless they were exposed to at least 4 weeks of short photoperiods prior to defoliation. Plants began to acclimate to cold at the time of growth cessation but not before. When half of the leaves were removed from plants, the defoliated and foliated branches both acclimated as well as branches on completely foliated plants. Girdling the phloem between foliated and defoliated branches prevented acclimation of the latter regardless of the position of the girdle in relation to the root system and the defoliated branch. When all of the leaves of plants were covered with aluminum foil to exclude light after 0 or 4 weeks of exposure to short days, the results resembled a defoliation study, i.e., plants with leaves covered at the start of the experiment failed to acclimate, and those covered after 4 weeks acclimated to some extent but less than uncovered control plants. Under longday conditions plants with all leaves covered failed to acclimate, and plants with none or half of their leaves covered acclimated equally and to a limited extent. Under short-day conditions, however, the covered branches of partially covered plants acclimated more than their uncovered counterparts or branches of totally uncovered plants.  相似文献   

Stem tissues of red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx.) acclimated from −3 C to −40 or −50 C in 8 to 10 weeks under a short photoperiod (9 hours) and controlled temperature conditions. During the summer months plants did not acclimate as well as at other times. The sequence of day/night temperature regimes which induced maximum acclimation was 20/15 C for 5 to 6 weeks; 15/5 C for 2 to 3 weeks; 15/5 C plus 1 hour of frost per day for 1 week. The duration of exposure to each temperature regime influenced the rate and intensity of frost-induced acclimation. Less than 5 weeks of warm temperature preconditioning at 20/15 C reduced subsequent frost-induced acclimation. The inductive influence of frost on cold acclimation was additive over 5 days of repeated exposure, but its effects after the first exposure(s) were not immediate—requiring 1 to 4 days of 15/5 C following the frost treatments for the expression of the frost-induced acclimation to be manifest. There was a 75% increase in rRNA following 3 days of frost exposure and plants in an O2-free atmosphere during frost exposure failed to acclimate. The results suggest that seasonal acclimation behavior was due to endogenous rhythms rather than developmental stage, and that the frost-induced phase of acclimation involves aerobic metabolic processes.  相似文献   

The ratio of electrical conductance measured at two frequencies can be used to predict the cold hardiness of stem sections of Cornus stolonifera Michx. during the first stage of cold acclimation. Electrical conductance at 50 hertz divided by electrical conductance at 100 kilohertz gave a better estimate of hardiness than measurements at either frequency alone. The observed increase in the electrical conductance ratio as hardiness increased is consistent with an increase in membrane permeability. After plants were exposed to nonlethal frost, hardiness increased rapidly, and the relation between the conductance ratio and hardiness changed. This change indicates that ice crystallization induces a significant physiological alteration in the plants. Contrary to expectations, stem sections exposed to lethal temperatures could not consistently be separated from sections exposed to nonlethal temperatures by electrical conductance ratio measurements made immediately after thawing.  相似文献   

Red and far red light distinctly influence the initial phytochrome-mediated phase of cold acclimation in red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera). Under controlled conditions, short days and end-of-day far red light exposure after long days promote growth cessation, cold acclimation, and subsequent cold hardening of dogwood stems in response to low temperature. Nuclear magnetic resonance absorption spectra of the water in internode stem sections imply that the short day-induced phase of cold acclimation involves a change in tissue hydration, at least in part, due to a substantial reduction in bulk phase water as a result of senescence and loss of water from the pith. Seasonal responses to light and an attempt to induce early acclimation under natural conditions with end-of-day far red light are discussed.  相似文献   

Sakai A 《Plant physiology》1966,41(2):353-359
The effect of temperature on hardening was studied at temperatures ranging from 0° to −20° using twigs of willow and poplar. In October and in late April when the twigs are not very frost hardy, hardening at 0° produced a considerable increase in their frost hardiness, although the effectiveness of hardening at 0° decreased with a decrease in the environmental temperature. In twigs which could withstand continuous freezing without injury, hardening at −3° to −5° was most effective in increasing the frost hardiness of the twigs. Below −20°, only negligible increase was observed either in frost hardiness or sugar content.

The rate of starch to sugar conversion differed remarkably in different twig tissues. The starch in xylem was more slowly converted to sugar than that in the cortex. The optimum temperature for converting starch into sugar during frost hardening was also found to be −3° to −5°. In addition, the greater the effectiveness of the hardening treatment, the greater the rate of conversion from starch to sugar. The frost hardiness of a twig is closely related to the sugar content of the twig, especially in the xylem.


Comparisons of freezing curves have been used to determine theviability of plant parts exposed to stress. To gain understandingof the natural seasonal variations in freezing curves, uniformtwig sections of red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera MICHX.)were collected throughout the year from a single clone and subjectedto controlled freezing while the tissue temperature was recorded.The supercooling of samples ranges from –2 to –7,but the variation was random and unpredictable. There was noapparent relationship between supercooling and the season ofthe year or the hardiness of the tissue. The freezing pointdepression, as estimated by the temperature of the first freezingplateau, was always between –0.25 and –1.0 andbore no relationship to hardiness or season. The freezing curveswere basically of three types: Summer and winter curves withtwo distinct freezing points; Early autumn curves with 3distinctfreezing points and spring curves with one prominent first freezingpoint which tended to mask the second freezing point. 1Scientific Journal Series paper No. 6628, Minnesota AgriculturalExperiment Station. This research was supported in part by agrant from the Louis W. and MAUD HILL Family Foundation. 2Present Address: Horticulture Department, University of Wisconsin,Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.  相似文献   

In this paper we make comparisons between the observed stable isotopic composition of leaf water and the predictions of the Craig-Gordon model of isotopic enrichment when plants (Cornus stolonifera L.) were exposed to natural, diurnal changes in temperature and humidity in a glasshouse. In addition, we determined the effects of mild water stress on the isotopic composition of leaf water. The model predicted different patterns of diurnal change for the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of leaf water. The observed leaf water isotopic composition followed qualitatively similar patterns of diurnal change to those predicted by the model. At midday, however, the model always predicted a higher degree of heavy isotope enrichment than was actually observed in leaves. There was no effect of mild water stress on the hydrogen isotopic composition of leaf water. For the oxygen isotopic composition of leaf water, there was either no significant difference between control and water-stressed plants or the stressed plants had lower δ18O values, despite the enriched stem water isotopic composition observed for the stressed plants.  相似文献   



Side effects related to radiation exposures are based primarily on the assumption that the detrimental effects of radiation occur in directly irradiated cells. However, several studies have reported over the years of radiation-induced non-targeted/ abscopal effects in vivo that challenge this paradigm. There is evidence that Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) plays an important role in modulating non-targeted effects, including DNA damages in vitro and mutagenesis in vivo. While most reports on radiation-induced non-targeted response utilize x-rays, there is little information available for heavy ions.

Methods and Materials

Adult female transgenic gpt delta mice were exposed to an equitoxic dose of either carbon or argon particles using the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) in Japan. The mice were stratified into 4 groups of 5 animals each: Control; animals irradiated under full shielding (Sham-irradiated); animals receiving whole body irradiation (WBIR); and animals receiving partial body irradiation (PBIR) to the lower abdomen with a 1 x 1 cm2 field. The doses used in the carbon ion group (4.5 Gy) and in argon particle group (1.5 Gy) have a relative biological effectiveness equivalent to a 5 Gy dose of x-rays. 24 hours after irradiation, breast tissues in and out of the irradiated field were harvested for analysis. Induction of COX2, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), phosphorylated histone H2AX (γ-H2AX), and apoptosis-related cysteine protease-3 (Caspase-3) antibodies were examined in the four categories of breast tissues using immunohistochemical techniques. Analysis was performed by measuring the intensity of more than 20 individual microscopic fields and comparing the relative fold difference.


In the carbon ion group, the relative fold increase in COX2 expression was 1.01 in sham-irradiated group (p > 0.05), 3.07 in PBIR (p < 0.05) and 2.50 in WBIR (p < 0.05), respectively, when compared with controls. The relative fold increase in 8-OHdG expression was 1.29 in sham-irradiated (p > 0.05), 11.31 in PBIR (p < 0.05) and 11.79 in WBIR (p < 0.05), respectively, when compared with controls. A similar increase in γ-H2AX expression was found in that, compared to controls, the increase was 1.41 fold in sham-irradiated (p > 0.05), 8.41 in PBIR (p < 0.05) and 10.59 in WBIR (p < 0.05). Results for the argon particle therapy group showed a similar magnitude of changes in the various biological endpoints examined. There was no statistical significance observed in Caspase-3 expression among the 4 groups.


Our data show that both carbon and argon ions induced non-targeted, out of field induction of COX2 and DNA damages in breast tissues. These effects may pose new challenges to evaluate the risks associated with radiation exposure and understanding radiation-induced side effects.  相似文献   

Higher plants not only provide human beings renewable food, building materials and energy, but also play the most important role in keeping a stable environment on earth. Plants differ from animals in many aspects, but the important is that plants are more easily influenced by environment than animals. Plants have a series of fine mechanisms for responding to environmental changes, which has been established during their long-period evolution and artificial domestication. The machinery related to molecular biology is the most important basis. The elucidation of it will extremely and purposefully promote the sustainable utilization of plant resources and make the best use of its current potential under different scales. This molecular mechanism at least includes drought signal recognition (input), signal transduction (many cascade biochemical reactions are involved in this process), signal output, signal responses and phenotype realization, which is a multi-dimension network system and contains many levels of gene expression and regulation. We will focus on the physiological and molecular adaptive machinery of plants under soil water stress and draw a possible blueprint for it. Meanwhile, the issues and perspectives are also discussed. We conclude that biological measures is the basic solution to solving various types of issues in relation to sustainable development and the plant measures is the eventual way.Key Words: Higher plants, soil water stress, gene regulatory network, drought, anti-drought gene resources, signal, ion homeostasis, physiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that water congestion in tissues, caused by thawing after a period of slightly negative temperatures, results in the absorption and diffusion of bacteria in the bark tissues of peach stems (Prunus persica). In the present study we demonstrate that in peach branches acclimated to cold and inoculated with the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae, this freezing-thawing process is sufficient to induce, with no further treatment than incubation at + 10 °C, the development of cankers very similar to those observed in orchards in the winter. The first step of the process induces a particularly effective form of contamination and thus corresponds to an epidemiological phenomenon. The diffused bacterium, then, initiates pathogenic activity in locations favorable to its development. Moreover, an additional freezing-thawing sequence can result in the extension of ongoing infection by causing diffusion of bacteria from infected tissue to healthy areas.  相似文献   

This study was designed to elucidate the primary ultrastructuralchanges associated with chilling injury of cultured cells ofCornus stolonifera (TK-1). The cultured cells suffered seriousinjury after exposure to 0?C for longer than 24 hr, while noinjury was observed with less than 12 hr of treatment. Earlyultrastructural responses to chilling treatment were detectedin proplastids and the rough endoplasmic reticulum within 12hr of treatment. A remarkable ultrastructural change in thetonoplast, i.e., invagination, infolding and partial disruption,became apparent in the 24-hr stage of chilling treatment. Novisible change, however, was observed in mitochondria, nucleiand plasma membranes within 24 hr. Upon exposure to 0?C for48 hr, an abrupt degradation proceeded in the cytoplasm. Thesequential ultrastructural changes observed in cell organdies,especially proplastids, rough endoplasmic reticulum and thetonoplast, were closely related to the degradation of the cellscaused by chilling treatment. 1 Contribution No. 1840 from the Institute of Low TemperatureScience, Hokkaido University. 2 This work was supported in part by Grant 248004 from the Ministryof Education. (Received September 8, 1977; )  相似文献   

Drought is a major constraint for rice production in the rainfed lowlands in China. Silicon (Si) has been verified to play an important role in enhancing plant resistance to environmental stress. Two near-isogenic lines of rice (Oryza sativa L.), w-14 (drought susceptible) and w-20 (drought resistant), were selected to study the effects of exogenous Si application on the physiological traits and nutritional status of rice under drought stress. In wet conditions, Si supply had no effects on growth and physiological parameters of rice plants. Drought stress was found to reduce dry weight, root traits, water potential, photosynthetic parameters, basal quantum yield (F v/F 0), and maximum quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (F v/F m) in rice plants, while Si application significantly increased photosynthetic rate (Pr), transpiration rate (Tr), F v/F 0, and F v/F m of rice plants under drought stress. In addition, water stress increased K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe content of rice plants, but Si treatment significantly reduced these nutrient level. These results suggested that silicon application was useful to increase drought resistance of rice through the enhancement of photochemical efficiency and adjustment of the mineral nutrient absorption in rice plants.  相似文献   

Root Growth and Water Uptake by Maize Plants in Drying Soil   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Sharp, R. E and Da vies, W. J. 1985. Root growth and water uptakeby maize plants in drying soil.— J. exp. Bot. 36: 1441–1456. The influence of soil drying on maize (Zea mays L.) root distributionand use of soil water was examined using plants growing in thegreenhouse in soil columns. The roots of plants which were wateredwell throughout the 18 d experimental period penetrated thesoil profile to a depth of 60 cm while the greatest percentageof total root length was between 20–40 cm. High soil waterdepletion rates corresponded with these high root densities.Withholding water greatly restricted root proliferation in theupper part of the profile, but resulted in deeper penetrationand higher soil water depletion rates at depth, compared withthe well watered columns. The deep roots of the unwatered plantsexhibited very high soil water depletion rates per unit rootlength. Key words: Maize, roots, water deficit, soil water depletion  相似文献   

Sun  Y. L.  Wang  Y. H.  Deng  L. F.  Shi  X.  Bai  X. F. 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2020,67(1):153-161
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - Drought and soil salinity are the main environmental stress factors affecting plant growth and development. A certain appropriate concentration of NaCl in the...  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in the vertical profiles of irradiance incident upon the adaxial leaf surface (I), stomatal resistance (rs), leaf water potential (ψ), osmotic potential (π), and turgor potential (P) were followed concurrently in crops of maize (Zea mays L. var. Pa 602A), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench var. RS610), and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. var. Havanna Seed 211) on several days in 1968 to 1970 when soil water potentials were high. In all three crops the rs, measured with a ventilated diffusion porometer, the ψ, measured with the pressure chamber, the π, measured with a vapor pressure osmometer, and the calculated P, decreased from sunrise to reach minimum values near midday and then increased again in the afternoon. The diurnal range of all the variables was greater for leaves in the upper canopy than for those in the lower canopy. P was observed to decrease with decreasing ψ, but never became zero. Sorghum had a higher P at a ψ of, say −10 bars, than did maize, and maize had a higher P than tobacco at the same ψ. Moreover, at the same ψ the upper leaves in all canopies had a higher P than the lower leaves. When compared at high irradiances, rs did not increase as ψ declined to −13, −15, and −10 bars or as P declined to 0.3, 3.5, and 1.2 bars in maize, sorghum, and tobacco, respectively. The relation between rs and I in the upper, nonsenescent leaves of all three crops fits a hyperbolic curve, but the response varied with species and leaf senescence. The adaxial and abaxial epidermises had the same response of rs to I in maize and sorghum, whereas in tobacco the adaxial epidermis had a higher rs than the abaxial epidermis at all values of I. At equal values of I, tobacco had the lowest leaf resistance (rl) and maize had the highest rl. Senescent maize leaves had nonfunctional stomata, whereas the lowermost sorghum leaves had higher stomatal resistances on average than the other leaves.  相似文献   

The distribution of 65Zn in zinc-tolerant and copper-tolerantplants of Agrostis spp. from toxic mine-tailings in Enflandand Wales was compared with zinc distribution in non-tolerantplants. Isotope was applied in culture solution in which theplants were growing. No differences could be demonstrated betweenthe plants were growing. No differences could be demonstratedbetween the plants by whole-plant radioautography, or by zincanalyses of the tops. Root/shoot ratios calculated from specificactivity values varied with population, the non-tolerant plantshaving the lowest and the zinc-tolerant plants the highest ratio.After solvent (80 per cent ethanol and water) extractions, theroot residue of zinc-tolerant plants contained a higher percentageof 65Zn than that of non-tolerant plants. Chemical fractionationof the roots revealed that the main high difference was thatthe amount of 65Zn in the pectate extract of the cell wall washigh in zinc-tolerant plants and low in non-tolerant plants.The 65Zn distribution in the copper-tolerant plants was similarto that in the non-tolerant plants, indicating that the tolerancemechanisms for the elements are different. Soluble protein andRNA preparations were made but they contained low levels of65Zn. An exception was the relatively high value for RNA fromzinc-tolerant A. stolonifera shoots. An anionic complex of 65Znin the soluble fraction was investigated. This complex accountedfor most of the radioactivity in A. tennis extracts of shootsbut the concentration of the complex was low in A. stoloniferashoots, and in root extracts of all plants examined.  相似文献   

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