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生长素对拟南芥叶片发育调控的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶片(包括子叶)是茎端分生组织产生的第一类侧生器官,在植物发育中具有重要地位。早期叶片发育包括三个主要过程:叶原基的起始,叶片腹背性的建立和叶片的延展。大量证据表明叶片发育受到体内遗传机制和体外环境因子的双重调节。植物激素,尤其是生长素在协调体内外调节机制中起着不可或缺的作用。生长素的稳态调控、极性运输和信号转导影响叶片发育的全过程。本文着重介绍生长素在叶片生长发育和形态建成中的调控作用,试图了解复杂叶片发育调控网络。  相似文献   

作为植物叶片发育的最后一个阶段,叶片衰老的启动和进程由遗传程序严格控制,并受到内外源不同因子的协同调控.多种植物激素对叶片的衰老发挥重要的调控作用,目前认为乙烯、脱落酸、水杨酸、茉莉酸和油菜素甾醇等激素促进植物叶片衰老,而细胞分裂素和赤霉素则抑制植物叶片衰老.传统观念曾认为生长素对植物叶片衰老起负调节作用,但近年来越来越多的实验证据表明生长素是叶片衰老的正调节因子.本文旨在对生长素在叶片衰老调控中的功能和研究历程进行简要综述,为进一步理解植物叶片衰老调控中的激素功能奠定基础.  相似文献   

生长素是调控果实发育成熟的重要植物激素之一。在生长素介导的信号转导机制中,ARF和Aux/IAA扮演重要的角色。ARF与生长素响应基因启动子区域内的生长素响应元件结合,促进或抑制基因的表达。Aux/IAA通过结构域Ⅲ和Ⅳ与ARF特异性结合,从而调节生长素早期应答基因的转录功能。研究表明,ARF因子参与调控果实形态发育、硬度和糖分积累等,Aux/IAA因子在授粉、果实形态发育等方面作用明显。此外ARF和Aux/IAA之间相互或与自身发生的互作以调控下游基因表达是植物体响应生长素信号的主要机制。介绍了ARF和Aux/IAA的结构特征、在不同植物中的分布状况以及与果实发育成熟的关系,同时讨论了ARF和Aux/IAA互作的研究现状,旨为进一步阐明生长素调控果实发育成熟的机制提供参考。  相似文献   

通常可通过植物叶片的形态来区分不同植物的种类。叶片由茎顶端分生组织侧翼发育而成,为多种多样大小和形状的扁平结构。叶片的结构看似简单,但调控叶片形态和结构发育的分子机理错综复杂,叶片的发育受植物激素、转录因子、一系列蛋白因子及环境的共同调控。本文回顾了叶片边缘形态和叶脉发育研究的最新进展。在叶边缘形态方面,Aux/IAA生长素响应抑制家族蛋白通过调节生长素浓度最大点的离散分布影响小叶的起始和生长以及叶边缘结构;NAM/CUC转录因子促进叶边缘锯齿的分离以及复叶中小叶的分离和分化,NAM/CUC和Aux/IAA通过不同通路实现对生长素的调控;拟南芥RAX1基因/番茄Potato-leaf基因和拟南芥JAG基因/番茄LYR基因促进叶边缘锯齿发育;RCO调控复叶小叶的发育不通过改变生长素的分布来实现;在番茄中反式小干扰RNA途径中的因子参与叶边缘形态发育;另外,在拟南芥中,mir164A、CUC2、PIN1、DPA4、SVR9-1及SVR9L-1构成复杂的调控网络影响叶边缘锯齿的发育。在叶脉发育方面,PIN1能否正确的定位会影响叶脉发育;AS1和AS2共同参与叶片远近轴极性的分化;另外AXR6、MP、BDL、CVP因子功能的缺失影响叶脉发育;生长素、PIN1、Aux/IAA、MP、ATHB8构成反馈循环调控子叶叶脉的形成。  相似文献   

贾利霞  齐艳华 《植物学报》2022,57(3):263-275
水稻(Oryza sativa)是世界主要粮食作物。随着我国经济飞速发展, 耕地面积逐年减少, 提高水稻总产量唯有依靠单产的增加。粒重是决定水稻产量的重要因素之一, 其遗传稳定, 受外界环境因素影响较小。粒重由粒型和灌浆程度决定, 而粒型性状包括粒长、粒宽、粒厚和长宽比。水稻种子颖壳和胚乳发育决定了粒型和粒重, 颖壳细胞的增殖和扩张限制籽粒发育, 胚乳占据成熟种子的大部分体积。而生长素调控受精后颖壳和胚乳的发育, 是调控种子发育和影响水稻产量的重要植物激素。生长素的时空分布受生长素代谢、运输和信号转导的动态调节, 以维持生长素在种子发育中的最适水平。该文综述了生长素代谢、运输和信号转导调控水稻粒型的研究进展, 以期为深入探究生长素调控水稻粒型发育机制和提高水稻产量提供线索。  相似文献   

植物生长素反应因子研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生长素反应因子(ARFs)是植物生长和发育的重要调节因子,在生长素早期反应蛋白(Aux/IAAs)的参与下,通过和生长素反应基因启动子区AuxRE元件的JTGTCTC序列结合,共同调控这些基因的表达。近年来关于生长素反应因子的分子结构和ARF与Aux/IAA的相互作用及其对植物生长和发育的影响、作用的靶基因以及分子机制受到人们的重视,并在这些方面做了大量的研究。  相似文献   

植物叶脉发育的分子机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶脉在高等植物发育过程中扮演着为叶片输送水分和营养及支撑叶片的重要角色。植物叶片的形态构造看起来简单,而叶脉发育的分子机理却十分复杂。大量研究表明,植物叶脉发育与生长素的极性运输紧密相关,此外,还受到众多转录因子、小分子RNA以及细胞分裂素、油菜素内酯等因素的调控。综述了近年来叶脉发育的分子机制研究进展,以期了解叶脉发育的调控网络。  相似文献   

张宏  金洁  王剑峰 《西北植物学报》2018,38(7):1369-1374
很多微生物通过分泌生长素和生长素前体与植物建立了有益的关系并改变植物根系的形态结构,此外,微生物分泌的其他代谢产物也能改变植物生长素信号通路。因此,生长素和生长素信号通路在微生物调控植物根系发育的过程中起着至关重要的作用。该文从生长素合成、生长素信号和生长素极性运输3个方面总结了生长素在微生物调控植物根系发育过程中的作用,主要包括微生物增加了植物内源生长素的含量、增强了生长素的信号和调控PIN蛋白的表达水平,进而如何调控植物生理和分子水平来适应微生物对其根系的改变,为进一步开展该方面的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

早期生长素响应蛋白在生长素信号转导中的作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
3种早期生长素响应蛋白--生长素/吲哚乙酸蛋白(Aux/IAAs)、生长素响应因子(ARFs)和泛素介导的蛋白降解途径组分在生长素的信号转导中起着关键性的作用.目前的研究结果支持负调控模型的说法,即Aux/IAAs蛋白以生长素依赖的方式通过泛素相关的蛋白降解机制为26S蛋白酶降解.当Aux/IAAs-Aux/IAAs以及Aux/IAAs-ARFs二聚体含量降低时,ARFs-ARFs水平升高,ARFs-ARFs结合在生长素调控基因启动子的生长素响应元件(AuxREs)上调节一系列基因的表达,进而引导植物的正常生长和发育.  相似文献   

植物生长素极性运输调控机理的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李俊华  种康 《植物学报》2006,23(5):466-477
生长素极性运输特异地调控植物器官发生、发育和向性反应等生理过程。本文综述和分析了生长素极性运输的调控机制。分子遗传和生理学研究证明极性运输这一过程是由生长素输入载体和输出载体活性控制的。小G蛋白ARF附属蛋白GEF和GAP分别调控输出载体(PIN1)和输入载体(AUX1)的定位和活性, 并影响高尔基体等介导的细胞囊泡运输系统, 小G蛋白ROP也参与输出载体PIN2活性的调节。本 文基于作者的研究工作提出小G蛋白在调控生长素极性运输中的可能作用模式。  相似文献   

The Unifoliata (Uni) gene plays a major role in development of the compound leaf in pea, but its regulation is unknown. In this study, we examined the effects of plant hormones on the expression of Uni, PsPK2 (the gene for a pea homolog of Arabidopsis PID, a regulator of PIN1 targeting), PsPIN1 (the major gene for a putative auxin efflux carrier) and LE (a gibberellin biosynthesis gene, GA3ox), and also examined mutual hormonal regulation of these genes, in pea shoot tips, including a number of mutants. The Uni promoter possessed putative auxin and gibberellin response elements. The PsPIN1 mRNA levels were increased in afila, which replaces leaflets with branched tendrils; and reduced in tendrilless, which replaces tendrils with leaflets, compared with the wild type (WT). In contrast, mRNA levels of LE were increased in uni and tendrilless and decreased in afila compared with the WT. Uni, PsPK2 and PsPIN1 are positively regulated by gibberellin and auxin, and were induced to higher levels by simultaneous application of auxin and gibberellin. Auxin induction of Uni, PsPK2 and PsPIN1 did not require de novo protein synthesis. LE was positively regulated by auxin and cytokinin. In conclusion, these results support the hypothesis that auxin and gibberellin positively regulate Uni, which controls pea compound leaf development. Also, Uni, PsPIN1, PsPK2 and LE are expressed differentially in the leaf mutants, suggesting that mutual regulation by auxin and gibberellin promotes compound leaf development.  相似文献   

植物叶缘形态的发育调控机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性研究的关键问题之一是表型多样性的形成和演化机制, 因为表型多样性与物种多样性密切相关, 同时又承载着遗传和环境的变异信息。植物的叶具有丰富的形态多样性, 而叶形多样性很大程度上体现在叶边缘形态的变异。叶边缘的形态可从全缘、锯齿状到具有不同程度(深浅)和不同式样(羽状或掌状、回数等)的裂片(在发育研究中复叶的小叶也描述为裂片)。关于叶缘齿/裂的发育调控机制, 在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)、碎米荠(Cardamine hirsuta)、番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)等模式植物中已有较深入的探讨。研究发现, 很多转录因子、小分子RNA及植物激素对叶齿/裂或小叶的形成具有调控作用, 其中生长素输出途径中的转录因子NAM/CUC、miR164以及高浓度生长素的反馈调控可能起到核心作用, 而且该调控模块在真双子叶植物中较为保守; TCP类、SPL类转录因子和其他一些miRNA也在生长素输出途径中发挥作用; 关于KNOX家族转录因子的作用, 虽然多数研究是围绕复叶的形态建成, 但也有数据显示其在叶裂发育中发挥作用。此外, 对拟南芥和碎米荠等十字花科植物的研究还发现, 调控基因RCO通过抑制小叶/裂片之间的细胞增殖而对小叶/叶裂的发育发挥作用。本文综述上述多角度的研究进展, 并尝试概括叶边缘形态的发育调控网络, 为关于叶缘形态多样性形成机制的研究提供可参考的切入点。  相似文献   

DeMason DA 《Planta》2005,222(1):151-166
A number of mutations that alter the form of the compound leaf in pea (Pisum sativum) has proven useful in elucidating the role that auxin might play in pea leaf development. The goals of this study were to determine if auxin application can rescue any of the pea leaf mutants and if gibberellic acid (GA) plays a role in leaf morphogenesis in pea. A tissue culture system was used to determine the effects of various auxins, GA or a GA biosynethesis inhibitor (paclobutrazol) on leaf development. The GA mutant, nana1 (na1) was analyzed. The uni-tac mutant was rescued by auxin and GA and rescue involved both a conversion of the terminal leaflet into a tendril and an addition of a pair of lateral tendrils. This rescue required the presence of cytokinin. The auxins tested varied in their effectiveness, although methyl-IAA worked best. The terminal tendrils of wildtype plantlets grown on paclobutrazol were converted into leaflets, stubs or were aborted. The number of lateral pinna pairs produced was reduced and leaf initiation was impaired. These abnormalities resembled those caused by auxin transport inhibitors and phenocopy the uni mutants. The na1 mutant shared some morphological features with the uni mutants; including, flowering late and producing leaves with fewer lateral pinna pairs. These results show that both auxin and GA play similar and significant roles in pea leaf development. Pea leaf morphogenesis might involve auxin regulation of GA biosynthesis and GA regulation of Uni expression.  相似文献   

植物叶发育的分子机理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
严松  严长杰  顾铭洪 《遗传》2008,30(9):1127-1135
叶是植物进行光合作用和蒸腾作用的主要场所, 对植物的生长发育具有重要的作用。叶的发育包括叶原基的形成和极性的建立, 大量研究表明, 叶发育建成受到众多转录因子、小分子RNA以及生长素等因子的调控。文章综述了近年来叶发育和形态建成的分子机制研究进展, 以期了解叶发育的调控网络。  相似文献   

生长素极性运输研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent advances in dissecting polar auxin transport, i.e., the physiological characteristics and regulation of polar auxin transport, the chemiosmotic hypothesis for polar auxin transport, and the role of polar auxin transport in plant growth and development were reviewed. The authors here focus on the progress of new supports-isolation and function analysis of the genes encoding putative auxin carriers, for the old model of polar auxin transport.  相似文献   

Auxin signaling in Arabidopsis leaf vascular development   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

We have analyzed the development of leaf shape and vascular pattern in leaves mutant for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) or AS2 and compared the timing of developmental landmarks to cellular response to auxin, as measured by expression of the DR5:beta-glucuronidase (GUS) transgene and to cell division, as measured by expression of the cycB1:GUS transgene. We found that the earliest visible defect in both as1 and as2 first leaves is the asymmetric placement of auxin response at the distal leaf tip. This precedes visible changes in leaf morphology, asymmetric placement of the distal margin gap, formation of margin gaps along the leaf border, asymmetric distribution of marginal auxin, and asymmetry in cell division patterns. Moreover, treatment of developing leaves with either exogenous auxin or an auxin transport inhibitor eliminates asymmetric auxin response and subsequent asymmetric leaf development. We propose that the initial asymmetric placement of auxin at the leaf tip gives rise to later asymmetries in the internal auxin sources, which subsequently result in asymmetrical cell differentiation and division patterns.  相似文献   

He YK  Xue WX  Sun YD  Yu XH  Liu PL 《Cell research》2000,10(2):151-160
The experiment was performed to evaluate the progenies of plant lines transgenic for auxin synthesis genes derived from Ri T-DNA.Four lines of the transgenic plants were self-crossed and the foreign auxin genes in plants of T5 generation were confirmed by Southern hybridization.Two lines,D1232 and D1653,showed earlier folding of expanding leaves than untransformed line and therefore had early initiation of leafy head.Leaf cuttings derived from plant of transgenic line D1653 produced more adventitious roots than the control whereas the cuttings from folding leaves had much more roots than rosette leaves at folding stage,and the cuttings from head leaves had more roots than rosette leaves at heading stage.It is demonstrated that early folding of transgenic leaf may be caused by the relatively higher concentration of auxin.These plant lines with auxin transgenes can be used for the study of hormonal regulation in differentiation and development of plant orgens and for the breeding of new variety with rapid growth trait.  相似文献   

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