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Independent phenylketonuria (PKU) chromosomes (n = 109) representing 80% of a proband cohort in Quebec province carry 18 different identified mutations in 20 different mutation/haplotype combinations. The study reported here, the third in a series on Quebec populations, was done in the Montreal region and predominantly on French Canadians. It has identified three novel mutations (A309D, D338Y, and 1054/1055delG[352fs]) and one unusual mutation/RFLP haplotype combination (E280K on Hp 2). The relative frequencies and distribution of PKU mutations were then compared in three regions and population subsets (eastern Quebec, French Canadian; western Quebec, French Canadian; and Montreal, non-French Canadian). The distributions of the prevalent and rare mutations are nonrandom and provide evidence for genetic stratification. The latter and the presence of eight unusual mutation/haplotype combinations in Quebec families with European ancestries (the aforementioned four and M1V, I65T, S349P, and R408W on Hp 1) corroborate demographic and anthropologic evidence, from elsewhere, for different origins of French Canadians in eastern and western Quebec.  相似文献   

Summary Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is an inherited neurodegenerative ganglioside storage disorder caused by deficiency of the hexosaminidase A enzyme. A deletion allele (FCD) at the HEXA locus has attained high frequency in the French Canadian population. The distribution of affected probands shows a likely center of diffusion for this mutation located in the Bas-St.-Laurent and Gaspésie regions of the province of Quebec. We have reconstructed the genealogies of 15 obligate carriers of the FCD allele to an average depth of 12 generations identifying 60 ancestors and 80 European founders common to all of them. The ancestral origins of the European founders show a significantly greater number of individuals born in the French provinces of Normandy and Perche than expected based on information regarding the origins of the 8,500 immigrants who settled the colony of New France during the French regime. We have identified common ancestors among the 10 who were born in Quebec who appear to be likely candidates for the origin of the FCD mutation. One such couple had 11 children, 5 of whom settled in regions of Quebec or New Brunswick that today have elevated heterozygote frequencies for the FCD. The five offspring are ancestors of all known carriers. By contrast, the absence of FCD alleles among TSD probands in France suggests that the mutation did not occur in a European founder.  相似文献   

beta-Thalassemia minor occurs at approximately 1% frequency in French-Canadians--in families residing in Portneuf County (population approximately 40,000) of Quebec province. We found eight different RFLP haplotypes at the beta-globin gene cluster in 37 normal persons and in 12 beta-thalassemia heterozygotes from six families. beta-Thalassemia genes in these families associated with two haplotypes only: Mediterranean I and Mediterranean II. There were two different beta-thalassemia mutations segregating in the Portneuf population: an RNA processing mutation (beta(+)IVS-1,nt110) on haplotype I (five families) and a point mutation leading to chain termination (beta(0) nonsense codon 39) on haplotype II (one family). The distribution of 5' haplotypes on normal beta A Portneuf chromosomes compared with other European populations was most similar to that in British subjects (data for French subjects have not yet been reported). Genealogical reconstructions traced the ancestry of carrier couples to settlers emigrating from several different regions of France to New France in the 17th century. These findings indicate genetic diversity of a greater degree among French-Canadians than recognized heretofore.  相似文献   

Population stratification results from unequal, nonrandom genetic contribution of ancestors and should be reflected in the underlying genealogies. In Quebec, the distribution of Mendelian diseases points to local founder effects suggesting stratification of the contemporary French Canadian gene pool. Here we characterize the population structure through the analysis of the genetic contribution of 7,798 immigrant founders identified in the genealogies of 2,221 subjects partitioned in eight regions. In all but one region, about 90% of gene pools were contributed by early French founders. In the eastern region where this contribution was 76%, we observed higher contributions of Acadians, British and American Loyalists. To detect population stratification from genealogical data, we propose an approach based on principal component analysis (PCA) of immigrant founders' genetic contributions. This analysis was compared with a multidimensional scaling of pairwise kinship coefficients. Both methods showed evidence of a distinct identity of the northeastern and eastern regions and stratification of the regional populations correlated with geographical location along the St-Lawrence River. In addition, we observed a West-East decreasing gradient of diversity. Analysis of PC-correlated founders illustrates the differential impact of early versus latter founders consistent with specific regional genetic patterns. These results highlight the importance of considering the geographic origin of samples in the design of genetic epidemiology studies conducted in Quebec. Moreover, our results demonstrate that the study of deep ascending genealogies can accurately reveal population structure.  相似文献   

The predominance of the T14484C mutation in French Canadians with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy is due to a founder effect. By use of genealogical reconstructions of maternal lineages, a woman married in Quebec City in 1669 is identified as the shared female ancestor for 11 of 13 affected individuals, who were previously not known to be related. These individuals carry identical mitochondrial haplogroups. The current geographic distribution of French Canadian cases overlaps with that of the founder's female descendants in 1800. This is the first example of genealogical reconstruction to identify the introduction of a mitochondrial mutation by a woman in a founder population.  相似文献   

We have identified four mutations in each of the breast cancer-susceptibility genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, in French Canadian breast cancer and breast/ovarian cancer families from Quebec. To identify founder effects, we examined independently ascertained French Canadian cancer families for the distribution of these eight mutations. Mutations were found in 41 of 97 families. Six of eight mutations were observed at least twice. The BRCA1 C4446T mutation was the most common mutation found, followed by the BRCA2 8765delAG mutation. Together, these mutations were found in 28 of 41 families identified to have a mutation. The odds of detection of any of the four BRCA1 mutations was 18.7x greater if one or more cases of ovarian cancer were also present in the family. The odds of detection of any of the four BRCA2 mutations was 5.3x greater if there were at least five cases of breast cancer in the family. Interestingly, the presence of a breast cancer case <36 years of age was strongly predictive of the presence of any of the eight mutations screened. Carriers of the same mutation, from different families, shared similar haplotypes, indicating that the mutant alleles were likely to be identical by descent for a mutation in the founder population. The identification of common BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations will facilitate carrier detection in French Canadian breast cancer and breast/ovarian cancer families.  相似文献   

We performed mutation analysis and RFLP haplotype analysis of chromosomes associated with classical phenylketonuria (PKU) in contemporary French families. We also did genealogical reconstructions for seven obligate carriers in five contemporary French-Canadian families living in eastern Quebec, who carry the M1V mutation causing PKU. The M1V mutation, heretofore considered to be associated exclusively with French-Canadians, was found on 4 of 152 independent French chromosomes. The French and Quebec M1V mutations all occurred on RFLP haplotype 2. The contemporary mutant French chromosomes clustered in southern Brittany (Finistère Sud). Genealogical reconstructions of the Quebec families identified 53 shared ancestors and a center of diffusion in the Perche region in 17th century France. The two clusters in France, one historical and the other contemporary, are not incompatible, if one assumes the possibilities that settlers returned from Nouvelle France or moved from Perche to southern Brittany. The M1V mutation is serving as a useful marker for historical demography.  相似文献   

The prevalence and distribution of genetic diseases in the province of Quebec has been influenced by its population history. The current French Canadian population stems from 8,500 pioneers who left France for Nouvelle-France between 1608 and 1759. After the English conquest of Nouvelle-France in 1759, the French Canadian population remained mostly genetically isolated, for linguistic, cultural, and religious reasons. The migration of a small number of French individuals to Nouvelle-France created a founder effect. Subsequent migrations inland have created smaller regional founder effects. The limited size of the population favoured genetic drift, and the social context encouraged endogamy, i.e. unions between French Canadians with little admixture with English and other immigrants. Founder effects, genetic drift, and endogamy have all played a role in the current prevalence and distribution of genetic diseases now found in Quebec. The prevalence and distribution of genetic diseases in Quebec need to be taken into account in clinical practice. When clinicians are knowledgeable about the genetic diseases prevalent in the population they treat, they know to consider these diseases in differential diagnoses when appropriate and prioritize investigations accordingly. When developing a new diagnostic test for a genetic disease, the prevalence of the disease and the nature of the mutations found in the target population need to be taken into account. The performance of the test will depend on how well it accounts for the particularities of the disease in that population. In other words, how well does it detect the mutations found in that population? Interpretation of individual genetic test results will also depend on how well the test is expected to perform in the individual's population.  相似文献   

Mutations at the hexosaminidase A (HEXA) gene which cause Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) have elevated frequency in the Ashkenazi Jewish and French-Canadian populations. We report a novel TSD allele in the French-Canadian population associated with the infantile form of the disease. The mutation, a GA transition at the +1 position of intron 7, abolishes the donor splice site. Cultured human fibroblasts from a compound heterozygote for this transition (and for a deletion mutation) produce no detectable HEXA mRNA. The intron 7+1 mutation occurs in the base adjacent to the site of the adult-onset TSD mutation (G805A). In both mutations a restriction site for the endonuclease EcoRII is abolished. Unambiguous diagnosis, therefore, requires allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization to distinguish between these two mutant alleles. The intron 7+1 mutation has been detected in three unrelated families. Obligate heterozygotes for the intron 7+1 mutation were born in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region of Quebec. The most recent ancestors common to obligate carriers of this mutation were from the Charlevoix region of the province of Quebec. This mutation thus has a different geographic centre of diffusion and is probably less common than the exon 1 deletion TSD mutation in French Canadians. Neither mutation has been detected in France, the ancestral homeland of French Canada.  相似文献   



Usher syndrome type 1 (USH1) is the leading cause of deafblindness. In most populations, many private mutations are distributed across the five known USH1 genes. We investigated patients from the French Canadian population of Quebec (approximately 6 million people) that descends from about 8,500 French settlers who colonized the St Lawrence River valley between 1608 and 1759. We hypothesized that founder mutations in USH1 genes exist in this population.  相似文献   

Summary Mutations in the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene, leading to partial or total inactivation of the enzyme, result in a hereditary clinical syndrome called familial LPL deficiency. The French Canadian population, which is primarily and historically located in the province of Québec, has the highest worldwide frequency of LPL-deficient patients. We have analyzed the prevalence, spatial distribution, and genealogy in the Québec population of a LPL gene mutation, M-207 (P207L in conventional notation), which changes the amino acid proline to leucine in position 207 of the LPL protein and inactivates the enzyme. Our results show that M-207 is the most prevalent LPL gene mutation among French Canadians and accounts for the largest proportion of LPL-deficient patients in this population. Genealogical reconstruction of French Canadian LPL-deficient patients point to 16 founders of M-207, all of whom migrated to Québec in the early seventeenth century from the north-western part of France, especially from the region of Perche. Most of the carriers of M-207 are, at present, found in the Charlevoix, Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean regions of eastern Québec. On the basis of the number of homozygote M-207 LPL-deficient patients so far identified, we estimate that there are at least 31,000 carriers of this mutation in the province of Québec. This constitutes a large pool of individuals at risk for atherosclerosis and other lipid-related diseases, since LPL deficiency is considered to be a significant contributing factor in the etiology and development of these diseases.  相似文献   

The will to have one's own particular identity universally acknowledged and respected is now one of the most significant determinants of the sociopolitical dynamic of contemporary modern societies. However, the actual recognition of difference is more often than not an unsatisfactory and disappointing experience for many of the groups and communities striving for that recognition. The recent experience of Canadian Aboriginal peoples is a case in point. This article looks at the struggle of Aboriginal nations for recognition in one particular region of Canada, the province of Quebec. Indeed, Quebec offers a revealing case‐study of the peculiarities of the politics of recognition. For over three decades now, the French‐speaking majority of Quebec has striven to assert its ethnocultural distinctiveness and laid claims to a special status within the Canadian political and constitutional framework. Today, both Quebecers and Aboriginals are recognition seekers within the Canadian polity. As a result, their relationship is inevitably marked by their respective but competing attempt to draw the attention of the Canadian state to their particular identity claims. In recent years, this has led to a highly conflictual dynamic which considerably strains any hope of social and cultural coexistence. The article examines the particularities of the politics of recognition in the Quebec context. Its objective is twofold. First, it should serve to shed some light on the manifestations of Aboriginal ethnonationalism in Canada. Secondly, it seeks to illustrate the limitations and paradoxical nature of the politics of recognition within a liberal framework.  相似文献   

The Quebec population contains about six-million French Canadians, descended from the French settlers who colonized Nouvelle-France between 1608 and 1765. Although the relative genetic contribution of each of these founders is highly variable, altogether they account for the major part of the contemporary French-Canadian gene pool. This study was designed to analyze the role of this founder effect in the introduction and diffusion of the BRCA1 recurrent R1443X mutant allele. A highly conserved haplotype, observed in 18 French-Canadian families and generated using 17 microsatellite markers surrounding the BRCA1 locus, supports the fact that the R1443X mutation is a founder mutation in the Quebec population. We also performed haplotyping analysis of R1443X carriers on 19 other families from seven different nationalities; although the same alleles are shared for three markers surrounding the BRCA1 gene, distinct haplotypes were obtained in four families, suggesting multiple origins for the R1443X mutation. Ascending genealogies of the 18 French Canadian families and of controls were reconstructed on an average depth of 10 generations. We identified the founder couple with the highest probability of having introduced the mutation in the population. Based on the descending genealogy of this couple, we detected the presence of geographical concentration in the diffusion pattern of the mutation. This study demonstrates how molecular genetics and demogenetic analyses can complement each other to provide findings that could have an impact on public health. Moreover, this approach is certainly not unique to breast cancer genetics and could be used to understand other complex traits.Other members of the BCLC Haplotype Group involved in this study are listed in Appendix 1Other members of INHERIT BRCAs involved in this study are listed in Appendix 2H. Vézina and F. Durocher contributed equally to this work and should be regarded as joint first author  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences for 63 Dutch pedigrees with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) were determined, 56 of which carried one of the classic LHON mutations at nucleotide (nt) 3460, 11778, or 14484. Analysis of these sequences indicated that there were several instances in which the mtDNAs were either identical or related by descent. The most striking example was a haplogroup J mtDNA that carried the 14484 LHON mutation. Four different but related mitochondrial genotypes were identified in seven of the Dutch pedigrees with LHON, including six of those described by van Senus. The control region of the founder sequence for these Dutch pedigrees with LHON matches the control-region sequence that Macmillan and colleagues identified in the founder mtDNA of French Canadian pedigrees with LHON. In addition, we obtained a perfect match between the Dutch 14484 founder sequence and the complete mtDNA sequences of two Canadian pedigrees with LHON. Those results indicate that these Dutch and French Canadian 14484 pedigrees with LHON share a common ancestor, that the single origin of the 14484 mutation in this megalineage occurred before the year 1600, and that there is a 14484/haplogroup J founder effect. We estimate that this lineage--including the 14484 LHON mutation--arose 900-1,800 years ago. Overall, the phylogenetic analyses of these mtDNA sequences conservatively indicate that a LHON mutation has arisen at least 42 times in the Dutch population. Finally, analysis of the mtDNA sequences from those pedigrees that did not carry classic LHON mutations suggested candidate pathogenic mutations at nts 9804, 13051, and 14325.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia stem rot, caused by fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is one of the most devastating diseases in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). We report the identification of Quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in the resistance to S. sclerotiorum in two segregating populations of DH lines: the HUA population, derived from a cross between a partially resistant Chinese winter line (Hua dbl2) and a susceptible European spring line (P1804); and the MS population, derived from a partially resistant French winter cultivar (Major) and a susceptible Canadian spring cultivar (Stellar). A petiole inoculation technique and two scoring methods, days to wilt (DW) and stem lesion length (SLL), were used for the resistance assessment. A total of eight genomic regions affecting resistance were detected in the HUA population, with four of these regions affecting both measures of resistance. Only one region, which affected both measurements, was detected in the MS population. Individual QTL explained 6–22% of the variance. At five of the QTL from both populations, alleles from the resistant parent contributed to the resistance. QTL on N2 from the HUA population had the highest LOD score and R 2 value and was detected for SLL in the first evaluation. The N12 resistance allele in Hua dbl2 was detected in a region containing a homeologous non-reciprocal transposition (HNRT) from the resistance-containing portion of N2. This result suggests that QTL in the N12.N2 HNRT enhanced the resistance of Hua dbl2 by increasing the dosage of resistance genes. The relationship of QTL from different genetic backgrounds and their associations with other agronomic traits are discussed.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with the A455E mutation, in both the French Canadian and the Dutch population, share a common haplotype over distances of up to 25 cM. French Canadian patients with the 621+1G→T mutation share a common haplotype of more than 14 cM. In contrast, haplotypes containing the ΔF508 mutation show haplotype identity over a much shorter genomic distance within and between populations, probably because of the multiple introduction of this most common mutation. Haplotype analysis for specific mutations in CF or in other recessive diseases can be used as a model for studying the occurrence of genetic drift conditional on gene frequencies. Moreover, from our results, it can be inferred that analysis of shared haplotypes is a suitable method for genetic mapping in general. Received: 30 November 1995 / Revised: 11 April 1996  相似文献   

The spinocerebellar ataxia 3 locus (SCA3) for type I autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (ADCA type I), a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of neuro-degenerative disorders, has been mapped to chromosome 14q32.1. ADCA type I patients from families segregating SCA3 share clinical features in common with those with Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), the gene of which maps to the same region. We show here that the disease gene segregating in each of three French ADCA type I kindreds and in a French family with neuropatho-logical findings suggesting the ataxochoreic form of dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy carries an expanded CAG repeat sequence located at the same locus as that for MJD. Analysis of the mutation in these families shows a strong negative correlation between size of the expanded CAG repeat and age at onset of clinical disease. Instability of the expanded triplet repeat was not found to be affected by sex of the parent transmitting the mutation. Evidence was found for somatic and gonadal mosaicism for alleles carrying expanded trinucleotide repeats.  相似文献   

The BRCA2 8765delAG mutation was previously reported in hereditary breast cancer families of French Canadian and Yemenite Jewish descent. Haplotype analysis, using six microsatellite markers that span BRCA2 and two intragenic polymorphisms, was performed on 8765delAG mutation carriers to determine if there was evidence that the mutations were identical by descent. The alleles of the microsatellite markers most closely flanking BRCA2 (D13S1697 and D13S1701) were found to be identical in state in all the mutation carriers. However, the disease-associated allele of one of the intragenic markers differed between the Yemenite Jews and French Canadian families, indicating that the 8765delAG mutation has independent origins in these two geographically and ethnically distinct populations.  相似文献   

A 3-bp deletion (ΔF508) in the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene is the mutation on the majority of CF chromosomes. We studied 112 CF families from North American populations of French ancestry: French-Canadian families referred from hospitals in three cities in Quebec and from the Saguenay-Lac St. Jean region of northeastern Quebec and Acadian families living in Louisiana. ΔF508 was present on 71%, 55%, and 70% of the CF chromosomes from the major-urban Quebec, Saguenay-Lac St. Jean, and Louisiana Acadian families, respectively. A weighted estimate of the proportion of ΔF508 in the French-Canadian patient population of Quebec was 70%. We found that 95% of the CF chromosomes with ΔF508 had D7S23 haplotype B, the most frequent haplotype on CF chromosomes. In the Saguenay-Lac St. Jean families, 86% of the CF chromosomes without ΔF508 had the B haplotype, compared with 31% for the major-urban Quebec and Louisiana Acadian families. The incidence of CF in the Saguenay-Lac St. Jean population was 1/895 live-born infants.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to account for the effect of mother's death on child survival in a historical population. Using comprehensive data on the early French Canadian population of Quebec, evidence is provided for a higher risk of dying for motherless children that remains significant over all childhood and long after the death of the mother. The specific effect of the loss of maternal care was estimated by comparing mortality before and after mother's death, furnishing a means to control for family heterogeneity. No differential in investment between genders was detected before age 3, but older girls suffered a three-fold higher susceptibility to mother's death than their male counterparts. This suggests that grown-up girls assuming the responsibilities of the missing mother had a lower chance of survival.  相似文献   

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