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As microRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of many biological processes, a series of small RNAomes from plants have been produced in the last decade. However, miRNA data from several groups of plants are still lacking, including some economically important crops. Here microRNAs from Coffea canephora leaves were profiled and 58 unique sequences belonging to 33 families were found, including two novel microRNAs that have never been described before in plants. Some of the microRNA sequences were also identified in Coffea arabica that, together with C. canephora, correspond to the two major sources of coffee production in the world. The targets of almost all miRNAs were also predicted on coffee expressed sequences. This is the first report of novel miRNAs in the genus Coffea, and also the first in the plant order Gentianales. The data obtained establishes the basis for the understanding of the complex miRNA-target network on those two important crops.  相似文献   

The serology-based methods routinely used in forensic casework for the identification of biological fluids are costly in terms of time and sample and have varying degrees of sensitivity and specificity. Recently, the use of a molecular genetics-based approach using messenger RNA (mRNA) profiling has been proposed to supplant conventional methods for body fluid identification. However, the size of the amplification products used in these mRNA assays (∼ 200-300 nt) might not be ideal for use with degraded or compromised samples frequently encountered in forensic casework. Recently, there has been an explosion of interest in a novel class of small noncoding RNAs, microRNAs (miRNAs, ∼20-25 bases in length), with numerous published studies reporting that some miRNAs are expressed in a tissue-specific manner. In this article, we provide the first comprehensive evaluation of miRNA expression in dried, forensically relevant biological fluids—blood, semen, saliva, vaginal secretions, and menstrual blood—in an attempt to identify putative body fluid-specific miRNAs. Most of the 452 human miRNAs tested (∼67% of the known miRNAome) were either expressed in multiple body fluids or not expressed at all. Nevertheless, we have identified a panel of nine miRNAs—miR451, miR16, miR135b, miR10b, miR658, miR205, miR124a, miR372, and miR412—that are differentially expressed to such a degree as to permit the identification of the body fluid origin of forensic biological stains using as little as 50 pg of total RNA. The miRNA-based body fluid identification assays were highly specific because the miRNA expression profile for each body fluid was different from that obtained from 21 human tissues. The results of this study provide an initial indication that miRNA profiling may provide a promising alternative approach to body fluid identification for forensic casework.  相似文献   

There has been a growing interest in using next-generation sequencing (NGS) to profile extracellular small RNAs from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with neurological diseases, CNS tumors, or traumatic brain injury for biomarker discovery. Small sample volumes and samples with low RNA abundance create challenges for downstream small RNA sequencing assays. Plasma, serum, and CSF contain low amounts of total RNA, of which small RNAs make up a fraction. The purpose of this study was to maximize RNA isolation from RNA-limited samples and apply these methods to profile the miRNA in human CSF by small RNA deep sequencing. We systematically tested RNA isolation efficiency using ten commercially available kits and compared their performance on human plasma samples. We used RiboGreen to quantify total RNA yield and custom TaqMan assays to determine the efficiency of small RNA isolation for each of the kits. We significantly increased the recovery of small RNA by repeating the aqueous extraction during the phenol-chloroform purification in the top performing kits. We subsequently used the methods with the highest small RNA yield to purify RNA from CSF and serum samples from the same individual. We then prepared small RNA sequencing libraries using Illumina’s TruSeq sample preparation kit and sequenced the samples on the HiSeq 2000. Not surprisingly, we found that the miRNA expression profile of CSF is substantially different from that of serum. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the small RNA fraction from CSF has been profiled using next-generation sequencing.  相似文献   

High throughput sequencing of microRNAs in chicken somites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High throughput Solexa sequencing technology was applied to identify microRNAs in somites of developing chicken embryos. We obtained 651 273 reads, from which 340 415 were mapped to the chicken genome representing 1701 distinct sequences. Eighty-five of these were known microRNAs and 42 novel miRNA candidates were identified. Accumulation of 18 of 42 sequences was confirmed by Northern blot analysis. Ten of the 18 sequences are new variants of known miRNAs and eight short RNAs are novel miRNAs. Six of these eight have not been reported by other deep sequencing projects. One of the six new miRNAs is highly enriched in somite tissue suggesting that deep sequencing of other specific tissues has the potential to identify novel tissue specific miRNAs.  相似文献   

利用深度测序技术检测玉米根系和叶片中已知的microRNAs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chen J  Lin HJ  Pan GT  Zhang ZM  Zhang B  Shen YO  Qin C  Zhang Q  Zhao MJ 《遗传》2010,32(11):1175-1186
microRNA(miRNA)是一类具有20~24nt核苷酸长度的非蛋白质编码的内源小分子RNA,它在植物生长发育和逆境胁迫响应等过程中发挥着重要作用。文章利用基于Illumina/Solexa原理的小分子RNA深度测序技术,结合生物信息学的方法对玉米根系和叶片中已知miRNA的类型、丰度及靶基因进行了分析。研究发现,在根系中共检测到92个已知的miRNA,分别属于18个miRNA家族,其表达丰度在1~105943之间;在叶片中,共发现86个已知的miRNA,分别属于17个miRNA家族,其表达丰度在1~85973之间。靶基因预测结果表明,根系中的18个miRNA家族共靶向54个蛋白,进一步的功能预测发现,这些基因涉及了转录调控、物质能量代谢、电子传递、胁迫响应和信号转导等过程。以上研究结果表明,就已知的miRNA而言,无论是miRNA的类型还是表达丰度,在玉米根系和叶片中都存在较大差异。  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been implicated to play key roles in normal physiological functions, and altered expression of specific miRNAs has been associated with a number of diseases. It is of great interest to understand their roles and a prerequisite for such study is the ability to comprehensively and accurately assess the levels of the entire repertoire of miRNAs in a given sample. It has been shown that some miRNAs frequently have sequence variations termed isomirs. To better understand the extent of miRNA sequence heterogeneity and its potential implications for miRNA function and measurement, we conducted a comprehensive survey of miRNA sequence variations from human and mouse samples using next generation sequencing platforms. Our results suggest that the process of generating this isomir spectrum might not be random and that heterogeneity at the ends of miRNA affects the consistency and accuracy of miRNA level measurement. In addition, we have constructed a database from our sequencing data that catalogs the entire repertoire of miRNA sequences (http://galas.systemsbiology.net/cgi-bin/isomir/find.pl). This enables users to determine the most abundant sequence and the degree of heterogeneity for each individual miRNA species. This information will be useful both to better understand the functions of isomirs and to improve probe or primer design for miRNA detection and measurement.  相似文献   

RNA结合蛋白通过特异识别RNA底物发挥重要的生物学作用。指数富集的配体系统进化(Systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment,SELEX)技术是一种体外筛选核酸底物的基本方法,SELEX技术通过重复多轮筛选从随机核酸序列库中筛选出特异性与靶物质高度亲和的核酸底物,本研究将利用该技术与二代高通量测序(NGS)相结合,体外合成含有20个随机碱基的RNA文库,将所要研究的蛋白构建到带有可被链亲和酶素磁珠捕获的SBP标记的载体上去,显著提高筛选效率,仅需1轮筛选即可获得所需RNA底物motif。通过该方法获得了人的hn RNP A1的UP1结构域特异识别AGG和AG二种RNA序列,并通过EMSA实验证实其可以与获得的RNA motif结合。这一方法的建立对于研究RNA结合蛋白识别底物的序列特异性,并进一步了解其在生物体内的调控机制有重要意义。  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNAs that modulate gene expression by binding target mRNAs. The hundreds of miRNAs expressed in the brain are critical for synaptic development and plasticity. Drugs of abuse cause lasting changes in the limbic regions of the brain that process reward, and addiction is viewed as a form of aberrant neuroplasticity. Using next-generation sequencing, we cataloged miRNA expression in the nucleus accumbens and at striatal synapses in control and chronically cocaine-treated mice. We identified cocaine-responsive miRNAs, synaptically enriched and depleted miRNA families, and confirmed cocaine-induced changes in protein expression for several predicted synaptic target genes. The miR-8 family, known for its roles in cancer, is highly enriched and cocaine regulated at striatal synapses, where its members may affect expression of cell adhesion molecules. Synaptically enriched cocaine-regulated miRNAs may contribute to long-lasting drug-induced plasticity through fine-tuning regulatory pathways that modulate the actin cytoskeleton, neurotransmitter metabolism, and peptide hormone processing.  相似文献   

High-throughput sequencing studies have shown the important role microbial communities play in the male reproductive tract, indicating differences in the semen microbial composition between fertile and infertile males. Most of these studies were made on human beings but little is known regarding domestic animals. Seminal bacteria studies made in stallions mostly focus on pathogenic bacteria and on their impact on reproductive technology. However, little is known about stallion commensal seminal microflora. That ultimately hinders our capacity to associate specific bacteria to conditions or seminal quality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the seminal microbial composition of 12 healthy, fertile stallion using next-generation sequencing. Hypervariable region V3 was chosen for bacterial identification. A total of nine phyla was detected. The most abundant ones were Bacteroidetes (46.50%), Firmicutes (29.92%) and Actinobacteria (13.58%). At family level, we found 69 bacterial families, but only nine are common in all samples. Porphyromonadaceae (33.18%), Peptoniphilaceae (14.09%), Corynebacteriaceae (11.32%) and Prevotellaceae (9.05%) were the most representative ones, while the Firmicutes phylum displayed the highest number of families (23, a third of the total). Samples showed high inter-subject variability. Findings previously described in other species notably differ from our findings. Families found in human such as Lactobacillaceae, Staphylococcaceae and Streptococcaceae only represented a 0.00%, 0.17% and 0.22% abundance in our samples, respectively. In conclusion, Porphyromonadaceae, Prevotellaceae, Peptoniphilaceae and Corynebacteriaceae families are highly represented in the seminal microbiome of healthy, fertile stallions. A high variation among individuals is also observed.  相似文献   

赵跃  张宏  夏雪山 《遗传》2015,37(7):635-644
遗传性心肌病(Inherited cardiomyopathy, ICM)是一种常见的遗传性心脏疾病,主要由基因突变所致,是青少年和年轻运动员猝死的最主要原因之一。到目前为止,已经发现约100个基因和其致病有关,这些基因相关的变异位点具有不同的致病机制。随着临床遗传检测在遗传疾病诊断中的应用,对遗传性心肌病的分子遗传学特性及其致病机制进行深入了解,是对该病遗传诊断的关键。下一代半导体测序仪在2010年底由美国Life Technologies公司发布,其以布满微孔的高密度半导体芯片为测序基础,具有快速、经济、灵敏性好、准确率高等特点,已经应用于遗传疾病的突变筛查。文章主要对遗传性心肌病的分子遗传学特性和下一代半导体测序技术在遗传性心肌病遗传检测中的应用以及面临的挑战进行了概括总结,有助于遗传性心肌病的诊断、预防和治疗。  相似文献   

呼吸系统感染发病率高,早期明确感染的病原体是提高治愈率、降低死亡率的关键.目前病原体培养仍是临床病原学诊断的主要方式,但其敏感性低、耗时较长,不利于早期诊断和治疗.宏基因组学测序技术具有覆盖病原体广泛、快速、无偏倚、无需特异性扩增的优势,在鉴定罕见、混合感染、免疫抑制患者感染和常规检测方法难以检测到病原体的诊断中有较高...  相似文献   

病原宏基因组高通量测序技术理论上能够检测几乎所有病原体基因组核酸,且适用于几乎所有类型的临床样本,尤其适用于病原不明的疑难感染性疾病的诊断。因此该技术正逐渐成为实验室常规检测方法的重要补充和不可替代的项目。然而,基于该技术的诊断试剂不仅检测流程繁琐复杂、技术更新迭代速度较快,同时相关质量控制与评价的方法和标准也有待明确,这些因素均给该技术的临床转化应用、行业发展以及监管带来挑战和不确定性。文中简述了该技术的原理和优势,以及检测流程和关键质量控制环节,最后着重介绍了关于该技术的质量评价方法和标准的相关思考。  相似文献   

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