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The ORF sequences of the gene encoding sepiapterin reductase were cloned from the genomic DNAs of Chlorobium tepidum and Chlorobium limicola, which are known to produce L-threo- and L-erythro-tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4)-N-acetylglucosamine, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequence of C. limicola consists of 241 residues, while C. tepidum SR has three residues more at the C-terminal. The overall protein sequence identity was 87.7%. Both recombinant proteins generated from Escherichia coli were identified to catalyze reduction of diketo compound 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin to L-threo-BH4. This result suggests that C. limicola needs an additional enzyme for L-erythro-BH4 synthesis to yield its glycoside. The catalytic activity of Chlorobium SRs also supports the previously proposed mechanism of two consecutive reductions of C1' carbonyl group of 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin via isomerization reaction.  相似文献   

Flash-induced optical kinetics at room temperature of cytochrome (Cyt) c 551 and an Fe-S center (CFA/CFB) bound to a purified reaction center (RC) complex from the green sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Chlorobium tepidum were studied. At 551 nm, the flash-induced absorbance change decayed with a t 1/2 of several hundred ms, and the decay was accelerated by 1-methoxy-5-methylphenazinium methyl sulfate (mPMS). In the blue region, the absorbance change was composed of mPMS-dependent (Cyt) and mPMS-independent component (CFA/CFB) which decayed with a t 1/2 of 400–650 ms. Decay of the latter was effectively accelerated by benzyl viologen (Em –360 mV) and methyl viologen (–440 mV), and less effectively by triquat (–540 mV). The difference spectrum of Cyt c had negative peaks at 551, 520 and 420 nm, with a positive rise at 440 to 500 nm. The difference spectrum of CFA/CFB resembled P430 of PSI, and had a broad negative peak at 430435 nm.Abbreviations (B)Chl (bacterio)chlorophyll - Cyt cytochrome - FA, FB and FX iron-sulfur center A, B and X of Photosystem I - CFA, CFB and CFX FA-,FB- and FX-like Fe-S center of Chlorobium - mPMS 1-methoxy-5-methylphenazinium methyl sulfate - PSI Photosystem I - RC reaction center  相似文献   

The csmB gene, encoding the 7.5-kDa “Gerola-Olson” protein of chlorosomes, has been cloned and sequenced from the green sulfur bacteria Chlorobium vibrioforme strain 8327D and Chlorobium tepidum. Two potential start codons were identified, and the csmB gene may be translated into a preprotein with an amino-terminal extension. Two forms of the mature CsmB protein (74 or 75 amino acids in length) were identified that differ by the presence or absence of a methionine residue at the amino terminus. The csmB gene of Chl. tepidum is transcribed as an abundant monocistronic mRNA of approximately 350 nucleotides; primer extension mapping of the 5′ endpoint of the csmB mRNA suggests there is strong similarity between the csmB promoter and the σ70 promoters of Escherichia coli. The CsmB protein of Chl. tepidum was overproduced as a histidine-tagged fusion protein in E. coli, purified to homogeneity by Ni2+ chelation affinity chromatography, and used to raise polyclonal antibodies in rabbits. Protease susceptibility mapping and agglutination experiments with isolated chlorosomes using anti-CsmB antibodies indicate that the CsmB protein is a component of the chlorosome envelope. Received: 28 May 1996 / Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

Kim JS  Shin DH  Pufan R  Huang C  Yokota H  Kim R  Kim SH 《Proteins》2006,62(2):322-328
Structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) proteins are essential in chromosome condensation and interact with non-SMC proteins in eukaryotes and with segregation and condensation proteins (ScpA and ScpB) in prokaryotes. The highly conserved gene in Chlorobium tepidum gi 21646405 encodes ScpB (ScpB_ChTe). The high resolution crystal structure of ScpB_ChTe shows that the monomeric structure consists of two similarly shaped globular domains composed of three helices sided by beta-strands [a winged helix-turn-helix (HTH)], a motif observed in the C-terminal domain of Scc1, a functionally related eukaryotic ScpA homolog, as well as in many DNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

The structure of the chlorosome baseplate protein CsmA from Chlorobium tepidum in a 1:1 chloroform:methanol solution was determined using liquid-state NMR spectroscopy. The data reveal that the 59-residue protein is predominantly alpha-helical with a long helical domain extending from residues V6 to L36, containing a putative bacteriochlorophyll a binding domain, and a short helix in the C-terminal part extending from residues M41 to G49. These elements are compatible with a model of CsmA having the long N-terminal alpha-helical stretch immersed into the lipid monolayer confining the chlorosome and the short C-terminal helix protruding outwards, thus available for interaction with the Fenna-Matthews-Olson antenna protein.  相似文献   

The thermophilic green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum grew with N2, NH4+, or glutamine as the sole nitrogen source under phototrophic (anaerobic-light) conditions. Growth on N2 required increased buffering capacity to stabilize uncharacterized pH changes that occurred during diazotrophic growth. Increased sulfide levels were stimulatory for growth on N2. Levels of nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) in N2-grown C. tepidum cells were very high, among the highest ever reported for anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. Maximal acetylene reduction rates in C. tepidum cells were observed at 48 to 50 degrees C, which is about 15 degrees C higher than the optimum temperature for nitrogenase activity in mesophilic chlorobia, and nitrogenase activity in C. tepidum responded to addition of ammonia by a "switch-off/switch-on" mechanism like that in phototrophic purple bacteria. C. tepidum cells assimilated ammonia mainly via the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase pathway, elevated levels of both of these enzymes being present in cells grown on N2. These results show that N2 fixation can occur in green sulfur bacteria up to at least 60 degrees C and that regulatory mechanisms important in control of nitrogenase activity in mesophilic anoxygenic phototrophs also appear to regulate thermally active forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Sepiapterin reductase from Chlorobium tepidum (cSR) catalyzes the synthesis of a distinct tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), L -threo-BH4, different from the mammalian enzyme product. The 3-D crystal structure of cSR has revealed that the product configuration is determined solely by the substrate binding mode within the well-conserved catalytic triads. In cSR, the sepiapterin is stacked between two aromatic side chains of Phe-99 and Trp-196 and rotated approximately 180° around the active site from the position in mouse sepiapterin reductase. To confirm their roles in substrate binding, we mutated Phe-99 and/or Trp-196 to alanine (F99A, W196A) by site-directed mutagenesis and comparatively examined substrate binding of the purified proteins by kinetics analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. These mutants had higher K m values than the wild type. Remarkably, the W196A mutation resulted in a higher K m increase compared with the F99A mutation. Consistent with the results, the melting temperature ( T m) in the presence of sepiapterin was lower in the mutant proteins and the worst was W196A. These findings indicate that the two residues are indispensable for substrate binding in cSR, and Trp-196 is more important than Phe-99 for different stereoisomer production.  相似文献   

Bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c in whole cells of Chlorobium tepidum grown at 46 °C changed into bacteriopheophytin (BPhe) c within 10 days after reaching full growth. When a small amount of C. tepidum cells in which BChl c had been completely pheophytinized were transferred to a new culture medium, normal growth was observed after a short lag phase, and the absorption spectrum of the growing cells showed the presence of a normal amount of BChl c. During the growth of C. tepidum in the new culture, the BChl c concentration was nearly proportional to the cell density measured by turbidity (OD640). These results indicate that C. tepidum can survive even when BChl c has been completely pheophytinized and that BChl c is newly synthesized in such cells when transferred to a new culture medium. In partly pheophytinized cells, upon excitation of BPhe c at 550 nm the fluorescence emission spectrum showed maxima at 775 and 810 nm, which correspond to emissions from BChl c and BChl a, respectively. This indicates energy transfer from BPhe c to BChl c and BChl a. In cells in which BChl c was completely pheophytinized, fluorescence measurements were indicative of direct energy transfer from BPhe c to baseplate BChl a. These findings suggest that when BChl c in C. tepidum cells is pheophytinized, the product (BPhe c) remains in the chlorosomes and continues to work as a light-harvesting pigment. Received: 2 October 1998 / Accepted: 22 April 1999  相似文献   

The green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum is a strict anaerobe and an obligate photoautotroph. On the basis of sequence similarity with known enzymes or sequence motifs, nine open reading frames encoding putative enzymes of carotenoid biosynthesis were identified in the genome sequence of C. tepidum, and all nine genes were inactivated. Analysis of the carotenoid composition in the resulting mutants allowed the genes encoding the following six enzymes to be identified: phytoene synthase (crtB/CT1386), phytoene desaturase (crtP/CT0807), zeta-carotene desaturase (crtQ/CT1414), gamma-carotene desaturase (crtU/CT0323), carotenoid 1',2'-hydratase (crtC/CT0301), and carotenoid cis-trans isomerase (crtH/CT0649). Three mutants (CT0180, CT1357, and CT1416 mutants) did not exhibit a discernible phenotype. The carotenoid biosynthetic pathway in C. tepidum is similar to that in cyanobacteria and plants by converting phytoene into lycopene using two plant-like desaturases (CrtP and CrtQ) and a plant-like cis-trans isomerase (CrtH) and thus differs from the pathway known in all other bacteria. In contrast to the situation in cyanobacteria and plants, the construction of a crtB mutant completely lacking carotenoids demonstrates that carotenoids are not essential for photosynthetic growth of green sulfur bacteria. However, the bacteriochlorophyll a contents of mutants lacking colored carotenoids (crtB, crtP, and crtQ mutants) were decreased from that of the wild type, and these mutants exhibited a significant growth rate defect under all light intensities tested. Therefore, colored carotenoids may have both structural and photoprotection roles in green sulfur bacteria. The ability to manipulate the carotenoid composition so dramatically in C. tepidum offers excellent possibilities for studying the roles of carotenoids in the light-harvesting chlorosome antenna and iron-sulfur-type (photosystem I-like) reaction center. The phylogeny of carotenogenic enzymes in green sulfur bacteria and green filamentous bacteria is also discussed.  相似文献   

Thermophilic green sulfur bacteria of the genus Chlorobium were isolated from certain acidic high sulfide New Zealand hot springs. Cells were Gram-negative nonmotile rods of variable length and contained bacteriochlorophyll c and chlorosomes. Cultures of thermophilic chlorobia grew only under anaerobic, phototrophic conditions, either photoautotrophically or photoheterotrophically. The optimum growth temperature for the strains of thermophilic green sulfur bacteria isolated was 47–48°C with generation times of about 2 h being observed. The upper temperature limit for growth was about 52°C. Thiosulfate was a major electron donor for photoautotrophic growth while sulfide alone was only poorly used. N2 fixation was observed at 48°C and cell suspensions readily reduced acetylene to ethylene. The G+C content of DNA from strains of thermophilic chlorobia was 56.5–58.2 mol% and the organisms positioned phylogenetically within the green sulfur bacterial branch of the domain Bacteria. The new phototrophs are described as a new species of the genus Chlorobium, Chlorobium tepidum.This paper is dedicated to Professor Norbert Pfennig on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Flavocytochrome c-553 of the non-thiosulfateutilizing green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium limicola strain 6330 was partially purified by ion exchange column chromatography and ammonium sulfate fractionation (highest purity index obtained: A 280/A 417 red=0.96). It is autoxidizable and located in the soluble fraction. This hemoprotein contains a flavin component and one heme per molecule. The dithionite reduced spectrum reveals the typical maxima of a c-type cytochrome: =553,5 nm; =523 nm; =417 nm, while the oxidized form shows a -band at 410 nm and two shoulders at 440 nm and 480 nm indicating the flavin component. The flavocytochrome is a basic protein with an isoelectric point at pH 9.0 (± 0.5), a redox potential of 65 mV, a molecular weight of 56,000. It participates in sulfide oxidation and shows neither adenylylsulfate reductase nor sulfite reductase activity. C. limicola further contains a soluble cytochrome c-555 (highest purity index obtained: A 280/A 412 ox=0.13; isoelectric point between pH 9.5 and 10) and the non-heme iron-containing proteins rubredoxin and ferredoxin, but lacks cytochrome c-551. Besides these soluble electron transfer proteins a membrane-bound c-type cytochrome (=554,5 nm) can be detected spectrophotometrically.Non-common abbreviations HIPIP high-potential iron sulfur protein - APS adenylylsulfate  相似文献   

Chl. tepidum is a Gram-negative green-sulfur bacterium, which is strict by anaerobic and grows by utilizing sulfide or thiosulfate as an electron source. Blue native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) is widely used for the analysis of oligomeric state and molecular mass non-dissociated protein complexes. In this study, a number of proteomic techniques were used to investigate the oligomeric state enzymes. In particular, the Chl. tepidum-soluble proteome was monitored under native condition by using BN-PAGE. The BN-PAGE protein complexes map was analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS after trypsin treatment and from 42 BN proteins bands, 62 different proteins were identified. Additionally, functional information regarding protein–protein interactions was assembled, by coupling 2-D BN-PAGE with MALDI-TOF MS. One-hundred and seventy gel bands were spotted, out of which 187 different proteins were identified. The identified proteins belong to various functional categories like energy metabolism, protein synthesis, amino acid biosynthesis, central intermediate metabolism, and biosynthesis of cofactors indicating the potential of the method for elucidation of functional proteomes.  相似文献   

Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) catalyzes the incorporation of atmospheric CO(2) into ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP). RuBisCOs are classified into four forms based on sequence similarity: forms I, II and III are bona fide RuBisCOs; form IV, also called the RuBisCO-like protein (RLP), lacks several of the substrate binding and catalytic residues and does not catalyze RuBP-dependent CO(2) fixation in vitro. To contribute to understanding the function of RLPs, we determined the crystal structure of the RLP from Chlorobium tepidum. The overall structure of the RLP is similar to the structures of the three other forms of RuBisCO; however, the active site is distinct from those of bona fide RuBisCOs and suggests that the RLP is possibly capable of catalyzing enolization but not carboxylation. Bioinformatic analysis of the protein functional linkages suggests that this RLP coevolved with enzymes of the bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis pathway and may be involved in processes related to photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The broad-host-range IncQ group plasmids pDSK519 and pGSS33 were transferred by conjugation from Escherichia coli into the thermophilic green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. C. tepidum exconjugants expressed the kanamycin and ampicillin-chloramphenicol resistances encoded by pDSK519 and pGSS33, respectively. Ampicillin resistance was a particularly good marker for selection in C. tepidum. Both pDSK519 and pGSS33 were stably maintained in C. tepidum at temperatures below 42 degrees C and could be transferred between C. tepidum and E. coli without modifications. Conjugation frequencies ranged from 10(-1) to 10(-4) exconjugants per donor cell, and frequencies of 10(-2) to 10(-3) were consistently obtained when ampicillin resistance was used as a selectable marker. Methods for growth of C. tepidum on agar, isolation of plating strains and antibiotic-resistant mutants of wild-type C. tepidum cells, and optimum conditions for conjugation were also investigated.  相似文献   

Conditions for inactivating chromosomal genes of Chlorobium tepidum by natural transformation and homologous recombination were established. As a model, mutants unable to perform nitrogen fixation were constructed by interrupting nifD with various antibiotic resistance markers. Growth of wild-type C. tepidum at 40 degrees C on agar plates could be completely inhibited by 100 microg of gentamicin ml(-1), 2 microg of erythromycin ml(-1), 30 microg of chloramphenicol ml(-1), or 1 microg of tetracycline ml(-1) or a combination of 300 microg of streptomycin ml(-1) and 150 microg of spectinomycin ml(-1). Transformation was performed by spotting cells and DNA on an agar plate for 10 to 20 h. Transformation frequencies on the order of 10(-7) were observed with gentamicin and erythromycin markers, and transformation frequencies on the order of 10(-3) were observed with a streptomycin-spectinomycin marker. The frequency of spontaneous mutants resistant to gentamicin, erythromycin, or spectinomycin-streptomycin was undetectable or significantly lower than the transformation frequency. Transformation with the gentamicin marker was observed when the transforming DNA contained 1 or 3 kb of total homologous flanking sequence but not when the transforming DNA contained only 0.3 kb of homologous sequence. Linearized plasmids transformed at least an order of magnitude better than circular plasmids. This work forms a foundation for the systematic targeted inactivation of genes in C. tepidum, whose 2.15-Mb genome has recently been completely sequenced.  相似文献   

The green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum produces chlorobactene as its primary carotenoid. Small amounts of chlorobactene are hydroxylated by the enzyme CrtC and then glucosylated and acylated to produce chlorobactene glucoside laurate. The genes encoding the enzymes responsible for these modifications of chlorobactene, CT1987, and CT0967, have been identified by comparative genomics, and these genes were insertionally inactivated in C. tepidum to verify their predicted function. The gene encoding chlorobactene glucosyltransferase (CT1987) has been named cruC, and the gene encoding chlorobactene lauroyltransferase (CT0967) has been named cruD. Homologs of these genes are found in the genomes of all sequenced green sulfur bacteria and filamentous anoxygenic phototrophs as well as in the genomes of several nonphotosynthetic bacteria that produce similarly modified carotenoids. The other bacteria in which these genes are found are not closely related to green sulfur bacteria or to one another. This suggests that the ability to synthesize modified carotenoids has been a frequently transferred trait.  相似文献   

We have shown that the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum can be grown in batch culture supplemented with potentially toxic fatty alcohols without a major effect on the growth rate if the concentration of the alcohols is kept low either by programmed addition or by adding the alcohol as an inclusion complex with -cyclodextrin. HPLC and GC analysis of pigment extracts from the supplemented cells showed that the fatty alcohols were incorporated into bacteriochlorophyll c as the esterifying alcohol. It was possible to change up to 43% of the naturally occurring farnesyl ester of bacteriochlorophyll c with the added alcohol. This change in the homolog composition had no effect on the spectral properties of the cells when farnesol was partially replaced by stearol, phytol or geranylgeraniol. However, with dodecanol we obtained a blue-shift of 6 nm of the Qy band of the bacteriochlorophyll c and a concomitant change in the fluorescence emission was observed. The possible significance of these findings is discussed in the light of current ideas about bacteriochlorophyll organization in the chlorosomes.Abbreviations -CD -cyclodextrin - BChl bacteriochlorophyll - BChl c H bacteriochlorophyllide c - [E,M] BChl c F 8-ethyl, 12-methyl, farnesyl BChl c - [E,E] BChl c F 8-ethyl, 12-ethyl, farnesyl BChl c - [P,E] BChl c F 8-propyl, 12-ethyl, farnesyl BChl c - [I,E] BChl c F 8-isobutyl, 12-ethyl, farnesyl BChl c - Car carotenoids  相似文献   

A new and rapid procedure has been developed for the isolation of the bacteriochlorophyll a-containing Fenna—Matthews—Olson (FMO)-protein from green sulfur bacteria. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the FMO-protein of Chlorobium (Chl.) tepidum were employed in the preparation of an antibody column utilizing immobilized protein A as the matrix. The antibody column afforded essentially a one-step purification process, resulting in preparations that were free from contaminating pigments and proteins. This was evidenced by absorption spectroscopy, SDS—PAGE, and fluorescence emission.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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