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Persistent expression of the gamma-globin genes in adults with deletion types of hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) is thought to be mediated by enhancer-like effects of DNA sequences at the 3' breakpoints of the deletions. A transgenic mouse model of deletion-type HPFH was generated by using a DNA fragment containing both human gamma-globin genes and HPFH-2 breakpoint DNA sequences linked to the core sequences of the locus control region (LCR) of the human beta-globin gene cluster. Analysis of gamma-globin expression in six HPFH transgenic lines demonstrated persistence of gamma-globin mRNA and peptides in erythrocytes of adult HPFH transgenic mice. Analysis of the hemoglobin phenotype of adult HPFH transgenic animals by isoelectric focusing showed the presence of hybrid mouse alpha2-human gamma2 tetramers as well as human gamma4 homotetramers (hemoglobin Bart's). In contrast, correct developmental regulation of the gamma-globin genes with essentially absent gamma-globin gene expression in adult erythroid cells was observed in two control non-HPFH transgenic lines, consistent with autonomous silencing of normal human gamma-globin expression in adult transgenic mice. Interestingly, marked preferential overexpression of the LCR-distal (A)gamma-globin gene but not of the LCR-proximal (G)gamma-globin gene was observed at all developmental stages in erythroid cells of HPFH-2 transgenic mice. These findings were also associated with the formation of a DNase I-hypersensitive site in the HPFH-2 breakpoint DNA of transgenic murine erythroid cells, as occurs in normal human erythroid cells in vivo. These results indicate that breakpoint DNA sequences in deletion-type HPFH-2 can modify the developmentally regulated expression of the gamma-globin genes.  相似文献   

The H1 family is the most divergent subgroup of the highly conserved class of histone proteins [Cole: Int J Pept Protein Res 30:433–449, 1987]. In several vertebrate species, the H1 complement comprises five or more subtypes, and tissue specific patterns of H1 histones have been described. The diversity of the H1 histone family raises questions about the functions of different H1 subtypes and about the differential control of expression of their genes. The expression of main type H1 genes is coordinated with DNA replication, whereas the regulation of synthesis of replacement H1 subtypes, such as H1° and H5, and the testis specific H1t appears to be more complex. The differential control of H1 gene expression is reflected in the chromosomal organization of the genes and in different promoter structures. This review concentrates on a comparison of the chromosomal organization of main type and replacement H1 histone genes and on the differential regulation of their expression. General structural and functional data, which apply to both H1 and core histone genes and which are covered by recent reviews, will not be discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Mated female mice of the IVCS strain, aged 90 (control group), 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 360 and 420 days old, were studied for pre- and post-implantation loss of embryos. The percentage of pre-implantation loss in mice aged 90 to 210 days was 1.7/11.8 (14.4%) to 2.7/11.7 (23.1%). In mice aged 240 to 300 days it increased significantly as compared to the controls (46.5-90.2% versus 14.4%). It reached 100% in 300-days-old mice. The post-implantation loss of embryos and/or fetuses in mice aged 90 to 240 days was 1.0/10.2 (9.8%) to 2.5/9.0 (27.8%). In mice aged 270 to 300 days it increased significantly compared to the controls (100% versus 9.8%). The decrease in reproductive activity appeared first in a decrease in litter size, followed by a decrease in the number of blastocyst and implantation sites, and finally by anovulation during the process of aging in IVCS mice.  相似文献   

We prepared monoclonal antibodies against chicken histone H5. These antibodies could be divided into two classes, and we present the results obtained with one representative antibody of each class. One class reacted exclusively with chicken H5, whereas the other additionally cross-reacted with rat H1(0) and with material present in adult but not embryonic chicken liver. The cross-reacting material in adult liver was identified by Western blotting as representing a minor band in histone preparations. The protein was not present in histone extracts from chicken erythrocytes. It is likely that this newly identified protein is a chicken H1(0) histone.  相似文献   

Although the promoter/enhancer of the IL-2 gene mediates inducible reporter gene expression in vitro, it cannot drive consistent expression in transgenic mice. The location and existence of any regulatory elements that could open the IL-2 locus in vivo have remained unknown, preventing analysis of IL-2 regulation in developmental contexts. In this study, we report the identification of such a regulatory region, marked by novel DNase-hypersensitive sites upstream of the murine IL-2 promoter in unstimulated and stimulated T cells. Inclusion of most of these sites in an 8.4-kb IL-2 promoter green fluorescent protein transgene gives locus control region-like activity. Expression is efficient, tissue specific, and position independent. This transgene is expressed not only in peripheral T cells, but also in immature thymocytes and thymocytes undergoing positive selection, in agreement with endogenous IL-2 expression. In contrast, a 2-kb promoter green fluorescent protein transgene, lacking the new hypersensitive sites, is expressed in only a few founder lines, and expression is dysregulated in CD8(+) cells. Thus, the 6.4 kb of additional upstream IL-2 sequence contains regulatory elements that provide integration site independence and differential regulation of transgene expression in CD8 vs CD4 cells.  相似文献   

The maintenance of the differentiated condition is supposed to be associated with the presence of a histone of the H1(0)/H5 subclass. If the H1(0)/H5 variant has an important role in differentiation distinct from that of H1, it should display differential expression in time and position during development. Here we report that this prediction is verified during Xenopus laevis development, in which tadpoles exhibit a very characteristic, developmentally regulated pattern of histone H1(0)/H5 expression that is different for the derivatives of each embryonic germ layer. However, the pattern of appearance of this variant during development does not reflect a simple correlation between its presence and the state of differentiation. Therefore, these results are pertinent to current ideas on differentiation and the involvement of lysine-rich histones in the repression of eukaryotic genes.  相似文献   

Protein-DNA interactions within the promoter of a cell cycle-regulated human H4 histone gene were examined by binding of 5'-end-labeled DNA segments to Western blots of nuclear protein fractions. Specific protein interactions were observed with DNA segments located between -500 bp and -1,070 bp upstream of the ATG initiation codon and included a histone H1 binding segment flanked on both sides by binding sites for a 45 kD nuclear protein. This region of the gene contains a DNase I-sensitive site in the center (-720 to -820 bp), and sequence analysis revealed the presence of scaffold attachment sequences in the two flanking segments. Topoisomerase II consensus sequences and in vitro topoisomerase II cleavage sites were also detected in the two flanking segments. Our results suggest that the 45 kd nuclear protein may preferentially interact with these two segments of the H4 histone gene to mediate association with the nuclear matrix. The presence of negative regulatory elements in this putative matrix attachment region provides a basis for the speculation that such nuclear proteins are associated with alterations in gene-matrix interaction that are functionally related to gene expression.  相似文献   

The H1 histone subtype H1 (0) is a characteristic component of the chromatin of several mammalian tissues. Since H1 (0) is synthesized in nondividing cells upon terminal differentiation, it has been mostly considered either as a prerequisite for or as a consequence of an arrest of DNA replication during the process of differentiation. In several H1 (0)-expressing systems studied until now, inducers of differentiation or inhibitors of DNA synthesis cause an increase of the ratio between H1 (0) and the other H1 proteins. We have studied the steady-state levels of histone H1 (0) mRNA under varied growth conditions in the human hepatoma cell lines HepG2 and Hep3B, and we show in the HepG2 system that H1 (0) is not confined to resting cells, that the H1 (0) gene appears to be expressed throughout the cell cycle and that established inducers of de novo H1 (0) synthesis fail to cause a further increase of the high H1 (0) level. This constitutive expression of H1 (0) appears to reflect the chromatin structure of the liver cells, from which the HepG2 hepatoblastoma cells initially may have evolved. In contrast to the situation in nondividing adult liver cells, the H1 (0) gene is transcribed in HepG2 at a high level, and this expression is compatible with DNA replication.  相似文献   

The induction of mesoderm and/or endoderm from prospective ectoderm and dorsalization of the marginal zone mesoderm may be linked to inhibition of cell cycling and DNA synthesis in early amphibian embryos. In turn, this may lead to reduction of somatic H1 histone accumulation. A greater number of cell cycles and rounds of DNA synthesis characterizes the induction of neural tissue. This is correlated with an increase of somatic H1 histone accumulation. The number of rounds of DNA replication may regulate the level of H1 histone accumulation and this may have a role in germ layer determination.  相似文献   

We have isolated a 1104 bp tobacco cDNA clone (H1c12) which includes an 846 bp open reading frame. This encodes a polypeptide of 282 amino acid residues and represents the largest plant H1 histone identified so far. The structure of the deduced protein shows the classical tripartite organization of the H1-type linker histones. The expression of the tobacco H1 histone gene(s) corresponding to the H1c12 cDNA clone was examined during different developmental stages. We found that, at the level of steadystate mRNA, expression of gene(s) encoding this H1 histone was rapidly induced in germinating seeds. The H1 gene was expressed in all tissues examined. However, its expression was higher in tissues known to contain meristematic cells. Furthermore, in the leaves of mature plants accumulation of the H1 mRNA exhibits a very characteristic oscillation. This latter finding indicates that, at least in fully developed plants, the expression of this type of H1 histone gene(s) is modulated by a diurnal cycle.  相似文献   

Cell type-specific expression of a human histone H1 gene   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

We tested for azoospermia factor (AZF) deletions 17 loci corresponding to AZF subintervals a-d in 17 cases of testicular tumors occurring in Finns. While DNA samples from 48 CEPH and 32 Finnish males showed no deletions, patients with testicular cancer displayed AZF deletion mosaicisms in various non-tumor tissues (13 cases) and specific deletion haplotypes in tumor tissues (10 cases). Two of the cases with AZF deletions were testicular non-Hodgkin lymphomas indicating that Y-microdeletions appear also in malignancies other than seminoma and non-seminoma tumors. In good agreement with this assumption, we detected one AZF deletion in normal cells from 1 of 5 HNPCC cases, heterozygous for an MLH1 mutation. We propose that AZF deletions occur in early embryogenesis due to mutations of TSPY, mismatch repair (MMR), or X-specific genes. Since fathers of testicular, tumor cases did not exhibit AZF deletions, we assumed they were not carriers of the mutation inducing AZF deletion-mosaicisms. Therefore, tumor cases should have received the MMR gene or X mutations via the maternal lineage, or for the case of TSPY and MMR genes via a sperm carrying a mutation occurred in the paternal germ-cell line. We consider AZF microdeletions in non-tumor cells to be part of a broader pattern of chromosome instability producing susceptibility to testicular tumors. Clonal transformation and expansion of one of these tumor-susceptible cell lineages give rise to testicular tumors showing genome anomalies characteristic of testicular cancers (i12p, LOH and genetic imbalance for various autosomal regions, Y- and autosomal MSI, specific AZF deletion haplotypes).  相似文献   

H1 histones bind to linker DNA. H1t (H1f6), a testis‐specific linker histone variant, is present in pachytene spermatocytes and spermatids. The expression of H1t histone coincides with the acquisition of metaphase I competence in pachytene spermatocytes. Here we report the generation of H1t‐GFP transgenic mice. The H1t‐GFP (H1 histone testis‐green fluorescence protein) fusion protein expression recapitulates the endogenous H1t expression pattern. This protein appears first in mid pachytene spermatocytes in stage V seminiferous tubules, persists in round spermatids and elongating spermatids, but is absent in elongated spermatids. The strong green fluorescence signal, due to the high abundance of H1t‐GFP, is maintained in spermatocytes after induction towards metaphase I through treatment with okadaic acid. Therefore, H1t‐GFP can be used as a visual marker for monitoring the progression of meiosis in vitro and in vivo, as well as fluorescence‐activated cell sorting (FACS) sorting of germ cells.  相似文献   

The de novo DNA methyltransferases, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b, are responsible for the creation of DNA methylation patterns in mouse development. Dnmt3b is more highly expressed in early developmental stages than Dnmt3a, and is thought to have an important role in the epigenetic gene regulation during early embryogenesis. Previous reports suggest that Dnmt3b is expressed preferentially in the embryonic lineage, but less in the extra-embryonic lineage, in early post-implantation embryos. However, it is unclear when this lineage-specific differential expression is established. Here we demonstrate that Dnmt3b shows a dynamic expression change during pre- and early post-implantation development. Contrary to the expectation, Dnmt3b is preferentially expressed in the trophectoderm rather than the inner cell mass at the mid blastocyst stage. Subsequently, the spatial Dnmt3b expression gradually changes during pre- and early post-implantation development, and finally Dnmt3b expression is settled in the embryonic lineage at the epiblast stage. The findings are consistent with the role for Dnmt3b in cell-lineage specification and the creation of lineage-specific DNA methylation patterns.  相似文献   

Expression of the adhesion molecules, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, NCAM, CD44, CD49d (VLA-4, α chain) ,and CDlla (LFA-1, α chain) on mouse oocytes, and pre- and peri-implantation stage embryos was exam-ined by quantitative indirect immunoliuorescence microscopy. ICAM-1 was most strongly expressed at the oocyte stage, gradually declining almost to undetectable levels by the expanded blastocyst stage. NCAM,also expressed maximally on the oocyte, declined to undetectable levels beyond the morula stage. On the other hand, CD44 declined from highest expression at the oocyte stage to show a second maximum at the compacted 8-cell/morula. This molecule exhibited high expression around contact areas between trophecto-derm and zona pellucida during blastocyst hatching. CD49d was highly expressed in the oocyte, remained significantly expressed throughout and after blastocyst hatching was expressed on the polar trophecto-derm. Like CD44, CD49d declined to undetectable levels at the blastocyst outgrowth stage. Expression of both VCAM-1 and CDlla was undetectable throughout. The diametrical temporal expression pattern of ICAM-1 and NCAM compared to CD44 and CD49d suggest that dynamic changes in expression of adhesion molecules may be important for interaction of the embryo with the maternal cellular environment as well as for continuing development and survival of the early embryo.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence and expression of a maize H1 histone cDNA.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The first complete amino acid sequence of a H1 histone of a monocotyledonous plant was deduced from a cDNA isolated from a maize library. The encoded H1 protein is 245 amino acid-long and shows the classical tripartite organization of this class of histones. The central globular region of 76 residues shows 60% sequence homology with H1 proteins from dicots but only 20% with the animal H1 proteins. However, several of the amino acids considered as being important in the structure of the nucleosome are conserved between this protein and its animal counterparts. The N-terminal region contains an equal number of acidic and basic residues which appears as a general feature of plant H1 proteins. The 124 residue long and highly basic C-terminal region contains a 7-fold repeated element KA/PKXA/PAKA/PK. Southern-blot hybridization showed that the H1 protein is encoded by a small multigene family. Highly homologous H1 gene families were also detected in the genomes of several more or less closely related plant species. The general expression pattern of these genes was not significantly different from that of these genes encoding the core-histones neither during germination nor in the different tissues of adult maize.  相似文献   

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